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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the knowledge as well as the the hello and go about this. and this is the news online from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than 40 palestinians are killed in his very air strikes in the dropbox. as israel faces international warnings against its potential military offensive and guides as most densely populated city outstanding authority. president obama, the boss is expected in colorado, is capital for adults on the future of johnson. the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl is find almost 2 weeks off to is many forces killed
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her relatives. i hope to hear and, and we continue to play like today more joy and more have to miss simple which from the children of guys and we volunteers trying to provide some of us find after months of 12 plus $200.00 children in bangladesh. me and my father, i'll bring you more on a balding security situation in the rage of the is there is facing mounting international warnings against its potential military offensive in rough. um, in southern gaza is the most densely populated city and the strip and it's full of palestinians forced from their homes by his very bombing and evacuation orders. united nations b, u, the u. s. signed out of nations are among those warning of disaster. saudi arabia, as has the crew beat, severe repercussions. if israel goes ahead with a large scale operation,
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germany's font of medicine says the people have gaza cannot simply disappear into thin air. on a link to better book says and is really offensive, would be a humanitarian catastrophe. paula standing in the for the president obama devices traveling to come out and he is expected to discuss the roles of the palestinian authority in guns as future more than $1400000.00 palestinians. that's 2 thirds of population. a sheltering and rough uh, city of just 60 through square kilometers. people are crammed into make shift tents and shelters. all those are sleeping on the streets with the looming threat of it is very military offensive. they've got nowhere else to go. down a couple was and begins coverage from rough i in southern got some as this is rough, his world has forced more than hope of cones as population to flee here. not even the police are safe. the officers killed in disjoint had been working with belief
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organizations to school with a trucks and secure humanitarians what's going on. but people here see if the damage will be even worse and is really crowns and phase. and because again, the gold really nothing will happen because of these riley's into rough up with this high population, maslick is, will a kid, they must find a solution for rafa to prevent a major mexican. well, that's yeah, yeah. this is the off to mass of another is really strike this towing one a 5 story building and tell me if somebody wants to make for the phone for a new sister. and her husband was sleeping that in that room. mom with an older sister with her children in the living room, a my father and i in the room over here. so do me a me saw fall on us. my sister, her husband, on the children, including my niece, who was 2 months old. they're all gone people he,
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if you're trapped with know where it's safe to go. yeah. nice thing to do, but when the light up, what is the name? whether they enter rafa or not, i safety must be insured, and this means we should leave and add to a safe place. even though we're convinced there is no safe place. we've witnessed this in the north and con eunice and in the middle, and they tell you this is safe place, but on the way they found people less than 300000 people go to a home before the war. now more than 1400000 people are living here with disease and tongue. intense. gotta have it all without almost all the most of it. we depend on egypt and its role to still the will on rough us. and we hope our brothers lead by president c. c will prevent any minute tree operation in rough uh, while the people are in here. and hopefully that will be no operation. that tool full, they can do is wait for an easy way to ground to so that the u. n. u. s. and international
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8 organizations is wanting, would be catastrophic, but others remain defiant, saying they would not leave until the will. and with a dollar here, tara competitive. oh, just a or a roof in southern gauze. i just needed time on was in the, in the southern guys i want to ask you about the reaction to this proposal by israel, that it might carry out an attack on dropbox in a moment. but just 1st of all, talk us through the latest attacks that are being happening there. yes, we're looking at just a little over 24 hours that at least for the palestinians, that the vast majority of them happened to be displaced. families of been at sheltering inside residential homes, our town, sorry, back portion centers across the roof. i city in central drama city, the northern part and the eastern part of the city over crowded,
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densely populated areas full of palestinians have been displaced from the northern parts in gauze and city. more to tax on residential homes. but the latest of what seems to be for a lot of people here is an attack on civil orders. is the systematic tension of targeting of police departments and police personnel is here so far. we're looking at a 3 separate attacks on a police person. i was including the director of the investigative departments here in addition to the director of the police department at later hours yesterday, just in the morning, the 3 people were killed in a car, the western part of a high city. that's the director of the investigative department along with his 2 of his assistants at a early or later hours that about it late afternoon hours another it's read a police person out. we're inside their car in one of the, in the central area over the city were targeted a and killed a lot of people react in this. this is the beginning of this uh,
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operations and dropbox city. and they look at it as a wait is really monetary is finally just to cause some sort of civil disorders, civil collapse in the city. it's important to point out this, the police department here has it been working very hard to secure the delivery of l. it's trucks, the humanitarian attracts, been trying to cause some sort of stability inside health care facilities that in front of the food distribution, a points. i know that such an attack is only an indication that we are ahead of some sort of, of civil collapse within the coming days if it continues to happen in earlier hours to the ongoing artillery sitting of the eastern part of the city. and it's just important to point out that rubber hasn't been largely safe for palestinians not for the local residence to live enrollment, but also for half of the population of the guster who became displaced and fours as
