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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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that he was doing away with the cause that was supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with the human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again. the a 1.4000000 policy is a rough fear and imminent is ready. ground defensive from us who owns that assault on the southern gaza city will sabotage any future deal the money. the bulk of this is all just a lot from the also coming up causes surviving health service remains on the siege . so any forces have time to major hospitals and con units by land and with hundreds of patients trapped inside salvation and disease,
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and open gaza out of sydney and sleeping of the ruins of the home say is ready for us is continued to block, a democrats on the race to form a communist and government of pockets done after official results failed to produce any clear winters. the thanks to join is $1700.00 g m t. that's 7 pm and goes away. around one and a half 1000000 people are living in fee of a possible it's radio offensive. can, rough is ready for us is launch strong. some gauze, the southern most city dozens have been killed. israel has vowed to push its fall into the densely populated area. meanwhile, a mass says any assault a raffle with the rail talks on releasing captives of neighboring con eunice, doctors without borders, say at least 2 people have been killed in nasa hospital in the past 2 days. these are the latest pitches near that hospital 100 south hampton signs,
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and they're unable to leave because it's simply too dangerous. world health organization size is ready for us as of code out more than 350 attacks on hospitals in gauze. it says october, the 7th, a well nasa and a mile hospitals. and con eunice of being under is ready. seizure over the past 3 weeks, hundreds of stops patients and displays palestinians weird, which is my ability. i've trapped in almo hospital, unable to leave on topic, albert resumed his lot for us in reference to see in southern gaza. and so topic we've been talking about the huge amount of stress and anxiety already on people that and rafa now of course, the prospect of this rating ground invasion. how people feeling about this yes, that's right. and it needed. in fact, people are completely depressed and concerned about that which engine steps might be taken whether the coming days especially that people here in a row 5 districts have been seeing a fleet and gradual increase of military's twice on roughly
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a district who are talking about more than a full with the palestinians have been killed within the past few days, only in a russell. and now this area is supposed to be as safe zone as people have been doing. what the used by the army has been also informing them. since the beginning of this conflict, they have been moving and leading to the south and right now they are waiting for the south to be invaded again, especially in the last remaining area. and. and that also triggered a wide scale sense of panic. can see among those people specifically that these very friend, minnesota benjamin, that you guys did not provide enough details for our timeline for the military. encouraging part of people do not know where to go. next, some families had returned back to the central parts have gone. so looking and searching for apartments or flats or some empty lamps in order to a sit up there makes shift 10 steps. but we need to remember clearly that these very all meet is still operating in the central part of gauze on which might be
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also uh there. there is a clear indication that the might work a minute tally invests area within the coming day. so clearly there is there any safe place in the site, the gaza strip, and we have been waiting for more than a couple of things about the catastrophe consequences that will be resulting. and this is what the majority of the international organizations in the states, including u. s. a, u, k, and or egypt regarding the deadly consequences. and the disastrous one will be a negatively impacting the displace people this specifically that there are hundreds of 1000 even patients into people who want to be able to sleep again. specifically that the majority of the hospital, those in the strip had be shut down doors to a few numbers of hospitals from racing and ruffling, and in hon. eunice, which will be the next target if it's going to be any possible ground inclusion to the city. the topic of benjamin don't know who the is ready. prime minister is maintaining that the civilians are rasa. will be allowed to quote. no,
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i mean practically speaking. what are the implications of that suggestion for the 1400000 people? very rough. uh, is that even possible? well, in fact, me would have been here is that to, from these very upfront minister benjamin netanyahu, as he ordered these very ministry to set at 2 o'clock for evacuating the residence before starting the military operations. the plot request is way you can bring those people back again to an area and goals that that would cost him. that would, would cost them with full civil infrastructure. would that be kind of depends on, in the evacuation families here struggles and faith different jan is a death in order to get to refine it and just to be away from the is where the funding. but right now they will be forced again to be a forward is another safe course to this very moment. it's not yet clear how me to the on the is ready on the will allow for citizens to see are the going to set up
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minutes. richard points, indeed, coast on line of the, at that links, but we, according to this on profile, are they going to allow for mass evacuation for the majority of residents? that's to discovery moment is on payable, the majority of calls and are having please, since we're frustration regarding this, were some families refused to the idea of evacuation again, where the are completely feel defined as they are saying the room at least roof off until the end of the school, unless they've got a dolly here and that lack of clarity as you've been saying to eric, adding to the huge amount of anxiety and distress of the people are for off the topic. obviously in the, in rough and southern goes still in the north of cause. the people are living in desperate conditions. they're running out of food and basic necessities on us. i'll sharif report, some guys do wirelessly bernezi sheet of feel, but people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as
