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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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is yes to come. the 4 planes target homes, eyes, israel intensifies. it strikes him last night and 7 guys. i despite warnings from the us. the hell are you watching? how to 0 live from bill. i'm 40 back. people also coming up is really snipers have kids at least 21 people outside of hospital in southern guys like 2 days. medical staff are also being hit. candidates, backed by the former jailed prime minister in montana, in the latest by cosign announces election results. my memory is fine,
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my memory take a look at what i've done since of a compressor. and the us president have spied captors, special council report, described his memory as casey in the thank you for joining us. the us president is describing is raz will on guys as over the top. but israel is moving ahead with his bombing campaign expanding his offensive further into the south. women and children are among those killed in many attacks on homes in the rasa. the u. s. has warned israel against launching a major offensive in the area with 1400000 palestinians are sheltering. any major military operation. and roughly, at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support. this is where the snipers killed 4 people in
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con, unit size. they tried to reach nicer hospital. 17 people were killed in the same area on thursday and medical staff at the hospital where injured and is ready. protesters are attempting to block aid destined for guys that through the need sign a crossing on the border with egypt. they say they'll block a tracks until all kept is still being held in guys released as get an update on the situation. and guys are with tie, capitalism will joins as live from the roof. a great deal of concern where you are a topic about, i mean, pending is really ground. engage in evasion incursion. tell us about the situation there right now and the conditions. uh yes, uh, fully the majority of calls and so you have been mostly displaced from the houses are absolutely worried and concerns regarding the uh is very potential the ground included to the city of brooklyn. now, which is the last remaining area for all of those people who are right now being
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displaced. as we've been saying that the use very forces had been waving with tech options within the cost within the, within the past few days, especially that they are saying that the military operations and con, you decided not to send it to be successful as their starts have been completely delivered to the uh, the roof i district which is the last for the town with egypt where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are right now being displaced in this situation on the ground. he's very tony has promised that he can see that the option to set it to be a plea express for the palestinian fighters here is considered to be another 2 plus 2 pressure of that is what is using to a force from us movement to accept more of these valley to mazda in terms of any possible ceasefire or totes, that being maids and hills and pro could by comstock negation or a regional access or so in the region. so they are preparing next for the situation on the ground as if the united nation chief on 20 gutierrez has been saying that uh,
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the uh, the majority of calls is population right now, being crammed into rough. uh, with no homes, a new home as well. um, it's the possible ground inclusion to the city. yeah, no homes and no hopes. and we've again seen is really protesters tarik trying to stop a truck from getting into the gaza strip as a warnings or finding looming in northern guys. what. what sort of impact is this having these approaches having on the flow of age into the gaza strip? well in fact, fully as everyone knows, she's following the news on the ground that the notes and the people that other parts of calls us literally suffering them to are completely separate from acute foods in security. that especially that these valley forces are taking full control over the a delivery move vince, of course, because of strep, they have been a shooting, i'm a bombing, a humanitarian trucks and multiple times that they were hitting to the north. as
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we've been seeing the doctor now, what day is the numbers of the humanitarian trucks being the method to get into the gauze of stripping the best scenarios that we 7 see up to 100 humanitarian trucks. which 2 of them have been allowed to get to the north on a daily basis. imagine that hundreds of thousands of palestinians are living in the north are receiving poorly to humanitarian trucks. and in some cases, people have been shot as they were waiting for such humanitarian supplies to be the level that now we have been seeing that people are completely depending on a one meal for a couple of days as the rates are found in the news are considered to be the highest of the recorded globally. i'm in more running concerns that this is might be transferred to the separate parts of dollars, but it is about a started it's metric ground include in to the last remaining gary on this trip. thank you very much. for the updates, tired of capitalism, lifeforce the in rafa in southern guys are not present. joe biden has called these
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raves a talk on guys over the top and says, he continues to work tirelessly for an extended policy and fighting on this on who it has more from tennessee. the older actually housing fit in any official is really reaction to the american criticisms really of the is really military operation and continuation of a selves on gaza. specifically here we've heard from the white house we've heard from the national security spokesperson, john kirby, and also from the state department saying that the americans would not support a military operation in drop off for a wide variety of reasons. you have around one and a half 1000000 palestinians there who have been forced to evacuate and flee their homes multiple times at the orders of these really army. and now they want to operate in drop off. it would be a little bit difficult to even imagine a scenario on how that would be conducted. but it is also worth mentioning that the
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bonded administration just released of our end and within the last 24 hours saying that the responsibilities of the us president and congress are going to be a little tightened when it comes to military aid to foreign countries. and not the policy would change if that country was in violation of international law, which israel has been accused of several times throughout this conflict. so perhaps that would be something for israel as a problem down the road, but there are 2 main questions here are these really is going to change the way they're going to operate and drop off because of the american criticisms and is the american criticisms here more than just words. now, meanwhile, a mazda allegation is in cairo for a new ronda ceasefire talks. israel has dismissed a proposal by the group at the us secretary of state down to the bank and says there is still room for agreement. display spot of city in denver off, hoping that negotiations will succeed in the hosting. is he on it as a displace palestinian? i hope to see your face. he's fine. we have flight from the north to rough. uh.
