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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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of the, the israel's probably been destroyed as all me to submit to plan to innovating rough on the hoss of gauze. this population is taking shelter earlier. the us said, want israel, that staging a military offensive that without proper timing would be a disaster. the thoughts of robin the over to you on the civilized head forces here in the also coming up from the focused on the prime minister. the why should reach says the field try to pull the coalition after finishing behind independence times by the child's bible aim on comp. nicholas hall kit in synagogue with capital the car
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by the nation square, where people are trying to gather to protest the move i present market solves to delay the election for their met with security forces far in the welcome to the product of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is owed at the military to submit to the cabinet. a plan for invading rough or by the house of the population of garza is taking refuge from is really a tax. earlier the us president described as well as war and galls as we quote over the top. but israel continues its massive building campaign and expanding its a sense of the, into the southwick claims for how much petroleum from a, more than 27000 people have been killed, biased reading calls that basically women and children. the statement from human destiny on whose office says that it is impossible to achieve the will go of
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eliminating her boss and leaving full harmless battalions in rough. uh, it is clear that's a massive operation and rough our requires the evacuation of the civilian population from the combined zones. that is why the prime minister has directed these ready defense establishment to bring to the cabinet. a duel plan for both the evacuation of the population under the spending of the battalions. let's get more of this. i'm tired of capitalism. who's in rasa? menacing comments that really by the israeli prime minister. how is this going down the way you are, the particularly the public will be concerned. so yes, that's right. so hell inside the way, the majority of goals and since i've been displaced multiple times from the houses from different areas, of course, the territory are completely can sound. and the different statements being released by different is really a military and political leaders about the possibility of the comments of
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a ground invasion to rough, our district within the coming days. and that's absolutely what on the palestinians are being afraid to be happens on the ground specifically that they have been following the is very what is says october, the 7th, to flee and to be away from areas of compact. but it seems that isabel is very keen on militarily destroy, and eliminates how most military capabilities, even in rough like districts, which is the last remaining area that is, will to now did not operate in part for reduced palestinians while they are facing . completes try it. a complete challenges in terms of finding a place to remain inside the specifically that they have been a struggling and facing more challenges in different john is a displacement since the beginning of the school. but to now there was no, any practical development had been taking place regarding this resolution till this very moment in rough, our district did not hear any sound of loud explosions or any movement of auditory
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units. of course, rough uh, the board, the town bought before palestinians. they are asking about the mechanisms that be going to be following in order to be evacuated from roof walk as they are completely afraid to be a tax as they are. what happened to them in the early beginning of waves of evacuation still rough, our district, but till now in ateneo is challenged by different dilemma is never presented in the mass a population that trial that now exist in rough. uh, another thing that's nothing you want. also, a wants to get to completely, to take full control over philadelphia route, which is might be one of the main goals of that military operation in a rough a. when are they coming days kind of capitalizing that for us in rough a. thank you. now the ones that could be general spokesman says that civilians in rough at need to be protected. we are extremely worried about the fate of civilians . in, in rough uh uh,
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i think the secretary general was pretty clear when he was asked about what would happen if the, you know, should we open up the gates in rough. i which i mean we not through us because it's been not our gates to, to open. i think what is clear is that people need to be protected. but we also do not want to see any forced displacement force, mass displacement of people, which is by definition against their will. so would that constitute a violation? i mean force displacement that is forced. i mean for the we, i mean for him, but we would not support in any way forced the displacement, which goes against international law. most residents of rough phase constant bombardment from his riley full says they look through the level looking for survive as old buddies of loved ones under there was moment, i'll shut off a report. so from rough or is it the, the, the if the side delayed the,
