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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the, the palestinians spend a sleepless night in delphi in southern gaza. israel grand salt the tax cut in 63 people, leaving 1400000 unable to leave the shelter. the meanwhile, this was the sound of an operation, which israel says net to the rescue of to catch the autumn. and this is out of human life from dog. ha. so coming up the is ready for for
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face resistance from palestinian finest and con eunice, just north of alpha match what was a still under way. and as indonesia progressed to go to the polls, education is the top of mind with report from the remote village. we have worked as hard as they won't be for the auction, the beginning, southern gaza, whether it's really ministry is ramping up. it's a tax on that offer as it prepares for a possible ground defense of the region. the, the at least $63.00 palestinians were killed in the heavy bombardment on sunday night, which is still on the way they targeted the vicinity of the crate called special crowds of engine palestinians including children streaming into the other boot and healthcare facility. 1.4000000 people at sheltering and
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the we were home with the asterix where i'm going. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms, she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers deposit collapsed on me. i'll call us born and honey, my move isn't able to safely travel to the live position because of the increase, the increase in his riley bombardment overnight is continuing, but earlier we reached him on the phone to go over night. the attack seemed to be only intensifying and with an increased intensity, and the r talerie showing. and it seems like these really military was using all of its a military arsenal, with the exception of course, of the nuclear power just to the point that out. but either way, through cloud cap, through the attack growing, there were helicopters,
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who were fighters yet the artillery showing tanks the old at once. it started for midnight. the, at the time of the now is just be there's still found of explosion from the eastern part of the deal. rough i has the northern part of the border area between connie and, and the city. and the mission of reports that we're getting right now was over night attacks, targeted residential homes, how the eastern part of the city to a target of public facilities, the infrastructure that recruiting roads in her, made me involved in connecting con unit with the, the city all of this has been mounting the pressure on the people that they can safely say that it was a sleepless restless night for the vast majority of the, the people in the city here. and it is still continuing to happen right now.
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uh, there is a dense and presence of a package on just making it very difficult for any possible movement in or out for the bunch of homes. there is the key to how to configure and for a lot of people. and this is at the beginning for them. this is probably the beginning of the offensive and in the us to as well as defense minister says 2 captives have been rescued in an organized operation. and rough uh this video shows the moment is rarely strikes, were carried out. the captives have been flown to hospital in israel and in the military says they're in good health. the vin identified a 6 year old fernando, my mom and 70 year old luis. hi. i'm very happy to announce that this night to release hostages blended here at cheap
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a medical center. israel's largest hospital they were receiving r e. r. and initial examination were conducted by r e r stuff and they are in a stable condition and we tend to continue and follow them up for the coming uh days until will be for sure clear of their medical situation while these why in the army has been speaking about some of the transactions and also let's go to our correspondence. roy challenges, he's joining his line from occupied east jerusalem. and israel said that the air force launched a wave of raids to get the captives out of the increase and the taxes continue. and even after they've, respiratory is yeah. so the minute tree, the defense minister has been speaking recently the,
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the spikes person for the ministry has been speaking as well. what they're saying is that this was a joint operation between the is right. ami shouldn't bets which is the internal security intelligence agency, and the is right, the police. now, you'll have collab the defense when it says calling it an impressive rescue. he says that i follows the operation closely with the prime minister. netanyahu was involved in this as well, and officials had expressed our appreciation to the army and shouldn't back forth is for the important operation. daniel, her gallery is the ami spikes pass, and i'll put a bit more detail later saying that the actual rescue operation itself was undertaken by an elite unit of these ready police them? yeah ma'am. units, they were the ones that went into the apartments in rafa where these captives are being held like breach the apartment about 1 49 am in the morning like full time so that they protected luis and fernando with their bodies as they took them out of
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the apartments and defy and got them to the safe side. he would say that this is an operation that'd be preparing for for some time and waiting for the right conditions. the news i said there are a $130.00 full cap says left. earlier. these ready minute 3 also said that that intense bombardment, that said raffle it was subjected to overnight was essentially cover for this rescue operations type. bice, which is another illustration of the death and destruction that these where the army is willing to inflict on gaza, to achieve its objectives. and for these, all the 1st caps, of some of those writers say, has been actively rescued. and it's coming at a time when the negotiations for a captive release and sees file facing major challenges. so yeah, this is good news for benjamin destiny. all his government at a time when there isn't much good news for him. he is. uh, you know,
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there was wide sprites congratulations across the political spirits that for this operation, it does highlight the difficulties in undertaking these kinds of corporations are the, the only other hostage captive who is being rescued was 40 mega dish a was pulled out of a refugee camp in northern cause i backed in late october, so id to such operations like this. the fact that these 2 captives were found in rafa. i think we'll play into the government's line that a rack for operation ground incursions. a rafa is a necessary parts of this war, but let's look at where these 2 were found. they were found in a in apartments. now the assumption is that most of the concepts are being held on the ground in the tunnels spots. if some of the, at least of the, of the captives are above ground in,
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in apartments and other buildings that i think will kind of support the, the room is the reports that are starting to come out. which say that the is ready, governments assumes that more of the captives have died, that has been acknowledged public plates. and if we uh, if we, if this is true that these captors were held above grounds, then that would indicate that would suggest why that is the case because they, within the caps was being held above ground be subjected to the same times called contents bombardments. as the civilian population of gauze as being subjected to or thank you very much for that. that is really challenge with the latest live unoccupied, east jerusalem to we have now been able to reach a corresponding tiny mode on the phone. honey, i understand that you are not able to go safely to the live position because the increase in his riley bombarding overnight is continuing. what's happening there?
