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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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countries and small beauty is the just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the israel bones rough on southern gaza ahead of a potential ground defensive, the 1400000 palestinians sheltering that say they have no when the associated hey, this is out of their life from the also coming i hope to we're, i'm and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come. a simple wish from the children have cost volunteers tried to provide some with spite of the month.
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18 is. randy's are arrested at the time of the southern border crossing, trying to stop to monitor in a some ensuring official results are confirmed and pack it sounds tense, general election, but it's still unclear and will be forming. the next governments will be live on this, on the, by the only begin in gaza for at least a 112 palestinians have been killed since saturday and just the past hour. how much is minute? truing has announced the 2 is really captives. what also killed is randy strikes as well as facing mounting international warnings against its potential ground defensive in the southern institute of rasa. says, an attack on the city would mean an end to talk over a captive exchange. but this hasn't stopped his route from attacking laughter from the at. at least 40 to palestinians have been killed in or as night strikes. it's
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the most densely populated area of the strip with more than 1400000 palestinians forced from their homes shelter. we met, so yeah, the whole thing and every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or cox. there's no gas or diesel or any fuel, if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will live at die. here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian border, unconsciously displaced anymore. we will either die. here we go back and die in our houses. nowhere is safe in the entire gauze of strength. we're going to close. close, right, talk correspondence on the ground, hunting about what is in a raffle for us. honey, i understand more of activation. what does have been issued? give us an update on, on where things stand right now. and especially in calling in the
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to yes, within the past hour, more evacuation orders the this time the are internally inside the city of han units. then according to the people on the ground, these more of like random evacuation orders for people in areas that there's really military is conducting systematic control, demolition of residential homes. so these people were inside evacuation centers around the vicinity of nasir hospitallers and to the eastern part side and the northern part of the health facility. more of that densely populated residential, the black square in order to evacuated all the way to the western part of the city in the last area. that's the western off of a luck site university in which people have been told since the beginning of the expansion of the military operation and the ground and vision. honda is to move toward that part of the city. but what's going on right now,
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and we could clearly see it is a cloud of a smoke coming in from the northern part of the, of rough city. that's the age of hon unit to the southern border. would drop off a city that's part of the ongoing bombing campaign and the systematic control demolition of residential homes at area hours to date. an entire battalion of is really military pulled out upon you and i thought it was replaced with what people on the ground describe to us as mercenaries. those who are in charge of causing a great deal of damage to the residential buildings they've. we've seen that example happening within the past few weeks after is really military pulled out from the city of replaced by another group that their job and all the job to do underground is to cause further destruction to the remaining residential buildings . and that's exactly what's going on right now in distribution of han, you and it's in another development of a some brigade, the nouns that,
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that the ongoing, a bombing across the guster of has caused the depth of to hostages and injured others within the past. 96 hours it, that's the result of the ongoing, a bombing to hostages that being killed. and it just given the intensity of the bombing, it's becoming, as the statement goes on, it becoming increasingly difficult to provide the necessary treatment or to provide safety for the hostages. and honey, it feels like we've seen it around escalation of attacks ahead of this proposed military offensive on rasa focus through how things have been looking now on the ground. are very difficult on large, make confusing here on the ground. on the one i ask because it has been that the people here have been going through this a very, very difficult experience since the beginning of the war,
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the work in order to evacuate. they ended up coming throughout the, within the past 4 months on, on, on the move, a given the intensity of the bombing campaign and gauze on the northern part and find you in a city in the central area to the point. now we have more than half of gauze of population squeezed into this small part of the gaza strip. and rough ice with the 1st at the southern part is the board. would they gyptian side people are not hoping they will be pushed over to cross today. gyptian side because this means that a permanent displacement for them, but it's saying and rough i hadn't given the difficulties of the living conditions . we're talking about the extreme sorted or medical supplies of food and water. and most the water is contaminated, very unimpressed. the dentist's catastrophic humanitarian situations at this particular difficult time. but on top of that, now the ongoing, the threats of the ground invasion is likely to cause more atrocities. and it's,
