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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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with fearless geminus and just behind me, hundreds of people have been about 2 inches in depth coverage. thailand, stakes it's future on fossil fuels found to do is teens on the ground bring you closer to the house of this during the at least $28.00 palestinians are killed in southern gaza as israel prepares for grand invasion involved the time about this. and this is all just be relied from job also coming up the body of a 6 year old girl is phones, nearly 2 weeks off of is ready for us, has killed her family in guys, and then packaged on amazon con claims election, victory from prison quantities wyvil, former prime minister and not more sorry, says is policy as one of the options of life during
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a conflict. we speak to some war veterans of ukraine facing lifelong disabilities. the are going to begin in southern gaza were calls are drawing against a large scale is really military offensive in this offer, the u. n. d u. s. and agencies say an attack on the city would be a catastrophe. more than 1000000 displaced people are sheltering. the air and water being cold in dire conditions is really a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has ordered the fall army to find a large scale operation, as well as the evacuation of palestinians that guides us health ministry size, at least a 117 people have been killed in his really strikes in the past 24 hours. the metatags being bombing homes and demolishing others. the bodies of a 6 year old palestinian girl and 5 family members have been found every 2 weeks after they went missing. and the hardships elder sister called for help after is
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where the soldiers attacked their car in gaza. city to pod emetics, who went to rescue her, were also killed. is there any forest of signs of naso hospital and con eunice snipers are being targeting palestinians in and around the facility. the army is ordered, people sheltering in nearby schools to leave town. a couple resume is in a row for city in southern joseph for us to just bring us up to date 1st of all with the conditions. and also because of course, that essentially now is where everybody is heading is to try to escape because really bombardments in fact, the situation in roughly now it's very catastrophe can value, especially dr. there was a very, please just met a true strikes in the past hour in a rough life district. one of the latest is really military. starks targeted a residential building in the eastern part of russell where 11 palestinians have the report of killed with those as being aged and have been transported to the door
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hospital for medical treatment. another bombardment, by the way, just a few minutes ago for a police car, what to policy and have to report it, queued at this very moment, according to the initial reports. but rough i to day also in the western part of the city which is very densely populated, area had been talk it's had been talking to in the past hour where a civil call had been completely been hit by the east. very me cycle drone where to palestinians have to report to kill them. they were identified as top police ranks in the most run government that they have been eliminated in the russell a district, especially in front of the salt on neighborhoods in the western side of russell. but the situation as ours, just a progress we have been seeing like people are getting ready to fleet to descend. so part of the goal is where also the use where the army is operating, the am a know where we're at. no options left for the majority of gauze and so we are
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completely panic. so i'm terrified with the mandatory a option that nothing yahoo is trying to wave with which is extra sauce i meant to ground inclusion, to roof i district. i taught it cuz we were mentioning it before, it is ready for us is around to nasa hospital and con units. now that's been the situation for several days now. just bring us up to date with the latest on the situation there. yes it will. it be situation then what is happening on the grounds in the vicinity of a knots were hospitalized. how about hospital had previously happened to the majority of kansas operating medical facilities that we have been seeing? i'm hearing that these very admitted tree. all me is surrounding the facility of a master of hospitality, preventing medical teams and evacuated from completely getting out from the gates of the hospital. asked this knife is, have been positions and the roof tops of the building does the shooting a number of medical teams within the last few days. and they have also shot
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a number of residents who tried to get out of the hospital in order to have an access to foods. i'm who bought these as well. so we'd be seeing new videos magic inside. i'm not enough for me to come. complex were a palestinian mine, had been short as medical teams were doing their past in order to get to the location inside of the facility of a master hospital where there was actually difficulty in well then to to for the was medical team. so now, well that's completely reminds us with all scenarios being made with the majority of hospitals in the north and in also in kansas city where they have been laid. so it'd be in the storm, rude and destroyed, which completely because we thing them become out of service. and this is what palestinians and con units are completely worried about. um, its a full collapse of the a medical system in side garza type. thank you very much. indeed, tell the cowboy zoom in your office city in southern guys are going to cost or from the saw who is joining us from all the east jerusalem. so we were mentioning
