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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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in the race to expand the as the body of a 6 year old palestinian goes, found almost 2 weeks on the as well as killed her relatives and gaza. the ottoman this is ours is the on life from doha. also coming up is waiting for his target to police vehicles in casa, as close against the plan. last getting this very ministry offensive, and dropped fund wrote down to her. mazda officials survives, and his remaining drawn, striking dates in 511 on march to civilians account, and the closest ability in pockets to offer an inconclusive election that sold to
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form a prime minister claim victory. the we began in gaza with the bodies of 6 members of a palestinian family have been found almost 2 weeks after going missing and is randy attack. they include 6 year old hands, roger, and whose desperate call for help spot international concerns. that is really all me find on the com when rescue workers will code for help them garza city to power . metix who tried to save him and also killed ox. those on which reports a mother says good bye to her 6 year old daughter. hint for a job. they stole her from me and they stole her dream. her dream was to go home crying too much and going home without to come too much in the house without her. she only dreamed of going back home with her parents and her brother and the 10 pizza, right?
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the table. that was her dream going back home that you got these i had belongings, boston one saw, i'm a stapler, and this is hand before the war, before her neighborhood was reduced to rubble. and the 2 weeks ago she fled in a car with her uncle, her aunt, and their 3 children, when they came under fire from annie's rarely tank trapped inside her cousin leon called for help. busy on the other one might have been in the caribbean, the level and did you will see all the little i know she was the only one to survive and picked up the phone
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and one last agonizing phone call. as the big heavy i and i have an i have a good idea what the rescuers never made it. the 2 were killed by the israelis. the burn dogs remains that their ambulance was filed just leaders away after mess amanda and then a ball come in our last communication with the team. they said the occupation forces and the laser beam it there might need, we heard gunshots, and then an explosion. and communication was last time. we did not know what happened exactly over 3 hours. we heard gunshots and the sound of occupation tanks . and the last one, the grieving family says that the piece of proof of israel's indifference to international laws meant to protect little girls like hand axles. i'm gonna reach
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out to 0. and his grandmother had this to say, yeah, i just saw big data did. well, that's good the, i mean, been back in the next couple minutes, i'm leaving me on the flip. a spin on it. i'm sorry, our new home thought it'd been misled the been him. yeah, i mean, when i'm the bluff guy in north mann middle, alabama then, and so in my head down to that, that as you can. so i, because he had island on or had at least 42 people have been killed in his riley attacks on the rough and southern gaza in one day. cause a growing against the plan's lot scale is really military offensive. the you, when the us and agencies say an attack on cause a southern low city would be a catastrophe over the money and displays people the sheltering from israeli attacks. and rafa thought a couple was in the pool from there. this is rough. she's well has
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forced modes and hope of cones, this population to flee here, not even the police of space. the officers killed and destroyed, had been working with relief organizations to school with a trucks and secure humanitarians what's going on. but people here see if the damage will be even worse and is really crowns and phase. and because the gold, really, nothing will happen because of these riley's into rough up with this population, messic is, will occur. they must find a solution for rough or right to prevent a major mexican. well, that's yeah, yeah. this is the off to mass of another is really strike. this towing one, a 5 story building and tell me if somebody wants to make waterfall. my sister and her husband was sleeping that in that room. mom with the an older sister with her children in the living room. a my father and i in the room
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over here. so do me a me so fall on us. my sister husband, i'm the children, including my niece, who was 2 months old. they're all gone. people. he, if you're trapped with no west safe to go. yeah, nice. they could even light up. what is the name whether they enter rafa or not i've safety must be insured and this means we should leave and head to a safe place, even though we're convinced there is no safe place. we've witnessed this and knowles, and cone, eunice, and in the middle, and they tell you this is safe place, but on the way, they found people less than 300000 people, quote, rough a home before the war. now more than 1400000 people are living here with disease and tongue. got intense. got out of it all without almost little of the mostly we depend on the egypt and its role to stop the war on rafa. and we hope our brothers
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lead by president c. c will prevent any minute tree operation in rafa while the people are in here. and hopefully that will be no operation. that tool full, they can do is wait for and is a very crowned to so that the u. n. u. s. and international 8 organizations is wanting will be catastrophic, but others remain defiant, saying they will not leave until the will and with a dollar here. topic of as a oh, just a or a roof in southern gauze. and then as well as law and gaza, it appears nobody is off limits is rarely false as targeting everyone as homes on the home that repeats a scene in the kitchen and across his book is really snipers . the medics are risking their lives too risky. the injured shot, but is there a heating, maximum or not so medical complex in con unit even