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were ordered by this really military to come through the deep, a lot of people who get a got to the city and the initial weeks of the world were killed within just a short period of time of their arrivals or, or sheltering inside the residential homes or in the evacuation zone. is that the western part of this just honey let's just move to the, the back jump to all of this, which is the announcement. and that's uh, is there any problems have benjamin netanyahu has instructed the military to put together a plan for an offensive on wi fi? and also to put together a plan to evacuate rafael and people reacting to that is very frustrated. and in fact, there isn't a lot of trust going on here because the have this terrible experience with this really evacuation order since the beginning of the work, people who were told to evacuate the northern parts in gaza city were given these
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sharp orders to the central area to tonya, and it says here in dropbox to be because they were specifically told in order to avoid being bomb, the have to go to a certain designated zones by the military. but within a short period of time of their arrival, they were bombed and they were killed. so it just, for the most part, these evacuation orders have been very confusing and contradictory and misleading. and there isn't much of trust going on with these really narrative so far. it's all based on an allegations that not a that, that not supported by substantial evidence whatsoever, almost everything the military has said it, what we see on the ground is a quite the contrary. and that's why people here are not only frustrated, but also do not have any a other options at all. the options available are either equivalent to non or very, very limited. we're talking about a southern part of the border of the city of the egyptian gods,
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a border which people hoping are not going to be forced across to the gyptian side because this will only feed into a permanent displace. then there is no way whatsoever they will be able to get back and do as going back to the northern part is through these by corridor passage. not only they are not saved, but it hasn't been guaranteed that they're going to be safe. but they also talking about going back to a waste land, the entire northern part then central area that have been turned into a pile of ruins and large the, a waste land with no services would not. civic institutions whatsoever to the point . it is, it is becoming uninhabitable by creating difficult conditions on the ground to make it on livable. honey, thank you very much indeed. honeymoon talking to us. rafa in southern doesn't the power steering. and so he present the motor buses, you to travel the costs out in the coming hours of loss is going to be c m, you know, she'd come and been hot. all tanya in doha is expected to discuss the role of the
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palestinian authority in gauze. those future we're going to bring in more and everybody who's the core to, to the opposite dice and online use source focused on the outer world. very good to have you with us. so let's talk about this visit to by the palestinian authority president. what role if any do thing for the palestinian authority to play in the future of gaza? well, i think i posted in president mode i boss has been engaged in the life and death struggle with relevance. since the 7th of october, on the one hand of the, the west and particularly the united states are proposing that the pulse to be an authority play a role in postwar, gaza on the other. they recognize that this is out of the question unless this, unless the authorities rejuvenated and in that context there has been growing talk of replacing them with, with someone who might be more effective. but i think the broader background here
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is that this is really all based on an illusion because the policy and authority in its current form lacks legitimacy locks effectiveness. flux credibility. it's been very substantially weakened by israel with western support. i should add over the years. um and so i think given got that as role along with egypt as a key mediators, i think i buses very much trying to ensure that the policy and authority maintains a foot in the door. i think it's also unfortunate that it's only this issue that is bringing him onto the stage. you know, his people have been subject to a genocidal. is really a soul for months now. and the only issue that seems to excite him is the future of the past in, in a sore d, and his personal position and the political arena. and you mentioned before that there had been a statement from israel that to date of the existing palestinian authority would
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not be acceptable but rejuvenated. wanna changed? one might be at some point, it was all very vague, but time is against that isn't, i mean we, in terms of the, the timeline we're talking about israel is saying is preparing it's people for a long campaign. at the same time, it was being reported, the benjamin netanyahu say was saying that there's latest possibly last stage in the conflicts this offensive towards off a have to be done before of ramadan, which is around about march the 10th. and that brings that time timeline. much, much closer. so one would imagine it's going to be very difficult for the palestinian authority is from what you were saying to have any rabbits, relevance, or even if it attempts to try try to change in a very short time spawn? yes. well, i think israel's plans for the policy and authority and for that matter, those of us would make it even less relevant. i think the only realistic prospect in this context would be for the policy needed for the,