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earlier that our calls fall against actually this plan by benjamin netanyahu that he's ordered the day is ready, military to organize some sort of plan for moving towards the off i, but also evacuating the palestinians that are there, given the amount of pressure that appears to be going against this is there, are there any signs that the nation yahoo plan might change? even though there is mounting criticism, mounting condemnation about this plan, these really is, are trying to put forward to invaded alpha. it doesn't seem like it's going this way, these really army in any way, and these really prime minister on friday asking both these really military and the security establishment to come up with a dual plan. the 1st part of the plan he wants is to address how to evacuate more than 1400000 palestinians who are ended up off how to get them out. so that these
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really army can go in. and the 2nd agenda item there, he wants to know how they rest of the m. s battalions. there can be dismantled, he says there are 4 left. but all of this comes as reports with in his really media have said that nothing yahoo told his war cabinet that israel has around one month to complete the. so to start the invasion, instead alpha and to ended in the endpoint would be around march 10th, which is the beginning of the most simple, the month of ramadan. there's still no information on where these palestinians are supposed to go. there was a designated safe zone for them, but time and time again, we've seen these areas that were designated as safe by these really army have come under attack repeatedly like we've seen in san eunice and continue to see ended up on wednesday. the prime minister vowed that the invasion would expand into that's off and on thursday we saw from barbara after bombardment and the air strikes on.
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that's why i have just been continuing depths multiple depths reported in the last several days and stuff. but it doesn't really seem like these really are going to change their minds. these really army chief of staff has said that the army is prepared to go into the fox. but they 1st to be the political establishment to tell them the plan for how to evacuate the palestinians who were there for the americans have been putting a lot of pressure on these really is the saying, but they would not support this military offensive. instead of left that it would be a disaster. but despite all of these criticisms, it seems like these really are still trying to come up with a plan to go into the house and to thank you very much indeed. honda. so talking to some occupied east jerusalem, 2 people have been killed and then there's very drones strikes that have the car and the time is 35 kilometers is very rude. according to obviously, the security source is a harmless official who was the target of of the attack survives. it's the 2nd such
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attack since thursday is rose carried out a series of assaults targeting senior members of hezbollah and homeless and the ongoing conflict along the border areas. it runs for our ministers in level to discuss israel's war on gaza and its impact on the region. security is matt has about on leadership, on the lebanese prime minister general call that has the story from the messaging began upon arrival. he runs foreign minister who's saying i'm your, of the hand was received that they boot airport by representatives of hezbollah in lebanon, and tell us the name groups hum us and the stomach she had before he met the leader of hezbollah house on the solar for talks on political and security challenges triggered by the gas a war bad as was ashley, after months of aggression and a genocide by this i honest regime against the gaza and the west bank, tennessee has not achieved any opiates stated goals. who saw the continuation of america's support for this island, extreme,
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unfortunate to know will have no results but of fine or defeat to the wrong lead. so called excess of resistance is at war with israel and the united states over garza weather along the 11 on israel border. where hezbollah opened a front to help relief pressure on from us. or in syria and iraq, where he ran the impact arms groups have been targeting us troops, while the round back, who sees in the oven, had been attacking international shipping in the red sea. but iran wasn't represented at thursday's meeting, and saudi arabia were ministers from arab nations discussed initiatives for gaza after the war ends. interestingly, the inclusion of got to the exclusion of the wrong is something for us to take note of because of the saudis were saying that this is an error problem that requires our of solutions. yvonne of course, wants to have a say in what transpires once the war is over. to,
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during his meetings in the root of the left hand said, palestinians themselves must decide their future. the running an invoice trip to live in on. also coincided with this ready threats to why then it's warren has the law. if it doesn't get security guarantees along the border. this is the 3rd visits available by you runs for administer since the war on gods have begun in october. and as on previous trips of deluxe, then we'll visit damascus, where iran also we'll to influence through arms groups. after that is due to have 2 cuts are, which has been a main mediator between, as well as how much you run has denied orchestra the regional fronts. that have opened against as well. but the current policy of attrition by allies of iran has increased different influence in the region and many interpret the running and foreign ministers. late this tour as a message that is to has