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inside the hospital compound, no one is safe from the police. praise be to god. i've managed to save 2 injured people and recover a march or from the move are engaged with the necessary medical complex. despite the haven't gone far inside the complex i did, but i did because the medical teams are not able to reach them across the gaza strip. at least 21 palestinians, a big kid, but is really snipers since testing. is there any forces a continuing the boom budman. this is what's left of a remodel neighborhood. it used to be one of the gods us most prosperous areas. it's people in disbelief, but feed, fortunate to be a life of to 2 weeks of intense is really showing that the 15 days we have been under a siege. we spend those days in the basement of the building. when we lift the basement, we shock because that area is unrecognizable. area was the best place. not anymore
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now is riley's, it takes $4.00 to $5.00 times every day. luckily we were in the basement all the time. as is or is, will goes on palestinians continue to pay with the lights, hands them. how much does the 2 people have been killed in his writing, drawn strike that has a call in the town? 35 kind of masons from the 11 east capital, according to our 0 securities, also as a mazda official who was the target of the attack survived. as the 2nd attack this week, inside 11, on the, on the border region with this road, zayna holder has moved from they moved the official and the palestinian movements have mouse, has survived an assassination attempt to miss house fired by and is ready to own his vehicle. to buy sanders sanders were killed in the attack. now this was deep inside loving, on approximately 60 kilometers from the border with israel outside the battle
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ground, where the is really the army and the lebanese arm group has the loss, have been exchanging fires, triggered by the war on cause up. this is not the 1st attack of its kind on thursday, and it's rarely drone target to the vehicles in the southern city of nova to you also outside the buckle ground targeting members of hezbollah. so this is really becoming a strategy on the part of this rate is and what is clear is that there is no longer a frontline back in january. how much is the number to man was assassinated, says in the hearts of the lebanese capital. so as ro is using this opportunity, really to target officials from hezbollah, from us as well as try to degrade the capabilities of hezbollah in southern 11 on all the while this, this escalation, not just a little bit on, but across the region is what is being discussed by iran foreign minister who is in
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baby booth as part of our regional tour. the messaging began upon arrival. he runs for administer saying i'm sure of the law hand was received that they would airport by representatives of hezbollah in lebanon, and published in, in groups from us and the stomach she had before he met the leader of hezbollah has on the solar for talks on political and security challenges triggered by the gas a war bad as was ashley, after months of aggression and a genocide by desire needs to redeem against the gaza and the west bank, tennessee was not the chief and he opened stated goals who saw the continuation of america's support for this i own extreme, unfortunate in yahoo will have no results, but a final defeat to the wrong lead, so called excess of resistance is at war with israel and the united states over garza weather along the 11 on israel border where hezbollah opened a front to help relief pressure on from us or in syria and iraq, were
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a ready and back to arms. groups have been targeting us troops while the round back, who sees in the oven, had been attacking international shipping in the red sea. but a run wasn't represented at thursday's meeting in saudi arabia were ministers from arab nations discussed initiatives for gaza after the war ends. interestingly, the inclusion of data and the exclusion of the wrong is something for us to take note of because of the saudis were saying that this is an error problem that requires are of solutions. a run of course, wants to have a say in what transpires once the war is over. during his meetings in the root of the left hand said, palestinians themselves must decide their future. the running an invoice trip to 11 on also coincided with this ready threats to widen. it's warren has the law. if it doesn't get security guarantees along the border. this,
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this is the 3rd visit to babies by iran's foreign ministers since the war on gauze had begun in october. and as on previous trips of deluxe yan will visit damascus, where iran also we'll to influence through arm to groups after that is due to have to cut her, which has been a main mediator between as well as how much you run has denied orchestra. the regional fronts that have opened against as well. but the current policy of attrition by allies of iran has increased different influence in the region. and many interpret the right hand foreign ministers late this tour as a message that is to has a role in shaping the outcome of negotiations on garza center for their associated boot. the,
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the headphone costanza ami is cooling for stability and heating off joe and inconclusive general election, both and long con, who's in jail and another form, a problem. and so now why should a for claiming victory, but no policy has a majority. independent candidates allied to cons, policy to 5 expectations by winning a 102 out of 265 seats. that they can't fully government, as they're not technically linked to a party. should each policy has $73.00 seats, while the center left pockets on people's party has $54.00. as in baker, ports from the 4 protest as to the streets in northern book is done. angry, upset for straight to the what they say was both tricky. one form of government administer showed up to the evidence for imposing stations of the number of votes he received, which differed from the official result. as he says he's taking, he said, thanks to court, but use go bought, gotten out of local. so like on that,
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what am i supposed to do that they want to change the 25222216000. so you're telling me of a kind of following this happened and, but definitely what other than what it happened. and then obviously i'm capable of doing it, i would like show my appreciation to the people who've worked at and do appreciate . so what's the depression between the outcome of the dc scope in the whole cup 2 of the most populous products, the book is done. many are unhappy at how long it is taken to announce the results and the lack of transparency. i'll get off the say, when you have nothing to hide, you release the results on time. when you want to do something, change something, then obviously you will delay the results and create an issue. post discipline was drifted hand on the streets and what was considered a strong cold or because they were on cons, peachy, i well being talked to by authorities, party officials say they were forced to rely on social media to spread the message, appealing to young voters and women across the country with both peach i and the most indeed came in victory. it's uncertain who will form the next government. the
