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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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it's not receive task protection is seen as complication inside story. on al jazeera, the an imminent invasion of rafa. israel's prime minister oscar has only some plans to push into the city where more than a 1000000 palestinians of shelter link the don't want elizabeth put on them and this is i'll just say are live from. don't ha . so coming off the ones i have a good close for the us to act before is around the tax it off us. they want to stall the force displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians from a pocket stony prominence to non washing says try to form a coalition. despite finishing behind independence, backed by jo drive and ended on con and anger and set
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a goal option. the president delays the coming election monkey psalms accused of trying to hold on to power the . we begin in gaza where there was an increasing sense of panic in the south of the strip. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the military to submit a plan for invading at alpha. well, the 1000000 palestinians have packed into the area. it had been declared a safe. so a group say any military action day will result in a blood bots. but nothing y'all has office as an offensive as necessary in a statement. it says it's impossible to achieve the whole goal of eliminating him off while leaving full homeless battalions in delphi. it's clear that a mass of operation in rough, i've acquired the evacuation of the civilian population from the combat zones. that's why the prime minister has directed the as riley defense establishment to bring to the cabinet. a deal plan for both of actuation of the population. and the
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disbanding of the battalions thought a capitalism has moved from alpha. it's, they are opposite it. you're worried about that possible electric route in the agent for rough i district because they have been most of the displaced from the houses from the north and from full. so garza city now they are ending up with the roof off of the last remaining area for them. but people here a wondering about how that would be happened with the coming days, especially that the majority of the make shift shelters and cops have been set on all areas and roughly, and they are also adjacent to the discussion board is that is known as the philadelphia route, that is really, is very also keen to take full control over that part of the territory, which considered to be one of the main sources of a threats for the east very all me. now people are trying to find plan b for what would happen on the ground within the coming days. if that option was
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seriously taken by these very lead the ships in order to expand their military elimination will come us quite as a inside a roof. our district and a absolutely power city is believe that there is going to be much more atrocities if they use very armies taught to mass military inclusion to the straight to the rough, our district. but the fact on the ground that there are some expect saying that nothing. yeah. who is waiting with that option as a pressure tool in order to invoice more significant extract pressure on how much sports meant to accept the usability demands that are related to the supplier. that might be healed within the coming days. if the, if the, the original media you to manage to narrow the gap, so disagreements that mean full spots. but the question is, how the going to be transferred from roughly, especially if that these really prime minister had ordered the in the military to put that a do will apply. and that will help to evacuate the displace people and at the same time to eliminate the military infrastructure from us. move into real fi. it does
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rarely will, plans have carried out most strikes and dropped on friday night ariel attacks on multiple residential areas killed at least 16 palestinians. the strikes hong this is at least 2 hollins. many of the engine to children as their own has been expanding its offensive, entered off of a more daily attacks. and those trap via phase constant bombardment. digging through the rubble, looking for survivors or the bodies of their loved ones. i'll just zeroes, moment i'll shut off even pull, it's from it off. this is just the, the, the, the side, the la la la, la da is really overnight. rates have taken place for a side successive day in various parts of rough. um, this time a residential apartment was talking to us leading to the killing and wounding of several people, including children, as you can see, some of the wounded on the bodies of the dead. what taken to the quite hospital? well, i've done some of the initial had that be the for the but the extent of the
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destruction is clear. these people are trying to recover. the body of the bombing is closed on lots of damage, a fire. we're still binding into the apartment. as you can see, more people are trying to recover the dead with a piece of what women and children are among the victims of last nights is ready rate against innocent, defenceless people. there's a sense of kind of amongst the people here, every residential building and rough or host displaced palestinians who have come from the north cause of 16 and other parts of the district. and this is what is relative, describe the safe area for palestinians. civil defense personnel are still trying to extinguish the fire in the building. there is significant material damage to neighboring homes and nearby cost was that everyone is trying to help in the civil defense to meet on the cycle so big that body parts of one of the victims was scott's it in the streets, the civil defense. why? because of using basic equipment and tools to puts out the fire and rescue victims of the you can see the result of these really bumming of this residential apartment
