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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the makes both plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey. the the you're watching the news on our line from headquarters and del, navigate are coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really cypress. shoot medical stuff that's in law said hospital in southern gaza, at least 17 people are killed. the u. s. warrens against and is really offensive and dropped off to the prime minister orders troops to target the area where 1400000 palestinians are sheltering. we take a look at how the is really military is illegally taking control of palestinian
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lines in the occupied wes thing. a subtler attacks increase election results, start trickling in and talk a song image claims of victory and vote rigging by rival parties. the color we beginning garza where the health ministry says is really snipers have killed at least 17 people in the south of the strip medical staff at the north side hospital and han eunice were among those targeted barbara and go per reports. your less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians did severely short staffed messa hospital in con eunice. this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty. the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by is really forces
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on this doctor, being treated on an operating table was also shot to walk. while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm. that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shop by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while they are performing the juicing says it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitalized demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work. cuz us president joe biden describe this rails warren cause us over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we can get the delay for that initial delay, i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can
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increase the prospect that despite the union guys are changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough with palestinians were told to relocate for the safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. israel's located on food, fuel and medicine entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the file and protestant in medical workers is putting the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa out of sarah was really war planes also target into the, in southern gaza on thursday nights, an air strike on a house skills, at least 8 palestinians, and several children. and at least one women are among the dead as well. was that an updates without the zeros honey before these orders from left off in southern gaza. so honey, just tell us what, what has happened overnight because we understand there have been more killing and
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targeting and palestinians and more displacement including in areas like enough where you are the yes, very well the past couple days have been very intense here in rough. i think the we're not older, we're seeing a deteriorate teen gone, unprecedented a human a terry and deposits are going on. but the fact that there is ongoing intense bombing campaign, or the entire city of these trend parts, where there is an active ongoing goal is non stop r tillery setting of these are an area, but the central area of the city and the western part of it where the vast majority of the displays policy now set up their tents. and i've been a side of major relentless era strike just over night attacks about mid night. a people i've been killed as a result of intense in relentless airstrikes on their last. they were shouldering
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inside the flat, including women and children, who wells and casualties of those attacks on, on the residential homes. do work inside there were old rushed here to adequate the hospital. those who sustain a critical was did not a did not also make it a, as there is an extreme short is your medical supplies then and the, the, the, the, the fact that the have to wait until the doctor it was available or a nurse to conduct the interview, the, the mit, the, the intervention that, and the necessary medical intervention that for them, it was too late and they lost their, their lives in, in other areas other than rough id intends bombing campaign continues to pound across the central area. and the overnight attacks on a residential compound for an extended family, a well known extended family in the central area where members of the family where
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it showed during inside the compound where was targeted and destroyed that it was a quite difficult for the paramedics and the civil defense, the crew on the ground to get to do the targeted sides and to help remove people from under the levels or save those who might have survived those massive uh types . it wasn't until early hours of this morning as the data rate and people at civil defense the crew are able to pull people from under the troubles that we're looking at. the large number of casualties though, arrived to a lot. so hospital i know really over well it has to be adults suffering from shorter and medical supplies and in sufficient number of medical stuff around the vicinity of, of nasir hospitality. snipers are taking uh the, the top room. so of the building surrounding the hospital and the shooting at every moving object inside the court yard of the hospital or around that vicinity. so far, 17 people have been collected from around the hospital and the roads leading to the
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main get to the hospital. and there are more for being shut out a, including people who work at one of the balconies on the rooftop of the hospital, trying to pick up a phone signal or an internet signal at a particular led this time, which tanya and is this so experiencing that blackout and communication. okay, honey, thank you for that update from what i saw and the south and gaza. let's not go to roy challenge where rejoining us from occupied east jerusalem. so rory, i mean the is really probably minister, has ordered his troops to target to that fast, but, but we understand there's also been pushed back from the us administration on the is really offensive in the south of the gaza strip. what more do we know? yeah, so off the answer, the billing comes free to stream. so the region, the white house is criticism of israel has noticeably set top. now this is still don't expect story 18 by the usual standards of what it says about israel's war in
