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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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it is a simple to debate labels, security challenges with conflict in the middle east spreading and the rest, the ukraine war continuing. what does the future international, or does it look like? getting live updates on out to say around the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of the saw the okay, and this is the new zone at line from the hunt coming up in the next 16 minutes. israel buttons, a rasa in southern casa, ahead of a potential ground defense is the 1400000 palestinians sheltering that say they have no way left to run the ship. 18 is really, is, are rested at the time. and we saw them voted crossing,
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trying to stop you monitoring aid from entering costs. egypt falsifies it's for the with israel as pensions. mountains are the aid, and the potential rough ground, defensive official results confounds and pack of stones tends. general election is still unclear. the who will be forming the next government and on time, how much was sold hosts, ivory coast prepared to take on nigeria. and the final all the advocates couple of nations and cuts out once again to celebrate winning the asian cop successfully defending the title. with the $31.00 went over the door to the hall. we begin in gaza workspace, to 112 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, as well as facing mounting international warnings against its potential ground defensive and rough uh. amounts of any, is there any attack on the city would mean an end to talks over a captive exchange,
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but this hasn't stopped as also i'm continuing to attack rasa as you see from the he's the nicest pictures coming out of that southern city. it's the most densely populated area of the strip. it's full of palestinians has been forced from their homes. the united nations, the you, the us and arab nations, a warning of a disaster will than 1400000 palestinians. that's 2 thirds of the population that are sheltering. and rafa a city of just 63 square kilometers. people are crammed and to make sure the tenants themselves as others have been sleeping on the streets with the looming threat of in his reading. but it tree offensive. they have nowhere else to go. yeah, the whole thing and every day we're on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or caught doesn't know gas or diesel or any fuel. if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be
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displaced. we will either die here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian border. the cons be displaced anymore. we will live and die. here. we go back and diana houses, nowhere is safe in the entire cause, a strip as well. that's going straight to honey monkwood correspondence on the ground in rafa for us. honey, how are people that reacting to the news of his potential is really offensive the world? so far throughout the day then since there now is of this morning with more news on moving about the expansion of the ground invasion throughout the city. and it's a great deal of panic here. people are worried they are kind of getting and be they don't know where to go or wants to do with the people who decided to go. busy
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further from the area just side or go back to their rooms in the central area or the law does the city of tanya and it's in the last week just to see if it said a possibility for the dam. whereas that evacuation is gone by early afternoon, they were by describing the situations in both units in the central area. not only difficult and ongoing going on, but the fact that the living conditions are, are not easier than here. they are very difficult to similar difficulties everywhere, not only in the city, but also in the central area run on units on the decision for them to come back. they said they're hoping it's not going to happen in the ground invasion. they said the options are very limited or equivalent to few options in terms of safety in terms of better living conditions. the people here are very critical situations right now. honey,
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we were talking earlier about evacuation and so many of them in place we were people actually supposed to go the well within the past couple hours more is that to issue orders were given to be be, are within the vicinity of not the hospital. and i'm, i'm in the hospital and the central part of the fine you. and if andy were on the tv machine guns that are too large and in order to move to the western part of the city, find new and its own off area. no way for the past few weeks, this particular area that people were going to go to came on, their bombings and retrieval inside their hands were killed as if from the breed belong to the very area where if i do or sheltering again, same thing. there is a mistrust here on the growing mistress, then that is really narrative of evacuation zones because so far is everything on the ground. so just that they are not safe brand new re narrative has been
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misleading. very contradictory, very big. for the most part, people were told to go to areas in order to avoid being bombed, but the bonding killed any way within hours or days of their arrival. so people here do not have again, the options of safety are very, very limited or did not exist at all. what people are hoping for right now is not just a temporary cease fire or a safe passage for them to go back, because mainly they're going back. they're going back to a wasteland. entire city turned into a pile of rubble. do want them into the war, and that's the only insurance that their safety and mental act of wars on the ground. honeywell, what's the, what's the latest for us from the ground and rasa and southern gaza. thank you, hun, i as well as the is randy. all me is also being accused of preventing the delivery of critical supplies to a hospital and garza, which resulted in the depth of 3 patients. the palestine bread present. it says the alamo hospital and con eunice,