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is really overnight rates have taken place for a sad successive day in various parts of rough. uh, this time a residential apartment was talking to us leading to the killing and wounding of several people, including children. as you can see, some of the wounded on the bodies of the dead. what taken to the coates hospital or somebody to me not the initial had the but the extent of the destruction is clear. these people are trying to recover the body of the bombing has caused a lot of damage, a fire. we're still binding in the apartment, as you can see, more people are trying to recover the dead with a piece of what the women and children are among the victims of last night says ready rate against innocent, defenceless people. there's a sense of panic amongst the people here. every residential building and rough, a host displaced funds to needs you have come from the north cause of city of other parts of the district. and this is what is relative, describe the safe area for palestinians. civil defense personnel are still trying to extinguish the fire in the building. there is significant material damage to
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neighboring homes and nearby costs, which everyone is trying to help in the civil defense to meet on the cycle so big that body parts of one of the victims was scott's it in the streets. the civil defense because they using basic equipment and tools to protect the fire and rescue victims of the you can see the result of these really bombing of this residential apartment hire well rough, uh, who surround one millionth, 300000 displaced people and any rate will definitely need to depth and injuries, and to more material damage to prophecies and infrastructure. minister of the full members of one family being killed and is really strongly called a residential building in central garza the overnight. but we also hit a kindergarten sheltering. the displaced encounter pulls up from the scene in depth and about a this, it was an intense, nice indebted village. and in the middle area where the is really forces target house and the kindergarten we're currently indebted,
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but this is the rubble of what's left of a house that has been targeted by the is there any forces last night in this house for pilots in these have been killed, a mother and her 3 sons. let's walk and see the massive destruction caused by the is ready work lanes. this is an example of how the is really forces are destroying the infrastructure of the gaza strip and the streets of the gaza strip. now this huge hole and global are blocking the roads where streets at work, cars are, will not be able to move and transport in this area anymore. we see the surroundings of, of the target. and as you see, houses are completely sticking to each other. we're all of these houses have been also damaged when we talked about the rubber and people under the rubber
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till this moment, thousands of people don't know are unknown where they are stuck under the rubble. and people don't have any way and any equipment to save them from under the rubber . people have been using their bare hands to rescue their beloved ones from under the rubble. this is in the edges 0 that it but this is what he calls the shots and killed a 17 year old boy in the town of better in the occupied westbank that happened as a fault with palestinian muse while reading the town sounds of novelist, the palestinian health ministry has named him as with that shuttle, sir. is there any false is an settlers of kill $391.00 people in the occupied westbank since october the 2nd. these very minute drink post onto taking control of palestinian land around the legal is riley settlements the occupied westbank. they say it's for security purposes. after the head mazda talks in october,
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the palestinian authority says it proves it as well as far right government is using the war in gaza to expand sacraments. charles dropped that report. so from that, see, a lot of talking about the security is on. these all is really miller tree maps they show illegal is riley settlements in the occupied west bank. the red lines mock the borders of the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples, would it be expanding to many locations and we spend the policy mills or it uses the mountains of proof. these ready government is using security since the october, the 7th, from us attacks as an excuse to implement its long time illegal settlement expansion . before several of october they were saying we are fighting the sold 5 demographic broken off of this event with a couple of this the, the, the, this is a security issue, this a status to go with the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 15 months for both. and what we now in the area,
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i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have now how to confiscate by these way. the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to ex, spend a so called securities around illegal is ready settlements. you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement. recreation ground where children play the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon looks out across he's only groves. so these radio army took control over just a few days ago. that can buzz about a lot of high month, like i'm even more after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land, even the land away from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago,