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concept bots. it is still significant. perhaps most significantly, joe biden has sides that see things that was, as well as doing and gaza is as he put it over the top box. we've also heard from the state departments and we've heard from the national security spikes, person in the white house, john cubby and john covey as major specific warning ups louts. he's rousing, pending operation in god. and rafa how we can listen to exactly what he said. now, any major military operation in russia at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety. would be a disaster and we would not support it. so worry how are these comments then by john kirby and also the comments that bite and major were mentioned in just
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a moment ago saying that what's happening and gaza is quote over the top. how her, how are these comments being received amongst is really politicians the well that we still haven't had any official response from is ready politicians. yes, we probably will get some of some sorts. i over the course of the day and, and beyond. but like, i think there are a couple of big questions that remain here. one is, what does we do not support such kind opperation and rough actually mean from the us administration. and you know, we're a long way from the us costing of any supports to raise robots. the bottom administration. they put out a memo yesterday which tightens up the president and congress his obligations to ensure that recipients of us ministry 8. and he to international law with possible cutoffs expect feel that's recipients. i'm not in compliance. but the 2nd question is, he's ro, listening to any of these warnings and we don't know yet,
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but we are getting the impression that the rafa operation has been delayed. so far . we don't know at the moment whether that is the cause of them, instead of writing in con eunice and not finishing that because all for the space being given for the spot negotiations. or whether it's because the, the us administration is, is increasingly critical. we do understand from things that are being said and he is ready media by i'm named officials that perhaps when the operation in rafa does thoughts that say will be less intensity than con eunice and the other operations that they've been engaged in in the, in the gaza strip in general, so i would have to wait and say, but of course those humanitarian concerns the whole as people got it on the board. a down in the south of the, of the gaza strip. incredibly considering for the united nations. and for many
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people watching around the world. yeah. okay, so thank you really challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. let's speak to boss and for us who is a specialist on global imprisonment, torture and violence was work focuses on political prisoners. he's joining us here in our studio in the how welcome thousands, 0. thanks for your time. i'd like to get into the comments that were made and they're coming out of the us administration, bass and for us. but 1st i'm, i gotta ask you about the reports that we're getting from gaza. our correspondence heinie was just saying that is really stripers or basically shooting at anyone at this point in gaza. i mean, what is your reaction to this and what's going on? yeah, i mean it's a continuation of, is it really genocide that the practices it's not present? it's nothing you we know that the best really courses have managed to take a piece, try to take over certain parts of because of strep, including the attempts or the this course regarding the invasion, the immunization vision of sort of a where hundreds of thousands, if not to 1000000 people or something. so it's not strange. i think it's a combination of vitamins policies that is there and has been implementing since
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the beginning of the inception of this by mentoring effectively in 1948. and i think it's also, it said it was in taishan of is there any intend to eliminate by just any? and so if not, if not only force them to, to, to, to displace displacement from their homes, but also to eliminate that existence. i mean, we are witnessing the destruction of the gaza strip the destruction of the palestinian population. and honestly, i'm gonna describe this uninhabitable at this point. definitely. i mean it's also honest. it's a, it's a, it's a manifestation of design decision. and design a project which is intending to eliminate, but it's to me, an existence. there's a, a total disregard for us to mean likelihood which we see as you, as you mentioned. uh, exactly, yeah. currently that there's a sure thing anyone and especially people who are the should trying to, to get it as you, i've been reporting a lot when i was just so you know, so it's, it's simply a manifestation of a decision but continues to, to continues to way to try to stay in livelihood and honestly to a took a work towards the completed emanation. okay, so when you hear the comments that were coming out of the white house,
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joe biden saying, this is really contacting cause that has been quote over at the top. i mean, how do you read us in and what does it tell us about potentials differences in a whitening gap between is really us at this point. i mean it's, it has been before the, the us administration and does that have their disagreements, right. um, i think this the, the recent statement by usual, by the end, the present to the audit states. i read it as a, put it as a pending towards a political, the kind of performance. you know, he's losing his constituents in certain parts of the us to them. the us such as are coming up. but also we must highlight that it's important. it's an important statement, particularly as we are continue we, we continue to with ms. dunn for the things insights in the gaza strip, but it's also important to content as well as the statement and say that is that in advance fits continues to provide visitor a museum with weapons to continue to, to provide them with political support blocking you under this look at their distribution. so it's why it's important to take this statement and use it towards granting and securing
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a ceasefire. it's also important to contextualize that this is, you know, this is part of an ongoing view, a support to those that you did. it seemed that how was that did not stop. it hasn't stopped for the past 4 months. it's totally up to date, as i mentioned previously, unless it's, it's a, it's, it's, it's a good step towards securing ceasefire. but it's still listed as what are our things on the sort of right track to when it comes to securing the ceasefire. we saw the, the sector of state answer, the blinking within the region. it didn't look like, at least from, you know, on the face of i didn't look like his trip really changed much, but is there now more pressure on nothing yahoo, on the government to, to cut some sort of deal with him us. yes. so so the so blinking step, the baptism was that much that's true. i'm not certain if, if the job items didn't actually with effectively pressure the government to, to work towards this flight. i think what would pressure them is cutting a not providing weapons destruct with right? cutting but it's got an economic ties with as a division which is far fetched. but but, but,
