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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the, the 17 people have been killed by is riley's not to find in gaza medical stuff at nasa hospital say a doctor and nurse have been shot. the other one, my name's site, this is how is there a life from time or so coming up on the hill there he raised frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was the day of business. the us president insist that his memory is fine. office special council report described it as hazy and having significant limitations results. so starting to come
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in for box stones general election and inflates module 5 buttons and accusations. and this is actually the time we have been most charlie, what stop because regional blocks in crisis calls for members. the vehicle was to unite of to several countries says the to gauze as health ministry says at least 17 palestinians have been killed and is really not to fight in southern guns. a medical stuff at naso hospital is hun eunice are among those who've been targeted by israeli soldiers abra and go for reports. the less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians. adults a really short staffed messa hospital. in con eunice,
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this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty, the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by his really forces this doctor being treated and an operating table was also shot to walk. while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm. that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shopped by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest. it is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while they are performing the jew thinks it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitably demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work . cuz us president joe biden describe this rail score and cause us over the top and says,
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trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we could get the delay for that initial delay, i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that this for the union guys are changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough with palestinians were told to relocate for the safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. israel's blockade on food fuel and medicine entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the fire and protestant in medical workers is putting the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa out of sarah, and i say now from tarik about zoom, who has more on the latest from russia in southern gaza. these really all me today
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you have if you have to find items a lot, that's military attacks across different areas in the territory. and most notably was in the city of han, you and us where the is very forces continued to militarily siege. the last 2 remaining costs, because as these were the forces had killed at least 17 palestinians. the majority of them being killed. bike is very snipers who are deployed, done to stations on the roof tops of the buildings in the city of han, eunice including today one palestinian, those who had been shot in the areas of the operations inside of the hospital where he had been widely ended and now receiving your treatment inside the medical complex situation solve similarly critical in other parts of the gaza strip, where the bombardment as well continued in the north where florence palestinians have to report that killed in a she felt medical complex when it's facility, as these body forces till now on the drawing too many tally,
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take full control over the city of hon. you just in preparation for a potential military inclusion to the city of rough or where it's considered to be the ultimate nightmare. the palestinians right now are completely terrified on a freight from um, its ongoing warnings by international organizations about possible catastrophic humanitarian crisis in that very densely populated area, which is right now. the last remaining area for old displaced palestinians target my zoom out to 0 roof and suffering cause hundreds of pregnant women are trying to bring babies to 10 on the, on immeasurable conditions and gaza. one of those women is an eskimo, who tells us of higher experience a lot with and ask him with wish that those that the my name is and i was come out on the, on the mother of 4 children with the 5th, due this month with
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a few aches and pains all the time from my home was shelled and destroyed my children and i are living in this tent suffering from fears, cold and hunger. i can't afford to buy any clothes for my baby, which is due soon and my home was new, but we didn't have time to enjoy it. on the part for my pregnancy, i'm diabetic and also have high blood pressure since the worst started. i'm not able to get my medications by the grace of god. my baby is alive and kicking and i hope he comes safe to this world have i? well, i'm not able to follow up with any doctor like other pregnant women. go with the vitamins and listen, i don't have any source of income and i can't afford to get anything for the baby that can be born any time. i rest my case with god and generous people, one of the 5 to 100. i know i'm pregnant and not supposed to be exposed to smoke, but as you can see and living in this plastic tent during this use,
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the cold weather is war and i am helpless. smoke is harmful to me and the feed is too, but it's nothing compared to this for roaches. cold weather or someone in molar the for my son a you know we have bridge service. this is how i prepare food for my children and myself. i don't have anything just one pan and one pot. otherwise. there is no food . just some sugar. i can wait, but children can't. uh well actually get on the outside of actual. he's a year and 7 months old. he's not eaten anything since morning was just one piece of bread. 5 in the 5. how to get but what was the fall? he's starving. he wants to eat anything showing the can't sleep out of hunger lama foam son, and we don't have anything to offer our children were left to god's mercy the election moser. this is paula commander has been killed and is riley drones for like in southern 11 on this row claims. he is responsible for assigned rockets into
