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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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show up on the side, unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place together. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads profit without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the some warnings that israel is designed to be evacuated, the rock codes turned into a catastrophe. the business of to 0 live from doha, also coming up the body of a 6 year old has been phones nearly 12 days out to her family was killed by his very forces in guns in fact assign him a long time, trans election victory from prison. while his wife on the former prime minister and no one shot, he says he's on as one on the volunteers and mexico who risk their lives in the
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search for missing people going to be getting southern gaza as criticism is drawing against and large scale is really military offensive in rafa. the u. n. the us, i'm the agents agencies say an attack on the city would be a catastrophe. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. josby. i'm going to plan for a major operation, as well as the evacuation of palestinians. more than 1000000 palestinians are living in water being called dyer conditions. meanwhile, these very armies carrying out most strikes and the size of garza, the police intelligence chief and drop and his deputy here being killed another attack on their car. at least 25 people have been killed and some of the latest strikes a local man is calling on the international community to prevent and is rarely offensive. in conyers is really cyprus,
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have carried out more attacks in and around not so. hospital video shows the moments the medical stuff tried to rescue an injured palestinian snipers have killed at least 21 palestinians there since thursday. meanwhile, the bodies of a 6 year old palestinian girl, as well as 5 members of a family, have been found nearly 2 weeks after they went to missing in gaza city chains. russia had called for help off to is ready soldiers attacked their car, the bodies of 2, i'm buildings, crew members who went looking for have also being discovered. it had been hoped to shoot, survive the attacks. i'll just get us connie. well, what seems rougher in southern garza, we've been hearing constant stories of tragedies over the last several weeks. as b is rarely attack, some garza of continued the body of converge up. being fined is just the latest one . the yes, well of you don't have to look for a tragedy thing. dog. definitely
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a tragedy will find you and the story of him the. busy job as well, a 6 year old girl who was with their family and their car trying to leave sending however area as it came on there. she intends bombing, as is really military bounced into the area for 12 they civil defense, the crew. paramedics were searching for and they believed you could have survived the attacks on the car because of that of that phone call that she made while she was surrounded by the bodies of air, family member who father, her mother and 2 of her siblings, were inside the car, as did she was calling for help, but now was the last time she was spotted inside the car surrounded by the dead bodies of her family member just within the past few hours at family members, remaining family members in tell in our area as these really military pulled out from the area they, they approached a gas station. it was do believe the car was spotted in that area. and roof is nice
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. the car would be nice. the bodies that were partially the seas, then it's a tragedy after a tragedy for policy and children. and this, the stories and the incidence that happened to him then here, family, a reminder of how the children are experiencing across the gods as triple the horror around the holy events. and the parks happen on their residential home to their parents. and it's a reminder that there are more than it's $11000.00 children have been killed since the beginning of the war. and there are more. $17000.00 will be separated from their families. we have entire family have been disintegrated because of the ongoing bombs with no a communication whatsoever. those who evacuated lift family members in the northern part including its children or those who who children evacuated with relatives, but remain in the northern part of the very heart breaking developments and how
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children are experiencing and living their life in the golf and serve as the work continues. meanwhile, honey, we were talking about the as really on the coming up more strikes and the size of, of gaza and also is really snipers and finding a people, yukon. eunice, just focus through some of the developments that have been happening and guys have today. yes. more, more and then depressing news. keep immersion good from these random military and it's intention to expand the military operation, the devastating news line for talis city. and here's a scruple, dropbox, where it has the coming from the prime minister who passed the military to prepare a plan. and to prove that the military eventually prove the plan of invading or conducting a ground invasion. a mass of with round invasion here in the dropbox that the people are. i've been asking the question since they heard the news of where are
