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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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on this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bank gross not net of on the dashboard to use the the hello. this is in use our own knowledge as 0 for the back. people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is really war. planes, target homes in a rough spot in 7 guys, nearly 28000 palestinians if in killed since the beginning of the war. the u. s. warrens against the offensive in the rough after these really prime minister order troops to target the area. way more than 1400000 palestinians. i shall treat also this. our votes of being counted after election day in hockey sign early, the sole suggests a closely contested race with claims of victory, n. frost. i'm coffee sleigh bed. queen elizabeth national park in west
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and uganda. i'll be telling you why the one live population has been growing of the yes. of the clients on devin ash with bullets. we'll be looking ahead to subsidize asian cup final. and the las vegas puts on a show ahead of the super bowl between the kansas city chiefs and the san francisco . 49 is the thank you for joining us. it's 10 gmc mid day in guys i where is really attacks are intensifying in the south and center of the strip snipers have killed another for people in con eunice in the south. that is space policy me is i've been trying to reach and off the hospital on thursday. the health ministry said snipers killed at least 21 people in the same area. medical staff at the hospital were among those shot barbara and go for the games that coverage. your less metix to treat sick. an
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engine palestinians did severely short staffed messa hospital in con eunice. this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty. the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by is really forces about this doctor being treated. and an operating table was also shot to walk the while dr. new site was on duty in the operation room at elm. that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shop by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while they are performing the jew things. it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitably demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work . cuz us president joe biden describe this rail score and cause
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us over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we could get the delay for that initial delay, i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that this why the union guys are changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough uh, with palestinians were told to relocate for the safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st israel's blockade on food fuel and medicine entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the fire on protest in medical work, cuz this puts in the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa out of sarah is, is there any will pains also targeted rasa in 7 guys on thursday night in the early
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hours of friday. an asteroid going to house skills, at least 8 palestinians, several children, and at least one woman are among the dead. at least 107 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. only we were sleeping at home when these riley's time because our house, i only found my sister. but i didn't find the rest of my family. my sister, there's a live in the hospital, but i lost my mother, my father and my little brother. every child in the world, we got up happy. but we got up terrified to the sound of shell and explosions. we did nothing to these, right. and these were not members of him us. why did these riley's kill my 3 year old brother? he's not a fighter. what did he do to you? my family did not do anything back to you. why did you kill them? i asked her name and i'm female. i'm 10 years old. we were woken up by problems. we kept crying me and my sister. we didn't find my mother and my father and my
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younger brother, my out of the store, he's messy on them much. they will go to paradise. let's get an update on the situation now and guys and speak to, i'll just here is honey. my mode was in a rock find the soft, intense attacks on the southern end. central areas of causality, which are of course, the most densely populated right now. tell us about what's been happening these last few hours. this is well within the past hour, we got an odd data from the waiting on the line. and also in a jar, ask the dogs due to arrive the night as a result of the cox, the, to the access to the critical injury that arrived at the hospital having difficulties right now and their risk, the risk of losing their lives. that there are some of the most important sorry, medical supplies are missing from the hospital, and doctors are unable to provide them with the needed medical attention just to
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keep them alive. there were 3 of those who've been critically injured are at risk right now using their life. and this happened. this will increase the number of casualties that is already right now. it people including the children who are the families, are working with india attack on their residential homes, are displaced in the central. 3 area, a similar situation we're looking at in a central area where more people to be remove it from under the rubble. the civil depends. the ground have been working since they are the hours of the morning looking under the rebels. are we talking about the people who are being killed? how's the length of the beard strikes? and there was events on the since i had area, particularly on dated by the city and area. describe and designated largely a season or palestinians. and those have been this land to from northern part of the city since the beginning of the war. the situations and the top of the dates
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are getting very difficult and there is a wide shortage of some of the basic supplies, particularly today we were stopped by the displays thomas city and the who are wondering and a lot of questions about whether they will give it with they're going to be more the military and a deliver to gaza with the following days or with a more medical supplies are going to be getting into the guy who else are more questions that were unable down there. to be honest with you about the ceasefire and a deal that could possibly be re see that a lot of things that people are worried about nowadays as the bombing campaign, it continues to account for us to go this trip. thank you, honey, for the updates on my mood and lived in rafa in southern guys. friday prayers are held in the background there as crossover now too occupied east jerusalem and speak to where we challenged, where we,
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these really prime minister has older troops or target rasa in 7 guys up. but there's pushback from us administration. yeah, so since and to be blinking, return from his previous trip to try and secure some sort of ceasefire agreements. the criticism from the bottom white house is noticeably stepped up. it's still not excoriating by any means, but by the usual standards of the white house has comments on his round school. it is significant. we have heard him early on in the program. we had what biden said about this himself that he thinks that the conducts of the response in the gaza strip is being, as he put it all over the top. we have also heard from the state department and the white house is a national security. spike's been john cubby about specific a rafa. and the white house is concerned that uh, any uh, incursion into a raffle that doesn't take into account proper humanitarian planning for all the
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people there to squeeze out there against that southern border would be dissolved. so we can have exactly how john cubby put it right now. any major military operation. and roughly, at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support role we biden's comments over the top, the over the top comments. how is that being received by is really politicians. what's the area as well? we haven't had any official response to that. yeah. and we're going to shop out so we might not box the 2 big questions off. what's easiest route going to do about all of this criticism? is it going to listen to the united states? and also, what is the united states actually going to do? is it just words?