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conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive. and have a nice amanda. starbucks, we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed, we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in 10th were drenched in rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cry, day and night because they are hungry. they're still there, i guess a little more. there's nothing except showing ample barman and hunger. my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian aid. this for doing gas that don't get any humanitarian, a applause of all of us the most really your children have no guns are dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is giving us a only little pieces of bread. today we are reduced aging grass, you know? my name is tim is the, the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live in mind that the official medical thought is that the who
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the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of basic necessities. obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families. and just to show you, how does he all tremendously now, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told us to show that the ground defensive and rougher will go ahead. he says civilians will be given what he calls safe passage and move northwards. doesn't you know, who says come to us who is still alive justify israel's ongoing war? and we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining. how mos terrace battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion. but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so they can leap. we are working out a detailed plan to do so, and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings
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out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in arms, but, but we've so far succeeded, and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter. rafa are basically saying, lose the war. but i'm, i will speak to him to solitude occupied history. so i'm, but 1st to she albert times he was in washington d. c. and she have given what we've just heard from this, and y'all is the assumption now for the white house, the, this really assault of rafa. it's inevitable that that's not clear. we did. there was there assumptions. we do not revise that since last year. we've been hearing that israel pretty much has a green light to do whatever it thinks is necessary until quite the heat of the election season when the white house and the bite and campaign specifically is very worried about how this looks to. it's due to biden's base in particular, we know that biden's base is very concerned about 50 percent of self declared bite . invite has now cool what is happening in gaza, a genocide,
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but they've better still that assumption in the body and campaign that eventually all those voters will end up fighting for but in any way, because obviously it's kind of donald trump, so they don't that word. but they all doing more outreach on now that it could be known that are unhappy with the that on yahoo administration on sunday. and the washington post. another article talking about how close by them is due to rupturing his relationship with that in yahoo. but what we keep on hearing also is the building is fundamentally change very when finding called the general idea that your dentist, i've, whatever you want to call it a, a bit over the top on wednesday, it was originally was backed by greenville. and yeah, the white house spokesman saying that, well, nothing is fundamentally changed because again, the base may be concerned, but in the end and especially in the election, you might have his own personal opinions, we know from decades that he actually possibly believes as well should do whatever it come to, to, to, to fight against its perceived enemies as a way that story about when that can be given the eighty's being struck by how,
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you know, how extreme bike was when it came to, to killing civilians, potentially, leveling them. but then also that is also that cause that question to of the donors to, to binding this presidential campaign. the mega down is wall street hollywood, silicon valley who clearly will the various guns that button is seen to be, to be backing away from that. and you know, especially all as that and, you know, who appears on american television saying this is our last push you calling about how most, when i'm sure i'll be in touch the phone with the about how much of a gulf is that between current us policy of israel and public opinion particularly, and this little important election, you a pulse consistently. sure that americans want a ceasefire. republican, democrat, independence they will want to see. so we have that pulls that came out just recently about biden's actual bass cooling, a cooling this, a genocide. but yes, this is american politics. as i was suggesting, the bite and campaign still feels that those who are wary or disgusted by buttons
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actions will india and come back to the phone. because i'm more disgusted or wary of donald donald trump. and by the doesn't want to, to anger is donors. the super down is the mega donors who are, you know, so the biggest thing is to buy this campaign. it's been reported. i think our website, logical last week about how they are from the pro israel, whether you know, whether part of is ready to go beyond not. now finally praise honest and biden does come those motorist them and then yeah, again as i, as i was saying by design personal views as well. come into that as well. she how many science she ever tons in washington dc. let's go to home. decide who knows live for us and occupied east jerusalem, and i'm to is there a sense that politically in israel the yahoo has a plan when it comes to russell? as well as these early prime minister on friday had asked both of the army and the security establishment to come up with a plan for him. and it was the dual action plan that he asked for the 1st part to