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hire well rough a house around 1300000 displays. people and any rate will definitely need to depth and injuries, and to more material damage to prophecies and infrastructure. minister off to the method is of the you and the arrow because of housing emergency. musing after you went to address is riley threats to dasa. kristen salumi reports from the un headquarters in new york. the air group held an emergency meeting late on friday and vowed to work through the weekend, redoubling their efforts to pressure the security council to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. they also met with the deputy ambassador of guy on diana holds the presidency of the security council and said they were pushing to meet with the us ambassador as well. it's the united states that has so far blocked calls for a humanitarian ceasefire in the security council saying that a more time was needed for negotiations in the region to play out. we think enough
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is enough. now, the company that is not going along with the code for the humanitarian ceasefire has to face the moment of truth. as my brother, the inverse of egypt always say, at the moment of the truth is now to guarantee that, that off off a crime and rough or not to take place a ceasefire in place is the concrete, the answer to this situation. and we will do everything possible in order to add our efforts to all those at the higher level in capitals, including the expected, important visit of his majesty king abdullah from jordan, who will be meeting with officials and tuesday in washington dc. secretary general,
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antonio gutierrez has also said he's extremely concerned about the plight of civilians in rafa. and has also pointed out that any force displacement of civilians is legal. christian salumi, i'll just hear of the united nations. what can i have 3 palestinian men buy as rarely come on those inside of westbank hospital at the end of january, may amount to extrajudicial cuttings and will climes. that's according to a panel of view. and experts who reviewed the incident. 10 is really special for the, for the soldiers and to the hospital. and janine dressed as medical style and civilians and shot the 3 man, you're an expert say these really acts of killing the defenseless patient. and also disguising themselves as protective medical workers can photos amount to will crimes, to as well, has once again carried out as strikes and southern 11 on the attacks. toggle the number, the district, that is where the army says it's aiming to false hezbollah, 5 to is back from florida. areas to allow is ratings to return to their homes in
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the north of the country. and 3, in a defense this has been activated often is randy air attack targeted areas west of the capitol. sylvia says it's shut down some of the massage over the damascus country side. since the war and gaza began israel has increased. it strikes targeting sides that belong to iran, back codes in syria to are the news now, and pockets spawns from a prime minister. now, while shooting says, he's ready to form a coalition government that's off to the electro permission announced results of those days. general election independent candidates are in the lead with 99 seats. most of the allied to the potty of jailed, former prime minister and on. com should have sent a right pockets. donaldson link. n is in 2nd place with 71 seats. come all high that has more from the above. i said, goes to be noteworthy that back in 2022 age or the correlation of 13 parking that out state m ron con. and although they didn't agree with each other
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and were on con, became the rallying point under which day united. so now why should the, if of gods, would it be now looking more or less for the same allies that within that correlation government, nor the focused on democratic alliance and what did expected aid that if he is able to get the support of the focused on people's party with your number g as far as the number of was off and they pick and rule of view of the political parties. then they have a john for forming a coalition government. but that is not going to be easy. given the fact that m, ron con party, had 12 thirds majority or goal. many of those feeds that are going to go fall into the court of law because the irregularities and iran founded already claim that they've got to 3rd majority in volume. and so it's really important to see where the, this political parties were once again come together to form
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a coalition government by the coordination government. the northern on the go bug is tons problems because i'm going to, shouldn't government go not last long. and the ticket patient knows that we may see yet more violence when it comes to parliament. process of being held in senegal is capital against a decision by president lucky assault delay upcoming elections. the vote which was set for february 25th has been postponed till december. nicholas han supports from the call. i down the narrow alleys of downtown, the car is popular, neighborhoods burning anger against the president's police fire tear gas on a civil disobedience movement against present themselves decision to delay this month's presidential elections. to december. it was supposed to be a peaceful gathering of the nation square with religious leaders calling demonstrators to come with their family wearing white into some of the piece. but faced with rounds of tear gas frustrated demonstrators, turned on security forces,