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well, i'll deal with that bit 1st. it is potentially not just words that in the last 24 hours a sorry to bind whitehouse has put out a memorandum which basically tightens up the obligations of the president's time. congress has to make sure that the us military aid to foreign countries is basically used responsibly that those covering that those foreign countries adhered to international law. so that essentially is how a warning to israel and all the countries that's a funding may be called self. if they don't enhance international laws, that might cause problems for israel down the right. these is ro, paying attention to all of this. well, we're, when it comes to rafa. the understanding and israel is that this operation has been delayed. it should have started by now. it hasn't, and there are many different reasons why that might be. it might be because the next couple of weeks giving space to see spot negotiations. those have now found it
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. there might be that the con units operation haven't finished yet, and they wants to, to have all that to conclude. and it might be that they all taking into account these criticisms from the biden administration. we don't know yet, but they're all report. ready in is ready media citing on not even officials. that's when the rafa operation does start, it's unlikely to be as intense as previous ones. what best say space that it's likely to be a limited incursions. targeted strikes raw the vin and pull it out, assault we will of course have to see how that plays out. yeah. in the days to come indeed. really. thank you very much for that. val. retirements live there, you know, keep bodies, jerusalem. the size really, protesters are attempting to block a best and for guys that through the need sign the crossing on his rail support or with egypt, they say they'll block trucks until all captive. still being held in guys that are released from supplies must go from egypt. to israel for security checks before
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they're allowed into gaza. same and a protest being held at the car, my boss signing off. and you don't keep bind. westbank is really for his up shot and a judge, 6 palestinian mentoring early morning rates. that the confrontations to placing bait for a east of nablus, the pat assigned red crescent society says the ami initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded rays were also reported in single. and to correct these really military has started taking control of palestinian land around the legal is really settlements in the occupied westbank. it says it's for security purposes after the mass of tax in october, the palestinian authority says it proves israel's fall, right? government is using the war and gaza to expand settlements across the occupied territory. jobs stratford, re for some there is to you. the talking about the security is on the, the is really military minds. they show legally is riley settlements and the
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occupied westbank just the red lines mark the borders of the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples wouldn't be expanding to many locations, and we spank the policy mills, or it uses the mountains of proof. these where the government is using security since the october, the 7th from us attacks as an excuse to implemented long primed illegals settlement expansion. before 7th of october, they were saying we are trying to sort of demographic broken up on the 7th of october at this i see that this is a security issue this i still have to go to the issue. so we have to quit to that, to secure the 15 months bought above. and what if i went out in the area? i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have
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now how to confiscate, by these way. the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the settlements you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement. a recreation ground where children play the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon looks out across he's only groves. so these rarity army took control over just a few days ago. that can be a lot of high month. like, i mean, i'm north, after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land, even the land, a way from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever the settlers want. and i was told when you suddenly is ready, soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming.
