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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the the 17 people have been killed by it is fairly snark the fight in gaza medical stuff but not the hospital say a doctor, a nurse had been shot the carry johnston this this out to see ever when like from that i will said in the front is very forces open fire again on palestinians waiting to receive him on a tyrant, supplies in kansas city results so beginning to come in for pocket stones general
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election in a votes, modified findings, accusations of fruits and us president joe biden will be charged mishandling classified documents for special counsel investigating the case as his memory is significantly limits the beginning and goes away. the ministry of health says 17 people have been killed by his very snipers. by since thursday morning medical stop at nasa. hospital and con units have been targets. it is very slices, are being accused of shooting at the doctors and nurses in the operating with 27840 pounds of things have been killed in golf since october the 2nd of the center for while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm. that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shop by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained
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a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while they are performing the jew things. it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being targeted, even doctors and now the target of occupation forces while carrying out their responsibilities in operating rooms. how much longer will this silence last? where is the protection for medical stop? this blatant violation of international law which safeguards hospitals, we demand urgent and immediate intervention to ensure the safety and protection of medical personnel at al nasa hospital. park, i assume has more now from russell in southern gaza. these really all me today you had, it seems to find the items paid off its military attacks across different areas in the territory. and most notably was in the city of han, you and us where the is very force has continued to militarily siege. the last 2
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remaining costs because as these very forces had killed at least 17 palestinians, the majority of them being killed by is very snipers who are deployed done to station on the roof tops of the buildings in the city of han, eunice including today one palestinian those who had been shot in the areas of the operations inside of the hospital where he had been widely injured and not receiving a treatment inside the medical complex situation. solved similarly critical in other parts of the gaza strip, where the bombardment as well continued in the north where a fund palestinians have to report that killed in a she felt medical complex when it's facilitate, as these body forces till now on the drawing too many totally take full control over the city of han units in preparation for a potential military inclusion to the city of russell, where it's considered to be the ultimate nightmare. the palestinians right now are
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completely terrified on a freight from um, its ongoing groaning is biting to national organizations about possible catastrophe . queue monetary crisis in the very densely populated area, which is right now, the last remaining area for old displace palestinians target. my zoom out to 0 roof covering cause is where the air attacks have targeted. central garza, a kindergarten has been hit by an air strikes and some weight up nearby. the residential for visitors have been levels. are these 2 palestinians have been killed in cruise or trying to find others under the rumble? age groups warning that's a full scale is rarely minute trip. so total raffle turned into as an inescapable blood shed wrapper is 63 square kilometers in size is now the most out of a crowded area in gaza. it has an average density of more than $22000.00 people per square kilometer. that's 5 times more crowded than before,
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the war. $1400000.00 palestinians almost 2 thirds of gauze has total population of crammed into the area shelters operating at 150 percent capacity. a group of 9 shelters looked at the bottom, the legion refugee council housing more than 27000 people. there was no drinking water and infectious diseases were reported at every location. will trace leaders save the children of the country director for the occupied putting entire truth is organization says humanitarian organizations cannot deliver aid into gaza. what has must this conflict? does the absolute disregard international humanitarian law and disregard. but the normative frameworks that are in place to allow humanitarians to save lives for us, do our jobs. we cannot deliver the assistance that we need to, to all areas of casa, this is inconsistent attacks on sibling structure,
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on hospitals, schools, and shelters. it is unacceptable that this continues, again, that has been thousands more than 12000 children that had been killed in casa for the last 4 months. we need the immediate and definitive c 5 to protect civilians. infrastructure stability structure such as hospitals, schools, shelters, must, must be protected and to get offensive accessing the ability for us to deliver assistance throughout all of the gaza strip, to ensure that civilians are kept alive is critical. and garza sits in the north of the strait. these rarely ami has again opened fire on palestinians waiting to see if you monetary and aid they've been multiple reports of similar attacks in the past. 8 agencies of the tooth is rarely forces a blocking aid for palestinians. the
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results so beginning to come in for pocket stones general election, the polity of former prime minister, emerald cons, says candidates that it backs or in the lead. the photo was month by bonnets and not cause issues of vote rigging. i said, bank reports from the whole as a cute to costs the volt mobile phone lines and internet services were being cut focused on the interior ministry set that was because of what it described as terrorist attacks. i couldn't show security for voters, but the teddy con, restrictions with nationwide, not just simply just on province scene of to bowman tax which killed $28.00 people on wednesday. again, there's a communication get. the issue is that people arrange to go to polling station and to know where they're going to fold and where they are will meet. it is an issue. people need the internet and social media for the election. many had predicted the
