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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, israel's time to evacuated alpha, it's condemned with warnings that it's transfer and into a fit test. the, you're watching all just 0 life or my headquarters and i'm getting you navigate the also coming up. the body of a 6 year old has been found nearly 12 days after her family was killed by is really
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forces in gaza while they waited in their car for help and practiced on him or on con, claims election, victory from prison. while his rifle, former prime minister was to recess his party as one of the volunteers in mexico who risk their lives in the search for missing people. the hello, we begin in southern gaza, where calls are growing against the large scale is really military offensive enough . the u. n. the us and agencies say in a tax on the city would be a catastrophe and a disaster. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has asked the army to plan for a major operation on the evacuation of palestinians. more than a 1000000 palestinians are living there in dire conditions. meanwhile, the is really army is carrying out more strikes in the area. the police intelligence chief and jeff and his deputy have both been killed in an attack on
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their car. at least 25 people have been killed and strikes there on saturday. the local mayor is calling on the international community to prevents and is really offensive. and over in han, eunice is really snipers or carrying out more attack spinning around northside hospital. video shows the moments medical staff tried to rescue an injury. palestinian snipers have killed at least $21.00 palestinians there since thursday. the body of a 6 year old, polished, again girl and 5 family members have been found nearly 2 weeks after they went missing and gaza city ended, as i have called for health after as where the soldiers attacked their car. the bodies of 2 ambulance crew members went looking for her. have also been found. it had been hoped that she survived that attack. it's also a 0 sign him what is to an answering the phone and uh, southern goes up honey to talk about all the latest developments and also we now
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know that the body of the 6 year old palestinian girl has been found the yeah. so within the past hour is the search for him, the right job band, her family and the homestead. she would have survived the attacks by machine guns on, on the car. and what she, she was hiding in 12 days ago when she was trying to leave with her family, telling how neighborhoods that spend central dogs, a city that came under tv bombardment and people were sharply ordered to evacuated the area to further the central area of the gaza strip, but do wear a shot at by heavy machine guns that here family were killed, their father, mother, her 2 siblings, and she's there by the attacks. at the beginning again, she made some phone calls, calling for help. she dialed at the civil defense department calling for her health,
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but as were her to from the audio. she was shot and killed as he was talking to the civil defense. accrued just 12 days went by and the search was going on until the air the hours of this morning were family members as these really military pulled out a from definitely how area approach a gas station which the car was located and recognized the car and the family members inside who were by their bodies were partially sees the story of, of him that our job is a sample of what children across the gods through have been experiencing since the beginning of, of the war on gaza and all the did inside the lack. sticking in place that said, reminder that more than 12000, it's children so far have been killed by the intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip. there's so many of them about 70000 who are separated from their
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families or went missing as the work continue to ravish a, the entire gaza strip right on honey. the killings and, and the strikes there seems to be no letter in other parts of the gaza. strip tell us what's happening the the in the there is no lit up in the tax on, on the golf is from here in old, very crowded, dropped off to the on the, for the uh, in a row. it's the, the 10s bombing campaign taking place at night, and just overnight, a tax, the killing get $25.00 people belong to family of the entire family that has been killed. we're talking about a 3 generation and one family, a grand parents, parents, and their children. old at what one scale and center a lot of rough behind in the northern parts of the city. and this is the 4th day in a row of this a go and going berlin plus they are, it strikes,
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targeting the city in the southern part of the, of hon. you to swear the 100 knots or hospitals is located and around its vicinity . not only the hospital is being shot and this, the snipers are killing medical, the staff inside the hospital. but within the past few hours, the both, those are on tags surrounding the hospital and the blocking. it's main. gates, wood pile of fans and rumbles preventing. anyone from leaving the hospital and, and for now we're talking about the 300 medical staff are trapped inside their 450 patients. and those have been, when did it critically are inside the hospital and 10000 display as how a city is i've been shouldering inside the facility of north or hospital or now under the military, cj as people, those are the times surrounding it and shooting it every moving objects inside the hospital. oh, okay honey, thank you so much for that update. so honey,
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hold reporting for us from what i saw in gaza and let's spring and what we're trying to joining us from occupied is jerusalem. so the is really government has applied for a military offensive into it off off, but there is pushback from the u. s. the u. n. international human rights organizations saying not to do it, it will be a catastrophe. are these comments making any difference to nothing? yeah. whose plans? the yeah, one i think the, the us concern was that certainly went on to the blinking was a, he didn't get any impression from these. right. the government that that was a serious plan and what the us government said was that he could not conducting an operation into rafa. sudden tail or on the last that was a proper humanitarian situation to prep the humanitarian plan for how they're going to deal with all those people being these ready media that's been discussion for
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many weeks about what the right for operational the like a when's it gonna start, how long would it go on? so why has it not stopped it already? but the government itself has said, precious little other than that right for his next and that cross as it was on the off the blinking go back and the criticism was leveled. that's nothing yahoo has come out and said he has instructed the minute tree and the security establishment to come up with a combined plan for tackling bodies as the last uh, or the full brigades of how much spices didn't write. fox handles so evacuate for one of those many, many hundreds of thousands over a 1000000 people who are squished up against the the, the rest of the border. so there is a situation now where everyone's water aussie, what is it going to look like? what's going to come next and we don't know. it was a short onset, so that's in the is where the media protect the channel. 12. it's