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they detained us for more than 2 hours. israel's minutes different national security. it may have been the finance minister busily smoked rich. far right, members, israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself. one x is certainly increased security folders. do not guard settlers. the settlers are the security belt of the state of israel is really simpler attacks against palestinians, and they've proven to in the occupied westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up again. the, all these confiscation of land around illegal is rarely settlements. palestinians say is more proof of israel breaking international child stuff. and i'll just see what i did is the in the occupied westbank the
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down to out of world news. and results coming in after the general election in pakistan on thursday suggests a closely contested race leading the race. our independent candidates supported by the party, a form of prime minister in ron khan, was in jail ascend to right docusign muslim league, led by former prime minister and the washer eve has caught up with the pockets times people's party come on, hire is standing by for us and is not a bond the capital of pakistan, but 1st we go to us side, bagels in lahore aside. so people waking up to different results and we initially reported last night bring us up to speed for us with, with the latest numbers. yes, absolutely. so we're currently in the for election city where they have the results . oh the, the cad results. currently the provision results of the national assembly up on the screens here. and what we, people have been great. we're breaking up to different results,
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not people of state to wake up until the hours of yesterday morning. it kind of showed in some cases that independence or in the need. and then when they woke up, it showed that they weren't so those results had changed. and one example is the nature of the most in the past understanding even was sure if he was training be independent, who is linked to the teacher. you mind cons future. and what we saw there was when they have different advocacy for north shape, not the by that paper that they've posted on the officials, which are kind of shows a slight discrepancy that it shows that the number of votes accepted is higher than the number of votes cost and that's a discrepancy and that's the point attacked by of position parties under has been allegations of reading. so if i'm going to show you this current and this is showing you the national assembly results, the ones in green are the ones that have been announced. and they'll still, they'll those a 128 seats that have been and that's on 137, remain outstanding. and those votes are still being tempted for the national
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assembly on the right. we have the provincial assembly here in punjab again, 155 of those have been in us and 141. a still a rating. so counting is still ongoing and they already education. so bringing on people just not happy with what's been taking place. thank you very much aside, aside big life or is that in lahore? less crossover now? to is lama by the end. come out hydra. as we heard the from my sides come all the delayed releasing the results as race, suspicion suspicions, in particular towards the pakistani military. why is that explained to our international audience if you will, the role of the military in previous elections as well in previous elections? there is no denying the fact that the military has had an overpowering role. however, right now,
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it's difficult to substantiate that the military is directly involved in what's happening. first of all, you have to say that the election commissioner of focused on what you already biased against the focused on derek and soft under article or 2. 28 supports to be the boss. all executive boards the rest, create them during the election and the military and therefore subordinate to him. so the question is that subordinate giving order to disappear? yeah. or did it the other way around the election commissioner of cause had uh what it mandated the election commission wasn't mandated to a known store that does by 2 o'clock in the morning today. did am to am in the morning that did not happen. and then all of a sudden some of those people i just saw. busy i said talking about people were leading by, i'm very, very big margin, suddenly turned out to be losing the election. so there is
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a discrepancy. and of course, i was still apprehensions that didn't match the manipulation and perhaps political engineering that is right now underway and the election commission of buckets don't come off. thank you very much for that. come all hide to lie for say it is on the body and of course will continue to close the follow the results of plank hasanti elections with you. and i said, begging the whole, thank you very much for the moment that has been widespread violence in a northern indian state. after forty's demolished, a mosque and a religious school. at least 4 people were killed and more than 250 injured in the house. one of the district of tara con authorities imposed an indefinite curfew and ordered felice to shoot, violate as on site vice groups of calling for an end to the demolition of the muslim properties to now to ukraine, where the president has removed the commander in chief of the armed forces for larry is that of his destiny by means. lensky said, it was time for changes in the military leadership. but he ones that lose jamie to
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remain on his team, rob mcbride's report. some case. cnn summoned by ukraine's president, followed him as a lensky ends. weeks of speculation about the power and deepening risk with his top soldier general valera reese illusion. they do not attempt to limit the damage. both man have been presenting this as an amicable separation and a long needed reset of military strategy. so in your quality, what are you seeing approval on mobile in your could have nice possible should i, i decided to renew the leadership of the armed forces. i me crying, it's not about certain times and even less about politics, m. o. this is about the system about ami and management in the armed forces. ok. that's head of the armed forces, credited with supporting rushes, full scale invasion 2 years ago. zillow originally established himself as a highly influential figure nationally and extremely popular with his soldiers. but i think it also being blamed for recent setbacks,
