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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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pieces the patients please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the, [000:00:00;00] the comes around when you're watching out is there is, these are life and i'll coming up in the next 60 minutes. $1400000.00 palestinians and ross, i save an imminent is really ground offensive. i'm us was the assault on the southern goals and city will sabotaged any future deal agent. rules of serious consequences of a possible is ready and cousin into rafa on that good for
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a decades long piece street seats into disarray. because president tells benjamin netanyahu tight and send your troops to rosman, so you have a plan to protect more than a 1000000 palestinians have taken refuge. that uninstall vacation and disease and northern cause a palestinian speak of hunger and desperation. as israel continues to block a deliveries the welcome to the news homos as well and the 10 is really ground assault on rasa. will undermine any negotiations on the release of captives. and that's as key regional media to egypt as want of dire consequences of a potential is really military assault on russia. in southern garza threatening to plows have become david a cold. despite warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe is by the falls that have continued to pound the city with strikes from and from the land,
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dozens of being killed within the last couple of hours. the u. s. president joe biden was told us by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that's in his riley milledgeville operation. and rasa must ensure the safety of 1400000 displaced palestinians. that the sheltering that more than $600000.00 children are amongst them. many of the moles and by israel is a tax palestinians say they feel trapped. but yeah, i know for you on the whole thing and every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or cox doesn't know gas or diesel or any fuel. if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will either die here we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian border. the cons be displaced anymore. we will live at die
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here. we go back and diana houses. nowhere is safe in the entire gauze of strength . we're going from north to south as well as long cause. it has now killed at least 28176 palestinians launch pots of north and then central garza have been reduced to rubble talked about his name is life for us and rough a city in southern garzo. and of course, a topic is difficult to imagine the stress that causes miss field right now with these on getting announcements from the israeli government that a, an attack called rasa is imminent. the yes, that's why it's in fact to the statement that have been released by these very prime minister benjamin netanyahu regarding the old at that to be issued for the mandatory to prepare a dual non to evacuate. the civilians are from the roof, our district, and also to eliminate the mandatory infrastructure for the palestinian on groups in
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russell, which is the last a strong hold for the arms factions. here in the spend, the time is the trip, but that's also had largely tre gets more local and international concerns regarding that step. specifically that the is really a prime minister did not provide much details for a timeline for the plan in order to see these thoughts it by they are to they are talking about it will be happens within the coming weeks as these very upfront minister undertake that they will afford a safe curriculum for the residents in order to be away from areas over the ration spot. this area to now is not yet clear for the majority. if thomas thing is on a politically, this is step will trigger more tension with neighboring countries, especially with egypt and does that to a fixed on the course of negotiations to reach a ceasefire and the ongoing diplomatic efforts being made. but for palestinians to offer strength to trains, they are no longer have any hope to uh, to be safe. again,
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specifically that they will face mounting challenges in order to find, make shift chilled to or the become msm itself. old, transparent residents from roof off till now wouldn't. would it be easy for palestinians to accept? thus, there are some palestinian families are saying that they won't be able to get out of the roof because they will not find any place is specifically that's more than 85 percent of goals. and population of being right now trapped inside around 63 is quite a kilometer is fully here and roughly talked about as far as in rough. thanks very much for the update topic. a snow and a phone call with the uh, within the last couple of hours. so us present dr. barton is told is ready the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there's a military assault on rough on should not proceed with the plan to ensure the safety of molding 1000000 palestinians at the sheltering that early enough to know who told a us talk, show that the ground defensive and rough. uh, we'll go ahead. rough. uh, who is the southern most tip of the gaza strip right on the egyptian border where
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an estimated 1400000 palestinians. and now sheltering from those is really a tax. we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining. how mos, joe is battalions and, and rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so they can leap. we are working out a detailed plan to do so, and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of come us as effort to keep them in arms but, but we've so far succeeded and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter. rafa are basically saying lose the war. while the amendment will be speaking to him, the slate, who's monitoring? is there any developments from occupied east jerusalem? the 1st, let's call say that to she i'm pretend say he's standing by in washington dc. hi she, i mean, what more do we know about this cold between us and y'all,
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who invites is why don't we have it now in black and white? we have the official readouts a days, the white house and immunization officials view of non passenger for the us, a service because rough uh is roughly potential literature operation would be just officer said called go ahead. and now we have the conditions for the russell operation to go ahead despite the 1500000 people that by doing reaffirmed in that phone cool, that was an offer i mucho operation and rough or should not proceed without a credible an executed will power for ensuring the safety and support for the more than $1000000.00 people filtering that cert condo and. busy it can go ahead now with a plan, and that's exactly what the other was saying on the sunday, talk shows he has a plan without putting together a plan. so one's as a prime, then the implication dang, within the white house gives the green light as they were probably always going to do. as i said, they would, i mean law at the end of last year, we did the white us or the effect of the given these are in the military. and these