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internet would be cut off before the election. they've been calling them the internet blackouts. off the election commission, the government unconditionally destroyed. it would have an impact on about the time of coordination. disruption to the internet's not gone down. well, they've already guys with this many teachers support. this is an attempt to stop there for mobilizing candidates, voice fit disapproval in what have been the most controversial, and most rig the elections and bug assigning the history. this is yet another black box, and it's only because of the fia, of the people of pockets the voting for them. but on the phone, the prime minister is in jail disqualified some standing, but he is seen as the most popular politician in the country. some vote is jude for i was to costs the ballots. yep. and and john and both, but can you believe me? it's been a great news and that's a big inconvenience since the morning. then we've been standing in this line for almost 2 hours now. also going to vote the frontrunner and suite time former prime
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minister in the last roof. the minus which is the people should come out of the homes, come to polling stations and participates in the voting for job problems is considered a strong code for him and his party, the book's done was to meet poles, have closed, but there were many people stood waiting and wanted to vote, i said, bake i to 0, the 100 bucks to us. along the way to us special counselor reports has concluded that the present jo button will not face criminal charges, mishandling classified documents, report mix dining, a sessions about the president's age. describing his memory is hazy, with significant limitations. whitehouse has pushed back saying the language was highly prejudicial. the 15 month pro, but lays out differences with form at present donald trump's case. but it's found biden low for the retained undisclosed highly classified materials. often leaving the vice presidency in 2017 special costs of
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a dollar cooperated completely. i did not throw up any roadblocks. i saw no delays . in fact, i was so determined to get a special counsel what they needed. i went for the 5 hour in person interview over the 2 days of october, the 9th, or 8th or 9th last year, even though israel just been attacked by a mouse. on the 7th. i was in the middle of handling an international crisis. was especially pleased to see the special counsel make clear the start differences between this case and donald trump. west coast, that's about a 100 in washington d. c. for us, i might know charges the button, but some damage and questions raised about his memory capacity a this whole is special khan. so what's a surprising choice when he was appointed 15 months ago, give them that he served as a senior jo, additional official in the trump administration. and to all his comments that finding that there is no cause to actually challenge joe biden included references
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to the presidents age. he says, for example, that joe biden is a and i quote, well meaning l to the man with a pool of memory. the special council goes on to say that bite and could not remember when he was appointed by barranca bama, or indeed what year his service and the bulk obama, as vice president ended. the special council also claimed that joe biden could not remember the year of the death of his son both uh, but whitehouse lawyers have we acted very angrily describing these comments as inappropriate. and in some cases inaccurate. they say that such comments have no place whatsoever in the department of justice report. now, as you heard the president by didn't made no reference, what is the weather to these comments? just welcoming the fact that the special council was not going to prosecute. and very importantly, that he outlined the differences between president biden's case and that of the former president donald trump. when it didn't like i imagine that to donald trump
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is as keen to make as much of this as possible now as well. so far he's being read tweeting other republican tweets donald trump himself did put a posting on his social media describing this as double standards. remembering to that in each of the separate cases that donald trump is facing, he's describing all of them as a political which and but the republicans are certainly coming up with both barrels, trying and responds to these comments of the house judiciary committee has released the tweet in which it says that joe biden con truman. but when he was vice president, we're likely to see a lot more of these as a campaign towards november's election continues. and certainly republicans and trump himself will make much of the special council this comment about age. but equally, president biden support is all going to point to the fundamental difference between
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the case of joe biden, found that there is no prosecution, and that of donald trump in which the investigations and the cases are continuing right now to thanks for washington as well. the us supreme court has been hearing arguments in the case that could have major implications for the upcoming presidential election. colorado supreme court rules that donald trump is not eligible candidate because of his actions stream a journey. the 6 the capital advice in 2021. it's not a lot to the nation's highest court to decide if that really should stand. she have protested reports. the supreme court has a conservative majority, 6 conservative justices, the 3 liberals. but it wasn't just those appointed by republican presidents who question the colorado supreme court ruling for donald trump was eligible to run for president. using section 3 of the 14th amendment of the constitution, the balls those even gave the insurrection the game for us from holding 7 offices
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color. others highest quote, have ruled of donald trump should be removed from the balance because its opinion is actions on january. the 6th did amount to insurrection, but this argument was greeted with skepticism of thursday's hearing, his liberal justice elena kagan, i think that's the question that you have to confront, is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states and chief justice robot suggested cale spike into, well, colorado's decision to be up held as republican officials and other states used a precedent to argue that it was an attack. joe biden, who was guilty of insurrection, of games for us. what do you do with the what i would seem to me to be playing consequences of your position. if colorado is a position is upheld, surely there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side. and some of those will succeed over and over again. the question of whether one states
