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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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a day, 9 outline for us how big a 12 level is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on just the it is rarely as strikes, pound, vasa and southern gauss, over 1400000 palestinians of sheltering at least 63 people having killed in the wake of those attacks. israel says that some other tree has rescued to captive townsend casa this is out of your life from the house. and so coming up, the us president tells us ready funds to benjamin netanyahu. that civilians must be
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protected during any ground assault on drama. and politicians in august on race to form a coalition government official election results failed to produce a clear when the we began in southern gaza with is really military has carried out overnight attacks in the city of the alpha the, the $363.00 palestinians have been killed multiple strides, tied to the vicinity of crazy holes, special crowns of engine palestinians, including children, have streaming to the other foot and facility. as well as defense minister says 2 captains were rescued in the operation. the army identified the 2 men a 60 year old. fernando mom on 72 year old luis hi
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will todd it. otherwise, im has more on the phone from joshua on those other night strikes the the, the tech had not been kind of lee and will have been on the, on the start button and for at least one hour easily. but it should be 5 digits, was bouncing off the strip to the new every single area in eastern the center. and also in the southern part of a roof or a everyone knows it's, it's very crowded with residential times according to these issues. and there are some people under the russell. ready the destroy areas where it seems to be disclosed later as an operation service q. it's rare. ready says as easily mimicry spokesperson has stated that, that very complex correlation being organized and made in by to release to it's ready to send the money is on the i have stated the success of it's
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a military operation and this is absolutely was terrifying with the problem because bottom antwan's, i'm for the old displaced people who have been running in the streets shouting from the level of destruction and the loud explosions that was completely that were completely unfolding the majority of distance people. so people have been living church, find hours within the past a few hours where they are no longer a few safe and civil, even displaced people who clearly have no plate and the pace was to go on the have loose ends of safety. you can this area that is designated by the end of the many trans receive. so this is what do you like of nations? do you have the u. k? i'm to egypt has been warning for the past few days from practically happening because it will be kind of nice to humanitarian most in my state. if there is going to be any ministry and could sometime moving from crockett to go for another place,
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but they will find nothing but locals. and the majority of the areas where he is or the ministry has a greater than the facts on the ground that people i'm afraid to be crammed into. this either are pointing to the roof or i'm the link to being displaced or pushed out from cause that egypt. and this is what the majority of guns and see if you think it's considered to be like not now for a run have done at least where the army has been speaking about the military, his actions and alpha correspondents or challenges. joining us live from occupied east jerusalem and israel saying that the wave of air raids that were launched by the air force and java or to get the captives auditory. the yeah, elizabeth, i'm before it goes to the details of cover. yeah, this with saying that the information that we have is a might even has come from these ready defense ministry ad has come from these ready media. we don't independently verify this the moment, but the pictures that we have it stands right now is that these 2 captives for
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another mom. and i know that there's always hot and now in she, the hospital in the tennessee area, so reported to be in good health. and they were taken from a kibbutz near the cause of florida on outside of the 7 2nd. that's cool, but the inside. now the operation to get them out was a combined operation. this is what the defense ministry is saying. combined operation involving the ami sion backs, which is the internal security service and the is ready police. we understand that you have deadlines, the defense minister and benjamin netanyahu. what monitoring the operation as this took place and give us glance, has described it as an impressive evacuation operation. he said he followed the operation closely with the prime minister and officials and express our appreciation to the army and shouldn't but forces for the important operation. now
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going to what these ready major has been saying, yes, your rights that they are reporting that this was the bombardment the raffle was subjected to ivan, i was taught solve this operation to get the 2 captives out. they assigned goals that the taxes are found on the 2nd floor of a building in rafa. and that the buildings being heavy got it under this operation . i have been plans quite on time, but had caps on being pulled off. now what we to take away from all of this well, so this is only the 2nd, the successful rescue operation to get caps is from inside cause a house which highlights the problems that these ready ministry has when it comes to using force to get kept saves, at home. nevertheless, this will be used by, of course the, the method the yahoo government has a rad that have good news regarding these captives. the fact that they were found
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a raffle play into the government line that had an operation of ground operation profit incursion into rafa is a necessary part of this war if there were found on the 2nd floor of, of a building. that's also interesting because the common assumption is that most of the cast captives are being held in the tunnels on the ground. but if some of them at least are being held above ground, that might contribute to why we're starting to his room is from within the is ready to government that have more of the sausages a dead. and they had originally as hughes. because of course, if that being held above ground and now being subjected to the same level of relentless bombardment from the as of the rest of 5 patterson, the causes kind of simple collection of things suggested to or we thank you very much for that to where we challenge with the laces for what we know so far. joining us live from occupied east jerusalem us president joe biden has spoken to is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu urging him to ensure the safety of civilians
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and any ground assault on and off. or she have a tons he has moved from washington, dc. it on the 1st day, joe biden was mildly critical that he is ready, the destruction of garza, the conduct of the response in gaza in the gaza strip has been um over the top. i'm some of the abs ready, prime minister appeared on to us networks to a shoulda is watching, but it has been worth it. and that most sold on rough uh and southern because it would be next victory is within reach. we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining, how mos, joe is battalions and, and rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave those times, were among the topics discussed to the cold between joe biden. i live in young on sunday. the white house sang and by the rear,
