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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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here the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's i then this is the news out live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. won't plains homes in the off israel continues. the target gauze is southern by city. despite warnings from the us. is riley stipends of killed at least 21 people outside the hospital in southern garza, in 2 days medical stuff also being hit. former punk hassan, the prime minister in the city says he'll try to form a coalition officer, independence,
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bank spied jails rival them run. tom tag l. the lead and national elections. initially, president of mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. highland assets of political damage control reinforce concerns about president joe biden's. re election phase in sports will be counting down to the asian comp final as heiss and defending champion scott's law professor. go head to head with jordan for the rights to lift this tracy. you sell stadium on saturday, [000:00:00;00] the, the us president is describing israel's war on gaza as over the tall. but israel is moving ahead with its bombing campaign expanding its defensive further into the south. women and children are among those killed in many attacks on homes that are
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off off. the us is wanting israel against launching a major offensive in the area. 1.4000000 palestinians a sheltering that of any major military operation. and roughly, at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support it is right in the snipers killed 4 people in hong units as they tried to reach. and also the hospital 17 people were killed in the same area on so same medical stuff that being targeted and injured in the hospital. and through the private test as me model attempting to blockade for garza, they say they'll block a trunks until the old captives being held in gaza all released thought assume joins us now. live from the off of that stop festival topic with
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a line that's just dropped these right. the prime minister's office, ordering the security establishment to come up with a plan for the evacuation of the population in the off. are you seeing any sign of preparations for that of the well, in fact, send me till now. there isn't any practical durations or any practical procedures being tied, taken on the ground, just to adopt the way for postables, military inclusion into rough. i specifically that the news had been recently being published um its ongoing is very bombardments of the southern part of the gaza strip part. this is exactly the time you want. palestinians have been completely afraid from happening on the ground, especially those residents will have been mostly displaced from the houses off to following these various military orders to flee more to the south in order to seek safety. and we have been seeing how is that intensified?
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it's from bottom into the eastern part of a rough idea. now this gary up might be one of the main points for these ready military includes and might be started alongside with the western part from the coastal line of rough. i'm district where they might incomplete meeting 2nd, the district a right now as these very forces as well part preparing themselves to a militarily. invite a rough, our district spot, a totally scary moments. palestinians are completely concerned. asking about the next, the step that might be taken on the ground is specifically that there are, there have knew any of the place to go or taking about more than 2 thirds of calls this residential buildings being partially or completely destroyed. we're talking about hundreds of unusual babies, thousands of children and women who will not find shelter within the coming days if that military ground inclusion took place on the ground by isabel said that they are preparing you plan to evacuate the residents and also to eliminate the remaining military brigades for the manager,
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we can go from us on the ground here in a rough lock box. palestinians to now are afraid of that. busy and they are, we're doing what the show uh what the show do it within the coming days. as specifically, that aids also will be completely restricted you to that minutes. reparation simply because the majority of age being delivered into garza are getting from rough boulder, which is located with the diction border and which is full. so if i go through the roof, i have district which means that there's going to be a cli accessed. the patient of humanitarian situations on the grounds, comic view and also talking about visible signs of salvation and guns and now take us through what they see. yes, i mean practically, we have been seeing an actual sign on the ground for the majority of people, a e and another in pont of gaza strip in terms of the rates of famine, which is the recorded the hall use of
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a political you simply because these very forces have been preventing the aids in every to the north, and they are a very limited amount of humanitarian supplies being delivered to the north of because of strep since october. the 7th. why people that refused to sleep from the home simply because they did not find any of a place to go on at the same time. now they are only depending on having one meal for a couple of days where a children and women are completely stopping, gotten different warnings being made by international organizations in terms of increasing the possible rates of finding the specifically that palestinians are not being killed from the war on the, on getting bombardment on the ground, the gaza strip that the my don't you have hand is a largely we've been seeing within the past few days. move a tax on to humanitarian troops. being kidding, to the newest, and to the ongoing bull button. and that absolutely was restrict the ability of the
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humanitarian organizations to operate in the northern parts of the territory. or thanks so much todd a couple of assume that as well as i mentioned earlier, i as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the ministry to submit to the cabinet, a plan to evacuate the population in the off. let's go straight to him to solve which he joins us live now from tel aviv. so more can you tell us about the details of this plan? these really prime minister's office releasing a statement saying that his directive, he's ordered both these really army and the security establishment to come up with what he's calling a dual plan. the 1st part would be for the evacuation of the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians. who been forced to flee their homes multiple times, war and drop off. and the 2nd part of the plan is how they are going to defeat the remaining have mass battalions that are in the southern palestinian city. nathaniel, who is also saying in the statement that it is impossible to achieve the war goals