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most notably the failed counter offensive that began last summer with talk of disagreements between himself and presidents and landscape on how to conduct the war. that was also a widely room would full out between the 2 men of a legislation to mobilize hundreds of thousands of law troops needed on the front lines. so it's a bit of an expensive and that's where the local dropped offices. as of no, frankly speaking, i am not country such as fight with the work of the draft offices. if i was such as fight to do what i would not discuss this blue right now. this rift at the very top of the government and military high rockies comes at a difficult time for ukraine with fighting, seemingly at a stalemate. billions of dollars a military aid held up in the us. and with the russian forces, pushing hard for a significant wind on the eastern front. ahead of the secondary reverse array of its full scale little robot, broad douches era, keep in russia,
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the only presidential candidate against the war in ukraine has been barred from running in next month's elections or is that ashton's calls to stop? the war resonated with russian sold forms long queues to sign his nomination papers to get him on the ballot. additions needed more than a 100000 signatures of support. but the election commission decided 9000 of those signatures were invalid. so he's just qualified. he says he would come 2nd behind present vitamin important if he were allowed to run edition says he's determined to challenge his disqualification by taking his case to russia supreme court. and we're very pleased to welcome that boy's condition. now 2 ounces here on this news . our thank you so much for speaking to us. so election official say your bod, because you collected a high percentage of fake signatures to support your bid. how do you respond? first of all, i hear from live wait to return to the election ballot. is stewart appeal in so
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britain course that i will make, i suppose, maybe tomorrow, employed already in the day after tomorrow. because now my low or something to bring this case. and of course it, this, it was a political decision. want me to go this season because we have is the where is the each procedure of taking care of the signatures on the is the excellent the, it was that we have collected on the english a only unless a to accommodate the level, solves of those signatures and from the signature sweepstakes in west the, in the corner, us through our law. we submit the simulation for me. days. what i'm comparative then 5000 signatures of live. got me some check. it was, the problem was says, live with the writing goals mom, but yeah, yeah they, they say some of the signatures with fake basically. so how exactly are you going
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to challenge this decision? how you're going to try and prove that these were real signatures. and i will say if you're supposed to procedure is a check. the number of possible people reach side ends. they save those. uh uh the document for them is the administrator for the 1st for several hundreds of people cuz not. ready appropriate number, so those that bus that's and we find these people and we find the quote, this for the apostles. penpal score statement though with signatures the proper numbers of busta. what does that mean? just the internal affairs, chris failed to find the broken number. so we all right, not mean is that and also to order some company just so we go to the good. okay, so you will go to the court, the challenges. you said, uh mr. an addition that this was a political decision. so do you think the kremlin is behind this decision to buy
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you from the vote? do you think president fulton feels threatened by you? i don't know who exactly decided that to both me, but i know exactly exists. the reason this, my grades are i think of my relational rating because my intellectual ratings, a number of people which are ready to hold for me. girls 5 percent the week, 5 percent, one week and 4 week before it was one or 2 percent to read before it was 10 percent of now is it less to pulse about 15 or even 20 percent and of course you're one percent know appropriate to be sure to say, but i say it's much more. yeah. at the crime in phase it's, you know, it's not threatened by you. the pose a say were predicting that you would gone up perhaps some 4 percent. they say they don't see you as a rival. so why not allow you on the biology think
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a time betsel official results. if the supreme court will take me to gain election ballot, i can say i will have the weather because ultimately because of them it will be is a big program for our ago. because the show up was the case, the society is full pointed in full special meaning to the ration as we call it. yes. but that's also the majority of people. now it actually was, is going through the granting of be stopped. majority of people you, you say the majority of people want the conflict to stop and yet they're not voicing this. what, why do you think that is that why are people not most vocal to the opposition of the war as you say, which is also based. so you few people, oh, $11.00, these 2 battle tables of each that any bright assume the position. so for a while and 2nd to the,
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to come to the peace negotiations. those are far as set that for the real simple stop them just of what it doesn't have to proceed with. but you've been quite strong in your criticism of present 14 and this war and ukraine, you've opened the called for. and then to, to this war and for starting dialogue with, with the west. now, most of the opposition figures who might have challenged 14, who have spoken out against the war have either ended up behind bars or exide abroad. are you not afraid of running a file of the cabinet? it was the problem is notes the phrase or i don't know, different things speaking, get them ready for it, but i think i am so to use the lesson pointed except the are some thought, i know there are some levels the us and there are mental of useful sounds they know me might be this is the reason why i don't know tempers they know because some i've
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worked with food in my work is giving them kind of what's exciting and does a people bucks for 20 years. so i agree because i'm in a position but i never could reach it, goes to to bill song, it like it goes by phone because you guys, he's politics, illegal dos built always by uh, i, i, i, in the gardens, we select some custody or some kind russell, los nowhere lation of action to so this way possible and even though gosh, okay, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us for as an addition, russian opposition leader and the candidate and the upcoming connections. joining us there from us, can we appreciate your time? thank you very much. okay. but still ahead on this is our why breast sales. so my president tradeable snarled a surrendered his passport to police ahead. we're here from the people tricked into working in scam centers in jamar,