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which you just had honey mentioned to. it's now been besieged for 3 weeks and it says it didn't receive cylinders of oxygen. but present officials are saying that is rarely sold as destroyed medical equipment, assault, and stuff, and the rest of the police, the hospital workers and patients on saturday was really police have broken up a pretest by demonstrations who were trying to built, came out of hearing aids, and entering garza at least 18 protesters were detained at the time of the sullivan crossing on israel's border. wisconsin. they've been demanding the release of captives. now previous protests in the same place have resulted in trucks filled with 8 surprise being forced to turn back. well, let's speak to hunger so hurt. she's across this for us from occupied the stories and hundreds we were saying earlier that haven't a string of protests that we've seen about crossing, but this time people actually detained. just how is it? so we'll actually affecting the supplies, making it into the strip all of
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these approaches have been going on for several weeks now and as their maximum capacity are looking at around a 100 demonstrators here, mainly right wing protesters, some of them from settlements and also even family members of some of those being held captive inside of gaza. now they're saying that these really, governments should not be allowing a to go through the get him upset. i'm crossing in the southern part of the country . they're saying that it's quote immoral while there are still captives being held in gaza. now is really police have declared some of that area military zone due to these demonstrations because protestors were even bringing tense and hopes of camping out all night is really full. we say they have removed around 40 protesters from the area, detaining 18 of them, and the goal again is for them to block that aid from going in to gaza, essentially wanting to starve the population be going through. we already know is quite minimal. and on some occasions those protesters have even succeeded in
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blocking those a trucks from getting through into the gaza strip. and stay with me on that because i want to ask you about a reports that's out and these really newspaper heretics. and now they're reporting that the government of benjamin netanyahu was pushing ahead with a launch illegal settlements and the occupied westbank. now are the thing that $650.00 homes will be built just a few meters away from palestinian houses south of occupied east jerusalem. and fluoride is really activists are upholstered, involved in that development. we know that is where it has continued to build on palestinian land, even though the supplements are illegal on the international law. and just how people in israel, reacting to this report in our or teams have been speaking to one and geo called your a, me, him a who have been documenting illegal settlement expansion and human rights abuses specifically in occupied east jerusalem. and here alone,
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you're looking at around 17 different settlement plans that have been really constructed since october, the 7th floor of which had been approved. so the total for the 17 is around $8000.00 housing units and in occupied east jerusalem. it would be $3700.00 that are still that were already approved and this is a process that usually takes a very long time. there is a lot of bureaucracy involved with municipalities of different towns, etc, but in occupied east jerusalem in a town called them 2 of us were looking at around $650.00 housing units that are going to be built there. now with this, andrea was saying that essentially since october, the 7th, it's been unprecedented. how many settlement approvals there have been? and that's because they believe the government is using the guys of this war to try and fast track. a lot of these, a legal settlement plans,
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well everyone is essentially focused on the war. so while all of this is ongoing, the settlements are not just unoccupied. east jerusalem, but also across the occupied west bank. and it is worth noting, this is the most right wing government and israel's history, who has been quite the proponents for illegal settlement expansion. and they're even saying they want them in jobs that this is something we've been hearing repeatedly from these members of the far right. but as far as occupied east jerusalem, it's an incredibly sensitive issue as these really government is now expanding these a legal settlements. honda saw her today with overlays as far as from occupied east or some think some the whole egypt has been stepping off its number of check points along its border with casa, that satellite images are revealing this. now, in the event, the construction crew is began working on a raised strip of land, some 200 meters away from the fence, dividing egypt from the gaza strip. it's now 3.5 kilometers long. not brings the total length of the, sorry i just, i'm 14 kilometers. we understand egypt is also building
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a new concrete war along the old, portable is rose and gone to the south of gauze that has been raising tensions with egypt. the 2 countries signed a formal piece, tracy back in 1979, based on what's called the camp david accords. it lays out a complicated set of agreements about land and board is now importantly, limits the presence of egypt, military and the final dependency on a separate agreement was also been signed in 2005 off to is really soldiers and such as withdrew from the gaza strip, and that covered how the roof of border crossing was to be run as well as how egypt could deployed guns along that border. but israel is now talking about relocating huge numbers of palestinians away from rough or egypt has warned with any attempt to move, he moved people across the border could lead to the termination of the treaty on the other agreements to between the 2 countries. well, that's not bringing mushrooms wearing. he's the director of the golf study center and a professor of middle east politics and counsel you in investing much of always great to have you. as we've been reporting, egypt has been cleared,
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but any forced mass displacement of people from gauze is a red line for them. we see that already for to find a voted area. what does that red line mean to kyra? what kind of action could we see? and this is november, there was a different message is coming from title about the situation and goes up. and the most important matter, 2 messages, one, no displacement people will not be allowed to go to sign up. and that important message there will be no military operation on virtual side of that. yeah. a test for the to with, with egypt. and the security of that basically area wouldn't be under the egyptian . and those 2 messages basically were of us between both sides, which was interesting. they had been messages where basically and it was actually was in egypt being as possible of the, you know, all the appropriate method issue on the helpless border. but exemption now click