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are the government agreement to do whatever it has to do with as long as it ends before the heat of the election campaign. we're not yes, in the he's if the election campaign. so that's it then does a problem and then and then the green light will, will be, will be given. i think because gas lighting actually is always us inside the concern for civilians is being actually now we packaged actually your order of the green light has been consent through conservative civilians by the white house. yeah, the ship that is, this is a scenario. well, this impression of the wife has to be uncomfortable, not comfortable. these are alluded to really this mixed messaging coming from the white house. oh, but nothing. you know, whose battery is, comments over the past few weeks. it's very confusing. missed probably to know any the american view towards the sun where the white house stands on this. when you have thousands of dead bodies on the streets of garza, and yet they continue to fund. uh, these are the operation with missiles and the international audience as well. as
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the site and the same predicament, i don't think it's confusing the post consistently the, the, the, the electron here i took it was, i'm a product based on exactly what biden's doing. it is, it is giving as well everything at once, 50 percent of self dakota, vice versa, installed a poll last week when the last week that what based on what is happening and goes, it is a genocide, no confusion and but, but then we have had another story, but i think the white as a still trying to suggest, oh that's this disquiet. and we have another story linked by and all of us officials from the white house of the washington post say, oh bite. and so close to a rupture with, with that on yahoo box. they ruled out any kind of conditionality on, on military aid. say this is all about the optics we've always known. that's always what the white house's been most concerned about is how it looks to be supporting such destruction in gauze and not necessarily the destruction in because we've seen the outreach now to arab americans last week by white house officials in michigan. can you swing states?
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it varies that sense of the elements of the base are, are all very described by those young people are discredited by this. but there is still that confidence in the white us. but once the election campaigns, the huge with the election campaign begins, fear of trump will take over the base will cut will riley around by 2 months ago. and certainly this address and was last year anyway, hoping that by them all the vitamins will be the are the big step be the excessive as really violence would have stopped at least by the key to the election campaign . so they can move forward. she ever time. see thanks very much for that. up to this call. sorry for talking by the stories. the seller who joins us there as well . um as well, of course talking of the site that is ready to attack rafa. but domestically that is one of the many issues is creating huge friction in domestic politics as well. the there are a lot of issues within israel's government currently,
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especially over the last 4 months since the war began to send from the war cabinets . and that's and young's coalition, and even from the opposition on the issue of the invasion of what i saw, there seems to be confusion. these really prime minister on friday directed both the army and the rest of the security establishment to present a plan to him. and to the war cabinet on how exactly they were going to one evacuate, the more than 1400000 palestinians were currently ended up. and the 2nd part of that plan is how they're going to defeat the remaining some ass battalions there. but the army chief of staff, though he did say the army is ready to operate in the alpha, he said that they're waiting for some sort of action plan from the government on how to proceed. given that there are so many people there, and the question on everyone's minds remains the same. but where are nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians supposed to go after they've been forced to flee their
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homes multiple times, going to this area that was designated as a safe zone by these really army. but time and time again, these areas that the army designated as the safe zones when palestinians went there, they were met with relentless is really from apartment. so to night, well, benjamin netanyahu was speaking to the army, chief of staff, and to several members of these really government and is really forces. he said that it has call with president joe biden, that a total victory was near and within reach. and that he also related to the president that israel is going to quote, control every thing west of jordan and that includes garza, this is kind of walking down what he had said previously when he said that they'll have a security presence and control and gaza for a certain period of time before they would leave and someone else like a palestinian administration would take culverts. and it's also worth noting that these really have said this about multiple places. he's saying now that that's law is become
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a strong hold. but there are so many battalions there. they need to be defeated as one of the centers of their operations. but they said this about the city. they said this about the area around the ship a hospital. they said this about han eunice and now about dropbox. so there is a lot of confusion within these really political realm, but one thing is certain that these really prime minister has said that the invasion and of course is imminent. so not necessarily thank you. well, as we mentioned earlier, egypt has moved into gaines as well as planned to target rough goals of southern city as long egypt folder and satellite. so it has now revealing how cairo is building more checkpoints. in november, construction crews began working on the res strip of land 200 meters from the fence, which divides egypt from the gaza strip. the land bobby has going to 14 kilometers long. now the jump. sions also building a new concrete will along the old folder will well this rounds advance to the south of gauze is rising tensions with egypt. the 2 countries signed