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a at the news channel here they are saying that's, that's me on who has spoken to the war cabinet and said to the war cabinet that he wants the raffle operation wrapped top by the start of ramadan. now remember that begins around march, the 10, so that's not very long away, that's only a month in which to evacuate. all of those people and conclude that ministry operation. okay, or thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem of israel has once again carried out airstrikes and southern 11 on the attacks. targeted been about to your district. the is really army says that it's aiming to force has been the fighters back from border areas to allow, is released to return to their homes in northern israel. meanwhile, it runs for ministers in lebanon to discussed israel's war on gaza. i mean it off the. yeah, and has met with since by the leadership as well as the lebanese prime minister. israel has been targeting senior members are fixed by law and its infrastructure
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and the ongoing conflict along border areas. here's an a for the who's in bay room to meet with more on that meeting. this will be his 3rd tor, since the war on gauze have begun in october, this is about messaging and the messaging began upon his arrival. on friday, he was received at the airport by representatives of hezbollah, representatives of the palestinian group, hamas as well as the summit. you had, he met the secretary general of hezbollah house on those throughout the, and from us as leadership 11 on, even before meeting lebanese state officials. now you are on wheels influence in this country through these groups, and the around wields influence in the region through a network of arms groups across the region, a transnational alliance of non state actors, which have been involved in a war with israel or the united states so this is iran showcasing it's regional power if you like, projecting power, showing that it is
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a regional player. but in his meeting with the secretary general of hezbollah, they did say that they discussed diplomatic developments, not just security developments in gaza, which means in one way or another, they could be referring to a meeting on thursday hosted by saudi arabia, which grouped a number of arab countries, they have been trying to put their own initiatives on the table to come up with a arab united arab stats on post war garza. and this is excluding iran. so the message here is we are a regional player and we have, we will have a say, and we was a say in a, you know, in the course of these negotiations which you know, which are happening behind the scenes that will bring an end to the war on garza, the
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most results smell declared and focused on the general election. no political force has a clear majority, but independent candidates linked to the jail. its former prime minister and more con, have defied expectations and one most seats so far. however, another former prime minister and a washer re says his party has emerged as the largest and once others to join a coalition. the independent candidates cannot form and governments on their own. they can only join a party cons party, release the a i generated message in which he claim victory. there is no need to panic. celebrate the victory, and offer prayers of gratitude. despite 2 years of injustice and atrocities. we have won the 2024 election with a 2 thirds majority. everyone has witnessed the power of your vote. know, demonstrate the strength to protect your vote. and so ricks focused on what's the league, one of the most states, but failed to win and majority. so he said he would try to form
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a coalition government you don't want, we don't have a majority to run the government though selves. so we invite the other quotes to use in candidates who has been successful to work with us. but because doug could not afford any sort of fighting, that is why i am repeatedly saying we will all have to sit together and sort out all these issues that they can text out. it's the 21st century. while they're been violent protests and northwest pockets on over the delay in announcing the election results, the sounds of gunfire could be heard. most hendo r a former member of the national assembly was injured. meanwhile, focused on departure, me chief, urge the country to move on from the politics of our key and pull the rise ation. let's talk to come out. hi there, he's joining us from is law. i'm about to tell us, i mean come out. so what is it that happens next now that no political force has a clear majority, but we've heard from both iran con,
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as well as no us to reef to yes, just to give you an idea, right now i'm outside the bug. it's done, derek and soft main office, and it's not my boss. and there i chair mine got better if that got the fund or the point you're chapman by iran. conrad knew or directed to look after this party, a bag headed up press conference and he said that his party would turn the progress on derek and stuff. and the biggest right now is that not only really deformed the government and it's not my, but our goal is showing the progress of fund job where he said they would prove that majority. and they've already swept the boy that the capable to inquire problems. he also criticized the former prime minister and had the focused on which they believed now was mr. know, why should he for premature celebration,
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saying that did not have the mandate of the beat. but in wrong cons. uh, also iran con, also thing the country, the nation. and you said there was a message for the prime institution, which of course means the military, that injured respect, the papers mandates that the people are focused on have spoken and made that quite clear that the focused on dedicating software, the party of their choice. so they're claiming that they're going to be forming the next government. so. so speaking of the army, what do we expect the armies role to be and all of this going forward, considering that we heard from the army chief who's congratulated the nation on what he calls, quote, the successful conduct of best selection. how were we to read into that as well as hardly successful when you look at the fact that good thought is such that
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an ard, yet perhaps a premature statement by the military j. and of course, the fact that the military achieved ignores wait for the great does the gum. it is the papers choice to decide who it should be that prime minister and it is not the military domain to speak about politics. and what happens because focus on the politics as being polarized, there's no doubt about it. everybody wants that for the agent to go away, but also to expect the mandate of the people. so although the chief of the military has spoken that the message from the bucket done so you can soft to that institution which he had is also that they should stay out of politics and respect the mandate of the people. okay, thank you. come, i'll hide our reporting from as one about are still a heads on how to 0, adopting to life during a conflicts we speak to some war veterans of frame facing lifelong disabilities.