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from his view to the military operation and rough, i should not proceed without a credible um, executed will plan for ensuring the safety and support for the more than 1000000 people sheltering back. then yahoo said that's exactly what the as really mother tree is growing up. we are working out a detailed plan to do so. and that's what we've done up to now, we're not. we're not cavalier about those. this is part of our award effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded, and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter. rafa are basically saying lose the war. also on sunday. yes, another story in the us media causing anonymous wife, house officials about how frustrated joe biden has become with benjamin netanyahu. and how some of his advisors are suggesting the president become more publicly critical in those risks to help suit elements of a democratic party base. however, the report says the administration is rejecting calls to impose any conditions on
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military a day as well. so even off the 50 percent self described by d coaches told one pole that in bellevue is really opperation and because it is a genocide lightens administration remains of stab the false backup of the bombardment she ever time see out. is there a washington, a batch that break even use? all of these rarely tapped as being rescued from gaza. let's look into the associate director of the ship and medical center instead of be with the captives being taken yard yard stuff. and they are in a stable condition and we tend to continue and follow them up for the coming days until we be quite sure clear of their medical situation. but they think that the most important moment is no just the medical part. but rather the personnel issue in defect in to see
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them joining with their family. we're the loved ones. 4 months have been seen. remember there, there is a 70 year old person there in this 6 year old person there in your notes young. these are the people who are keeping up from israel today and kids or students, hostages with guys a 3. we are hoping we are praying and we want everyone to return to their homeland . we through these people indeed nothing that your civilians and they are here to work keeping up. so now we are very happy to see them return weed to us. we had lots of experience from our the previous people release the women so that they associate director of the sheep and medical center and kind of a bad hey speaking of to the, to is really captives who have been rescued in a joint operation by the israeli military from profit and southern gaza has been flown by helicopter to the medical center. he's saying that that in
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a stable condition that they will be monitored for the next few days. that they a 70 and 60 years old saying that they not young. and that's what's most important is to see them read united with the families in the us senate has advanced a 95000000000 dollar bill to provide a to ukraine, israel and taiwan. most of the supposed be $60000000000.00 would go to ukraine and $14000000000.00 for as well. a fund lloyd is expected next week. my kind of has moved from washington dc. well, the money isn't going any way yet. they are still a number of votes to take place in the senate before a final vote that is possible. on wednesday, on the positive side, the bill was passed by 67 to 27 and this particular vote. and on a bi partisan basis, this is a very important point for those supporting the bill. but among those who opposable
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was one senator, who objected to what he called the us is immoral and unethical support of israel's will and gaza. this is what independence send it to, but nissan does had to say, i struggle to find words for this cruelty. and let me say once again, that what is happening in garza now is funded with us tax payer dollars. these are our bombs and our military equipment that is being used. we all complicit this is lot shots in his reality. we. busy it is an american war, even when know if the bill passes the senate, then there's another hurdle. and that is the house with the republican government take. that house has insisted that passage foldable providing funding to foreign
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countries will be exceedingly difficult. so there's a lot to go before president biden signs. the bill, intell, montana, ultra sarah washington, a fatality and man has been shocked by his wiley forces and occupied east jerusalem . they say they all have been fine when he tried to stab police officers. it has been a significant search involved and some of the occupied territories since the start of the whole. and i've told them that is where any army has been conducting more res. across the occupied westbank, the young palestinian man was shot dead the best to him. incursions also took place in the town of hodges and of the village, east of nablus, where troops used to flash as well as to me and president of the boss has arrived in cautious capital. go, ha, it'll be holding talks with cost of leadership to try and reach, sees, find to give them casa, caught out to us in egypt have been leading negotiations between as well and how mos, i'll just say what has received a video of
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a destroyed united nations around schools and gaza city, where displays, palestinians accuses wiley soldiers of carrying on to rest. and kennings. people say they were targeted by snipers before his ready falls of stone to school at the end of last month. michael apple has more of the the walls, a riddled with bullets, the concrete black in from fire in smoke. this used to be a school run by the u ins, relief, and works agency on right in the remote and neighborhood near a gaza city. up until late january, thousands of displaced palestinian sold safety here from the wor, no while you're on the car sitting while hard talk a new one on monday the 29th of january is really tanks and bulldozers surrounded us and stored in the school the next morning they asked us to leave the school and to carry a white flag. we went to the yard altogether. man and woman is really snipers shot one guy in the school corridor. once these ratings withdrew from this particular
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neighborhood, those who won sheltered at the school, return to see what's left of the plan. so you're not going to look at all these cars. the owners made no mistake and committed no crimes. these cars generate income for the families that on the east bailey's told us to live here. the school used to host a lot of people. it was the final resort for people like me. now the displays palestinian says is riley soldiers killed his disabled family member. my uncle was an old handicapped man. they took him and killed him for no reason. he's really the criminals who believe they can do anything. my uncle was a civilian and they still killed him. my uncle didn't fight israel. my uncle didn't attack israel. he was the hold of an egyptian passport. what used to be a place of safety and learning. now how is this pain and degradation?
