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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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girls come back to promote grace and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me. i do . but the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the it is really snipers have to this is $21.00. people outside a hospital in southern gaza in today's medical stuff are also being target into the quarters in del hi. i'm getting obligated also coming off the u. s. warrens against and is really offensive and dropped off after the prime minister orders troops to target the area. we're more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. votes are being counted off to her pockets
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on the general election. early results suggest the tight race with claims of victory and brought him there. he raised frank to announce that asked the question i thought to myself was the other day of business. the us presidents insist whose memory is fine after a special council report describes it as a c, and for the hello is really cypress. i have killed another for people in southern gaza. the displace palestinians had been trying to reach northside hospital and find, you know, the health ministry says is really cypress killed the police 21 people in the same area on thursday medical stop at the hospital or among those shots, barbara, and go for reports. your less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians did severely short staffed messa hospital in con eunice. this nurse has been shot in
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the chest while on duty, the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by history. the forces this doctor being treated on an operating table was also shot to walk. while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm, that's the medic too complex. he was deliberately shopped by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while they are performing the jew things. it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitalized demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work. cuz us president joe biden describe this rails warren cause us over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we could get the delay for that,
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the initial delay, i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that despite the union guys changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough uh, with palestinians were told to relocate for that safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. is rouse, located on food, fuel and medicine. entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and it's really not the file and protestant in medical work, cuz it's put in the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa, out of sarah, that was really warplanes, also targeted that i saw in southern gaza on thursday nights, an air strike on a house killed at least 8 palestinians, several children,
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and at least one women are among the dad's health ministry and gaza says 27947 palestinians had been killed on 67459 injured since october. the 7th of this there was hunting for the joining us not from a different southern gaza honey, what more do we know about the is really snipers who are targeting palestinians outside of hospice. one, find eunice. this will after weeks of by surrounding the, the vicinity of not sort of hospitals. then we have technically talking about the 2 densely populated, the residential new neighborhoods of from the eastern part and the western part of the hospital. and to further to the northern part, there is a good good school compound. all honor was school that have turned into evacuation centers in which at 1000 a palestinian have been sheltering since the beginning of the war. and not only
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since the expanding of the military operation and ground invasion in finance, but since that initial week, when people were told to, to leave guys another part. so as people are trying to leave these 2 densely populated neighborhoods all the way to nasir hospital because it is the only place right now and finding is that has some water in which people can get and get back to the residential home or back to that exact question center with, with the snipers surrounding the area and shooting and moving objects and everyone to know why they're also, they're talking drones are shooting at people and they are equipped with these heavy machine guns that can shoot at people as well. but so far we're talking about it 21 people in overnight, an early hours of this morning and who were shot at. 1 as diverse and killed, including the 2 medical this stuff inside. nasir hospice, those as the where doing their job and performing surgeries inside operation room.
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they were shut out and killed inside the hospitals. right. the the area around the hospital is very dangerous. is it has turned into a dangerous combat zones right now. tiny, where you are also ended up having now you have more than half of the guys population crammed into that area. know where to go. and that is really saying that they'll turn their focus on drop off. what's happening there? what are you seeing the well, so far we're on within the past 22 days, we wouldn't have been in tens a bombing campaigns. they taking place here in rough estimate the on the area, not only it has turned into a refugee camps, they have full of tents, but also it, it becomes a gradually, a more of a concentration comes right now. it works. there is a difficulty in terms of mobility. people aren't able to leave rough our get through of us, except with which is high level of difficulties if you're coming in from fine units
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. but all of this happening while at the same time and tends bombing campaign and targeting more residential homes, do the eastern part of the city that's very close today. adoption a guy is a border entered the what's trent part of the city densely populated area with buildings very close to each other and the evacuation zone, the further western part of the city. but so far we're talking about at 8 people from 2 families who were killed in the residential homes have been filtering. and those families, our displays palestinians been children and those uh, but residential homes since the beginning of the war, women and children among the casualties. and that's the pattern that we've been seeing over and over every single day. more women, more children are among the casualties. in fact, they are the dominating figures right now can comparison to the, the overall casualties. but the more shocking pattern is the fact of, of every day. and we're seeing almost