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without dismantling, come us and drop off. and that an operation like this with its intensity and scale in size, is going to require the evacuation of those people. but where are they going to go? is the question on everyone's mind. this comes after. there has been immense criticism from the united states saying that they are not going to support these really and persian, instead of just giving how many palestinians are there, they've been forced to flee their homes multiple times throughout this war they have not been allowed to go back into the northern part of the palestinian territory with these really prime minister has been adamant that the operation is going to expand instead of law. he repeated this again on wednesday. and on thursday we saw intensified air strikes and repeated bombardments in the fall, killing a number of palestinians there. so while these really prime minister is continuously
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pushing for this, the criticism and the pushback from the americans is seemingly going to continue as well. so i had some comments from the us president talking about the words being over the top of the reaction we got from is right, the officials to that well, there hasn't really been any, is really reaction to the president's remarks. but we also heard from the state department and from the national security spokesperson that again, they're not going to support this and that it would be quote, disastrous. these really is, since the beginning of this war more than 4 months ago, have said that they are going to do what ever they want at times and places of their choosing in order to achieve all of their military goals and objectives and the united states. now saying these things saying that they're not going to support this, saying that the situation would be disastrous. they're hoping that it will put pressure on these really is that perhaps re think how they're going to execute this plan in dropbox? but in reality,
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these really is all along have no and but they are going to go into that far for months, these really army spokesperson, daniel, how godaddy in those nightly briefings was saying that the military is going to go to it off off. so well, there's been no immediate is really reaction to the president's remarks. these really stands on the military ground incursion instead of remains the same, but they're going to go in there and they're going to hit what ever targets even if it means that there is a huge amount of displace palestinians there as well. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much from the i'll just 0. see the clientless model on the shot of joins us here in the studio and don't have to discuss this further model on this statement. what do you read into it? look on the one hand, you could say the man is consistent. the now i said we're going to continue with this war is going to be
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a long going been for war and we will not stop until we achieve as our objectives. but that's in theory. in practice, this war has been a genocide or against the better cigna people. this war has been unlike any of the water in modern times in terms of a cost for children, for civilian infrastructure, for families, communities, and so on, so forth. but now he insists, in fact, as if his appetite grows with more kidding. so felt a sense that he is other men on continuing all the way to the tip of the southern part of guys a. whereas we've heard from our correspondence over a 1000000 fed us 10 years are concentrated to evacuated or to launch a war. whereas they are, this means picking general aside a whole new level as this means so many things can go wrong. now moving forward in
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terms of mass massacre of people or what we've been feeling all along, not just the mass magic mexico, him, but the expulsion of the sinews into the site. i'm glad you mentioned that because i was gonna say, where do these people get evacuated? to is it clear, are we talking about read this, that all these ravings thinking to redistribute them again over a 1000000 people elsewhere and gossip? well, outside of what i think is that we know that there's a lot of the discount it any possibility of allowing them to go to their homes. they're destroyed homes, houses, and communities right elsewhere in gauze. and that's why they've gone to the north of guys business content that's already, which means there's very little, very little less for them to go if they're going to push that once again. so that sort of area where the action is 00 civic infrastructure and they'll also, you know, talk about something like that, right? it means that, that scores don't know how many hundreds,
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thousands of people would buy every day. out of the 1st i'm on hunger and, and disease and, and so on, so forth. so the, whatever nothing now is up to, he needs to be stopped immediately, because now he's calling for plans to evacuate. right? because he is that i think that to you when i got a that southern tip of guy. so this is the time for whoever has leverage or for whoever cares, especially those in washington, those in london. but also those and re all and title to move. now, before it's too late, we've had statements from the us president talk about the will being over the top. what exactly does that mean though for the us position? what, judging from earlier statements by then you could say that human that is right, has been behaving or bombing indiscriminately and disproportionately. right? both are by the way, more crimes. but these are the things that the, the,
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by doing those are the, do you want to, you said what he accused is right of bombing indiscriminately, gaza. now, viscouso comes in the context of 3 messages already been sent. the past 24 hours to that i tell you how government from the, by the administration through their favorites, out for the outfits, the new york times. right. one is no, it has not restored. 2 thirds of have masses fighting force. it distorts at best one 3rd, 2 is that it has acted disproportionately and indiscriminate today against the palestinians. free is that it would not be able, would not be able to free the hostages unless accepts the american reach deal in paris. and for the last that they should avoid at all costs,
