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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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line hopes and fears, shape our existence, the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that just the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this is the news are lost and so coming up for the next 60 minutes, 1400000 palestinians. and rafa fear and imminent is ready. ground defensive mosque was on a solid from the southern cause. the city was sabotage. and if you should deal because of surviving health service remains on the siege is ready for us, is attacked. 2 major hospitals and calling you this my land with hundreds of
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patients traps inside salvation and disease in northern garza, i'm assuming it's moving in the ruins of the home saying is right. the forces continue to block a deliveries the race to form a coalition, government pocket stone, and after official results failed to produce a clear with the senior mass. the official has worn instead of his right to the ground. a salt, a raffle will undermine any negotiations on the release of captives. despite warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe is right before us has continued to pound gauze, southern most easy with strikes. thousands of people have been killed. around 1400000 displaced, palestinians of sheltering and rougher bracing for the it's really incursion. it's now become one of the most densely populated areas in the world, with no one else safe to go. mold and 600000 children are among the people sheltering and rough. uh,
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many of them often buy as well as at the time its policy. is that say they feel trapped? well yeah, the whole thing and every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or cox. there's no gas or diesel or any fuel, if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will either die. here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian borders, unconsciously displaced anymore. we will live and die. here we go back in dire and our houses. nowhere is safe in the entire cause. a strip of from north to south, israel's war and gauze, it has now killed at least 28176 palestinians. large parts of northern and central gauze that have been reduced to rubble. and tara can be resume is lot for us in
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rafa, in southern gauze and tower. and can you give us a sense of the mood, the atmosphere that in rough or in, on just a patient of this possible ground assault by is around the yes and even fox. so they use very prime minister benjamin netanyahu has announcements, in terms of a potential military inclusion to roughly district in the past few days has to get more concerns among palestinians who have been multiplying, displaced from the houses in separate areas and causes to bright. now, being crammed into rough life, which is the last remaining area for them, where they are no longer have poked in the homes in order to if lead to specifically that these very forces had destroyed, move on to sides, have gone with this population. and definitely, despite the fact that these many from minnesota did not provide details, were at least a timeline for the military, encouraging. but it's, it's hard to get a wider scale of contamination among different it's the national organizations and
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states and the region about did we, consequences will be resulted from such a possible strike. simply the course we are talking about more deadly attacks will be carried down to more disastrous catastrophe in terms of the humanitarian loss that will result from the thomas stands off. completely afraid of that, that step. it's absolutely accepts. pressure on the medical sector would have to be operated specifically that you are talking about the only 3 hospitals are still now the rates and come to know about that. who we are joined right now by a we took to demand in a home. see is one of the palestinian doctors in a great the hospital dr. janelle, thank you so much for joining us today. i would like to know from you more about the medical situation right now in rough. i am. is that possible ground invasion? i actually know we are suffering much during these these because of the number
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of the people who have been integrated from the sudden areas within the city. 2 of the sort of this is number one. the number of things on people who have reconnected isn't of, if with all of you have been collected in little this is why the, these visuals was clinical coolant disease. okay. what this is, the people who have been on the immigration from all the food to it, is it awful? so we are complaining much and suffering much of the shortage of the music. this was, it was a shortage of the drugs which are lot of sorted. most of the inability of the most of the physics i'm available, most of the drugs are not available. no, this is was actually, we are asking you and it was for room because the show room is continuing with fun, especially with the, the whole people. and so i don't know what is coming,
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but i am saying that if the world is going to go and we wouldn't suffer much and what's the majority of causes and rough a hospitals are preparing for that, put potentially ground to include into the city folks, you wouldn't know whether you have to do that because of the use the models, people don't use the patient for reviewing those for to and we have sure because because over the course of the gets it is open just in person. this is what you believe for weeks who's also one of the fuel drugs are coming to us. no, it's more of a visit. well, it's, i mean, that's actually was comes because number one is a bit to give us that the example is really cool. well, here we have a change of the hole in the mission,
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but we have to change it didn't. so it was just a good because we are need for the imaging sivitz number to in uh, on the list of somebody they are complaining about it. so because if you have already been to us, we have 70, it has a charge it to $400.00 and just send it to the door, lock it off because of this is the $200.00 g and then there's nothing that will go up shortly here that would be your is for the people i said no, that wouldn't be no good. most people even wouldn't because all it was because sure the little bit was to be done. the job was because if you're doing something on your microphone or jim or visited this because of this beautiful, the rule really wasn't been for the people. if the original kid, thank you to push them out for your valuable time. and this is practically the situation right now and run the hospitals,