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for the front. the movement which were decades for the spinal cord of the policy, the national movement to achieve a consensus with us, with the other policy to infections and to establish what is a genuinely national rather than a faction of authority. because also, i mean, any alternative will require the totally ratification of how mass for it to succeed . and israel has already demonstrated that while it might be good at genocide and mass killings, it's just not up to the task of militarily defeating a mouse. and if that restructuring goes ahead in some form and it does have the p a does have some sort of role in the future of god's a woman. imagine this could be a knock on effect for the west bank as well. for in many cases it's had its most severe critics and palestinians there who as you've been describing have been claiming that it is simply being a, to some extent on all of these very security forces and it has been unable to
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protect them. yeah. so now i think that's part of the problem and how soon are the story that has been having increasing challenges, imposing its authority on the west bank, which in a sense has its home base very much challenged by israel, of course. so if it can do that in the west bank, how does it expect to do that in the gaza strip? and yes, you know, there is opposition to how boss and criticism are from us on the gaza strip. of course there is. but the problem for our buses is that doesn't translate into support for the pulsing and authority. it's not a 0 sum game and we heard from our corresponding honeywell who died describing the conditions in the father. i'm more brought the conditions that gaza has been reduced to over the last several weeks. there is this question about that. the potential is really another tray of operation in is off and the key question is wherever people going to go. and there is a certain amount of speculation,
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isn't that that'd be my go over the border of, into egypt. but as i understand that the judge that's always that are absolutely dead set against that because the last thing they want is a large number of palestinian people coming into the sign. i that they then have to deal with that then puts the money to the right kind of pos towards at least a breakdown in agreement. should we say between israel, between egypt and israel that existed. yes, egypt is dead set against the mass expulsion. the force transfer of pulsing is from the gaza strip into a sign i does, or i think what israel is now doing, of course it's escalating its attacks on the, i think in part it's a pressure tactics to improve their bargaining position with respect to a potential new to us and the prisoner exchange. i think it's also intended to pressure each to nice thinking the back of their heads menus very leaders or hoping well if we make enough threats, then it doesn't really matter with egypt says maybe these postings will just force
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them to open the border and start leaving me wonder about it. we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. 6 members of a palestinian family have been found dead almost 2 weeks after they were reported missing in and is really attack 6. it ok move. our job is among them are desperate called for help through international attention, the to part of medics and try to say for were also killed also some of which reports a mother says good bye to her 6 year old daughter hand for a job. they stole her from me and they stole her dream for 3 months to go home. i called too much and going home without her. i called too much at all house without her. she only dreamed of going back home with her parents and her brother and the 10 pizza around the table. that was her dream going back home. that didn't seem to have belongings was the one saw
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on the state plan. this is hand before the war, before her neighborhood was reduced to rubble. and the 2 weeks ago she fled in a car with her uncle, her aunt, and their 3 children. when they came under fire from annie's rarely tank trapped inside her cousin leon called for help went ahead and move. busy on the other one might have been in the caribbean of the level and did you will see all the little a little she was the only one to survive and picked up the phone in one last agonizing phone call. as the big
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heavy i and i have an i have a good idea what the rescuers never made it. the 2 were killed by the israelis, the burn dollars remains that there ambulance was found just leaders away. i said less than that and then a bulk them in our last communication with the team. they see the occupation forces and the laser beam with whom i need. we heard gunshots and then an explosion. and communication was last 20. we do not know what happened exactly over 3 hours. we had gunshots and the sound of occupation tanks. and the last one, the grieving family says that the piece of proof of israel's indifference to international laws meant to protect little girls like hand axles. i'm gonna reach out to 0 of the
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out of pocket sounds on these calling for stability. often no clear winner emerge from the general elections to former prime ministers are claiming victory dollar chevy and a non cotton who's jail. but the final results haven't been and 9, so no parties secured the majority independent candidates, backed by congress party, have exceeded expectations, winning a 102 out of 265 fall elementary seats. but the con form of government because they're not technically linked to a party chevy. spotting the pockets done mostly has taken 73 seats and a center left pocket on people's body has 54. i said big reports from the hor, protest as i attend the streets in northern book is done. angry, upset for straight to the what they say was both tricky. with one form of government to minister show does. is there evidence for imposing stations of the
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number of votes he received, which differed from the official result? he says he's taking, he's gonna take to the court or but use go bought, gotten out of local. so like, i'm not, what am i supposed to do that if they want to change during the 5000 that was due 216000. so you tell me of a kind of the following. this happened the funds up to me why other than for so what is it happened and then obviously i'm capable of doing it. i would like show my appreciation of the people who want to do appreciate. so what's the depression pertains outcome with the cogent guide in the whole cup 2 of the most populous products, the bulk is done. many are unhappy at how long it is taken to announce the results and the lack of transparency. i've got all the say, do you need it when you have nothing to hide, you release the results on time when you want to do something, change something, then obviously you will delay the results and create an issue. post discipline was treated hands on the streets and what was considered a strong culture because they were on cons, peachy, i well being talked to by authorities, party officials say they were forced to rely on social media to spread the message,