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peach i is planning to launch. the biggest challenge i'm just calling on support is to protest job up and a conductor guys, i've gotta do it. but with good conduct, you should stage peaceful protest, little. you should not be holding the state, but floods of talk is done up there and you should put your demand peacefully before relevant returning offices to issued the election results. so to get what somebody known is the largest single party. what in the street. so i'm assuming you guys are looking for coalition partners. i believe they have the largest part in the assembly and therefore have the right to form a government. even when you speak to should read support his head. there's an acknowledgement vista collection hasn't exactly been fixed, but as far as they're concerned, the books on wisdom need one. they want they parted full of government by any means necessary. i said vague. i just did all the horror buckets done. to the head analogy, they are a nationwide protests and sent it off to the president, postpones elections, and campaigning rep. soften indonesians presidential election. we speak exclusively
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to the fun product supposed to be on the yes and other unusual event. the 1st recorded tornado in wisconsin. in february, it has done the damage. you might expect a toe in a day to do, but we don't expect to in february, luckily that are on a more this part of the world, they may well be sparking up in these big chairs. it's become a little bit lighter during sunday in the southern states following as cold enough as it comes off. the rock used to give some snow in west texas, for example, on the and the circulation and star into british columbia which might just come across the boards and goals and rockies. but most of california is and the pacific coast is drawing that. and most of the states sing sunshine with temperatures and single figures. for example, chicago. the return of the trade winds will bring with quite
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a mess of coyote and frequent light. charles, i think to the leeward left, so that when we dolls 20 grand to get shows for costa rica and panama kind of be pretty warm, recently lost. this one was auction teen that will product live. but in both these countries are developing shares and long term just dr. but still $0.37 here. and the shares could well bring flash study or more likely and slides as they have done in the past couple of weeks where it's dried up. now the option to do the shelves going off show attempts is once again rising. the unique perspective i want to leave, i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things, thoughtful, this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on her, it's voices that i'm of the patient. please connect with our
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community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out just the or the the, the challenges the i have a me elizabeth put on. and our hot reminder of our top story is the salad. the bodies of 6 members of a palestinian family have been found almost 2 weeks off to going missing funding and it's raining attacks. they include 6010, the dodge of his desperate calls to help sponsor international concerns. at least 42 people have encountered this reading. it had signed off by and southern, gaza and the past a close of going against
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a planned launch scale. and it's really military offensive there and not installed selection results show. nobody has one and not the states on outright majority. and non con, who's in j o. and another from from is to now i should be acceptable. it's declared victory. they are being protest outside foreign embassies in democratic republic of congo, including those of the united states. and from the demonstrations followed, escalating violence between m. 23 rebels and pro government forces come volley. most of ali, from the center of research on the congo, says paper in the d. c. angry at a lack of action for the best. and this to the kids now can was known a war, and he's been documenting numerous reports that i saw about naples. why then you've done to have a better to come grass support, press the reputation in the latest case as we talk about the m 23 evidence has been presented to us security council for 80. want to see uh, we have
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a video footage of the, one of the fast forces working alongside the m 23. so the people, instead of the coal, seeing that's evidence has been presented. yes, there is election from the less than the governments to section last year. for example, new york, can you provide the run that we 20 almost 20000000 euros of living? 38 to the one. the defense force seed the k to use military support provided by the united states by france, by the united kingdom, by european nations. for his i've seen that as a not proceed from the west. i see the 42 dollar rebels when we actually know that these rebels of our neighbors and those central has taken a guess rather in section see, i mean the dialogue cannot take place with the m. 23 is pointless. they've been so many different dialogues. they've taken place. we have the m 23. the start of the
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community is government. no, i'm not as books president of the government, of course, but we'll say that in november. is that it doesn't make any sense to discuss. we've rebels, we'll have outside support. there rather discuss, we run the directly for run it to the stakeholder piece and i believe that's the right approach. the incentive goal. apologize against a delay in presidential elections have continued for the 2nd day. hundreds of demonstrations were involved and battles with police on saturday. elections would usually take place at this moment, but had been postponed to the end of the yeah, president monkey solves as a government needs more time to resolve the disqualification of candidates and conflicts within the judiciary. just put on processes inclusive. i'm for an inclusive transponent and peaceful process that allows me to pass the baton on smoothly. that's the most important thing for our country. west africa is country in an extremely difficult period. it's not a time that actually finished my 10 and reinvent myself in a new career as