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its northern regions. is there any forces, have loan repeated strikes into southern lebanon since the beginning of the war? the he was president joe biden has hit back out a long way to the special council report which made damning sessions about his age and his memory. the report concluded by that would not face charges for mishandling, highly classified materials, often leaving the vice presidency back in 2017. but it did describe biden's memory as hazy and said that he couldn't really remember when some events happened, including his own songs, death, and a news conference spot in lashed out of the session and told reporters his memory is fine. on the hill there, he really said frankly when i was asked the question,
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i thought to myself was the damned business. every memorial day, we hold a service. remember him attended by friends and family and the people will not. i don't need anyone. i need anyone to remind me when he passed away and best phone number is not my memory is fine. my memory take a look at what i've done since of a compressor. none of your thought i could pass any of the things i got past. how that happened? you know, i guess i just forgot what was going on. i kind of has moved from washington. it must be noted though, that in his remarks on gauze the president biden proceeded them by saying that he spoke to the president of mexico. and then it became clear that he was referring in fact to the president of egypt. and i'll, no doubt this is going to be left on as yet another bite. and guess particularly unfortunate, given the nature of this news conference being held at present, which is to discuss the special councils findings into his retention of classified
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documents, in which the special council said, among other things, that he was an elderly man with a poor memory. now his white house has full text from you against those comments as we just couldn't do, as well as saying that they were inappropriate, and in many cases, inaccurate and what and good present in finding the most of both. see what special counsels reference to the fact that he couldn't remember the year in which his son both died. he was as angry as i've ever seen him when he disputed that saying that he thinks of his son bo every single day. so this in one way was president 5 and trying to drive home the results of the special counselor report that there is no prosecution against him. also clearing up an issue that he has not been found guilty of wilful retention of these classified documents. in fact, he pointed out, elements of the finding with the special council said exactly the opposite button.
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that one stumble over the president of mexico via the that of egypt. he has in a way renewed what he's going to be an ongoing debate, which he took to quail holding this unexpected news conference to the us. supreme court has been hearing arguments in a case that could have major implications for the upcoming presidential election. colorado supreme court has ruled the donald trump is not negligible candidate because of his actions during the january 6 capital riots in 2021. it's now up to the nation's highest court to decide if that ruling should stand chaper tons of reports. the supreme court has a conservative majority, 6 conservative justices, the 3 liberals. but it wasn't just those appointed by republican presidents who questioned the colorado supreme court ruling for donald trump was eligible to run for president. using section 3 of the 14th amendment of the constitution,
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the balls those have engaged an insurrection to a games for us from holding the 7 offices colorado's highest court have ruled at donald trump should be removed from the ballad, because its opinion, his actions on january the 6th did amount to insurrection, but this argument was greeted with skepticism. thursday's hearing, his liberal justice elena kagan, i think that's the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. and chief justice robot suggested cale spike into. well, colorado is decision to be held as republican officials and other states used a precedent to argue that it was in fact, joe biden, who was guilty of insurrection, of games for us. what do you do with the what i, what seemed to me to be plain consequences of your position. if colorado is a position is upheld, surely there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side. and some of
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those will succeed over and over again. the question of whether one states officials can potentially disenfranchised tens of millions of voters across the country by deeming a presidential candidate. i'm fit to run with questions. they, it gets easy doing this stuff right. the, the proceedings appeared to be a boost of donald trump's arguments, but it was up to congress not individual states to decide if a candidate was eligible to run for president under the insurrection. tools of the constitution. speaking off of a hearing from florida, the old trump seemed confident cooling the proceedings, a very beautiful process. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that. i consider to be more election interference by the democrats as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every ball. the quote is expected to real swiftly. colorado is republican. priority is just weeks away. if the court rules and trumps favor he will be on the march 5th balance. she everytime seattle
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to 0, washington is also beginning to come in for focused on the general election. the policy if the former prime minister on combe says candidates that it facts in the late, the poll was much by violence and accusations of those rigging. i said the bank has moved from level as as a cute to costs the volt mobile phone lines and internet services were being cut focused on the interior ministry set that was because of what it described as terrorist attacks. i couldn't show security for voters, but the teddy con, restrictions with nationwide, not just simply just on province scene of to bowman tax which killed $28.00 people on wednesday. there is a communication get. the issue is that people arrange to go to polling station and to know where they're going to phone and where they are will meet. it is an issue. people need the internet and social media for the election. many had predicted the internet would be cut off before the election. they've been calling them the