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they supposed to go? where is a safe area for them, so far old evacuation orders of where were proved to be very wrong. misleading on through the x ray, as people were ordered to evacuated from where the lived in their residential homes or from where the evacuated initially to another area, only to end up being bombed and killed on their, on those areas. so, so far the narrative had been falls, had been contradictory, confusing to them, and it proved that there is no single in place in the golf serv, including evacuation zone or that question center management operated by the united nations for palestinian refugees around the vicinity of knots. or hospital the situations are getting very critical as no, not all the snipers taking position out the roof tops of the building surrounding the hospital and shooting at every one where every moving object, including medical is staff inside the health facility. but now the tank and the both, those are pushing deeper into the courtyard of the hospital,
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the blocking the northern gates with the pile of sands and the other gates. they've been at the block by rebels as they are gradually approaching into the hosp to the reminder for people here that this is the, the fate of the hospital would be similar to what happened to ship and other health facilities across the gaza strip to those is the magic a crippling of the health care facilities and system across the gaza strip. sonya, thank you very much indeed, honey. my phones in the front and southern jobs. i'm going to go across to honda saul who is joining us from occupied east jerusalem honda honey was just describing their this a proposal by the bank about this order by benjamin mentioned yahoo that he's told the army to start preparing a plan for pushing into rafa. and evacuating palestinians from there, but i understand that there is pushback from the u. s. and some of the international human rights organizations. is there any indication that this is making any difference to the funds but nothing yahoo has is
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no indication just yet that the pressure from the united states and these international organizations is going to have any sway on benjamin netanyahu. has plans for the invasion of the alpha, according to reports within is really media and that's in yahoo has said to his war cabinet that he believes due to the international pressure. they'll have around one month to wrap up the operation. so that means the start, the middle and the end. and he says before the muslim holy month of the month on which is sent to begin on march 10th. now remember, nets and yahoo had asked the army and the security establishment to come up with a dual plan. the 1st was how to get the civilians out of rough off. you're talking about more than 1000000 people are on one point for more than half of guns us entire population. and the 2nd part of the plan was how to defeat the remaining.
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what she said were for him us battalions in drop off. so the army chief of staff has said that they are ready to operate, ended off off, but they're waiting for an answer from the government on how to evacuate. 1.4000000 palestinians. and remember there is simply no place for them to go. they have not been able to go back to northern gaza. they have been displaced, multiple times, forced to flee throughout the entirety of these 4 months. the palestinian people are going through a dire catastrophic humanitarian situation that has unfolded as a result of this war. the united states has put increasing pressure on these rallies, but all of those words seem to fall on deaf ears. we heard from the us president who said that the response has been over the top. the national security council spokesperson, who has said that the americans simply would not support this operation and drop off just given how many civilians are there. so there is no sort of timeline as to
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when these really are supposed to start, but it is seeming like nothing you all who wants it to be combined effort from the political security establishment and the army to come up with this plan. but how it is going to work is still yet to be seen. and the condemnations and criticisms continue to pour in under the hood unoccupied. east jerusalem honda? thank you very much. indeed. a group of doctors and nurses, and set up a mix shift and medical facility. and there are many, i've had to move from other parts of guys that they say they're going to help for as long as it takes him on electronic reports amongst the sea of tents and the city of russell lives, one with a cue of people waiting to be seen a group of volunteer doctors and nurses who fled these really bombardments and con eunice. have set up a make shift clinic. they call themselves a med faced team. no appointments are needed and there's new office hours. they're here to help for as long as it takes and then up as in the family,
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them being available. those changes more or less like an outpatient clinic. and the medicines are free for the sick people. we are trying to prepare the next ot and to be ready for emergencies. we also provide psychological support into a future nutrition. we try very hard to provide medicines for chronic diseases. and medical team are ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. their equipment is basic and depleted that they tend to an ever growing list of patients us. why does that follows? and in the here we treat children, women, and elderly people who are living tents and this can, every day we deal with more than 200 sick people. the numbers of sick people are increasing. yeah, we need solar energy to operate system devices. and we also need moments and conditions and this can continue to worse and but many here value, the proximity of being so close to volunteers who put their health and wellbeing 1st upon the vision. when our children get sick,