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officials can potentially disenfranchised tens of millions of voters across the country by deeming a presidential candidate. i'm fit to run with questions. they think it's easy doing this stuff right. the, the proceeding is appeared to be a boost to donald trump's arguments that it was up to congress, not individual states to decide if a candidate was eligible to run for president under the insurrection. tools of the constitution. speaking off of a hearing from florida, the old trump seemed confident cooling the proceedings, a very beautiful process. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that, and i consider to be more election disappearance by the democrats. as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every ball. the quote is expected to roll swiftly . colorado is republican. priority is just weeks away. if the court rules and problems favor he will be on march 5th balance. she ever time see i will do 0 washington. so someone else is here, south africa's president's gives his state to the nation address. government
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struggles to keep the countries lights on the scene. dex analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa? since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings cop concerning his face, is a text book genocide, frank assessments. politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we can talk your see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be so we want to education. i want to we don't have to leave them in the
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policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit no 1000 service, this placement and then your site, the reports that i sent just trust the community off to the side. the cool that i used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the the welcome back to remind to about top storage causes administrative health. so 2nd team, people have been shot and killed by snipers since thursday morning,
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medical stop working inside and that's the whole source of income units. among those be targeted by, it's very cyclists. he's ready for these kind of once again, notes and 5 on palestinians waiting to receive them on the terrace of size and cause the city was multiple reports of similar attacks over the past week. agencies accused as well as looking 8 to those and desperate hundreds of pregnant women, not trying to bring babies to time under unimaginable conditions in gaza. one of those women is in us, come out. so tells us of her experience. love and ask him and watch the those are the my name is and i was come out on and the mother of 4 children with the 5th do this month with a few aches and pains all the time. is it from my home with shelled and destroyed my children and i are living in this tent suffering from fierce, cold and hunger. i can't afford to buy any clothes for my baby,
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which is due soon and my home was new, but we didn't have time to enjoy it on on the part for my pregnancy, i'm diabetic and also have my blood pressure since the worst started. i'm not able to get my medications off house by the grace of god. my baby is alive and kicking and i hope he comes safe to this world. have i? well, i'm not able to follow up with any doctor like other pregnant women go to with the vitamins and listen, i don't have any source of income. i can't afford to get anything for the baby, but can be born any time. i rest my case with god and generous people, one of the 5 to one. how do i know i'm pregnant and not supposed to be exposed to smoke? but as you can see, i'm living in this plastic tent during this use the cold weather. it is war and i am helpless. smoke is harmful to me. am a fetus too, but it's nothing compared to this for roaches. cold weather and most of the last
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name, you know, we have bridge service. this is how i prepare food for my children and myself. i don't have anything, just one pan and one partner all the club. there is no food, just some sugar. i can wait, but children can also, well actually get almost channels of actual. he's a year and 7 months old. he's not eaten anything since morning was just one piece of bread. 5 in the 5. how to get but there's love with the file. he's starving. he wants to eat anything showing that he can't sleep out of hunger lama foam. son and we don't have anything to offer our children were left to god's mercy that i couldn't knowledgeable un secretary general says the organization is having extreme difficulty increasing a to gaza. despite to resolutions quoting for just that, kristen salumi reports from the un headquarters in new york, even as food and water remain in short supply in gaza. un secretary general,
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antonio gutierrez says, an aide convoy was struck by the israeli navy earlier this week. and an all of january, only 10 out of $61.00 planned a convoys reached their destination. this, despite to recent security council resolutions demanding more aid in the preliminary rulings by the international court of justice, in a case accusing israel of genocide, which also demanded more aid to the people of gaza. gutierrez, describe the situation as a violation of international humanitarian law. what we see today in the world is political excess, doing whatever they want, and the total immunity. and then these situation of the vision image, there is no respect, you know, just even the super bowers. nobody respects them as we see every day in what's happening around the world. obviously, you are having an extreme difficulty in everything security because it, as
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a lucian is being implemented. the secretary general also warned that any assault on roster, as has been suggested by the israeli authorities, would only exacerbate the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. as rafa is currently the only crossing point into guys for aid. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations funeral has been health the senior come on different around by group the kills during the us, striking baghdad. the more of this talk to the anti american slogans and cold on the apartment, to move us soldiers from the rock fluid until the wind reports from the rocky capital. once again, the funeral precision in belgrade for an individual came to buy a usa to strike. this time it was with the sadie, commanded another advisor of the lenient that the roof, his beloved gates. siblings him for standing down, participating in attacks against its forces in the region. here just as