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invading the southern parts of guys of because that would mean mask mexico's of the palestinian people. and thanks so much model on for your analysis. the find the most still ahead on the news hour, including where you take a look at how these really minute 3 is illegally taking control of palestinian landed. they occupied westbank, assessment of the tax, increase the pockets. tom's electoral commission has announced results for 221 of the seats and the national assembly with 44 states. yet to be declared leading the rice sought independent candidates with 90 states, most of whom was supported by the policy of jail form, a prime minister, a wrong fund. and a press conference in islamabad, the spokes person of the group, his house of voting delays and suspected irregularities ascend to arrive pocket
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stone, most of in league, led by former prime minister in the cities is in 2nd place with like 62 seats. the santa laughed pockets down people's policy is trailing behind in 3rd place with 51 seats. a. let's go to us. a bag is live for us in the hole. so i said, 1st of all, what is the message from the last to refund the stand? he's just been speaking yes, he was given the victory chief of forces, celebrating his messages that he says that he's policy is the largest party after the the election. and technically he's correct. but the only reason that is through is because him wrong code. so these are all books done, so he gets awful feature in jail. i teach i, we're not allowed to start now. they've been focused on us independence. so technically, yes is choose a reality. independence have as you said, 96 sofa and he has 62. but also there was an admission flight and it was revolved
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zip upstart and was the need that he doesn't have enough states to form a government. so he could, he's calling on independence to join him. is cooling on the facts on people's party and other a small of the parties to join him how to help form a government. so although it was a victorious visuals on his support as a celebrating, it's not actually a victory. he hasn't one year old. the results haven't been in us, and he's still behind the independence. and the only reason the focused on was the big is the main party is because the book store, it's off the joy of not being allowed to send the symbol of the cricket back has to be read the paper for the repose to send us independence. and if you were to consider the independence as a parties vote, they have not disease there in the need and the vin, obviously a lot of allegations of vote frigging or irregularities. how much concern is that
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this may turn into instability? there is considerable concerns that have been protest here in the hall, or we've been speaking to people over the last 2 days. and especially today since the v that shift in those seats on those vote, the voting votes. and that those by that stations, people are frustrated, they've been angry, visits been protesting, taylor was the province of does even be by the start of his life. i used and i used one person has been killed. so there is this concern by the people's rights isn't accepted, or people feel that their rights of not being accepted, they're the people that they've voted for, that there will be unrest. there was a politician in the paper who i spoke to. you said that when the by that paper the votes are counted. there's a form that you get from the returning officer and all the representatives of the candidate signage. he has 60 percent of the vote over 25000 boat friends that pull
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back to the court of commission. he was to pay it and also went over. he was cleaning sabrina. he's gone to court to host the commission to stop the official announcement of those results. so it could be looked into. so the discrepancies across the country and people offer straight to the angry. and it seems like people have to die to vote in record numbers. if that isn't the respect to some people opening, talking about both rigging not saying that this election has been big. if that isn't respected, this isn't looked into. this is the fear that it could lead to address. all right, thanks so much. i said, bank state funeral for, for much. elaine president sebastian penny out as being held in the capital santiago is cost goes, is just being moved from the former national congress building and will be taken to the presidential residents later on fridays due to be buried in a private family ceremony. 74 year old died in a helicopter crash earlier this week. i will last in america as
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a see and human has been sent to ya go for us. so take us through baton out for the funeral today on the surgeon a has been where right outside of the individual right now where the religious ceremony is taking place. the archbishop just finished speaking. oh, digging the trees, members on the diplomatic car, the former president of the why and young and the window are as well as foreign ministers and had a deputy foreign ministers from around the region out here you can see large crowds of people that i've been here since very, very early in the morning to pay their last respects to the former president. this has been a very, very and emotional state funeral. not only because president or the former president rather left office just less than 2 years ago, but also because of the way that the parish in such
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a dramatic such an unexpected way. and some people are showing their respect, not only for the president, but also they tell me with a man inside the also some of the surveys read to me in miners that many of our viewers may remember were rescued in a very, very anxious event. that the president made when he was president the 1st time route when it wasn't even span, that they were still alive in the mine in northern cities. so they're in here, they took part in the honor guard as well, or my president being and it was also very much more the way you have the pen demik having brought back seems to me before any other country in the region was able to do so he was also severely criticized in part because of his business dealings. he was a billionaire and also because of the human rights violations that took place during the uprising in this country in 2019. but right now,
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it's mainly the fact that he was a democrat. he was a head of state. and that those are the things that people are remembering at the moment the president of suicide, as is his family. and there has been a call for people to bring to get together to try to unify in this country. that is still showing how you were actually jeering when president mortgage went into the cathedral. we'll see what happens when he leaves again after these very, very strong messages, both the members of the family and the church asking for alternatives to work together and not a part on behalf of the former president. thanks so much nancy in human and me and mom and revels defeated, government forces in the city of long time. last year they uncovered a number of scam centers run by and chinese crime syndicates. they operate is with victims of the scheme themselves and they've been traffic sent to me in law.
