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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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sierra facing a jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seen a complication inside story on al jazeera, the, the israel bombs of rafa in southern guys. i had have a potential grand defensive. the 1400000 palestinians sheltering their say they have nowhere left to run the time about this. and this is audra 0 live from 0 home also coming up the period shipping, you know, and this was a to is very 0 rest. it cut them of them, so i'm bored across it, trying to stop humanitarian aid from entering guys. other streaming as far as the
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present in the bottom of the box as expected and content as capital consults and the future of gaza. unofficial results are confirmed in pakistan's times general election, but it's still unclear who's going to be forming the next governments we're going to be live from islam of us. we're going to be getting gaza, what at least a $112.00 palestinians are being killed in the past 24 hours. israel is facing mounting international warnings against its potential ground defensive in rafa. how my says any, is there any attack on the said he would mean an end to adults over a captive exchange, but this has been stopped israel from attacking rock from the air. these are the latest pictures coming out of the southern city with at least $42.00 palestinians killed and strikes overnight. it's the most densely populated area of the strip. it's full of palestinians who being forced from their homes, the united nations, the e u. the us and our of nations, a warning of a disaster,
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more than 1400000 palestinians. that's 2 thirds of the population are sheltering in rafa. city of just 63 square kilometers. people are crammed into make shift tents and shelters. others are sleeping on the streets with the living side of it is ready military offensive. they have nowhere else to go as well. yeah, i know for him in every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or cox because no gas or diesel or any fuel, if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will either die. here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian board and cons be displaced anymore. we will either die. here we go back and die in our houses. nowhere is safe in the entire gauze of strength
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for the 1st moment. i'll just say this honey, my who was involved in the southern guys, i hope people, they're reacting to. the news of this potential is rarely offensive in the city of the as well as more reports and more confirmed news lines that come in and from the is really side of they is really intention of expanding the military operations. and it's starting around invasion and thrown by there is a sense of fear and panic and largely traumatized displaced population or not. that doesn't have enough doesn't have options at all. do to look into within the coming days. other than the fact that the, the one thing insurance that there will be safe, good or that would be safe areas to go to. but with the existing pos, bad experiences with these really military narrative, the. 2 evacuation zones, people are not hold boats and they don't have
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a trust. they don't have much of trucking, but it's really a narrative because it has been approved in wrong, again, misleading and non, to using for the most part in which people where it specifically told you're told to go to certain areas to avoid being bomb than they were getting bonded killed any way that the situations right out there rather not only will looking at an over crowded city with the just pretty much depleted resources and for dish and extreme shortage. and all the basic supplies and the fact that he's needed to a, to combat the difficult living conditions and drop off the city. but also now the trauma is increasing as a really, the city hasn't been said hasn't been largely save. it has to be repeatedly todd, either by the artillery sitting on the eastern side of the borders in which the vast majority of residential homes in the eastern part of the city that faced prince. while i had been road, been destroyed or severely damaged. all the public facilities and infrastructures,
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but also the heart of the city and the western part of the where the vast majority of the a displaced populations been filtering. it became under heavy, intense bombing campaign. and with so far, we're looking at very consistent patterns of number of casualties between $10.00 to $20.00 in the old overnight a tax. so far in addition to the, the, a new develop bins targeting police personality and their infrastructure facilities on the ground. yeah, i mean, just as you were talking to a few moments ago, we were looking at some live pictures that were looking across towards the north of bravo. we could see some of the clouds of smoke coming from the attacks that you've been talking about. and the big question of course, is if this offensive does make its way into the city, where are people suppose to go i, is anybody talking to you about what they intend to do in the event that is really military, makes his way into the fun as
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well, there is no safe place to go to and even if we just for the sake of argument, the central area or the northern parts or dogs and see where people are going to be allowed to go to these areas, they pretty much are going to a waste land that entire city has been turned into a pile of ruins. the older remaining residential buildings have been uh, could demolish the through uh, control system of demolition within the past a few a few days when the military invaded the city repeatedly. so not only were looking at intense bombing campaign, but on the ground, any of the remaining residential buildings have been destroyed completely or demolished, or severely damaged to the point that are not a livable. now the options right now for, for the displays populations included the local residents of rough city are equivalent to non or very limited because there are no safe replacing. and the gall, this trip band new that has been improving accurate because of the repeated tots
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and evacuation zones that this really military have designated a safe zone to the southern part of the city is the gives you guys a board or people are not hoping to get there, and the northern part where we're, we're looking at the smoke coming from is from the intense bombing campaign from tanya in the city and more of the destruction of the residential home. me, tanya, thank you very much, honey. i'm off load and rough are in southern gaza is really police are broken up. a protest somebody demonstrates was trying to block humanitarian aid from entering does have at least 18 protests as have been detained at the economy level. sullivan, carson, initials, porter with garza, they've been demanding the release of captives previous protests at the same place . have resulted in shots filled with age supplies being turned back. this is there any newspaper product says reporting that the government of benjamin netanyahu is pushing ahead on the lodge. illegal settlements in the occupied west bank and it says $650.00 homes will be built just a few meters away from palestinian. how does the size of occupied east jerusalem