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a dictator or non democrats. that's the picture of the painting, but it doesn't correspond to my profile or personality full reality. i'm not allowed to baba as a presidential candidate. she was arrested and released last sunday after taking part in the protest. she told my colleagues, sammy's a band, but she doesn't believe the reason given for the election today. i heard the wrist sent a message sent out by the president to much of so and we can assure you that that's not the real reason we believe and strongly believe that this is another way for him to actually go through a 3rd monday and extend his election, he's, he's presidency in senegal, and we are totally against it. how will you challenge the this decision to delay the vote? by all means necessary. we've started in the most peaceful way possible. the 1st was to say no, because we uh, came out industry. we started to protest peacefully and this was on sunday to say
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we do not agree. we don't believe that we are in crisis because that may remind that he declared the country to be in an institutional crisis. which was not the case because the institutions of function incorrectly. so at 1st of all, started started with the peaceful process to say we want to hold elections on the right day and time on february 25th. we've been through the whole process. i'm a candidate to myself. i'm the 1st email who ever passed the sponsorship in the political history of set a goal and the city release. people have the right to choose the next president and we are ready for it. so if you did not, when he did not listen, we organized how so just as the political leaders and all the civil rights institutions, the send the case and all the civil forces instead of all united to up to form a platform that says that's called
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a protect our rights to vote. so this has not even become a political question. this is a human rights question. this is a fight for democracy. this is a fight while a silver and t. and we have to say no. but now we see that the crisis is escalating, it's who's taking another turn and this was not the choice of the people. we did not choose violence, the violent started from the other side. do you have any confidence in the constitutional council which was set to rule in about a week on the constitutionality of parliaments? move to try and delay the election? i think this is all a mess. great. because if we did not trust our institution who would not go through the process of elections, we've been trusting these institutions for the past 12 years. so he holds power in the assembly, those assembly members who voted against or for this law. they're the ones that are actually with him with his political party. the other ones are presenting to
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positions where it says away and out of the assembly by the police forces and the images are here. those guys did not even vote to indonesia now. and more than 200000000 people will have the chance to vote for a new president on wednesday, defense minute step ramblewood, so be on to has a comfortable lead in the polls and is confident of an outright victory. he spoke to a correspondent, jessica washington and an exclusive interview. it's the most a campaigning for both of you to if he is to be in high spirits and with good reason. in the run up to a voting day on wednesday. poles put him comfortably head if his rifles to popular for mcgovern is on his best weight in add a gun jet for no. the just 0 was invited backstage to meet the politician who was expecting to be in today is his next president. i think all the, all the figures showed that way you see also the, the grass roots and so he has,
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of all the figures showed a view to go on from the fervor of my supporters everywhere. i think they feel that our team is available for the more than half of overages are under 40 and at least 63000000 of 17 to to 0. the young to day they are more rational democratic goals this month. or they sense what is what is genuine and what is not genuine. and i think they are very concerned about their future or who has tried twice to become entities as president and lost both times. but this time he has an advantage . the support of president joker would go to the former rivals headphones,
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and i'm likely alliance for who has been a government minister since 2019 is running. age is the president's eldest son. choosing 36 year old gabriel and draco blooming draco was controversial. the constitution, technically bones under 4 year olds, from the vice presidency. the fact that this a vice president was under the age of 40, which is a normal in many countries in the west. but in the mission. now it's become some sort of an issue. i think because of the 2nd, but not least under 40, but because of the 2nd of the son of especially the do i think that's what what makes some circles. let's say i feel bad, but this one of the older 5 decades of allegations of human rights abuses during his time in the military,
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a special forces raised by his raises and by his right to organization. so how will he, we know, but even his strongest critics are with the work for the good in the nation? not for just a 2nd. second, when you know, i, i prove that when i the last election. uh, i lost badly in new. so i think that the more but when i became minnesota defense, i had to johns, i built, i think one of the biggest and best for the 2nd next. is there something going on in the province that i lost? the visa looked like under your president? i hope internship would be a dynamic economically
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better off, but most importantly, i wanna do it over the i want to get the rate of hunger. it's the closest he has been to the presidency in his political career. the frontrunner will soon know if he's the time lucky. just to can washington on to 0 to kasha. now, mazda 3 honda has an fullest, a compulsory conscription little man between the ages of 18 and 35, and one an age 18 to 27. can be called up said the travel as have been struggling to contain rebellions or the throw in the civilian government in 2021.


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