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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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my sense is well shifted to the right seat, it's not receive task protection, etc. that's complication inside story. on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the whole rom, and you want to be able to the news on life. and while headquarters here in the also coming up 1400000 palestinians in rafa, saving evidence is right the ground defensive, about the rules and assault on the southern gaza city will sabotage any future deal . the u. s. president tells benjamin netanyahu don't send your troops into rafa until you have
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a credible plan to protect civilians. the agent was of serious consequences of a possible as railing toughened into rafa. one that could throw a decades long piece tracy into disarray. salvation and disease and northern guns, a pilot study and speak of hunger and desperation, as israel continues to block a deliveries. and i'm far as small with the latest sports are small, keep their premier league title challenge on track down their slashing west ham 6 now and now sit just 2 points behind the leaders, liver pool. the welcome to the news homos as well. nothing is really ground assault on rasa, will undermine any negotiations on the release of captives. and that does key regional media to egypt as well to don consequences of a potential is really military assault on rasa. and southern guns have reportedly
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threatening to pull out of the camp david accords. well, despite warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe, is very full of continued to pound the city with strikes from the land and dozens of people have been killed. within the last couple of hours, the us president joe biden told is right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but in his rate, the military operation in rafa must ensure the safety of the $1400000.00 displays. palestinians sheltering that mold and 600000 children are among some and many of them. the olsens by israel is a tax palestinian say they feel trapped? well yeah, i know we're on the whole thing and every day we're on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around. i don't have a call or caught does no gas or diesel or any fuel. if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will live or die. here we go back and die in our houses. we have been
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displaced to hon. eunice, on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian border. the cons be displaced anymore. we will live and die. here we go back and die in our houses. nowhere is safe in the entire gauze of strength. we're going for moles to solve, as well as long cause. it has now killed at least $28176.00 palestinians lodge, ponts of northern and central gauze that have been reduced to rubble. the world health organization says its deeply concerned about the situation in and around and officer hospital in con eunice. just know of rough or what video is image capturing what the situation is like at the hospital, which has been on the is way the siege for weeks. while you can see a wounded man crawling into the hospital while blazing out. the doctor then has to approach him while staying low to avoid getting shots and pull him away. any adult is without boat. instead of these 2 people were killed by gun fire at the hospital . the organization says medical sense we're afraid to move outside. just outside
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the facility, 2 bodies are found at the gates. these people were opposed to the shop by is riley full says they couldn't be removed because of the ongoing hostilities that's been fighting around the hospital for weeks hundreds of trumped inside the world health organization. such as really full size of carry that moving 350 attacks on hospitals and garza since october the 7th. but not so hospital and the model hospital in con units have been on the is way the siege over the past 3 weeks. hundreds of staff patients and displaced palestinians with reduced mobility, a truck in alamo hospital, unable to leave topic. i'm posing as long for us in rough as city in the south of the gaza strip. and tell me, let's just begin with the situation in and around. no sir, hospital. so yes, so here's the situation the day by day gets much more difficult entity rated.
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specifically that the v is rarely a q patient forces surrounding the medical facility preventing medical teams and entrances from getting out from the gates of the hospital. as we have been seeing different views being best and circulating and social media platforms. how that is really small efforts have been shooting over residents, a slide, the medical complex, where people are completely terrified to move inside that facility and will add significant pressure medical teams to be writing this specifically that these very minutes we had a talk before a palestinian this, as he was short by, it is very snowy who were deployed a generally on the roof tops of the buildings at that surrounding and overheating. the medical facility that they chose, mentioning that not for hospital to have now did not receive medical supplies to keep up the rating and the patterson, the ministry fuels has been wanting during the last couple of days about the
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possibility of the storming of the medical complex and to meet the same uh end uh, that's happened to the majority of hospitals is another part of kansas trip to now hundreds of patients in indian people are still trapped inside. as the medical teams are not yet being able to afford the safe for you though to see the patients and the wounded people, which will definitely excessive fate. the medical condition and right now in kansas city, the bombardment, the ongoing is loading up a residential house, has continued um its full prevention of a delivery to the, to that part of the territory as that is why the forces are taking full control over a deliveries and medical supplies, assistance to these medical areas of this cause, tyler rick a all of this while that was on to is a patient of a potential incursion on the ground by his right. a full says becomes of a new era and the evidence a yes. this is what the majority of the is