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it's the, it is a continuation of the genocide, the acts in the northern parts and ga, the city and people are, have a right having now no options that all the in fact the, the options available are equivalent to non or bay very limited in terms of safety in terms of areas that they could stay on a protect their families, family members, so far, very difficult decisions to make. we ahead of, of, of many of the people here. honeywell wants that with allies just for us, from the ground in rough on southern gaza. thank you, honey. as well as honey was alluding to the palestine where the president is choosing the as rarely ami blocking the delivery of medical oxygen and other critical supplies to be out in the hospital and con units and hospital says 3 patients died as a result 21 out of 25 oxygen someone does have now been delivered to the hospital, bought the palestine, which presents says that is rarely strolled, just destroyed medical equipment, assault of this stuff,
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arrested watches and even patients at the hospital on saturday. the facility has now been under and his really on the siege for 21 days. how goes the future is due to be discussed by the palestinian authority president here and catch all of us is fine to know how to meet them in, checked them in the model funny and my colleague with mathis and spoke to alon pop a and is rarely historian and most of the ethnic cleansing, palestine, she says the boss is increasingly irrelevant as far as these really is concerned. it would be very difficult for him to be relevant because in the eyes of these very government for quite a while, he's not relevant. the only function that he seems to serve as fuzzies ready government is consent. there's some sort of a security called the nation to keep the lid on the uh, a potential uprising in the west bank. i don't think these are, these are the only interested in consulting came about the day off the ring does
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not. i think there's more interest in the united states. i think washington is more keen to have the p a as part of the postwar. if you want the arrangement, but i, if i may say so myself, i think it would be a terrible mistake for the p a to be part of it. as this is going to be seen by so many palestinians as collaborating with the destruction of gaza. and these really visions of the postwar browser, which is definitely very, very opposite for what most by this thing is would have length credibility of the palestinian authority has not been great over the last several years. if we already know that the credibility was on the mind is going to be further on the mind. if it, if the b a would be seen to be part of a coalition that gives a green light to as well to implement its ideas for how to gaza at in the end of the war. and the war is not very near ending. when you take this into account, so we really don't see a new role for the p a in the next 15 months,
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because this is more or less the period in which the fight the will continue. and i don't think they will be any substantial negotiations anyway about the day after. and meanwhile, is really police has broken out. the protest by demonstrates is trying to block humanitarian aid from entering garza at least 18 protests. those were detained at the time of, we saw them crossing on israel's border with casa, they've been demanding the release of captives, previous protests and the same place have resulted in trucks filled with 8 supplies enforced. the 10 news writing newspaper hurts is reporting that the government of benjamin netanyahu is pushing ahead with a major legal settlement and the occupied westbank. power says $650.00 homes will be built just a few meters away from palestinian houses south of occupied east jerusalem. fall rights is rarely activists. all reports in the involved and not development. israel has continued to build on palestinian land, even though the settlements legal under international. we're not to bring in some
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to sell her. she's in occupied east service and for i'm just starting with these protests. there have been a string of them at the time. i'd be solemn crossing that this time people were actually detained. how so? so affecting surprise, making it into the strip. the brightness on sale we're talking about around 18 is really is who were detained. advocate if we said of crossing in these demonstrations that have been going on for several weeks now at the maximum you're looking at around a 100 people who are demonstrating in front of the border crossing, saying that it's quote, immoral for these really government to be sending a, an into gaza while there are still captives being held in gaza. now who are these demonstrators? they're different groups of people, the 1st star, some of them are family members of is really cap davis, but it's not really known if they are the majority of the percentage and the rest of them are right wing is rarely some of them from illegal settlements. and their
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mission here is to block aid from going into the border crossing, trying essentially to and they want to starve gaza by not letting that aid through . and on several occasions they had actually been successful in that. so today, earlier these really police had to change 18 people, and a total of 40 were removed. and, and uh, before i let you go, let me ask you about this harness report how it people in the israel reacting well, look the illegal settlement. the situation is always a sensitive topic when it comes to palestinians, especially in occupied east jerusalem. this report is specifically citing a project that what happened near the neighborhood of 2, but which is in the southern parts of occupied east jerusalem. and our teams have been speaking to an n g o called here, a mean who have said that the settlement approval rate during the war has been
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unprecedented. you're talking around 17 different plans that counts for 8000 housing units. and those that are, have been approved, our fear of them, which accounts for around $3700.00 of those housing units. now what the n g o is saying is that the government in israel is essentially operating while using this war as a distraction to try and fast track some of these the legal settlement plans to get through not just unoccupied, east jerusalem, but also across the occupied west bank. i'm the sawhorse. the with the latest for us from occupied is true. some thank you. 100. are now moving on and it's still on casual phone. the next government unpackaged on 3 days now after the general election that protests against the delayed vote count happening in the capital as i'm about and several other cities. the lexical commission has announced the official results, and no party has won an outright to majority independent candidates,
