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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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and and so while you were spring, that it never occurred to that. what you were spring might hurt you. design your plans for people. so who do you hold responsible for what's happened to the the colors, the whole rahman you'll want to know just it renews on life. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes over a 1000000 display civilians living in favor of it is really a sold on rafa. thomas williams, that attack on the city will sabotage any future day of the us present tells us right of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to send troops into rafa unless as a plan to protect civilian sheltering. the northern gauze was school left in ruins
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. we have some palestinians who say they would target advised by the false as well sheltering inside the u. n. run facility and did nothing to use and focused on leaders race to form a coalition. government of the official election results failed to produce. and the play with is the welcome to the news. we're beginning garza where the threats of a looming is really ground. invasion of the southern most points to the strip post put the regional edge her mouse as well in the ground assault on the roof. i will undermine any chance of releasing more captives and key regional media to egypt has threatened to pull out of its peace treaty with israel. if the military assault takes place. now this is where rafa sits on the boat with egypt, the 1400000 displaced palestinians who settled the positive cause, a sheltering just to include a moles and 600000 children. and it's unclear where they go. us present,
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joe biden has called is ready, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, judging him not to go ahead with the assault without a plan to evacuate those civilians is there any forces have already been attacking rafa by land. more than a 100 polished indians were killed but nearly every day. and those who survived us stuck in from conditions and often tents. tonic others and begins of coverage from rough of the art preparing for a possible military encourage into russell a city. what now was the last remaining a strong hold for how must movement as that is very army has been saying and they are saying that there is no victory without invading rough and militarily dismantled, of the military capabilities of how much movements here bought the civilians. here are so concerned and that triggered the why it just came off contamination among different international organizations and states in the region about the disastrous
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consequences that will be resulting this specifically that it's, it's completely right now. this city has become a mess, chilled to for more than 11. at 1900000 palestinians and the evacuation centers and mid shift accounts have been established recently on the along side with the board as of egypt, which will absolutely impose a new significant threat also for the national security. and let's be very aware about the dangers of humanitarian catastrophe that will, if that military inclusion would happen specifically among children, indian people and the majority of elderly people who wants to be april easily to evacuate. the 6th, a as is well claimed. now the world health organization says it's deeply concerned about the situation in and around. so hospital in con eunice, just know of rafa video has a med showing what the situation is like at the hospital, which has been on the is really seats for weeks now. and you can see
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a wounded man that cruelly into the building. the doctor approaches him while staying low to avoid getting shots and pulls him away, early adopters without boldest at at least 2 people were killed, bike and fight inside the hospital grounds. filled by zation says medical stuff we're afraid to move out. so and then 2 bodies and found outside the gates of the facility. these people who reported the shot to bias, right? the forces they couldn't be removed because of the fighting as, as being battles around the hospital for weeks. the hundreds of trots inside the world. health organization says this riley forces have carried up more than $350.00 attacks on health facilities and gaza. since the will began, but not a certain amount of hospitals income units have been and this is ready, sage over the past 3 weeks. under that stuff patients, i'm displaced, palestinians with reduced mobility, a trapped inside, and they're unable to leave. so hospitals all the only facilities under attack. so
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i'll just say it has received video of a destroyed united nations run schooling garza city wide displace. palestinians accuses right, the soldiers are carrying on to rest and killings. people let us say they were talked with by snipers before the school was stormed by is ready forces. at the end of last month, michael apple principal the was a riddled with bullets the concrete black in from fire in smoke. this used to be a school run by the you ins, relief, and works agency on right in the remote and neighborhood near a gaza city. up until late january, thousands of displaced palestinian sold safety here from the wor, no while you're on the car sitting while hard talk a new one on monday the 29th of january is really tanks and bulldozers surrounded us and stored in the school the next morning they asked us to leave the school and to carry a white flag. we went to the yard altogether. man and woman is really snipers shot
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one guy in the school corridor. once these ratings withdrew from this particular neighborhood, those who won sheltered at the school for turn to see what's left of the plan. so you're not going to look at all these cars. the owners made no mistake and committed no crimes. these cars generate income for the families that on the east bailey's told us to live here. the school used to host a lot of people. it was the final resort for people like me. now the displays palestinian says is riley soldiers killed his disabled family member. my uncle was an old handicapped man. they took him and killed him for no reason. he's really the criminals who believe they can do anything. my uncle was a civilian and they still killed him. my uncle didn't fight israel. my uncle didn't attack israel. he was the hold of an egyptian, that's cool. what used to be a place of safety and learning. now,