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totally chang has mall from a village on the time me and my border pruitt who's done a lot of praying recently. this time, last year he set out to take a well paid, i t job, the man. when his plane touched down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles, he was held in a compound notice building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of gods on the gate to learn it held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scams. from for me, those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one. and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to flag with them game that trust and affections and get them to invest their money into scam. uh, one of the victims last, more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scam has had no choice. i've had always how if you didn't do it,
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you will punish the beaten, electrocuted and locked up. you half know twice what to do it. you know, phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted me like 2 days. if someone found out that you reach out to the outside, well for help, you might get killed on my teeth. so i'm pulling wants to keep her identity hidden . she was 3 months pregnant when she was tricked into going to me. m a. to make some money so her new arrival. she was held for 3 months before being rescued. quan was almost afraid to rely. lo, i heard the sound of people. b electrocute. and when i hung up near the foot of poles page, i wonder if you could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear was what would happen if the game found out about the baby growing inside to pay
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the whole. my roommate told me that if the boss filed out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported. her daughter is now 3 months old, named be my new year to month the holiday when she got home. these are the fortunate ones. united nations estimated last year, the 120000 people were trapped and scam centers in yamma and the country. that's lola's divided spending the grip of civil hair and touchy like they've just arrested $500.00 chinese nationals on suspicion of setting up new scam centers. and that's the real consent. well, they've closed down some of the big operations that the operators will just pack up and move else with tony chung al jazeera on the time. yeah, not about the demolition of a ma scanned religious school and northern india spock's violence. at least 5
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people were killed and a $150.00 injured during pro, testing or total one state police were ordered to impose an indefinite cuff. you and shoot. violate is on site most of them rights group. so calling for an end to some of the demonstrations in the state known for its in do so from each sites. elijah's federal court has declared 16 is finally closed, created by local government, unconstitutional. well, the 1000 people gathered outside the country's top colt protesting against the decision. the states government of cal on time created the laws which punish defense is like sexual harassment cross dressing and giving false evidence. the court said the laws encroached on federal authority. farmers imposing the blockaded bore to check points with you crying and protested impulse of ukrainian food. besides the impulse around the family, driving down prizes and strengthening the livelihood. the blockade follows weeks of
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protest by farm is and now the european countries gains rising costs and even regulations don't want. kane has more of the border between poland and germany. across the confidences, europe, the agricultural community, the farmers are angry and they are making serious them on solve governments up and down in the continent to hear that concerns and implement the sorts of policies they say they need, where i am right now. this is the german border with poland, and the police have been forced to close the border tool motorized traffic because the level of protest, particularly over on the polish side, is very considerable. the thing that unites the pharmacy is the cry full more understanding from governments here in germany. one specific demand is to deal with the cost of diesel, with the price of diesel. to make sure that governments realize that there are certain things that can be done to make things easier for the farming community. but clearly the sense, amongst farmers here in germany over there in poland,
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but also in spain, it's me and elsewhere is more understanding needs to be shown. your opinion has implemented some interest, but many farmers say they owned enough dominant cane houses, era on the drum. and polish border. still ahead on al jazeera. i'm coffee for the queen, elizabeth national park. the west and you've gone down. i'll be telling you why the one life of the nation has been growing. yes, of the kind of las vegas puts on a show ahead of the super bowl that's coming up with gemma in support. the now over a good part of south america, particularly option to do that,
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or else to hey, pete white voiding is, are they not particularly heavy? but that heats allowing the generation of big funds to orgs and but as far as, as a result of that has not got starting on the streets. and that will be more of the same. and this sort of area because channels are a lot more prevalent. they were the last couple of days. they might even reach santiago and they stretch out through patrick line to the rest of brazil as well. then back through columbia and he already sent a suggest the heavy style pools, which gives you the increasing and repeated risk of land slides. the car being rather which has been so unusual with heavy rain. recently, we'll see the shower disappear as the way and the effect of the trade winds are to at least more or less steady easterly praise, which will give you an on the shore. sherry regime in costa rica. the story in the us recently, of course, has been the pineapple express while that's no longer in evidence and even the snow on friday, a little bit lighter than it has been the last couple of days. because dakota has gone across the plains, states has generation of increasing the heavy charles in tennessee. for example dr