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backed by the party, a former prime minister in one khan who is in prison exceeded expectations. they will, $9.00 to $5.00 out of the $264.00 upon them, entry seats, the policy of another former prime minister, and that was to refund the pockets. don love, the meek gained $75.00 seats. the center left pocket stone people's party has 54. 0, that's spring and come all haida. he's across as for us from the ground and is on the bus. come out where all we right now on the path to forming a government. how long could order that take, especially given the protest, we're seeing allegations of vote we're going or this definitely is a mockery. why? because we've been observing that people got the majority war, did not get, they did the victory, and they're good handed over to people who gets guard maybe 5 times less work. it doesn't become one of the more controversial elections and focused on history. but
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despite that, the election commission of bug it done and announced that stage $95.00 feed for iran con, a party support does a $75.00 for the bug just done with them leaving a wide and 54 feet for the focused on people. sparky. now what's going to happen now is, 1st of all, you have guard stayed on some of those written dollars from the election commission know focused on your boss. have got people going now knocking the door and of the high guard and the supreme court dose of a showing. and that's what, what that going to do is that it really main months, perhaps weeks of litigation by the eventually a lot of these people will find that they have actually one the election, but did not what not notified so far. the election commission of august on release or the notification that. busy that it's a type one, the election officer that the president of august on red card, the 4th,
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the meeting of the new assembly behind may not very far away from where i am and then dead. the speaker, the deputy speaker will be jo. then the leader of dollars wouldn't be jordan, an order to be administered. but right now everything is in contention. so it's very difficult to board the timeline on this. how long they're going to really day . no one knows but amazon fun and made it clear. they're the ones that are mandate to be respected. i need one. so an address is of the issue that time. you mentioned and wrong tons, potties mandate. how is the p t i reflecting on their results and their selection, especially given their their logo and the sounds is banned? yes, absolutely. the logo awards banned by one of the following up our game members who then turned against the party and said, did not contest the election. however,
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the car to go read that came by the way to deprive them of the johns to be accepted as a bar deal. the bug is going to be uh, dated can solve, its not a bank party that litigation is still in court. i know where the mandate that you had received from uh, the demand did that, did they say which uh, across progress done ridge. i've got the internet, some communities talking about. this means that they're not happy with the there it does. and what really happened now is that they will have to join another party if they decide to accept their good dogs. it's a very complicated situation focused on is very complex when it comes to political, manipulation and heavy handedness. come all high to explaining that to us from the pocket stony capital is talking about. thank you so much for me as well. still ahead here on out as the readings,
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government says that citizens should prepare for war, but explain how it's hoping some excellent young people already the have the let's get the weather full costs for south america and a ridge of high pressure cities. the west of chile keeping things launched, beat fine and dry, but also exceptionally hard to has been a story of heat across southern parts of south america. and you can see it continue to build for places like santiago over the next few days. it also pushes its way further north and is a power wide and further east into windows. there is, but you can see a change in the temperature the that's as well. so whether it starts to pick up, we're expecting some thunderstorms here over the next few days. it will calm down on tuesday, but it is going to be a lot cool that 24 degrees celsius that so you can see the what the weather is starting to pick up the rush of thunder storms kicking up
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a 3 year old y as well as we go in to monday, what's the weather as well across the central parts of brazil, much dryer for the likes of columbia as well as venezuela, but went to for places like a french, diana. and as long as the dry picture across central america and the caribbean, you seen a lot of hate from mexico, mexico city. is that an old time temperature high for february just a few days ago? well, the heat is still there. it has cooled down slightly as that went to weather starts to slide its way for the south over the next few days. those showers pushing their way for the east, but lots of sunshine across the car. been stealing the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally being of the limits to women one on one a makes the female athletes flushing to the place and the ring on out to 0. the
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challenges here with the, the american watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories and sell it. at least 42 palestinians have been killed and as strikes on rough estimate that today as well as pricing international warnings against funds to loan to ground defensive in the city. which quote is egypt from us as an attack would end talk so far? a captive exchange is really police and broken off of protests by demonstrate as
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trying to block humanitarian at entering dasa. it happened at the time i, we saw them crossing on is meant for to wisconsin the purchased as a demanding the release of capital being held in official results on allison and practiced on 3 days of diversion took place. the independent candidates, backed by him on comes ponti, have 195 of 264 parliamentary seats. but it's still not clear who will be forming. the next couple of 6 members of a palestinian family have been founded almost 2 weeks after they were fortunately missing and is ready to attack 6 year old henry job is among them. a desperate goal for help through international attention. the 2 paramedics who trying to save ha, also killed axles on events, reports. a mother says good bye to her 6 year old daughter, him for jobs. they stole her from me and they stole her dream
