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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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in hopes and fears, shake our existence, the utility of the information that you are receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that does the of israel buttons, rasa, and southern garza, the head of a potential ground defensive, the 1400000, the palestinians sheltering that they have no one left to the one associated hey, this is all to 0. like from don't also coming out it was really is all the rest of the com i. we saw them go to crossing,
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trying to stop humanitarian a from entering egypt falsifies it's border with israel as tensions. mountains have humanitarian aid and the potential lots of problems. unofficial results are confirmed and focused on tense general election, but it's still unclear will be swimming the next couple news . while we begin in gaza, where at least a 112 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, as well as facing mounting international warnings against its potential ground defensive. and rafa and loss of any is really attack on the city would mean an end to talks over a captive exchange. but this hasn't stopped as well from continuing to attack rafa from the end. as you can see, these are the latest pictures coming out of that southern city, its most densely populated area of the strip. it's full of palestinians. you've been forced from their homes, united nations, the you,
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the us in our nation's or warning of a disaster. more than 1500000 palestinians, that's 2 sides of the population that account the sheltering and rasa. if you have just 63 square kilometers, people are crammed into makes of tents and shelter as well. others all sleeping on the streets. now with the looming threat of in his ready minute tree offensive a, somebody has nowhere else to go. yeah, the whole thing and every day we're on the run being displaced is tough because i have to do it is with disability. i call and carry them around. i don't have a call or costs. there's no gas or diesel or any fuel. if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will live or die. here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian border of the con speed displaced anymore. we will either die . here we go back and die in our houses. nowhere is safe in the entire cause. a
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strength will go no, honey, my foot has more for us from the ground and rougher, you know far from the day. this is there now as of this morning where the more news is on moving about the expansion of the ground invasion dropbox, video and it has a great deal of products here and people are worried. they are kind of getting a beat. they don't know where to go or wants to do with the people who decided to go. busy further to the center from the area, just either go back to the central area or the western part of the city upon you is in the last week just to see if it's that a possibility for them. whereas that evacuation is done by early afternoon. there were, but the best way to describing the situations in both what's going on units in the central area. not only did we go to an ongoing bombing going on, but the fact that the living conditions are,
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are not easier than here. they are very different goals, which are about similar difficulties everywhere, not only in the city, but also in the central area. and con, you and it sounded decision for them to come back and said they're hoping it's not going to happen to the ground invasion. they said the options are very limited or equivalent to fuel options in terms of safety in terms of better living conditions . the people here are a very critical situations right now. all these really all need is being you choose to feeling the delivery of critical supplies to a hospital in gaza, which resulted in the deaths of 3 patients. the palestine red present says altamont hospital con eunice eventually received 21 of 25 sentences of oxygen that were originally ordered. red cross individual say that is rarely soldiers destroyed medical equipment or assault and stuff, and arrested by his hospital workers and patients on saturday. and hospital has been besieged by israeli forces for 3 weeks. this is really police have arrested
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around 20 protest is trying to block deliveries of humanitarian aid to gaza. they've been on the car and i'll be sell them for the crossing on. is, was boarded with garza to them on to the release of captives previous protests that have forced trucks filled with a surprise to turn back. well, for more on this, that's bringing. i'm to so hope she is a process for us from occupied is true. some of those we've been saying there have been a string of protests that we've seen out this border crossing. how are they actually affecting the amount of a, making it through a wellness down c, a for weeks? these protests have been ongoing and actually successful and blocking some a drugs going into gaza at their maximum. you're looking at around a 100 demonstrators, primarily right wing protestors. some of them settlers from illegal settlements and reportedly family members of those who are being held captive inside of gaza,
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but it's not really known. what number of those family members is that these demonstrations? now what these protesters are saying is that it's not right for the use really government to be sending an aide to god's the they're afraid it's going to go into the hands of him as well. there are still captives being held in the gaza strip. now for weeks, these protests have been ongoing and there's been no police action that's been taken even though the area is around. it is a military zone, but today is really police detained, around 18 people. all of them have been released now and police are saying that in total they removed the route 40 protesters who have set up tents in hopes of camping out overnight to try and prevent these trucks from going into the gaza strip to give the much needed aid to a population that is suffering and it is worth noting the aid that that is going and is truly not enough for to support the millions of people who are struggling
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under the war. stay with me and i because i also want to ask you about a reports that come out and these really newspaper hire rights. now. they're reporting the government of benjamin as new. i was pushing ahead with a launch and legal settlements in the occupied westbank. all right, the thing 650 homes will be built just a few meters away from palestinian houses that the south of occupied east jerusalem fall. right? is really activist also reported the involved and not developments. we know that israel has continued to build on palestinian and even though those settlements are illegal on the international law, and how is that reports going or of how it people there in israel, reacting on our teams has been talking to an end geo called ear a medium, now they monitor both illegals, settlement building and human rights abuses in occupied east jerusalem. and according to them, since october, the 7th, there's been an unprecedented number of settlement plans and even settlement