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we bring them to this medical point to be treated. the other medical point is very far away. we are very grateful to this medical team who's helping us and treating our children. we all hope to go back to our areas in neighborhoods to our house, isn't god so no one has a low with helpless in the face of death and despair, the medic say they will continue to provide on wavering light saving treatment until they can one day return home or until their last breath, ronald han helps us here. israel has once again counted out, airstrikes in southern 11 on the tax, talking to the boss here district. is there. any armies hesitating to force has a ball of fighters back from the board of areas. while i was ready to return to their homes in northern israel, there on this foreign ministers in lebanon to discuss israel's war on guys i'm. i'm here on the locker and has met with high smaller leadership and the lebanese prime minister, israel's been targeting senior members of his ball on its equipment and its
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buildings. and the ongoing conflict along the border areas is in a how does in bear roots with more details about the amazing this will be his 3rd, tor, since the war on gauze have begun in october, this is about messaging and the messaging began upon his arrival on friday, he was received at the airport by representatives of hezbollah, representatives of the palestinian group, hamas as well as the summit. you had, he met the secretary general of hezbollah house on those throughout the, and from us as leadership 11 on, even before meeting lebanese state officials. now you are on wheels influence in this country through these groups, and the around wheels influence in the region through a network of arms groups across the region, a transnational alliance of non state actors, which have been involved in a war with israel or the united states so this is iran showcasing it's
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regional power if you like, projecting power, showing that it is a regional player. but in his meeting with the secretary general of hezbollah, they did say that they discussed diplomatic developments, not just security developments in gaza, which means in one way or another, they could be referring to a meeting on thursday hosted by saudi arabia, which grouped a number of arab countries, they have been trying to put their own initiatives on the table to come up with a arab united arab stats on post war garza. and this is excluding iran. so the message here is we are a regional player and we have, we will have a say, and we was a say in a, you know, in the course of these negotiations which you know, which are happening behind the scenes that will bring an end to the war on garza still ahead and i'll just see the russian join started. can at least turn people into ukrainian settings on the release of what's being called
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a compromising video offers. it was former presidents before the 2022 election that proved london in jail. the, the after studying on the streets of what is there is still plenty of charles around meeting and you said the east was so that might be repeatable, that the trend is to see slightly dry weather. but the hot to whether it's in the northeast biography is going to be north that could be by this. however, having said that temperance off to high and there are still low level holdings of pretty hot weather both and she la housing, tina ended up in paraguay. but i stopped to say the change in type is towards rather winter weather, and this is a good blue with blue and briefly orange throughout brazil, back into a southern columbia of ecuador. now it will almost certainly fit you, some minor land slides as has been the case recently and is repeatable and
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improvement. we're changing the weather back in the caribbean. we've got the trade winds back again. the unusual belt. this house has gone through. still denisha seemed quite likely, and the smaller outpost leave would and would, would. but generally speaking, this breeze just brings light showers to the coast of panama of costa rica, and nowhere else. mexico. looking recently fine, 24, up in monterey 2018 mexico city. it stopped raining, particularly heavily in california, and i bought the remnants of what happened. that is a mess of snow up through arizona, new mexico. i was through towards colorado and the head of it. significant range has big side of the stones. the coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation, fulton died for power defines out loud. we live here, we make the rule,
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not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that and the people in power investigate, expose this and quite simmons. they use them to be use of our around now to sierra the, you know, to 0 reminder about top. so is this uh, this morning kind of getting guys off the israel in those funds from major offensive in the off or finance or benjamin netanyahu is out of the army to submit a plan for the fading the area as well as if documenting palestinians is there any armies coming out most likely in the sense of jostling the police intelligence chief and the office and his deputies for being killed in the sack on the car,
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at least 25 people being killed. and some of the legs stored in the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl and 5 of her family members of the funds needed 2 weeks out to the went missing is really on the attack. the car in guns was not to pack a stones where most results have not been declared in the election, but no political policy has a clear majority. independent candidates linked to jo, former prime minister in non con of defied expectations and one most seats so far. however, another former prime minister in our chevy says his party has emerge the largest and once others to join the coalition. that the independent candidates con, former governments on the wrong, they can only join apology cons bossy is released an a i generated message in which he's claiming victory. there is no need to panic. celebrate the victory, and also the prayers of gratitude. despite 2 years of injustice and atrocities,