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a 120 people are being killed. and that's been going on for quite a while now. honey, my, when was a reporting freshman of a honey? thank you for the time being. let's now go to ro, challenge is running us from occupied east jerusalem. you so you heard honey describing the situation and i saw rory and we know that the is really prime minister, had ordered his troops to target to the fall. but now there's been some pushback from the us administration on this plan. yes, our following has to be blinking frankness trip to the region, which recently concluded he's going back to the seats since he's go back. the criticism coming from the white house has stepped up noticeably. it's still not fixed creating at by any standards, but given the usual type of response. so as the white house to one is rather doing, it is still significant. we heard earlier in the program was 5 minutes, said cooling. the conductive is rails a minute tree,
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responds indigo. the strip passed over the top. but there's also being criticism files that are coming up and save in restaurants and we've had from the state department officials. we've also heard from the white house national security spikes, best john cubby, basically saying that without any proper humanitarian planning by israel full on a cell phone or alpha, where 1.5, many people are sheltering the us kind of, let's suppose that let's hit exactly how we put it out in any major military operation. and roughly, at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration in for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support it. so when you combine these comments with what you were just mentioning a moment ago, that by made the comments that israel's contacting gaza is over the top. is there
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any reason to believe that there will be consequences for their conduct in garza by the us administration? the yeah, that's good questions. let's break them down. it all we going to get into thing actually meeting thoughts from the united states. what is the united states actually guides to about that? well, it's very unlikely that the us is going to break off it's ministry assistance to israel right now. um, it's very unlikely that it is gonna stop giving israel soul some diplomatic shields . and yeah, the international forms fall, we have had a move from the bottom white house which came yesterday, a memorandum issued by him in the white house, basically, tightening up increasing the obligations of the presidents and congress to make sure the recipients of us admitted to create around the wells and he to
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international law. there was another question, of course, which is he's ro, listening to any of this, all they pay attention. well, of course, by paying attention because the united states is that biggest military and diplomatic allies. we haven't heard anything from them at the moment about the comments that have come to the white house in the state department. it's friday. got to get into shove out, so it may well be the redated spot way. we'd expect to hear and go from the fall of rights disappointment from netanyahu, but nothing. you know, he's saying to the fall rights that can handle the us relationship by myself. we do understand that the rafa operation has been delayed and hasn't started yet. when the expectation in his route was that it would have by now now was that because of the spot negotiations which have now breaking down. so the movements uh, was that because that was mandatory concern such as the other young guy commission
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in con eunice or was it because of criticism from the white house? we don't know yet, but we understand that perhaps when it starts, that operation is likely to be less insecure in its intensity than previous operations in the goal is to say, but we'll have to wait and see what we've actually plays out. all right, where we're a child's report from occupied is 0. so one thank you. is really protest her is are attempting to block a dustin for gaza through that and it's on a crossing on israel's border with egypt. they say the book, they will block trucks until all types of still being housing jobs are, are released. some supplies must go from egypt to israel for security checks before they are allowed into gaza. and similar protests have been held that the cut them of a sudden crossing because of the moving on to other world news now and results are coming in after pocket stones general election and what looks to become
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a close race. independent candidates supported by the party of jail, former prime minister, and we're on con, our neck and neck, with the center left practiced on people's party. the center right, focused on was the league led by the former prime minister. and it was a reef is currently in 3rd place, after having lost its early leads. a 134 seats are needed to form a government. come on. hi, there is draining us now from is not about to talk to us through the latest partial results that we're getting right now. come all it. first of all, it's important to know that the election commission should have announced that good daughter died to a m latest friday morning. however oft, uh, uh, that, uh, the election commission that was, was unable to announce the does. not just that. all those candidates who are winning by a clear margin now said to be losing. and that difficult says raised eyebrows that
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i see the question as to whether the election is being stolen by that amended bure lading manipulations are going. i had to change that to dollars. that of course would be and then started to the people of focused on who came out and record number that was amply clear that the pocket dante again, solve for needing that election noted dark. and despite the fact that the government climbed down on them or rested power, the ends of their support, guys for the number of the leaders in jail, including him, ron khan, the former pro foreign minister, a shot man would correct. she showed that odd and serious question marks about the credibility of the election commission. the election commissioner had become a controversial figure and the people and focused on fear that the subbing doctor died of cardboard. that very serious consequences for popular funny democracy as well as political instability. so come out, look, i mean,