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the the or the shortage of everything. um, is that possible? the ground invasion which will definitely accessed it by using the medical conditions inside hospitals. patrick money, thanks tara cause a lot for us that in rough up now is already prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told us to show that the ground defensive and rough a will go ahead. he said civilians will be given more equal safe passage and move northwards for the timeline on the operation. all the details remain unclear, rasa is that the southernmost tip of the guns trip, right in the construction board over an estimated $1400000.00 palestinians, a sheltering from is riley attacks. so we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining, how mos terrace battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so that can leap. we are working out a detailed plan to do so, and that's what we've done up to now, we're not,
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we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded, and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances, should we enter off or are basically saying lose the war or with anybody, but will speak to him, decide who to an occupied history some but let's 1st go to she advertise, he was in washington dc. so that, you know who said we're working out a detailed cloud, how comfortable is the white house with what we've heard from less than yahoo? so far of the why does is brief things unless that is very uncomfortable with the, the plans for an attack on, on, on rough uh, but as yet we're not seeing any suggestion that the white house is using any of its leverage to prevent an attack on on or off of what we all, sig, instead, there are more articles prompted in the media at washington post on sunday has
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another one saying that the present bite is very unhappy with that on yahoo. and he's closer to what they call a breach with them. you know that at any time since fee goes up or down, but no evidence of the why does we use any if it's leverage to prevent any actions that these are the governments of military by take we were told at the end of last year, but as far as the by just ministration was concerned. israel have a green light to do whatever it wants to until the sheets of the us presidential election campaign were not yet in the heat of the us presidential election campaigns to. is there evidence that that's the green light is changing. so even though i'm, but while we all sitting there is more more work on the outreach to discontented members of the vitamin base that's by using does indeed value palestinian life is one white house adviser said to a group of michigan arab american versus lot last week under the missteps,
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but as even when biting said last week, that's the is really operational. these really reaction to october 7th. they've been over the top. that was counted as a major, a major bit of criticism for the israeli government over the top. he's talking about a lot of genocide, but they even banned them. korean jump. yeah, the white aspects was the next day said, but nothing is fundamentally changed. and that is the message we keep getting. nothing is fundamentally changed except for a bit more concerned about the optics shell. but i'm not sure whether you've heard these latest lines. the joe biden said he will speak with israel's, and that's in yahoo. later on sunday, i'm clearly happy to sort of uh, allow leaks in a jason magazine to new newspapers, expressing perhaps the white house of discontent with what's going on in israel. is this to assign that as a time to speak directly again and then your a well, i mean they, they're a regular phone calls. that was, it was in mid january. we understand what was interesting about this leak from the white house with isn't homeless briefing,
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was that the administration officials were opinions to say this is about hostages, that we're going to particularly be talking about the hostages again, to somebody is actually them diffusing any suggestion of this might be about concerns about rafa which was which is quite interesting. i remember biting and struggling to to elements and not just his base 50 who are very concerned about what's happening with allstate. the done in the class. we all getting is about presidential election campaign. any suggestion? the bible is ditching nothing. yahoo will not go down well with a go to a close election campaign. that is what my does particularly concerned about, right. all right, see how many things you have of times in washington dc over 2 occupied history swimming honda solid hates and honda what, so what noise is being made politically inside as well as the country right is itself. so we're talking rough and these really prime minister vowed last wednesday that there would be an operation instead of on thursday we saw strikes that were up to cross the territory. but
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specifically in the drop off with dozens of palestinians who were killed. and he since asked both of the army and the rest of the security establishment to come up with a plan for him on how they can go about doing this. and in these interviews with american media, he's doubling down on the fact that these really are going to go into that. despite all of this international push back, saying that it would be a disaster and a catastrophe. i want to point to some other things, but nursing yahoo said in these interviews about the response, these really is have had in gaza. he says quote that for every mass fighter that has been killed, one palestinian civilian was killed as well. we do know that that is simply incorrect. the death toll is more than 28100 palestinians, more than 12000 a 150 our children, and more than 8300 or women. so that accounts for more than 3 fourths of the depths
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and of the men who are killed are many involved civilian men. so these really prime minister is saying this using this language that he's reiterated over and over using october the 7th saying this in length that israel's response is justified. and that going into that far is the final stretch of the ground offensive. and he says that they're going to be establishing some sort of cora door safe passage for the more than 1400000 palestinians who are there seeking refuge. they've been forced to be displaced multiple times from their home. but again, there is no where for them to go when, when he was asked about this, he said there's simply working on a plan. but his own army chief of staff, said that while the troops are ready to go, instead of left there waiting for some sort of plan from the political establishment on what to do because it is an unprecedented situation. that is getting a lot of backlash internationally. but the, as rarely specifically the prime minister don't seem to care and say that they want