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how is this pain and degradation mike level, which is 0 because we are being reporting us present. joe biden has spoken to these by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu as going to ensure the safety of civilians and any assault on rasa shepherd, tennessee has moved from washington dc. on 1st day, joe biden was mildly critical that he is ready, the destruction of gauze. the conduct of the response in gaza in the guise of strip has been um over the top on sunday the is really prime minister appeared on to us networks to the shoulders watching. but it has been worth it. the sold on rough uh and southern because it would be next victory is within reach. we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining, how mos jarvis battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion. but we're going to do it and then disagree with the
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americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave those plans are among the topics discussed to the cold between joe biden. i live in young on sunday. the white house and, and by the rear, from his view to the military operation and rough, i should not proceed without a credible i'm executor will plan for ensuring the safety and support for the more than 1000000. people sheltering that then yahoo said that's exactly what the as really mother tree is drawing up the we are working out a detail plan to do so. and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about those. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of commodities effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter raffle, are basically saying lose the war will say on sunday. yes, another story in the us media causing anonymous wife, house officials about how frustrated joe biden has become with benjamin netanyahu,
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and how some of his advisors are suggesting the president become more publicly critical in those relics, helps soothe the elements of a democratic party base. however, the report says the administration is rejecting calls to impose any conditions on military a day as well. so even off the 50 percent self described by votes has told one pole the view is really operation and goals. it is a genocide. biden's administration remains of step, it falls back out of the bombardment she ever time see out, is there a washington as well as the senate ties advanced, a $95000000000.00 bill to provide that to ukraine as well on taiwan, most of the support and the $60000000000.00 goes to ukraine. of the 14 goes to is around finals. i was expecting sometime next week. as i've said, all week long. we're going to keep working on this bill until the job is done.
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it is essential. we finish the work on this bill. it's been years perhaps decades that the senate is taking up a stand alone bill. that's so significantly impact not just our national security, not just the security of our allies, but the very security of western democracy and our ideals. my kind of joins us from washington, dc with the very latest mike, it does seem that the money is that now for the us military support and the number a sort of global hot spots, but it's actually a done deal a very much not. so there's still a number of votes to be held. this was a significant vote, given the fact that if it had not been passed, then it would have been back to square one. that would be no big level of interest and of support for those supporting the bill is the fact that this was passed on the bi partisan basis. $67.00 votes to $27.00. it did receive
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a significant vote and the fact that it was bi partisan is competing to those supporting the bill, like chuck schumer who we heard from there. but now it has to go to at least to buy the votes before they would be or could be a final vote on wednesday. but then another stumbling block, because then it has to go to the house, get passed by the house before going to president bite and for signature. so there's a long road ahead here, although yes, another hurdle has to be no, but come, it's still got the good luck to for the votes and the senate. and then the almost insurmountable hood will offer a vote in the house with a hostile republican majority. so a long way before this bill gets to president biden for signature and it be slightly pivot now to this phone call between the present by the and prime minister netanyahu different ways of interpreting what the conversation was like, even after the readout, as well. the white house went out of its way to refer to the fact that the
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issue of rough uh, was discussed on this telephone call. this is being a contentious issue between the administrations in recent days and indeed weeks. uh, once again, you had the president biden telling prime minister netanyahu uh that they should be no action in rough uh without a company, a comprehensive plan to protect civilians in section operation. so that was referred to in the phone. cool. its uh, the 1st time that they have spoken on the telephone since uh, president biden's over the top comment with respect regard to israel. the read out from either side does not refer to whether there was any discussion about that particular phrase, which many interpret as president biden strongest expression or frustration yet with the israeli prime minister. but they have agreed to stay in close contact in the days ahead. there's no way that communication between these 2 lead this is being affected whatsoever over what could be a potential problem between us and is ready administration. and that is where the
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israel goes ahead with its plans to conduct a ground operation in rough uh, my color with the light is that for us in washington dc? thank you, mike. though is rose advanced to the south of gals, what's causing tension with egypt. the 2 countries on day full of peace treaty in 1979 based on what's called a camp david accords. it lays out as a complicated set of agreements about land and boulders, impulsively it limits the presence of egypt, military and the sign i put into a separate agreement was signed in 2005 off days by the soldiers on settlers withdrew from the cause. the strip known as the philadelphia called it covered how the wrath of border crossing was to be run as well as how egypt could deployed gods . but isabel is now talking about relocating huge numbers of palestinians away from rafa. and egypt as well, and any attempt to move people across the border could lead to the termination of the treaty and of the agreements. well area i spoke to most of the bunk duty,