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appealing to young voters and women across the country with both peach i and the most dimly came in victory. it's uncertain who will form the next government, the peach. so he's planning to go into the g of tenants. and his calling on support is to protest job up and it conducts guys out of got to do it. but with good conduct, you should stage peaceful protest, little you should not be holding the state, but slides if you want this done up there. and you should put your demand peacefully before relevant returning offices to issued the election results. so to get what somebody ignoring is the largest single party, what in the streets, i'm assuming you're looking for coalition partners. i believe they have the largest part in the assembly and therefore have the right to form a government. even when you speak to sherry to support this here, there's an acknowledgement vista collection hasn't exactly been fed with as far as they're concerned. the books on wisdom, the one they want, they parted full of government by any means necessary. i started vague. i just did all the horror buckets done. the tension is high in the border between me and mall,
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bangladesh and in the civilians have been killed and injured during the recent surgeon fighting and rock hang states and northern me and ma. it's also sent in many people, fleeing across the border into bangladesh and india. among them around said to be around $300.00 security force personnel, positive charge. it has more from the border between bangladesh and me. a more the quite bought of villages in bangladesh had been jolted by motor shows and gunfire. in recent weeks, mama they brought him describes upon exploding sho, killed an elderly, running a man. and his mother was only the marsh. i could barely see because of a 6 smoke. the old man died instantly, and my mom's hands were shaking. she couldn't move or talk. we tried to rush her to the hospital, but she was gone within minutes of the hundreds of me and my butter, police and military personnel across the butter 26 century, and bind with those border gods have sealed their side,
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was temporarily evacuating villages and shutting down schools in border areas, more than $300.00 me on our security, forced personnel. a know in the custody of bangladesh. butler gods, that's talks are underway for the return of the addition of the machine. we have issued a strongly beef to me and more. the entry of the people ourselves and gunfire of pulling inside our territory and killing an injured people. this is particularly concerning as we are actively working through the country at the ring. yeah. such incidents. i'm cold for an unacceptable fit people. since last november, hundreds of me and my soldiers and civilians have fled to india and states of major arm and money put due to intense fighting with rebel groups. barn with the action needed the i shared border with me on the market. and both countries are now having to deal with the fellow we're off, it's conflict evolving security situation, underscored the potential for broader regional instability. groups involved in
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ethnic violence and india. money per state blamed open borders as the source of unrest. their indian government is planning defense, what it described as the trouble border with me on my and scrap of free movement agreement, despite fears by some that it will disrupt long standing culture. oh, and it can nomic ties. the don't worry for the children, the students won't be able to go to school in the education stop. there's no purpose schooling on the other side of the board to try more electronic signature. no financing alone. the, the boat defense is a rick dates it will blow cold, best to brothers and sisters and young mon, if freedom of movement to scratch. and when i told her the unity of the music community. so i'm out of a string, right? kind state and me and mark has become a defective battle ground for rival interest in a new, in the past of fig, strategic bedroom. but it's buying a dash, which is already hosting more than
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a 1000000 running a refugees. and now has to deal with the spillover off at conflict that is not of their own. temperatures ratio does it uh, from bangladesh, me and mark butter. incentive gall to people who've been killed in protest. softer presidential elections will postpone hundreds of demonstrations fault when the police on saturday elections were due to be held later this month. but they've been moved to the end of the year. president, by himself says the government needs more time to resolve disputes about disqualification of opposition candidates and conflicts within the judiciary. despite the, unless the price been solved and says he's handling matters appropriately. just you put on processes inclusive. i'm for an inclusive, transparent and peaceful process that allows me to pass the baton on it smoothly. that's the most important thing for our country. west africa is country in an extremely difficult period. it's not a time that actually is finished my 10 and reinvent myself in a new career as a dictator or non democrats. that's the picture of the painting,
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but it doesn't correspond to my profile or personality full reality to the law. on top of my god is a presidential candidate and she was arrested and released last sunday. after taking part in the protest, she told my colleagues, somebody said, done, she doesn't believe the reason given for postponing the election. i heard the wrist sent message sent out by the president to much of so and we can assure you that that's not the real reason we believe and strongly believe that this is another way for him to actually go through a 3rd monday and extend his election his, his presidency in senegal and we are totally against it. how will you challenge the this decision to delay the vote by all means necessary with started in the most peaceful way possible. the 1st was to say no, because we uh, came out industry. we started to protest peacefully and this was on sunday to say