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a media outlet, and also the is very brun minister benjamin as of yet it has been saying that the art preparing for a possible military encourage into russell a city. what now was the last remaining a strong who for how much movement as the is very only has been studying. and there are saying that there is no victory without invading rough and militarily dismantled, of the military capabilities of how much movements here fall. the civilians. here are so concerned on that triggered the why just can you off contamination among different international organizations and states in the region about the disastrous consequences that will be resulting this specifically that it's, it's completely right now. this city has become a mess, chilled to for more than one more 1900000 palestinians, and the evacuation centers. and make shift accounts have been established recently on the along side with the board as of egypt, which will absolutely impose
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a new significant threat. also for the national security and let's be very about the dangers of humanitarian catastrophe. that will, if that military inclusion would happen specifically among children injured people . the majority of elderly people who once be april, easily to evacuate the 6th a as, as well claimed composing that for us in rough a. thank you. holding the phone call us present. dr. barton told us id prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that's a military assault on rasa. should not proceed without a plan to control the safety of the mold and 1000000 pallets sitting. is that a sheltering that early and that's in the all who told us talk, changed the ground defensive and rough. i will go ahead. rough uh, is that the southernmost tip of because of strep writes on the education board, where an estimated $1400000.00 palestinians have been sheltering from those is really a tax. and the seller has more we're going to do it. we're going
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to get the remaining, how mos jarvis battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so that can leap. we are working out a detailed plan to do so, and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our award effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded, and we're going to succeed again. those who say that under no circumstances should we enter, rafa are basically saying, lose the war was the closest, right? the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm the saloon has moved from east jerusalem . there are a lot of issues within israel's government. currently, especially over the last 4 months since the war began to send from the war cabinets . and that's and young's coalition. and even from the opposition on the issue of the invasion of what else,
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laughter seems to be confusion. these really prime minister on friday directed both the army and the rest of the security establishment to present a plan to him and to the war cabinet on how exactly they are going to one evacuate. the more than 1400000 palestinians who are currently ended up off. and the 2nd part of that plan is how they're going to defeat the remaining some ass battalions there. but the army chief of staff, though he did say the army is ready to operate into the alpha. he said that they're waiting for some sort of action plan from the government on how to proceed. given that there are so many people there. and the question on everyone's minds remains the same that where or nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians supposed to go after they've been forced to flee their homes multiple times. going to this area that was designated as states owned by these really army, but time and time again, these areas of the army designated as the saved zones when the house and use went there. they were met with relentless is really compartment so to night?
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well, benjamin netanyahu was speaking to the army, chief of staff, and to several members of these really government. and this really forces. he said that it has call with president joe biden, that a total victory was near and within reach. and that he also related to the president that israel is going to quote, control every thing west of jordan and that includes garza of the us senate has advanced a $95000000000.00 bill to provide aid to ukraine as well. and taiwan. most of the support, any $60000000000.00 would go to ukraine. another $14000000000.00 for israel. the package would also provide about $9000000000.00 in humanitarian assistance to civilians in garza the occupied with bank ukraine. huh. and other conflict areas around the globe, not finalize expected sometime next week. as i said,
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all week long. we're going to keep working on this bill until the job is done. it is essential. we finish the work on this bill. it's been years perhaps decades that the senate has taken up a stand alone bill. that's so significantly impacts not just our national security, not just the security of our allies, but the very security of western democracy. and our ideals like kind of drones is not from washington d. c. so like it does seem the money is that is it has to be a done deal. now. you know, it's not, this was the, it's another procedural vote which haltingly, for chuck schumer and others who support passage of this bill was a by electro voted with 67 votes to 27th democrats and republicans both think of voting at full together. so this is a bi partisan deal, which is a long time since this type of quote to achieve that kind of state is that being
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said is best to another number of procedural votes to go before the bill is formally adopted for it, which could be as late as wednesday, then to add to the problems of getting it the president bite in his desk, it's got to go to the house. the house is already signal a deposition to pots of this bill, particularly if the boat comes to them without any us board. the provisions attached which this one passed in the course of today that's not habits, a stand alone, both dealing with ukraine, with type one in the pacific region. and with israel, $40000000000.00 of that money would go to israel. some $63000000.00 would go to a ross, the remaining full $1000000000.00 to various at asian pacific partners. there's also a $9000000000.00 amount for humanitarian aid. but this bill has a long way to go. it has to get passed by the senate, perhaps with some extra additions, and then has to go through the house and only then if it passes low. so it was, would it go to president biden's desk for signature?