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we have won the 2024 election with a 2 thirds majority. everyone has witnessed the power of your vote. know, demonstrate the strength to protect your vote. that have been violent protests in northwest by kasanya with a delay in announcing the election results. signs have gone far, could be had motion del, on a former member of the national assembly is being injured. i have also been demonstrations in cut actually several of the pocket stones political parties gathered outside the election commission office to protest about the delayed results in action observers wanted and saw today, the delay had raised questions about the polls. credibility and quote, overshadowed and otherwise orderly election. gonna go to also bakers in law for i said, so there appears to be some sort of confusion at the moment about who is actually one of the selection. what's the latest? well the latest is that the independence link to enroll in cons, p t, i have
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a 100 seats. the book's done wisdom league like to buy a new us. we have some to one and the bucks on people's park, the leg by the other. because as already have 50 full now the chairman of the peach you live is the quarterly connor, he became the chairman of them. run con was jailed that he gave a press conference, that what he has said is, according to the information that they have, the numbers that they have from the forms, given that those polling stations, once those votes have been counted, is that they have 170 seats, and they're saying that people's rights have been taken away from them and they will fight for them. and it looks like the p t i live by gold. lucon will take this to the quotes. uh, on the other hand, you have a former prime minister and was chief who gave a victory speech yesterday. he supported the celebrating but then he also, i cannot use that. he doesn't have a majority to form a government, and he was courting another parties to join him. now, again, that is confusion. the election commission has said that this independence must join a policy within 72 hours of all the results being declared. but the p t,
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i say, well actually, you know, it's only the symbol of a cricket, but that was removed from the by the paper. the peach you, i am not a cons p t i is actually registered with the election commission. so it's still eligible digits. in my pocket and again it looks like this, this is going to continue for a while, and it will eventually end up in front of the quotes. and we were just reporting a moment ago that we've, we've had a gun fired but to the country. clearly, there is a lot of times and i over this, it is a very important election as well. what is the mood and the streets and amongst people, how are they feeling about all of this? there's lots of feelings here. there's confusion, this frustration, this anger. we're hearing in the north west of, uh, fox dining but sure, this protest sends also a 2nd taking place. there was a press conference in a hybrid to inquire province where a former minister said, this is how many votes i got. here is the phone and we're seeing them again and again, posted on social media,
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pre candidates posting the phones from the polling stations that says, this is how many boats they got. and then, you know, a few hours later the election commission says, no, you didn't win the election even though that they had that they imagined. so there is, i'm going to is frustration and there is confusion. but amongst that needs to peach, i support is an acknowledgement that they have done the unexpected that lead to it has been jailed. the, the symbol of a cricket back removed from the by the paper that you use social media and you've just reported the amount of constant attack the message using artificial intelligence. the that's never really been done before around the world. the police could lead to doing that, and it still managed to get the majority of seats, but when you speak to the was chief support disabled, there's an acknowledgement from them that this eviction wasn't exactly fit best. plus their concern, the part you want and they want the party, the fucks done with them need to form a government by any means necessary. so i started big and level and i said thank you very much indeed. awesome, i will do it as a political on a list from as long as i did, she says that
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a cool addition would likely back fire against malware should leave in. this situation is ready to make it good. uh they have the scenarios as far as the gas to one has not already been in any way when they come together. they have been to the beginning of them is since uh, ever you see the item, you can choose when they join hands together before it's oh did, did the guy that started they will do was just disappoint you to do with this project disconnected the, the way to get it would add to the instead of using that, would it be good to get to do more non ton has already gained from this one i guess . or for luna. tremendous whose love and asia is the use of the property to be really going to need some pounds up to that it didn't hear the situation is that just people have one data floor in the middle of december without
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a box. if you look at the big good about a dime, actually they have one did a guest, these bodies who have leadership outside of the views who have done the body. ne, i'm like a body symbol. they have actually, uh, will do against this, that mistake wanting to go system. so it's been going on. and if you, for sense of the drive throughs you than monday, it would be an easy to easy or write some of the questions wrong. striking ukraine's killed 7 civilians, including some children, a federal station, and hawkins been hits burning fil set fights in nearby homes. the cities where it says dozens of people have been forced to leave their houses. if any medicine says air defense systems shop done, $23.00 out of $31.00 drones. and the latest the russian waves attacks the water ukraine has resulted in a growing number of wounded veterans with long time a permanent disability. and that's a challenge for the country. public,
