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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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is yes to come. the a buzz or a 1000000 display civilians living in sales and is ready assault on profit milestones, and attack on the city will sabotage any future deal? the i'm told mccrae this is they'll just hear a line from doha. so coming up to us, president tells us ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to send troops into vasa unless there's a plan to protect civilians sheltering their in northern gauze, or a school lift in ruins. we hear from palestinian suicide. they were targets advise ready for cisco sheltering inside the you in front of us and then focused on latest
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price to form a coalition. government topped official election results failed to produce any clear when it's the we begin in gaza with a threat to all of a looming is ready ground. invasion of the southern most points of the strip has put the region on edge moss as well and the ground assault on profit will undermine any chance of releasing will captives and key regional media to egypt. test driven to pull out of its pace. treaty with a 0 if the military assault takes place. well, this is weird rock that sits on the border with egypt. 1.4000000. just please tell us any answer for all the parts of guys of a sheltering them. including more than $600000.00 children and is unclear with a would be told to go you as president joe biden has cooled. his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu urging him not to go ahead with the sold without a plan to evacuate civilians is ready for us as have already been attacking raw for
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by land. and in more than 100 palestinians kills that every day. and those who survive us stock and cramped conditions, often intense teracon. bu, as soon begins our coverage from rough, they are preparing for a possible military encourage into russell a city. what now is the last remaining a strong hold for how much movement as they use very army has been saying and they are saying that there is no victory without invading rough and militarily dismantled the military capabilities of how much movements he bought. the civilians here are so concerned and that triggered the wide k u, off contamination among different international organizations and states in the region about the disastrous consequences that will be resulting this specifically that it's, it's completely right now. this city has become a mess chill to for more than 11. at 1900000 palestinians and the evacuation
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centers and mid shift accounts have been established recently on the along side with the board as of egypt, which will absolutely impose a new significant threat also for the national security. and let's be very aware about the dangers of humanitarian catastrophe that will, if that military inclusion would happen specifically among children injured people . the majority of elderly people who once be april, easily to evacuate. the 6th, a as is well claimed. the world health organization says is deeply concerned about the situation in and around nesa hospital and con eunice, just north of rafa. video has image showing what the situation is like at the hospital which has been on the is rarely siege for weeks. you can see a wounded man pulling into the building a dr. purchasing while staying low to avoid getting shots and pull some way. early the doctors without borders said at least 2 people were killed by gun fight inside
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the hospital brands. the organizations his medical stop, our afraid to move outside. postables the only facilities under attack. i'll just here a has receive video of a destroyed united nations run school in kansas city. we're displaced, palestinians accuse us rarely soldiers of carrying out a risk. some killings people be a say. they were targeted by snipers before the school was stormed by as rarely forces at the end of last month. local apple has more tools, a riddled with bullets, the concrete black in from fire and smoke. this used to be a school run by the u. n's relief and works agency on right in the remote neighborhood near garza city, up until late january, thousands of displaced palestinian sold safety here from the war lawyer on the far sitting well had a new one. on monday,
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the 29th of january is really tanks and bulldozers surrounded us and stores in the schools. the next morning. they asked us to leave the school and to carry a white flag. we went to the yard altogether, man and woman is really snipers shot one guy in the school corner door. once these res withdrew from this particular neighborhood, those who won sheltered at the school, return to see what's left of the house. they are not going to look at all these cars. the owners made no mistake and committed no crimes. these cars generate income said assemblies at own the ease rarely told us to live here. the school used to host a lot of people. it was the final resort for people like me. another displays, palestinian says is riley soldiers killed his disabled family member. my uncle was an old handicapped man. they took him and killed him for no reason. these mailings are criminals who believe they can do anything. my uncle was
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a civilian and they still killed him. my uncle didn't find israel. my uncle did an attack israel. he was the holder of an egyptian passport. what used to be a place of safety and learning? now, how is this pain and degradation? mike level l g 0. that's the way of being reporting you as president joe biden has spoken to his already prime minister benjamin netanyahu urging him to ensure the safety of civilians in any assault on rasa. she have pretends he has more from washington dc. the 1st day joe biden was mildly critical that he is ready, the destruction of gauze. the conduct of the response in gaza in the gaza strip has been um over the top on sunday the is really prime minister appeared on to us networks to a shoulda is watching, but it has been worth it. the sold on rough uh and southern gauze that would be