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to prosecute this war. however, they see fit until what he calls a total victory to stay with us because they have also being developments and the outside westbank that i'd like to reflect. and these are the new type of har. ets is reporting that the governments pushing ahead with a large legal settlement and the occupied westberg. harvet says $650.00 homes will be both just a few meters away from promising and houses south of all the bodies theresa far right is already active. this are reportedly involved in the development, as well as continue to build on posting in land, even though the sacraments are legal on the international law. back to have those and bodies to be slim. so it appears as if the israel is presiding over a period of this accelerated, illegal sacrament. building the best right just to give you a little bit of background, it would usually sometimes take around 10 years for these types of settlement plans to get approved because of just how much bureaucracy is involved with the planning
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and the municipalities within israel. but one is really an geo called you, a medium, a who watches over all of the illegals settlements and human rights abuses specifically in occupied east. jerusalem is saying that the rate at which these settlements are being accelerated is quite unprecedented. they're saying that since the war began, 17 different plans for a legal settlements have been conceived that would account for around 8000 different housing units. and 4 of those plans have been approved. so that's around 3700 different housing units in on fridays to russo lumps alone this. andrea was also saying, but under the guise of this war with the distraction of the conflict in mind, it seems that israel's right wing government the most right way in its history actually are pushing forward with these a legal settlements. and remember, since this government came into power, they've been advocates for legal settlement building across the occupied west bank
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and then occupied east jerusalem. and some are even advocating for legal settlements to be built in gaza once the war is over. this is an incredibly sensitive issue as the settlements continuously encroach on palestinian land and again they are legal under international law. but it seems that this is happening out in the credibly accelerated rate. how many things tend to salvage and we'll get by these truce them? oh, well, i'm drawing by, i'll just say we're a senior political end of this moment. the guy who joins us live in the studio here and baldwin just picking up from where i'm the left off. she was talking about this process of accelerates and settlement building. and you won't get paid westbank all of this happening while the world is distracted looking at what's going on in gauze . it seems like an extraordinarily opportunistic move by the sort of government. absolutely. um. they've done that before in the past, but now they're doing it. that's such uh, such a speed that clearly they want to take advantage of the
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attention being paid to guys in order to make sure that basically no palestinian state that's contiguous as unsolved for an independent emerges out of the west bank and gaza. guys are still today destroyed and the west bank is totally settled by hundreds of jewish supplements. so in the end of the day, i think uh this, this nothing, you know, government is making clear. not only it is not about to enter into any negotiations about the so called they after that for them, but they, after is the day after the defeat time, us and it said they after they finish separately occupied by bank of course at the bottom. and so allies on rafa on this and pending, assault, buy is ready for us, is a huge amount of anxieties. we had a lot of correspondence in rafa, coming from people who are in i'm imaginable situation right now and nothing yahoo is
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a paid on to us networks explaining the plan. the americans seem to be some of the whole thing in that criticism with us. the by the administration. right? because i think the american public opinion is already been general, quite outspoken in terms of what it once once wants to see it wants to see the end of the war. and it also wants to see about a single state, an independent questions that i think the binder and especially understand sta. and yet who, let's play coy. let's be to bed. let's send messages, let strick stories to the press about how upset we are within the government. that's, that's a children's game. that's not the behavior of a superpower. so that's not the behavior of an adults. not setting the overgrown up like by didn't who already as a you know, a long experience on foreign policy and understands what's that that was doing to human the 8th and again,
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an undermining him. a know he's about to be compressed. it's not just on the, you know, pills about genocide, but then the actual genocide involved and, and the saw that pato cousin. but he also understands what obama understood when his boss, right, his boss. when he wrote in the book sick or glad secret landscape. here's all sticking up political fights with his right, the government, exact, in domestic political price, political cost. and that's what should have was actually referring to that, why the now his highs are on the election year, and he understands that is a lobby and meaning, is there a lot of wood on its components, right? we'll start track back again. and we'll start supporting from moving forward. so there is that, that mention is one moment before you go as well. another important developments on the egyptian side of the board of egypt as being heavily fortifying the border it onto the patient. the causes would be forced into,