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see how the evacuation of $1400000.00 palestinians would go about. and the 2nd part is how to dispute the remaining some ass battalions there. when asked about this in these interviews with american media nets and yahoo just said that we are coming up with the plan, but he didn't really give any other details or information or a timeline on how that supposed to happen. but after he spoke with us presidential biden on the phone tonight, these really prime ministers spoke at a military base in the southern part of the country there. he addressed several politicians, lawmakers and is really soldiers where he said, but he told president biden. but after this war, israel needs to maintain security control and gaza for not just some time, but entirely. and he actually said, quote that israel will need to control everything that is west of jordan, including johnson. now remember the by did administration,
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their staunch supporters of a 2 state solution and nothing, you know, has repeatedly struck that down. so there been a lot of disagreements between the americans and these released on several issues. not only when it comes to a 2 state solution, but also how they're going to go about this operation and dropbox, that the americans have blatantly said they wouldn't support given how does the asterisk and catastrophic it would be. the army chief of staff has told us in yahoo that troops are ready to go into the fox, but they simply can't with all of those people there. and they need to get a plan from him, from the war cabinet on what to do next on what's the is back you wish and should look like. so that's still the question on everyone's mind with these really prime minister remains adamant that the operation into the alpha is going to happen. or i'm to stay with this because i want to can of the developments and they'll get by the westbound. because while the world is being very much focused on gods, and they have been all the developments and these are the newspaper har at the
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bigger portion of the government is pushing ahead with a large legal settlement in the occupied westbank. colorado says $650.00 homes will be built only a few paces away from palestinian. ours is south of occupied east recent, and fluoride is right. the activists are reportedly involved in the development. israel has continued to build on policy allowed, even though the sacraments are legal on the international law, back to a 100 occupied east jerusalem. so as i mentioned that i have done, it looks as if these are the governments is exploiting the fact that the world's gaze is on gauze at the moment to accelerate legal segment building as well. that's exactly what one is really n g o is saying ear a mean they're essentially a human rights, non governmental organization that monitor a legal settlement building and also human rights abuses specifically in occupied east jerusalem. but they say that since october, the 7th,
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there had been 17 new plans for legal settlements, and that would be about $8000.00 housing units. additionally, 4 of those plans have been approved. so around $3700.00 housing units already approved $650.00 of which would be in the neighborhood in the south of occupied east jerusalem. now something else to send to you was saying that under the guise of this war, while everyone is distracted by the conflict in the war on gaza, israel's right wing government, the most driveway in its history, is using this to continuously push through these plans and expedite illegal settlement building. this is a process that can usually take up to 10 years because of how much bureaucracy is involved. but this is a government that have been supporting legal settlement since they came into power . some of the ministers within the government live in the legal settlements themselves. so is it is unprecedented, but not exactly surprising that this is all happening at the same time. yeah,
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i'm president. suppose you say not surprising a to have the south regional can bodies recently. many thanks. i the right still it has here and i'll just say i've voted as in finland or choosing the next president during the 1st election. i, since joining nato and in the all the dragon chime is linked as i have been to breed far into its deflating economy. the it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee camp. just hours earlier. israel's army once again stormed to camp. its former bulldozers sticking up roads, its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley, we find that out of whose family home was severely damaged during another intrusion . 2 weeks ago. did that, and her family haven't been able to stay here since palestinians believe by
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utilizing these tactics over and over again. israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line on counseling, the called, the u. s. economy is booming. so why is it more resilient than all the rich countries? farm is across europe happen? processing we take a look at the grievance. last, north korea left to both on ashes to shore off its economy. counting the cost on algebra the,
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the, the dorothy obviously, or his reminder of our top story is this alex, is there any attacks and guys that have killed at least a $112.00 palestinian since saturday. many of them were in rafa when any one of the 1000000 displays people live in fear possible is very defensive. a mazda is a plan destroying the ground to solve would do rail talks on the release of comforters, as well as prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says the ground defensive and rafa is going to have accessibility, and so will be given what he calls safe passage. a move northwards. the amount of time in groups of shoes and catastrophe. pat israel's hardships is reporting the government is pushing ahead of the lodge, illegal set them into the occupied west by these type of the 650 homes will be built just a few meters away from palestinian houses south off. ok, 5 east jerusalem. is it still unclear who will form the next government of pocket's?