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next victory is within reach. we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining. how mos joe is battalions and, and rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it. and then this, i agree with the americans, we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave those times, were among the topics discussed to the cold between joe biden. i live in young on sunday, the white house and, and by the rear, from his view to the military operation and rough, i should not proceed without a credible um, executed. will plan for ensuring the safety and support for the more than 1000000 people sheltering back. then yahoo said that's exactly what the as really mother tree is growing up. we are working out a detailed plan to do so. and that's what we've done up to. now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in arms, but, but we've so far succeeded and we're going to succeed again. those will say that
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under no circumstances should we enter. rafa are basically saying, lose the war will say on sunday. yes, another story of the us media causing anonymous wife, house officials about how frustrated joe biden has become with benjamin netanyahu. and how some of his advisors are suggesting the president become more publicly critical with those risks to help see with the elements of the democratic party base. however, the report says the administration is rejecting calls to impose any conditions on military a day as well. so even off the 50 percent of self described by d coaches told one pole that in bellevue is radio operation and goes, it is a genocide. biden's administration remains of steady falls back up of the bombardment she ever time see out. is there a washington or the u. s. senate has advanced a $95000000000.00 bill to provide it to ukraine. is royal and taiwan. most of the support nearly $60000000000.00 would go to ukraine. now the 14000000000 would be
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israel and final vises expected sometime next week. as i've said, all week long, we're going to keep working on this bill until the job is done. it is essential. we finish the work on this bill. it's been years perhaps decades that the senate is taking up a stand alone bill. that's so significantly impact not just our national security, not just the security of our allies, but the very security of western democracy and our ideals for more on this, my kind of joins us now from washington, dc. and like it appears the money to be and now for the us military support and the number of a level hotspots, can you just run us through how significant this is and now contentious. it has been to get to this point or what is significant and not if the votes had not gone positive, then it would have simply all gone away back to square one. so it is significant
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that the senate has managed to pos this particular bill on a bipartisan basis. that's also encouraging for those supporting the bill of $67.00 votes to $27.00. but this is still a long way to go before that money is actually made available. there should be at least another 2 votes within the senate, followed by possibly a final vote on wednesday. but then it's going to go to a house in which the majority of the republican majority has made very clear that the bill does not stand any chance of being passed. now, in those who oppose the bold, the bulk of them in the senate were republicans who want both to add add elements introduced as well. both a good between us and mexico. i thought there was one senator who oppose the bill. on ideological moral grounds. this is what independent nissan does at the say, i struggle to find words for this cruelty. and let me
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say once again, that what is happening in garza now is funded with us taxpayer dollars. these are our bombs and our military equipment that is being used. we are all complicit. this is lot shots and is rarely when. busy it is an american war. the might, there was also a cold between button and yahoo. what was the outcome of that? is that relationship? if he has more, more tens as well, the coal went ahead which is important. um the readout from the white house made very clear that the lead is agreed that they've got to continue talking about how to get a to the residents of gaza. for example, it's significant the that the readout also include the mention of the uh, caution on a is really ideas to conduct a ground operation in
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a row for president biden, reportedly telling prime minister netanyahu that he should not do so without what he called a comprehensive plan to protect civilians in such an action. this is being an issue with the by that administration. the one pointing to a different set has the most with israel. and that is a question of the ground operation and rough uh, which state department, all aspects of the bite and ministration had been warning, could ending an absolute you monetary and disaster. so this is still the position. it does appear that the prime minister netanyahu is going to go ahead with these plans to carry out such an operation, insisting that it will be done within the parameters outlined by the united states . but still this particular issue, the issue of a ground impatient a for alpha is one that is continuing to pick at what is being absolutely steadfast us so backing for israel sections and gaza. okay, thanks so much mike, mike, hannah for us there in washington dc. clearly my colleagues have raman spoke with
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ms. stuff about go to the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative . he says to us as effectively given the go ahead for israel is offensive and rafa is government. so about those that are the imminent attack on rough i should have should have been accompanied by the united states of america supporting sees fire, immediate fed minute seats fire, which they don't support. on the contrary, i think the daily, so we've seen that would aggression, even in the american policy and position in my opinion by didn't gave them that any of the green light to proceed with. this will push and the one that then you also speaks about the fact that you will respect international law a simply lying. and we've, we've, we've seen, as you just just describe the results more than 100000 palestinians can do the injured. and in less than 4 months, and it goes on and off as the only area that is not destroyed completely yet and