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he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says, the us has effectively given the go ahead to as well as offensive in rafa. what i expected to hear from him we will live on here is governments of both those that are the imminent an attack on rough i should have should have been accompanied by the united states of america. supporting seas fire immediate pedant, cease fire, which they don't support. on the contrary, i think the daily, so we've seen a regression even in the american policy and position, in my opinion by didn't gave an attorney all the green light to proceed to this one, protection. and the one that then you also speaks about the fact that you will respect international a simply lying. and we've, we've, we've seen, as you just just described citizens more than 100000 palestinians can do the injured and in less than 4 months. and it goes on and off as the only area that is
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not destroyed completely yet. and garza, and what you want to know is to destroy your thoughts. and, and in my opinion is i never get a give up on. it's planned to try to conduct the ethnic cleansing of the population, those guys into egypt, what any other place. and the policy didn't with the act of genocide. that's what the united states there's and that's the type of pause, but to doesn't united states as a participant in this attack. so what happens now then? because obviously, you know, it is in the control of these riley's on the americans. you have various for european capitals voicing that concern. you have a subject. yup. egypt. dealing with the side of the board in terms of building more barriers in check points. it seems a complete no win situation right now for the people in rough because nobody really believes that was good to be a safe, colorado because that just copy establish right now of course, and where would they move people to? there is no place to good. you're talking about 1400000 people, at least in the fi,
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a little the text in the notes is destroyed, then nothing else said, nobody noticed that about nothing else said he will try to move the people, but he will not allow people to go back to the north of guys. so where should they go? the only explanation of what nothing i was trying to do is to really evict me is that is the bank to evict people from guys? oh, completely out of guys. on the other hand, that to speak about too many 30 and where does humanitarian it? there is no humanitarian it. the guys, the center of government gets nothing. people are starving in the north. they have no food, no medicines, nothing, no clean water did out of 600000 people. now sick and because of different diseases because of the out of disease because there is no clean water. what is the humanitarian? it does not this well. and on top of that, they have no killing corner or the only institution that can organize humanitarian
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it does it at the moment. is it it has just the clipped. the closing down to the headquarters in jerusalem. nathaniel and 16 other wisdom countries have decided that this has been support on the way they are practically participating. in this human side, what we see is nothing but an active genocide that should be stopped immediately. and in my opinion, egypt and other countries. the hardwood must stand up to this at the city immediately. this intro is an added line which they haven't seen yet. so i was going to say who, who do you appeal to when you know american tots itself is lead to of the free weld . and the only source of democracy that can be respected, and yet they are the ones perceived by many to be helping israel in the attack. and i will and gaza who, who, who beyond the us or can you appeal to you?
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tell us why you are being completely useless and helping the problem standing in the you and hands the tide right now. a both an umbrella and at the you, when we hear the, the secretary general talking certainly in a very forceful way. but has tons of tied to it seems we are being the peoples of the world, including the people of the united states. many of whom have been participating in a wonderful act of study that it was published and people we are being to those who would bring it down by then in the next elections. if he proceeds with this, that have been sort of a participation in this that, that going to put this thing is we, i p and so i wanted people to stood for us on stand. i tell you, even if is it, i faxed it or 5, it would not be able to put it cuz the police didn't have the distance, but the price is very high. it's of the lives of the civilian population. is the lives of children of women who are dying and got on the clock every day with losing 10150 people and the civilians, children, men,
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women who are civilians and visitors bureau see think and if there's allowed to continue. continue with this ethic instead of punishing goods that i have, the, the, the, the, what to cause the democratic was which is not democratic, i told is spanish and gosh, the victims, the philistines, by typing by stopping the only organization that couldn't provide humanitarian in to the people, when i've asked this question mister bulky to a palestinian pulse, a politician that always very reluctant to give me an on his time. so. so i want to ask you, where is we at? where is the hallways manama? what is up with that the wherever the arab capitals here we criticize the west, we criticize your wherever the arrow boise times. i am not hesitant. i thought about telling you that they have not done with this, or do i call on the 57 countries that have come through as the most of them come to is to implement what they've decided to do. and they're in their summit, which happened 2 months ago, which was to be in the season guys,