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the button and it is like so there is a lot of water between both sides. but when it comes to the, um, uh, philadelphia and when it comes to the uh, the procedures that the images are totally, it's obvious that they don't want to have a need for this thing. and going to say that so far. well, if that red line is crossed, what could we see happen? not you. or i'm in the last the for the for hours the deadline was if there's any user id to push towards that though the whole piece tc wouldn't be i basically put on hold on that the news came from the inside. the junctions basically kept the sign in for them. to be honest, i think maybe this is, this is a way to test, alter. if this happens, i think when it comes to from 10 or 13 of us, right? that's what was i, i called it a test of what, how the addiction was
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a response to that. i'm not sure so far. the addictions have despondency is seriously about what happens and it goes off without it when it comes to them. it's an 8 or when it's comes to the party to get the tip on. it takes 30 minutes on it and i'm not doing enough to push motor motor motor. uh, a to a come in to that sound. uh there is a, a bit of custody on the board. does that is um, even by the uh, united nations, been as long as you guys and saying, you know, that your tricia do more and that's enough to be, i'm only those items. so i think the adoption is to try to check 2 things. one, what does that many composition? would it be the for how far? how many traps kind of push on it? and that's at yahoo. and the 2nd image is how much out of nations depends on the particular kind of person is what it is. i think that it just shows the keep on those too many factors and see how much they kind of go. sure. and it's, and you know, i'm not sure that your machine can really play a major or on a, something, a military operation. the is
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a want to do. i'm not sure they wouldn't be able to stop it. i know they need some supports that are nice entity from the united states, from the united nation differently because otherwise i don't, i'm not sure they can do it all that and wondering about the white house response here, because we know that egypt has close economic and military ties with the us. where is washington on this? they've been saying for some time they weren't to accept the force displacement of people from god. but what does that actually mean in practice are in, according to the washington post, just in the last 2025 minutes, i was reading. they say we have no impact in seaford autumn population, but it's in the our, we have no impacts. and we are missing documents, and that is a, that is the assessments of people to close to by then we now the pushing decides by the size of the video and popular. so basically it is
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a serious need to buy them to be more pretty. and basically cross that line, he puts for himself from day one, when he and his administration accepted the 80 that are to him on the phone or sort of thing that's not a to they need to reach to the point that that's, that has not all sort of in a better buy than any actually help and his electric and directions. and he needs now to push that through line decides about how to push that. sorry. so he can, when the, both of the young people in the states, if he wants to remain, he wants to remain independent and the right house. or i'm not sure, let me ask you about these protests that we've also been seeing and kind of resell them. do you think they could impact the aid relationship, but the role that egypt is playing you were talking earlier about that war was over, who is actually stopping aid from getting into gaza? of those demonstration as a selection of the division, which is at yahoo government has it created between the families of captives and the families of the soldiers. so those are the front of the,
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of the soldier. and they said, yeah, government, they want to say that we have an active society which basically still in favor of the war and the in favor of actually not allowing the i took it to the website. so instead of the election, it's a political game that's going to be put in the plane to basically divide as well as one of the size of that is what happens in the concept. come assign him. this is what this book this course, that magic is very that speaking to us from castle university, the professor of at least and politics always great to hear your thoughts. thank you for joining us again. love you. going to this that you thank you. thank you. all causes future is usually discuss 5 of how the student was already president here in tasa, who the boss is visiting the honda museum in state to invent a model funny. and in the addiction capital cairo on tuesday, mediators from egypt council and the us all scheduled to resume talks on releasing
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captives. let's not bringing a 5th a few. and he's a former college student, and that he was the deputy head of the p l. o. delegation engine eva onto the united nations. he's also the ortho of on palestinian departments. he joins us now from london. so thank you for being with us on al jazeera that has been speculation, but regional power is a trying to bring home us on fossil together to try to resolve the split between and create some kind of united palestinian fund. how likely is that? and perhaps you could give us some insights into the space of that relationship right now. when i believe that the visits of the less and to do have got the is extremely important that comes as the video for june thing. i believe that for the senior society, i'm going to send you the public opinion would love to see the, the, the, the fraction that has occurred at the political system resumed and rented it. and i believe that is really is, would it be very, i know i did as a result of the world does
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a very studies thing in unity again and 15 in consensus of the government that would be moving in the future. both of the west bank and gaza and i believe this is the custody late or as an important tool in the coming 24 hours. i would like them to convince fish waived and sometimes even pressure to how much leadership you can cut that to be ready or put in mind that encounter with i'm as if it happens. and that employee takes one test to distinguish between the desirable, the positive and the acceptable. and really in fact, there we have being in the way you re dated for 40 years to have been payments to criticize unnecessary. the criticize for having discovered the different players between the buses, but the acceptable and the the, the possible and acceptable. and these are having whoever mistakes those 3 layers