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gaza. and what he wants to know is to destroy your thoughts. and in my opinion is never going to give up on it's planned to try to conduct the ethnic cleansing of the population of guys into egypt. what, any of that please. and the policy didn't with the acts of genocide. that's what the united states isn't the type of pause, but to doesn't united states as a participant in this attack. so what happens now then? because obviously, you know, it is in the control of these riley's on the americans. you have various for european capitals voicing that concern. you have a subject. yup. egypt. dealing with the side of the board in terms of building will by raising check points. it seems a complete no win situation right now for the people in russell because nobody really believes that he's good to be a safe colorado because that just copy establish fine, of course, and where would they move people to? there is no place to good. you're talking about 1400000 people, at least in the fi,
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a little the text in the notes is destroyed, then nothing else said, nobody noticed that about nothing else said he will try to move the people, but he will not allow people to go back to the north of guys. so where should they go? the only explanation of was nothing i was trying to do is to really evict me is that is that i am to evict people from guys. oh, completely out of guys. on the other hand, there to speak about too many 30 and where does you monitored in it? there is no here monitored in it. then all the guys on the center of government gets nothing people outside of in the north. they have no food, no medicines, nothing, no clean water did out of 600000 people. now sick and because of different diseases because of the out of disease because it has no clean water. what is the humanitarian? it does not do well. and on top of that, they have no kidding going or the only institution that can organize humanitarian
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it does it at the moment. is it a it has just the clipped, the closing down to the headquarters in jerusalem. i'm a thanielle and 16 other wisdom countries have decided that this has been support on the way they are practically participating in this human side. this will still a hit here real now this era in the year of to try to get in china is leave is a happens, a brief fire in to us, the slicing economy and todd security in toronto is crowds come out to celebrate 45 years since the revolution that toppled around this monica the, brought to you by visit capital. hello there. let's have a look at the weather across north america and we've got
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a powerful winter storm developing in the deep south. it's already boat snow to the likes of texas and oklahoma, and we'll see those conditions move all the way to ohio over the next few days. has an area of low pressure that's expected to become more risk to moving its way, put to quickly up the mid atlantic towards new england, where it is expected to bring some very heavy snow. we could see 20 centimeters full in places. very powerful winds as well. with the threat of coastal flooding now kay is up nicely in the deep south behind that on tuesday morning. the way sunshine when pumping back in. and it's a pretty fair prospect for the west coast over the us. certainly california of to pretty wild weather. last week we'll see temperatures continue to rise in places like los angeles and temperatures are on the up across mexico. as we move to central america and the caribbean, they'll come down slightly. thanks for the talent of that storm bringing some heavier rain to places like well hawk southern parts of mexico and the you could time peninsula. by monday into tuesday, the heaviest of the rain falls across the moving parts of and duras and legacy of
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showers, moving across the western parts of cuba. thanks to that system. but they'll be lots of sunshine for the east of that as to whether update the quote to you by visit cuts on the 1st to me. so i, that's me see the real time, it's the fixed is, itself was there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the
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the for you, what you notice here, a reminder of our top story is the ssl. the threat of the looming is rarely ground invasion of the southern most point because this trip is put the region on edge and moss as well as the ground. the salt on profit will undermine any chance of releasing more kept us then a phone call you as president joe biden has told these ready prime minister not to go ahead with a military operation and profit without a credible plan to protect civilians. affiliate benjamin netanyahu told us media the ground defensive and bravo will be going ahead of another world news, it's still unclear who will form the next governments 3 dies off to the general election, and pakistan protest against the delayed vote. counts have been held in civil cities, the official results have been announced, but as i said, bank reports from the whole not potty has won an outfront majority of
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the she has been in jail since last may, but that didn't stop. yes. been russian from stunning for election the candidate for that the 3 k and software peach i party stood against the lead to of the book's done was to meet on former prime minister and it was sharif family. say she one you asked me to us. it was leading by 1819000 or so awards. when the last we calculated the 89 percent of those. no, i city was the 20000 words behind and and we will assure the manipulated the entire does that well, yes, mean rashid has been in prison. a brother in law has been running the election campaign and recalled what happened after the pulse closed. at one point of di we heard some people go me beating the man up for, you know, trying to ask him to put the results on. they have just bugged into it with the but
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then 11 b goes and all black on without numbers and not a black screens on them. and this, this walk into the office step focused on election commission posted the election result form on this website. there was a discrepancy in numbers. the number of valid volts was higher than the number of total volts. it has since been taken done and another phone posted with a different set of numbers showing an increase in volts for the last roof out 0 aust, both the election commission of books done was the need for comment. no response has been received in the whole picture. i officials postponed a pen protest saying he was a punting site, protest and potentially advise us would be blamed on the party. some turned up anyway and were detained by police. can you give us a 2nd? probably just therapy. um, can you tell us tennis? why those people would you say you're not about to speak to us? can you tell us what the police are doing here today?