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what else can we go? the most important thing is that we do not want to leave publish time. who does the $10.00? whenever this news of a possible si, fi, you can find people on the street. exhilarated, they'll even congratulate each other on the possibility of going home. it'll be a disaster if the is really troops entered vasa, there were many people here, patient people injured in the fighting for the elderly women and children. once the wolf breaks out in laughter, most of them must escape. but where can they go? home sar akira is the founder and director of the european north african center for research. she says the is ready prime minister's hotline position is making it difficult to reach a ceasefire to go and they sort of these are making it very hard for the humanitarian situation. in general, because one of the demands that nathan yeah, has cold illusion of is to rebuild the hospitals and the shelters for the inhabitants and some sectors of gathering on the some point to gather. so
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a game is really becoming an offset here for him in that humanity. and we have cool that precise point. the notion that, okay, so no problem. what if any other country takes care of rebuilding guides and maybe they become a that becomes that like a collective efforts to rebuild the guys especially help it to especially at all what makes the really for the inhabitants of guys that now. so we still don't have any news about the upcoming of the meeting, but still again you've been yeah, it's becoming a hard liner for this. which we see. we see the demands of him as a legitimate in some way. we're asking for uh, only uh, 1500 exchange of hostage palestinians. in return all of that is ready the hostage with him as would be released. but again,
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nothing y'all seems like she doesn't want this war to end. and the most dangerous thing here that it might bring egypt into the direct tension with is right. and that's one thing that us doesn't want of, of thousands of gathering human capital. so not to protest against these ras war on gaza and us and you can't tax on human large scale demonstrations as being a regular can say. many of them in cities after friday prayers since the beginning of israel from bonham. and tell the guys in early october you run by trophies have launch numerous attacks in the gulf of aidan and the red sea on commercial ships linked to israel. the town 2 of the wells used in pakistan's electoral commission has announced results for more than half of the seats in the national assembly, leading the race are independent candidates, most of whom are supported by the party of jails. former prime minister in non con,
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they sent a ride pack, a son mostly league, led by former pharmacist and the washer reef is in 2nd place. a central restaurant, hassan people, spotty, is trading behind in 3rd place as go live to us. i beg, who's in lahore? your outside the home of the former prime minister. now i sharif of the p. a midland party. tell us about what's been happening there and, and the reaction to these results that have been coming in well, you've just said he's party is in 2nd phase and that's exactly the information we have from the look toral commission. currently the independence of 62 seats. the pecks on wisdom league have 46 leg button was 3 and the bucks on people's party liked by mister windows has already been all the windows of doughty has 39 seats for the mood here. is that the celebration? i'm not entirely sure what it is. that this celebration we understand the street is
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going to get up on the balcony assumed to make a victory speech. but the victory hasn't been declared by the total commission. not all the votes in the states have just declared, but it seems like they're very confident that they are going to win this. the discrepancies even his own seat, where he apparent the one the officials such as john was indeed put to the well for me during this visit, posted the paper, the form from the opposing station said that he, one of the discrepancy was that the accepted vote. but most of the total votes for 10, most people at that particular opposing section seems to have been pointing the only discrepancies here in the hold, the discrepancies upholding sessions across the country. so we expecting him to make a victory speech. maybe here with that line. what it is that he is celebrating a more kind of victory he has. yeah. perhaps a appointment to victories. be sure when you look at these results that have come
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in so far outside independent candidates affiliated with the former prime minister in mind. cons, peachy, i padia in the lead. not if the results say as they are right now, what happens and how can a government peaceful well, the situation here is quite unprecedented. never have independence. has so many feasible, such a such a big victory books such a need for having over 60 feet. now we assume that they will have the top to form a government to select appointments. so we've got maybe that these are of the pci bought the the chairman jail is bought from sending the current statement you selected. we assume both of those independence maybe both during a proxy. again, this is an unprecedented situation. we're still waiting for the old. the results, c t, i already said that they are all going to try and some of those results because the
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one time due date is that the, i quoted the shower that's cooling on the high court. you called the total commissioner just of the official announcement. the results because he's defeated and this one was 60 above a 60 percent of the votes and then was told that he hadn't was that the person that was trading in 5th position was now the winner of that particular election. and does that's happening across the country. so right now, this is the situation. all of us are not in every my executive party. so what started to happen next. thank you very much for bringing in somebody to say, asked us how big life was in the hor, pakistan not to russia. and boys in addition has told audra 0 that the decision to ban him from running for president is purely political additions. call to stop the war and ukraine resonated with russians, are formed long queues to assign his nomination papers to get him on. the ballad edition needed more than a 100000 signatures of support. but the election commission decided that 9000 of