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internet blackouts. off the election commission, the government unconditionally destroyed. it would have an impact on both a ton of coordination. disruption to the internet has not gone down well. they've already guides where this fit, many teachers support that this is an attempt to stop them from mobilizing candidates, voice, fit disapproval in what have been the most controversial and most rig the elections and bug this on the history. this is yet another black box, and it's only because of the fia, of the people of pockets the voting for the but on the phone, the prime minister is in jail disqualified some standing. but he is seen as the most popular politician in the country. some vote is jude for i was to costs the guy that yep. and jenny bought but can you believe me? it's been a great news and that's a big inconvenience since the morning. then we've been standing in this line for almost 2 hours now. also going to vote, frontrunner and suite time, former prime minister in the last roof. the minus which is the people should come
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out of the homes, come to polling stations and participates in the voting for job. providence is considered a strong code for him and his party, the bucks darn was to meet poles have closed, but there were many people stood waiting and wanted to vote. i said, baker, i to 0. the 100 bucks don't feel a head on al jazeera. lot of me person's main challenge. the next month's presidential election says he'll appeal a decisions that bought them from taking part of the status. cuz what's on the climate reco with the scientists say is a warning to humanity. the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa the truth? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings cop concerned that faith is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office
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without the sphere of facing of jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get some places that others tend on fear guy by the 28th on purpose. as far as the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a may just something book is a good access to hear the story on told to how does era the
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the the welcome back you watching out. is there a mindful top stories this our goal is this ministry of health says 17 people have been shouts in, killed by snipers since thursday morning. medical stop working inside now. so hospitalized con, units are among those being targeted. i is rarely smelling you as president joe biden says, israel's response and guns that has been over the top 5 and says he's been working tirelessly to achieve a deal for sustain was president biden in says his memory is fine. it's off this special council report,
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described it as hazy and pool for ortho computed, he wouldn't face charges for mishandling classified documents. the only anti will candidate in russia's upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president boris. not as been says he will challenge the ruling of the supreme court. your leadership of an over has moved from mosca, a rush as presidential election next month, just got even more predictable bars and adaptions exclusion from the res removes of mine with significant support. even if he was unlikely to seriously challenge present pace and pull the top of trump shows what is the main thing is that there is no tens of millions who are going to vote for me, according to all pulse. i'm in 2nd place after putting already in double digits. souls is playing the crimson feed, the destined would have gained more than 10 percent of the vote if you run. but
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some says stay. the central election commission ruled him out of the race. let's vote on refusal to register boars, boars, the vision of dejan as candidate for the office of president of russia. anyone votes against there are also no abstain or tens of thousands of people have keyed and additions campaign offices across the country to lead the signatures of support. these became the only charles for them to legally express the anti war sentiment in the country. with such ease, a can see the tibetan attack on the russian army. come them in jail. and the destin needed more than $100000.00 signatures of support to be allowed to run. but when the election commission decided 9000 were invalid, he failed to meet the targets. not as an has 10 days to appeal to the supreme court . as of now, there were full names on the bottom president flooding the patients, as well as representatives of 3 policies in the russian little house of parliament
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. the state through my. none of them has an agenda. any difference to patients? you leadership of all of the alters the right most. okay. i suppose is of the columbia and president gustavo pet throw, have been in confrontations with the right place in the capital bogota, the inventory it is at the judicial building, were demanding the election of a new attorney general. judging that the constitutional court replace francesco boss as tanya, petro has accused bubbles that of attempting to either sort of him for those federal police, say they have launched an operation targeting top aides, a former president, j. o bull sanara, always positive investigation into and alleged to attempt that fun ages 2022 election defeats police say that a criminal organization trying to keep the defeated. president impala also, nor has reportedly been ordered to hand in his passport. the advocates
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president has reaffirmed his country's commitment to helping secure a spot in gaza in a state of the nation address that parliament serial were. i'm opposed to dressed as countries international court of justice case. it's so the protection of palestinians in the war and gaza, the president also re offend south africa's commitment to and eventually 2 state solution. west african foreign ministers have held and imagine c session amazing comes off to a bochita faucet. molly new shed declared that they were questing the regional blog eco us. it's a move that's divided the blog and raised questions about its future and what it means for the region and address reports from up with you. what's difficult regional the book of course, is an institution in crisis. the if it's 50 member states, one out there is
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a political crisis and said to go after president microsoft delayed the presidential elections due in february. if that has been any time for echo us to stay together, this is the time if we have been challenged, this is actually the time we have been most challenged. and i did it with chess. the regional group is asking members to continued dialogue and wanting about the consequences ophelia. the exit from the cause would be much worse than the sanctions in terms of the hardship that it would put. it will replace the citizens of these 3 countries, so we don't wish it upon them. we don't want to see that often just yes, he said, it goes recent political crisis as an unnecessary destruction. it's 40 minutes to