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is heavy words, suicide initiative, suicide is the best most of the in gaza. is it? but it's didn't use because evasion, which put me in judy and thanks to the cut that even the issue with a blessing in the coming 24 hours. so you're, you're talking about trying to find this consensus now given the number of the parties that are involved in negotiations around the war and gaza. are you concerned about the level of palestinian agency in defining your own future? is that perhaps creating will appetite for reconciliation with come up stuff. that's the 1st step of this idea. i the main coughing stuff, nothing you know, do everything in his capacity to torpedo and several times any possible break through in the negotiation. speaking, please know in cairo for the simple reason he's fighting for his for the concern, right? heard, i think i already accepts it throughs of several weeks. he believes that the dynamic contradictions within is ray, the society. i'm in the, i'm not good. is there any of the nation ship when helping him from power?
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i believe in washington today, that is increasing dvd sion and awareness among the white house and the democratic leadership, democratic buffy leadership. but nothing. yeah. who is the patient's nature is driving them. that would be important, you could feed you and that makes the, the feet in the timing, the stature evictions. and i believe they would be triggering messages though it is nothing. yeah. and is it a study that the international widows should be paid on a mission and waiting on a person or waiting office? yeah. so the society more than ever we are now away. definition of you and the assessor. it's a must, it's possible it's door. but as you have have thousands of hours of the over at a board and the last one that took place in the main, in the egypt. so we don't need the protracted negotiating exercise in internet,
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but it's been domestic politics. i think that the documents are signed. i find the head of this, those are the 1st was a very long you findings place between fossa and i'm us. and they're all obviously some, some obstacles, things that need to be handed out. if you're going to try to find some consensus, so let me ask you right now. what role do you see from us in a post? we'll garza when i believe that how much is that? a sting in society is a 1st thing in the section. it's corresponds to, but of the political and culture interesting in that, that exercises. and i believe that's the place the natural place is within the piano. as i d, i believe that of mazda in and all of us, but continues, would welcome data entry into the e n o mechanisms. and the, i believe we can easily agree on a government with the national consensus to operate in the west bank and gaza. and
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then he said you, the challenge is the many this hit accordion, and i believe that we need gnashing or do the, the consensus to and the big building building. go garza, you know, that the boss stations on comes up to 60 percent of the housing units that were thought to be demolished, to be mind as of 1948. when is there any immediate, $1101.51 villages to make the right of return, not possible before based any investigation, so back to their homes. and so before i let you go, i do want to ask you a little bit about your vision for the future here because you said that you would welcome a mouse into, into the p l. o. under an umbrella to form some kind of had a standing united front going forward in these negotiations, but the us and israel have been very clear. there is no role from us in a future processing and government in the gaza strip. do you think that welcoming him, us into some kind of,
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of unified processing in position will only prolong the will as no, i don't be so cause i believe that that we for this thing is, should operate on the basis of principle pragmatism and reason for use a government that is at the same time enjoying domestically is the machine of international accept the be pretty and i believe was pretty much what a senior society is gabriel for using such an outcome. it 12 to be difficult to find it for me. the other at the same time, combines domestic legitimacy and interconnected acceptability. and i believe that the words we see the 1st thing is ready to be very cost effective or intervention or politics. and with that, but it's been yesterday, i'm the challenge we have suffered because of the contribution notion that his time is the problem is then tomorrow we have to make by this time the problem is england
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. the top of the building guys is going to be needing help on your efforts with at up and international support and we need a competent government, competent, executive government. and we need a political maturity and statesmanship i left the car with our side potential. so thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera off here. sophia, sophia, i'm sorry, is that form of how the student different not, who was also the deputy head of the piano delegation engineering to the you. and thank you for joining us on auto 0. so as well as palestinians living in rafa. now brace for lots to come, volunteers, there has been trying to provide children with some respite. they've already enjoyed moving full months of war. tribute. i got reports a brief moment in the heart of the inside with the children of cause a complaint just like others,
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the age of the headed. we fit the rules in taking shelter in the school building. today was very happy that we had fun with crowns and toys i this school in rossa is one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes, the food with children trying to escape the horrors. israel's relentless attacks. as these ready ministry protests were ground defensive in the city where the seeking refuge for the house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today. we had the chance to have some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. israel's military assault on garza is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come for the majority of civilians killed many survivors severely traumatized.