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those signatures were invalid. so he's disqualified, he says he would come in 2nd to be on present. fulton, if he were allowed to run. edition says he's determined to trolley gee's disqualification by taking his case to russia supreme court. or early i spoke to boys in addition, who explained how he hoped to prove that he had followed proper procedures and that the signatures he had gathered were not to fix slow and wait till the election ballot is through appeal in. so britain course that i will make, i suppose, maybe tomorrow in 2 weeks, or in the day after tomorrow. because now my low or something to bring this case. and of course it is, it was a political decision. want me to go this season because we have is a very strange procedure of taking care of the signatures and the is it absolutely all bills that we have collected only english only and allows us to come
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to a level selves into signatures and from the signatures we things invest that in the quarter as to our law. we submit to some of the links for me to 105000 signatures of live commission check. it was the problem was says, live with the right angle numbers. they say some of the signatures were fake, basically. so how exactly are you going to challenge this decision? how are you going to try and prove that these were real signatures? i will say if you were to bose the procedure, they check the number of possible people reach site and very 5th of, of, of the document for rooms. i mean is the 1st for several homeless people cuz know it was appropriate number. so that was the bus that's and re finds these people and we find that corpus for their pastors. of
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course, in our signatures, the proper numbers of plus the ones that means the internal affairs chris for the decides that broke a number. so we all right, north meanest most of the nation come here just so we go to the good still head on algae 0. we hear from the people tricked into working in scam centers in young, long run by chinese crime syndicates. coffee. so i, i, the queen elizabeth, national, talk west in uganda. i'll be telling you why the one life population has been growing of the yes, of decline the still, the rainy season in indonesia, so expect some flash flooding of
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a case important property. job hardware has happened recently, maybe something sumatra. and the breeze is now coming up through the gulf of thailand. he's got to not with him, she's back. they've been wrecked with high and places like who kept but this is a line of thunderstorms developing right out through west and toddler, which will ease the heat of it. but it's like winter, i think he's going to develop position circulation, tries to form and see if japan that means no over the mountains. but i'm sure briefly and i'll kind of but if you come to the rest of that to the korean police, say, and through china it is fine. and increasingly will this here's indication, i think of assistant folk because this settlement drive which is trying to melt fairly rapidly with temperatures now the teens, whereas they were round about 0 just 2 days ago. and that picture just continues during sunday was probably an improvement in the weather for a good part of normal function. now let's go further west. he as you know, the problem probably winches, usually persistent folk. there's been some improvement in that the northern indian plain by the offline is usually in the sunshine bouncing bottom edge of it. we'll
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see. you still see fog on sunday. barked a change and the weather typed me cheryl has, might be with you by tuesday. the unique perspective i want to leave, i don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage . there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices, and i'm all the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the bottom back, a recap of the top stories on how to 0 is ready. will panes have again formed homes in southern gaza. 5 members of the same family were killed in this tri from their house in boston. health ministry says at least $170.00 odyssey entailed in the past 24 hours. the us administration is wanting israel against carrying out of major offensive involved when most of the population assault russians. national security council spokesman john kirby says, washington will not support plans that sort of risk the lives of about 1700000 seniors. and in fact, assigned the electoral commission has announced results for more than half of the seats and the national assembly after thursdays out leading the race. our independent candidates supported by the party of jails from
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a prime minister in mon costs value. as far as in joe biden says, his memory is fine after a special council report question. his ability to remember of key events and fox, the report concluded biting would not face charges for mishandling highly classified materials. after leaving the vice president scene 2017. but it also describe biden's memory as hazy hill there. he really said, frankly when i was asked the question i thought to myself was native or damp business every memorial day we hold a service. remember him attended by friends and family and the people who loved and i don't need any. we don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away and best phone number is not my memory is fine. my memory, take a look at what i've done since i've become present. none of your thought i could pass any of the things i got past. how that happened? you know,
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i guess i just forgot what was going on. last spring in holland fisher live for us at the white house. so alan barton was doing a good job actually of defending himself. but then there was a slip up that's got his critics talking. talk to us about what happened. yeah. hey, fully what, what was the volt on the album? we've forgotten the name or said some place with me meant somewhere else. we all done it. the problem for joe biden, of course, as he did it when he was talking about how good his cognitive ability was and how good his memory was, that is not the place to make that sort of mistake. now there's been issues with your biting over the last couple of minutes weeks. hey ms. stewart, a. they the german chancellor. helmut kohl who died at the end of last century. he talked about president meter on the front when he went put met president, my chrome, all of these things just add to the narrative, but he's not quite on it. and remember, he's 81 years old. so he came out and he had talked to a special counsel for saying that he had a bad memory,
