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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the, the more than a 1000000 palestinians face or news, right, softer israel's prime minister orders the military evacuation plan for a roof in southern gauze. the real life in the headquarters and don't mind getting you navigate. also coming up is really cyprus, around the last major hospital functioning in southern garza killing 21. people there since thursday, and focused on him on con, claims election, victory from prison. while his rifle, the former prime minister,
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now was to reach celebrate defense parties. when the russian drone star, i chose that these 10 people into ukrainian cities will have the latest from the tele, we begin in southern gaza, where there is a growing panic after israel announced plans for a major offensive and rough. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has directed the army to submit a plan for invading the area under the factory waiting palestinians. more than a 1000000 displays, people are crammed in tents with little access to food, water, and other basic supplies. for us in a groups of warrens or military campaign, there would be catastrophic way that then yeah. who, who, who was here, there's nathan yahoo! in his government, the government to form turned into into be dropped off. shall we go? how would the charge of pressuring us to migrate to egypt will not go to egypt, turned to gauze and darting cause, or anywhere in the cause of flat,
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but do not make it to egypt or any other place, and is the one i don't know what remains where do we go then? i told my husband this morning that i will stay here. die here. i wouldn't leave. where would i go? we want the safety. we're exhausted seriously. and i swear to god with tired. it's enough. over the past 4 months, israel's relentless bombing campaign has forced the people of gauze at the fleet further and further south. it started in october when hundreds of thousands of people fled the north off to the is really army, announced a 6 hour window for civilians to move past. why the guys all the following month see, is really are for his drop leaflets and villages is to find eunice ordering residents to evacuate immediately westwards to what it called known shelter is then in december be is really army gave instructions to residents in the north and center of the gaza strip to move immediately to shelters and dated by january. so israel
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order hundreds of thousands of people in fine units to move to and milwaukee. many of them were targeted by tanks, artillery shells and arms fire as they fled. then at the beginning of this month, that is really defense minister. you will have go on to announce that once the army had completed what she called its mission in hon. eunice, they would turn their attention to it off goes a southern, most city is sheltering. more than 1400000 people. that's more than half of the strips population. in the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, say, the unprecedented density of rough as population make it nearly impossible to protect civilians in the event of ground. a tax oh, just as a congestion and rougher has reached a point where normal routes are blocked by tents set up by families seeking any flat clean surface available. in the last 3 months, the city is produced, the equivalent of a years worth of garbage, according that's according to what municipal authorities are telling us. what hi
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eunice is really cyprus of carried out more attacks and around last that hospital video showed the moments medical staff tried to rescue an injured palestinian snipers have killed at least 21 palestinians, bear it since thursday, and is really tanks are stationed at the entrance of that hospital, the army says that it's carrying out intensive operations in the city as well as in central and northern garza. we have about a 0 tiny muscle which is joining us now from what i find southern gaza. and just in the past few minutes, tiny, we've been hearing that the body of a 6 year old child pins and the red crescent crew who went looking for her 12 days ago have not been found killed. what more do we know? oh yes, well this is the story of a 6 year old, a child hens, the right job, along with her family. and within the past the 12 day,
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there were lots of work by the civil defense, the crew and paramedics inside garza city searching for harry as the suspected she was the only a person in the family. the only member of the family who. 1 lived wednesday, our car was attacked by heavy machine guns an attack of drones, as they were leaving their residential homes in gaza. city, the family, along with their children, the mother, the father, and their 3 children, the evacuated their residential home as these really monetary within the past. and they, the started ordering people in gauze are. those were stranded in some of the areas to leave an old, older way through dated by city than the new evacuation orders. but the vast majority of these orders were quite false and misleading. as people were leaving their residential homes in their areas. they were shut out by the attack of drones or vice snipers on the roof tops of the surrounding buildings. so for 12 days the