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a nation has increased dental, really heightened and to you a sentiment here with the media. we and these nomic resistance will respond to the suitable time on the patient, wants to get the blood of people who confront the americans and design and still keep patient in concepts. i hate that, but then we will take with things not only through counter attacks, but also through raising awareness of the culture of resisting the american occupation and pick them in the, in the region. the more notice closing the rocky parliament to drop them and a to expel us troops. this is the 4th u. s. a. re targeting committed c personality rock within a month, the pentagon says that they're aimed at preventing more attacks on us forces with, with all the groups threatening to escalate the resistance against the us and its allies. this came to the conflict spread across the region. the government tube has
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repeatedly stated these types of u. s. a. to strikes, violate iraq sovereignty, and threatened to drag the country into a circular for the genetic conflict. for this particular us, just like wasn't a response to last month as june attacked by the uranium bug stomach resistance, a group that killed the 3 us soldiers and into a dozen. some more the group claims the u. s. for supporting is really submitted, treat campaign and advise and has put it in to increase its attacks on to the us and coalition forces withdrawal from iraq without did what he does, you know, so that so that's what goes. preston says we have pharmacies, countries commitments to helping secure a ceasefire and goes up in the state of the nation to address that part of interest . is there a address 2 countries, international court of justice case? it's so that protects the protestant ends in the war on guns that you'll certainly a firm side africa's commitments to an adventure to states. solution for me to mid
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a is following developments from johannesburg. south african president soto, i'm opposed to use g states of the nation address to again, highlights so that because position in terms of supporting palestine wanting a ceasefire and cooling for a 2 state solution. the president said that the most intractable conflicts could be resolved through negotiation. and it also highlights itself africa's role that the international court of justice saying that it was a success. but ultimately, also hoping for more this is what i'm opposed to had to say when he supported south africa stones on palestine guided by the fundamental principle of human rights and freedom. as we have taken up, the palestinians cause to prevent further death and destruction in gaza. the,
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the south african government has taken up the palestinian cause for decades and has received a significant amount of support from south africans where they've been a number of protests throughout the last 3 to 4 months with south africans quoting for a c spy. and one thing the end to a part, states in gaza, criticizing israel full, it's actions in gaza. the war on garza and the party policies that have been put in place in that region. now some in south africa don't support to the government. the jewish board of deputies, a body that says it represents the jewish community. and so that for guys criticized the government for its position. a saying that the government could have approached this different, different leads and certainly opposed to the closure of the south african embassy in a tel aviv. however, the south african government has said it will continue to use all diplomatic and legal means to bring the ceasefire to gaza. somebody,
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the ultra 0 johannes bug for sales that federal police say they have no interest. and authoration targeting till aids are full of present tables to know how it is possible investigation into an electric coup. attempt followed. he's 2022 election defeats police say a criminal organization try to keep the defeated president in power. both scenario has reportedly been ordered to hand in his passport. rising temperatures worldwide have broken another record which climate sciences say serves as a warning to humanity. new data shows, temperatures one and a half degrees hotter than the pre industrial era. that's the level well latest that they would try to accomplish the woman at when they signed the 2015 power screen. of ok, the south west of nice. then these are rep taking 1st the time to see if it's on their back and this peninsula near the town of going to have a which was evacuated in december during a previous eruption. lava has reached
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a supply pipeline and leaving several communities all the opinions. so it with no heat or hot water. the weather is next. the inside story will examine is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his dismissal of a c spot. that was thomas in golf statements. the the now after the big, disrupting stairs. a fellow only i can see that much of central china, the floors under. why did you see what comes up to 11 degrees from 0 any a couple of days ago. so it's probably going to be some funding issues here. the rain as a result of this, from the system moving side of the, of a little more that 7 hong kong and taiwan is becoming lighter. we still got a bit of wind to come to circulation and see if japan will bring snow. shasta, hong shape with the as not back coding. you know, i, we're up to 1500. as you can see,
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fog might become an issue is this rock is so takes place still around the season in indonesia. so expect some flash. let's say it's still pretty dry and also improve cut but who kept may well see some of the storms next, k, they have a say and improve picture. if an old media funk is no longer persistent to lift quite happily late morning or early afternoon, one or 2 like to share some of the eastern side of it, the otherwise if any drive picture and you'd expect it and you'd expect it to impact his time but we have had of the last 3 or 4 days up in the mountains, in the knowles of pakistan, significance, the hall from me to old moss, to lying on the ground. now that's what's happened. full cost wise spoke the clouds in the sky. that although she none so enjoy the day time sunshine, the bone, meals rain forests are some of the world's oldest,
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but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly with through them in the face of man made deforestation. an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey chokes and a way for a possible safe spot. in garza, israel is still forming much of a strip of the rejecting. i found myself up for a lengthy pause. so what's next? and when we were spike come from millions of palestinians suffering from months from bond. this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian sent again. it's been full months since israel launched it's devastating boy on guns are kidding, moving.


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