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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the 0 enables me to make the other voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us. then divide the as rarely as strikes hit the spot in southern gaza with 1400000 palestinians, a sheltering at least 63 people have been killed in the wake of those attacks. as well as, as if some of the 3 has rescued. 2 captains held them dodson hello autumn. this is ellen, just the or life from door hot. so coming up, the us president tells us really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. civilians must be protected during any ground assault on dropbox. i'm told to prepare for will
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sweeten friends back mandatory military service. the beginning, the southern gaza with is where the military has carried out of a nice attacks on the city of alpha. the at least 63 palestinians have been killed. multiple strikes, targeted the vicinity of the great hospitals and crowns of engine palestinians, including children, have streamed into the other foot and facility. and as well as defense ministers, as to captains, were rescued during the operation. the vin identified as 60 year old fernando, my mom and 70 ero luis han, both of beautiful and hospital, and israel,
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and the military says they're in good health. i'm very happy to announce that this nights to release hostages blended here. it's cheap, a medical center. israel's largest hospital, they were receiving r e r. and initial examination were conducted by our e r stuff. and they are in a stable condition and we tend to continue and follow them up for the coming uh days until will be for sure. clear of their medical situation. oh correspondent, honey, my hold is joining us on the phone from the dolphin. now, honey, over the past few hours i colleague topic has been pushing on a significant increase and is really strikes on the offer and also facing around it off or what can you tell us about what's happening there now a
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yes. so you go over night, the attack seems to be only intensifying and it doesn't increase intensity in the r talerie showing. and it seems like these really military was using all of its military are so now with the exception of course of the nuclear power just, you know, the point that out. but either way, the word cloud cops or this has to do with how look out there is who is fighters yet. there are tillery showing tanks the old at ones that started from midnight there, as, as the time left. the now is a speed you're still found of explosion from the eastern part of the deal. rough i has the northern projects, the border area between connie and, and the city. and the mission of, of course, that we're getting right now was over night attacks targeted residential homes,
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how the eastern part of the city, either with cognitive public facilities, the infrastructure, the recruiting growth. then her made me involved in connecting connie and it's, i would lose the city. all of this has been mounting the pressure on the people that they can safely say that it was a sleepless restless night for the vast majority of the, the people in the cities here is still continuing to happen right now. and there is a dense and presence of attack, a drawing just making it very difficult for a possible movement in or out for they've been shown home. this is the data, how they can fear and for a lot of people. and this is at the beginning for them. this is the probably the beginning of the offensive and defensive as close to the as rarely,
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military has been warning about full well over a week. now they have been saying that they are going to advance the ground operation into alpha. and how do you, when you speak about, you know, the vast majority of people in, in the rough uh and how that feeling. it's really important to remind of you was at this point that the vast majority of gauze, this population, is now in rough, uh, as in its southern most city on the border with egypt. yes, that is accurate. more than half of the dogs as the population have been squeezed into business mode part of the city. i mean that you can easily spot how data populated the become has the did become just said grief. walk into the street of off behind and seeing the old tens that being set up on the sidewalk. on the living islands in the middle of the road or evacuation centers manage and run
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by on or why and all the or all the empty pockets of land here at the, the initial weeks of the war. when we arrived here, we, we did some of the reporting if it was that was relatively a mc that with the exception of course, of the low cost president. but just within the span of tomorrow's, the population, owing to from 250000, all the way to one point. the little over 1700000 people here. uh, all the crowded in, in this a small part. the city doesn't have enough. it doesn't have a proper infrastructure, doesn't have the fact that he uses disability to accommodate the large number of people the so far what we're looking at the patent has been created on the cook them. the ground is not only displacement and the the fact that there are difficult living conditions that they have to experience on daily basis and what seems to be their noun normal. it now is on top of this is the mounting that trauma,
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that will be an express of the ground invasion, but they are linked with no options in terms of 50. it's equivalent to non or they limited because no talk about the possibility of providing safety zoar where safety car doors. and even if there are talked about this, there's still that terrible experience they had in the past with, with safety zone designated by these really military. and it's people ended up being killed in a very designated drunk that the military told them to go to. and but now there, there is a huge explosion going on at the northern part of the city, and i can clearly hear it. honey, thank you very much for that. that is our correspondent, honey, must new joining us on the phone from off of the very latest. thank you, honey. and that is where the army has been speaking about the military, his actions in adolfo, let's go to our correspondent drawer challenges. he's joining us live from occupied