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the white house. i taught this special counsel and said perhaps you should have stuck to his roommate and not going into comments that were outside of that. when it came to his report, and joe biden seemed to be making a fairly forceful defense of his memory. and then he went and made a mistake. he got the name of the president of mexico wrong, or did he get president cc's place where he is president wrong? well, your judge, here's the clip. as, as you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. i talked to, i can just open the gate. as you said alan, we've all made these flip flops. but when it comes to an election, yeah. how damaging are these comments and questions about present biden's memory? easy to one. and so those questions about whether or not he's in top of the game. remember the questions about ronald reagan and whether or not he has all the
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faculties to be able to do the job of president. and he was actually younger than joe biden, is not. so there is this focus on his memory and certainly the media are aware of it when he goes into the briefings or a news conferences like we saw on thursday night. that's one of the questions that they ask. but there's also questions too about donald trump. let's not forget that . just in the last couple of weeks, he's talked about how nikki haley wasn't in charge of security and in the house on january the 6th when he actually meant nancy pelosi. he talked about how you manage to beat brock obama and the 2016 election brack obama wasn't present. it was president, but was wondering in 2060 the book beat hillary clinton and so on both sides. these questions know republicans having a field day with the comments from joe biden yesterday. democrats are desperately trying to defend them. but let me give you one snapshot of all this. there was one
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tv commentator here in the united states who decided to absolutely hammer joe biden for his memory and getting names role. and then he introduced the republican governor to talk about it because of the republican governor from south carolina. she's actually to publishing government from south dakota. we all get these things wrong. it just depends on whether the voters think to bite and gets it wrong too often to be president, come the 2024 election. yeah, we'll get these things wrong sometimes. thank you very much, holland for that island fisher live for us there at the white house. not to me on my way when rebels the featured government forces in the city of life con, last year they uncovered a number of scam centers run by chinese crime syndicates. the operators were victims of the schemes themselves and had been trafficked into myanmar houses. here is tony chang has more from a village on the timeline to be on my board, the pruitt who's done a lot of praying recently. this time,
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last year he set out to take a well paid. i t, joe, me and when his plane touched down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles, he was held in a compound notice building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of gods on the gig tuwana held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scans from for me. those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one. and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to flag with them, gain that trust and infections and get them to invest their money into scam uh, $1.00 of the victims last more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scammers had no choice. tell me if you didn't do it. you will punish the beaten, electrocuted and locked up. you have no choice, but to do it. you know,
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phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted need i to day if someone found out that you reach out to the outside world for help, you might get killed. amante's been so i'm pulling wants to keep her identity. hidden. she was 3 months pregnant when she was tricked into going to me and to make some money to her new arrival. she was held for 3 months. the full being rescued quad. i was afraid to rely low. i heard the sound of people b electrocute. and when i hung out near the foot of poles peach, i wonder if he could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear was what would happen if the gang found out about the baby growing inside to pay the whole. my roommate told me, but if the boss found out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported as her daughter is now 3 months old, named b my new year to month,
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the holiday when she got home. these are the fortunate ones. united nations estimated last year, the 120000 people were trapped in scam centers in yakima, in a country that's lawless divided. and then the grip of civil war here and touchy, like they've just arrested 500 chinese nationals on suspicion of setting up new scam centers. and that's the real consent. well, they've closed down some of the bigger operations. so the operators will just pack up and move elsewhere. tony chung al jazeera on the time. yeah, my board in the demolition of a mosque and religious school in northern india has spawns widespread violence. at least 5 people were killed and a 150 injured during protesting or thorough con stage. police were ordered to impose an indefinite curfew, and she would violate, as on site, was in vice, close to calling for an end to similar demolitions in the state known for its
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hindus pilgrimage size, supporters of columbia and president, gustavo petro, have been in confrontations with white police in the capital book or top demonstrators at the judicial building were demanding the election of a new attorney general the urging the cost to tional court to replace francisco bosa metro as accused by both of attempting to over to him not to uganda, where hungry edison's going in search of food, i increasing an increasing problem for people living on the edge of a national park. the animal population there has boomed over the past 40 years, thanks to conservation efforts. but it's catherine solely with forces now increasing conflicts between wildlife and people. as well as loss of habitat poaching and a plant difficult to get rid of the boat cruise along a water channel that opens up to leaks out. but an edward is breathtaking. you can
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see, and he was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park, the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number of elephants bath and lose, and he paused, has increased in the last several decades. bodies are revising years of decline caused by portez and encroachment on wildlife areas. all these would be yeah, yeah, many officials actually did this to you gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed that he's killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i was i said to catch up with the speed because you tried to manipulate one from here on out. i forgot to concept you anyway, i'm moving when you sort those big elephants, that is the area we tried to remove that cross studies media in the back row that


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