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. was a texas as well, but that is a repeat performance of yet most knowing the full coolness ties. power is anything particularly badly hit. i think you'll be a repeat performance this weekend. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question, an unflinching questions, rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place . augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing. lead scottsdale without permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 of asking questions,
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were you ever warrens about the health effects of power or no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fear this gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. the the all come back to watching out to 0 a time to recap headlines now, as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as old of the ministry to submit to the cabinet. a plan for invading it off and evacuating the civilian population, taking refuge that he says,
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it's impossible to achieve as well as the goal of eliminating come ask planning for battalions or in the city. his writing will planes that again, bombs, homes in southern gaza, 5 members of the same family were killed and it strikes on that house and drop off . the health industry says at least a $107.00, thomaston is being killed and the cost 24 hours and most results are in for pumpkin stones election, leading the rice are independent candidates with 90 states. most of them is supported by the policy of jail form of prime minister in wrong con, cents a right, toughest on list and leave leg by former prime minister. no, i cities is in 2nd place is 62 seats. us president joe biden says his memory is fine officer, a special council report question disability to remember the events and fax. the report concluded by them would not face charges form is handling highly classified materials, often leaving the rice,
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the vice presidency rather in 2017. and it also describe bivens memory as hazy hill there. he really said, frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was native or damp business. every memorial day, we hold a service, remember him attended by friends and family and the people who loved it. i don't need anyone. i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away and best phone number is not getting my memory is fine. my memory take a look at what i've done since i've become present. none of your thought i could pass any of the things i got past. how that happened. you know, i guess i just forgot what was going on, and fisher joins us now live from the white house. so island that a slip pop. what kind of reaction is it generating the a call and somebody will hold on it. we've all got names wrong with all meant to say one place and says another, we have all done it. but if you're joe biden, and you called
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a news conference to say that your coldness of abilities and your memory are really good, that is not the place to make a mistake. now they're having some concerns about joe biden, for a while. remember, he's 81 just in the last fortnight. he's confused. the gentleman chancellor as being helmut kohl. how many cool hasn't been the german chancellor for a very long time. and he called the french president francois meter on when we know as president mccrae and that's some mistake as well. so on thursday night, at his news conference, he was telling everyone how his coldness of abilities are. betty switched on and these memories very good. and then he made a big mistake. he called preston, c. c, the president of mexico, not the president of egypt was about slit. we'll take a lesson just for yourself. and, you know, initially present mexico, c. c. did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. i
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talked to i can just open the gate a lot of how damaging of these kinds of incidents in an election. yeah. well it doesn't help. and republicans have black toner, as you would expect. the comments from the special council saying that joe biden seems like a very nice old man with many issues, will be food and drink to them because they are trying to claim the job. i'm at the age of 81. simply doesn't have the faculty to be president anymore. but you've got to remember the donald trump, is it these own problems over the last few months? just a couple of weeks ago, he was talking about how nikki haley was in charge of security when she was speaking of the highest on january the 6th during the right there. because healy is the former governor of south carolina, a former u. n. and busted, uh it was nancy pelosi said he was trying to think cool. he also talked about how you managed to be brock obama. in the election in 2016. it'd be hillary clinton,
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no. brock, obama. and so both sides are seeing that as bad as each other. and in the end it'll be up to the public to decide which one they think is most into. and what's the public most able to do the job as president? let me give you just one snippet of what's happened to you over the last 24 hours, one right wing, political commentator, absolutely 100 dual buys and forgetting names wrong. even introduced a republican governor to discuss the situation. introduce the as the governor of so tough while you know christy, known as the governor of south dakota. everyone gets it wrong. it's up for the voters to this site just how much they're able to bite when they go to cast their vote in november. thanks. so much alan fish of that from the white house, the protests taking place in call against the decision by senegalese president mikey solved to postpone election set for later this month through december. hundreds of protest is took to the streets law sunday,