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a formal peace treaty in 1979 based on what's called the camp david accords. it lays out that complicates incentive agreements about london both as impulsively it limits the presence of egypt, military and assignment peninsula. a separate agreement was signed in 2005 after his ready soldiers on settlers withdrew from the goal is a strip of 9 has been in philadelphia, a code. it covers how the roof of border crossing was to be run, as well as how egypt could deployed cards along the boulder. but is rad is now talking about relocating huge numbers of palestinians away from russia. egypt as opposed to the world any attempt to move people across the border could lead to a termination of the treaty and other agreements between the 2 countries. a list of about duties, a secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and they form a hell of sending information. minister joins us here in how good have you with us on set set. thank you. nothing you all who and by can can talk as much as they want
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to. the pictures of speaking louder than what it's about. what's going on a daily basis across garza and these picture that being broadcast across the world . what do you expect to hear from by it, and will it mean any think or what i expected to hear from him? we would never here is governments of both, those that are the imminent an attack on rough i should have should have been accompanied by the united states of america supporting seas fire immediate permanent cease fire, which they don't support. on the contrary, i think the daily, so you've seen a regression, even in the american policy and position in my opinion by didn't gave enough tiny all the green light to proceed with this will production and the, when nothing else speaks about the fact that you will respect international, a simply lying and we've, we've, we've seen as you just,
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you just described citizens more than 100000 palestinians can the injured and in less than 4 months. and it goes on and off, i is the only area that is not destroyed completely yet, and gaza. and what you want to know is to destroy your thoughts. and in my opinion, is i never get a give up on. it's planned to try to conduct towards the ethnic, cleansing of the population, those guys that into egypt, what any other place. and the policy didn't with the acts of genocide. that's what the united states does. and that's the type of pause, but to doesn't united states as a participant in this attack. so what happens now then? because obviously, you know, it is in the control of these riley's on the americans. you have various for european capitals voicing that concern. you have a subject yup. egypt. but dealing with the side of the board in terms of building will barriers and drank points. it seems a complete no win situation right now for the people in rough. uh, because nobody really believes that was good to be a safe,
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colorado because that just copy establish right now, of course, and where would they won't people to? there is no place to good. you're talking about 1400000 people at least enough as well. the text in the notes is destroyed, nothing else said, nobody noticed that, but nothing else said she would try to move the people, but you would not allow people to go back to the notes of guys. so where should they go? the only explanation of what? nothing i was trying to do is to really evict me, is that these things to evict people from guys? oh, completely out of guys. on the other hand, that to speak about too many 30 and where does humanitarian it? there is no humanitarian aid. the guys, the center of government gets nothing people outside of, in the north. they have no food, no medicines, nothing, no clean water did out of 600000 people. now sick and because of different diseases
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because of the out of this is because there is no clean water. what is the human that did any of this? not this? well, and on top of that, there are no kidding going or the only institution that's kind of organized, do many things and it does it at the moment. is it? it has just the clipped, the closing down to the headquarters in jerusalem. nathaniel and 16 other wisdom countries have decided that this has been support on the way they are practically participating. in this human side, what we see is nothing but an active genocide that should be stopped immediately. and in my opinion, egypt and other countries on the hardwood must stand up to this at the city immediately. this intro is an added line which they haven't seen yet. so i was going to say who, who do you appeal to when you know american tots itself is lead to of the free weld and the only source of democracy that can be respected. and yet they are
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the ones perceived by many to be helping israel in the attack. and i will and gaza who, who, who beyond the us or can you appeal to you? tell us why you're being completely useless and helping the problem. simians, the you and hands are tied right now. a both an umbrella and at the you, when we hear the, the secretary general talking certainly in a very forceful way. but his hands are tied to, it seems we are being to the peoples of the world, including the people of the united states, many of whom have been participating in a wonderful act of study that it was by listing and people we are being to those who would bring it down by then in the next elections if he proceeds with this, that have been sort of a participation in this that, that going to but this thing is we at pin. so i wanted people to stood for us on stand. i tell you, even if is it, i faxed it or 5, it would not be able to put it cuz the police to now does this stance, but the price is very high. it's in the lives of the civilian population is the lives of children,
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of women who are dying and got on the clock every day with losing 10150 people and the civilians, children, men, women who are civilians and visitors bureau see think of it is allowed to continue, continue with this ethic instead of punishing goods that i have. the, the, the, the, what you quoted, the democratic was which is not democratic. a tool is punishing god, the victims, the palestinians by type, by stopping the only organization that can provide humanitarian is to the people. when i have asked this question, mr. bulky to a palestinian pulse, a politician that always very reluctant to give me and on this time so. so i want to ask you, where is re out what is the hallways manama, what is up with that be wherever the arab capitals here we criticize the west, we criticized you or wherever the our voices. hi. i am not hesitant. i thought about telling you that they have not done with this will do. i called on the 57 countries that have come to this. the most of them come to is to implement what