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the teen jets analysis of today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, hard hitting into blues. as a un, i'm back to the position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the challenge is here with the here, the top stories on how to 0 this hour is growing panic and gaza after israel announced plans for a major offensive and rough prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the army to submit a plan for invading the area,
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as well as if actuating palestinians. the body of 6 year old palestinian girl and 5 family members have been found nearly 2 weeks after they were missing. is where the army attacked their car in gaza city. following the general election, approx donald thursday, no party has won enough states for an outright majority in wrong con, who's in chill on to another former prime minister, and allow us to refill both declared victory. so rufus said, he's ready to begin talks to form a coalition government a russian drone strike and ukraine has killed 7 civilians, including 3 children, a petrol station and car cave has been hit, causing for any fuel to set fire to a nearby homes. the city's mayor says dozens of people have been forced to leave their homes. ukrainian military says air defense systems, soft down 23 out of 31 drones and the latest russian wave of attacks. now the war and ukraine has resulted in a growing number of looms at veterans with disabilities,
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posing long term challenges for the country. rob mcbride reports from team of the h e is often losing both legs and fighting against brushing back separatist. hi lo, la pay coast fights now it's for the rights of fellow veterans adapting to a life with disabilities. with as you see, the sidewalks haven't been clear. so especially if you've got a high delta then with station or it's a big problem or 2 years after the start of the full scale will with russia. ukraine has the, let's search and the number of disabled batteries use. so i'm with sho, get they the positive outcome of this view before both children and adults. 2, do key to about disabilities to help them to become more told her it, because of secrecy, of a casualty numbers. it's impossible to know just how many returning veterans from the last 2 years of fighting have disabilities. but time few teas are low now. full
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to number. well over 20000 adapting ukraine streets and buildings feel great to disable the access to accommodate this growing population is a real challenge. given the priority of spending on the will. the people are right now, according for money to be spent on the military, instead of on things like the roads, which is fine. but remember the guy's on the front, dallas are fighting for a society that should be fits for everyone. as ukraine looks more towards your up in the west for its future, so it seems to be leaving behind the soviet era practice of keeping disabilities out of sight. in other countries there is more than cosivity adopting the environment to the needs of the child instead of all the practice of adopting the child to the environment. for me, kyla and fellow activists signs of success in the long term baffled for acceptance of mcbride. i'll just say era keith,
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the german chancellor of schultz is meeting with the us president joe biden in washington dc. this schultz was 3rd visit to the us capital since becoming chancellor in 2021. it comes in a growing concerned in western capitals over the ukraine war. republicans in congress have blocked aid to ukraine. the farmers and poland. to have located checkpoints with ukraine and protests that ukrainian food imports. they say the goods are on fairly driving down prices and threatening their livelihoods. the blockade follows weeks of protest by farmers and other european countries against rising costs and new regulations. so i'm going to cain has more from the border between poland and germany. when normally the spanish farm is would be telling the soil now they are blocking traffic as here in guadalajara, it's part of a protest against government policies, which they say on damaging their livelihoods and threatening the food supply. in
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italy to agriculture. all workers have taken to the streets of the capital without its own agriculture. people cannot be free depending far away, foreign countries for food is negative for have our economy and for the environment, particularly if you think about transporting the products from one side of the go to the other. that's the view shed by many people across the continent. in germany to the anger of the funding community is very clear. i'm standing here close to the porter with poland, which has been closed off to pretty much old traffic protests on this side of the border, but also on the polish side of the frontier. in nearby pause, not as fires and tractors of blocked roads as punch of protests against bought some co, uncontrolled impulse from ukraine. while the actual frontier between the 2 countries has been blocked by farmers with