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following the announcement of the postponement, several opposition leaders of off for people to come out and defend democracy. nicholas han joins us from the senegalese capital that call. so how i protest shaping up of the world, tell me you can just see right behind me this over there, where you see the smoke billowing in the distance is that nation square and look at the road leading to the asian square. these are roadblocks, not by the security forces, but by protestors we've seen running battles across this road that leads to where the move along station the civil disobedience demonstration was supposed to take place. so we're seeing running battles here. look on the other side of the street right now. let's turn around. they're, they're blocking the road. they want to get their voices wrote her. now the authorities see this as an illegal demonstration. this trip disrupting
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the peace and stability of the country. but for the protesters, it's the president that's disrupting the stability of the country by his move or to delay this presidential elections was it was voted in parliament, the delay to december 15 people here that we spoke to r n green. they were looking for it that gets their voices heard in the selection that was supposed to take place on february 25th. and we're seeing a lot of angry people in the way that they're demonstrating face with so much tier . yes, by security forces is there's been a call by the religious authorities to wear white or to where the colors of sending out the blue and yellow and green and red. in a show of defiance. there's been people coming, trying to come to this square in order to demonstrate their discontent towards the
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president's move. but you can tell right now with the mood of the country is this is supposed to be one of the most stable and long standing democracy and oldest democracy in the region. but we're seeing young people think to the st, defending this old democracy. sammy, and what kind of response if any, are we seeing from security services as people come out to demonstrate as well so far, it's just tear gas that's being fired, but i can tell you they're really well prepared. we've seen police on every street corner is ahead of this demonstration with the civil disobedience movement. this being called on unions, teacher's union to let go. the children let go the schools early. so at 10 o'clock this morning, we saw a lot of high schools shut down ahead of this demonstration, but we're really in unchartered waters here,
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both from the demonstrators and the all positions point of view. but also from the governments person perspective. this is the 1st time the election has been delayed for 9 months. we're in this unknown in terms of what the legislation is in terms of or is it the link legality of this? no, that's what the united states united states, the department said just a few days ago. it saw this vote to delay the election as not being fully legal. why? because we saw police that you're seeing a right gear that you see on the street inside the national assembly, preventing members of the opposition to protest ahead of the vote that was billed. that was voted in by the national assembly. a lot of young people that you see out here, remember, present like you saw has been in power for the last 12 years. the people that you're seeing demonstrating that are 18 and above were just 10 or 12 years old. when present, like yourself came to power, so there's
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a lot of anger among these young people, but the president and his government is calling for cold and for national dialogue . but that cold seems to be falling on deaf ears at least from here. samuel, thanks so much. nicholas hawk that is ready for a series of shot and then just 6 palestinian men during early morning rides in the occupied westbank of the confrontations took place and bade for east of nablus the palestine red crescent. society says the ami initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded. raids were also reported in some do and to cut them. these riley ministry is started taking control of palestinian land around the legal is right, the sacraments in the occupied westbank. it says it's for security purposes also the hamas attacks in october. we've had a student as long as he says, it proves israel's fault, right? government is using the world and gaza to expand the sacraments across occupied
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territory. charles stratford reports of talking about the security is on. these all is really military maps. they show illegals, riley settlements, and the occupied westbank is the red lines mock the borders of the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples would be expanding to many locations and we spend the pano single sort uses the mountains of proof these where the government is using security since the october, the 7th from us attacks as an excuse to implement its long time illegal settlement expansion before 7 of october, they were saying we are trying to sort of demographic broken off on the 7th of october 5th. i see that this is a security issue this i still have to go to the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 15 months for both. and, and what if i went out in the area, i think you're just saw on those maps. they're all illegal is riley settlers living
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just a few 100 meters from hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have now how to confiscate by these way, the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is ready. the settlements you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement. a recreation ground where children play the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon look, sales across he's only groves. so these radio army took control over just a few days ago. that can be a lot of high month, like, i mean, i'm north. after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land, even the land a way from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever the settlers want. and i was told when you suddenly is ready,
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soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. these rails minutes, different national security. it may have been the finance minister busily smoked rich. far right, members, israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself, one ex sadly increased security. soldiers do not guard settlers. the settlers are the security belt of the state of israel is really simpler attacks against palestinians, and they've proven to in the occupied westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up. again. the armies confiscation of land around illegal is rarely settlements. palestinian say is more proof of israel breaking international child stuff. and i'll just see what i did is the in the occupied westbank