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they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever the settlers want, and i was told when you suddenly is ready soldiers a pay on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. you see these rails minutes different national security. it's, it may have been the finance minister. bigelow smoked rich. far right. members. israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference advocate to settlement to expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself, one ex sadly increased security. soldiers do not guard settlers. the settlers are the security belt of the state of israel is really central are attacks against palestinians and they've pro, between the occupied westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up. again. the armies, confiscation of land around the legalese,
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rarely settlements palestinian say is more proof of israel breaking international child stuff. and i'll just see what i did is the in the occupied westbank. the rock is a being fired from the southern level on towards the upper gallery area in northern israel. is really media say that at least 20 project dollars with detective video shows that defense systems intercepting that as well. cuz i believe it has belong, says it carried out $7.00 to $10.00. they follow his days of his by the shelling and dry detox in southern lebanon. international envoys are in told 7 to 8, the escalation of the escalating, the complex. but the deal is located that they have a hold on a pulse, one strike after another. this is where i was wor, hezbollah, the army says it is hitting the armed groups, the military infrastructure, and southern lebanon. as well. once has, we'll have to pull back from the border and is threatening a wider conflict to force that withdrawal in order to enable citizens displaced by
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cross border fire to return safely to the north of the country. the message was delivered to authorities in baby booth by friends, one of a number of western nations, putting forward proposals to de escalate pensions while simultaneously trying to bring about a ceasefire in gus media and as well and loving on say, the plans call for the lebanese army to play a bigger role in the area and for negotiations on disputed points along the land border. but in the 1st phase as well, it would pull back at least 7 kilometers from the border. that's the range of anti tank missiles. they may be willing to consider a partially withdrawal from southern never know from the area south of the lead time. he thought that 3 was involved in negotiations that led to you and resolution 1701 which ended the previous war between israel and has the law in 2006. he believes the armed group would be open to a deal, but not before
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a cease fire in gaza. i don't think they would. they would also object to a, the more active at all for the lebanese on forces and the sounds. the proposals on the table reportedly involves a partial implementation of resolution, $1701.00, which calls for disarming non state actors within 20 to 30 kilometers from the border. it's a resolution that isabel to has been accused of violating because of territorial breaches. since 2006, this border was relatively calm until hezbollah opened this front to help relief pressure on it's. i like a mouse in garza in october and as well as position hasn't changed. stop the war on garza and it will stop attacks on its way the military targets in the north, but as well as insisting on changing the security situation along the border as well as as their council. any discussions while the warmed authors ongoing?
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so a deal may not be imminent. instead, what is possible is more intense exchanges of fire as the warring sides see better negotiating positions. all the while as well appears to be using this time to target, as well as military officials and destroy its capabilities close to the border. technically, there i was just either southern lebanon. so head here on the, i'll just, or we hear from the people tricked into working in scam centers in the long run by chinese crime syndicates the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff to this be the same amount of funding in all right. back queensland and i've been tropical queens and because of the domains of a tropical soc and they can't see that. and you can see a line that stretches dining towards the southwest, which is still due,
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a few more sheriff and the case from sidney north west of disappointing the west and then on show breeze. but most of it is typically san for west is woman sunny. it is getting rober, nope, and 2027 on the top of a comparison with this 41. but melbourne gets for the city 3. by the time you get to sunday who change you wind direction and that 33, which is 35 and you stay in this hot zone, which is more or less a repeat of what happened about a week ago. you stay there to this tuesday where the thunderstorm is a distinct possibility. and then using this picture is a nice one. it'll cool down for sunday, the breeze coming out from the southwest. but most of these are bright looking at a fair amount of sunshine. the potential for funding exists still in engine easy and jobs is probably the best focus for risk, but otherwise these right to joining as well. but most smoke to come for the higher ground of home shoes, right. so that's a day and maybe a little bit on sunday warehousing contrasts the status on the ground in central
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china because of these temperatures is melting pretty rapidly. so flood risk. the weather brought to you by visit castle and federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place . augusta, nothing goes into garza without us will permit. and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the the