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attend to thursday's meeting in the system. the situation that is not critical or so let me see what the president has initiated to dialogue about the situation. doesn't require to extend an intervention from echo as a you or of them. but while that goes ability to intervene and send a goal is limited. it's focusing 1000000000 by booking a possible molly and to share the 3 cl region. countries were already suspended from the block after recent cause. what kind of fossil mind the image of say the organization has been raised? and just wondering to that, which is a forwarding power, so they're leaving what it was says it's moves a quiet one years, ne membership. and one of the 3 countries on the military will say they're leaving . anyway. the united nations warrants have been told in political crisis practice, the entire region shows these countries different, differently, a withdrawal from a cost. this has a potential to fedex. that's the base of the challenges that this 3 countries and
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the separation of facing notably and associates on, on the guns that go to the fields. echoes has options to be forwarded to blink and something to the wishes of the band and countries will continue with decades and functions. either way, political analysts say it could be a long time before the organization recovers from this kind of crisis. how many degrees of just either a board you rising temperatures, weld wide, have broken. another record which is climate scientist say, serves as a warning to humanity. new data shows, temperature is one and a half degrees hotter than the pre industrial era. that's the level will lead to say they would try to kept labor warming out when they signed the 2015 piracy agreement. cabana is a managing director for the climate programs at the nature conservancy. she says, extreme weather events will become more frequent as climate change lessons. we need
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to be major investments by many of the high emission regions in the world to start to really curve and change this problem. the good news climate is a global problem. so anybody implementing a solution is going to help the problem, but the problem is too bad. if we don't have a lot of actors acting, we're not going to get very far very fast. and that's particularly true for high emission regions that have caused a lot of what we're seeing with the climate change. i really need to scale back on their emissions immediately. we thought last year was bad. lots of people died from the heat from floods. it's just gonna make it worse and we are going to be having this conversation again next year saying, oh my goodness, this year was the hottest year on record. we don't, we don't want to experience that. we don't actually want to know what it means to keep having the hottest year on my machine is all about try who fits about, how things change over long periods of time. sending one year, anyone temperature record and a $11.00 part being hormone,
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the one part being cooler, doesn't tell you much about climate and how the planet is changing. you really need to watch patterns over time. so even though last year was the hottest here on record and these are top $1.00 is still one data suggests we're heading in the wrong direction. the trend is not good, but it's just one data point. we just need to watch overtime, how things change, and that's true for any perturbation we might see in weather patterns or temperature patterns. at least 11 people have been killed and a 110 others missing. following a land slide in the philippines, the disaster could in my co, in south of the country, 33 people live in rescue and so forth. the teams are continuing to search a volcano in south west. an iceland is erupt. thing for the 1st time this year, it's on the re key on this. and then slide, near the time of giving the vic which was evacuated back in december during a previous adoption lava has reached a supply pipeline,
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leaving several communities on the peninsula with no heat or hot water. okay, that's it. for me, my name's side. weather is next then inside story to escape the the but it's don't writing particularly heavily in california, but that range moved into landside, scottsdale, arizona, or program golf tournament was interrupted by rain and she can see now it's looking recently ok during fridays breakfast. no, but not that much. and it's all come off the rocky through the plains, states develop thunder storms through most likely texas an up towards tennessee. now those mountain homes during south day and the same time it got more rain to come in 2 hours and, and also on the higher ground. and that, so they may well fold into places like colorado. it sounds of all this and the
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unusual weather, which is the rightness been fully in the caribbean, and stopping the trade winds is more or less dying out. now the trade winds are returning, as you say, that will bring a few showers to costa rica. the picture in mexico with a bit of warning, a low temperatures is recovering from the 7 in monterey or the south america. the story from most is one of the other things on the stones and fresh gloves, even not in size, and this certainly wide spread for countries off this comfortably with the heaviest, most likely on the eastern side, pizelle and the game. you seem to flash something here, size of this an option to enter initially. i still got warning site for heat fiber tense, move to the northeast of options into because cheryl's and actually in the skies elsewhere the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule,
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not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that, and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be just the power around. now, to sierra them all tools underway for a possible safe spot. in garza, israel is still forming much of a strip of the rejecting it from us on that for a lengthy pause. so what's next? and when we were spike come from millions of palestinians suffering from month to phone bond. this is inside story, the .


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