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into sign i a huge ra verification. so the implications that the suggestion coming from from egypt is that they would be prepared to step out of the camp david accords. what would that mean? well clearly there's a growing tension between the adoption presidency and the premiership and is dried over what's next and gaza. because for the egyptians they've been quiet. they've been even really quiet about the genocide they can face and got so as long as there was a new version of the question of guys that does not happen at fed expense, meaning that hundreds of thousands of people across the board, the end of assign i and the senior refugee is suddenly become a junction problem. so they've been somehow been appeasing, gives rise to make sure that you know, is that can get as many. but as soon as this was the ones, but as long as the from 1st of all, what not clearly that affinity. all government has a different pride in mind. it does want to push the palestinians. autumn goes up
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towards the side and if they can, and they call that voluntarily, right? so it's forced. while i'm thoroughly pushing that policy isn't the guys. they just don't like that, and that's why they are making such now they don't care if the other thing is die as long as they don't die in different different status. or, of course, the force displacement of any population. once again will be seen as a, as a breach of the genocide convention as well mom and the shower. and i thank you. now israel has reduced large positive gauze that to rubble. and there were serious questions about where people from raffle will be evacuated to. what exactly is israel is plan least areas of being uninhabitable? reason, satellite voltage shows extensive damage to the infrastructure in the strip since the start of his arousal, $79000.00 housing units, a completely destroyed. and another, 290000 structures have been damaged. and the 6 out of $36.00 hospitals are still functioning. and goes,
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making it hard for pilot studies to access the basic health care needs. within the north of gauze, the people are struggling to survive. they're running out of food and basic necessities on us, all sharif reports and gaza. for this to do what you see will necessarily the field, but people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive and have a nice amanda sauber. we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed, we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in 10th were drenched in rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cried, day and night because they are hungry. there still there. are you guys of little more? there's nothing exceptional and bombardment and hunger, my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian aid dish for doing gas that don't get any humanitarian, a applause of all of us. the most really your children have no guns are dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for
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them. there is no flower for them. hungry, skewing, yes. i only little pieces of bread today. we are reduced aging grass, you know. my name is thomas the. the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live in mind that the she said one of the shuttle hope all is the who the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of the basic necessities obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families and is to show you how does he all tremendously a place to go ahead and use our including i hope the were and, and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come a simple wish for me, children, i'm cause i'm going to try to provide some rest bytes often months, showing that a spillover of items across the me on my board, or raises tensions with india, ends, bangladesh,
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the know is still unclear, who will full the next government in pocket 3 days after the general election protests against the delayed vote of being held in a song by the end of the cities, including karachi at the send election commission office. all the official results have been no snow policy is one, an outright majority. a total of a $160000000.00 seats are required to form the majority in pakistan. special assembly independent candidates, backed by the policy of former prime minister in wrong colonies in prison, exceeded expectations by $195.00 off the $264.00 parliamentary seats. the policy of another form, a prime minister, know a sheriff. the pucks on muslim league game, $75.00 seats essential left pockets. tom people's party has 54,
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couple of high down as well. first level of us. so the focus on the election commission and now is that it does 3 days later, there was the sport, dig wildlands across the country, but today was relatively calm. after the progress on teddy again solved gord that paper the not to continue with the protest. they warned that the process should be completed smoothly. they already have contested the results of the elections on several constituents paid. the election commission is also heading into that. the other courts will also be heading into that and the election commission of august on has to notify the people who won that election. it will be after that notification which will have to wait because some of these um fits have gone into contention. and after that, once the nor divide the parliament section would it be guarded by the president of focused on the selected speaker deputies be a good leader of the house. so that is quite a few days away. in the meantime,
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the political parties are trying their best to sort out some sort of a political airlines like they did last time. and so it would be important to see where the, the plug is done that you can solve is going to get the numbers that it says it has already that this will be a coordination government model. how you the data. it's a lot more, but or the teenager has died and several others injured during confrontations in southern center. call the 16 were senior harbor shopped in the head in the southern city and zip code. it's the 3rd fatality and ongoing unrest. the began off to president mackey cell phones. this month's presidential election. south decision has planned to send a goal into one of its worst crises since independents. oh sure. bob and groups have claimed responsibility for an attack that killed 4 and morality troops and a bay or a 100 are raining military officer in somalia. the attacks took place to the ministry base and the capital markets issued during