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run by chinese farm syndicates and is for simon's basketball pay is refused to shake hands with the is really opponents general. have the story coming up. they try to explain the they're still cold, every note in europe in some places really, really cold air, but up against it is massive, tired. which has dealt with in it. the potential for huge magistrate. oh indeed, some snow where it comes up against that cold air which is done on a line more or less from north linkedin, across to the baltic studies this purpose, the really called stuff. look at helsinki at minus 15, but in bucks 10 dollars, even near 0, just about minus one. so that's just about right for lots of snow. helsinki doesn't get the snow because it is so cold, not much when you replace the entity get to sunday,
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then that minus 10 to her winchell the average. but otherwise, you could say minus one. so that's where the really cold air is. now it stays where it is as well. the snow is light to move north and discussing during friday, following denmark and our crossing power, and as well less likely in the baltic states. a with a breeze is a fairly dry one that copenhagen is going to be right in the events about snow for a while, lasting until saturday, and then it stays clarity and not very warm for a couple of days off, the vert comes side of says different story altogether, much wanted rain, which would probably cause some flooding in spite an impulse cool across italy as well. and it keeps going with me right in southern france on saturday for a week. the look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans gonna cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing
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inspection coming down and many costs. well, to understand how it affects the knives, outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on just the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, and watching the news are on algae 0 reminder of our top stories and is really strike on vasa in 7 guys. what has killed these states palestinians? nearly 20000 has been killed since the start of the war on casa. the u. s. administration is warning is ran against carrying out a major offensive in rafa when most of the population has sought refuge. national security council spokesman john kirby says, washington will not support plans that for the rest of the lives of about 1400000 policies and results are coming in after the general election impact assigned, they suggest a closely contest the phrase leading the race, our independent candidate supported by the party, a from a prime minister, a non con, hosting jail. from all on the elections in pakistan. let's speak to michael polack, who is a human. why? so
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a joining us from cypress. thank you for your time. how would you judge, 1st of all, the conduct of these elections are with a free and fair? so that's a very good question. before the elections, we put together a panel of international parliamentarians from romania united states, south africa, and australia to look enjoy conditions in. i can start at this time before the election that a number of concerns about what was going on on the ground and about whether these elections would be for info and must be remember, the elections prefer elections. it's not just about people being ex lineup and footage is all the conditions which are in place before that takes place. so he says barriers to registration for candidates, candidates and being faced with folks disappearances. it's whether they're afraid the media report what's going on. and there are a lot of concerns about this on about what was happening before the election even took place. what about during the election when the election happened yesterday, where they concerns those as well?
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because we saw why threat a widespread disruption of internet and communication services. does that affect the way people vote? of course. uh, i think i've been seeing the news from around the world about what's happening next on. and it is probably concerning our report we published before the election. we did what took place before the election. and our panel members concluded that unfortunately, they were unable to find the conditions for free for our election were in place and accept before the election starts. but even just looking at what's happened yesterday, i know it is reports of number of vices being disapproved, tries turning up device and not being able to vote the of the shop down on the internet of excellence, particularly worry. we kind of course i to our voice literally evidence about what took place yesterday. and i added to our whether it was freedom fast. but the conclusion of the report, i need some help them into or do you have a new truck and the guy that support one particular policy and back
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a song over and over. they came to the conclusion that the conditions just went bad for free and fair election yesterday. so the report we think is very strong. and then you've got evidence about what's happened actually on the ground yesterday during the election, which we can look into off to the election when the evidence comes out about something that yeah, that their suspicions that there's manipulation with, with the last minute results and the changes that we saw in some numbers over night, but if the conditions where they're a go ahead, go ahead, please. apologies. i was just going to say on that point, one of the things that's a one of our witnesses. so we had a witness session where witnesses came, gave evidence about what's going on, and in fact, something maybe can be disappeared. so the 2 forces of parents, as all threats, are set to violence. so really terrible evidence. we have one particular piece of evidence within, in respect to pertaining offices. and this witness said that this time pertaining
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offices seemed to be coming from the civil bureaucracy. so people who rely on the cards or to your card documents for their paycheck, and that's particularly why in relation to what you were just saying there about possible manipulation. all the, all of our seeing and, and all of the results. if the conditions as you say, were in there before the voted during the vote, then what does that mean for the result? and you know, what will be the consequences of your report. but it's a huge problem when free violations don't take place, because whoever wins we don't know who's going to win. i got a box song, but whoever wins it means that it's hard for them to say this being a free and 5 process that everyone was a state of austin for international organizations. i mean, in governments around the world, when they looked towards the thing you had to sign the government, they wouldn't be up to say, well, that's the government who is being elected by the sunny people who represent the wheel x on people. and that's why it's so important for whoever you are as a candidate to ensure the conditions are in place for free for elections and didn't