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can you tell us what the police, what's the order for the people here today? and instead of trying to avoid those people were to turn to the leader of the peach i and former prime minister in mancha. and he's in jail of activists are also in prison. they say that's plates introduction into favor and send them job it. and the husband have been in prison for 92 months. many delta is the my daughter is in prison because she has become politically aware. she supports him or on conn and p . t. i and their vision that this country should have civilian rule and be free. no party is a chief to majority to form a government from his present self, iran con, and the peachy, i say that intending to challenge the results in court. i said big i 0, the whole book is done before the finish. conservative prime minister alexandra stump has won the run of presidential election with 51.4 percent of the voters defend the wrong politician. is expected to take a hard line against neighboring russia stump back to the decision to in decades of
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finland's political neutrality, enjoying the nice have a lives following devise. an invasion of the crime. a russia is a way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with bruton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only to there's a battlefield at the moment to what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to a membership that's probably the best to turn with sweden's government has told us citizens to prepare for the defense minister made the comments last week is fussing a new crime drags on and sweden moves closer to nice on men to ship, the government is reinstating a conscription program that's been pause more than
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a decade and putting teenagers to reboot can pull race, travel to the island of governance to meet some of the in the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list, captain optic, i want it to be, becomes people for his. my dad was in it, so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the reality, checks that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a dismantling of the armed forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's knights, her application, caused to rethink the conscripts of training hair on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweden's drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus
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of sweden's preparations for joining nighttime. got wind controls passage through the politics, a 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts. some of them could end up on they told you these, these would be valuable to, to make sure that they don't train that training to exist size. they're planning a footage. same with the way nature does business note the corporation. buffering demari 7 add domain is actually critical because to both to create gen is one of higher activity by russian forces. mommy chiefs of told sweets to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper. spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent that papers online and the waiting for a call up is how soon is the left of the tunnel? it does feel a bit pricing to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all about my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of
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neutrality, that is all positions with 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid, that doesn't make sweden all the world safer. sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that didn't have a needs to use the pull race out is eric outland, sweden, where you cried in this president for a lot of music. lensky has appointed a new come on to, to lead its ground forces from a deputy defense minister alexander of look will fill the role. he replaces the looks on the ski who was promoted this week to lead you kinds of forces on said today, savanski announced several senior military appointments meant to strengthen your crimes defense against russian forces. when the chief jim stocum dex is donald trump's latest comments on the military alliance and dangers all its members. and
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really in south carolina, trump said he would encourage russia to attack nice or allies who he believes, spending enough on defense. the white house cooled his remarks, a polling and unhinged, sold books is trumps. from august written the safety of both american and european soldiers. most politicians have said to that, yes, we will protect you under any 2nd. well, then they never paying up. i said, no, no, you have to understand, you don't pay your bills, you get no protection is very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato. and that's why they have money today because of what i did. and then i hear that they like obama, better they should like obama better. you know why? because he didn't ask for anything. we were like the stupid country of the world and we're not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer. we're not going to be, i think you are paying junior and hazard synagogues authorities to guarantee fundamental freedoms. after the days of violence,
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the 16 year old was shots in the hedge or in protests. and the southern city is the core. is this the death and unrest that began off to prison? make you sol postponed this month's presidential election around is making the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution. february, the 11th 1979, was the culmination of the uprising which toppled the moment came. the rule of the shot was replaced by an as lumnick for public. this time security for pro government rallies being held in the capital and nationwide from toronto, since your bowery has more of an important day for the establishment here. it's always been used to highlight it's achievements and rally the people around the ideologies which fuels a revolution in 1979. but it's going to to much was here here for the crumbling economy, rapid unemployment, and it will track down on the sense many radians are frustrated, but the ones that did come out here today did so. so one reason
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it's our duty to participation discrimination is the result of lots of blood that was spilled. there were many victims for the revolution, so it's our duty to protect it. i think it's the duty of every it any and to support that lucian and the country by coming here we showed that we stand by that evolution despite all the difficulties and problems for me, my name was about done here, but i'm here today to say i support the supreme leader forever. we're all united and will never stop supporting the leader. that unity is what president of writing, right? you see, is praising here, 45 years on despite unprecedented form pressures and internal this content. this is the are on the authorities, wants to highlights door sense of r e l g 0 to her on it's it's holiday season in china as close to one and a half 1000000000 people celebrate luna new? yeah. john, this latest. so hoping that will be going on a spending spree to give a much needed boost of the world's 2nd largest economy, found to be low,
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has moved from patient for the 1st time. so he's quoted 19, restrictions were lifted with a chinese called pimples. bears are back in their bustling in b, j, sending everything to employees to land keyboards on the search because it's a special education. but they can't afford to spend like this or do that in the lab . but i would do 1000 my utah wait. i was only planning to buy one stick, but it's 50 wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year hiatus vendors have not raised prices. and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is a constant worry.


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