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a training mission on saturday. the kite linked groups as the troops were targeted because they consider the u. a. e, an enemy for supporting the some of the governments against them. and they'll demolish to our reg as that protest say they have lifted roadblocks they imposed in december. the blockades for setup off to the army recap, should key towns choking of major trade rates. the conflict of molly was deemed olga soft to you and troops last of age and the tension is high on the border between me and ma, bangladesh and indian civilians have been killed and injured during a recent surge and fighting and rocking states in northern gamma is also send many people flying across the board into bangladesh and india, among them all around $300.00 security force personnel. temperatures re how's more from the border between bangladesh and beyond the the quite bought of villages in bangladesh had been jolted by motor shows on gunfire. in recent weeks, mama they brought him describes upon exploding sho, killed an elderly, running
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a man. and his mother was only the marsh, i could barely see because of a sick smoke. the old man died instantly and my mom's hands were shaking. she couldn't move or talk. we tried to rush her to the hospital, but she was gone within minutes of the hundreds of me and my butter, police and military personnel across the border to 6th century and bangladesh bought are gods, have sold their side, was temporarily evacuating villages and shutting down schools in border areas, more than 300 me on my security force personnel. a know in the custody of bangladesh, butler gods, as talks are underway for the return of the addition of the machine. we have issued a strongly beef to me in law. the entry of that people seldom con file pulling inside our territory and killing an injured people. this is particularly concerning as we are actively working through the country at the ring. yeah. such incidents
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uncoiled for an unacceptable fit people. since last november, hundreds of me and my soldiers and civilians have fled to india and states of major arm and money put due to intense fighting with rebel groups, environment of action, india shared border with me on the market. and both countries are now having to deal with the spillover off it's conflict. they've all been security situation, underscore the potential for broader regional instability. groups involved in ethnic violence and india. money per state, blamed open borders as the source of unrest. their indian government is planning defense, what it described as the troubled border with me on my and scrap it free movement agreement despite fears by some that will disrupt long standing culture. oh, i think nomic ties the do not worry for the children. the students won't be able to go to school in the education stop. there's no purpose schooling on the other
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side of the board to try more electronic signature. no financing alone. the devote defense is a rick dates, it will blow cold. presto, brothers and sisters and young mon, if freedom of movement described, when i told her the unity of the needs of the community. so i'm out of a string, right kind state and me and my has become a defective battle ground for rival interest in a new, in the past of fig. strategic bedroom. but it's fine with dash, which is already hosting more than a 1000000 running a refugees. and now has to deal with the spillover off at conflict that is not of their own temperatures rate, i'll just say the from bangladesh, me and mark butter still had the mileage of the rep. sweden's government tells the public, it must prepare for a possible war with russia bolstering its politic defense capabilities and reinstated conscription tied security into this crowds come out to celebrate 45 years. as the revolution, the toppled around monica,
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the the, brought to you by visit capital, a hello. they were stopped by looking at the satellite imagery salvation you can see behind me we've got some clouds in dense called starting to creep its way across the gulf moving across it, run into pakistan. and this is where we are likely to do some heavy rain in the days ahead. it's unlikely to pull into corrupt she, but we will still see some cloudy skies and something of a slight cool down over the next few days before the sunshine comes back in. we're also seeing some what the weather develops, cool central pots of india pushing towards the east alba watches out from the storm for places like monday or protests. but it's not stria for places like bung with dish, as well as southern parts of india, the heat continuing to build here. just
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a few showers creeping into tumble, not as a way to weather developing for for lancaster. we go into choose date. now for east asia, we've got some rain moving across central pots of china, cloud cover as well, extending its way across those central areas, but largely fine and dry up across the north, extending down to the east and the so just sitting very high. so this time if you and that friend will continue over the next few days, certainly through this week, lots of sunshine for the korean peninsula. and we can see that heats continuing to build in japan over the next few days. that should weather update the quote to you by visit cuts on an unsettled time upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the school. thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us. we have permission. nothing leaves casa without
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the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the latest news, as it breaks the winning, chatting with detail coverage. ok, now he's a rough day. again, you can see the stick gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the world. scalding wasn't even on the use summit agenda. these fall mas phase of bringing the tractors of brussels is totally way to be heard of
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the, you know, what, you know, i'll just say right, as a reminder of our top stories this out on this way, the texting cause, i have killed at least a 112 palestinians since saturday, many of them were roscoe, when any one of the half 1000000 displays people live in fee of a possible. it's very defensive. i'm us says a plan this way the ground to solve with the royal talks on the release of captives . israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the ground offensive in rafa is going ahead. so civilians will be given what he calls safe passage moves northwards . but the amount of terry in groups want a to make a test to fix is coming. as well as hearts is supporting, the government is pushing ahead with a large a legal assessment and they will find what's fine. newspaper says 650 homes will be built just a few reasons away from costing you. thousands. so 45, eastern the as a, as posting is living a rafa brace for was to come,