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and it's like pivot know between, i mean a coal that we've been reporting on the old a here between biden and these riley prime minister. what mode we know about what was talked about well, we know what the whitehouse, the said was talked about 10 importantly. what was protesting the conversation is the insistence by president finding that israel have a credible plan before it kind of carries out any advance on rough. uh now the us administration has been absolutely adamant that they should be no advance on rough . uh by is really forces unless that is as by them put the a credible plan in place. now this is an issue. uh that is actually frank minting what have been absolutely constant us is real relationships that have been report. so president, biting, growing increasingly frustrated with the v is really prime minister saying, well,
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because that israel is actions have been sometime as he put it over the top. now there is an issue. it does appear with the by the end ministrations, relationship or more particularly with president biden's relationship with a man he's known for some for decades. but the point is that we're still talking in that tool. they also agree that they would stay in constant contact will continue to do so, but that issue has been raised by president biden. the issue of rough up and the is really is having to provide what he calls a credible plan before doing so. now we heard an almost a acknowledgement or from netanyahu that yes, he does acknowledge that in that interview that was referred to earlier. but this is still a potential sticking point in what is being in a fairly constant support to the relationship between the us administration and israel, like kind of for us, but in washington dc. thank you. well, lawrence cool is a senior fellow at the center for american progress on a former assistant secretary of defense join us from washington, dc,
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kentucky with us on the product. i'm again missed a cold before we get into the nitty gritty of what's going on in gauze. so right now let's just talk about sort of this deal a search financial deal of holes trade in getting on between sort of the different politicians having different priorities when it comes to the military funding for taiwan, ukraine and israel. a means of funding has been given a rough ride and will continue to be given to a rough ride. it seems for the moment as well. there's no doubt about it. this was a positive step today because if it has failed today, it would have been over. so the fact is that we're moving in the right direction. the real question becomes whether we republican leaders like mcconnell, can persuade republicans like speak or of the house johnson to support this bill. since it doesn't have anything on the water, which johnson says without that he's not going to supporters. of course of this is
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this an issue issue is that the coupling that the bite and ministration of how to you might say, undergo funding the international conflicts and hot spots that they want to and not really addressing the issue that is the hots for most of i should say some sentences which is about the border issue between the us and mexico that domestic issue which is also a hot topic of debate across the country andries autocrat. well, mine was willing to put a board or provision in this bill until the former president trump said don't do it because i want to get credit for dealing with it. it looked like that would happen . but once trump gave that statement, the republicans in the house told it out of the bill. and so the said had no choice but to pull it out either because you did have some sign. it was like tom cotton of
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a, from a, basically from arkansas saying that, you know, he didn't, he wanted it out of the bill so they took it out of the bill in order to get a pass to be in my view, the majority this international situation is so much more critical. yes, the border is a mass rate. we need to fix it. but it's not a dim and spread. you're dealing with washer. we a whole lot of other things is a nuclear power ad is trying to read constituted the old soviet union. so you need to deal with that. and so we need to get that put on on our truck as quickly as possible. okay, mr. cool, but let's, let's pivot now to guys that because the bill itself deals with 3 hot spots in the well, that's the relationship between china and taiwan. and america supports taiwan. you've got the ukraine, russia issue, of course why america is trying to support ukraine. of course we have garza and there's, there's no secret that the americans supporting militarily,
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certainly with munitions, israel, the fight to get the message out about was that stay, you cannot phrase what's at stake, varies for the american vote. and depending on who's talking, the nissan does a democratic sentence, a critical of all funding as well due to those american mean munitions and the, the ongoing kenning of palestinian civilians. what worries him are these really prime minister on the us networks on sunday talking about the operation is not being completed until until all the terrorists and his words are eliminated? how does this debates in your opinion, and i'm from your analysis full on the is of both the public and little make has as well i think the democratic party, the doctor, senator sanders is very concerned with the way that israel is fighting this war. president biden is basically saying pretty much the same thing. and so people feel if we give them the $14000000000.00, they're not going to change their strategy,
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which is really, you know, harming an awful lot of innocent civilians. i mean, if the as rarely is go into rockville where you have a 1000000 people who come from other parts seeking shelter. so that could be huge amount of jerry and disaster. so that's what they're trying to do. but by putting this in with ukraine, people who want to support is real, felt that had a better chance of passing because a lot more people in the congress want to continue supporting israel that adopt us senator sanders position. we see what happens certainly in the coming days in the name of lawrence cope. always good to get your analysis. so thanks for joining us from washington dc. thank you for having a as well as we mentioned the egypt as well. and the gains, as well as planned to target rasa, causes southern city is along egypt, florida, and satellite sites as not revealing how colorado is becoming all the building more checkpoints. in the event, the construction crews begun work on