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and i called on them to send not thought of me because i know they wouldn't do that . but at least on international convoy, including going to present themselves the $57.00 countries with the flags, with international humanitarian organizations. and believe because as usual and definitely that's what they still do. now, we ask for that 2 months ago. nothing happened. yes, of course they're cutting, i usually responsibility for what's happening there, but not the only them. all these content is in the list that teach us continuously about democracy. i'm doing my device and the respect of international. where isn't that nice to know what's happening and does that is destroying any potential for the international law? it the same thing. one message to the peoples of the world. we don't have international anymore. it's of the law of jungle unable to do as by what can do whatever they want. and this will have very serious consequences. well, like the
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springs and the days of and he is not and focused on it's still unclear who sold the next government 3 days after the general election. the protests against the delayed vote town to be held in several cities across the country. the official results have been announced, but as also the bank that pulls from the hole in punjab, they policy has won an outright majority. she has been in jail since last may, but that didn't stop. yes. been rushing from standing for election. the candidate for that the c k and software peach i party stood against the lead to of the book's done was to meet on former prime minister in the was sharif from the say she one you asked me to us. it was leading by 1819000 also awards. when the last we calculated the 89 percent of that the last city was the 20000 words behind her and
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and we will assure. busy that they have many lifted the entire does that well, yes, mean rashid has been in prison. her brother in law has been running the election campaign and recalls what happened after the polls closed. at one point of time, we heard some people go me beating the man up, you know, trying to ask him to put those out. so they have just bought into it with the but then 11 b goes and all black on without numbers and not a black screens on them. and they just walk into the office step focused on election commission posted the election result form on this website. there was a discrepancy in numbers. the number of valid volts was higher than the number of total volts. it has since been taken done and another phone posted with a different set of numbers showing an increase in volts from the wall street out 0 aust, both the election commission of books done was the need for comment. no response has been received in the whole picture. i officials postponed
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a pen protest saying he was a plan to insight protest as a pretentious advice would be blamed on the party. some turned up anyway and were detained by police. can you give us a 2nd? probably just therapy um tennis, tennis, tennis, tennis, why those people who are detained you're not allowed to speak to us. can you tell us what the police are doing here today? can you tell us what the police, what's the order for the people here today? can you tell us what those people were to turn to the leader of the peach? i am former prime minister in mancha and he's in jail of the activists are also in prison. they say that's plates introduction into favor and send them drove it. and the husband have been in prison for 92 months. many delta is lea a. my daughter is in prison because she has become politically aware. she supports him or on conn and p. t. i and their vision that this country should have civilian rule and be free. no party is a chief to majority to form
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a government from his present self, iran con, and the peachy, i say that intending to challenge the results in court. i said big i 0, the whole focused on the tensions ohio level between me and ma, bangladesh and india. civilians have been killed and injured during a recent surgeon fighting and were kind states in northern me in law. it's also said many people think across the board and to bangladesh and india, amongst them around $300.00 security force personnel tongue vit. child re, how's the story from the border between bangladesh. i mean the, the quite bought of villages in bangladesh had been jolted by motor shows on gunfire. in recent weeks, mama, they brought him describes upon exploding sho, killed an elderly, running a man. and his mother was only the marsh. i could barely see because of a sick smoke. the old man died instantly, and my mom's hands were shaking. she couldn't move or talk. we tried to rush her to the hospital,
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but she was gone within minutes of all the hundreds of me and my butter, police and military personnel across the border to 6th century and bangladesh bought are gods, have sold their side, was temporarily evacuating villages and shutting down schools in border areas, more than 300 me on my security force personnel. a know in the custody of bangladesh, butler gods, as talks are underway for the return of the addition of the machine. we have issued a strongly beef to me in law. the entry of that people seldom con files pulling inside our territory and killing an injured people. this is particularly concerning as we are actively working through the country at the ring. yeah. such incidents uncoiled for an unacceptable fish people since last november, hundreds of me and my soldiers and civilians have fled to india and states of major arm and money put due to intense fighting with rebel groups, environment of action, india shared border with me on the market and both countries,
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i'm now having to deal with the spillover off it's conflict. they've all been security situation, underscore the potential for broader regional instability. groups involved in ethnic violence and india. money per state, blamed open borders as the source of unrest. their indian government is planning defense, what it described as the troubled border with me on my and scrap it free movement agreement despite fears by some that will disrupt long standing culture. oh, i think nomic ties the don't worry for the children. the students won't be able to go to school in the education stop. there's no purpose schooling on the other side of the board to try more electronic signature. no financing alone. the devote defense is a rick dates, it will blow cold. presto, brothers and sisters and young mon, freedom of movement described when i told her the unity of the needs of the community. so i'm out of a string, right?