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which symbol in case of trying to help them overcome any kind of feeling hated and how would it be? we're a team a fall into is trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and dropped off since 2017. yeah, this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across garza, the wish is simple. i hope the were and, and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come to the vega out of there. all it's now time for the why that and his car. i had a lot of that. let's get to where the full costs for south america and the ridge of high pressure cities, the west of chile, keeping things launch beat fine and dry, but also exceptionally hard to has been a story of heat across southern parts of south america. and you can see it continue to build for places like santiago over the next few days. it also pushes its way further north and is a power wide and further east into windows. there is,
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but you can see a change in the temperature of the that's as well. so whether it starts to pick up, we're expecting some thunderstorms here over the next few days. it will calm down on tuesday, but it is going to be a lot cool that 24 degrees celsius that so you can see the what the weather is starting to pick up the rush of thunder storms picking up a 3 year old y as well as we go in to monday, what's the weather as well across the central parts of brazil, much dryer for the likes of columbia as well as venezuela, but went to for places like a french, diana. and as long as the dry picture across central america and the caribbean, you seen a lot of hate from mexico, mexico city. is that an old time temperature high for february just a few days ago? well, the heat is still there. it has cooled zone slightly as that went to weather starts to slide its way for the south over the next few days, those showers pushing their way for the east. but lots of sunshine across the caribbean. also have here on i was, was there. i'm doors has
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a very into around we're proud to gather to martha 45th anniversary of the revolution that ended 2500 years of monarchy and ushered in the as long as we're public abroad. and full real hearing from the former olympic somebody who's trying to break a wells rank or fight openly. dorothy the examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians exploring a funding world cloths programming. we are basically a digital firm scene investigators, but we're doing it from space design to inform, motivates, or the spot. you want to compete at the link, the games they come, stay relax, see the well from a different perspective on elders here and on the federal tax upfront takes
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on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professor applies unflinching questions rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 of the the welcome back and watching out a 0. let's remind you of on top stories. the sound is really a tax on goals that have killed a piece to $112.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours. and international warnings
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are increasing against all the plans for ground defensive. and rafa cannot says any invasion would in talks to exchange captains. is there any police have arrested protesters from israel trying to pull up humanitarian aid from entering casa, purchased as of the car? and what we saw on board of crossing demanded the release of his gauze. as feature is to be discussed by the palestinian authority president was here and kept off. the bus is visiting the house and meet the man said to me in the model. i am i calling from madison and spoke to eat on pop in. and is there any historian and ortho of the ethnic cleansing of palestine? he says the boss is increasingly irrelevant as far as these rates are concerned. it would be very difficult for him to be relevant. because in the eyes of these very government for quite a while, he's not relevant. the only function that he seems to serve as fuzzies or any government is concerned. there's some sort of
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a security called the nation to keep the lid on the uh, a potential uprising in the west bank. i don't think these ladies are only interested in consulting, came about the day off the ring does not. i think there's more interest in the united states. i think washington is more keen to have the p a as part of the postwar if you want the arrangement. but i, if i may say so myself, i think it would be a terrible mistake for the p a to be part of it as this is going to be seen by so many palestinians as collaborating with the destruction of gaza. and these really visions of the 1st of all about that which is definitely very, very opposite for what most by this thing is would have length credibility of the palestinian authority has not been great over the last several years. if we already know that the credibility was on the mind is going to be further on the mind. if it, if the b a would be seen to be part of a coalition that gives
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a green light to as well to implement its ideas for how to gaza at, in the end of the war. and the war is not very near ending. we take this into account, so we really don't see a new role for the p a in the next 15 months, because this is more or less the period in which the fight the will continue. and i don't think they will be any substantial negotiations anyway about the day after the file. it's now still on k who form the next government and packaged on 3 days off to the general election protests against the delays. the delayed vote count on the way is all about it all the cities, including crunchy and updates and election commission office. while the official results had been announced, no policy has won. an outright majority. independent comes. it's backed by the party, a former prime minister in wrong congress in prison exceeded expectations. now they
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will $9.00 to $5.00 out of the $264.00 parliamentary seats. the positive and all the former prime minister and all the series, the packaged on was the leak again, 75 seats and the center left pocket stone people's party took 54. awesome bag has more for us from the whole. a dozen lodge please present. half, and we understand that the peach i have postponed, that protest now what they have said that they understand there was a plan to incite the protest this on the possibility of buttons that would then be blamed on him on con, on his policy, the p t. i now what i can tell you is that some people didn't get that memo. and those that did turn up, but did change very swiftly by the police and the police are from well prepared here. there's hundreds of them half of come through for police prison runs the police want to kind of just behind me. and i often inspect in charge of what he wrote as well why they were detaining people he didn't want to on. so he walked away from the side, they didn't want to deal with the media, but why kind of guy? so i use 3 people detained. now what's interesting is when you do speak to police