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a role in shaping the outcome of negotiations. and garza sat there. i was busy to be moving on to other world news now with most results that occurred in pockets tons, general election. no political policy has a clear majority, but an independent candidates linked to jail, former prime minister email in con. i'm defied expectations and one most states so far. meanwhile, another farmer, prime minister and our chevy, spotty as a marriage with the largest, with 716. essential left pockets times people's party in 3rd place with 54 seats, hundreds potty release and a generated message in which he's claiming independents backed by him of one and outright majority of seats. there is no need to panic. celebrate the victory, and also the prayers of gratitude. despite 2 years of injustice and atrocities, we have won the 2024 election with a 2 thirds majority. everyone has witnessed the power of your vote. know,
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demonstrate the strength to protect your vote. so now i service pockets done mostly league says it's one the most sees, but it's failed to win the majority should he said he's going to try to form a coalition government we don't have a majority to it runs the government though, selves. so we invite the other quotes to use in candidates who has been successful to work with us. but because doug could not afford any sort of fighting, that is why i am repeatedly saying we will all have to sit together and sort out all these issues. taken faxed out, it's the 21st century that are being various protests across pakistan over the election days in sitting in the northwest, which turned violent in karachi demonstrations gathered outside the electoral commission to improve shala. and what on constable does accuse the electoral commission of volkswagen election exam is one of those shots of a delay. had to raise questions about the polls, credit ability and post overshadowed. i'm otherwise old on the election. come all
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fighters in islam abad force. so the 1st question is, i'm just not a senior member or senior agent and kind of said that they are going to try and form a government. is there an assessment that they're going to be in a position to be able to do that? very he would re concert during this is the gen man of the buckets on teddy again saw they would uh, made chairman of him or on conway the next day. bad as the guard, at least on the press conference there day. it says a good note, a question of if you buy that dead party where they'd be making their government and the parliament that you have behind me, as well as in the province of the bun, job that was the main back to the ground in this election where they are claiming that they have a majority gates and also they have swept the boys in the high were booked on the pop, proven. however, they're basing this on the fact that most of the candidates,
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so were declared winners initially. when they were handed over, they found $45.00. they did not then dictating directory where later declared, do i have lost the election. so that of course is now going into the court and they're confident that the guards ready to give them relief, excuse me. and the fact that they have ample evidence that day of math rigging. in fact, we've been seeing videos from gut audrey that you were mentioning where those protests are taking place with some of the candidates themselves. time being the ballot they bug fact all of them. so indeed, the iran cons party seems to be very confident. but there's also other options, the other option, they have extra joining up are the smaller party that the much much let's say was the day mostly made. this is a, a she a far gave, but very close to him,
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ron conn and dad, all for the, the focused on did, he can solve that of this independence. we're joining them and they have that option. then they will be in a position to get the feed so, so and that really put them in a very comfortable position. so the p d. i still claiming that they have to charge majority and of god. so we love to see what happens within the next $24.00 to $48.00. you all want to ask you about those were getting accusations come all because in the $100.00 you say there was allegations that, that there's been a manipulation of votes. on the other hand, were just mentioning election observers has said that those criticisms of the credibility of the pole had overshadowed an otherwise orderly election. what are the observers saying about this? when the election workspace quoted for the most part except for the tax on the
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policeman and the type of books in the private province and summer tax and pollute just on amazon cons party had already adored the people. and the people who were going to come out towards that they must be paid for it. so the election, it says what space for that? and no doubt about that. however, the allegations of award dragging of a much something that is on everybody's mind, given the fact that the election dimension was supposed to announce the dollars on the early morning on a friday that didn't happen the whole of friday. but under days already the end of saturday. so the question marks as to why was in the 1st place or the other guys were showing the a good boy good joining the media in a massive lead. and then all of a sudden the local media were store not doing now. and so neither does, in fact the election boats all day boiling stations,