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a clear message. if you just nothing will have to start talking openly about products that because we are a self sufficient country capable of producing good quality items. the e u has already show the proposal to ha pesticide use across the continent. and scrap the recommended targets, the cuts in agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. but many farmers say these measures do not go far enough and they need urgent help. now, going to king, how does era on the trim and publish fold around a $100000.00 people in mexico are supposed to be missing because of gang violence. and some of the relatives of those who disappeared have also been facing danger, as they search for their loved ones. julia del yano reports from stella mancha, in the states of want to watch. so a hi am i for these women? the search is frustrating and heartbreaking. they're looking for missing sons, daughters, husbands, or brothers,
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all who have vanished and i believe to be victims of mexico's drug, more most are presumed dead and buried, inclined to stine graves throughout the country. here in mexico's most violent state when a what the reasons disappearance has hit this collective of searchers hard, a member of their own group has been abducted last month. our men, storm load and so kind of home killed her husband and son before dragging her away . no one has heard from her since or knows for sure why she was targeted. so now they have added her to the list of the missing loved ones, the ones that being closed everywhere we turn, were stuck in the middle of the government, the people on the cartels without any way to defend ourselves. we don't want to find blame. we just want to find our children and now also lorenzo, here instead of mancha, as in towns all across mexico. the faces of the missing hanging, the city center, a constant reminder to anyone who walks by,
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but especially to government officials of how much this town has last already. over one 100000 people are officially missing in mexico, 4000 of them. and when i want to, their relatives say they must take on the dangerous work of searching themselves. i am p, i still granted, given the large number of disappeared, the institutional indifference, the lack of resources and political will from authorities. it's been the families these collectives have organized to look and fields. clandestine groups, officially, 5 volunteer searchers have been killed in one why to since 2020. but the local researchers say there were at least 9 documented cases, looked up at the perpetrators of these crimes against people searching for their relative send a message of impunity, but also a fear and tear to society at large. these crimes seem specifically to be mobilized the search collectives are on the other members of load is collective, have little faith that she'll be found to live,
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but they hope her disappearance. my servant purpose to force the government to do more and bring attention to the rest of the world. about the challenges they face in finding their loved ones who have banished julia, go yeah, i know how to 0, so i'm on got next it goes. a ceremony has been held and gone off the return of ancient artifacts stolen by british colonial forces. a 150 years ago. they include an ornamental chair, gold, jewelry, and an elephant tale with about a $100.00. how about the chinese people around the world have? welcome, the lunar new year celebrations are being held to us or in the year of the dragon, revellers retreated to fireworks and improve festivities included traditional
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dances, featuring dragons and hong kong people's checks off the year with their 1st incense offerings. thanks for watching alta 0, that's it for me for the time being complex is inside story asking why european organizations have no funds to bond israel from if on the to foggins flush and melted snow, which is the case across the middle of china. and that's the result of what happened a few days ago. not what's happening now. this is just warm sunshine, but on the ground you've got to get rid of what was quite a large amount of smart to be honest. i think the fog is going to re fold up in the headwaters of the yankee, or at least the younger part of the river as his cloud and rain keeps moving along . targeted lovett, admittedly, you may have also caught that was,
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but it smell on its way through havasu. how causes also gone to the picture come monday is a pretty fine, but i thought most, all of the station and just recently the fog isn't too troubling. and then the old indian played another full cost. i was just watching the shows, generation measure production, moving slowly eastwards and north was that 24 degrees. and here i suspect folk will be a big city and the focus but hasn't yet gone. is there in the mornings, but may be left breeze. the change of the weather tied to not be a problem the next day, sir us? that's the packet stag. nothing in the sky, it's no type of leaves, you know, and then the rolls that cool, some problems as a whole gum and the sunshine by day, and indeed by night. but coming your way, that slow is rather massive. wet weather in the gulf, moving slowly so we around towards something back us down the
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barrier once hale, the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety? overwhelmed? lots of agency apocalypse may be on the levels how online hopes and fears shape our existence, the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay, do more on that? does your opinion organizations have no plans to ban israel from events such as the weights of football championships of the eurovision song contest despite its war on concept? why does israel complaints in europe and why are your pin organizations defends? it gets continued participation. this is inside story, the


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