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a wallet for the past 6 hours or so of people have been trying to absorb what happened. everybody thought and believed that was the beginning of the ground invasion because of the intensity of the bombing campaign that took place that it started at an early hours of midnight at about 2 o'clock in the instance that he started right at $250.00 and would have a of the classes in the exchange of buyers there, along with the artillery, showing the extreme artillery sitting from the eastern borders of roof i city. and the northern part that's the part that upsets between the stick of hon unit and dropbox. the key. but the, uh, the scale of the destruction of the day breaks right now, and we see people who, how are around the area that are examining the level of destruction of infrastructure. the residential buildings were talking about more than residential
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building had been completely destroyed as well. as the mosque that being targeted and destroyed the public facilities around the, the area a for a lot of people, it was definitely not the more than just the, the special operations to release the copies was more of an, a tax on, on and roughly 50 and if the population displays population then and, and as of now the concern is the, this is a, the, an element that will be used by benjamin nick. and yeah, how to further support his claims for expansion for expanding the military operations in the chronic spence and in real fast city there the, the, to yvonne search and it'd be a state of warry and panic is a growing by, by the hour the long right now we're talking about relatively quiet time. you could with the once in a while, there was a sound of explosions from the eastern part of the northern part of the city. but
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the dense, the presence of the drawing surveillance fall into an attack of drawings in the skies of roof. i just make it very, very difficult for people. they're very cautious about their mobility right now. it's becoming increasingly difficult to do to decide what exactly is going to happen next and where people are supposed to go. all of this has been mount tank deep distress and the level of of the trauma. for an already displaced and terrorized population was one of the worst one of the where it's compared to other night. it really does sound like it, honey, and various countries. 8 organizations, a warning against any expansion and drop off the head of the legion refugee council said recently that roof has become the largest refugee, the largest most crowded refugee camp on a 1000000 people fled there because it was supposed to be safe. and he said that you cannot have a war and a refugee camp. yes,
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that's what i like it is the refugee cabinet how the sitting gradually has turned into a tend to calm. so they've been described it within the past week, but now it's the largest refugee. a cam that we're looking at. people are everywhere in the street and as small pockets plans and evacuation is on it. evaporation center is fully packed. we just did a sigmund yesterday just to just to uh for uh, just to see how we crowded, how busy we looked at one of the main roads here. and it was, was very difficult just to, to walk and put it on and put a step forward because of the density of the population in the area. and we were thinking dollars, cells like a single bullet can killed couple a 3 people just one bullet. imagine a bone in bombs or a miss. so they, they were looking at the atrocity is going to happen in case there is a, a larger scale and they'll cents and drop i, or
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a major a bombing campaign like the one people have the here's within the past 6 hours is just it will, it just increasing the level of difficulty for, for people, honey. thank you very much for that. that is honey maximum without correspondent joining us on the phone from the alpha again because he cannot travel safely to the live location because of that great increase in attacks that we have been seeing like had, he's been reporting over the past of 5 of 6 hours honey, thank you for that. as well as really ami prepare is full of ground defensive and drop a heavy fighting is still continuing elsewhere. and this trip the these images from con eunice, just north of alpha is very full. since i've been bombing the area for weeks, hospitals have also been rated on palestinians across garza finding it difficult to communicate with family and friends. but as
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a frequent power outages many to now rely on solar panels to charge a phones and laptops that is rarely ami has repeatedly cut out of tricity and intimate communications during its war on the strip. now, while you only got to thinking about the meal since the 1st day of the war, we're now in the 100 and 25th day. we haven't seen electricity at all before. it used to come for about 8 hours a day and we would be able to sort things out. today, the electricity situation is very bad. and what's worse is that we find it hard to charge everyone's phones because there are too many people and there is no space and they sometimes have to wait for other phones to charge. and we are dealing with is the farthest thing from a normal kind of a look to, i've been chairman must disease, electricity is completely out. so life is basically at a standstill. you're talking about communications in water being cut off just every single, you know, have to change your phone to talk to people. you have to find someone who has solar energy like this guy here, so you can be connected with so on. so,