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the darkening off, but the doors the weak gave the place. be so big deal figurative for this 1st and then breaking in the to rest or the, the returning officers to leave the premises that it doesn't involve. it says, are the key to a need election because they're the ones, the issue that form 45. so serious allegations and reservations as far as they are the concerned, as far as the transparency of the election is concerned about height on your son about come all. thank you very much. indeed, the still ahead and i'll just say that we're going to meet the volunteers and mexico who risk their lives in the search for missing people. the now for that reason and significant landslide and do something further,
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pays the risk of further storms and not going to be welcomed. but there is that still potential certainly on sunday. and that looks likely, but you might get the worst of it for the safe, particularly. and but when you and sort of lazy and java seen funding recently and with the increasing thought of this don't in the southern sometimes attempted and property thoughts come down from the new record highs at the moment of the feed. so, so this the ne months increases inject to be some cold re, which will bring just residual snow. charles, i think on sunday, but it's not as cold as it was. look at the fact sunshine was warming by the ticket along the yang. so you will cause likely some something and some persistent fall because there's a lot of snow on the ground any 3 or 4 days ago. that's all going to go somewhere. and it's going to about cause reco. it's know for the following it the rain but not much money up the axis. you see if we move further west, some improvements in the way the tide, particularly around the north indian plain morning, folk a possibility but not a problem. but at the end, it seems to be generally improving things, a change of weather towards the development of shares running out through magic
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petition and northwoods during suns. ice or the full cost of day full costs provide an i. c, for example, does show right on the front of the stones. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is left for now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves us out with offers roles. permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 news
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. the watch and i'll just say to a reminder about top stories, this are the u. n. the us and agencies say israel's military offensive and drop off would be a catastrophe. promise have benjamin netanyahu was ordered the army to submit a plan for inviting the area as well as in fact you waiting. todd us to meet the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl and 5 of a family members of being phones needing 2 weeks after the what mission is ready on the attack? the con and gods assist with following the general election in congress on thursday . no party has one enough seats from another place majority, and we're on con, who's in jail and another form of funding. so no one studies of both declared victory. a russian drum strife and ukraine has killed the 7 civilians, including 3 children. the petrol station is hockey's being hit,
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causing fronting fuel to set fire to nearby properties. the cities male says dozens of people have been forced to leave their homes for watering. ukraine is causing a growing number of wounded veterans with disabilities. rubbing brides reports from the capital keys on the long term challenges that means for the country, the h. e is of to losing both legs and fighting against russian back separatists. the high level of pay goes fight. now it's for the rights of fellow veterans adapting to a life with disabilities. as you see, the sidewalks haven't been cleared to the pool. so especially if you've got a high delta that with the patient. it's a big problem or 2 years after the start of the full scale will, with russia. ukraine has seen a search in the number of disabled batteries you so i'm will show you pay the positive outcome of this view before both children and adults. 2, do key them about disabilities to help them to become more told her it because of
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secrecy, of a casualty numbers. it's impossible to know just how many returning veterans from the last 2 years of fighting have disabilities. but time few teas are low now. flow to number well over 20000 adapting ukraine streets and buildings feel great to disabled access to accommodate this growing population is a real challenge. given the priority of spending on the will. the people are right now according for money to be spent on the military. instead of on things like the roads, which is fine. but remember the guy's on the front, dallas are fighting for a society that should be fits for everyone. as ukraine looks more towards your up in the west for its future. so it seems to be leaving behind the soviet era practice of keeping disabilities out of sight in other countries, there is more than connectivity adopting the environment to the needs of the child instead of all the practice of adopting the child to the environment for me. kyla
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and fellow activists signs of success in the long term baffled for acceptance of mcbride. i'll just say era keith, to set a goal is presidents, defended his decision to delay elections, to the end of the year, having planned for the end of this month, plus tax reports from duck on down the narrow alleys of downtown. the car is popular, neighborhoods, burning anger against the president, police fire tear gas on a civil disobedience movement against present themselves decision to delay this month's presidential elections to december. it was supposed to be a peaceful gathering of the nation square with religious leaders calling demonstrators to come with their family ring white into somebody to piece. but faced with rounds of tear gas frustrated demonstrators turned on security forces, blocking roads, charging on the police. he is joking that we as the fed up with mike, you sounded,