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but it also must understand that throughout hip understanding has to be the only way that there's any other team was able to gets back it's business. and we mentioned you, for example, the sunny, the sunny, think san steve in 2011, was to negotiate that agreement. so visit with the spice. and then you'll have statements that, you know, the, the kind of bringing 3 things that a good bit of water goes, which is, uh, the minutes instruction of how much and securing that a ton of on hostages. we also know that the only way to do to turn is really business as soon to go see that agreements. we have witnessed that over the past 70 years that had been over the 59 exchange agreements with by the city and assistance groups and out of the states doing that. but right. and nobody's as well. exactly. yeah, exactly. and so there's a that is even though it is, but it wouldn't let them, you know, statements, especially over the past weeks. you know, when he reiterated his position, that only military force would bring back those repairs and those, i mean, we also are fully aware that it's not possible there's a team has not been able to accomplish any victory over the past 126 days. nothing
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ups with except except for the destruction of the student population under it and the gaza strip. so up, but, but the, the optimistic side side is that how math is willing to negotiate and basically data points that, that was published. and that i bought a recently pence a towards kind of some sort of open negotiated agreement that back executive commit from that 1st initial demand, which is an immediate cease fire. and i mean it's permanent ceasefire. they're, they're proposing at least the same phrases right there. not realizing that that happens in the 2nd stage, except that job for fun. i think there's a change here, and we must do this as you know, how much is the willingness to engage in some sort of invited dialogue. why and emphasizing that this government is a government and of course for the sake of its political existence and future their, their adamant or not accepting any of these fight agreements because they know that it's basically being the ultimate destruction of nothing else but is a good candidate and his resume administers. okay, we'll have to leave it there. best in front of us. thank you so much for your time . the is really military has started taking control of palestinian land around
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illegal is really settlements in the occupied westbank. it says it's for security purposes after the how mass attacks and october the palestinian authority says it proves israel's far right. government is using the war and does a to expand settlements right across the occupied territory. charles stratford reports from dentist. you, a lot of talking about the security is on these all is really miller tree maps. they show illegals. riley settlements in the occupied west bank. the red lines mock the borders of the item. you described as news secuity zones. these examples would be expanding to many locations and we spend the policy mills or it uses the mountains of proof these where the government is using security since the october, the 7th from us attacks as an excuse to implemented long planned, illegal settlement expansion. the force of, of october they were saying we are fighting the sold for the move in effect broken
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of this event with a couple of this. i see that this is a security issue. this a still has to go to the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 15 months for both and, and what we're now in the area, i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have now how to confiscate by these way, the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is right. the sacraments. you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement, a recreation ground, which children play the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon looks out across. he's only groves. so these radio army took control over
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just a few days ago. and that's about a lot of high month, like i'm even more after the separate of october. they stopped us going to our land, even the land away from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever the settlers florida i was told when you suddenly is ready. soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. this is these rails minutes different national security. it may have been viewed as the finance minister visit of small twitch far right members. israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself. one x is sadler, is greece security. soldiers do not guard settlers, the settlers or the security belt of the state of israel is really central or
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attacks against palestinians and they pull between the occupied westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up again. the armies, confiscation of land around illegal is rarely settlements. palestinians say, is more proof of israel breaking in some national charles stuff. and i'll just here to did is the in the occupied westbank. regardless, dialysis patients face a crisis, a pac hospitals, health ministry is warning more than a 1000 people are at risk of kidney failure. and then her daddy has more from an upstart hospital in central garza the only 2 hospitals that receive and treat kidney. dialysis patients due to the continuous displacements for the policy and using the cause of strip. this is one of the 2 operating hospitals in the causal strip. palestinians in this hospital are, are,
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are 400. they are receiving the dialysis treatment for on 23 machines. only 400 patients are in this hospital. among some are 12 children. when we talked about the causal strip, there are $1100.00 children at $1100.00 palestinian. the patients of kidney dialysis among them are 38 children in this hospital for 100 a patients and 12 it children are receiving treatment in this hospital for hours per week, only where they used to receive their dialysis payment at the. the address is treatment for from 8 to 12 hours per week. now they are only receiving 2 sessions for, for 2 hours, where they believe that it is not enough to out out of 6 hospitals are