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officers and private, they turn you so many have told us that they actually supported my car and the feel like the handle, it's hard because they are given orders to turn it to be spaces. i just don't any protest taking place so they will find a very difficult situation. we're not in the heart of the, is there any protest that those are turning up uh, are getting you to assist me, move done, or being detained. the white house says donald trump nation's threat to nato allies is a pulling and unhinged out of campaign rally in south carolina. trump said he would encourage russia to attack nato allies who don't spend enough on the defense. when he was president, your coal trump threatened to pull out of the lines because he said that us was spending too much on protecting members. so most politicians have said that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into
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nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be all sweden, this government has told its citizens to prepare for war. the defense minister made those comments last week as a war and ukraine drags on and sweden moves closer to nathan membership. the government is now reinstating as conscription program and putting teenagers, bathroom boot camp full res, travel to the island of courtland to meet some of them to the swedish 18 year olds . hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list kept an object. i wanted to be the contact people for his. my dad was in it, so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people grow soft when they're doing it because it is so
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realistic that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a dismantling of the armed forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's knights, her application caused to reset the conscripts of training hair on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military paula sites . it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus of sweden's preparations for joining nighttime and controls passage through the baltic sea, 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on nato duties. these would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training to exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business. not the corporation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because to both take region is one of
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higher activity by russian forces. mommy chiefs of told sweets to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper. spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent the papers online and the waiting for a call up is how soon it's left. a for me to tell, it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away. i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of a military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't mix, we didn't all of the world safer suite and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high, the didn't have a needs to use the pull race out. is there a guidelines,
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sweden on this holiday season, in china as close to one and a half 1000000000 people celebrate the losing your yeah. china's lead is all hoping that they will be going on a spending spree to give a much needed boost of the world's 2nd largest economy. bottom below has information for the 1st time, so he's quoted 19 restrictions were lifted with a chinese called pimples. fairs are back in their bustling in b j, sending everything to employees to land could box a search because it's especially on a patient that they can afford to spend like this or do that in the lab. but i would do 1000 my utah wait. there was any planning to buy one stick, but it's 50 wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year height is vendors of not raised prices. and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is
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a constant worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month, and there's the deepest decline. this is a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple affairs like this would, would stalls as souvenir shops draw a big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover . the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails. but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties. you months with all those that you hold on your for good am i you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah, and i'm yeah, wondering on the streets. no, it's
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a good example. both adults are not in court records show that close to 9000000 chinese have been barred from mobile payment apps. we're missing installments on loans. use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent last october. the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales. economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts to slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0, b j as well. let's take a closer look at the space of the world's 2nd largest economy following 3 years of strips code, 19 prevention policies. china is gdp increased, 5.2 percent last year, and that's still one of its lowest rates of growth in 3 decades. many economists are concerned about deflation signals. the stagnation economy leads to higher
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unemployment, increased debts, lower profits. you think it is, show that consumer prices in china fall by note point 8 percent in january compared with the same period last year, which suggests dangerous, deflationary pressure, their inaction, and that was the 4th straight month. avoiding price is the biggest for enterprises . since the 2009 financial crisis, unless a now looking at whether the year of the dragon missy, i will read some much needed finance of the chinese economy when it spring and done one cheese, the chief economist of housing dine. she joins us now from new york. miss long. it feels like this new new year was a little less festive in china. and given the levels of use unemployment that were saying perhaps, and rather good conversations or the family reunion done, is that well, there are a lot of concerns throughout surrounding this new area because it's not just the lower port prizes. it's also the concerns about a future job security and also the potential that many companies might be in deeper