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search was going on, as they believe that she was still alive in the car just as a fairly hours of this morning. as she was found, the body of hand was found inside the car a little with the bodies of her father, mother, and 2 siblings inside the car. they were shot out, they were killed and they were pretty much in a process where they started. did the seas inside the car and just hens this story and their family, a representative sample of them many harrowing stories in many of the atrocities committed against entire families in java city. whether the were stranded inside their home and where to execute it bite is really monitor or they were on their way . evacuated into a safer area or on the road as happened at the initial weeks of the word as they were targeted on the coastal roads. they're trying to get to the central area as they were ordered by the military and right, a reminder that no one is safe and no place as safe as the war going on. yeah,
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honey. and also, i mean the is really prime minister is ordering a military offensive and enough that is where you are and for the army to prepare to evacuate civilians from there. but we evacuated civilians to where as you're saying, there is no, we're safe in the gaza. strip as well, the entire gaza strip has turned into a dangerous combat zone within tends bombing campaign going on everywhere. as we have said repeatedly, there is no safer place in god. so not even that designated safe zones that were a people were ordered to evacuate to, they are being bid bonds repeatedly. people got killed within hours of their arrives and now the fear, it's not only just a panic that there is a ground invasion here, but people are worried that they will be told to go to an area because it is save or designated save by the military and end up being killed in those areas. a lot of
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people are very hesitant there. i'm just the one to clear, a clear route to a clear to save her door, a career clear and safe route to where they should be defend. there has to be guaranteed that they will be safe, but just given the past experiences that, that is not the case that people were killed within a few hours or days of their arrivals through their in news show during areas. and now with the, with what's going on in and drop, i have been all very crowded and it pretty much we have an empty northern part with a 100. a few 1000 people were stranded there. we're talking about the actual family know delivery for humanitarian aid. the entire area turned into a pile of ruins that on being a waste land, there isn't much option. there isn't much for people to hold for, from going back now to their homes in the northern part. thank god, the city on the whole, in narrative so far is still misleading and contradictory and confusing for the
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most part. okay, honey. thank you. hi. anyway, i was reporting for us from the fall and goes off the spring and really challenges joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. there has been pushed back from the us as well as international human rights organizations. worry on this is really military offensive. and ref isn't making any difference to an attorney who has plans that's a good question. there's been a lot of speculation, a lot of discussion and is ready media for many, many weeks about this impending operation in roswell, how long it will take when it will stop once it will look like, um, i'm why the is right, the army hasn't gone into rafa site for the narratives in some commentary that they should have done. so i already and it's making, it's like much more complicated, but i haven't wasted this long. but from the government itself that's being very, very little. uh, we understand as we know,
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we've been roll proposed in the last couple of days the, the white house basically said that it conk and don't any operation in rafa that doesn't put in place, say it's serious humanitarians plans now, following that. the net some yahoo administration has said that. yes, it is putting to place a humanitarian plan. what it is doing. that's me all. he says he has ordered the ministry, the security establishment to basically draw up 2 plans for a combined plan. why that deals with the population of, of reference a, gets them out of rafa evacuate center and also then goes in cycles. well, that's me all he says is the, the full battalions of how much that are in that part of the gaza strip. now, as you say, that has been a lot of criticisms about this impending operations. united nation says that it, any false displacements of the population of rafa is against humanitarian,
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international humanitarian law. uh, the kind of sending will start to you saying that it will cross whole red lines. egyptians are concerned about a wave of pot assume you recognize coming across the southern border. and in some sign i put in see the channel 12 and is ready. a tv network is reporting that's meant to be all who told the war cabinets that he wants any operation in reference to be wrapped up for ramadan. and that begins around march, the 10th a rotary. how is the news that moody is the credit rating agency has downgraded israel's credit reading, being received in israel yeah, moody's is one of the 3 main credit rating agencies internationally. so what they do is they look at countries, they assess that are conan ladies and they make a rating on how risk, why they are, how uh,