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he is already to tons. what more does he want? we don't head much. he said he's our president, but he has to heart elixir. is this go raising? we had come to do most of these for what they are doing is not no mark the case. it's usually is the 2nd text we shouldn't be pushing it or trying to tweak it. a protest spread from downtown to car, to other major cities in the country. security forces appearing overwhelmed. the government says this protest is illegal and threatening peace. instability, but for these demonstrators, if president lucky south that's threatening the stability of the country with his decision to delay the elections, while he calls on national dialogue, they call for more protest trying to grow and grow. the president says he will not run for another term. the election needs to be delayed. he says to restore trust in the electoral process. after the list of candidates were put into question. the
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president's decision was confirmed by the national assembly on monday, members of parliament voted for delay in the presidential election after right police force to opposition and peace out of the parliament. the united states said the vote appeared. illegitimate. is elizabeth because the prison is the one who has to make sure that all is portion of functioning well. the stability and security free and free it and free and fair elections. i organize the civil disobedience move and see the delay in the vote as a ploy by microsoft to extend his time in power. they say they have been robbed of their vote, but not of their voice and movement ignited by young senegalese protecting one of the oldest democracies in west africa or show of defiance, a reminder that the president is chosen for and by the people nicholas hawk. i
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wonder 0 the car. the result of supreme court, his release was being described as a compromising video of a former president job both sonata. it shows both sonata urging his ministers to help prevent his defeat and the 2022 election. when i can, you now have reports from realtors and you, you this is former president sharp, also not telling his ministers, she will not be re elected unless something is done before voters make their choice of them. we know that if we react to the election, there will be big tiles. in brazil, it will turn into a big, reliable fat, a wildfire as the cabinet meeting took place in july 2022, 3 months before brazil's presidential elections. but the video has just been released by the supreme court as evidence of the legit plot to overturn the 2022 electro results. and then no president lula. the silvers. narrow victory.
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everyone hey has something to lose. we kinda let the elections take place and watch what we expect to happen happen. we have to do something before. well, so now to is being investigated for discrediting the electrical system without offering proof and allegedly instigating into pricing against last year. the former president denies any wrong doing. and his son, congressman eduardo both so narrow accuses the government of political persecution when they cannot compete against a policy towards that goes to these threats. leg zabel sonata. ringback together with a lot of followers, not all of the streets, but obviously social media. they use the courts to they. in brazil, we are seeing a huge operation off of the president f b i. we call here the federal police. i guess the booster model and the people very close to him, most or not, and his family are also being investigated for allegedly,
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using results intelligence agency, to legally spice on the opposition. and supreme court justices. political on the let's say, you know, seriously with prison. can we expect that soon? boston area will be in prison. the whole process is leading in that direction. don't do. what worries me is. the reaction has more radical followers, will have, we still will hold municipal elections this year. and despite bill so not will be banned from running to hope that the results will show his support is still strong . monica not give all just sierra. we have just to narrow the barber between mexican drug cartels is said to be behind the disappearance of around a $100000.00 people. some of their relatives are facing danger as a search for their loved ones, julia call. you all know reports some, some among. so for these women, the search is frustrating and heartbreaking. they're looking for missing sons,
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daughters, husbands, or brothers. all who have vanished and i believe to be victims of mexico's drug, more most are presumed dead and buried, inclined to sign graves throughout the country. here in mexico's most violent state, when a while, the reason disappeared has hit this collective of searchers hard. a member of their own group has been abducted last month. our men storm loading, so kind of home killed her husband and son before dragging her away. no one has heard from her since or knows for sure why she was targeted. so now they have added her to the list of missing loved ones. on the being clothes, everywhere we turn were stuck in the middle of the government. the people on the call tells without any way to defend ourselves. we don't want to find blame. we just want to find our children. and now also lorenzo, here in santa monica as in towns all across mexico, the face of.


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