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east jerusalem and very as we were hearing from had a that increase. and as really military action is very much continuing, this is off, the israel has got those 2 captives out of gaza. they have said that the wave of air raids that they launched were to get the captives out of the yeah, that's right. and that's what's being reported. so in these ready media, the, the intense bombardment, the rafa has 5 and night, was directly linked to his pots. all this rescue operations that we've heard from in the statements we've had from the defense minutes, the clients who has cooled, this an impressive rescue operation. the said i followed the operation closely with the prime minister and officials and express our appreciation to the army and shouldn't but forces. so the important operation, this was a joint operation,
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mation, but that's the internal security agency, intelligent security agencies and says, ready police as well. now what's being reported and is ready media become independent, be verify this at the moment. the picture that we're getting is that the operation took about an hour, and it happens that say 1 in the morning local times over nice that the cap saves were being held in at a heavily cottage, a palm of building on the 2nd floor of that building. and the operation had been planned for quite some time, and it'd been delays numerous times before it was fine. it's undertaken. one of the take away some day as well. this is obvious, the a rabbit of good news for the next in yahoo governments. it highlights the difficulty of rescue operations to get those capt is out. this is already the 2nd time that an operation of the so has been carried out successfully. so next
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now he was likely to use this as a further indications by the proof that a proof of ground operation in rafa is necessary because these caps is a found him in the rest of the area. it, it was. so i think uh, shows the level of destruction and death that the is ready on me is willing to inflict all the civilians in gaza. we've had 60 plus dead in rough us to get to hostages to cancers out. and so that's another illustration of, of that kind of mixed match that, that file it and so of death and destruction for, for his right. he lives and school. so i think it plays into this idea of, well, wherever these hostages being kept, the assumption is that most of being kept on the ground in, in the tunnels. but these 2, if we understand the correctly found above ground in, in an apartment building. so that might influence this kind of the room is that
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we're getting now. so if is right at the bottom and saw that many more of the captives are, seems to be dead than had initially being bored, especially being stated. and that might, these 2 might be links and might well be because some of the caps are being held above ground across an undergrad. which means of course, that subjective to the same level of intense bob, bob. and that the civilians of cause of a being subjected to roy. thank you very much for that boy. challenge with a very nice us live and occupied east jerusalem. us president joe biden has spoken to. is there any pa minister benjamin netanyahu urging him to ensure the safety of civilians at any ground assault on the golf, or she have a time he has moved from washington dc. the 1st day joe biden was mildly critical that he is ready, the destruction of gauze. the conduct of the response in gaza is the guy is a strip has been um over the top on sunday. the is really prime minister appeared
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on to us networks to the shoulders watching, but it has been worth it. the sold on rough uh and southern because it would be next victory is within reach. were going to do it. we're going to get the remaining, how mos terrace battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion. but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave those plans are among the topics discussed to the cold between joe biden. i live in young on sunday, the white house and, and by the rear, from his view to the military operation and rough, i should not proceed without a credible, i'm executor, will plan for ensuring the safety and support for the more than 1000000. people sheltering that then yahoo said that's exactly what the as really mother tree is drawing up the we are working out a detail plan to do so. and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings
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out of harm's way. it's part of how mazda is effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded, and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances, should we enter off or are basically saying lose the war. also on sunday. yes, another story in the us media causing anonymous wife, house officials about how frustrated joe biden has become with benjamin netanyahu, and how some of his advisors are suggesting the president become more publicly critical in those relics, helps soothe the elements of a democratic party base. however, the report says the administration is rejecting calls to impose any conditions on military a day as well. so even off the 50 percent self described by votes has told one pole the view is really operation and goals. it is a genocide. biden's administration remains of stab the false back of the bombardment she ever time see out, is there a washington in the us senate has alonzo $95000000000.00 bill to provide aid to
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ukraine. israel and taiwan. most of the supposed nearly $60000000000.00 would go to ukraine with $14000000000.00 for israel, a final thoughts expected next week. my kind of has moved from washington dc. well, the money isn't going any way yet. they are still a number of votes to take place in the senate before a final vote that is possible. on wednesday, on the positive side, the bill was passed by 67 to 27 in this particular vote. and on a bipartisan basis, this is a very important point for those supporting the bill. but among those who opposable was one senator, who objected to what he called the us is immoral and unethical support of israel as will and gaza. this is what independence, senator, but nissan does have to say, i struggle to find words for this cruelty. and let me
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say once again that what is happening in garza now is funded with us tax payer dollars. these are our bombs and our military equipment that is being used. we all complicit this is lot shots in his reality. we. busy it is an american war, even when know if the bill passes the senate, then there's another hurdle. and that is the house with the republican government take. that house has insisted that passage foldable providing funding to foreign countries will be exceedingly difficult. so there's a lot to go before president biden signs. the bill intell my kind of out this era, washington. a palestinian man has been shot by, is rarely forces and occupied east jerusalem. they say they opened fire when he tried to stab police officers. it has been