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we do not agree. we don't believe that we are in crisis because that may remind that he declared the country to be in an institutional crisis. which was not the case because the institutions of function incorrectly. so at 1st of all, started started with the this will put this to say we want to hold elections on the right day and time on february 25th. we've been through the whole process. i'm a candidate to myself. i'm the 1st email who ever passed the sponsorship in the political history of set a goal and the city release. people have the right to choose the next president and we are ready for it. so if you did not, when he did not listen, we organized how selves just as the political leaders and all the civil rights institutions, the santa case, and all the civil forces. instead of all united to up to the form a platform that says that's called a protect our rights to vote. so this has not even become
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a political question. this is a human rights question. this is a fight for democracy. this is a fight, flowers, silver, and t, and we have to say no, but now we see that the crisis is escalating its use, taking another turn and this was not the choice of the people. we did not choose violence, the violent started from the other side. do you have any confidence in the constitutional council, which was set to rule in about a week on the constitutionality of parliaments? move to try and delay the election. i think this is all a mess. great, because if we did not trust our institution who would not go through the process of elections, we've been trusting these institutions for the past 12 years. so he holds power in the assembly, those assembly members who voted against a for this law. they're the ones that are actually with him with his political party. the other ones are presenting to a position where it says away and out of the assembly by the police forces and the
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images are here. those guys did not even vote the still ahead and obviously the sweetness government says it citizens, it should prepare for war, will explain how it's solely to make sure the young people already the the, feels the weather in most of the stuff and you refine century up is completely changed over the last few days. all these classes broke writing with it, funding, writing places, for example, that was funding in the streets in which it was most likely funding guy on currently somewhere in italy. and that will be translated the other side of the age we asked anywhere from west increase of to slovenia. i would have felt during sunday that federalist attorney brief. i'm but it's a fresh title with the same. so coming up eventually gets a real cold added up in finland, or she being bitten into a room that started as
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a consequence. the 2nd, it'll be on a couple of days of rain. the rain's, not unless the power valley in know, basically what it has on the 3 day full costs we back to meet the weather here at the study 11 to 12 degrees. typically, here's the snow that is coming up against the real cold air for the know. so i think it's significant snow dump over so no way i'm probably central suite in the next day. and so as the rain engine eastwood's makes itself out in west and took it, but it drives that elsewhere. now it's been quite a windy session, so that's been running through morocco analogy area. a nice route through libya on sunday is wouldn't be enough. i think to bring a sentence sentence, don't want with it. the rest of north from west africa is remarkably dry and quite the how much and is disappeared, which is quite a surprise in discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress
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with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the all differential intelligence revolution, etc, rings to where the benefits lie in with them on the line. but we're backing 9 diet future on a technology that is fundamentally very unsustainable studio b, b. i series on a jersey hod hitching into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think, look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era who in the
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the you're watching or does it a reminder of adult stories. this is really attacks and guys, southern cities is off. i have killed at least 42 people in the boss 24 hours or 5 minutes has ordered the military to apply and a large scale defense of the city. 1.4000000 palestinians, a shelter, and their father standing authority. president obama devices dropping into contact in the next few hours. he's going to meet the image shake time and ben, how about on the tiny and so hot is expected to discuss the role of the palestinian authority in causes feature. and the bodies of 6 members of a palestinian family have been found almost 2 weeks off to the reported missing in this way. a successful team does right job is among them. a desperate call for help to international attention to upon us. and he is living and drop
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a brace for what's to come. volunteers are trying to provide children with some sort of rest bite. they've already enjoyed more than 4 months of war. surely that reports a brief moment in the heart of the inside with the children is going to complain. just like others the age elsewhere. the how did we fit to? i'm taking shelter in the school building. today was very happy that we had fun with crowns and toys i. this school in rougher as one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes. the food with children trying to escape the horrors. israel's relentless attacks. as these ready ministry proposed for ground defensive in the city where the seeking refuge, monday, not a house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today,
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we had the chance to have some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. israel's military assault on garza is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come for the majority of civilians killed many survivors severely traumatized. which symbol into a trying to help them either come i have a headache and a feeling hated and how would it be literally cuba falling to is trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and rough since 2017. this is our duty, especially of this doctor, the time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across garza, the wish is simple. i hope to wear and, and we continue to play like today more joy and more happiness to come to the vega