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obviously we will have to wait and see what the final election results are once they do come out. but once we have those, what happens next in terms of a process to form a government, a judge before i get to that, what we're going to see now is that this is going to be challenged in the election tribunal designated by a judge ward once the notifications are issued, the election commission has to issue the notifications to all the written as often that is done. the printer then default gets done with the color meeting of the assembly or should play within the next 3 to 4 days. and then they will be in a position to elect the new prime minister. so it would take a few days. but the notification has to come 1st from the election commission to
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whoever won that election. and then the president, of course, really announced a date as to when that assembly made thing for take place. okay, so to thank you. come, all hides are reporting from is on the bottom. there has been widespread violence and in northern engine states, officer authorities demolished a mosque and a religious school. at least 4 people were killed and more than 250 injured in the head of winey district. of with our cons. authorities imposed an indefinite curfew and ordered police to shoot violators on sites. rights groups have called for an end to the demolition of muslim properties. here's what's coming up after the break . we'll take a look at how the is really military is feeling going, taking control of palestinian lands and the occupied west bank. a settler tax on the right the
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to step into reco breaking the vall nights in thailand recently and pretty hot, they used to is just a fact of them having the rainy season further sizes produce and flash funding that isn't normally to expect that. and that could be a repeat voice in something sumatra, maybe java and for one year and to some degree we still got channels but not heavy ones in the southern philippines. very recently, recently landslide, as a result of formerly heavy rain in australia, rain felt the story a to over the. there is some around the tough as you can see in there, increasing the shouts from sidney northwards. attempt is though, i'll probably the thing that you'll notice melbourne doesn't look like a very extraordinary 27. but it's might add $41.00 plus will hang onto that sort of level. the rest most rarely is held. but now the probably see to increase a 3 day forecast goes from $27.00 to $33.00, and then $35.00 as the weight and goes from along show to one out of the interior.
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that'll be a how to spell. i think this summer hand is late using the weather. nice and gentle to exactly there is right in coming up through. sorry for that, sorry for all. and so your day with that and from david cost and where to and christ church that goes through on sunday, the thing dropping temperature with the wind coming up from the south. but mostly it's a bright looking day for the exploring type us culture. exciting political disco exposing societies doc award winning in dense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. holden until the stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east. on al jazeera, the the
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top schools on out to 0. the garza health ministry size is really cypress, have killed at least $21.00 palestinians and southern gaza since thursday, a doctor and a nurse with northside hospital and fun. eunice are among those who are shots and injured the us administration is warning israel against carrying out a major offensive enough where most of the population has sought refuge. national security council spokesman john kirby says, washington will not support funds that further risk the lives of about 1400000 palestinians after the general election and talk to start on thursday. early results suggests a closely contested rates is really for students have shot and injured
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6 palestinian men during early morning raids and they occupied westbank. the confrontations took place east of novice the palestine. red crescent society says the army initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded. raids were also reported in some gene until cut them is really military has started taking control of palestinian land around illegal is really settlements in the occupied westbank. it says it's for security purposes after the highest attacks in october, the palestinian authority says it proves israel's far right government is using the war in gaza to expand settlements across the occupied territory. charles stratford reports from data steel to start talking about the security is on these all is really miller tree maps. they show illegals. riley settlements in the occupied west
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bank. the red lines mock the borders of the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples will be expanding to many locations, and we spank upon a single source, uses the mountains of proof these where the government is using security since the october, the 7th, from us attacks, as an excuse to implemented long planned illegals settlement expansion before 7th of october. they were saying we are fighting the sort of demographic broken off of this event with a clue what this does say that this is a security issue. this i still have to go with the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 16 months for both. and what if i went out in the area? i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is ready. secular is living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have formed this land for generations have
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now how to confiscate, by these way. the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the sacraments. you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement, a recreation ground, which children play the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon looks out across he's only groves. so these rarity army took control over just a few days ago. and that's about a lot of high month, like, i mean, i'm north. after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land and even the land away from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever. the settlers florida i was told when you suddenly is ready, soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. these rails minutes stiffened national