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a search in violence and the occupied territories since the start of the war. and october, i want to say are, has received video of a destroyed united nations run school. and the gaza says he would displays, palestinians accuses very souls of carrying out arrests and connects. people say that was targeted by snipers before was ready for the storm. the school at the end of last month, michael apple has more tools, a riddled with bullets, the concrete black in from fire and smoke. this used to be a school run by the u. n's relief and works agency on right in the remote and neighborhood me a gaza sits up until late january thousands of displace palestinian sold safety here from the war lawyer on the targeting one hard tough, new one. on monday, the 29th of january is really tanks and bulldozers surrounded us and stored in the school the next morning. they asked us to leave the school and to carry
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a white flag. we went to the yard altogether, man and woman is rarely snipers shot one guy in the school corridor. once these ratings withdrew from this particular neighborhood, those who won, sheltered at the school, returned to see what's left of the plan. i say on thursday, ok, know, look at all these cars, the owners made no mistake and committed no crimes. these cars generate income for the families that on the east rarely told us to live here. the school used to host a lot of people. it was the final resort for people like me. another displays, palestinian says is riley soldiers killed his disabled family member. my uncle was an old handicapped man. they took him and killed him for no reason. these melodies are criminals who believe they can do anything. my uncle was a civilian and they still killed him. my uncle didn't fight israel. my uncle didn't
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attack israel. he was the holder of an egyptian passport. what used to be a place of safety and learning? now how is this pain and degradation? mike, level l g 0. still ahead on algebra, we find out what it's like when you called here the bombs pulling into what's on the spot in the field of loss, the the hello. they will have a look at the event and middle east, and it doesn't often happen, but when it rains, it tends to pull across the gulf. we've seen some heavy rain from sky to child was affecting places like could talk. and you can see that batch of heavy rain starts to pull its way across the united arab emirates on woods to a month. we're gonna see some drenching down pools behind that
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a legacy of cloud remaining. by tuesday, we are expecting some heavy rain to start to push into the south west of saudi arabia, bringing a chance of flooding him. it's much to wire to the north of this across that event, lots of fine and dry weather to be found with temperatures above the average worker . however, as we go into tuesday, for western areas of to kia and as good as on wet across the north of africa, we have seen some fine and settled weather here. but there's a wind blowing, no showers across algeria into northern parts of libya, and on would see egypt before the south of this. it is a very hot picture and it's certainly hard to close. southern parts of africa, botswana tide, it's february temperature record in a gap or rhone on sunday. and the heat continues to dominate here despite the width of weather, which pushes out from eastern areas. we are expecting that heat to continue to build as we go into the new week by wednesday. so to 7 degrees celsius in gather on the
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august artist, formerly to him, run con is behind far as, as elections procedure that the 2 devices nation people have power presents an exclusive account of the lead up to is a risk allegations of corruption of the room. doing is an audio going to be put in j unprecedented truck down on the supporters and the optimal incarceration. all the right lights are being infringed and run some run out on the jersey to on the me, elizabeth autumn and don't ha, i don't mind to about top stories. the seller and the 63 palestinians have been
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killed and is rarely attacked on the southern city of nights. so a multiple strikes near the quays, hospital, crowds of engine palestinians, including children in the stream into the other 17. and as well as the defense minister says, 2 captives have been rescued from ross on ami, identify the 2 men as 60 roll. fernando, my mom and 70 of old luis ha, files of palestinians with disabilities and being forced to navigate the challenges of a voice on without access to vice will health services. those who a death on table to hear the sound of bombs. but they can still feel the intensity of the bloss. this is one man story. the low low nathaniel just the cause of how the or the the day i this is heather. this was
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a lot of who should have never had. this is the order by the have to worry about paying for the what else? the money in move out in the middle. why the into the subject of your maybe my, your book law on something fall. i did the 2nd level, well the, which all of live just buy the lot of, you know, i know, i know he's the, or the limo to the, you know, you know, from the, you want us little actually on the fish the feed. oh, the more on the i was talking to the, the housing the you had was the, have you gotten the whole for the the sure the how good of the sort of you, that one of the guns of a mazda, how did i know? so how do you that on the level of the you know, the possibly possible,
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what is the her and then had the facility on the fish i just had, i really do the little all of us meet the for the same for living one this i got i got to live, i never go for still got the whole body on top of the georgia tech. a lot of saga. oh no. i thought i had all the stuff. no, i shall just a 100 intern phone to go over. what on the, on the bottom there was a 100 will help install the display of holy sales will have not seen them. see a lot of the uh the, the product from your apple doesn't have the title please. i love i definitely. well, i don't see what let me know what other than um had. uh huh. the