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out. is there a and this is one of the guys it appears everyone could be a target. is there any forces or hitting everyone even those are for the special protection under international law, as homes and will homage reports palestinian doctors and across his book is really snipers. the medics are risking their lives too risky, the injured shot. but is there a heating maximum or not the medical complex in con units even inside the hospital compound? no one is safe from the police. praise be to god. i've managed to save 2 injured people to recover a march or from the mubarek gaze with the necessary medical complex. despite the haven't gone far inside the complex. i did, but i did because the medical teams are not able to reach them across the guy's a street, at least 21 palestinians, a big kid, but is really sniper. since testing is really forces containing the boom, bergmann,
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this is what's left of a remodel neighborhood. it used to be one of the gods us most prosperous. it is. it's people in disbelief by the field, fortunate to be a life of to 2 weeks of intense is really shedding the 15 days we have been under siege. we spend those days in the basement of the building. when we lift the basement where we shop, because that area is unrecognizable. area was the base price. no anymore now, is riley's, it takes $4.00 to $5.00 times every day. luckily, we were in the basement all the time. as it always will, goes on palestinians continue to pay with the lights, hands them. how much does the other soft child as a physician and field maker who focuses on israel and palestine. she says, the occupation of guys are impacted children's health services even before the war
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. what we've seen in terms of health care in gaza is that there is an active program of what's called the development by the is really government and military. so health care facilities in general, now they exist, hospital exist health centers exist, but the staff are often unable to get any further training and increase their skills. it has been very, very challenging to get medical equipment and medications into the strip due to the siege. so that the kind of care of the children can receive is very limited. um this is particularly true of cancer care. and so the care for children has, has been deeply affected by the occupation and by the siege to dislike. it's been for adults as well. um there's also been a huge number of injuries of children and young people, particularly around the great march of return. so there's a massive amount of orthopedic trauma, particularly in teenage boys. that is also
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a major major problem for guys. so what we see is the children who have had an experience of severe war trauma, as well as starvation lack of medicines are going to be impacted for the rest of their lives. they have huge mental health issues to deal with. there are no reports arising levels of anxiety and nervousness, inability to leave one's parents, all those kinds of anxiety. bedwetting that is happening for the children and gaza . the, the us whitehouse has criticized commons by donald trump in which he says he would refuse us protection to nato allies if they didn't meet the contributions to be alliance. the form you as president on, on find out for the republican nomination, made the common set of rally in south carolina. you said the united states would
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not protect its allies from washington's rights unless they spent more for the security. the by the administration described on the speech as put a polling unhinged and most politicians have said that yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be sweeping, his government has told his citizens to prepare for war. the defense minister made the comments last week is the warning ukraine drags on a sweden moves closer to nato membership and governments reinstating a conscription program. i'm putting teenagers to boot camp,
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always traveled to the audit and gotten to meet some of them. of the swedish 18 year olds hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list talked about that i want it to be because people force my dad was in it. so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the real a check that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during i'm the to the co rule, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this month like of the on forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's nights, her application close to rethink the conscripts the training here on top plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military paula sites. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus, sweden's preparations for joining nights. i got wind controls passage through the politics, the 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is
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tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you these this would be valuable to to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business note the cooperation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent that papers online and the waiting for a call up is how saying that the left, a lovely color. it does feel a bit pricing to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they didn't tell you. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and
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a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of a military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't mix, we didn't all of the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric dock line sweden ongoing as president has resign doctors. he was criticized for partnering, a man who helped cover up sex abuse in the children's home counseling. novak parkins $24.00 people ahead of the pope's visit to hungry and april last year. among them was an official from a children's home who hid his boss as abusive under age boys between 20 or 4 and 2016. the like says she made a mistake. more than i'm back in aust about america especially as a hand gary and citizens. i expect the president of the republics not to make mistakes. however, if a mistake occurs, the president should acknowledge accountability of that take responsibility and