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how much risk had risen herring and buying decks from a back country, lending to that country. i what i said about is routes is that the ongoing goal has basically meant that the right thing that they will give it has been going, has gone down from a one to white to now that still medium great. that still invested greatest, it doesn't mean that this is a rock bottom stock, but it is a concern for these, right? the government at a time when the budget is going deeper into the red, having to re rely more on borrowing. and because of the rates credit ratings, that borrowing cost is likely to be going hot. now nothing the only size, this is purely because of the war is not to do with the robustness of the is ready economy in general. and he says that when the war ends and it will decide what winning the war, then that credit retry credit, right? single will bounce back up again. but the, the, the full cost is not $60.00 great for these ready called economy. and the other 2
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main racing agencies that s and p and fix, they probably have israel on a negative watch and so they may follow moody's. i'm down, great israel in the weeks of months to come take. okay, thank you. very talents. recorded from occupied is the rest of them. the 2 focused on our, the former prime minister, now washer reef, and the jails leader and wrong con, have both declared victory and thursday's general elections. but the independent candidates, most of whom are allied to con wanda most seats as independence. they cannot form a government on their own cons. party released in a i generated message in which he rejected sheriff's claim to a victory. there is no need to panic. celebrate the victory and offer prayers of gratitude. despite 2 years of injustice and atrocities. we have won the 2024
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election with a 2 thirds majority. everyone has witnessed the power of your vote. know, demonstrate the strength to protect your vote. sheriff's pockets don was the league one of the most states, but fail to win a majority teresa, but he would try to form a coalition government we don't have a majority to run the government though, selves. so we invite the of the clock to use in candidates who has been successful to work with us, focused on could not afford any sort of fight. that is why i am repeatedly saying we will all have to sit together and sort out all these issues. taken faxed out into the 21st century. what's bringing us? a bank is running us from the horse. so i said, what's the mood like it amongst people and practiced on of the fall again, paper. the waking up to 2 slits could lead as long as declaring victory bed. and the whole essential of the infinity gauge is ancient gate. and this is almost like
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a beating heart of the horde. this is what people come to do, the shopping, and this is the market safe. and i've been speaking to people here this morning, and again, just frustration the best piece of frustration was the results of the change of those results of the discrepancies. and now it's like there's one view button while it's free for the most. indeed, depending victory. and then you've got amount of con, using a i, he's in prison of the page i declaring victory. but the feeling here is that many people voted for the peach you either voted for those independent that they feel like the guy should be able to go forward. and pull a gun, but now obviously it's not as simple as the situation is unprecedented. but the game, the situation with the matter isn't over yet. you still have some about to leave, have 100 independent seats linked to pete drive. you have the facts and just to meet the streets at 71 of the books on these people's party has 54,
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and this the teen sees the left to deliberate even once. that is because it's still not told, but there's still people all getting both using fees or losing positions discrepancies . so this could go on for awhile. so what, what do we expect then will will happen next of the? well, we understand that the chairman of board on the card is set to make a present later today. and what he said yesterday was that the 72 hour period that the election commission has said that these independents must join the party. but he's rejected that he's saying that he was only the symbol of the cricket that was removed off the ballot paper that the pci is still the registered party. and i think that he was the one to go forward or form a government can reject this idea of the peach joining another party. although i'm not sure that he's competing. you're rude. the could join us for the party. however, it is unprecedented. you have no was, has the backing of the military establishment of the country on his declared
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victory. and his also offering the parties to join him. i need the money to, to get the numbers. then he could be in a position to pull him again much so again, it's still up in the news. the feeling here is another day and the more people frustrated and disappointed shut this process has not done a move. yes, they would have like trump saying, okay, thank you. i said thank reporting from the hor, still ahead on alger 0. anger incentive go off to the president, delays the coming election. lucky saul is accused of trying to hold onto power the . com for my using the video for those former presidents before the 2022 election that could land him in jail. the