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for 3 months to go home. i called too much and going home without to come too much in the house without her. she only dreamed of going back home with her parents and her brother and the 10 pizza at the table. that was her dream going back so that the visa had belongings was the one saw. i'm a stapler. this is hand before the war. before her a neighborhood was reduced to rubble. and the 2 weeks ago she fled in a car with her uncle, her aunt, and their 3 children. when they came under fire from annie's rarely tank trapped inside her cousin leon called for help. busy on the other one might have been in the caribbean, the lever and did you will see all
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the little i know she was the only one to survive and picked up the phone in one last agonizing phone call up as the big heavy i and i have an a, a, have a good idea what the rescuers never made it. the 2 were killed by these rallies. the burned dogs remains that their ambulance was found just leaders away. i said less than that and then a bulk them in our last communication with the team. they see the occupation forces and the laser beam with whom i need. we heard gunshots and then an explosion. and communication was last 20. we do not know what happened exactly over 3 hours. we
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heard gunshots and the sound of occupation tanks. and the last one, the grieving family says that the piece of proof of israel's indifference to international laws meant to protect little girls like hand axles. i'm gonna reach out to 0. well now is palestinians and rossa brace for what's to come on to is there on trying to provide children with summer spite? they've already enjoyed moving for months of all to read. i got my thoughts a brief moment in the heart of the little side where the children is going to complain, just like others, the age elsewhere, the headed. we fit the rules, i'm taking shelter in the school building. today we're very happy that we had fun with crowns and toys i. this school in rougher as one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes,
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the food with children trying to escape the horrors. israel's relentless attacks. as these ready military protests were ground defensive in the city, weather seeking refuge, is really not a house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today. we had the chance for some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. israel's military assault on cause a is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come to the majority of civilians killed many survivors, a severely traumatized which some bullet is trying to help them overcome. i have a feeling hated and how would it be? we're a team of volunteers trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and rough since 2017. yeah. this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across
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casa, the wish is simple. i hope the were and, and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come. to the day go out, is there the, the white house says donald trump laces. threat to nato allies isn't pulling and on . hinged out a campaign. riley in south carolina. trump said he would encourage russia to attack nato allies. we don't spend enough homeland defense. and when he was president, your call, trump threatened to pull out of the alliance because he said the us was spending too much to protect mendez. or most politicians have said that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills,
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you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be me and austin to has enforced compulsory ministry status, then age between 18 and 35. and when an age 18 to $27.00 cannot be pulled up to suffer. a maximum is to use, the ministry has been struggling to contain rebellions. also, if it's running civilian government and 2021. purchase have taken place outside foreign embassies in the capital of democratic republic of congo, including those of the united states in front. violence has been increasing between the m 2300 and government forces and the north keeping the province protest of say
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the us is supporting were one which is accused of backing in 23 fights and something took all the denies. the un mission was also targeted for just to say it's fail to protect civilians from obviously sweden's government has told the citizens to prepare for war. the defense minister made those comments last week as the war and ukraine drags on and sweden moves closer to nature membership. the government has reinstating a conscription program and pushing teenagers now to account for his travel to the island of goblins to meet some of them. of the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list talked about that i want it to be because people force my dad was in it. so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the real, a check that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and
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after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a. this monthly of the armed forces, mistrust of russia and sweden's knights, her application cause to rethink the conscripts of training here on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military paula sites . it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus, sweden's preparations for joining nights. i got wind controls passage through the politics, the 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you these, these would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business note the cooperation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare
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for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sunday papers online and the waiting for a call up is how saying that the left, a lovely color. it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all but my friends and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they didn't tell you. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid, that doesn't make sweden all the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that didn't have a needs to use the pull race out. is there a direct line, sweet and hungary as president has resigned in the face of criticism 5th.


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