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but the still ahead on algebra we find out sort of like when you caught here, the bombs folding and it was on the can field, the blogs, the with fearless geminus. and just behind me, hundreds of people have been designed to h as in depth coverage, thailand, states it's future on fossil fuels. i'll just do is teens on the ground. bring you closer to the house, put this to a unique perspective on and the but don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on hers. voices, the number of the complications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable to stream on out
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. just the are in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa cruise? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and all the cool scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, the sale of me elizabeth put on an adult ha,
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reminder of our top stories. the south is ready, military is around the attacks and off button southern gaza as it prepares for a possible ground defensive in the city. at least 63 pounds finance for killed and strikes of a nice 1400000 people of sheltering and rough us as well as the defense minister says 2 captives were rescued and overall incorporation and drop off of united into 5 to 6 year old fernando my mom and 70 ero han, close to set to be in good house. and our correspondent product was the quote of this video showing the moment of his riley strikes in the fall of the night. the very clue right now it's similar to course that sounds very close. it seems that they started the military operation and encouraging to ruffle
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the thousands of palestinians with disabilities of being forced to navigate the challenges of a voice on without access to vital health services as who a deaf aren't able to hear the sound of bombs. but they still feel the intensity of the bloss. this is 19 story to the low low the honey with this, the cost of the or the, the day i this further this was a lot of who should have never had. this is the order by the have to worry the funding for the what else?
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the money in the middle. why the maybe my yearbook law on something fall. i did the 2nd level, well the which all of them live just buy the lot of, you know, on the internet on the how, you know, you know, from the, you want us little actually on how god the to fish the feed on the, on the i was trying to do the housing the i had was the have you gotten the whole for the the sure the how good of the sort of you that one of the guns and i'm also how large it i know. so how do you that on the level of, of the you know, the normal possibly process will, will this to her, you know, had the facility on the fish i just had, i really do the little,
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all of the different things. a living one this i got i got to live. i never go for still got the whole body on the, on this i got a lot of saga. oh no. i thought i had all the stuff. no, i show just a 100 intern for over. what on the, on the bottom there was a 100 will help install the display. the holy sales will have not seen them see it . uh huh. the. the product from your apple doesn't have the title please. i love exactly what i don't see. well, let me know what the uh the
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access to education is a major issue for voters and indonesia is upcoming presidential election. 3 candidates have put for the vision for the future, which is one of improved access to schools and universities. correspondent jessica washington reports from the island of flores stepped away in a forest with his new road, new water supply, and new electricity is the village of puerto blue book. but in this remote area of eastern research and got a provence, this election found the students early on to you tells us that she knows the names of all the presidential candidates. let's say den delta dental covers the villages and one of the diseases poorest preferences at the school at the book as possible. there are those who come to school without shoes. those who don't have books. the children are very enthusiastic about learning, but are result of the lacking hope. the new president will pay attention to us and the remote villages, like this live here illustrates some of the challenges of educating young people in
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the world's largest, uncompleted country with 17000 islands. there are 24 students at this school in the village of florida, blue club. almost all it's expensive, including building these classrooms, paying teachers and fine books and other learning materials covered by local parents. many of the campaign pledge is my presidential candidates related to education. going to a new, a once every low income household to be able to send one student to university for free, improving the livelihoods of teachers is a priority for any special reading. and free school lunches is a signature pledge of pebbles to be under. um, let me get that all the candidates understand the fundamental problems of our education system. the challenges emerge during the implementation and evaluation of their ideas. so education experts note progress has been made in recent years with increased government spending and student enrollment. poverty is a persistent barrier to education,