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even consider resigning from the position. i apologize to those whom i have offended to all the victims who might have felt that i did not stand up for them. i have consistently advocated under the protection of children and families. today marks my final address to you as president. as i turned in my resignation from the pest of the president of the republic study on both sides have taken place outside foreign embassies and the capital of democratic republic of congo, including those of the united states and france. violence has been increasing between the n 23 on group and government forces in north came from the province, protested say the us is supporting the one the which is accused of backing the m 23 fighters. the un mission was also targeted, protest as a it's fair to protect civilians from arms groups. thousands of people are being killed and fighting between the categories army and on groups in north keeping problems. the resurgence of violence has force millions
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out of their homes. and what kind of reports from the time of saki in north keeper, in the system, back into a single such a system as it was a when to fighting. he loved it between the new york state army and then to a new treat. the rebels here in this area. most of this area we have talked and heard was succeeded in monday to arrive down the world in the mountains behind me were the domestic army battling back there. it was after now disappeared. if i take it, even as we are here, some of the brands feeling, we can hear the running from the place where we are. right, to know the data says meaning so that if this is visiting the area, we do some capital officials from the army in order to make sure that everything is under control. but the ownership that it doesn't go through, i am here to support our military forces, our partners and local. i'm the groups fighting alongside. i'm including the subject force, with quote on the population to remain calm because the president is doing everything with our military forces to prevent troubles,
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to take control of 2nd or government. the government don't, this is i choosing them turn you to be brought to by you long done and a refuse or legal session. we did abels even do the cost is very high in the units . so the 1st, also talk to 14 is to visit your asked me to a well 170 people are way to now under district committee at the hospital, the victims, as dearest at a time between the d r. c. and the rebels. if i takes to go and hold it on his ticket, the majority of the computers are still on the road to having to come back because they don't know how to assist. you just let me go into the coming days. the fighting still going on. i mean, it isn't just forcing their capacity to even today we have sent out us one is coming from dish of stuff to join the 4th line here, island way connie, on just a 2nd. the democratic republic of combine, most of all the, from the center for research on the congo says people in the d. c. i angry, the lack of action for the best. and this to the kids now can was known a war,
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and he's been documenting numerous reports that i talk about naples. why don't you gotta have a veteran to come? we're asked support structure, reputation in the let us case as we're talking about the anthony 3 evidence has been presented to us security council for 81 to see we have a video footage of the, one of the fast forces working alongside the m 23. so the people inside of the global, seeing that's evidence has been presented. yes, there is election from the less than the government's distinction right. the last year, for example, new york, your new provider, one that we 20, almost 20000000 euros of nearly 38 to the one. the defense force seed the k to use military support provided by the united states by france, by the united kingdom, by european nations. for his i've seen that as a not proceed from the west. i see the $42.00 rebels when we actually know that
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these rebels of our neighbors and those central has taken a guess rather in section a c. i mean the dialogue cannot take place with the m 23 east portland. there being so many different dialogues. they've taken place. we have the m 23. the style of the company is government. no, i'm not as books. president of the government, of course, but the said in november is that it doesn't make any sense to discuss. we've rebels, we'll have outside support there rather discuss, we run the directly for run it to be stakeholder piece. and i believe that's the right approach to start a head, and i'll just say the cutoff score, i have to take those finals. he has to win a 2nd consecutive agent the the latest news as it breaks
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with detail coverage there. okay. now he's a real thing again, you can see the big gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the world. scalding wasn't even on the summit agenda. these fall mistakes are bringing the tractors of brussels is the only way to be heard. to sign burial once hale, the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety? overwhelmed? lots of agency apocalypse may be on the levels how online hopes and fears shape our existence. the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that. just the
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funds on or to when the presidential election in indonesia says is meanings or to the jews poverty and hunger if he wins on wednesday pro. so bianco is leading the poles and he's the got the backing of outgoing president jungle with delta is hoping his eldest son becomes vice president. here's our correspondent, jessica washington with an exclusive anti. the system of the state is campaigning for both of you to if he is to be in high spirits and with good reason. and they run up to a voting day on wednesday poles put him comfortably head if his rifles to popular fool mcgovern is on his best waiting. and the gun jet for renewal of the 0 was invited backstage to meet the politician who was expecting to be entities his next
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president. i think all the all the figures showed that way you see also the, the grass roots as soon as he has of all the figures showed a view to go on from the fervor of my supporters everywhere. i think they feel that our team is the whole for the whole than half of overages are under 40 and at least $63000000.00 or $17.00 to $30.00 wrong. the young today they are more rational. they're more practical this month or they sense what is what is genuine and what is not genuine. and i think they are very concerned about their future. a couple has tried twice to