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a view and is wanting tens of thousands of children in sedan, could starve to death. this year. unicef says mountain nutrition. preston's close to 3 quarters of a 1000000 ensued, nice children, and the death toll will increase if deliveries of aid and medical treatment, and increased. the crisis follows 10 months of fighting between government forces and the permanent tre rapid support forces. first, the world's largest displacement of children has been seen in sudan for 1000000 children have been displaced. that's just out of the $13000.00 children displaced every single day. for the past 300 dies, safety gone, worldly possessions, gone, heart fighting sick and the consequences of the past 300 days made the more than 700000 children are likely to suffer the most dangerous home of malnutrition. this yeah, you just, it won't be able to treat more than $300000.00 of those without improved access and
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without additional supports. in that case, tens of thousands would likely die. the european union has announced the 222000000 dollar aid package from our atanya to help stop boat loads of migrants leaving west africa. the european commission president though sort of underlying in spanish 5 minutes the federal sanchez met leaders and the model attaining in capital and estimated 6600 migrants crowned in the atlantic ocean last year, trying to reach the spanish canary islands. pena is hosting a 150000 refugees who fled violence in mali. now, so you've gotten the hungry, allison's going in search of food are an increasing problem. so people living on the edge of a national park, the animal population, there is boomed over the pos. faulty is thanks to conservation efforts. as catherine solely reports, it's now increasing conflict between wild life and people,
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as well as lots of habitat poaching. an applause difficult to get rid of the boat cruise along a water channel that opens up to leaks out. but an edward is breathtaking. you can see i knew he was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park, the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here the number of elephants bath and lose and he paused, has increased in the last several decades. bodies revising, years of decline caused by porches, an encroachment on wide life areas. all these would be yeah, yeah, a minute you see officials actually bid this to you gun does protection efforts. but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed. that is killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i was that said the catch up with
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this pete, because you tried to multiply to one prime here. not a product. the concept for you. what do we have most the when you sort those big telephones. that is the area we try to remove the deck prospectus media in the back prospect just the media bit by sending them kimmy ugandans leaving the other pock also say they're leaving a nightmare. a big problem here is human. why live conflicts? ellison's are increasingly going into villages in search of pastor and what, how much of a dusting cub gumby shows those? well, a heart of elephants destroyed. he's perhaps become here nearly every day. he says, the bach has been passing the fence of these side as the open can walk somewhat though we try to trace the animals using many means for example, fire and retailers. we often sleep at the farm to protect our yield,
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enables killed violence on the other side of the village, other pharmacy peoples have invaded the rice funds into several people. gain what is said, they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected, but they also blame those who blog that i knew more migration routes catch me. so you all to 0. queen elizabeth national park. you kinda the still ahead on al jazeera, men's basketball players, refused to shake hands with various riley opponents. jmt will be here with the school to explain why the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination into by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the the high school science time to catch up on the game with jemma. thank he saw me. were counting down to the agent, got final haste castle are looking for back to back titles. but standing in the way is jordan. the 2 coaches got up close to the tracy, but the question is, which one will be lift? it gets at least south stadium on saturday. we spoke to for williams co host of the asian game pulled cost, who told us that castle is run at this tournament has been importance of the disappointments of the 2020, to walk up the on the back of the wheel cut. they lift that with the director site reputation, sallied untarnished a little bit because we know that i won this tournament back in, in 2019. and that was sort of broadening the quest of her life. and there's a lot of expectation going into that high and world cup and expectations, and that wasn't met side on the back of that. and it was
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a lot of questions about where does this team go now? and is this change still capable of competing with the best teams in ages i needed this tournament? and the results that they've been having in this torment to prove that they are still capable. the 2019 was in a flash in the pan. and i can't hire who had a game against was biggest on the went to extra time and penalties. there was a lot of extra time additional time in the match against iran just a couple of days ago. so i suppose the ability to cut out will be physically to take or is jordan will come in a lot fresher, into this, to this guy by come into this in, in fantastic for them. read helpful. and so may perhaps marginal favorites just because of that extra dies wrist that they've had in the, the less strenuous matches that they've had to play as well. the while the classics championship several site taking place in castle tennessee instead of an estimate half. now he will compete to the event. he defied the old by winning gold at the take care of and picks fos for 3 years. and this time he's very much the favorite