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approval. so since the war began, you're looking at 17 total plans for legal settlements, that accounts for $8000.00 housing units. and 4 of them have been approved and were talking about $3700.00 housing units that have been approved and occupied east jerusalem alone for legal settlements. one of which will be in on 2 of us, a neighborhood that is south of occupied east jerusalem, that will be around $650.00 housing units. now what this n g o is saying that this government in is world the most right wing in its history is essentially trying to fast track these a legal settlement plans during the war while everyone is distracted by the ongoing conflict. these types of plans can take sometimes up to 10 years from the time the plan is conceived when construction actually begins. but the government can get involved and fast track it if it feels there's a political need to. and that seems to be what's going on according to this. and
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you know, of course, the legal settlements are an incredibly sensitive topic. they are illegal under international law and the right wing government in israel since it came into power has been advocating for more legal settlements. any occupied westbank and occupied east jerusalem, and once the war is over there, even advocating for settlements in the gaza strip. and us, i've heard that across all of that for us from occupied histories and think sometimes the whole agent has been stepping off its number of checkpoints along the border with cause soft line images review. in november, construction crews began working on a raise, a strip of land. you can see the some 200 meters away from the fence, dividing egypt from the gaza strip. it's now 3 and a half kilometers long, so that brings the total length of the barrier to some 14 kilometers understood. egypt is also building a new concrete hole that along the old, portable of israel's advance to the south of gauze that has been raised intentions
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with egypt. the 2 countries signed a formal piece, tracy back in 1979, based on what's called the camp david accords. that lays out a complicated set of agreements about land and board is important to me. it limits the presence of agents ministry and the final pendency that then a separate agreement was also assigned in 2005 of to is really soldiers and such as withdrew from the goal is to strengthen that covered how the roof of border crossing was to be around as well as how egypt could deployed, gone so long that border. israel is now talking about relocating huge numbers of palestinians away from rafa. egypt as warns, but any attempt to move people across the border could lead to the termination of that tracy and the other agreements between the 2 countries. what are the i spoke to manager was very the director of the golf study center and a professor of middle eastern politics accounts hall university. he's in for the talking us through egypt position and this is november. there was a different method is coming from title about the situation and goes up and the,
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the, the most important met 2 messages, one, no displacement. people will not be allowed to go to say that. and the other that important message there would be no military operation on virtual side of this. yeah. a test for the with, with egypt and the security of that basically area wouldn't be under the egyptian. and those 2 messages basically were of us between both sides, which was interesting they, they didn't messages where basically, and it was i chose in egypt of being and as possible of the, you know, or appropriate method issue on the helpless border. what addiction now claim that the problem is like, so there is a lot of water between both sides. but when it comes to the, um, uh, philadelphia and when it comes to the uh, um, procedures that the images are totally, it's obvious that they don't want to have any products to india. and going to say
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that so far, the still unable form the next governments unpackaged on 3 days now off to the general election that protests against the delayed vote. accounts have been underway and is on the bottom of the cities including incorrect date and the send. the election commission office, while the official results have been announced, no party has won an outright majority. independent candidates, backed by the policy of former prime minister in mon calling, who is currently in prison exceeded expectations, may ones from 95 of the 264 apollo meant receipts on the policy of another form upon minnesota. now was true if the post on was on the got 75 seats on the center left, practiced on people's party as of 54. well, let's bring in. come on. hi that he joins us now from the talk is tony capital. come out, focus through the timeline. where are we on this pulse,
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diploma government? how long could that take? especially given the protests, we're seeing the allegations of vote reading that have been ongoing as well. first of all, your um, as far as the protests uh, concerns, uh there was a peaceful protests getting a lot more, but i got lost a photo of smoke possibly help in uh, 245 minutes, but they were able to dish, but peacefully and the mod would fetch dave. there was no violence, the police and everybody would watching, but they would know why. and then of course it not this, it did. we had some sporadic incidents where there was the police back guns being used. but as far as the election commission finally read dollars, which are all now, as you mentioned 3 days later, the party positions, uh, it's a complicated issue because no finger the party has a clear majority or j to be able to form a government even on the basis of a simple majority or do you need about 134 to 135 wards to have
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a simple majority. the focused on that you can solve for independence. they're all loyal to the bucket under it himself. they do not have the right kind of numbers under the circumstances. however, in other cases have gone through the election commission of august on the election commission of august on has stopped in dollars for those 10 constituencies. so the numbers you might change, you may say plus minus it didn't likely that the p d. i will get a feel more dates of the decision as favorable and it is likely to be favorable because of the evidence. the other thing is that once all of these uh redoubts have confirmed and to retrieve the confirm, each member one, this particular election will be notified. it will be offered a notification that the president of bug is done rather than guard it meeting of