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far right is very active, is reportedly involved in the development. israel's continue to build on palestinian land even though the settlements are illegal under international law. i'm going to go to jewelry, challenge and occupied east jerusalem, serene scene. these several process of the caught them abo, so i'm crossing how is that affecting supplies actually making it into the strip that you have several weeks. uh, there was a groups of protest as who have been down the counter might be southern crossing, trying to block those a few trucks of age and humanitarian supplies that are being trickling in from the is ready side. let's remind ourselves that that crossing is basically pretty much the only way in which much needed central humanitarian supplies of getting into cause a cap. the moment sends the groups to protest as are being down that number many
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about a 100 people maximum box on some days. they have managed to store the supply of gaza entirely. now the police and the army of being there on the scene. and they have been, for most of the process duration, uh, talking with them uh, but no intervening. today they decided that they were going to move them along and as the sites are roughly 20 or so of them have been detained. and now that we understand that the reduced out, hey, why are these people? well, that my speech right wing demonstrates is there are reports that some of them, of the families hall's captives held inside cause i, but it's unclear. i have to say about how big a proportion of the demonstrates is those families actually make up. well, they want to essentially these to stop gaus. uh they say that any a go again is just preventing the release calls, the captains how that kind of sent to you. they think this is the pressure point.
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if they stop garza then how much will be more inclined to give them up. okay, let's talk about this and use reporting products, suggesting that they are the benjamin netanyahu, whose government is pushing ahead with this lodge illegal sacraments in the occupied west by entitled people in israel reacting to this well, this is a, basically the latest in a long line as we say, you know, the recent days, recent months, weeks this, after years of a legal assessment building in the occupied territories. now this particular one to the heart doctor populace talking about is a in the place called him to box, which is just the south of occupied east jerusalem. and the development that is being planned that would be cold and the hell. and it would talk to about $650.00 new housing units. now, the why the picture of course is that this is nothing new. what is new?
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and this is something that i was discussing with an n g r and is radians here. the monitors, the sorts of things. what is new is that many of these developments, and now being foss tracked by the, is already governments. and that is really picks up pace. they say, since the beginning of the war since october, the 7th. so they gave me some numbers. there was 17 sacrament plans type thing about 8000 housing units that are being advanced that's just in the occupied east jerusalem. however, that's not including the westbank full plans have been approved since outside of the 7th. that includes $3700.00 housing units. this is unprecedented. a site. so the normal price is very bureaucratic. it can take up to 10 years between that, that the plan being conceived and constructs and actually being the gods box. if these right, the government thinks that it's politically expedient, then it comes step in advance that process of that's what's happening at the moment
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. out of the unprecedented rights, the governments, according to this organization, which is uh, as quote here, i mean the government is using the war as a reason for false tracking settlements. that of course, are legal and for international law we're all really thank you very much indeed. really challenge talking to us from occupied east jerusalem of the ok. it's still unclear who's going to form the next government impact is done 3 days after the general election. protests against the delayed vote conte are happening in the capitalist lum, about another. the cities, the electric permissions, and honestly official results and no policy has won an outright majority of the independent candidates, backed by the party. a former prime minister, even on concert, was in prison exceeded expectations of a 195 of the 264 parliamentary seats. the body of another farmer, prime minister,
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now are chevy. the pack is done, most of it gained $75.00 seats. the center left packaged on people's party has 54. come all high. those joining us live not from is from the but i come out. you want to protest alley. i wrong. just talk to see what's happening was for me, a government and how long it's likely to take the 1st of all, letting me talk about the broad day. this was a peaceful protests outside the returning office. uh is uh, uh, office. uh, this is the office which gives you form 45, which actually confirms the awake tray, and one of the buckets on teddy again, self candidate, correct? oh, said they had one that election, but that it does what changed. so this was a pro dest outside workspace. for festive mode, the police for that and the police let this go. just take place for doctor that that this but now coming to your 2nd question or the 2nd part of your question, rob the sorry. edward takes some time before the formation of the government
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because according to the rules, the election commission of august on has to notify all of the windows after the election results, which are all now. uh, but the bug is done uh that again solve as contested. some of those uh, constituencies where they said that that was the rigging. and so 10 of those national assembly foods have been stayed the election commission of august on has to come out with a decision on that. after all, the witnesses are notified. then you are going to step number 2, which are going to be called the president, calling a section of the national assembly, the nightstand assembly rather than to the speaker, deputy speaker. and of course, all the members will have to take or, and after that grid it decides to pick the leader of the house. now there's a lot of it all being going on all straight and some people may call it everybody's