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kind state and me and my husband kind of a defective battle ground for rival interest in a new, in the past of fig. strategic bedroom. but it's fine with dash, which is already hosting more than a 1000000 running a refugees. and now has to deal with the spillover off at conflict that is not of their own tunbridge audrey, i'll just data from bangladesh. me and mark bought it more than 20000 people are being forced to leave a high end. so because of flooding and indonesia, tens of thousands of houses with heads over the past few days and central job of provence that comes just days before millions of people vote in general elections. last have the flow to say it's very high. i'd be living here since i was born on this, that was flawed. it reaches of these, it happened abruptly, so we couldn't save all belongings. i left everything in the house, including my clothing. the water flow was very heavy. now in southern philippines, a number of people reported killed by
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a landslide on wednesday has not risen to 50 full 63 of those remained missing with 32 survivors. disaster struck following heavy rain near a gold mine in my county. now the philippines coast golf has the keys trying to of dangerous maneuver. swan is that still patrol the south china sea footage, released by the coast guard chaise chinese ships blocking the philippines vessel near the scarborough shell on thursday. china's territorial claims and the si overlap. the internationally recognized maritime signs of various other countries. i saw head here all dollars. is that the anguish i saw the push to the edge of rough uh to protect assembling the the had the the where the prospect so looking pretty pleasant phone easy. let me get
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there in a moment for us to australia and we bought high pressure in charge because weston area. we've had severe heat wave conditions across the western parts of australia with the mercury continuing to rise in pub. well the good news is it will be coming down slightly here, but also i'm not sure cool. central and south eastern areas. the temperature is set to come down in adelaide but will be clinging to the mid thirty's in melbourne. that doesn't mean it isn't wet just because it's hot. we've still got a legacy of showers coming into new south wales parts of queensland, but the west of the wet weather continuing to hold the tropics with storms and some showers. and i would like you to see some showers start to creep into the south island in new zealand since i was as well developing in the north island as we go into choose day for the launch. the pleasant picture with temperatures where we expect to see them at this time of yeah, the southeast asia, the heat continues to pull into indo china, particularly for thailand, if you showers. however, we're getting some relief for vietnam. shot re picture for the philippines,
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but it's not as wet as it has been in recent days. but when the weather, however, continuing to look around indonesia with some heavy showers for borneo, the, the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves was there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians explorer and a 112 clause program. and we are basically
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a digital crime scene investigators. but we're doing it from space design to inform, most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well, from a different perspective on elders here, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about kill watching all just bear with me. so he'll run the remainder of all the top stories. the price of a leaving is really ground invasion of the southernmost points of the guns and stripped, has put the reach and on edge about as well and
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a ground assault on rough foot undermine any chance of releasing bull captives. and did a phone call us president j button install these any problem it is to not to go ahead with a military operation in rasa without a credible plan to protect civilians earlier. and even this we all who told us media the ground defensive and rough up will be covering it, has israel has reduced launch, positive gauze and to revel. and that all serious questions about why people from russell will be evacuated to. and what exactly is israel's plan? most areas have been made uninhabitable, recent satellite switch, it shows extensive damage to the infrastructure in the strip since the start of as well as well. $79000.00 units on completely destroyed times. another 290000 structures of being damaged and the 6 ounce of 36 hospitals are still functioning and goals that make it hard for palestinians to access the basic health care needs . well, in the north of gauze that people are starting to survive by running out of food
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and basic necessities as an assumption rate for polls garza in this to do what you see will necessarily the field. but people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive. and have a nice amanda saba, we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed. we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in tents were drenched and rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cry day and night because they are hungry. there's still no, you guys of little more. there's nothing except showing and bombardment and hunger . my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian aid. this for doing gas, i don't get any humanitarian a. out was of all of us the most really your children have no guns are dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is doing yes. i only little pieces of bread today, we are reduced aging grass. my name is tim,
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as to the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live in mind that there should be one of the sure medical far as the who the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of basic necessities obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families. and especially if i just see it all, tremendous as a palace to the man has been shocked by his very force isn't occupied east jerusalem is ready for us to say they opened fire with the men and tried to stab someone just being a significant surgeons islands in the occupied territories since the start of the war in october is and israel's finance minister has criticized that decision by financial ratings agency moody is to downgrade the country's credit rating. the agency world of the world calls was adversely affecting the economy is well initially drafted,