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currently receiving kidney, dialysis patients. and because of the patients are heartbroken, they're there, there was a woman that told us that she had to leave her family alone in the north of the causal strip. because she had to receive her dialysis treatment because there has been no hospitals and the not doing cause of strep treating her case. and could you please introduce yourself kind of the, what can you tell us about the conditions of the patients? little farm. my situation is incredibly challenging, as especially for dialysis patients like myself. we've traveled all the way from garza, i've been ongoing drive assist sessions here for the past few months. ever since the rage and bombing of i'll shoot for the tool. i'm here alone on separate just for my children and husband. so you felt compelled to come here for leslie? honest, i just, i came here off to the raid on i was just the hospital is how long do your stations
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last? i said, i saw she saw used to have treatments 3 days a week before i was each session. but to you i only gets around 2 hour sessions, which isn't enough. the sort of sessions contact to be remove, talk soon. this from apologies on a day let him know there's immense pressure on hospital resources. we lack sufficient equipment to treat the growing number of patients leading to overwhelming condition set up before the war. patients receive for our dialysis sessions 3 times a week and now they're only receiving 2 hour sessions twice a week, leading to complications for many patients uh for the policies and because of still are not only queueing online to get bread and water. but they're also doing on the machines to receive their treatment and the quality of the hospital the
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moving on to other world news now and results are slowly coming in after pocket stones general election based center right pockets. dawn was the lead right by the former prime minister and a washer reef has taken an early lead with 17 parliamentary seats. independent candidates back by former prime minister in mont cons party or in a close. second, with 16 seats, the central left people's pockets on people's party headed up by bill while boots was already is trailing with 12. the vote on thursday was marked by violence and accusations of irregularities. we have some vague standing by for us in lahore, but 1st let's speak to come out. hi dar who's joining us from the capital is lama bad? so come out so far. i mean, there had been a, a long delay in getting these results out, but they appear to be coming through now what's, what's the latest situation? but it does, it does have been delayed in dade, and that of gauze is now leading to such patients that last minute done brain is on
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the where the election commission was all the way to the controversial big guy. but now it seems to be compromised. now, according to the latest figures, the progress on that you can solve it, leading as far as the national assembly concerned. that's the latest coming out from those delayed announcements where the garage bug gift on people are watching that very carefully. they want to make sure that the mandate of the people as expected. there have been some pro dates across the country against the chief election and election commission. now, although he has sweeping boards under october to 20 of the constitution, he has all executive fall was during the election by the day of the slam down on internet services. telephone a satellite services has cost a shadow of doubt. as far as the good ability of the election commission has been
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done, and that are deep suspicions, that the election is being hijacked by manipulating last minute dread dollars. we talk to a representative of the bucket dante, you can solve awards leading by a wide margin, but ended up not just the winning because the number 6 who were trailing behind him is now the winner. so that i've got to is going to raise a lot of eyebrows questions. and it is going to be important to ensure that the mandate of the people is respected in order to ensure political stability and focused on focused on it and being dropped by political instability. we just had to knock on the effect on the country's economic stability. so all i is on the final result is from the election commission and how controversial they're likely to prove in the coming. always, okay, come, i will cross back to you throughout the day for the time being. thank you for that update from is lona boswell, crossover to lahore and speak to us a big a sense of what's it like where you are and what's the, what's the mood like uh,
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amongst people there. the whole people are waking up to some very different results that they saw coming in last night last night. people were watching their television, watching local news, as some of those results were coming in, which showed in some cases clear leads by independent candidates. i let me give you an example. now the leader of the most indeed and wall street standing heading the horse. he was trailing to yes, mean rashid who is from the p. josh is sending us an independent, she's in prison. and her family was campaigning for. so around some consent to the votes, i've been catching that accounted and she wasn't exactly. it's not the most. indeed, not saying that they have one that sees that know most people, the one that feeds. in other cases, the forms from the opposing stations had been signed by will the representatives and the returning offices and the route. so the part is to accept the results based on those forms of those final kinds. but then the home went off to the election commission and then the results have suddenly changed. i mean, one case,
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the official trip to the cause of the flux done was indeed treated as a final. and the number of valid votes exclude to the invalid votes was higher than the total number of volts costs. so clear questions being raised that when you speak to people this morning, this i'm good, this frustration on one months that to me this morning just off the breakfast. he literally said this is a shame and we've been wrecked. and that's the feeling on the streets of the horde, from the people that i've spoken to this and get this frustration and considerable surprise because they thought that the independents were leading by such a margin that it was a done deal. but now they're waking up some very different set of results from that came in during the night. okay, thank you. so i'd say reporting from the hor, let's keep this conversation going with a pass on who's the central information secretary and principal spokesperson for practice on the headache and soft, the pci he's throwing us from is on a bad welcome to alta 0. i know you must be watching the selection very, very closely,