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to, to do it all over again in paris. tom size, when possible. when 18 year old i made half, now you into the full 100 meters at the take your lympics. his aim was to reach the final. he might have been the slowest. he might even have been the youngest, but he got the for his coach job run to really it was gold achieved. but half now he didn't stop the the soon as he and became just the fulsome olympic swimmer in history. twin gold out of the lane was very surprised honestly. like um the last 50. so i didn't expect to find myself in this position. that was my best race ever. now he's 21, and not only is he targeting gold medals at the parcel in picks in july, but he wants more records to pass. now he demands complete domination. now like i'm folks and some like world records like c global metals. that's why i'm like training for, and i'm not looking for good. instead, i'm just looking to go like the wall director. and while i told them to correct
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them, it's just like go to my name and history. i have now he began swimming as a 6 year old when his father enrolled him in a swimming club in tunis, his coach to really then to close it from the age of 12. the rest, as they say is sports history. he holds for us can records and became just a 2nd to does he in swim ever to winterland pick gold? i think the relationship between me and him improve the law. probably he's like most of us on that. and brett lake inspired me for a swimmer and when i'm working on the street or something like people stopped me and asked me about swimming and how to how they can like get those like sons and daughters to the water, you know half now we now lives in the us where he's been throwing the support behind palestine. the when he recently posted things to a fundraiser, to collect the types of power students and cause a, it led to some purchases and by his fellow athletes. but half now he says he'll
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continue to show the support. i think everyone has like his vision and his um, his point of view and his opinion in general. and i'm leaving it in those days. and it's like a free country. so like no one judge you on what you believe long saws i just did that by heart because i'm my identity. you know the full power since the world aquatics championships and co hold on saturday for half now we way he'll be looking to lay down the market in the 4081500 meters tom size and i was a 0. the las vegas is building up to the biggest event in american sport. the super bowl, which will be played that on sunday, between the san francisco $49.00 is the kansas city chiefs. the city is a newest star of attraction. the sphere housing, the counseling funds with it's like show the $2300000000.00 arena has been lit up with footage of cheese quarterback. patrick, my name's throwing a football, as well as a countdown clock to kick off as he might not be playing in the short pace. but the
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baltimore ravens caused by law jackson has been crowd the nfl is most valuable player for the 2nd time in his career. the 27 year old was a near unanimous choice, as the ravens enjoyed the best record in the regular season before losing to the kansas city chiefs and the ac championship. final is the full flats when to empty things before turning 28. after he was in 2019 as well, he received 49 out of a possible 51st place, but the funds have been left a disappointed in los angeles also being shots out of the unveiling of a new stop to, to on a former boss couple grades k b bryant bryant, who was killed and had a called to crash 4 years ago, was commemorates it in a private event outside. the los engines, like his home arena, is the 1st 3 step to study cases to the 5 time. and the, i think it was unfortunate, i think, was handled a little bit wrong because i mean people are traveling all over the world to come
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and see it thinking that they're going to be able to see it. and then, you know, told that they're not able to feel like the same day that he passed away in the same way literally. the whole reason that came out here is to see the stature and the fact that it flows off and the people, the public who loves coby, didn't get to experience to see this. and this women's basketball team refused to shake hands with that is really counterparts to match on thursday. it followed accusations buying is really play a new set. her opponents, what i'm to some music basketball onto the comments in sama tree and holly inaccurate and has complained to the sports governing body feedback. as a result, 7 shakes before your boss gets qualified and not for you, which is around 187 to 57. and that is what you'll support for me for now. i will have, i know the updates a little bit late to somebody. thanks so much jim. that brings us to the end of as news. uh, but on back him
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a couple of minutes with another full show. so stay with us here. the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leads garza without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 hod, hey, damien, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by. well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the
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security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era it has as well as go on guys. it continues, we bring you the late, we are on the grounding dollars a covering. the ongoing is raising arguments and the suffering, the people's tones that we lost displacements and lack of resources as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital and from the height is to refund. the data rate from restrictions prevents freedom of rights to worship. tyler will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions the kansas and all the political parties west bank. we continue reporting on the violence is really raised with
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feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news out live from bill coming off in the next 60 minutes. israel's probably minnesota is ami to submit a plan for inviting that off off for over. off of gauze is population is taking


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