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book about 12 deservedly so rom, and in the heart of mind to evolve. 12 stories is one of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as old of the ministry, to submit to the cabinet as a plan for invading ralph on the evacuating the civilian population, taking refuge that he says it's impossible otherwise to achieve is around the goal of eliminating come off climbing full battalions on in the city is very well plans of the get involved in times in southern gaza. 5 members of the same family were killed at a strike on that house and run for the health industry says at least $100.00. these assessment tell us to the end to be killed in the past 24 hours in other news bulk as long as that actual commission has announced results for most of the seats of the national assembly. independent candidates with 96 think saw in the lead. most of them are supported by the party of the jail full, the prime minister in wrong. com. and con, has claims victory in the general election in an audio visual message created using
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artificial intelligence. the center eyes focused on wisdom league led by former prime minister. the washer reef is in 2nd place. it's 69 seats. the 2nd to last focused on people's parties. 3rd, with 52. she says he's ready to form a coalition, which he bought. dorothy, how may i pulled up, man, it wouldn't be in a very happy moment if we had a full mandate heart then became the majority party with the ability to form the government. even in that case, we were going to invite co energy partners to join us to form a government. but as we don't have a majority on that alone, we're going to invite the allies to come and join us and form a coalition government. as a bank has more on the general election from lahore, the leader of the book's done wisdom league has said that he is willing to form a government. in fact, he wants to form a government as quote on independence, the bucks on people's party to join him. although he doesn't have a majority. and there's an acknowledgement from him that he doesn't have
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a majority. but he support as well as the rating, and his speech was seen as a victory speech. and the election commission has said that after the results and that's the old independence has around $72.00. i was to join up to 6 coke park. you know the p t i am on cons, p t i, the chairman of that quarterly con, has disputed that she said that it's only the symbol of a cricket batch of the peach you i, that was not too large on the brother's paper and the party is registered with the election commission, so this could end up in the quotes. uh no, the supporters of loss we've had been celebrating. but many people here in focused on believe that if you take into account the independence that they make up the largest parties, not the book's done wisdom, the us in the last streets that and the only reason the most indeed make up the largest part is because ph, you, i have been spending as independence, so many people here are frustrated and angry at what's taking place in terms of the votes and the seats are located in the discrepancies that we have been seeing. and
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many and people also believe that it was free, and the fox dining wisdom the could be celebrating from a joining side vague i just did of the whole are focused on protest as the call center. y'all have been demonstrating you guys the postponement of presidential elections. protests have been happening and all of the major cities in the conference con, demonstrates as have been fighting with police. the election, which was too late to this month, was pushed to december. sale position is accusing president mucky sort of trying to stay in office despite reaching a to time limit. nicholas huck has moved from the capital were just via the nation square where demonstrators are trying to gather in the distance behind the police are preventing them to meet and together, they're responding by firing tier grass and look at what, what the protesters are doing. they're setting up roadblocks, they're angry with the decision by president my key. so to delay the presidential
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election, it's a decision taken by a decree, but also supported by the national assembly that voted for new day the election. it was supposed to take place on every 25th. they're now going to take place, take place in december 15th, but the crowds are running again. there's been running battles like this between police and security forces for firing tear gas. interesting protests here. they look at the way look at the age of demonstrators, most of them are quite young. they're barely 18 and they were 12 years old when president lucky. so came to power. they want to have, it's a very good selection and they choose the president of clinging on to power of extending his mandate. and that's why there's so much protest going on here because there's always been a peaceful transition of power in san diego. this is the 1st time the president has
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extended his say, 6 days. and that's why we're so we can see so many that so much demonstration here on the streets of city goals, capital the car, nicholas hawk algae 0. the car gibbon shows i love fuels is meeting the us president in washington dc. now it shows as the visit to washington. so it's becoming transfer in 2021 and comes, i mean growing concerned in ukraine, that western support could be drying up. republicans in the us congress of blog de packages. the key marshals struggled to convince european leaders to increase funding to ukraine. that's cause i have to mike kind of who is that monitoring events for us from washington dc. a lot to be discussed between the job and the american lead is what you think is top of the agenda at the moment. and well, certainly ukraine would be top of the agenda as you say, there's a current ongoing crisis. the president biden's been trying to get to financial assistance to ukraine for a period of time, but all of that has been blocked in congress for months now. so this is something