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blocking roads, charging on the police. he is joking that we ask the fed up with mike you sounded. he is already to tons. what more does he want? we don't head much. he said he's our president, but he has to heart elixir. is this good raising? we had come to do. most of this for what they are doing is not no mark the case. a student is a 2nd text. we shouldn't be pushing it or trying to tweak it. a protest spread from downtown to car to other major cities in the country. security forces appearing overwhelmed. the government says this protest is illegal and directed inc. peace instability, but for these demonstrators, if president lucky south that's threatening the stability of the country with his decision to delay the elections, while if he calls on national dialogue,
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they call for more protest trying to grow and grow, the president says he will not run for another term the election needs to be delayed, he says to restore trust in the electoral process. and after the list of candidates were put into question. the president's decision was confirmed by the national assembly on monday, members of parliament voted for delay in the presidential election after right police force to opposition and peace out of the parliament. the united states said the vote appeared. illegitimate. is elizabeth because the prison is the one who has to make sure that all is to some of functioning well stability and security free and free it and free and fair elections of a nice a to the civil disobedience move would see the delay and the vote as the ploy by microsoft to extend his time in power, they say they have been robbed of their vote, but not of their voice and movement ignited by young senegalese protecting one of
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the oldest democracies in west africa. or show of defiance. a reminder that the president is chosen for and by the people. nicholas hawk, elder, xerox, the car, the democratic republic of condos, defense minister, has visited saca in the east of the country to address escalating security concerns . renewed funding between the ami and m. $23.00 levels of sales to more than a $150000.00 people to flee their homes this month. control. so excuse us, one, the backend. the rebels book all the denies. any involvement allowed, or connie report. and the 1st thing back in the city of 2nd says was they went to fighting the locked in between the new york state army and am trying to treat the rebels here in this area. most of this area we have talked and heard was succeeded in monday to arrive down the mountains behind me were the army battling back today, most often now disappeared. the fighting. and even as we are here,
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some of the brands deals, we can hear the running from the place where we are. right to know the data says meaning. so the defense is visiting the area. we do some capital officials from the army in order to make sure that everything is under control. but the ownership that it doesn't go through, i am here to support our military forces, our partners and local groups fighting alongside. i'm including the subject force. we quote on the population to remain calm, because it president is doing everything with our military forces to prevent troubles, to take control of 2nd or government. the government, the artist, is accusing them to be brought to by yolanda and a refuse on an equal session with naples, even though the cost is very high. the units of the 1st also told me to put in is to visit the hospital with 170 people out right to now under the tree commit to the hospital. the victims, as dearest a tug between today obviously. and the rebels, if i takes to go with it all in just to keep the majority still difficult for you
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having to come back because they don't know how to assist you just let me go into the coming days. the fighting still going on. i mean, it isn't just forcing their capacity to even today we have sent out us one is coming from the shut off to join the 4th line here, island way connie, on just a 2nd. the democratic republic of going to the head on knowledge of sarah farmers in poland below. okay. check point of view frame and explain why they're concerned about the likelihood the big changes are taking place in the next couple of days. not so much in the eastern med, with the remaining light. charles would probably move briefly through live and to leave behind sunshine as softly breeze out through the genial day. 6 does indeed strengthen to bring us a bit of rain, maybe to stumble later on sunday,
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or maybe monday, but i wouldn't count on it. but this is the biggest change this line of developing thunderstorms, or at least a band of rain from iraq down through satellite radiate moving east woods to, to all of the gulf states. actually you a and a mom pretty wet looking stuff that during sunday. so at least 2 days to some places though, how to all picard this sunday and monday looked like pretty wet lucky. who would monday afternoon, looks fine. and then tuesday evening, we'd have 23 degrees. once more in the sunshine. they're also big shelves around middle of 10 tons and the, and the congo, and back to what those 9 go to. but the republic of the congo looked driving it was, we've had flooding here to south of this. and where it moves on beaks in a bit of wet red. that's disappearing. i think madagascar is in for some southern it's the right time of the we've had a big child's recently on the eastern side of south africa with that certainly breezes bringing cooler weather. so the chance the shells will move out of there and move further north. the