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they've decided to do. and they're in their summit, which happened 2 months ago, which was to be associated with guys and i called on them to send not automates, because i know they wouldn't do that. but at least on international convoy, including going to present themselves the $57.00 countries with data flags, with international humanitarian organizations. i'm believe this is on delphi. that's what this will do. now. we asked for that 2 months ago. nothing happened. yes, of course they're cutting, i usually responsibility for what's happening there, but not the only them. all these content is in the list that teach us continuously about democracy. i'm doing my rights and the district of international. where isn't that nice to know what's happening again? does that is destroying any potential for international law? it the same thing. one message to the peoples of the world. we don't have international anymore. it's of the law of jungle. and if i do i spell,
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it can do whatever they want. and this will have very serious consequences. what do i usually what happens certainly in the coming days that for the most to have a gate, it's good to have you on site and so your analysis. thank you so thank you. the houses ever says receive video all they destroyed schooling garza citywide displaced palestinian say, is there any soldiers carried out executions the exterior of the building in the mountain neighborhood? days riddled with bullets displaced. people say that they would talk just by tonight. the 5 before is really false, is stolen the school at the end of last month, the building was eventually boomed and destroyed black and roles by witness to the attack on the facility at the end of january swell, as well as reduced large pots and goals, or 2 rubble and they're all serious questions about why people in rough i will be evacuate details. you've just had a most israel's time really is. most areas are uninhabitable, recent satellites, which it shows extensive damage to the infrastructure in the strip since the start
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of israel's war. 79000 housing units are completely destroyed and another 290000 structures have been damaged. only 6 ounce of 36 hospitals are still functioning in garza under difficult conditions, make it hard to palestinians to access basic health care in the knowles of goals that people are living in desperate conditions that are running out of food and basic necessities of a song. shootings for poll, so from cancer interested do do wirelessly. we'll negotiate a few. people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive and have a nice amanda saba. we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed, we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in 10th were drenched in rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever, so the children cried, day and night because they are hungry. they're still there. are you guys of little more? there's nothing except showing ample bartman and hunger. my children cry because
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they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian aid dish for doing gas that don't get any humanitarian, a applause of all of us the most really your children have no guns are dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is doing yes. i only little pieces of bread today. we are reduced aging grass, you know? my name is tim is the, the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live. the minus i said the one i see. sure, most of all that stuff is in many unless the who the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of the basic necessities. obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families. and is to show you just the all, tremendous has plenty more head here on the news are including we examine the costs of war and gone on as well as the economy following is done right by the ratings
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agency moves just below the violence across and beat me a model to raise as tensions with india and bundle that the best thing is that a southern, even though it's still unclear as to who will fall in the next to government and focused on 3 days after the general election protests against the delayed vote counter being held in islam of all the other major cities, including karate, at the same election commission office, while the official results have been announced, a policy is one. and that's right majority. a total of $169.00 seats are required to fold the majority in buckets of national assembly. independent candidates banked by the party of the former prime minister among con, who's in prison exceeded expectations. they wouldn't 95 of the 260 full parliamentary seats, the party of another full, the prime minister in
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a while should raise the buckets on which the lead gained 75 seats. on the centre left buckets on people's party was 150 full small height of how small from the capital sum of up as the progress on the election commission announced are those 3 days later there was the supporter, i dig wildlands across the country. but today was relatively calm after the progress on teddy again solved gord, debbie, but not to continue with the protest. they warned that the process should be completed smoothly. they already have contested the results of the elections on several constituents paid. the election commission is also heading into that. the other courts will also be heading into that and the election commission of progress on has to notify the people who won that election. it will be after that notification which will have to wait because some of the, the seeds have gone into contention. and after that,