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dad's. so there's a lack of policy response throughout 2023. and a lot of people fear that with this kind of policy, we might see further down to her in the housing market and stock market. well, how much has the housing crisis actually driven this? do you actually see about this? as well? housing mounted has been the main drug for china's economic recovery since 2021. and i think this situation might have to last all the way through 2026 because the local governments having quite a king to keep the housing prices from falling to fast. but the longer they do this and the more cautious potential home buyers will be. so to only wait before they've gotten into the market again. sure. what should we read you think into the deflationary transmit thing? is this a, a question of consumer confidence of people saving more people actually struggling to get by now? i don't think people are really struggling to get by because as we know, a chinese households are still the most liquid in the world. on average,
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the chinese savings rate is to the highest amount of the emerging markets. and right now there's about 1042 trillion r n b save in china is commercial banks on the vast pas are the same. busy we have to noses is concentrated on the, on the top 20 percent and now the boss and the 50 percent. so god created more redistribution of income inequality. and that could be a future concern. there have been allegations that aging is hiding numbers. so there's been some kind of crack down and censorship of critics of the economy, including several prominent economist and other figures. how much space do you have in the published numbers that we're getting from the government? a lot, i wouldn't go so far as the government are taking data, but when we interpret the data such as the g d p, we have to be cautious because the domination of gdp in china is actually by
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production not by demand is collected from all the major enterprises and industries and the things that are produced are very different from the income that people actually earn. and that's why we have this big guy, but between the macro data and my purpose options. very interesting. do you think, given the current context and, and the trends that people are seeing on the ground and in their own pocket books, is any of that affecting the political opinion they're on the ground, especially if the leadership went to the actual sentiment in china. and there is. busy a surprising calm because with this kind of news on employment, in most instances in china, especially big cities, you would expect more discontent. but actually, because the prices have been going down with the same amount of money, the bundle of goods people are buying actually has more than before and the quality are improving. and that's one of the main reasons that people are not demanding structural changes. because the life quality is to improving. and when we look at
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the macro data, housing prices are more i stabilized, although he's still going down. and the government is quite king in providing more social security on dodging through the medical care pensions. and there are a lot of efforts also on the local government, and that means there's still a buffer on for the society in china. very interesting dynamics that done one of the chief economist at home saying, bank speaking to us from new york, always great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for joining us again on out of here a it's a big day of so many and a run on the 45th anniversary of the stomach revolution. february, the 11th and 1979 was the culmination of the uprising, which toppled the monarchy as types of jersey. if a pro government riley is being held in the capital a nationwide from tyrone dosage of already has. well, this is an important day for the establishment here. it's always been use to
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highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fuels and revolution in 1979. but it's going to to much was here here for the crumbling economy. rapid unemployment, individual trucks down on defense, many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so for one reason it's our duty to participation this resolution is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that of lucian and the country. by coming here, we showed that these done by that evolution. despite all the difficulties and problems from my name was about done here, but i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. we're all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president of ryan bra you see is praising here. 45 years on, despite unprecedented form pressures and internal discontents,
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this is the are on the authority is wants to highlights doors and safari algebra 0 to her on the head here on al jazeera go down to the final of the ask a cup of nations as i've read coast and nigeria go head to head for that, tracy, the the latest news as it breaks, they have actually came to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a targeted assassination with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards and fearless journalism. allegations of georgia has increased the steering as well as will in garza, from be things to withholding medication,
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competed beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around on out to their of the the, it's time for supporting his audit. thank you very much. and the style 0, well, we're building up to the final of the advocate couple of nations later on sunday,
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it was the south africa who took the place between the icon go on to penalty, shoots out the front of the front as best finish as an f gone in 24 years, but the main prize will go to either host ivory coast or nigeria as also comedy circles. and months of priests and tons of the advocate cup of nations may do if they can housed every cost in the final, at the step olympic. that being said, in the last game of that fact, the 4th edition of the gun will bring the captains down and what has been a remarkable tournament failed be surprises. the hosts are focused on winning the fed continental trophy and blanket home in front of the fence. has been one of the key factors that has motivated and propelled them these for you have a lot of people that just push you used to fall to every day. so it gives you the strength to a to just performance. so that's a, that's