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a raised strip of land 200 meters from the fence, which divides egypt from the gaza strip, the land battery. it has now going to 14 columbus as long as egypt is also building a new concrete will. along wheel bolt of will, when this runs advance to the south of gauze was rising tension with egypt, the 2 countries signed to form a peace, tracy in 1979, based on what's called a camp david accords. it lays out as a complicated set of agreements about london, voters importantly it limits the presence of egypt some minute trade in the sign peninsula. the separate, the agreement was signed in 2005 of the is right. the soldiers on settlers withdrew from the gaza strip, known as the philadelphia cooled because of how the rough a border crossing was to be run, as well as how egypt deployed gods along the border. but israel is now talking about relocating huge numbers of palestinians away from russia. egypt as reports of the will that any attempt to move people across the border could lead to the
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termination of the treaty. and other agreements between the 2 countries. list of about duty is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says the arab world is not doing enough to help palestinians in garza, i called on the 57 countries that have come through as the most of them come to is to implement what they've decided to do. and they're in their summit, which happened 2 months ago, which was to be in the season guys, and i called on them to send not automates, because i know they wouldn't do that. but at least on international convoy, including the president of the $57.00 countries with the flags, with international humanitarian organizations and being because as usual and definitely that's what they still do. now, we ask for that 2 months ago. nothing happened. yes, of course they're cutting, i usually responsibility for what's happening there, but not the only them. all these content is in the list that teach us continuously
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about democracy. i'm do my device and the district of international. where isn't that nice to know what's happening and does that is destroying any potential for the international law at the sending one message to the peoples of the world? we don't have international anymore. it's of the law of jungle unable to do as by what can do whatever they want, and this will have very serious consequences. what advice is realism trace large pots and draws with rubble? and they're all serious questions about where people from rossa will be evacuated to an exactly what israel's plan is. most areas have been uninhabitable, research on select, so to just show extensive damage to the infrastructure in the strip since the stalls of israel's will. 79000 housing units are completely destroyed and another 290000 structures have been damaged. only 6 ounce of 36 hospitals are still functioning. and garza pardon me, make it hard,
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full palestinians to access that basic health needs. in the knowles of calls that people are struggling to suffice, running out of food and basic necessities and social reversible from casa. this to do what you see will necessarily the field, but people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive and have a nice amanda. starbucks, we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed. we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in tents were drenched in rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cry day and night because they are hungry. they're still there. you guys have little more. there's nothing except showing ample apartment and hunger. my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian aid dish for doing gas that don't get any humanitarian, a applause of all of us. the most really your children have no guns are dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for
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them. there is no flower for them. hungry, skewing, yes. i only little pieces of bread today. we are reduced aging grass. you know? my name is tim is the, the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live in mind that the official medical font is the who, the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of basic necessities. obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families and is to show you how does he at all times as a whole bunch of overhead here on the i'll just have a nice are including sweetness, government tells the public it must prepare for possible with russia both spring is voltage defense capabilities and reinstating conscription. time to examine the costs of the war ongoing. so on this rounds economy following it, sound great, find the ratings agency move. it's
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the spring the days of the news. now it's still unclear who formed the next government in bulk of stone. 3 days after the general election protests against the delayed vote, accounts of being held in the conflict on the bonds and other cities across the country, including the full city of karachi and extend the election commission office. while the official results have been announced, a policy has one, an outcry majority, a total of $169.00 seats are required to form a majority in bulk. as dante, national assembly, independent candidates, backed by the party of the former prime minister in rome, comes in prison exceeded expectations they would $95.00 of the $260.00 full parliamentary seats. the policy of another phone, the prime minister in a while, should raise the pockets on was to meet again 75 seats. and the sent to left focused on people's party has 50 full come on. how to,
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how small from is from about as the progress on the election commission announced, or those 3 days later, there was the sport, dig wildlands across the country. but today was relatively calm. after the progress on teddy again solved gord that'd be, but not to continue with the protest. they warned that the process should be completed smoothly. they already have contested the results of the elections on service constituency. the election commission is also heading into that. the other courts will also be heading into that on the election commission of august on has to notify the people who won that election. it will be after that notification which will have to wait because some of the, the seeds have gone into contention. and after that, once the nor divide the parliament section would it be guarded by the president of focused on the selected speaker deputies be a good leader of the house. so that is quite a few days away. in the meantime,
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the political parties are trying their best to sort out some sort of political airlines like they did last time. and so it would be important to see where the, the plug is done that you can solve is going to get the numbers that it says it has already that this will be a coordination government model. how you the data. it's on my board. so the full but finished conservative prime minister alexander stood, has won the run of presidential election with 51.4 percent of the night. the center, right politician is expected to take a hard line position against neighboring russia stood. that's the decision to end decades of finland's political neutrality, enjoying the nato alliance, following the russian invasion of ukraine, a franchise way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with bruton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace,