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once the nor divide the parliament section would it be guarded by the president of focused on the selected speaker deputies be a good leader of the house. so that is quite a few days away. in the meantime, the political parties are trying their best to sort out some sort of a political airlines like they did last time. and so it would be important to see where the, the plug is done that you can solve is going to get the numbers that it said it has already that this will be a coordination government model. how you the data. it's a lot more, but the other thing you didn't, has a set of goals will forward to you is to guarantee fundamental freedoms of the days of violence. a 16 year old was shot in the hedging protests in the southern city. and zip code is the 3rd fatality and ongoing address that began us to present microsoft postponed this months. presidential election solves decision has plunged steadily, got into one of his was crises since independence or the own group officer. bob has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed 4 and the reality trips and the
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behind the military officer in somalia. you talked to place that a ministry basement capital mortgage issue during a training session on saturday. they'll titling groups, size is targeted the groups because they consider the you a, an enemy. for supposing the somali government against them in northern molly to our accept protests that said that they've lifted roadblocks they imposed in to send them the blockades. with such a path to the army recounted key towns choking of major trade regions. the conflict in mazda resumed, and olga stuff to you and troops left the region. tension is high on the boat between mima bung with us and india. civilians are being killed and ended during a recent search and fighting and were kind states in northern mima. it's also sent many people playing across the border into bangladesh and india. amongst them around $300.00 secuity full personnel. ton bitch foundry has moved from the border between bangladesh and me and my are quite border villages in bangladesh have been
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jolted by motor shows on gunfire. in recent weeks, oh mama, they brought him describes upon exploding show, killed an elderly running a man, and his mother was only the marsh. i could barely see because of a sick smoke. the old man died instantly and my mom's hands were shaking. she couldn't move or talk. we tried to rush her to the hospital, but she was gone within minutes of all the hundreds of me and my butter, police and military personnel across the butter. 26 century and bangladesh bought are gods, have sold their side, was temporarily evacuating villages and shutting down schools in border areas. more than 300 me on my security force personnel. i know in the custody of bangladesh, butler gods, as talks are underway for the return of the addition of the machine. we have issued a strongly people to me in law and the entry of that people sell them gun file
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pulling inside our territory and killing an injured people. this is particularly concerning as we are actively working through the country at the ring. yeah. so its incidents on cold for an unacceptable fish people since last november, hundreds of me and my soldiers and civilians have fled to india and states of major arm and money put due to intense fighting with rebel groups, environment of action, india shared border with me on the market and both countries are now having to deal with the spillover off it's conflict. they've all been security situation, underscore the potential for broader regional instability. groups involved in ethnic violence and india. money per state, blamed open borders as the source of unrest. their indian government is planning defense, what it described as the troubled border with me on my and scrap it free movement agreement despite fears by some that will disrupt long standing culture. oh,
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i think nomic ties the do not worry for the children. the students won't be able to go to school in the education stop. there's no purpose schooling on the other side of the board to try more electronic signature. no financing alone. the devote defense is a rick dates, it will blow cold. presto, brothers and sisters and young mon, if freedom of movement described, when i told her the unity of the needs of the community. so i'm out of a spring, right kind state. and me and my husband kind of a defective battle ground for rival interest in a new, in the past to fix the strategic bathroom. but it's bundled a dash, which is already hosting more than a 1000000 running a refugees. and now has to deal with the spillover of conflict that is not of their own. it's 100 children, y'all, does it all from bangladesh, me and mark border on the still ahead to all the news on sweden's government tells the public it must for pass, for a passable with russia, bolstering its baltic defense capabilities and reinstating conscription and type
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security and set her on his crowds come out to celebrate 45. yeah. since the revolution that toppled around this mona key the discussing, the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the all differential intelligence revolution, etc, rings to where the benefits lie. and with a hot light. we are betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very and sustainable studio b. b, i series on a jersey asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power or no understanding the reality reporting from the action,
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the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have been, in fact to h as an in depth coverage thailand states. it's future fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you watching. i'll just, there was news all with me, so around the reminder of all top stories is where the attacks and goals that have killed thousands of kind of sent in since not today. many of them were in rasa, white and 81 and a half 1000000 displays. people live in favor of a possible is really offensive. i'm also as
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a plan does right in the ground assault with the rail tools on the release of captives egypt as well as the gains as roles funds of target rafa guns as southern city as long egypt folder. and so i select sites as a revealing how cairo is not building mo, check points. the chip sions also building a new concrete will along the old folder. and then a phone call to us present. dr. barton, this totally is ready, 5 minutes to not to go ahead with a minute. feel price been rough, but without a creditable plan to protect civilians that many minutes they all here told us media to con defensive in rough will be getting ahead. israel's finance minister has criticized the decision by financial ratings, agency moody's to downgrade as well as credit rating. the agency will that the will on gauze is adversely affecting as well as the economy. so let's take a quick look at the current state of as well as economy. israel initially drafted 300000 reserve. it's taking some 10 to 15 percent of the workforce to the economy. the bank of israel has cut, right?