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300000 reserve is taken away some 10 percent of the work falls. the bank of israel has cut rates for the 1st time in 84 years warning of declining growth and the rising deficit since october, the 7th. the banks governance, as he expects the cost of the war to reach around $50000000000.00. 150000 palestinians, we occupied westbank and around 18 and a half 1000 from garza who used to work in as well and out no longer able to enter . but as well as finance minister does a lot of smoke, which says that moody's decision is a political one that does not include serious economic claims. alex came in is an economy is based in kind of a he says he wasn't surprised by moody's decision. is really economist a written warnings this over long periods of time. the head of the central bank has been won in this situation for a long period of time and senior people in the finance minister ministry. i've also said the same thing, but they were old classified as the traitors. i left wingers or whatever,
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what you'd have. and that's what do you just saying that again, explain your lives even though there's no, no concrete or criticism on any items that would these as mentioned and it's report . basically the report is very factual and makes a lot of sense. i mean, it's not only economical, but also the fact that boasting is, will not come to where can use real basically will devastate the same economy as is always the major source of, of the call of, of income for many of the posting. and so by, by closing the border, this is going to be very problematic from an economic point of view for them. and as a result, i believe also from a security point to the complacency, the aloofness of smart grid is, is amazing. i totally hear and it's on, you know, basically said is rosa is the best economy in the world. so. ready there's enough money for everybody. this is not true, factually, and it's next month for me to go. she engine point to view, because when you want to come up with a budget,
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you need to negotiate different interest of different parties. so you need to come up with a message that says we're in trouble. we need to mobilize rather than everything is ok. supporters of palestine have been demonstrating on the street. so the lebanese capital in solidarity with people in garza, the smoking bands, let hundreds of lebanese protest as and palestinian refugees through downtown. and a root participant say, is very well plans can be seen above the city. it's one of many protests that have been taking place in level since the stalls of israel's will and garza to do the moroccan capital. rebecca, some of the demonstrations took place and solidarity with palestinians thousands joined the call to show the support of the end of the war. some protest was covered blackouts criticizing morocco as normalization of the times with as well. 4 years ago, policy being present, mahmoud abbas has arrived in contracts capital of dough ha. about those visits will
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include high level adults who have catalogs, leadership to try and reach a ceasefire dealing garza for months now to cancel the us and egypt of lightning situations between israel and thomas. many displays published in inside the idea of leaving rafa is unacceptable. here's the story of a man living in a tent with his children, the border with egypt as music and had the windshield gun. we'll call you on the shop of shipment. the government, the how to level the, the model, the model of nato, from one of the exam knows that about 4. now how do you know this one that we plan on the, what i look at and, and does that make us a model? i mean, look on the look at and then look on the job in the, in the city and that's with the amazon and ebay. the on the bottom need was so that he wouldn't want to live without a level of them. and then the in for the boxes like that and then i said it's less
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than the less of the haven't gotten anything like gotten in the month to show you how to mission while you normally it's a little while only if this it will. if you haven't done that, oh, but i'm in a positive, i'm going nuts. i'm going to g you. i'm going to the enough. what we, i mean most of luck. well the and the little for the time in has been the need for look on how we should a halfway you also have had give i will hopefully. busy will bring them uh, mostly animal with that will not split the math. and then i did that that the with that as a man with us as the stuff up in the scene. but we definitely shoveled falsely in that. and then in 19, i'm on the, on the, on the lights miles and then, well, the shaking hands are not open. i love it. so i'm not uh, nice of not offering fluids. let me look into that. and that question was, but then what is, i'm kind of, you know i, she lost a few nice and besides the, and i left in the house in the house, you can see that could be the one by the,
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in the mission with how do i look with doing the cynical don't have the feeling that the civic yeah. but what am i, how does he go? i don't know. does that mean that them them? okay. well, i'm sure over a lot of individuals shopping to and then with the modem that i have for that you don't go to the shop and follow splitting the alignment for the shuttle well on the inside, the efficiency in the end in the football field, i've been wanting to do so, a still a head here on the i'll just are in the year of the dragon. china is leaders are hoping to bring fine into it, so exciting economy and tired security into her own. those costs come out to celebrate the 45 years since the revolution but toppled around some of the keys to stay with us here. hold on just the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. asking questions, were you ever worn about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me, hundreds of people have been and back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future on fossil fuels know renewable,