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neos rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly rip through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey the to watching me, elizabeth put on and don't have
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a line to of on top stories. the south is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has ordered the military to submit a plan for what he called a mass of operation and dropbox and yahoo also asked for a platinum of actuation the civilian population. ben was invested as have held an emergency meeting at the un headquarters to discuss the potential of in his way ground invasion offered. also one more than a 1000000 palestinians trapped the group of urging the west coast for a ceasefire. and focused on to that 2 commission has announced the results of those days. vote independent candidates are in the lease laws to allied to the body of jones from a prime minister and on con, center, rise pockets non with from the n. as in 2nd place of a group of doctors and nurses who are forced to flee to delphi in southern gaza, the not less than the displacement. keep them from treating palestinians in need. they call themselves the med face team. the set top a make shift clinic to treat the sick, feel free, but most hospitals in gauze,
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a barely functioning the facility as providing much needed services. in donald conver pulse amongst the sea of tents and the city of ruffled lies one with a cue of people waiting to be seen a group of volunteer doctors and nurses who fled these really bombardments and con eunice. have set up a make shift clinic. they call themselves the med face, change. no appointments are needed and there's new office hours. they're here to help for as long as it takes, and then f, as in the family just being available. those changes more or less like an outpatient clinic. and the medicines are free for the sick people. we are trying to prepare the next door team to be ready for emergencies. we also provide psychological support in therapy took nutrition. we tried very hard to provide medicines for chronic diseases. the medical team are ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. their equipment is basic and depleted as they tend to an ever growing list
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of patients us. why does that follows? and in the here we treat children, women and elder, the people who are living tents in the scan. every day we deal with more than 200 sick people. the numbers of sick people are increasing. yeah, we need solar energy to operate system devices. and we also need moments and conditions in this camp continued to worsen, but many here valued the proximity of being so close to volunteers who put their health and wellbeing 1st. them up front of the vision. when our children get sick, we bring them to this medical point to be treated. the other medical point is very far away. we are very grateful to this medical team was helping us and treating our children. we all hope to go back to our areas, a neighborhood, star houses and gods, so no one has a low with helpless in the face of death and despair, emetics, they, they will continue to provide on wavering light, saving treatments until they can one day return home or until their last breath,
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ronald han helps us here. and a definite kind of few has been ordered in the district of northern india, the soft of riots which was sponsored by the demolition of a mosque. at least 5 people were killed and a 150 injured and held wanting district in the state of con, comes on the homeland reports. the after months of a night, the riots inhaled one he lives. most homes damage on vehicles for the demolition of a most on the religious school sparked widespread must be in practice. if you can maybe do see that man. when i reached home, there are muslims in my neighborhood, and when i stopped my car, i saw for the 1st time, hundreds of policemen, men of it running to save their lives. but as most of those people were pelting, still women with the injuries asked us for help and we tried to help and stop them from coping stones. and during this i got injured. so there were hundreds of writers. a police accuse the full testers starting the violence security forces
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fide boots and gus in response to the situation is under control. we are ensuring pace and hold one. he says he in total around $1100.00 policemen have been deployed in the city. the price groups and most of the leaders of accused prime minister and that in the mode of ignoring violence against muslims and destruction of their religious sites. moody opened in the temple based on the rings of a 16 sent to most last month. denies that positions of discrimination seems body can to call it a 2014 and several must have been demolished, of to sort of said, they were boot legally. most of them practice groups according to one and the similar demolitions include that one which is known for it seemed to please give them insights. yes, the portal system. they are coming through the courts through the system. there's
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an order and within 4 to 6 hours, it's implementation of sight in one line. there is no hope before just as for us in this country, for now the streets of one year. quite a time came at the price for many patients remains high. having some him, data follows in poland, have blocked border checkpoints, going to crate and protests against impulse of ukrainian food. they say that goods are unfairly driving down prices and threatening their livelihood. dominic cane has more across the confidence of europe, the agricultural community. the farmers are angry and they are making serious them on solve governments up and down the continent to hear that concerns and implement the sorts of policies they say they need, where i am right now. this is the german boda with poland and the police have been forced to close the border to old motorized traffic because the level of protest, particularly over on the polish side, is