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but it seems to me that that pathway happens only to there's a battlefield at the moment of what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to a membership that's probably the best to turn. data is chief consulting bank says that donald trump's latest comments on the military alliance endangers all its members of the campaign valley in south carolina. trump said that he would encourage russia to attack nature allies who he believes on spending enough on the defense. the wind has cold his remarks, a pulling on the hinged stones, and bug, says trumps remarks. threatened the safety of both american and european soldiers. most politicians have said to that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills,
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you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because you didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be so even government has told us citizens to prepare for will the defense minister made the comments last week as the will in ukraine drugs on? i'm sweeping these close sets of data of membership. the government is reinstating a conscription program that's been pools for over decades and putting teenagers to boot camp. full res, travel to the island of good land to meet some of them. in the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list, captain optic, i want it to be because people force my dad was in it. so i thought it would be fun . i think
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a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the real. it checks that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during, i'm the to the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this month like of the on forces, mistrust of russia and sweden's nights. her application caused to rethink the conscripts of training hair on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military paula sites . it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus, sweden's preparations for joining nights. i got wind controls passage through the politics, a 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you these these would be valuable to to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business note the cooperation both in
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demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent that papers online and the waiting for a call up is how soon is the left. i'm hoping to come, it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all but my friends and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they didn't tell you. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't make sweden all the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that
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didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric guidelines. sweden well still head hey on elders are the anguish of follow the push to the edge of rough up to protect his family. tight secure with the intent for on this cause, come out to celebrate 45 years since the revolution, the toppled around motor key and then support fund slumped to the civil stadium in las vegas. as the kansas city chiefs faced, the san francisco 49 is in a highly anticipated match the i had loved the weather was rather miserable and wet across europe over the weekend . and i don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but we've got more rain to come. on monday it'll be pulling into west and pots of fronds, the heaviest of that rain, bringing with
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a flood warning because much all the mediterranean. we've got a shadow re outlook with thunder storms expected in pots of grease and west of weather for to keep. it looks largely wet as well for eastern parts of europe. some welcome snow is expected to fall on the out. and you can see the winds picking up across the north with more winter weather, moving into scandinavia for places like no way as well as sweden, denmark, um, what's the weather? wintery conditions for west and pots of russia as well? now it is looking rather unsettled across the north of brisson on the island of island winds. the pickup. 6 on choose a move in a way of showers as well. we will see some rooms come back in. it is going to pick up across spain and portugal moving away is sunshine for the likes of madrid. so you can see that wounds coming back in for monday in to choose a temperature, is it picking up here, across from a western pots as well. and in the east, if we have a look at the 3 day 4 keys in ukraine, a pretty pleasant picture on monday with sunshine, that sure well,
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of the fall and counseling, the called, the us economy is booming. so why is it more resilient than all the rich countries? farmers across europe have been processing, we take a look at the grievance. last north korea left to both on ashes the shore off. it's economy counting the cost on algebra for $3.00 days. this low lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rains. those living here are some of the most vulnerable in lebanon, where the economy has all the collapse. the river is water level reached up to here . experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain. after long periods of dry weather. there are several informal settlements for refugees from
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neighboring syria in this region as well. concern is growing among communities living here near the backs of 2 rivers. that the worst is you have to come the the back you want to and just bear with me. so rahman in our mind to, of, on top stories is really a talk soon goes, i have killed thousands of palestinians in south today. many of them were in roswell, but 91 and a half 1000000 displays people live in save as possible, is really offensive from us as a plan this way, the ground, the salt, with the rail tools and the release of captives, egypt as warned against israel's plans target ruffin garza southern city as long
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egypt folder and satellite so it has not revealing how kind right is building more check points. the chip since. also building a new concrete will along the own foldable onto that telephone call. us president j 5. missed all these very probably minutes, not to go ahead with the military operation in russia without a credible plan to protect civilians earlier and even destiny all who told us media the ground defense in rough will be getting it has so many displays, palestinians. it'd be idea of leaving rafa is unacceptable. we spoke to a man living at attend with his children is a border with egypt. as music and had the and so can call you on a shot, the shipment, the government, the how to level the, the model, the model of nato from one of the exam knows that about the know how to in, on this one, the plan on the what i look at and, and does that make as a model? i mean, like on the, i mean like on the look on the job in the,