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volunteers are trying to provide child kat with some response. they've already insured more than 4 months before she read a g. a reports a brief moment in the heart of the side with the children of cause, the complaint just like others, the age of the way, the headed we fit the rules in taking shelter in the school building today was very happy that we had fun with crowns. and toys this school in rougher as one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes. the food was children trying to escape the horrors. israel's relentless attacks. as these ready military protests were ground defensive in the city, weather seeking refuge. really not, a house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today. we had the chance for some fun. we played with our friends and had
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a wonderful time. israel's military assault on cause a is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come to the majority of civilians killed many survivors, a severely traumatized which some bullet is trying to help them overcome any kind of feeling hated. and how would it be? we're a team of volunteers trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and rough since 2017. yeah, this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across casa, the wish is simple. i hope the were and, and we continued to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come to the vega out is there supports of this, of palestinians have been demonstrating all the streets of lebanese capital on
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sunday and solidarity with people in goes and the marching bands lead hundreds of lebanese for testers and policy. new refugees to downtown baby participants say is there any more claims. could be seen a bus to assist you as soon as one of many processes are taking place at 11 on start of israel's wong guys. and in the moroccan capital robots, similar demonstrations took place and support upon us to abuse. thousands joined the call to show their support and to some protests as well. so kind of reply cons, criticizing. milwaukee is formalize ation of ties with israel 4 years ago. and papa is an eminent is ready, historian, and also all of the ethnic cleansing of palestine and my colleagues were methods and spoke to him earlier. he started by asking him if washington's recent criticism of israel could influence
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a change. this rosemary campaign of history teaches us that the strong american language of condemnation very rarely is supported by actions and these various have a way of kind of timing or at least a digital the timing, the reactions creating the impression that this is not really a military operation, it's a limited the for us and they would find the way they would set this 5 american administration the election year in a way that unfortunately as far as the bonus thing is enough or a consent would be quite meaningless. the same, i think the story about the you and the pin governments. i think that they are very easily induced by israel to take a strong position in woods, but not to translate them into actions that could bring an end to the fighting. so i think that these really army will, it's a rough, i don't think that these really plans for how to do with the refugees
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a going easily to materialize. we hope and we need a strong international reaction now, because once these really operation will begin, these will be even more difficult to stop them. me the fact that benjamin netanyahu went public and said that he had instructed the military to make this plan for a push on rough at this particular time, find the negotiations all be fairly frank mentioned. we don't have a lot of details about working towards some sort of timeline towards the seas far. is there a sense of that there? but that's the timing of this announcement is in some way connected to the negotiations and the to prove, perhaps pressure on the negotiators, perhaps on homeless itself to try to move a lot along with some sort of solution. i think that they always reset the token mainly to his electoral base. well then to anyone else. and here's the letter base is made. the people who care little about those are being kept chatting does a they want to see the continuation of the military action is they want to see
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a still for international aid does a. so when he talks in hebrew, to these really public, he talks to his base. when he talks to the american media, he tries to sound a bit more pragmatic. a bit more inclusive. but i, the only things that we should take these kind of statements, by the time you know, as part of an indication of a policy. this is an attempt to, from the very beginning to use the military operation to save his skin. because everything that them, you know, has done from the service of october until today from his perspective, is calculated to make sure that he's not going to lose his grip on the government because of all the other problems that he's faces. so his decision eventually to the old of the army, to go to a rough, he's not out of a military consideration or against that age of what it is. one that he thinks that his base would like to hear would. it's really how would this translate into old as
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an oldest through the army is difficult to say, but i wouldn't betray these really army as adobe's institution that he was hesitant to effect the rough. uh huh. so i think we still need the regional and international community to take seriously the possibility that the catastrophe that we have seen him does that he's going to be far worse. when is when it begins the effect on the roof. and they have the intention of doing it unless that will be stopped from the outside. and egyptian official has been quoted as saying that any attempt to relocate palestinians into egypt would simply collapse any sort of agreement between a security agreement between egypt and israel. is this a risk that actually israel is in a position to take, given the, the level of control that it relies on from the, from egypt over the border with the sign it doesn't, it's a risk. these are, these will take, i think they understand that these options, i'm not going to open the boulder and let in the refugees. they still hope they
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will, the under the pressure. but i think there is a plan b. so these are, these are the doesn't happen. and the fact that this would, you know, the result in you would humans catastrophe is not something that inhibits these riley's from the implementing the program, the mood and as well. and that's the more that the neo is relating to is indicative . still very vindictive, demonized. the philistine is very, this is compression. so the 1st thing is suffering. and therefore, the domestic scene is well as no problem with a wide operation in the rough would ever the human consequences of that operation would be the the white house, as donald trump's latest threat to nato allies is pulling and unhinged the k by the campaign,