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a very considerable the thing that unites the farmers is the cry full more understanding from governments here in germany, one specific demand is to deal with the cost of diesel with the price of diesel. to make sure that governments realize that there are certain things that can be done to make things easier for the farming community. but clearly the sense, amongst farmers here in germany over there in poland, but also in spain, it's the and elsewhere is more understanding needs to be shown. european union has implemented some interest, but many farmers say they owned enough dominant cane houses era on the german polish border. german chancellor all off schultz is amazing with us president joe biden in washington dc. it shows this 3rd visit to the us capital since becoming chancellor in 2021. it comes in a growing concern in western capital was over the ukraine. will. republicans in congress have blocked
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a to ukraine. montana has moved from washington. the top of the agenda and the meeting between the 2 lead is what's the situation in ukraine, the german chancellor saying that a brief photo opportunity before the talks began. that germany and the us have being in the alignment about how to deal with that situation and how to provide assistance for ukraine. president biden agreed, but was scared using of republicans in congress, who he said was stopping him from getting financial aid to ukraine. 2 years here and i'm sure it stays special failure not to support this close to also discussed between the 2. lead is,
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was a situation in gaza agreement there about the need to continue to get assistance in to the people facing that is really on the floor. also discussed was concerned about the conflict spreading. in particular, the text by who's these on ship things in the area, something that could have a major impact on trade in europe. my kind of obvious era, washington, the bad in charge of defending cave and russia invaded ukraine, has taken all of us the chief of the armed forces. alexander says he has taken the job just ahead of the 2 year anniversary of rushes, invasion from the fried reports from case a day off to the shock dismissal a valid ease, a loose me that has been mixed reactions. hearing keith with some political leaders and commentators expressing that disappointment at the decision, others seeming to agree with president landscape that it was time for a change at the top. but most people expressing pretty universal praise,
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full demands, accredited with having supported rushes, full scale invasion. 2 years ago, i tend to now turns to his successor, alexander assess key describe, defies the lensky as you cranes most experience combined to right now who was in charge of the defense of key of at the start of the wall. i was also instrumental in the successful counter offensive. the push russian forces back from the city of kind of key serious case 1st by full as had the beyond policies will be to try to limit the damage especially to the route in the ranks given his previous test as popularity in that these issue, the not the statement to all of the soldiers talking about the importance of logistics, of training and to preserve and as much as possible. he says, the lives in the health, the old service personnel and a to achieve that, relying more he says, on technology and on man systems,
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old ways of trying to change the fortunes of an army that off to 2 years of intense fighting a pay is now to be stop at least duck public, right? i'll just era keeps brazil. supreme court has released a compromising video of job sonata. it shows the full president urgent has ministers to help prevent his defeat and the 2022 election. monica yanna kit has more view. this is former president shape, also not telling his ministers, she will not be re elected unless something is done before voters make their choice of them. we know that if we react until after the election, there will be big tiles. in brazil, it will turn into a big, reliable fat, a wildfire as the cabinet meeting took place in july 2020 to 3 months before brazil's presidential elections. but the video has just been released by the supreme court as evidence of the legit plot to overturn the 2022 electro results.
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and then no president lula the syllabus. narrow victory. everyone hey, has something to lose. we kinda let the elections take place and watch what we expect to happen happen. we have to do something before also, and that was being investigated for discrediting the electrical system without offering proof and allegedly instigating an uprising against lula last year. the former president denies any wrong doing. and his son, congressman eduardo both so narrow accuses the government of political persecution when they cannot compete against a policy towards that goes to these threats live variable sonata. ringback together with a lot of followers, not all over the streets, but obviously social media. they use the courts today in brazil we are seeing a huge operation officer presented f. b i. we call here the federal police.


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