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in the city and that's with the amazon and ebay. the on the bottom need was somebody with more in the bottom of the, than the and for the volume has gotten that i said it less than the less of the haven't gotten anything like gotten in the month the share you saw hold off mission while you lumley total, while only if this it will if you have them up. oh, but i'm in a part of them is nice. i'm glad you the you. i'm going to the enough what we on the miles of luck. well, the little for the time in has been i've been for the look on how we should hopefully you also have had give i will hopefully. busy will bring them uh, mostly animal with that and will not split the path and then have the that, that the with that as a man with us as the stuff up in the scene. but we definitely shoveled falsely in that. and then one, the, i'm on the, on the, on the lights miles and then, well, the shaking hands are not open. i love it. so i'm not a that's of not often to us. let me look. and then in that caution was but then
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what is, i'm kind of, you know i, she lost a few nice and besides the, in her left in the house, in the house, you can see that could be the one go to the, in the mission with how does the commendable and look with the cynical don't have the feeling that the civic yeah, but what am i, how does he go? i don't know. does that mean that them them okay, well, i'm sure over a lot of individuals shopping to and then with the modem that i have, that you don't go to a shop and follow splitting the alignment for the shuttle well on the inside, the emissions and the ends in the philosophy and i've been working with those of to hello is there a has received video of i destroyed and raw school in garza city with displace palestinians, the cases where the soldiers of having carried down to rest and execution style killings. they say that we've talked to advice like this before, the school was stolen by his body forces at the end of last month. my uncle, apple has the story. the rules, a riddled with bullets,
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the concrete black in from fire and smoke. this used to be a school run by the u. n's relief and works agency one right in the remote and neighborhood me, a garza city up until late january thousands of displaced palestinian sold safety here from the war. no. while you're on the car shooting well hard talk, a new one. on monday, the 29th of january is really tanks and bulldozers surrounded us and stored in the school. the next morning. they asked us to leave the school and to carry a white flag. we went to the yard altogether, man and woman is really snipers shot one guy in the school corridor. once these ratings withdrew from this particular neighborhood, those who won, sheltered at the school, return to see what's left of the plan. so you're not going to look at all these cars. the owners made no mistake and committed no crimes. these cars generate income for the families that on the east bailey's told us to live here. the school
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used to host a lot of people. it was the final resort for people like me. now the displays palestinian says is riley soldiers killed his disabled family member. my uncle was an old handicapped man. they took him and killed him for no reason. he's really the criminals who believe they can do anything. my uncle was a civilian and they still killed him. my uncle didn't fight israel. my uncle didn't attack israel. he was the hold of an egyptian passport. what used to be a place of safety and learning. now houses pain and digger dave. mike level l g 0 as a pot of sydney man has been shot by his body falls isn't occupied east jerusalem is very full since they can find with the modem, charge of stops a month since being a significant surgeon violence and the occupied territories since the stalls of the
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war and i'll tell you the israel finance minister has criticized the decision by the financial ratings agency moody's to downgrade as well as credit. right. think the agency will that the wall and garza is adverse be affecting as well as economy . let's take a look at how that actually affects the state of the economy and the country is well initially drafted, 300000 reserve is taking some 10 to 15 percent of the work falls out of the economy . the bank of israel has got rates for the 1st time and 84 years warning of declining grace and the rising deficit since october. the 7th. the banks governor says he expects the cost of the war to reach around $58000000000.00. and all of this as of a 150000 palestinians and the occupied westbank and around 18 in the hall of south 1000. possibly others garza who used to work at israel and now no longer able to enter. but as well as finance minister does allow, small rich says that moody's decision is
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a political manifesto that does not include serious economic claims. alex cavan is an economist based in tell of if he says he wasn't surprised by moody's decision is really economist subbing warnings this over long periods of time. the head of the central bank has been wanting the situation for long periods of time, and senior people in the finance minister ministry. i've also said the same thing, but they were all classified as the traitors, left wingers, or whatever, what you'd have. and that's what do you just saying that again, it's pretty lives even though there's no, no concrete or criticism on any items that will these as mentioned. and it's report . basically the report is very factual and makes a lot of sense. i mean, it's not only economical, but also the fact that the seniors will not come to work and use real. basically was devastated the same economy as is always the major source of, of the call of income for many of the fathers thing. and so by, by closing the border,
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this is going to be very problematic from an economic point of view for them. and as a result, i believe also from a security point to the complacency, the aloofness of smart bridge is, is amazing actually here, and it's on, you know, basically said as well as the best economy in the world. so. ready there's enough money for me, but this is not true, factually, and it's not smart from an association point of view, because when you want to come up with a budget, you need to negotiate different interest of different parties. so you need to come up with a mess. it just says we're in trouble. we need to mobilize rather than everything is okay. but i suppose as of palestinians, i mean, demonstrates the oldest springs of the lebanese capital on sunday, with solidarity with the people in garza, the marching bands like hundreds of liberties protested and palace sending messages through downtown. they raised, participant se is very voltage,