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riley and south carolina trump said he would encourage russia to attack nato allies, who he believes on spending an off on that defends when he was president, trump threatened to pull out of the alliance because he said to us was spending too much protecting its members. most politicians have said that yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be or sweden's government has told us citizens to prepare for the defense minister made the comments last week is the word you crane drags on and sweden moves closer to nato membership. the government is reinstating conscription program
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. i'm putting teenagers to boot camp for res, travel to the island have got lunch to meet some of or the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list, captain optic, i want it to be the cost people for his my dad was in it, so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the reality check that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this month like of the armed forces, mistrust of russia and sweden's nights. our application caused to reset the conscripts the training here on don't plan an island, but symbolizes and sweden's drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the country's on forces until 2018. now it's the focus of sweden's
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preparations for joining nighttime. got wind controls passage through the baltic sea, 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on nato duties. this would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does the business note the corporation. buffering tomorrow's time and add domain is actually critical because to both to create gen is one of higher activity by russian forces. mommy chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper. spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent. the papers online and the waiting for a call up is how saying that the left, a lovely color, it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do, i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of
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neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't mix, we didn't all of the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high, the didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric dot one sweden faces in finland or choosing the next president to the 1st selection. this is joining late time off to a 1st round last month to the front office between former prime minister alexander some of the farm and us to affect the harvest of both that hotline towards neighboring russia. and by the decision to and decades of political neutrality to join the nato alliance, ukraine's president florida me as a lensky as a point, as a new combined to lead its ground forces. for my deputy defense minister alexander
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puffer. luke will now filled the role of the place on the exam to assess class is as many times this week to lead you crane's forces. most of today's the land scale . now several senior military appointments meant to strengthen ukraine's defense against russian forces. meanwhile, the group is investigating the impact for war as having on ukraine's environments. the group which includes sweden's, full, my form and as to visited each level. exclusions on ukraine to assess some of the damage sustains. since the invasion russian forces occupied the defunct power station, north of cuba, soon off the war, but left the pond to meet a withdrawal form ukraine's no. you're what's important to be able to visit here because it is kind of, we're presenting the ultimate threat that come from this place, but also a separate issue. and i think that it is important to understand what's kind of caused some challenges and to press to human henson and this whole region, the, the,
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to the stream service or the philippines coast. god has accuse china all dangerous maneuvers wallets vessel patrol. the south china sea footage, released by the coast guard shows chinese ships blocking the philippines vessels near scarborough show on thursday. showing this territorial claims in the c overlaps the legally recognized maritime resistance of various other countries. frances planning on eliminating birthright citizenship of the region of miles the interior minister of from says children of immigrants form that will no longer with a medically become french citizens, may have as widely seen as a way to cut the immigration of the form of french colony for the past 3 weeks, communities in my own stage reilly's against the recent such a migration to the french in the region around is mocking the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution fiber. the 11th 1979 was the culmination
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of the uprising which top of the monarchy though the rule of the shaw behind the dresser larvae was replaced by and the slavic republic that's tight. security for pro government riley is being held in the capital and nationwide from tire on to since you already has more. this is an important day for the establishment here. it's always been used to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fueled a revolution in 1979. but it's going to to much was here here from a crumbling economy, rapid unemployment and a brutal track down on defense. many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so for one reason the, it's our duty to participation is for installation is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that of lucian and the country. by coming here,
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we showed that the stand by that evolution, despite all the difficulties and problems from my name was about done. i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. we're all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president ever i am, right? you see is praising here, 45 years on this fight. unprecedented form pressure is an internal this contents, this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights door sense of r e l g 0. tyrone, so the mileage is 0 and then the year of the dragon china is lead is hoping to brief fire insights, deflating economy the hard hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think,