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other one use form a finish. conservative prime minister alexander step has won the run of presidential election with 51.4 percent of the vote. the central right politicians expected to take a hard line position against neighboring russia. still back the decision to end decades of films, political neutrality and joined the nato alliance. following the russian invasion of ukraine. russia is way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with fulton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only through the battle field. at the
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moment of what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine, give them money, munition weapons, and i rode towards you and made to a membership. that's probably the best to turn us. what it is, government has told of citizens to prepare for all the defense minister made the comments as fighting and you kind drives on and sweden moves closer to nature and membership. the government has reinstating a conscription program that's been on hold for more than a decade for research reports from scotland. in the swedish 18 year olds, hanging out on a tank is now a coming of age experience after the country brought back mazda 3 military service . so every list talked about that i want it to be in because people force my dad was in it. so i thought it would be fun. i think a lot of the young people gross off when they're doing it because it is the real, a check that everything's not about you. conscription was common head during and
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after the cold war, but it was dropped in 2010 during a this monthly of the armed forces. mistrust of russia and sweden's knights are off vacation, close to rethink the conscripts of training here on don't plan, an island that symbolizes and sweden's drastic change in military policy. it was virtually abandoned by the countries on forces until 2018. now it's the focus, sweden's preparations for joining nights. i got wind controls passage through the politics, a 275 kilometers from the closest russian polt. the reinstalled regiments here is tripling its number of con scripts, some of whom could end up on they told you these, these would be very important to make sure that they don't train that training the exist size. they're planning a footage sync with the way nature does business note the cooperation both in demiris i'm an ad domain is actually critical because the baltic region is one of higher activity by russian forces. army chiefs of told swedes to mentally prepare
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for war in spokane, casper spelling is among 100000 teenagers who have been sunday papers online and the waiting for a call up. this has said that the left a lovely color, it does feel a bit frightening to be sent away and i have no choice unless you want to go to present all but my friends. and i also talk about wanting to do. i went back to sweden, even if we didn't really feel like throwing away a year of our lives. like some of our parents say they didn't tell you. after decades of neutrality, that is all positions to the 2 and a half $1000000000.00 increase in defense spending this year. the oven, the board on the fish fall smart. so even our own armed forces, say, the risk of the military attack on sweden is low. so to have such a huge bid that doesn't mix, we didn't all of the world safer, very sweet, and may be building up its troops in weaponry. but perhaps still in the high. the didn't have a needs to use them. pull rece, i'll use eric dot lun sweden. us defense secretary lloyd austin, has returned to hospital for treatments for treatment for
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a bladder issue. he is president joe bivens top military advisor. this is the 2nd time austin's being hospitalized in recent months. he underwent surgery for prostate cancer and late december often has transferred duties to deputy secretary of defense, kathleen hicks saying in the us and 2 people including a 5 year old child have been wounded following the shooting at a texas church. local police say a woman, armed with a rifle, enter the building with a young child off duty police officers who are working as security at the venue shelter and killed a woman and enjoy the child. the church belongs to celebrity pasta, joel austin, and is one of the largest religious venues in the country. both office officer and aged in gates striking the female seas deceased here on the same unfortunately, a 5 year old kid was here and is a critical condition at all. local hospital was
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a 57 year old man who didn't have anything to do with it. i don't think was shot in the lead these, they can treatment in the hospital to the europe in union has of senate goals authorities to guarantee fundamental freedoms. often days of violence between protest as and security forces. a 16 year old will show from the headroom. demonstrations in the southern city, it's the fed desk during the valleys which began after president monkeys south postpone this month's election. he says the government needs more time to resolve disputes over the disqualification of opposition. candidates. access to education is a major issue for voters in indonesia, the upcoming presidential election. each of the 3 candidates has put forward the vision for the future of improved access to schools and universities. jessica washington reports from the island of flores to lead a forest with his new road, new water supply and new electricity is the village of puerto blue book. but in
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this remote area of eastern research and got a provence, this election from students, julie on t tells us that she knows the names of all the presidential candidates. let's say then going to the villages and one defendant, easiest poorest provinces at the school, at the book as possible. there are those who come to school without shoes. those who don't have books. the children are very enthusiastic about learning, but our results are lacking. i hope the new president will pay attention to us and the remote villages, like this live here illustrates some of the challenges of educating young people in the world's largest uncle, aged country with 17000 islands. there are $24.00 students at this school in the village of for fluid almost oh, it's expensive. it's including building these classrooms, paying teachers and fine books and other learning materials covered by local parents. many of the campaign.


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