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could be seen above pacific is one of many protests that are taking place in levels is installed as well as will on garza. and then the moroccan capital over about similar demonstrations, took place and support of the palestinians. thousands joined the call to show that support for and some protest is also covered. psychology criticizing their off is normalization of ties that as well. 4 years ago, the spring some of the days of the do use now in the all group house or bob has claimed responsibility for the attack that killed full and the reality troops and the behind the military officer in somalia. now the attack took place of the military base and the capital mortgage issue during a training mission on site. today. they all tied to link groups as it talked to the troops because they considered the u. i. e, an enemy for supporting the somali government against them, and know the money to want to accept presses,
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say that they've lifted road blocks they imposed and defend the blockades. with such a pass to the army retentive key towns, check your major trade rates. the conflict in molly resumed and all the stuff to you and troops left the region. the philippines case god has accused china of dangerous maneuvers, wallet, special petrol, the south china sea footage, released by the case called, chase chinese ships blocking the philippines vessel near the scarborough show on thursday. china is territorial claims in the c overlap, the internationally recognized maritime zones. various other countries use under the southern philippines, the number of people reported killed by landside on wednesday has not risen to 50 full 63. others remain missing. they what fuzzy to survive is disaster struck following heavy rain near a gold mine in my county. a fraud is planning to change the constitution. so the people living on the islands and the indian nation can no longer automatically
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become citizens. but we have seen his way to cub integration, which is a hot topic in phones present. and when i call visited the islands of males, 5 years ago, children of immigrants born in defense territory, will lose that best. right? citizenship. many island display of undocumented immigration, but increasing poverty and social unrest. princess husband, it's all going to this new president. so the 1st time since have a midnight took office, the 53 year old attend to the kind of nice ation us at the vatican of origin team is the 1st female st. the pope. i'm really both logged in to me and have been adults in the past. i have a how to lift the e country from a deep economic crisis, who calls himself an all co capitalist. once cool, the colored leader of the catholic church, an embassy who promotes call me this the wrong is blocking the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution. february,
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the 11th 1979 was the combination of the uprising which toppled above the k through of the shop. how much does up a lot of it was replaced, fine is lumnick republic. those types of code, hateful pro, government valleys, being held in the capital, a nationwide from debt on those that your boss dos that you've already has the story. it is an important day for the establishment here. it's always been use to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fueled a revolution in 1979. but it's going to come out to see or hear from a crumbling economy, rapid unemployment and a brutal track down on defense. many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so for one reason it's our duty to participation display pollution is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that pollution of the country by coming here we showed that be done by that
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evolution. despite all the difficulties and problems for me, my name was about done. i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever . we're all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president ever i am right you see is praising here. 45 years on this fight. unprecedented form pressure is an internal this contents. this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights dorset to bar e l g 0 to hong are still head to all. now is that right in the air of the dragon? china is a desire. things have breeds fine interest to flight the economy. uninstalled also keep that type of challenge on track with one of the most impressive performances the season to stay with us, the white, sandy beaches and clear to close voltage. this is the multi it's the world knows
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and loves the island of. and gilly is a smaller waste next to the capital, one of the most densely populated citizen, the was just off the coast. a new project to try and remedied pillows sunk into the c for a highway leading towards now, just to send bulk will be a new call get pulled in residential blocks. judging sam bits kills micro organisms find told, sustaining marine environment. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that 99 percent of the voltage vulnerable to rising sea level. the dive is head say the judging has already had a devastating impact brief to in this area of law $0.70. that carl coverage, the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the grief carls come back to promote croaks and replanted off the coast. it's phone for me. i do the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the booking buckets, holiday season in china as close to one and a half 1000000000 people celebrate new the new year. trying these leaders are hoping that they'll be getting on a spending spree to give a much needed things to the world's 2nd largest economy. found to be low hospital from beijing. for the 1st time since quoted 19 restrictions were lifting what the chinese called pimples fairs are back in their bustling in b j, selling everything centuries to land could box a search because it's a special patient, but they cannot afford to spend like this or do that in the lab,
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but i will do that. so my utah way was only planning to buy one stick, but it 50 wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year hiatus vendors have not raised prices in some way, or even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a cost. don't worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month. and there's the deepest decline. it's a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year. holiday here in china. temple affairs like this with good stalls and souvenir shops, dropped big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails. but