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security. it may have been reviewed. and finance minister, bigelow smoked rich. far right, members, israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself, one ex satler's great security soldiers do not guard samplers. the settlers or the security belt of the state of israel is really simpler attacks against palestinians and they pull between the occupied westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up, begun the armies, confiscation of land around illegal is rarely settlements. palestinians say is more proof of israel breaking in some national charles stuff, and i'll just here to did is the in the occupied with spank a us president joe biden has had back at a special counselor report that makes damning assertions about his memory. the
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report concluded biting would not face charges for mishandling costs of 5 materials, but went on to say his memory was hazy by didn't criticize the claims as well as assertions that he couldn't remember when his son died. my kind of reports from washington. as you know, the special comes release is fine is a day and a hasty arrange news conference president by then address the special prosecutor. this report was praise a c, reached the firm conclusion that no charges should be brought against me. in this case. correcting media claims that evening found to have wilfully retained classified documents. this, these assertions not only misleading or just plain wrong, refuting the special prosecutor's remarks about his memory and mental acuity and good in particular by the claim that he couldn't remember the date of the death of his son bo. how the hell there, he really said, frankly,
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when i was asked the question, i've talked to myself was the damn business in his report. the special prosecute to robert to describe the president as, and i quote a well meaning elderly man with a pool of memory lightning that bite and could not remember the date. he was appointed vice president, fiber rock, obama white house lawyers described these comments as inappropriate, and in some cases, inaccurate. initially, the president, finding himself focused on another part of the report. i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear the start distinction and difference between this case and mr. trump's case, donald trump, and we're talking about many more documents. that issue with mr. trump will fully obstructed and indisputably lied through his lawyer in a letter to the department of justice. donald trump posted on his social media about what he called a 2 tiered system of justice. the house republican judiciary committee treated the
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following president biden couldn't even remember when he was b, a. taking a question on gaza. president biden inadvertently gave us opposition more munition . and you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. he was referring to the president of egypt, not mexico. the role because nature of the news conference assigned that debate about president biden's mental acuity will not go away. neither will the fact that the single case against him has concluded the several against donald trump all going on. my kind of, oh, you 0 washington. and me and more when rebels defeated, government forces in the city of locating last year they uncovered. a number of scam center is run by chinese crime syndicates. the operators were
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a victims of the scheme themselves and had been trafficked into me and mar, toni chang has more from the time me and mar border pruitt who's done a lot of praying recently. this time last year he set out to take a well paid. i t, jo, me and when his plane touched down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles, he was held in a compound notice building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of god on the gate held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scams. from for me, those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to fled with them. gain that trust and infections and get them to invest their money into scam. uh,
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one of the victims last more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scammers had no choice had always helped. if you didn't do it, you will punish the beaten, electrocuted, and locked up. you have no choice what to do it. you know, phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted me like 2 days. if someone found out that you reach out to the outside, well for help, you might get killed on my teeth. so i'm pulling wants to keep her identity hidden . she was 3 months pregnant when she was tricked into going to me and to make some money to her new arrival. she was held for 3 months before being rescued quad. i was afraid to rely low. i heard the sound of people b electrocute. and when i hung up near the foot of poles, peach, i wonder if you could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear was what would happen if the gang found out about the baby growing inside to pay
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the whole. my roommate told me that if the boss filed out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported. her daughter is now 3 months old, named be my new year to month the holiday when she got home. these are the fortunate ones. united nations estimated last year, the 120000 people were trapped and scam centers in yakima, in a country that's lawless, divided spending the grip of civil hair and touchy like they've just arrested 500 chinese nationals on suspicion of setting up new scam census and that's the real consent. well, they've closed down some of the big operations that the operators will just pack up and move elsewhere. tony cheng al jazeera on the time. yeah. and my boat, uganda is wildlife population has boomed over the past 40 years,
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but the threats of poaching lots of habitats on conflict between humans and animals is bringing fresh challenges. cutting solar reports from queen elizabeth, national park and western uganda. the boat crews along a water channel that opens up to leaks out, but an edward is breathtaking. you can see i knew it was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park. the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number of elephants, bath and lose and he paused, has increased in the last several decades bodies, reversing years of decline caused by porches, an encroachment on wide life areas. all these would be, yeah, there are many officials actually bid this to you. gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed that is killing healthy plants because climate change
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