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and this is what we're learning so far. according to the partial results, they showed the party of the former prime minister and it was to reef with an early lead 17 parliamentary seats. what's your reaction to that was the body of the former prime minister. never took the lead. seems to be the guys started boring and uh, so uh, the bpi and subordinate candidates, this whole board independent should only be able to delete from the very beginning of the list. and indeed turn about midnight. you know, when that is still down to declaration of injustice, go down, and then later on it was complete. you stop it, domain of the, you know, it domain did that condition at all for the, for the number of balls. and now the to started figuring out the game, i could be suppose beach, but unfortunately the results have been chocolate, but that it does have been stolen. that drugs have been changed. what uh about or what, what are you facing these accusations on as if you only watch the television spins
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or know at midnight and then watch them. now you would see that, you know, the, the notice of and bunch of you must, you know, we were leading by the big bargains, huge bottom of that big night last night. which is not because this morning, you know, during the night you know, that it does have been by the template, but unfortunately they have been stolen. and this has bottom bottom beautician of that. and all, we're the ones that i wanted to launch the, to become, become designers, to as, as an all, many of each nation established by norwood ship, which was also responsible for dismantling the government up to buy off brand new study. not uh, so we have strong integration bargain. i wish them and what i'm going to address that there's conference different, the optimal. and this going to have, you know, such feeling such blatant, the latest eating is going to have a disastrous consequences. but the state of this country needs political stability . this country needs to be can nomics turbidity. and what has happened in the last 12 hours or so is definitely going to address the effects of but in fact the prospect of either between the k t. i like sir, let me just ask you about the pci,
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like obviously this is still the results are still coming through and we understand that there's been some sort of delay throughout the night. but, but according to what we've seen of the performance of the pci, the independent candidates, they looked like they were on course to gain seats. now we know that just to our viewers are aware of the pci candidates, could not hold rallies or open campaign offices. some of the online events were blocked as well ahead of the selection. so how do you explain that so far they appear to have done pretty well in the selection. it was last night if you will, if you, if you, if you go back and watch television or no, we were, we were, we were running away with those people majority. not even due to it, but people who dorothy, well actually every sunday was coming go girl was giving you which model of a big tree to be tried and supported candidates and that situation has changed and that i thought you'd better be important in the thing to happen because as i said
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earlier, know we need to get the stability of the country even though yes, you're right in the sense that we still have a sizable number of seats or no kind of go. but that is that administered as compared to what we are, what we were trying to be. we're trying to be winning upstate trend during the night. is that separate? that'd be transferred with them? they have been stolen? unfortunately, this happens virtually every time of every election. the election division of box on is putting forward like one of your correspondents was saying that all but the system to know that the board then next year in 2013, that's been in 2018. i know that system has been to get into government for do full . this is not because of a mechanical object because reason it is because this is the way i thought of use was the be the wanted to be because we want to use that time to develop a decision device. the decision that the best bet is us to go back, that the people are going to be, have a, have chosen. so this is going to create instability. they're going to be, i understand. but the proven if these obligations are in the proven sir,
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what can be, what can be done about it? we have, we have the good options and all. yes. so we could, we could we do, you know, uh we, we can go to the board to load, we can go back to that and commission a box down to convince. and then of course, you also have the option of going to purchase all we also have a physical option at all because our main strength is that people support and as, as does box, the exhibitions commenced be activated in the election that the, you know, that took place yesterday, so you know, we are going to be better to do all that i have addressed at this conference and only basically every to a guy who worked together one together, a strategy to move into the future are obviously this. uh, what has happened is totally unacceptable and uh, we will have to find a way to navigate that. okay, well, have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us from uh as long about the house on a still a head on alger 0. my results for the president, they are both an arrow, surrendered his passport to prove the
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other po box take care has come down. it was comes a navy a and then hit must go that's given for a time. blizzard conditions are really quite serious. amount of snow falling in russia is capital still on the ground as we speak because the air is still quite cold. so from going away, but there's definitely a line here. this is a little cold issue, some bit very cold into the size, very much room, probably quarter mile the in february, wouldn't you? so that is the difference at the still snow running up on that front of the system through denmark and through part. and this is during friday, the cold air sitting over finland and rest and rushed, gives a highest temperature of minds and different in moscow. and then incomplete contrast to portugal, spain, and increasing the utility and something from so you've got breaks of right, attempted into teams. this could be called