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is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb tote. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block is different on the access that you hear the story on told to how does era in depth analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a text book genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection that seen as convocation inside story on al jazeera,
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the holiday season in china was people celebrate, luna, new year. china is leaders are hoping they'll be going on a spending spree to give a much need to boost the world's 2nd largest economy. on below us, more than paging. for the 1st time since coven 19 restrictions were lifted. but the chinese called pimples bears are back. in their bustling in b, j, selling everything from toys to land could box a search because it's a special patient, but they cannot afford to spend like this or the lab. but i will do that. so my utah way was only planning to buy one stick, but it 50 wants to. so i decided to buy 2. despite the 4 year hiatus vendors have
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not raised prices in some or even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a cost. don't worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month. and there's the deepest decline. so it's a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple affairs like this with food stalls and souvenir shops dropped big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails, but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties, you months with all those that you hold around your fortunately, i'm, you know,
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how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah. and i'm here wondering on the streets. no way to go. the vehicle boats without united court record showed that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment apps were missing installments on loans use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent. last october. the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales, economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0, b j. for let's take a closer look at these sites the world's 2nd largest economy. following 3 is the strict curve at 19 prevention policies. china is g d, p increase 5.2 percent last year, one of its lowest rates and 3 decades. many economists are concerned about
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deflation. the signals stagnating economy you figure to show can see where prices fall by 0.8 percent in general. you compared with the same period last year. and i suggest deflation repression. that was the 4th straight month of folding price is in the biggest full since the financial crash. don wong is the chief economist that the hon saying bank. she says there are many areas of concern about the chinese economy. it is not just the lower prices is also the concerns about the future job security and also the potential that many companies might be in deeper dad's. so there is a lack of policy response throughout 2023. and a lot of people fear that with this kind of policy, we might be further downturn in the housing market and stock market. the housing market has been the main drug for china's economic recovery since 2021. and i think this situation might have to last all the way through 2026, because the local governments having quite
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a king to keep the housing prices from falling too fast. but the longer they do this and the more cautious potential home buyers will be. so to only wait before they've gotten into the market again, chinese households are still the most liquid in the world. on average, the chinese savings rate is 2 of the highest. i'm all the emerging markets. and right now there's about $140.00 truly in our, in the safe in china is commercial banks, but that's part of the saving. we have to noses is concentrated on the, on the top 20 percent and the boss and 50 percent. so that created more redistribution of income inequality, and that could be a future concern. but when we interpret the data such as the g d p, we have to be cautious. because the definition of gdp in china is actually by production not by demand, is collected of, from all the major enterprises and industries. and the things that are produced are very different from the income that people actually earn. and that's why we have
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this big guy, but between the macro data and my purpose options. hello, a happy new year, a year of the dragon g, as i always like that money show the activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children with very different experiences, but also suffering. some degree of trauma gung. could children such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences? we would take it into buses. he tells us to russia where we stayed for a bit over a month. ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been full simply relocated to russia despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover. competent
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beyond wells. taken without hesitation forth and died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that, and people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. the use them to be the power around the on out. is there feeling the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally being of the limits to women one on one a makes the female athletes flash them to that place and the ring on out to 0 what happens in new york. 1 because implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's a center of international finance, international culture. to make these stories resonate requires talking to every day to both normal people, not just power brokers,
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and that's where i'll just do it is different for me or the city and i'll send you is doing away with the cost you the supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with the human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again the 1.4000000 policy is a rough fear and image. busy is ready ground defensive from us, forms of assault on the southern gaza city will sabotage any future deal. the money bulk of this is all just a life and also coming up causes, surviving health service remains of the season. so any forces attacked 2 major hospitals and con, units by land,
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and had with hundreds of patients trapped inside salvation and disease, and open gaza and kind of sitting in sleeping of the ruins of her se is ready for


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