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tom, 3 days off to the general election that protests against the delayed vote counts have being held in this level by the end of the cities, including in karachi, at the send election commission, office. all the official results have been announced. low policy has one with an outright majority. a total of a $169.00 seats are required to form and majority impacts down some national assembly. independent candidates backs by the policy of former prime minister in wrong colonies in prison exceeded expectations. they 195 of the 264 parliamentary seats, the policy of another form, a prime minister in the sharif pockets. donald lee gained 75 seats and the sons left pockets tons people's potty house, 54, couple high debt reports from install about to the progress on the election commission announced are those 3 days later there was a sporadic while in the garage, the country,
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but today was relatively calm after the progress on teddy again solved gord, that'd be but not to continue with the protests. they warned that the process should be completed smoothly. they already have contested the results of the elections on several constituency. the election commissioner is also heading into that. the other courts will also be heading into that and the election commission of august on has to notify the people who won that election. it will be after that notification which will have to wait because some of these um fits have gone into contention. and after that, once they are notified the parliament section, would it be guarded by the president of august on the selected speaker deputies speak later of the house. so that is quite a few days away. in the meantime, the political parties are trying their best to sort out some sort of political airlines like they did last time. and so it, it'd be important to see where the,
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the plug is done that you can solve is going to get the numbers that it said it has already that this will be a correlation government model. the data is slomo by purchase in finland the choosing the next president of the 1st selection, this since joining may time of the 1st round last month to run office between full and the prime minister. alexander, stop and form a form of minutes to cover stuff both. take a hard like use neighboring russia and by the decision to end decades of political neutrality, enjoying the nato alliance. this is a nature has died and several others injured during confrontations and southern center goal. the 16 year old was shots in the hands in the southern city. it was the core, this, the fit for tennessee and on going on rest the big enough to president. lucky sa postpone this month's presidential election. south decision has planned to set a goal into one of its worst crises since independence belgium group. i was sure bob has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed for morality troops and
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a bar rainy military officer in somalia had talked to place that administrative base and the capital mortgage issued during a training mission on saturday. they'll call you the link group, says the troops with talking to because they consider the u a n n a b for supporting the symbolic governments against them. now northern molly to our reg, separatist, save, have lifted right blocks they imposed in december. the blockades was setup off to the army. we captured key towns choking off major trade routes. the conflict and molly resumed in august off to you and shapes left the region. the white house as donald trump slates. a threat to nato allies is a pulling and unhinged. a campaign rally in south carolina. trump said he would quote, encourage russia to attack nato allies. but he believes on spending an off on that defense. when he was president trump for us and to pull out of the allies because he said the, you asked was spending too much on protecting all the members. most politicians
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have said to that. yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well then they never paying up. i said no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because you didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be, it's from say, is planning to change the constitution. so the people living on islands in the indian ocean can no longer automatically become citizens. the movie scene is a way to cub immigration, which is an a contentious issue in front presidency model. my chrome visits and the islands of my aunts, 5 years ago, children of immigrants born in the french territory will lose that. the fried citizenship by the on and those blame, undocumented immigration for increasing poverty as social unrest and the southern
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philippines, the number of people reported killed by a landslide on wednesday has risen to 54. 63. all those remain missing. there was 32 survivors. disaster struck following heavy rain. never gold mine in my co. it's holiday season in china is close to one of the 1000000000 people celebrate luna new? yeah. china is leaders are hoping they'll be going on. a spending springs together must needs boost the world's 2nd largest economy. on a belief has to some paging. for the 1st time since quoted 19 restrictions were lifted. what the chinese called pimples fairs are back in their bustling and b j. selling everything from toys. to land could box a scrooge because it's especially on a patient that they can afford to spend like this or do that in the lab. but i would do 1000 my utah wait. i was only planning to buy one stick,
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but it's 50 wants to. so i decided to buy 2 despite the 4 year hiatus vendors of not raised prices, and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a constant worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month. and there's the deepest decline. this is a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple fairs like this with foot stalls as souvenir shops dropped big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails, but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about
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their financial difficulties. you months is also say you hold their annual for good am i you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yes. and i'm here wondering on the streets. no way to go the long table, both adults and not in court records show that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment apps were missing installments on loans. youth unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent last october. the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales, economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0, b j. right, that's it for many barca,
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weather is next. the inside story will examine whether it's around the same breach of the un quotes ruling as intensifies the discriminant, kenning of palestinians in gaza. news in 30 minutes time like some washing out just here, the, the hello. they will have a look at the event and middle east, and it doesn't often happen, but when it rains, it tends to pull across the gulf. we seen some heavy rain from scott. the child was affecting places like could talk. and you can see that batch of heavy rain starts to pull its way across the united arab emirates on woods to mont. we're gonna see some drenching down pools behind that. a legacy of cloud remaining. by tuesday, we are expecting some heavy rain starts pushing to the south west of saudi arabia, bringing a chance of flooding him. it's much to y a to the north of this across that event.
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look for fine and dry, whether to be found with temperatures above the average worker. however, as we go into tuesday, for western areas of to kia. and it's because it's on where across the north of africa, we have seen some fine and settled weather here. but there's the wind blowing, no showers across algeria into northern parts of libya, and on would see egypt before the south of this. it is a very hot picture, and it's certainly hard to close southern parts of africa. but swan a tide, it's february temperature record in a gap road on sunday. and the heat continues to dominate here despite the width of weather, which pushes out from eastern areas. we are expecting that heat to continue to build as we go into the new week by wednesday, so to 7 degrees celsius in gather on discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress
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with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence revolution, etc. ring to where the benefits lie and with a hot light, we're betting my entire future and a technology that is fundamentally very and sustainable. studio b, b, i series on a jersey of his israel in breach of the un court's rulings. the international court of justice ordered this ministry to end acts of genocide as want us to prevent incitement to commit genocide or facts. foss with more palestinians killed in guns every day who can force as well to comply. this is inside story. the .


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