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a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties. you months with all those that you hold around your for committee. i'm you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah. and i'm here wondering on the streets, no way to go. the vehicle boats without united court record showed that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment apps were missing installments on loans use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent. last october, the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales. economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0,
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b j. the well type of support of his far so health. thank you so much. our so have kept their primarly titled challenge on track. they put in one of their best performances of the season to beat west town. await the gunners dominated their london models feeding them 6. now the kind of stock i started with 2 goals. and it was also a memorable moment for jacqueline right in mid field. they're finding the fact is jeannette against his former club, arsenal cit. 3rd and are now just 2 points behind table toppers living. and i've been moments and when you have good moments, you have to build the mundane, the momentum and the team from the beginning. and we shall really wait. and we thought of purpose some to have them on whether they would have to pull it right. the last 2 results i against them and it wasn't good motivation, i think as well for the voice. scott matalin a was a hero from manchester, united the scottish miss gilder got
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a late winter to help the red double the speed aston villa to one united states 65 points behind villa for in that spot in league our birth loan are playing out a thriller against granada, its 33 with minutes left to play earlier athletics on which read were upset by the v as were languishing in the bottom half of the table. let us know losing this 11, know the set forth is 3 points for how to build thousands. play the game. the last oh, there's just hours to go into the super bowl of $58.00. takes off in las vegas funds have been arriving at the legion stadium where the super bowl will be played. sporting event is expected to smash viewership records in the united states. but kansas city changed for amy to win back to back titles, but standing in their way or the 5 time champion in san francisco. 40 niners. we've been speaking to n b c's. j grey and las vegas has been taking part in some of the super bowl pre game parties is an important game in the 1st one ever hosted here in las vegas. you
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know, a lot of people look at las vegas, the american gambling capital and, and understand that it's a place where they know how to throw a party, but they never hosted the biggest party the super bowl. and right now the early results are in everybody, very pleased with how it's gone here. 330000 or more traveling to the city throughout the week. not only from across the states, but around the world. just to be a part of the high be a part of the build up and really feel the super bowl atmosphere. only $72000.00 will be inside the stadium. that's all on the whole. so a lot of people here without a ticket, but again, just wanting to be a part of everything that on folds here. as you talked about. and during the week i think maybe some people forgot about this. there is a, there's a game association because what's going on here in las vegas? you've got the cheapest one. last, you're looking to repeat. you've got the 40 niners, who have really been searching over the last couple of years. they're 2 point favorites here. i think what that means is we're going to have
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a really good game. and that's something that they want to see here in vegas as their hosting for the 1st time to 2020 to wimbledon champion, elena rebecca, tina has won the aba javi open. the one number 5 cruise pass rush is daria cubs, aquinos 6164 to win her 2nd w t. title of year on the 7th of her career. so players are now heading to jo. have for the costs are open, which is already underway. depends of who the whole she now has won the cut her masters and joe have the 27 year old son. 2 birdies on his font refills to claim his 1st year p and for child by a stroke. so she knows the $34.00. so she has on the floor and it's only the 4th of japanese winter, and europeans for history. before we go and update on the final, the africa cup of nations, host ation, ivory coast are closing in on winning the title, their beating nigeria with just moments left ivory coast have won the tournament on
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2 previous occasions and the score is to one. okay, that's all you support for now. back to you so help. thanks very much barbara. and that sits full of been talking about. we will use all the other side of the ribbon to live in for me. i'm gonna use team here in so thanks for your time to complete the once every 14th more than 200000000 institutions will have the challenge to post one of the largest selection in a history from the 3 candidates. will they choose to be the next president's and how this impacts the future of the country? the race to lead into these special coverage on l g 0, placed on the safe side burial once hailed the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear to miss the rise of anxiety, overwhelmed lots of agency apocalypse may be on the rivals, how online hopes and fears, shape our existence,
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the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh, my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that jersey and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the most direct way for me to get into the brain is by inhaling in my game to get tucked up all the time. so you're bringing the nozzle up to your mouse. yeah,
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and i would go through how many times do you think you'd be interested in? oh, my 100. and so why you were spring? did it ever occurred to that? what your spring might hurt you? here is i have plans for people. so who do you hold responsible for what's happened to the the clubs, the whole rahman, your, you know, just it renews our lives, my headquarters here in the us coming up in the next 60 minutes over a 1000000 display civilians living in favor of it is really a sold on the rafa, thomas williams that attack on the city will sabotage any future day of. the us present tells us right of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to send troops
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into rafa unless as a plan to protect civilian sheltering. the in northern gauze was school left in


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