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mike level l g 0. still ahead on knowledge as 0 tight secuity instead on. as crowds come on to celebrate $45.00, yes, and the resolution that toppled around small machine the the had a lot of they will have a look at the event and middle east and it doesn't often happen. but when it rains, it tends to pull across the gulf. we've seen some heavy rain from sky to child was affecting places like could talk. and you can see that batch of heavy rain starts to pull its way across the united arab emirates on woods to a month. we're gonna see some drenching down pools behind that a legacy of cloud remaining. by tuesday, we are expecting some heavy rain to start to push into the southwest of saudi arabia, bringing
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a chance of flooding him. it's much dryer to the north of this across that event. look for fine and dry weather to be found. with temperatures above the average worker, however, as we go into choose day for western areas of to kids and as good as on wet across the north of africa. we have seen some fine and settled weather here, but there's a wind blowing, no showers across algeria into northern parts of libya, and on would see egypt before the south of this. it is a very hot picture, and it's certainly hot to close southern parts of africa. but swan a tide, it's february temperature record in a gap or road on sunday. and the heat continues to dominate here despite the width of weather, which pushes out from eastern areas. we are expecting that heat to continue to build as we go into the new week by wednesday 37 degrees celsius in gather on the focus tasks formerly the in run con is defined far as, as elections procedure that the 2 devices nation people have power presents an
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exclusive account of the lead up to is the risk allegations of corruption of the room doing just an audio going to be put in j unprecedented truck down on the supporters and the cost amount of his incarceration. all the right relation being infringed in runs on run out on the jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching out of the i would me, elizabeth put on a mentor of a mando about top stories to saw at least 63 pounds samantha,
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being killed in the night that will multiple strikes me of the ways, the hospital and crowds of injured pounds to the ends, including children, strange of 70. israel's defense minister says 2 captains have been rescued from the army identified the 2 men as 60. fernando marmen and 70 wrote luis hans newest president joyce item has spoken to is ready promise to benjamin netanyahu on the fund urging him to ensure the safety of civilians have any ground to something on their off. closed questions about where people in jocelyn will be back to a to, to and what exactly as well as plan is most areas of gaza. now uninhabitable. recent fast lightfoot, and shows extensive damaged infrastructure in the strip. since the start of the 79000 homes are completely destroyed, 290000 buildings have been damaged. only 6 office, 36 hospitals and still functioning,
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making it difficult for palestinians to access basic health care. the end of the nose of gaza, people are struggling to survive. they have running out of food and basic necessities on the south. chevy for ports. yes. to do wirelessly. we'll negotiate a few look. but people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run short and simple as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive. and have a nice amanda saba, we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed. we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in 10th were drenched and rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cry, day and night because they are hungry. there's, you know, you guys have little more. there's nothing exceptional and bombardment and hunger. my children cry because they're hungry, we did not receive any humanitarian aid. this for doing gas, i don't get any humanitarian. a applause of all of us the most. really your
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children have no guns or dying of hunger. there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is doing yes. i only little pieces of bread today, we are reduced aging grass. my name is tim, as to the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is in justice either tell us all or give us a proper chance to live in mind that the official medical bond is the who the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of basic necessities obtaining foods that become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families and is to show you how does he all shamella does the, in other words, use it as an unclear who formed the next governments and pockets found 3 days after the general election. the official results have been announced,
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but as some vague before it's from the for no policy has won an outright majority or the she has been in jail since last may. but that didn't stop. yes me and rushed from standing for election. the candidate for the c k and software peach i party stood against the lead to of the book's done was to meet on former prime minister and it was sharif family. say she one you asked me to us. it was leading by 1819000 or so awards. when the last we calculated the 89 percent of those, the city was the 20000 wards behind and. and we will assure them that if lifted the entire to that was yes, mean rashid has been in prison. a brother in law has been running the election campaign and recalled what happened after the pulse closed. at one point of di we