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a went to event term in monica has got 2 days of significant rain friday, and so i have to for improves on sunday. and this the overall picture on such a date where is orange expect the heaviest, right. there is a wet study for the southern faces of the alps as well. and the back edge of this is right on its way into morocco and that could cause some flash study because the granite is usually pretty dry morocco at this time. the but they years on his way and the rest of north africa is as you might expect, quite dry and quite the, the latest news as it breaks, you're not going to see when they come with detail coverage. do ok now he's a real thing again, you can see the stick gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the world. scalding wasn't even on the summit agenda. these pharmacies are bringing to
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attractive. brussels is only way to be heard in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 news . the
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reminder of the top stories the sour because the health industry says is really cyprus, have killed a please, 17 palestinians in southern gaza since thursday, a doctor and a nurse at last at hospital and find eunice are among those were shocked and injured for us administration is warning is really against carrying out a major offensive enough for most of the population has sought refuge. the national security council spokesman john kirby says, washington will not support funds that from the risk the lives of about 1400000 palestinians results are coming in after pocket funds. the general election on thursday. the center right focus on most of the league has taken an early lead with 17 for elementary seats. independent candidates back by the former prime minister in my con, aren't close seconds. with 16 seats. us president joe biden has hit back at a special council report that makes damning assertions about his memory. the report concluded biting would not face charges for mishandling classified materials,
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but went on to say his memory was, quote hazy bite and criticize the claims as well as assertions that he couldn't remember when his son died. my kind of reports from washington. as you know, the special comes release is fine is a day and a hasty arrange news conference president by then address the special prosecutor. this report was previous a reached of firm conclusion. the no charges should be brought against me in this case. correcting media claims that evening found to have willfully retained classified documents. this, these assertions not only misleading or just plain wrong, refuting the special prosecutors remarks about his memory and mental acuity and good in particular by the claim that he couldn't remember the date of the death of his son bo. how the hell there, he really said, frankly, when i was asked the question i talked to myself was the damn business in his
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report. the special prosecute to robert to describe the president as, and i quote a well meaning elderly man with a pool of memory claiming that biden could not remember the date. he was appointed vice president by brock obama white house lawyers described these comments as inappropriate. and in some cases, inaccurate. initially, the president finding himself focused on another part of the report. i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear the start distinction and difference between this case and mr. trump's case, donald trump, and we're talking about many more documents. that issue with mr. trump, will fully obstructed and indisputably lied through his lawyer in a letter to the department of justice. donald trump posted on his social media about what he called a 2 tiered system of justice. the house republican judiciary committee treated the following president biden couldn't even remember when he was b, a. taking
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a question on gaza. president biden inadvertently gave us opposition more munition and, you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. he was referring to the president of egypt, not mexico. the role because nature of the news conference assigned that debate about president biden's mental acuity will not go away. neither will the fact that the single case against him has concluded the several against donald trump all going on. my kind of, oh, just the era washington. the u. s. supreme court has been hearing a case that can drastically affect the presidential election later this year. justices are considering whether republican front runner, donald trump, can be disqualify from colorado's primary ballots. the state band,
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trump accusing him to insurrection in an effort to stay in power after he lost the 2020 election of the supreme court ruling could have national implications for the former president's. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that and i consider to be more election disappearance by the democrats as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every ball were leading the i don't even know if we have any more. i'm not here to even have a republican candidate, somebody running but not making any impacts. brazil's former presidential, you're both in arrow, surrendered, his passport to police. it's part of an investigation into an a legit to attempt. after his 2022 election defense authorities are also investigating the former president, senior aides money. well we're, i follow reports to achieve brazilian federal police. at the home, a former president is able to narrow on thursday. police confiscated both scenarios, passport and search warrants were carried out against several members of his inner
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circle boats. so nato and his former aides are accused of plotting a military coup to remain in power after his presidential defeat. in october of 2022. his supporters would later storm the congress and buildings, housing the presidential palace and supreme court also not or denied any wrong doing, and called the investigation against him. a political persecution of brazil's current president received nephew let the cba has called for patients. as the investigations move forward, but has also offered him his own criticism of the former president. i'm going to go here. he wasn't governmental, but he wasn't prepared to when he wasn't prepared to lose. he wasn't prepared to leave so much sorry that he didn't even have the courage to say, congratulations. he went home crying and travelling to the united states because he must have participated in the construction of this co attempt. so let's wait for the investigations shortly before the storming of the congress. and you know i can