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the assembly. the, the general assembly that this bottom and really made, they would advise you to give it, administered a note of the day, ready to select the deputy speaker and the speaker, and all of that that they will go for the selection of the leader of the house. show or delay is expected because we will now be waiting for the election dimension . gonzales and some of the other candidates have also filed the complaint and the card in the card the you know, allegation breaking. so still have fluid situation at the moment. so it sounds like a government is it still some way as off? i've been wondering how in run cons, p t i policies actually been reflecting on their results. it seems that they were surprisingly positive, especially given that their logo was that where the logo represented a huge problem because the party were not bad. and because of that,
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they had to contest elections as independent or them wrong cons. party it saying that they have clear examples and prove that they had a 2 thirds majority. however, that did not reflected in the numbers by the election dimension of august on. so that becomes one stumbling block. why did they really agree to accept this data? is the reasoning within the bar data, no matter what happens, the buckets done that you can solve for and even related to going to the old position. but started people got there and the focused on is in deep trouble on the economic front here it has to get another bailout from the i imagine i am a resident in board even more strict conditions, which would reflect, you know, redone, popular decision being made by the government, so it's not an enviable position to be dead. go with the government so that all hands that the emerald funds party may even eventually accept president the all
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positions if they're not able to get just as the way they want. well, we'll certainly be keeping a close eye on those dynamics and talk a strong come all high to for now from the fuck is donny calculus. i'm about to thanks. i a sort of head here on our i hope the we're, i'm, and we continued to play like today, more joy and more have to miss to come simple wish from the children with casa volunteer has tried to provide some of the spice. often months of readings, government says it's citizens or should prepare for will will explain how it's hoping to make sure it's young. people are ready, the the a hello that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for salvation. you can see behind me we've got some clouds in dense called starting to creep its way
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across the gulf moving across and run into pakistan. and this is where we are likely to do some heavy rain in the days ahead. it's unlikely to pull into corrupt sheet, but we will still see some cloudy of skies and something of a slight cool down over the next few days for the sunshine comes back in. we're also seeing some what a web developer go central pots of india pushing towards the east alba watches out from the store and for places like monte, or per dash. but it's much dryer for places like bung with dish, as well as southern parts of india. the heat continuing to build here, just a few showers creeping into tumble, not as a way to weather developing for for lancaster. we go into choose date. now for east asia, we've got some rain moving across central pots of china, cloud cover as well, extending its way across the essential areas, but largely fine and dry up across the north, extending down to the east and the so just sitting very high. so this time, if you're not friend, we'll continue over the next few days,
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certainly through this week, lots of sunshine for the korean peninsula. and we can see that heats continuing to build in japan over the next few days. that should weather update the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that in any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem. it access to if he of the story on told to how does era the the
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the plug back you're watching out a 0. remind you about some stories. the ssl. is there any attacks on goals? i have killed at least a 112 palestinians in the past 24 hours. and international warnings are increasing against army plans for ground defensive and roughly come off as any invasion would end tubes to exchange cap. is ready, police have a rest and protest as from israel, trying to block humanitarian a entering cause. protest as at the time of the southern border crossing demands that the release of his rating satellite images to show that egypt has been stepping up security along its portal with gaza. cairo is hearing a possible influx of refugees from the gaza strip. if israel launch is background defensive on rough on what the future is due to be discussed by the palestinian authority president's here in castle monkwood abbas is visiting the honda medium
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there, checked him in the model phony in like hollywood office and spoke to alon popping and his reading historian and what was the of the ethnic cleansing of palestine. he says the boss is increasingly irrelevant as far as the as well is that sometimes, as it would be very difficult for him to be irrelevant. because in the eyes of these really governments for quite a while, he's not relevant. the only function that the seems to serve as far as these very government is concerned is some sort of a security code the nation to keep the lid on the uh, uh, potential uprising in the west bank. i don't think these are, these are the only interested in consulting came about the day off the ring does though, i think there's more interest in the united states. i think washington is more keen to have the p a as part of the postwar. if you want the arrangement, but i, if i may say so myself, i think it would be a terrible mistake for the p a to be part of it. as this is going to be seen by so
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many palestinians as collaborating with the destruction of gaza. and these are the visions of the postwar best, which is definitely very, very opposite for what most palestinians would have. lang, credibility of the palestinian authority has not been great over the last several years. if we already know that the credibility was on the mind is going to be further on the mind. if it, if the b a would be seen to be part of the coalition that gives a green light to as well to implement its ideas for how to gaza in the end of the war. and the war is not very near ending. when you take this into account, so we really don't see a new role for the p a in the next 15 months, because this is more or less the period in which the fight the will continue. and i don't think they will be any substantial negotiations anyway about the day after, as well as palestinians living in rasa brace. so lots to come. volunteer is trying