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that the leaders will be talking about. don't have sholtes. incidentally, i wrote an opinion article in the wall street journal here saying that a russian victory and ukraine would change the face of europe. he said it would totally destroy at the liberal world all the. so he thinks the stakes are very high in terms of supporting ukraine and preventing any further russian encroachment into ukraine. but other methods on the table to the issue of gaza will be discuss no doubt in particular how to continue to get assistance into the in baffled area. how to get a to the people of gaza who sold suffering under this ongoing wall. so a lot of items on the table between these 2 leaders, certainly they will be discussing intensely all of these matches. but most importantly, that issue of ukraine. and these are the central figures in terms of getting aid and assistance to ukraine. so this is something that they will attempt to
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coordinate during this meeting, my kind of thing. so which was we joining back again as meeting a concludes. thank you. about in charge of defending key. when russia invaded ukraine has not begun his new job as the chief of the of the full says, all these on the skis 1st battle will be visiting the route within the ukrainian all be ahead of the 2 year anniversary of the rules beginning of mcbride hospital from keith a day off to the shock dismissal a valid ease, a loose me that has been mixed reactions. hearing keith with some political leaders and commentators expressing that disappointment at the decision, others seeming to agree with president landscape that it was time for a change at the top. but most people expressing pretty universal praise, full demands, accredited with having small tooth brushes full scale invasion. 2 years ago, i tend to now turns to his successor all lives on this dusky describe, devise the lensky as you cranes most experience combined to right now who was in
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charge of the defense of key of at the start of the wall. i was also instrumental in the successful counter offensive. the push russian forces back from the city of kind of key serious case 1st by full as had the beyond policies will be to try to limit the damage especially to the route in the ranks given his previous test as popularity in that these issue, the not the statement to all of the soldiers talking about the importance of logistics, of training and to preserve and as much as possible. he says, the lives in the health, the old service personnel and a to achieve that, relying more he says, on technology and on man systems, old ways of trying to change the fortunes of an army that off to 2 years of intense fighting a pay is now to be stop at least duck public, right. i'll just say era keith. now the high school simulator has ruled at 16
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islamic laws, which are created by state government unconstitutional legislation passed and climbed to punish defences such as sexual harassment, cross dressing and giving false evidence protest. as outside the federal court. conducting the judgement, it could have major legal implications of the multi ethnic country that operates a jewel judicial system. in meanwhile, when rebels defeated, government forces in the city of long king last year they uncovered a number of scum centers run by the chinese crime syndicates. the operators with victims of the schemes themselves and have been traffic to me and bo, tony china has moved from a village on the time the month old pruitt, who's done a lot of praying recently. this time last year he set out to take a well paid i t job, the man. when his plan touch down and young gun was bundled into a call and driven across the country to allow guy people tiles. he was held in
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a compound notice building 9 with hundreds of others from around the world of gods on the gate held in prison like tombs, they were forced to run scams. from for me, those worked out by the game crypto stokes and romance one. and i was told to reach out to people whom they called clients online. i was told to flag with them, game that trust and infections and get them to invest their money into scam uh, $1.00 of the victims last more than a $2000.00 a year. but the scammers had no choice. tell me if you didn't do it. you will punish the beaten, electrocuted and locked up. you have no choice what to do at the low phones recovered from the game members show the injuries they inflicted to me like 2 days . if someone found out that you reach out to the outside world for help, you might get killed amante's been, so i'm pulling wants to keep her identity hidden. she was 3 months pregnant when
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she was tricked into going to me and to make some money to her new arrival. she was held for 3 months before being rescued quad. i was afraid to rely low. i heard the sound of people b electrocute. and when i hung out near the foot of poles peach, i wonder if he could receive the same kind of punishment. but her greatest fear was what would happen to the gang found out about the baby growing inside to pay the whole. my roommate told me that if the boss filed out about any pregnant women, the baby would be supported. her daughter is now 3 months old, named be my new year to month the holiday when she got home.


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