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trying to rally some of that correlation partners to get the watch city been busy trying to muster numbered by waiting towards some of the parties to form a great nation, so it's very likely today at least a week, if not more tomorrow. thank you very much. indeed. one would imagine that all of these days are just going to add to the frustration that the voters have been feeding since the election was actually held. we're going to be checking in with you, obviously over the next few days to find out how things are going tomorrow. thank you very much. indeed. the still ahead on all the 0. i'm doors this avari into ron . we're proud to gather. 5 to 45th anniversary of the revolution that ended 2500 years of monarchy and ushered in the islamic republic over on the, the latest news as it breaks. they have actually been to the civilian medical
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facility and what seems to be a target to assess the nation with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been target. this schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters, and graveyards and fearless journalism. allegations of torture have increased the steering as wells will in garza from be things to withholding medication, competed beyond wells, taken without hesitation. fulton died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare other people with that. and people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be just of our around that one. out is there feeling the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally been off limits to women? when i, when
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a mix the female athletes flashed into the place and the ring on out to xerox the the, what, you know, just need a reminder about top stories. this hour, at least 42 palestinians have been chosen air strikes on graphite in southern gaza since saturday, as it was facing international warnings against plans to launch a ground offensive in the city. almost as a visual moves a head, it would mean an end to tugs over a cap to exchange is where the police have broken off. a protest by demonstrates is trying to block humanitarian nation answering gaza and the mobile savanna to
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charleston on israel's border with gas folks as soon as the demanding the release of chapters house official election results. so i was in pakistan and 3 days after the voting took place and defending candidates, backed by him on con, this project of 195 of 264 parliamentary seats. but it's still not clear who's going to be funding the next governments. regardless, future is due to be discussed by the palestinian authority president here in contact with our boss is flying to do hard to meet the amino she'd come and been homeless. all it's on him. and papa is, and is there any historian and author of the ethnic cleansing of palestine who's joining us here and our door has to do very good to have you with us. so i wanted to ask you, 1st of all about this visit by mach mood, a boss right from the start. the is really government backed by the us. has said that in order for the palestinian authority to have to have any role in the future of jobs. so then it has to be rejuvenated. how difficult does that make it for ma
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mazda boss when he is making an attempt to be part of the negotiating process? it would be very difficult for him to be relevant. because in the eyes of these very government, for quite a while, he's not relevant. the only function that the seems to serve as far as these really government is concerned. there's some sort of a security code the nation to keep the lid on the uh, the potential uprising in the west bank. i don't think these varies are, it's only interested in consulting came about the day offering. does i think there's more interest in the united states? i think washington is more keen to have the p a as part of the postwar if you want the arrangement. but i, if i may say so myself, i think it would be a terrible mistake for the be a to be part of it as this is going to be seen by so many palestinians as collaborating with the destruction of augusta. and these very visions of the
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postwar browser, which is definitely very, very opposite for what most palestinians would like. i wanted to ask you about the credibility of them and tell that because one would, could perhaps understand the view of palestinians in garza. but more, the one would also imagine that palestinians in the west bank, who been living under the potter standing for a long time, would have a particularly jonas view. because the credibility of the palestinian authority has not been great over the last several years. not, not very much, i would say even more that it just in the see not just the credibility and the longer these any operations continue and they will continue. unfortunately, for quite a while, the more difficult it would be for people in the westbank to remain relatively, i say relatively passive because quite a few young for this thing. infections have been trying to join the resistance in gaza. but of course, it's very difficult because these values of using a very oppressive methods in does this. so i think, yes, i think that if we already know that the credibility was on the mind is going to be
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further on the mind. if it is to be a would be seen to be part of a coalition that gives a green light to as well, to implement its ideas for how to gaza at, in the end of the war. and the war is not very near ending. we take this into account, so we really don't see a new role for the p a in the next 15 months, because this is more or less the period is in which society will continue. and i don't think there will be any substantial negotiations any way above the day often . mm hm. okay. i wonder, i want to get your opinion with regard to that finding that you're talking about as we know. and benjamin netanyahu as instruct today's right email address. right. you know, just your carriers put plans together for an operation to, to move into a golfer that's has prompted a significant response, a very, very critical response from the us, the u. k. various supporters of israel, including of course agencies as well. is there an indication, do you think that this is the point at which the support but then that's an yahoo
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government has been receiving up to now is starting to fracture. it's starting to back away. is this a sign that people say no? this pushing, everybody was 14w palestinians into a corner of guys in his office is simply too far. i wish it would be a very good news, but i am afraid that history teaches us that the strong american language of condemnation very rarely is supported by actions and these various have a way of kind of taming or at least allegedly timing the reactions. uh, creating the impression that this is not really a military operation. it's a limited look for us and they would find the way they would set this 5 american administration the election year in a way that unfortunately as far as the bonus thing is enough or a consent would be quite meaningless. the same, i think the story about the you and the being governments. i think that they are very easily induced by as well to take the strong position in woods,