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impact the song. this condition is just fine. that is, especially in regards to the freedom to propose for him to protest freedom depaula . suddenly the number of cases, especially in regards to join us, being adopted as a high profile assassination. bosh reef in. can you know truth seeking why and it just means that there was a when the results come out, people are going to be questioning. thank you so much for talking to us, michael paul, i came and weiss lloyd joining us there from cyprus. thank you for your time. thank you. i a for sale. so i'm a president, j to both scenario has surrendered his passport to police. it's part of an investigation into an electrical attempt after his 2022 election defeats. authorities are also investigating the form of president, senior aides manual, rob hello reports to achieve brazilian federal police at the home of former president, desirable so narrow on thursday. police confiscated both scenarios, passport and search warrants were carried out against several members of his inner
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circle boats. so nato and his former aides are accused of plotting a military coup to remain in power after his presidential defeat. in october of 2022. his supporters would later storm the congress and buildings, housing the presidential palace and supreme court also not or denied any wrong doing, and called the investigation against him. a political persecution, brazil's current president received mass. you'll do that. the feedback has called for patients as the investigations move forward, but has also offered his own criticism of the former president. i'm going to go here. he wasn't government if he wasn't prepared to when he wasn't prepared to lose . he wasn't prepared to leave so much stories that he doesn't even have the courage to say, congratulations. he went home crying and travelling to the united states because he must have participated in the construction of this co attempt. so let's wait for the investigations shortly before the storming of the congress and the you know i
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can ration of luna. the seat of the boat, so now to travel to the united states, returning 3 months later from a self imposed exile, police said those being targeted or accused of participating in a criminal organizations that was aimed at keeping the former brazilian president in power. yes, of the vocals as well, so that doesn't know to them. the cup, dora, this is the type of thing you see before an arrest warrant is issued. what's interesting here is that when a passport is requested from you, it implies there's concern over a flight risk, which means there couldn't be an upcoming trial. please call me when you submit it out last week. federal police rated properties belonging to both to now to son carlos as part of a separate pro link to the alleged spine of political opponents during both scenarios. time in office was not below to 0, a not in me on my when rebels, the feet of government forces in the city of law kind. last year them covered a number of com centers run by chinese crime syndicates. the operators were victims
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of the scheme themselves and had been traffic thing to myanmar. tony chang has the story from a village on the time on me and my border pruitt has done a lot of praying recently. this time, last year he set out to take a well paid. i t, jo, me and when his plane touched down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles, he was held in a compound notice building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of gods on the gate held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scams. from for me, those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one. and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to flag with them. gain that trust and infections and get them to invest their money into scam. uh,
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one of the victims last, more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scammers had no choice, but always how if you didn't do it, you will punish the beaten, electrocuted and locked up. you half know twice what to do it. you know, phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted me like to day. if someone found out that you reach out to the outside, well for help, you might get killed, keeping it simple and wants to keep her identity hidden. she was 3 months pregnant when she was tricked into going to me and to make some money to her new arrival. she was held for 3 months before being rescued quad. i was afraid to rely low. i heard the sound of people b electrocute. and when i hung up near the foot of poles, peach, i wonder if he could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear was what would happen if the gang found out about the baby growing inside to pay
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the whole. my roommate told me that if the boss filed out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported. her daughter is now 3 months old, named be my new year to month the holiday when she got home. these are the fortunate ones. united nations estimated last year, the 120000 people were trapped and scam centers in yamma and the country. it's lawless divided. and then the grid of civil war here and touchy, like they've just arrested 500 chinese nationals on suspicion of setting up new scam census. and that's the real consent. well, they've closed down some of the big operations that the operators will just pack up and move elsewhere. tony cheng al jazeera on the time. yeah. not both to any of
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opting volcano in iceland has less people living nearby in the cold flows of molten lava, cut a pipeline supplying, hating, and hot water to communities on the re kiana's peninsula. it's the 30 russian air. in 2 months. the fishing town of grand debate was evacuated in december. experts say this eruption has weakened and doesn't pose a new threat to towns, people that think so conservation programs, again as wide life population has boomed over the past 40 years. but the threats of poaching loss of habitat and conflict between humans and animals is wearing some warnings, gasoline. so a report from queen elizabeth national park in west and you got the boat cruise along a water channel that opens up to leaks out. but an edward is breathtaking. you can see, and he was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park, the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number