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i'll just use teams on the spring. you closer to the heart of the story. the polls about the union is a set of goals will fall, which is the government, the fundamental freedoms. after days of violence, a 16 year old, which jumped in the head during protest. and the southern city of the cool is the, the death in unrest. but big enough to present microsoft postponement of this month, presidential election solve decision has put instead of got into one of its worst crises since independence or beyond group policy. bottom post claim responsibility for the tank that killed full and the reality troops into behind the military officer in somalia. the attack took place as a military base and the comfortable good issue. target training mission on site today. they all tightened in groups as it targets in the troops because they consider the you a anatomy for supporting the somali government. and the northern molly to eric
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separate has said that they $58.00, impose them to send the blockades with such a path to be i'll be captured, key towns, check the off major trade rates, the conflict in multi resumed in august off to you and troops left the region full but finish conservative prime minister. it is understood pounds, one the run of presidential election with 51.4 percent of the vote. the central politician is expected to take a hard line position to get its neighboring russia. steve, back to the decision to and decades of simmons political neutrality, enjoying the nato alliance following the russian invasion of ukraine. russia is way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with bruton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only to there's
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a battlefield at the moment of what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to a membership that's probably the best to turn. sweden's government has told it citizens to pass a little. the defense minister made the comments last week as the one you claimed drags on and sweeping was closer to nathan membership. now the government is reinstating of conscription program that's being postables in a decade of putting teenagers, 3 foods come full res, travel to the island of good long to meet some of them. the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list talked about that. i want it to be because people force my dad was in it. so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the real,
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it checks that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during i'm the to the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this month like of the on forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's nights, her application close to rethink the come scripts, the training here on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus of sweden's preparations for joining nights. i got wind controls passage through the politics, a 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you these these would be valuable to to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business note the cooperation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of
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higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent papers online and the waiting for a call up is how saying that the left. a lovely color. it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they didn't tell you. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions with 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending. this year, as on the board on the fish false markets, even our own armed forces say the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't mix, we didn't all of the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric guidelines,
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sweden ukraine's president love to visit landscape, has appointed a new commander to leave its ground forces full, but deputy defense minister always on the tv. it will fill the role. he replaces all those on that. so basically he was promoting this week to lead the cranes um forces on saturdays events get on several senior military appointments meant to strengthen your cranes defenses against russian forces. this is chief in stolt him backs as a double translates his comments on the military lines and dangers all its members of the campaign valley in south carolina. trump said that he would encourage russia to attack and they to allies because he believes on spending enough on defends. the whitehouse called his remarks a poorly unhinged stilton bag size. the trump insurmark strengthened the safety of both american and european soldiers. most politicians have said that yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said,
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no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world, and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be a pipe runs that says massage. and tina's new president, some of those times is how the lady took office. the 53 year old attend to the canonize ation mass of the vatican of origin. tina's 1st female st. the paper millo base auction to the ends of being adults in the past, over how to lift the country from a deep economic crisis. francais, planning to change the constitution so that people living on the islands of the indian ocean can no longer automatically become citizens. the move is seen as a way to cub immigration, which is a hot topic and funds present. and nicole visited the orleans of male to 5 years
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ago. children of immigrants, phone in defense territory will lose the best right citizenship. many on the display, undocumented immigration is that increasing poverty and social and rest. around 100000 people have counted in munich, the gains right wing it stream as an anti semitism. and the fall, right? a f d policy. they organized as cold on participants to create a sea of lights for democracy in solidarity against far right. people for 5 weeks now that being poses across germany against the increasing influence of the phone right now it's holiday season in china is close to one of the 1000000000 people celebrate luna new? yeah. china is lead as a hoping they'll be getting on a spending spree to give a much needed boost to the well 2nd largest economy found to be like, how's most amazing or for the 1st time since quoted 19 restrictions were lifted.