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so it's been snowing for a couple of days and a wide squares across northern europe from the bridge owls more or less to the baltic. states there's a message from the satellite point of view, but all this he rosetti woman is already went to. it has a complete change of type, and this is the boundary along which has been snowing because the north it is very cold. we are pushing with their inch coda, so it turns readily to snap denmark had a fair pounding yesterday and seasons. as you can see, that was several sent to me just and it's still snowing. no, of course there's nothing the same place. the real cold air is sitting more or less and half way up the voltage housing keys minus 11. that is the highest temperature likely to day. and the full cost is to keep it pretty cold. but there's a warming trend. as the wind picks up, though it's still going to snow, the snow full starts today's light to move out. it didn't knock into something doorway, south of that, it is right, but not a huge amount to be the have to admit, attempting to not that high, but obviously it's a big comp trust when you run up a defendant. and then there's a right now that's cool study on the streets and madrid. he's going to bring some snow now to the high ground. in spite of the rain itself is gonna draw some
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bullfighting. possibly milan over italy and maybe east was more time you get to sunday. we've crossed the a drastic had the chance of heavy rain here are quite high. it also catches out you area. i'm or okay, the unique perspective on and the but i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this to me. it was really a form of things thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices. and i'm of the communications. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the on the top stories on how to 0. there's growing panic and gaza after israel announced plans for a major offensive and rough prime minister benjamin netanyahu has directed before me to submit a plan for invading the area and evacuating palestinians is really snipers have shot more palestinians near la, sort of hospital in san eunice they've killed the police 21 people there since thursday medical stuff or among the wounded following the general election in pakistan on thursday. no party has won enough states for an outright majority in one con, who's in chico and another form of prime minister. and it was a reason of both declared victory. serrita said he's ready to begin talks to form
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a coalition government more than 12000 children are among the nearly 28000 palestinians killed in gaza since israel's war began. countless others have been injured, making children the worst affected group. now, a small number of them are set to be transferred to italy, shown a whole has the story. for some families from casa, this is was good for to looks like the injuries are true magic, of course, and worst out children. but they've left the hollows of goes up behind the door on the way to it, to the for medical treatment. and in that sense, they are truly a privileged few. the tenant government has assigned it to take to weekly 100 injured children from guys with their families, with their gardens. there are many different types of diseases and pro most everybody is psychologically problem with that, as these people will have an opportunity to ask for an international protection and
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easily and as soon as they wish and they want to and can they can go back or state anything before leaving for a to the there tend to here at the tele and hospital in kyra. these are unfamiliar surroundings, not just a city of peace from casa, but a hospital that actually functions my grandson has a skull fracture and his brain is swollen. there were no doctors in gaza as no medication. no doctors, nurses that only change wound dressings. there's no anesthesia or anyone to stitch wounds or perform surgery. they may have left the will behind but it's williams and scores will travel with them instead of how to put in for koreans injuries happen when a house show because it is rarely bombardment nearby. they were burns on his body because the t spelled on on his face, chest, neck,
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and hands. young curry scolded by a pelt of t as explosions erupted close to his home, one innocent victim among tens of thousands, but one among the very small number of his torment can now be getting here. joe, know how l g 0? a russian german striking ukraine has killed 7 civilians, including 3 children, a petrol station and car keyboards, head causing burning fuel to set nearby homes. a blaze rushing, shelling is reported to have killed 3 civilians, and ne ukraine forsythe. the survivors were rescued from the rubble of their homes and assumed the region from mcbride is joining us from chief to tell us what more we're hearing about what's happening on the front lines. well, so yeah, that's right. a lot of the intense fighting has been taking place once again, maybe at least of the country, the russians seemingly determined to try to press some kind of baffled field success. ahead of the 2nd database, we have the full scale invasion which is coming up. so we're seeing more intense
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fighting, for example, around the time of, of div cut. but most of that the deadly as striking sims of civilians has been in the northeastern city of concave, where this drug and strike over nights hit apparently, a petro filling station today. it was an incident which you can go to a number of homes that by about 15 houses with a number of people killed and injured. we understand the whole family was killed in that strike. that was a drug strikes elsewhere around the city of how to keep it, which has come under pretty relentless um, as strikes uh and uh, uh, different uh ms. uh le tax uh for a number of weeks now. we also saw an a tax in the south of the country and run the pulled city of a desk, sir, again, drones being used to the ukraine. united defense claiming that around 30 thrones were used over nights and claiming to shut down around 2 thirds of those. okay, rob, thank you for that update from keys. the german chancellor. all i've sold is meeting