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but not to translate them into actions that could bring an end to the fighting. so i think that these way the army will effect rough. uh, i don't think that these really plans for how to do with the refugees are going easily to materialize. we hope and we need a strong international reaction all because once these really operation will begin, these will be even more difficult to stop them. me the fact that benjamin netanyahu went public and said that he had instructed the military to make this plan for a push on rough at this particular time, find the run negotiations all be fairly frank mentioned. we don't have a lot of details about working towards some sort of timeline towards the seas far. is there a sense that there, but that's the timing of this announcement is in some way connected to the negotiations and the to prove, perhaps pressure on the negotiators perhaps on how much itself to try to move along
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along with some sort of solution. i think that they always recently took the mainly to his electoral base. well then to anyone else and is it let the base is made? the people who care little about those are being captured in does a, they want to see the continuation of the military actions. they want to see a so for international aid does a. so when he talks in hebrew, to these really public, he talks to his base. when he talks to the american media, he tries to sound a bit more pragmatic. a bit more inclusive. but i, the only things that we should take these kind of statements by the time you know, as part of an indication of a policy. this is an attempt to, from the very beginning to use the military operation to save his skin because of everything that the neo has done from the 7th of october until today, from his perspective, is calculated to make sure that he's not going to lose his grip on the government
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because of all the other problems that he's faces. so his decision eventually to the old of the army, to go to a rough is not out of the military consideration, oregon. so teach you what it is. one that he thinks that his base would like to hear would, it's really how would this translate into old is the oldest through the army is difficult to say, but i wouldn't of the 3 of these way. the army is adobe's institution that is hesitant to effect the rough. and so i think we still need the regional and international community to take seriously the possibility that the catastrophe that we have seen him does that he's going to be far worse. when is when it begins the effect on the roof, and they have the intention of doing it unless that will be stopped from the outside europe. i want to take this slightly wider because of we are, we have about a minute, minute left. i, under junction official, has been quoted as saying that any attempt to relocate understandings into egypt would simply collapse any sort of agreement between
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a security agreement between egypt and israel. is this a risk that actually israel is in a position to take, given the, the level of control that it relies on from the, from egypt over the border with the sign it doesn't, it's a risk. these are, these will take, i think they understand that these options are not going to open the boulder and let in the refugees. they still hope they will under the pressure. but i think there is a plan b for these are, these are the doesn't happen. and the fact that this would, you know, as a result in a huge human catastrophe is not something that inhibits these riley's from implementing this program. the move in as well. and that's the more lift them, you know, is relating to is indicative, still very indicative. demonize, the philistine is very, this is compression, so the 1st thing of suffering, and therefore the domestic scene and as well as no problem with a wide operation in rough with ever the human consequences of that operation would
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be appropriate. we appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise and this . thank you very much indeed for your to thank you very much for letting me thank you. us whitehouse, as donald translated slats and nato's allies is appalling and on hinge at a campaign, roddy in south carolina. trump said he would encourage russia to attack nature. while i don't spend enough under defense when he was president trump threatening to pull out of the alliance because he said the us was spending too much to protect members. most politicians have said to that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well then they never paying up. i said no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world
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and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be a miss dies is going to be here in 30 minutes. i'm your madison. stay with us. oh no. just the hello. there was lots to celebrate across the east asia over the weekend, especially in china, where we had high pressure in charge. so twice, guys for the new, know new york celebrations and not trying to force us into the new week. you can see lots of sunshine across the north, stretching down to the cell and pushing across to the korean peninsula and on was to japan. so just a few showers. and some wintery weather that will clear off across from eastern air is a change in the wind picks up temperatures as well. so coming up to 13 degrees celsius
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that on choose day, above average time participation and shanghai pleasant conditions. just a little bit, a width of weather creeping across from the central areas with cloud stretching down to the south. but that trend will continue pushing out further east. by wednesday, we'll be seeing 19 degrees celsius that in tokyo, with more in the way of sony spells. and there's also sunshine and settled whether to be found across the south of south asia in particular for southern parts of india. some rain coming into sherlock and with the weather dominating across from the central and eastern areas, we could see some thunder storms here. and places like maggio protests much to wire to the north east. we are, however, going to see some very wet weather start to creep into southern parts of pakistan by tuesday of the discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation
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of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence revolution, etc, rings to where the benefits lie. and with a hot light, we're backing 9 diet future on a technology that is fundamentally very sustainable studio b, b. i series on a jersey and inconsistent general election impact. hassan with viable former prime ministers in wrong kind of know actually both claiming victory force trading between different policies will now follow on forming the next steps who's likely to leave the country next. this is inside story the .


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