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but the chinese called pimples bears are back in their bustling in b j, sending everything to employees to land keyboards on a search because it's especially on a patient that they can't afford to spend like this or do that in the lab. but i would do 1000 my utah wait, i was only planning to buy one stick, but it 50 wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year height is vendors of not raised prices. and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a constant worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month, and there's the deepest decline. this is a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple affairs like this with food stalls and souvenir shops dropped big crowds. but the impact may be short
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lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails, but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties. you months is also tell you, hold on your, for grandma, you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah, and i'm here wondering on the streets. no, it's good. the vehicle? both adults in our court record showed that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment apps were missing installments on loans use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent last october. the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales. economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary
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fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0 meeting. but it's taking place to look at his days of the world's 2nd largest economy following 3 years and strict code 19 prevention policies. china is g. d p increase to 5.2 percent last year. one of the lowest rates of growth in 3 decades. many economists are concerned about deflation, that signals are stagnating economy. and you think a show can see that price is styled by 0.8 percent in january compared with the same period last year. that was the full, straight month of folding prices in the biggest full since the 2009 financial crisis done. why? and because the trees economist, a 10 2nd bank, she says that on many areas of concern about the chinese economy is not just the lower prices,
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is also the concerns about the future job security. and also the potential that many companies might be in deeper dad's. so there is a lack of policy response throughout 2023. and a lot of people fear that with this kind of policy, we might be further downturn in the housing market and stock market. the housing market has been the main drug for china's economic recovery since 2021. and i think this situation might have to last all the way through 2026, because the local governments having quite a king to keep the housing prices from falling to fast. but the longer they do this and the more cautious potential home buyers will be. so to only wait before they've gotten into the market again, chinese households are still the most liquid in the world. on average, the chinese savings rate is 2 of the highest of all the emerging markets. and right now there's about $140.00 truly in r n b save in china is commercial banks on but that's part of the saving. we have to noses is concentrated on the,
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on the top 20 percent and the boss and 50 percent. so that created more redistribution of income inequality, and that could be a future concern. but when we interpret the data such as the g d p, we have to be cautious. because the definition of gdp in china is actually by production not by demand, is collected of, from all the major enterprises and industries. and the things that are produced are very different from the income that people actually earn. and that's why we have this big guy, but between the macro data and my purpose options. now iran is mocking be faulty, fixed on the 3 of these not make revelation. february, the 11th 1979 was the combination of the uprising which toppled the moment key from to her on the subject already has more. it is an important day for the establishment here. it's always been use to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fuels a revolution in 1979. but it's good,
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it's a month to see or hear from a crumbling economy. roughly unemployment and a truck down on defense, many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so. so one reason it's our duty to participation to spread pollution is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that of lucian and the country. by coming here, we showed that the stand by that evolution, despite all the difficulties and problems from my name was about done. i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. we're all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president ever i am right you see is praising here. 45 years on this fight. unprecedented form pressure is an internal, this contents, this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights door sense of
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r e l g 0 to her on. so it's heading to the wall and garza and i have a 1000000 displays palestinians. and rafa pricing for these really ground defensive fall into is a trying to provide children with some response. they've already enjoyed more than full months of full, truly a go as well a brief moment in the health side where the children is going to complain. just like others, the age of the items that are headed, we've set the rules in taking shelter in the school building today was very happy that we had fun with crowns and choice in this school. in roswell, as one of many sheltering palestinians, forced from the homes, the fast food with children trying to escape the horrors israel's relentless attacks. as these ready military protests were ground defensive in the city, weather seeking refuge, is really not
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a house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today. we had the chance for some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. israel's military assault on cause a is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come to the majority of civilians killed many survivors, a severely traumatized. which symbol in case of trying to help them overcome? i have a feeling hated and how would it be? we're a team of volunteers trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our children's, who has been active and rough since 2017. yeah, this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across garza, the wish is simple. i hope the we're, i'm and we continue to play like today,
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more joy and more happiness to come to the day go out is there and that's it for me. so robin, my colleague, tom mccrae, will have more news on the other side of the bike and to let to stay with us here on officer the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power defines how well we live. here we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that in. people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be use of power around because to find out is they are getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous, but it's absolutely vital with the stories to be told we've pushed as far forward
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as we can to the front line now the smells of the power and a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. doing the sports, like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally been off limits to women. when i, when a mix, the female athletes flashed into that place and the ring on out to xerox for 3 days. this low lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rain. those living here are some of the most vulnerable in loveland, on where the economy has all the collapse. the river is water level reached up to here. experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain. after
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long periods of dry weather. there are several informal supplements for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. concerned is growing among communities living here near the backs of 2 rivers. that the worst is yet to come. the or a 1000000 display civilians living in sale of and is ready assault on rough or how miles phones and attack on the city will sabotage any future deal the symptom. mccrae, this is, they'll just hear a line from doha. also coming up to us present tells us ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to send troops into vasa unless there's


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