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with the us president joe biden in washington dc. it's schultz, a 3rd visit to the us capital since becoming chancellor in 2021. it comes from a growing concerned in western capital's over the ukraine war. republicans in congress have blocked aid to ukraine of the 2 years here. i'm sure united states especially with the failure united states congress not support close to criminal principles. supreme court has released a compromising video of julia or both scenario. it shows the former president urging his ministers to help prevent his defeat and the 2022 election. monica and i
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can have reports from rio de janeiro you. this is former president shape also natalie telling his ministers, she will not be re elected unless something is done before voters make their choice of them. we know that if we react off to the election, there will be big tile, sim, bersale. it will turn into a big, reliable, fat, a wildfire. the cabinet meeting took place in july 2020 to 3 months before brazil's presidential elections. but the video has just been released by the supreme court as evidence of the legit plot to overturn the 2022 electro results. and then no president lula the syllabus. narrow victory. everyone hey, has something to lose. we kinda let the elections take place and watch what we expect to happen happen. we have to do something before. well, sonata was being investigated for discrediting the electoral system without offering proof and allegedly instigating and uprising against last year. the former
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president denies any wrong doing. and his son, congressman eduardo both. so natural accuses the government of political persecution when they cannot compete against a policy towards that goes to these threats like variables on idle. ringback together with a lot of followers, not all over the streets, but obviously social media. they use the courts up to date. in brazil we are see a huge operation of the president, f, b i. we call here the federal police, i guess the most or model and the people very close to him. well, so now to, and his family are also being investigated for allegedly, using results intelligence agency, to legally spice on the opposition and supreme court justices. political on the let's say, you know, seriously with prison. can we expect that soon? boston area will be in prison. the whole process is leading in that direction.
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don't do. what worries me is. the reaction has more radical followers, will have, we still will hold municipal elections this year. and despite bill so not will be banned from running to hope that the results will show his support is still strong . monica not give all just 0. we have just a narrow set of goals. presidents has defended his decision to delay elections from later this month to the end of the year. microsoft says the government needs more time to resolve the disqualification of candidates on conflicts within the judiciary. nicholas hawk reports of the car on the latest protests condemning the postponement. down the narrow l. ease of downtown, the car is popular, neighborhoods burning anger against the president's police fire tear gas on a civil disobedience movement against present themselves decision to delay this month's presidential elections. to december. it was supposed to be a peaceful gathering of the nation square with religious leaders calling
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demonstrators to come with their family where a white it is somebody to piece. but faced with rounds of tear gas frustrated demonstrators, turn on security forces, blocking roads charging on the police. he is joking, this. we as fed up with, mikey says he is already 2 times. what more does he want? we don't have much decided. he's our president, but he has the heart elixir. is this go raising? we had come to do most of these for what they are doing is not no mark. the case, it's susan is the 2nd text. we shouldn't be pushing it or trying to tweak it. protests spread from downtown to car, to other major cities in the country. security forces appearing overwhelmed. the government says this protest is illegal and direct to the peace instability. but for these demonstrators,
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if president lucky south that's threatening the stability of the country with his decision to delay the elections, walton calls on national dialogue. they call for more protest trying to grow and grow, the president says he will not run for another term. the election needs to be delayed, he says to restore trust in the electoral process. after the list of candidates were put into question. the president's decision was confirmed by the national assembly on monday, members of parliament voted for delay in the presidential election after right police force to opposition and peace out of the parliament. the united states said the vote appeared. illegitimate. is elizabeth because the prison is the one who has to make sure that all is tusham of functioning well. the symbol with it and security free and free it and free and fair elections. i organize the civil disobedience move with see the delay in the vote as the ploy by microsoft


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