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ration of luna the seed but also now to travel to the united states. returning 3 months later from a self imposed exile. police said those being targeted or accused of participating in a criminal organizations. that was inc at keeping the former brazilian president in power. yes. of the bulk of south coast was a dozen of them. the cup, dora, this is the type of thing you see before an arrest warrant is issued. what's interesting here is that when a passport is requested from you and implies there is concern over a flight risk, which means there couldn't be an upcoming trial ministries, families, the police affiliate out last week, federal police rated properties belonging to both to now to son carlos as part of a separate pro, link to the alleged a spine of political opponents during both scenarios. time in office. when was not below now to 0, a spanish farmers have been protesting outside the basque regional parliament. the. this is the latest in
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a series of demonstrations across europe. farmers are unhappy about you regulations . they say environmental legislation as making them less competitive. they're also concerned about pros use that you is allowing in from ukraine and south america. locked into those are some of when people don't realize they don't realize they've been out us, they'll be no food. they'll be nothing in the supermarkets without us. supermarkets are empty, but people don't seem to realize that the push the i was thinking of, which is losing everyone gets profits. the middle men get profits, the solve the 2nd to get profit. but the problem reset to the one producing is losing the only anti war candidate, and russel's upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president boris nods again, says he will challenge the ruling at the supreme court. you'll yet stop of all of our reports from moscow. russia presidential election next month just got
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even more predictable bars and the distance exclusion from the res removes of mine was significant. suppose, even if he was unlikely to seriously challenge present patients for the top job job, what is the main thing is that there is no tens of millions who are going to vote for me. according to all polls. i'm in 2nd place after putting already in double digits. souls is playing the crammed and feed the destin good is gained more than 10 percent of the boat if you run. but on said stay. the central election commission ruled him out of the race. let's vote on refusal to register boars, boris eviction of dejan as candidate for the office of president of russia. anyone vote against there are also no abstain or. and tens of thousands of people have keyed at an additions campaign offices across the country to lead the signatures of support is became the only charles for them to legally express
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the anti war sentiment and the country. with such ease, a can say that savanna talk on the russian army, come them in jail, and the destin needed more than 100000 signatures of support to be allowed to run. but when the election commission decided 9000 were invalid, he failed to meet the targets. and that the s and has 10 days to appeal to the supreme court. as of now, there are full names on the bottom. presidents letting the patients as well as representatives of 3 policies in the russian little house of parliament, the state to my none of them has an agenda. any difference to patients? you leadership of all of the ultra 0 at most, okay. volcano and south western iceland disrupting for the 3rd time in 2 months. it's on the rake cane this peninsula near the town of grinda vick, which was evacuated in december during a previous erupt and lava has reached the supply pipeline, leaving several communities on dependence, along with no heating or hot water. in myanmar, when rebels defeated, government forces in the city of low kang, like late last year, they uncovered
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a number of scam centers run by chinese crime syndicates. the operators were victims of the scheme themselves and had been traffics in to me in mar, tony trying has more from the timing and marble order. pruitt who's done a lot of praying recently. this time last year he set out to take a well paid. i t, jo, me and when his plane touched down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles, he was held in a compound known as building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of god on the gate held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scams. from for me, those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one. and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to fled with them,
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gain that trust and infections and get them to invest their money into scam uh, $1.00 of the victims last, more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scammers had no choice. tell me if you didn't do it. you will punish the beaten, electrocuted and locked up. you half know twice what to do it. you know, phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted me like to day if someone found out that you reach out to the outside. well, for help, you might get killed on my teeth, so i'm pulling wants to keep her identity hidden. she was 3 months pregnant when she was tricked into going to me and to make some money to her new arrival. she was held for 3 months. the soul being rescued quad was almost afraid to rely, lo, i heard the sound of people b electrocute. and when i hung up near the foot of poles, peach, i wonder if you could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear
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was what would happen at the gang found out about the baby growing inside to pay the whole. my roommate told me that if the boss filed out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported. her daughter is now 3 months old, named be my new year to month the holiday when she got home. these are the fortunate ones. united nations estimated last year, the $120000.00 people trapped and scam centers in yakima and the country that's lawless divided us. and in the grid of civil hair and touchy like they've just the rest of 500 chinese nationals on suspicion of setting up new scam census. and that's the real consent. well, they've closed down some of the bigger operations. so the operators will just pack
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up and move elsewhere. tony cheng al jazeera on the time. yeah, not both. the still ahead on alta 0, cost me so i, i the queen elizabeth national talk, see west and you've gone down. i'll be telling you why the one life population has been growing awfully. yes. of the clients, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the again, south africa as president, has reaffirmed his commitment to helping secure