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heard some people go me beating the man up, you know, trying to ask him to put those out. so they have just bugged into it was about $1011.00 v goes in all black on without numbers and not a black. the screens on them and this walk into the office step focused on election commission posted the election result form on his website. there was a discrepancy in numbers. the number of valid votes was higher than the number of total volts. it has since been taken done and another phone posted with a different set of numbers showing an increase in volts from the wall street out 0 aust, both the election commission of books done was the need for comment. no response has been received in the whole picture. i officials postponed a pen protest saying he was a plan to insight protest as potentially violent would be blamed on the party. some turned up anyway and were detained by police. can you give us a 2nd? probably just therapy um tennis, tennis, tennis, tennis, why those people who are detained you're not allowed to speak to us. can you tell
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us what the police are doing here today? can you tell us what the police, what's the order for the people here today? can you tell us why those people were to turn to the leader of the peach? i am former prime minister in mancha and he's in jail of the activists are also in prison. they say that's plates introduction into favor and send them drove it. and the husband have been in prison for 92 months. many delta is lea a. my daughter is in prison because she has become politically aware. she supports him or on conn and p. t. i and their vision that this country should have civilian rule and be free. no party is a chief to majority to form a government from his present self, iran con, and the peachy, i say that intending to challenge the results in court. i said big i 0, the whole focused on the fullest finish. conservative prime minister alex on the stove has won the run of presidential election. the 51.4 percent of the vote. the centralized politicians expected to take
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a hotline position against neighboring russia. to back the decision to end decades of segments, political neutrality and joined the nato alliance, following the russian invasion of refrain. russia is way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with fulton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only through the battle field at the moment to what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to a membership that's probably the best to turn. and so it is, government has told citizens to prepare for war. the defense minister made the comments as fighting in ukraine, drags on, and sweden moves closer to nathan membership. the government does reinstating
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a conscription program that's been pulls for more than a decade. pulling race reports from adult labs. a swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list talked about, i wanted to be in the cons, people forest, my dad was in it, so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people grow soft when they're doing it because it is so realistic that everything's not about you. conscription was common hit during and after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a dismantling of the armed forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's nights, her application caused to rethink the conscripts of trading hair on top, plus an island that symbolizes and sweetens drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus
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of sweden's preparations for joining nighttime. got wind controls. passage street, the baltic sea 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here was tripling its number of conscripts, some of whom could end up on nato. g t's, this would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business multi corporation, both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told sweets to mentally prepare for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sent the papers on line and the waiting for a call up is how soon it's left. a public tell me it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and to have no choice unless you want to go to present all but my friends and i also talk about one thing to do. i'm a bit for sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they did. after decades of
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neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't make sweden all the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high that didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric dock, line sweden, who as defense, secretary lloyd austin has returned to hospital for treatment for a bladder issue. officer this president jo biden's, top military advisor. this is the 2nd time he's been hospitalized in recent months . he underwent surgery for prostate cancer and late december, he has transferred duties to deputy secretary of defense, catherine hicks for staying in the us. and 2 people, including a 5 year old child, had been wounded following the shooting at a texas church. local police, a woman armed with a rifle, enter the building with
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a young child off duty police officers who are working as security of the venue, shot and killed a woman and injured the child. the church belongs to celebrity pasta, joel austin. and as one of the largest religious menus ended us both offers officer and aged in gauge striking the female seas deceased here on the same unfortunately, a 5 year old kid was here and is a critical condition at our local hospital was a 57 year old man, who didn't have anything to do with it. i don't think was shot in the leg these, they can treatment in the hospital. the european union has a setting goals, the policies to guarantee fundamental freedoms off the days of violence. a 16 year old was shot from the hedge and protests and asylum. city is the fed death and protest which began off the president smockey sol postpone this month. presidential


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