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a beautiful thing and i know that the so good pressure will bring my, my country to the top, the phone id area between either you cost 10 in the 2nd group game or the in the tournament does not count for anything. the goal is simple, when the trophy is not easy, you end up going to have these ability in these catch these opportunity. you need the flight and the percent for catch these opportunity. you said one opportunity, you know, one knows when comes the next opportunity. nigerian legend in 1996 and then picks gold medalist non cook. i know is confident that the super egos have what it takes to win the 4th ask when tied to the 1st i was and then i just it was because that's why we have support. it goes, we have 250000000 back home and all of them i'm talking to you and then i was going to, it's going to with for this much everything was play and we get this um,
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some books. and i believe on sundays because one of the sofa does was given me confidential. so when to when, because the last time nigeria played and i figure a couple of nations final in i vision on the last 31 to come around this time when they take on the house ivory cause they hope so a much victorious. i 2nd get your, i'll just 0 be 0. i for you cost a massive hasp phrase. these concepts he may solve this going a hot trick of penalties and the asian cup final to attain the trophy. the host beat jordan 31 to become the 1st country in 2 decades to him. back to back asian cups caught the state on beach and throughout the tournament and celebrated with an open top boss of great redemption for side. that was not cause of their home woke up at the group stage in 2020 to $5.00 small reports just over a year ago, argentina, we're lifting the world have at least sales stadium. the venue now,
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the settings for asian footballs. biggest game expectations were high amongst both guitar. e and jordanian sam postcards are entered this match as defending champions . well, jordan were in a major funnel for the 1st time after a nervous hunt for the opening goal were both teams had their chances. it was the house who took control after 20 minutes went off from the feast, was brought down in the penalties on past the keeper to make it one. now his celebration was certainly unique. pulled the plane card editor should pack to send a message to his wife. jordan pushed hard in the 2nd half playing the kind of football but in south korea. then in 68 minutes, yes, an alignment made at 11 minutes later the video assistant directory intervenes and patters favor. they rewarded a 2nd penalty of each step that to make it to $17.00,
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to making me determinant tops for another vehicle in stop. each time and another penalty fees, patrick st. pat's are become the 1st country to retain the aging cost in 2 decades to select for the list. what helps municipal authority. this is the 1st letter of my wife, names declared z. my wife is a great and this was a 1st time watching me playing a stadium. that's why i celebrated the way i did. so once again, congratulations to everyone on the asian company standing door. after failing to win a match in front of their home. at the white show, creepy, near 2019 title was just the beginning of their story. next, when a team is qualifying for the $26.00 market out there as the field
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is just hours to go until super bowl. 58 kicks off and las vegas funds in the city have been getting into the spirit at one of the funds those the kansas city chiefs are aiming to win back to that titles, bought, standing, and the way on the 5 time champion, some physical 49 as we spoke to nfl broadcast, which is great, the you get to the business end of the season, playoff side, approximate homes, and these kinds of city cheese find a way to elevate the games. this is the problem. the 49, a space between 10. i know the alternators here in vegas have them as doris favorites. but i will tell you any time you decide to back against patrick holmes, he's likely to make you look foolish. he's trace of history. he relishes the sport like the plays better on the big occasion. it doesn't get any bigger than this august type of kansas city chiefs. so when another one, it'd be the 35 years a defeat. the san francisco 49 is right here to legion stadium. this sunday in las vegas is not to be formed,
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a swimming will champion who opened. it says he's coming out of retirement to take a band drugs, australia, and jay's luck. susan has been also the $1000000.00 by organizes of the 1st of the in house gains or assets will not be subject to world anti building rules. he says 2 year old or try to break the 15 me to freestyle world records for the idea of drug friendly composition has already generated a huge backlash. first and foremost, i grew up wanting to manually again, my goal was to go to the olympic games. and our whole building pick games and such spot for stage. for me, this is a completely separate event. what will the guy to i have no idea, but i know, i mean to disrespect the when he came to me because the weights and the big organizations and that's why he's bought for me. we'll have more for you later on, including the build up the ask a couple of nations and the super bowl. 58 and the size. yeah, thanks so much sun i. well that's it for this news. i love, but i'll be back in just
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a couple of minutes with much more of the day's news to stay with us here on those here the what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you're saying i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, i want to we don't have to leave them in this country and policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point, but then you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the
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integrity in the pursuit of truth unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on hers. voices, and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the are holding the powerful to account as we examined the us as role in the world on which is 0 a suicide barrier. once hale, the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety? overwhelmed, lots of agency apocalypse may be on the levels. how online hopes and fears shape our existence,
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the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that, does the israel buttons are offered in southern dogs that ahead of a potential ground defensive, the 1400000 and the palestinians sheltering that they have nowhere left to the other ones associated hey, this is all to 0. like from don't also coming up ship it is really is all the rest of the com i we saw him voted crossing,


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