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so the 1st time in the 4 years, warning of declining grace and a rising deficit. since october, the 7th, the banks governor says he expects the costs of the war to reach around to $58000000000.00 and all of this as some $150000.00 palestinians, milky pied westbank and around 18 in a hostile system. garza who used to work in his role now no longer able to enter. but as well as finance minister does a lot of smoke, which says that moody's decision is a political manifesto. and that it does not include serious economic claims. like colon, isn't it called him, is joining us live from television. good talking with this, mr. came in on the program as we've just seen, any criticism of israel be it political, social, economical is always received as the other tack on the very existence of israel. but financial costs and bugs and stuff like the warnings, not just for new days, but from fiction. s and p global ratings to the right thing has been on the wall
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for some time now. hasn't it? of course it has and is really economy subbing warning this over long periods of time. the central bank has been wanting the situation for long periods of time and senior people in the finance minister ministry. i've also said the same thing, but they were all classified as the traitors are left wingers or whatever, what you'd have. and that's what it is saying that again, it's very lives even though there's no no concrete or criticism on any items that would these. as mentioned and it's report basically the report is very factual and makes a lot of sense and didn't have cool. so let's just say what i live into that conscription, it means less people in the marketplace, certainly from the homework as palestinian light, but not allowed to enter the region. and is really looking to countries like the pool and india to bring in forward work as all of that costs money and all of the
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rooms up the expense. and the debt that uh, as well, would actually uh receive no doubt, no doubt. the, well the, i mean it's not only economical, but also the fact that the seniors will not come to where can use will basically will devastate the same economy. as is really the major source of all vic, of, of income for many of the other thing. and so by, by closing the border, this is going to be very problematic from an economic point of view for them. and as a result, i believe also from a security point to me in terms of state sustainability. these, when the government has made an assets sort of to cut costs by 3 percent across its ministries. but on the advice of the report, the internal report, they've not reduced the number of superfluous ministries as they've been described during the, the time length of the war. in the ministry such as settlements and national
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missions, ministry, the jerusalem, and jewish tradition, ministry, and even the intelligent ministry is that sustainable. as well as the irony is that the number of administrative bogus ministries was word established in order to be that's the magic glued up to pick all elation together am and smokers. i'm going to sort of finance basically said that it's the way to shut down a ridiculous ministry just to go in and say something like a 1000000000 start goes a 1000000000 check goes is no small money. and also it cannot mix. the psychology is very important. so if you want to show the people that, that you actually type in the bells and people are going to pay more, you should demonstrate that by acting on the government side, even if it's just a 1000000000 cycles, which is, which was significant amount of money. so i think it's, it's, it's a very wrong added to the minister of finance saying that the coalition is more important than the message of defense republic. it's interesting because that's why i wanted to go to next. what was the finance minister as well?
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small rich, i want to quote you on somebody else for your comment. he also said some of the vulnerabilities with a company us to disable future unburdened the economy. this is a turning point in the is way the economy that requires the mobilize x, that the government and all of us in society. it does like that. it's like a rally and call, it seems from the minister. again, it's all about the governments about the public believing in individuals within the cabinets and that they really know what they're doing. it to a very nationalistic statement that doesn't really help when it comes to balancing the books. but this is an interesting thing because that's one of the positive things that was in the, in the reporting what is report was the gap between the governments, the incompetence and the public's mobilization to help it's, it's amazing. oh, many people just volunteer to work in the fields to replace
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a great culture workers and to drive people and clubs, families, zipper, or it's by, by the atrocities of salt, october 7th, etc. so, so the people, the bottom of the pyramid was for me to go the top of the pyramid inputs in. and that's basically what smarter to say. um, so we should basically, i mean it's, it's, it's incredible. i mean, the complacency the aloofness of smoke bridge is, is amazing. actually, antonio basically said, is rosa is the best economy in the road. so there's enough money for everybody. this is not true, factually, and it's not smart from any go. she engine point of view because when you want to come up with a budget, you need to negotiate different interest of different parties. so you need to come up with a mess. it just says we're in trouble. we need to mobilize rather than everything is okay. well, we shall see what does happen as they try and tell the rest of the world of that. right. okay. for the baby telescope and it's good to get your analysis on the