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a ceasefire in gaza and the state of the nation speech address the real rama. so, so address the international court of justice, case itself, the product protection of palestinians in israel's war on gaza. a guided by the fundamental principle of human rights and freedom. we have taken up the palestinians cause to prevent, infer that death and destruction in garza, most african foreign ministers are calling for unity within regional block eco us. they've held that emergency session to try to dissuade burkina faso molly and these are from leaving the alliance of some of these reports from a boucher what's difficult regional. the book of course, is a new strategic crisis. 3, if it's 15 member states, one out and there is a political crisis and said to go after president microsoft delayed the
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presidential election is due in february. if that has been any time for that cause to stay together. this is the time. if we have been challenged, this is actually the time we have been most challenged. so i did, i will chest. that original group is asking members to continue dialogue and wondering about the consequences. ophelia. the exit from a cost would be much worse than the sanctions in terms of the hardship that it would put. it will replace the citizens of these 2 countries, so we don't wish it upon them. we don't want to see that office just yet. so you sent, it goes to recent political crisis as an unnecessary destruction. it's 40 minutes to attend to thursday's meeting. if system the situation that is not critical as
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the president has initiated a dialogue about the situation doesn't require to extend an intervention from echo as a you or of them. but while that goes ability to intervene and send a goal is limited, it's focusing one that are barely. and by putting a puzzle molly and it's, yeah, the 3 is the whole region. countries were already suspended from the block after recent cause. what kind of fossil mom the image of say, the organization has been raised, and just wondering to that, which is a foreign policy. so they're leaving what it was says it's rules required when years ne memberships and what the city country school i'm the military will say they're leaving. anyway. the united nations warrants have been told in political crisis, practice the entire region. sure. this country's different, typically a withdrawal from a cost boots as a potential to fedex. that's the base of the challenges that these 3 countries and the separation of facing,
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notably and the associated phenomena can say go to the fields. echoes has off, she has to be forwarded to blink and something to the wishes of the brand and countries will continue with decades and functions. either way, political analysts say it could be a long time before the organization recovers from this kind of crisis. i'm a decrease of just either. how about you to, thanks to conservation programs, you guns as wildlife population has boons over the past 40 years. but the threats of poaching loss of habitat on conflict between humans and animals as worrying some wardens. catherine saw a report from queen elizabeth national park in western uganda. the boat crews along a water channel that opens up to lakes all but and edward is breathtaking. you can see i knew he was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park, the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number
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of elephants bath and lose and he paused, has increased in the last several decades bodies reversing years of decline cost by portez and encroachment on wildlife areas. all these would be yeah, yeah, many officials actually did this to you gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed that he's killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i wish i said to catch up with this pete, because you try to money play to one plant here and how to pronounce the concept you. why do we have movie when you saw those big telephones? that is the area we tried to remove the deck, prospective media in the back product that you submitted it by sending them kimmy ugandans, leaving the other pock also say they're leaving
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a nightmare. a big problem here is human. why live conflicts? ellison's are increasingly going into villages in search of pastor and what, how much of a dustin come on down be shows those? well, a heart of elephants destroyed. he's prompts as they come here nearly every day. he says the bach has been partially fence or the side is still open, can walk some more though. we try to trace the animals using many means, for example, fire and fevers, all as we often sleep at the font to protect our yield. enable was killed while offense on the other side of the village, other pharmacy, peoples. how the invaded the rice funds and killed several people gain what is said . they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected. but they also blamed those who brought the new more migration routes
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catch me. so i alda 0 queen, elizabeth national park. uganda will take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment with much more. also, today's news and all the latest headlines autographs, the ceiling, the sports like wrestling and boxing. hit traditionally being of the limits to women. one on one a makes the female athletes flashed into the place and the ring on out to 0. the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stars of israel. when garza was another enormous gathering conference, we have seen a group of 50 miles to the west of lincoln encased new castle in the no,
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i'm right on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out if you're seeing what's happening in there's no question about it is a broad spectrum of antique pro palestinian sentiments among the british jewish groups uphold up the x ray and the government's actions. or there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting irresistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues pause for a ceasefire when they get louder. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on out to 0, government shut off access to social media
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the the . ready is really snipers shoot medical stuff in law said hospital in southern dogs are killing at least 17 people. the . this is the 0 lot from headquarters and del fine getting navigates. i also had the us warnings against and is really offensive and rough after the prime minister orders troops to target the area where more than
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a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. election results start trickling in in pakistan and it's claims of victory and vote rigging by rifle parties who


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