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of elephants bath and lose and he paused, has increased in the last several decades bodies reversing years of decline cost by portez and encroachment on wildlife areas. all these would be yeah, yeah, many officials actually bid this to you gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed that he's killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i was, i said the catch up with this pete because you try to money play to one plant here . i'm not a product concept for you. what do we have mostly when you sort those big telephones . that is the area we try to remove the deck prospectus media in the back for us that just some media that by sending them kimmy ugandans leaving the other pock also say they're leaving
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a nightmare. a big problem here is human. why live conflicts? ellison's are increasingly going into villages in search of pastor and what, how much of a dusting cub gumby shows those? well, a heart of elephants destroyed. he's perhaps become here nearly every day. he says the bach has been passion, defense of this side as the open can walk some more to we try to trace the animal. so using many means, for example, fire and retailers. we often sleep at the farm to protect our yield, enables killed violence to on the other side, all the village. other families say he pose how the invaded the rice funds and killed several people. gain what is said, they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected. but they also blamed those who brought the new more migration routes
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catch me. so you all to 0. queen elizabeth national park. you're going to see a head on alger 0. a basketball legend is honors, but we'll tell you why the funds weren't happy that's coming up in support next week. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business late industries, things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the time that us forces. gemma, thank you. fully. las vegas is building up to the biggest event in american sport, the c football which will be played that on sunday, between the san francisco $49.00. as the kansas city chiefs, the cities newest star attraction. the sphere has been dazzling funds with its
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light. so the $2300000000.00 arena has been list with footage of cheese quarterback patrick behind was throwing a football, as well as a countdown clock to kick off the san francisco $49.00. his coach says he likes his teams. john says as they go into a red tie to re much the 49 as last to the chief of the 2019 super bowl and haven't done it since 1994. the team went through a light to walk house on thursday as a look for a reco time 6 championship. like we're going for the big one. yeah. it hurts when you get that close to it because it is so hard to get there. but i mean, there's lots of big games and this late i'm very fortunate to has been able to get here twice. so you know, last one was a tough one. thought we had every opportunity to win that, but they made this place that we did it at the end, and i think it's gonna be a real tight game this week. we got to really good teams and we'll see how it unfolds. but i like or chances, and meanwhile, the kansas city chiefs to looking for i said, safer baldwin, under coach on the reed. so the 65 year old, this will be a 5th sleep of all the parents as a coach,
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having also got this font with the philadelphia eagles, but he shut down, removes that he'll retire if his team wins on sunday. as far as the legacy goes, i don't really think about that. i we're, we're so tied up into the game and getting ready for the game that, that's where all your energy goes. and the neat thing about football is very humbling. so, you know, within, within a game you're gonna have these highs and lows where you think is a great play might not end up being a great play. and so the game can pick you up and i can slap you in the, in the face at the same time. it's a very humbling game that way. but there's been criticism from fans in las vegas about the price of last minute tickets for this tape. fall, which is set to be the most expensive in history. some standard tickets are being sold on the 2nd hand sides for $6000.00 each. the super bowls debut in las vegas as well as the hype surrounding the relationship between the chief travis kelsey and
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hong stall. taylor swift is supposed to influence the record prices. the funds of also being left disappointed in los angeles is also being shut down to the unveiling of a new statute to on a former basketball great. coby bryant bryant, who was killed in a helicopter crash or 4 years ago, was commemorated in a private event outside the low seventies, like his hi marina is the 1st of 3 stats. who's dedicated to the 5 ton and be a champ you think it was unfortunate. i think was handled a little bit wrong because i mean people are traveling all over the world to come and see it. thinking that they're going to be able to see it. and then, you know, told that they're not able to feel like it's the same day that he passed away in the same way literally. the whole reason that came out here is to see the stature and the fact that it flows off and the people, the public who loves coby, didn't get to experience to see this on the course. it was a disappointing night for the lakers. he's 3 game winning street, came to an end to the hands of the denver nuggets to mom orisco 29 points as then
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of this. how else that i send the final minutes for 114 to one. i 6 went into the golden state warriors and steph curry made it 7 a 3 points as i'm 20 minus 40 few points in the 1st half of that. when ever the indiana paces that helps golden state. it's not a 3 game losing streak in the series. gloria is haven't eaten the pace has since december 2021. but they did this on size $8131.00 to $1.00 and on the we're counting down to the asian comp final task. so i'm jordan. all preparing to go head to head full, the title, the 2 coaches opposed with the tri fee, but the question is, which $1.00 will be asked to gets out of the south stadium on saturday. hays castle, all the defending champions and come up against the jordan side to sit on one of the pre tournament favorites itself. create in the 70s to reach to find out for the 1st time