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economy of as well. thanks very much for your time, sir. pleasure. well, let's bring in mama chavo a senior political analyst here at i'll just have a sandwich to get through. we've heard a well that everybody have somebody we tucked away, but we haven't had exactly what biden really did say to. and that's in the all who that, that has been a read out what she will reading off that conversation and what to expect in the, in the next couple of days. if this all out defensive on rasa is a real possibility. look, 1st and foremost is that a lot of that report stuff out in the press about the big rift that she's in between the, by the administration and the government is clearly not true. i mean, there's probably some tension because nothing, you know, has been human to anything by that. i'm thinking like there's no tomorrow. he's been treating them like dirt like
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a met to walk on. so that should create some kind o, you know, and go on the part of biden. but judging from the phone call and judging from the overall atmosphere of the american, not using good sturbridge with this right. is that now it seems like bite instead of nothing? yeah, well you can go ahead and, and destroy it also has as long as you have a plan, it should be a good plan. you're not going parents of plan, but once you have the plan, go ahead and, you know, and rated the southern part of a it's in fewer. we're to write this relationship of expediency on subservience the united states to is that why is that is dependent on the united states. just just look at this very um, you know, a small detail of what you were discussing with earlier. i guess the economy is economy has always been dependent on the united states right with us. yeah,
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it says i wouldn't have one of that truly. but that economies into work, i mean is as g d. p per capita is one of the highest 15 in the world. a 2nd one of the highest 20 us. and clearly it has one of the highest foreign reserves, for example, in the region. right? so it shows a guy who's doing well and, and despite that, despite having a do the pick up at the, even higher than front end that you okay. compatible to germany. it's now getting pushed down $14000000000.00 from the by that. and mr. ation, palestine is being destroyed. a better stein is being destroyed is or is being awarded with $14000000000.00. so if they were losing, say, $250000000.00 a day, set them to 3 months have just been covered by the united states. but let's just talk about the findings, me because that's all being debated at the moment in the us with that sort of old old in walton sort of financial package for taiwan,
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the crate and israel is being debated is not going through yet, but still talking about that there is a d coupling going on politically as well with various groupings. not very happy about money getting either to is right low even to you came to a certain extent. i mean, how do you think this is all going to sort of transpire over the next few weeks? because what happens this next couple of hours over that money actually impacts on this whole debate that leads towards the presidential election as well. this, there are so many amazing, astounding disturbing levels to this conversation is beyond believe i haven't seen a subject that is more corrupting of our international environment than this issue . what to do or is there a relationship and the appeasement of the is really a part of page set, the colonial genocide, old regime that we see. i'm driving in our font size. you just mentioned by one and ukraine,
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and it's right in the same sentence because that's how the americans are selling it . it's true when in fact, when, in fact, it should be reserved. china, russia is, are trying to initial palma stein, taiwan, ukraine because there are 3 powers threatening dominated think, occupying, slash, not by 13 smaller, right, weaker right states. in this case it's palestine like ukraine, like taiwan, that's been threatened. and in fact, that's been completely occupied now, part of it completely destroyed, but in the united states, right? they don't judge things on their merits. the judge things, according to friends and full, was with us. is that what does that mean? is this, the kind of thing is not that bad. i mean, it doesn't matter about is there is occupying file force in palestine like russia
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is. i could provide force and ukraine. so you bring your credit and is red and you support is right. so imagine if, after the russian and vision of ukraine, congress decided to reward georgia, you know, was $70000000000.00 for its occupation of ukraine for its getting of ukrainians. but in this case, there's read launched it's genocide in gaza and saw it on this award. it was $14000000000.00 by the united states. so part of the reason they say it's geo politics, but the bottom of the reason is what today's the sentence was talking about. still corruption of foreign policy throwing domestic through domestic bucks. there's a lot be i thought they wouldn't be spending a $100000000.00 according to senator sanders, to defeat the progressives and to support the pro. is there any voice, isn't it america? the business? what's by that is, what is the button that election year is not to lose. the boy is when,
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when your dad's impacts that he probably, you know, got their commitment to support them. we should see what happens. certainly in the coming out sometime in time. oh, and thank you. suppose that palestinians have been demonstrating almost straight solve the lebanese capital on sunday in solid dougherty with people in garza as the marching bands lead hundreds of lebanese protests designed palestinian refugees through downtown they route participant to say that his randy will planes could be seen above the city, this is one of many protests that is taking place in levels the stalls of israel's will on garza. and in the rock uncomfortable rebecca, similar demonstrations took place as opposed to the palestinians. thousands joined the call to show that support for the end of the war. some protest is also covered . blackouts criticizing morocco's normalization of ties with israel 4 years ago.