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become entities as president and lost both times. but this time he has an advantage . the support of president jungle would go to the former rivals had foamed, and i'm likely alliance for who has been a government minister since 2019 is running age is the president's eldest son, choosing 36 year old. keep it on track of blooming. grecko was controversial. the constitution technically bones under 4 year olds, from the vice presidency. the fact that this a vice president was under the age of 40, which is a normal in many countries in the west. but in the nation. now it's become some sort of an issue i think because of the 2nd, but not least under force the but because of the fact he was the son of especially the do i think that's what what makes some circles. let's say i
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feel bad, but this one, you cannot please everybody all the time. decades of allegations of human rights abuses during his time in the military official forces raised by his raises and by his right to organization. so how will he, we know, but even his strongest critics are with the work for the good of in the nation? not for just a 2nd. second, when you know, i, i prove that when i the last election i last badly in the new. so i think that at the more but when i became minnesota defense i had to johns, i bill, i think one of the biggest and best for the 2nd next. and there's something got to do in the province that i lost the visa look like under your president. i
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hope internship would be a dynamic economically better off. but most importantly, i want to review over the i want to get rid of hunger. it's the closest he has been to the presidency in his political career. the front runner will soon know if he's the time lucky. just to can washington on to 0 to kasha. spanish farmers have been demonstrating out of sight, a supermarket in southern spain on day 5 of nationwide protests. they say local farmers are at a disadvantage because some shopping change. so known new products and they don't come under the same regulations. a spanish priorities palm is across here,
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they've been staging some of the protests and recent weeks. climate active as the director turnbook has joined protesters and funds demonstrating against a new motional way. developers say to propose highway would reduce travel time between to lose to cost or as well as boosting the local economy. but activists say the construction is going to destroy bio diversity in the surrounding environment. on friday, police 5 tear gas and the rest of the number of protesters content has become the 1st country into decades to retain the asian cub. october 5th school to hattrick for the hosts as they be jordan $31.00. and the final thing celebrated the victory with an open till bus to parade on saturday nights. what on the basement throughout the tournament father, i smell was at the match at the sales. thank you. what? just over a year ago, argentina, we're lifting the world have at least sales stadium. the venue now, the settings for asian footballs. biggest game expectations were high amongst both
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guitar. e and jordanian sam postcards are entered this match as defending champions . well, jordan were in a major funnel for the 1st time after a nervous hunt for the opening goal were both teams had their chances. it was a house who took control after 20 minutes, when i from the fee was brought down in the penalty box. for the past the keeper to make it one. now the celebration was certainly unique. pull the playing card edited . shouldn't have to send a message to his wife. jordan pushed hard in the 2nd half playing the kind of football, but over whelmed south korea. then in 68 minutes, yes, and the alignment made at 11 minutes later the video assistant directory intervenes and patters favor. they rewarded a 2nd penalty as each step that to make it to $17.00, to making me determinant tops for another vehicle in stop. each time and another
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penalty fees, patrick, seem to, are become the 1st country to retain the aging cost in $2.00 decades to select for the list. what helps municipal dorsey? this is the 1st letter of my wife's name because my wife is a great, and this was a 1st time watching me playing a stadium. that's why i celebrated the way i did. so once again, congratulations to everyone on the asian company staining don't. after failing to win a match in front of their home, white show creepy, near 2019 title was just the beginning and now the other story, next for the team is qualifying, which is 26. this is maurice. somehow out there has to feel safe. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more no stories that don't forget the website of course readings and more on the use of the sports as well. i'll just be about dot com
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robots, and stay with us on the 1st must protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering people have come from. we've seen a group topic of any that's 50 miles to the west of lincoln in the east new castle in the north brighton on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out if you see what's happening in there's no question about it is a broad spectrum of anti will pro palestinian sense. and among the british jewish groups of pulled up the is reading the government's actions. there is
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a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting a resistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues close for a ceasefire and they get loud on counseling, the calls, the u. s. economy is booming. so why is it more resilient? than all the rich country farm is across europe happen processing, we take a look at the grievance last north korea left to both on ashes the shore off economy counting the cost on algebra. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as instead of going on. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. this is took, took is the 1st country and to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its job. every meal is like
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a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the more than 40 pounds of citizens are killed and is really arrows types in rough as israel faces international warnings over its potential ground, defensive and garza's, most densely populated, switching the robots. and this is all to 0 life from doha. also coming up on a scene in a far as the president of the boss is expected in condo is capital for talks on the future of jobs that i hope to hear and, and we continue to play like today more joy.


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