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to provide children with some respite. they've already enjoyed more than 4 months of war. judy died or for a brief moment in the heart of the side with the children going to complain, just like others, the age of the how to reset the who in taking shelter in the school building today was very happy that we had fun with crowns and toys i this school in roswell is one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes, the food with children trying to escape the horrors israel's relentless attacks. as these ready ministry protests were ground defensive in the city where the seeking refuge for the house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today. we had the chance to have some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. israel's military assault on garza is already
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having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come to the majority of civilians killed many survivors severely traumatized. which symbol in case of trying to help them overcome any kind of feeling hated and how would it be? we were to fall into is trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and dropped off since 2017. yeah, this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across garza, the wish is simple. i hope the we're, i'm and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come. judy vega out is there a the
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white house says that donald trump salacious threat to nato allies, is a pulling and on hinged, had a campaign, riley in south carolina. trump said that he would encourage russia to attack nato allies who don't spend enough on the defense. you recall when he was president, trump threatened to pull out of their lines because he said the us was spending too much to protect mendez. most politicians have said that yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world, and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be sweeping this government has meanwhile,
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told its citizens to prepare for the defense minister and made those comments last week as the war, new crime drives on and sweden moves closer to nature and membership. the government is not reinstating a conscription program and putting teenagers and through the boot camp for res. travel to the island of got lunch to meet some of them or the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience. after the country brought back mazda 3 military service, so every list kept an object. i wanted to be the contact people for his. my dad was in it, so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people grow soft when they're doing it because it is so realistic that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a dismantling of the armed forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's knights, her application caused to reset the conscripts of training hair on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military paula sites
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. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus of sweden's preparations for joining nighttime. got wind controls, passage street, the baltic sea, 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts. some of them could end up on nato duties. this would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training to exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business. not the corporation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because to both take region is one of higher activity by russian forces. ami chiefs of told sweets to mentally prepare for war. in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent the papers online and the waiting for a call up is how soon it's left. a public. hello. it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away. i have no choice unless you want to go to prison
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all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. oven the board on the fish false markets, even our own armed forces, say the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid, that doesn't make sweden all the world safe, but sweet and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high, the didn't have a needs to use the pull race out. is there a guidelines? sweden? once a big day for many and around on the 45th anniversary of these dominic revolution, february, the 11th and 1979 was the combination of the uprising which coupled tomorrow from tyrone. those of jabari has an important day for the establishment here. it's always been use to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the
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ideologies which fueled a revolution in 1979. but it's going to come out to see or hear from a crumbling economy. rapid unemployment and a truck down on defense. many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so. so one reason it's our duty to participate is for installation is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that pollution of the country. by coming here, we showed that we stand by that evolution. despite all the difficulties and problems from my name, i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. we are all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president ever i am right you see is praising here. 45 years on this fight. unprecedented form pressure is an
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internal this contents, this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights door sense of r e l g 0 to her on, as well as holiday season in china is close to one and a half 1000000000 people. the celebrate believing in your yeah, trying to see the hoping that they'll be going on a spending spree to give a much needed bruce to the world's 2nd largest economy. economy low has moved from basing for the 1st time. so he's quoted 19, restrictions were lifted with a chinese called pimples. fairs are back in their bustling in b j, selling everything from toys to land. could box a search because it's a special education, but they cannot afford to spend like this or the lab. but i will do that, so my utah way was only planning to buy one stick, but it 50 you wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year hiatus vendors have not raised prices in some or even offering discounts. deflation,
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which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a cost. don't worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month. and there's the deepest.


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