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the data is chief, insulting base. as a double translate is comments on the military alliance and dangers. all its members of the campaign, raleigh and south carolina. trump said that he would encourage russia to attack nato allies who he believes on spending enough on the defense. the wind has cold, his remarks of pulling on unhinged spelt him back, says trumps. or monks threatened the safety of both american and european soldiers . most politicians have said to that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world
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and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be a full but finished conserves of prime minister. alexander stood, has won the read off the presidential election with 51.4 percent of the sites. the central politician is expected to take a hard line position against neighboring russian step by the decision to and decades if anyone's political neutrality, enjoying the nato alliance following the russian invasion of the crane. sweden's government has told us citizens to proposal. the defense minister made the call this last week. as the one you find drugs on, the suite moves closer to nato membership. the government is reinstating a conscription program. this being pulls to over a decade. i'm putting teenagers through boot camp, pull race, travel to the island of goodman, to meet some of them. the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank, is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list, captain optic, i want it to be the calls people for his my dad was in it,
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so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people grow soft when they're doing it because it is the reality check that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this month like of the on forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's nights, our application goes to reset the cold scripts of training here on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus of sweden's preparations for joining nighttime. got wind controls passage through the baltic sea, 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you to use. this would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training to exist size. they're planning
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a footage sync with the way nature does business note the corporation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually to come because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. ami chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent the papers online and the waiting for a call up is how soon it's left. a public tell it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. oven the board on the fish fall, smack, even our own armed forces, say the risk of a military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't make sweden or the world safe. sweden may be building up
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its troops and weaponry, but perhaps still in the high, the didn't have a needs to use them. pull race out is there a guidelines? sweden, ukraine's presence a lot of his landscape as a point to the new commander to lead his ground forces full. but deputy defense. minnesota is on the public, will now fill the role. hail, replace alexander ski, who was tapped this week to lead ukraine's armed forces on subsidies. let's get out . several senior military appointments meant to strengthen ukraine's defense against russian forces. the philippines cuz god has accused china of dangerous maneuvers while it's special petrol, the south china sea footage, released by the case called, chase chinese ships booking the philippines vessel, navy scarborough show on thursday trying to so tauriel claims in the c overlap, they legally recognized by our time zones of various countries. this is holiday season in china. it's close to one of the 1000000000 people celebrate luna new. yeah, china is neat as i think that'll be getting on
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a spending spree to give a much needed base to the world's 2nd largest economy. bottom below has moved from beijing for the 1st time, so he's quoted 19 restrictions were lifted with a chinese called pimples. fairs are back in there, bustling in b, j, selling everything from choice to land. could box a search because it's a special patient, but they cannot afford to spend like this or the utah wait. that was only planning to buy one stick, but it's 50 ones too. so i decided to buy 2 despite the 4 year hiatus vendors have not raised prices, and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a cost, a worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month, and there's the deepest decline. this is
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a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple affairs like this with food stalls and souvenir shops dropped big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails, but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties. you months with all those that you hold around your for committee. i'm you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah. and i'm here wondering on the streets. no way to go. the vehicle boats without united court record showed that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment
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apps were missing installments on loans use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent. last october. the government is stepping in with measures. ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales? economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0, b j. and in the southern philippines, the number of people reported killed by a landslide on wednesday as not risen to 50 full. 63 of those remained missing. that was 32 survive is not. disaster struck following heavy rain near a gold mine in account a pipe. francis husband's origin team, his new president. so the 1st time since have a malay took office, the 53 year old attended the kind of nice ation. most of the vatican of origin team
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is 1st female st. the paper mill, a base origin to the ends of being adults in the past of how to lift the country from and think economic crisis belay, who calls himself and a non co capitalist, one school, the current leader of the catholic church, and imbecile, who promotes communism it wrong is walking the full he faced on the best way of the islamic revolution. february, the 11th 1979, was the culmination of an uprising with the top of the k through the of the sean bahama. that as a lobby was replaced by these nomic republic, the site security for pro government valleys being held in the capital a nationwide and from tyrone dosage upon me. repulse. it is an important day for the establishment here. it's always been used to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fueled a revolution in 1979. but it's going to to much was here here from
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a crumbling economy, rapid unemployment and a brutal track down on defense. many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so. so one reason it's our judy to participate is for installation is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that of lucian and the country. by coming here, we showed that the stand by that evolution, despite all the difficulties and problems from my name was about done. i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. were all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president ever i am right? you see is praising here. 45 years on this fight. unprecedented form pressure is an internal this contents, this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights door sense of r e l g 0. tyrone, and you can follow that and send all of us, so he's on the website to dollars. they would jump comes subtracted from say that
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is the reason for not with me. so rom, up about good morning use on the other side of the break into the land from the on the team here, instead of all, thanks very much for your time and your company, the as a, as well as on guys, a continues, we bring you the late we are on the rounding dollars a covering the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering to people's tools that we lost displacements and block of resources, as well as district conditions. here in and around the hospital and for occupied is theresa in the house. david raised restrictions for beds, freedom of police and the right to west tennessee will continue our
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coverage of israel will cabinet decision, the kansas items, all the political decide from the west bank. we've seen you reporting on the mileage is really raved with feelings of loss. dissension and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera. for a week, the look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in station come down in many parts. well, to understand how it affects daily lives outlined forth how big a problem is labeled food insecurity. counting the cost on outages
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coveted beyond well taken without hesitation forth and died for power that finds out well we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and then people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. the use them to be the power around now to sierra, the $1400000.00 palestinians. a rough as soon evident is really ground. defensive, i'm us ones that are solved on the southern gauze, the city will sabotage any future deal the problem. so we're on the north field, just every luck with headquarters here and also coming up the us present towns.
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benjamin netanyahu. don't send your troops into rafa until you have a credible plan to protect civilians. egypt, bones of serious consequences of


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