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a let's look ahead to that final now with pull williams who is co host of the asian game called costs to he joins us live now from adelaide. full. thank you very much for your time. so as i said that it, it is capital against jordan. not the final many would have predicted is that if i say absolutely fair to say, i think it's the final that nobody would have predicted. when this tournament started, almost a month ago, i think boys came in to this tournament. the, the phone was little bit sketchy coming in jordan. and i only, you know, 11 of the last 9 matches, of course, we know that the misfortune that catch i had hosting the wilcox just over 12 months ago as well. so the full changes coming into this tournament certainly didn't predict the either of them would be here in the final little line, but other them. so it's an absolutely shop or is all, well, you mentioned that a disappointment full catch on the 2022. well, top off to what happened that,
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how important has this asian come from being to the it's a hugely important and it's, it's much needed as well because on the back of that we'll cut, they lift that with the director site reputation, sallied and tiny, still little bit because we know that i won this tournament back in 2019 and that was sort of brought in the quest of her wife. and there's a lot of expectation going into that time will cover an expectation that that wasn't met side on the back of that. and it was a lot of questions about where does this team go now? and is this change still capable of competing with the best teams being i just as i needed this tournament? and then the results that they've been having in this tournament to prove that they are still capable. the 2019 was in a flash in the pan, it was going to take a little bit of time to sort of break a bill to type their reputation given the performances. but i think this tournament has gone a long way to doing just that and not just the before and not just the, you know, the results are they getting but the performances of the players as well, particularly something like chrome, a future has been simply sensational throughout the tournament,
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probably one of the supplies of the tournament he has is been stand out and he's taking his reputation to the next level as well. so this is been a hugely important tournament for kind of our, in that respect, a, hold a, what on their opponents. jordan, how do you write that chances in this final very good because they're coming into this funnel in red, hot full and they've got an extra day to prepare as well when i kept tired of i had a game against was biggest on the went to extra time and penalties. there was a lot of extra time additional time in the match against iran just a couple of days ago. so the possibility that cats, i will be physically fatigue where is jordan will come in a lot fresher, into this, to this guy. and the phone to the producing that the style pyre of the team is out tomorrow, or it isn't centralizing, phone, but he's got, you know, 10 testing sidekicks and he has an alarm match and all the old ones as well. and that front 3 are really dynamic and really dangerous. they like to play on the
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counter attacking gives their opposition to both sides. they come into the scene in fantastic for them, read helpful. and so may perhaps module 5 or it's just because of that extra dies wrist that they've had in the, the less strenuous matches that they've had to play as well. so i think that come into this red hot to, to give it a crappy when you're taught, well, not long to wait to see who is in the left and that title williams, that kind of nice of the asian game part costs. thank you very much for your time. thank you. after reaching the last 16 of the asian cup for the 1st time, members of palestine is team of now arrived in south africa for a charity match. they received a warm welcome in cape town, whether play a game on the 11th of february. the date is significant because it coincides with the date nelson month that it was released from prison. talk to me and apologize. a memo orleans that women's basketball team refused to shake hands with that is really counterparts as a match on thursday. it followed accusations by an is ready tire. who said her
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opponents with anti semitic basketball and has cleared the comments inflammatory and holy inaccurate. and his complaint is for sports governing body fever as a result, 7, no handshakes before the right basket telephone and not this, which is my 18272573. so i'm a little bit jumping shelly on phrase of price that she will retire off to dishes powers games. the 37 year old has made that decision because she wants to spend more time with a family phase of price $1.00 to $100.00, meet the title at the 2000 and 8 am to 2012 olympics and she's the one gold as part of jamaica's full by 100 me to read, i seem at the take care games another sleep bound for paris. his birth is dive at home daily. he important no. williams finish behind. china twins silva in the 10 me say, and i said i did a lot of assets township, how to get in trouble is it kills great person to place up. this is an x that is what you'll support for me for now. i have another update to holding. i will see you later. thank you very much. the thing is our for now on knowledge is 0, but do say with this 7, applegate, it is with you next with more of these top stories. thanks so much
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the the latest news as it breaks, they've actually came to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a targeted assassination with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia has increased steering as wells. will in garza, from be things to withholding medication, say, operating current safety religion was the fee that you might be left behind. delving into the dockside to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. the right person in
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charge of an insane script, the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end, the fees on a jersey coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power. they finds out while we live here, we make the rule. not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around now to sierra examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform
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multi verse on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on elders here of the is really more planes, target homes and vessel and southern gaza. nearly 28000 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the year watching all to 0 life from headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you, navigate is also coming up the u. s. warrens against and is really offensive and dropped off after the prime minister orders troops to target the area for more than


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