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brian's reports from keith, a h. e is often losing both legs and fighting against brushing back separatist. hi lo, la pay coach fight. now it's for the rights of fellow veterans adapting to a life with disabilities. as you see, the sidewalks haven't been cleared to the pool. so especially if you've got a high delta that with the patient. it's a big problem or 2 years after the start of the full scale will, with russia. ukraine has seen a search in the number of disabled batteries use, so i'm with sho, get they the positive outcome of this view before both children and adults. 2, do key them about disabilities to help them to become more told her it because of secrecy, of a casualty numbers. it's impossible to know just how many returning veterans from the last 2 years of fighting have disabilities. but time, few tees are low now. flow to number well over 20000 adapting ukraine streets and
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buildings feel great to disable the access to accommodate this growing population is a real challenge given the priority of spending on the will. the people are right now, according for money to be spent on the military, instead of on things like the roads, which is fine. but remember the guy's on the front, dallas are fighting for a society that should be fits for everyone. as ukraine looks more towards your up in the west for its future, so it seems to be leaving behind the soviet era practice of keeping disabilities out of sight. in other countries there is more than connectivity adopting the environment to the needs of the child instead of all the practice of adopting the child to the environment for me, kyla and fellow activists signs of success in the long term bible for acceptance. mcbride, i'll just say era keith, the germans all off, shaw says matthew,
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as president joe biden in washington dc. it shows his 3rd visit to the us capital since becoming john southern 2021. that comes from a growing concerned in western capital is over the ukraine. more republicans in congress have blocked aid to your train. brazil, a supreme court has released what's being described as a compromising video, a former president job both sonata and shows both in our arching his ministers to help prevent his defeat in the 2022 election. monica, you don't have reports from the originator you. this is former president shape, also not telling his ministers, she will not be re elected unless something is done before voters make their choice of them. we know that if we react to the election, there will be big chaos. in brazil, it will turn into a big, reliable fat, a wildfire as the cabinet meeting took place in july 2020 to 3 months before brazil's presidential elections. but the video has just been released by the
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supreme court as evidence of the legit plot to overturn the 2022 electro results. and then no president lula. the silvers. narrow victory. everyone hey has something to lose. we kinda let the elections take place and watch what we expect to happen happen. we have to do something before. well, sonata is being investigated for discrediting the electrical system without offering proof and allegedly instigating into pricing against last year. the former president denies any wrong doing. and his son, congressman eduardo both so narrow accuses the government of political persecution when they cannot compete against a policy towards that goes to these threats. leg zabel sonata. ringback together with a lot of followers, not all of the streets, but obviously social media. they use the courts to they. in brazil,
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we are seeing a huge operation off of the president f b i. we call here the federal police. i guess the police are model and the people very close to him. well, so now to, and his family are also being investigated for allegedly, using results intelligence agency, to legally spice on the opposition. and supreme court justices. political on the let's say, you know, seriously with prison. can we expect that soon? boston area will be in prison. the whole process is leading in that direction. don't do. what worries me is the reaction has more radical followers. will have we still hold municipal elections this year, and despite bill so not will be banned from running to hope that the results will show his support is still strong. monica not give all just sierra. we have just a narrow around a $100000.00 people in mexico are said to be missing because of gang violence. some of the relatives of those has disappeared. i've also been facing danger of as
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a search for the loved one is julia yano reports. when someone come, let's say a month for these women, the search is frustrating and heartbreaking. they're looking for missing sons, daughters, husbands, or brothers. all who have vanished and i believe to be victims of mexico's drug, more most are presumed dead and buried, inclined to sign graves throughout the country. here in mexico's most violent state, when a why do a recent disappearance has hit this collective of searchers hard, a member of their own group has been abducted last month. our men, storm load and so kind of home killed her husband and son before dragging her away . no one has heard from her since or knows for sure why she was targeted. so now they have added her to the list of missing loved ones. on the being clothes everywhere we ton were stuck in the middle of the government. the.


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