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including in the capital chacandra to some of the city's pores to live in, make shift homes such as these build from plastic and wood scripts found in the nearby landfill. and i want to know what it's like to be like other people for my children to go to school. but what can we do? we don't have money recent government days, which shows almost 4000007 to 18 year olds. don't go to school. volunteer. abdullah and offers free tutoring for some of these children, got a new phone or whoever is elected. hopefully education for much of life. children will be a part of the education as a vendor for people to see the future. most unenrolled in the school system because they have to work well. they don't have identification cards. 10 year old mohammed says he enjoys learning about math and science and the dreams of going to a real school one day, just to can washington entre 0 intermediate filaments. former conservative problem,
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and if the alex on the stone has won the vine off presidential election with just of 51 percent of the vote, the central right politicians expected to take a hard line against neighboring russia. still back the government's decision to end decades of political metrology and join the nato alliance following the russian invasion of ukraine. russia is way to get an aggressive war against ukraine. so i don't see any kind of communication with bruton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only to there's a battlefield at the moment to what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to
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a membership that's probably the best to turn as you appear in union. has a set of goals authorities to guarantee fundamental freedoms off the days of violence between the protest. as in security forces, a 16 year old will show from the head during demonstrations in the southern city. if the fed dest you, in the valley is which began off the president of monkeys south postpone this month election. he says the government needs more time to resolve disputes about the disqualification of all physician candidates. the group at all should bob has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed full energy troops and about a new military officer in somalia. the attack took place at the military base of the capital markets issued during the training mission on saturday. the all caught and then groups as it targeted the troops because the you a support, the somebody government us defense secretary lloyd austin has returned to hospital for treatment for a bladder issue. austin is president jo biden's, top military advisor. this is the 2nd time he's been in hospital in recent months
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of to undergoing surgery for prostate cancer late last year. austin was criticized by both republican and democratic politicians. so initially fading to disclose the diagnosis. his duties have been transferred to deputy secretary of defense, kathleen hex staying in the us and 2 people including a 5 year old child have been wounded following the shooting at a church in texas. local police say a woman onto the rifle entered the building. the young child off duty police offices who are working as security at the venue. shelton killed the woman, an injured the child. the church belongs to celebrity pasta, joel austin, and is one of the largest religious menus in the country. is that so for me, elizabeth put on my clinic walk. matheson will be here in less than 13 minutes with the new cell. you can always find more information on all the stories we're covering on on website. that's now just the. com, whether it was next to the inside story examines whether it's room is in breach of
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the un quotes for reading. thank you very much for watching the the hello. there will have a look at the event and middle east, and it doesn't often happen. but when it rains, it tends to pull across the gulf. we've seen some heavy rain from sky to child was affecting places like could talk. and you can see that batch of heavy rain starts to pull its way across the united arab emirates on woods to a month. we're gonna see some drenching down pools behind that. a legacy of cloud remaining. by tuesday, we are expecting some heavy rain to start to push into the south west of saudi arabia, bringing a chance of flooding him. it's much to wire to the north of this across that event . look for fine and dry weather to be found. with temperatures above the average worker, however, as we go into tuesday,
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for western areas of to kia and as good as on wet across the north of africa. we have seen some fine and settled weather here. but there's a wind blowing, no showers across algeria into northern parts of libya, and on would see egypt before the south of this. it is a very hot picture and it's certainly hot decal, southern parts of africa, botswana tide, it's february temperature record in a gap, a road on sunday. and the heat continues to dominate here despite the width of weather, which pushes out to me eastern areas. we are expecting that heat to continue to build as we go into the new week by wednesday 37 degrees celsius in gather on the discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else, exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence
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revolution, etc. so where the benefits fly in with a hot light is we're betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very sustainable studio b, b. i series on a jersey it is, is rarely and breach of the un court's ruling. the international court of justice folded, it's better to end acts of genocide as want us to prevent incitement. to commit genocide or x foss with more palestinians killed in guns that every day who can foresee as well to comply. this is inside story. the other welcome to the program. i'm adrian sitting in the united nations. top court has ordered israel to prevent and punish actions that could lead to or inside genocide and.


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