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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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but with that in the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions they use them to be use of power around the on out is there the israel runs of attacks on the rough uh, in southern guys are killing the 67 people protest i need to spend a sleepless night on able to leave their homes and shelters. meanwhile, israel's has an overnight operation and ruffled led to the rescue of 2 captives. ministry says both men are healthy and under observation and also the robots and that this is obviously of
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a life from doha. also coming up is really forces face resistance from palestinian fighters and con units, just north of off on the bottles are still ongoing. and as indonesia prefers to go to the polls, education is a priority. we're going to report from a remote frontage, for voters hopefully won't be forgot. the 1st of the situation in southern gas or where the is really ministry is being run thing of its attacks on rough as it prepares for a possible grinding defensive palestinians. have spent another sleepless night. as israel carried out, an intense wave of bombardment. the at least 67 palestinians have been killed. several airstrikes hit me. of the coate hospital. one of the few and gas is still functioning. crowds of injured people,
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including children, a streaming into the overburdened health facility. 1.4000000 palestinians, a crammed into ralph, on the box of feeding is ready bombardment, all following the military's post evacuation orders to the we were home when the strikes were. i'm going. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms. she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers above it collapsed on me. i'll just as talked a couple of them recorded this video showing the moment is really ministry structure off our overnight. the very clues similar to pills. course that sounds very close. it seems that they started the military operation and encouraging the roof. of course the,
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you know, the boss of the bombing and ralph has quite and done. this is the scene there in the wake of a night of his rarely bombardment, palestinians trapped in the bottom of egypt. us. that'd be burying the dead trying to find help for the one to dance, searching for essentially supplies like food, water. and that's, and we're going to cross natural corresponding, honeywell who is on the phone. i normally would talk to heidi on video, but the overnight bombardments being so intense, he hasn't been able to go to his usual life position. just tell us what's being happening, honey. see as far as the day progresses, there are more tragedies unfolding from the overnight attacks. and as we expected, the numbers of people being killed and over and over night mass of attack been dropped off, particularly on not sure, boy, district, that's the northern part of a pastor that has increased. and now we're looking at a bit about the $67.00 people that being killed,
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including the attack that happened, embedded about a household on a residential home. so the combined number from the attacks and drop a 100, but i reach to 67 people. the vast majority as far as of the being killed, i from roof. i did the we're talking about entire district that came under here. we massive bombardment by the by d. f. 16. and by a, the tacket drawn that according to the, is really military. the, the, these really a good military conducted even the special operation to release captives who were located in a shop or a district in new york city. despite the, the bombing continued for hours and they did just devastating. the vast majority of the area in terms of the residential building public facilities and so including the infrastructure and all the main roads leading into
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a shrub or district by creating good fears, the bed both the fires, they just cause it in great deal of destruction to the area, unfortunately now in higher families into, in more internal displacement, people who are in the area have been filtering inside the show, bought out a residential buildings or, or on the side road since the beginning of the war. and since the, the expansion of the ground defensive in the city of time unit. but we're looking now into the, after after 9 for what happen more displaced in more on for tennessee. and the capt would be ongoing on right now for a lot of people, what happened the night, they will just open the a, the appetite for these rid of the prime minister and his military to continue math is the more math that has been for a pass to the and for the, quite as we did talk to some people and we got their reaction the,
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they think this is the beginning of the more largest scale, the ground offensive. that is going to happen that it's important to point out of doing the tax at night. a lot of people believed and saw this is the beginning of the ground invasion and fox, some people in the area that very clearly is very close to a shovel district. this started to pack up their, their stuff and wanted to go to a super area. again, we're looking into martin, turn of displacement, but the options available for people right now and are equivalent to non in terms of safety and security and it just this phone them into a large deal of uncertain if you've got the war continues. there is a still dense the presence of surveillance and the back of going in the kaiser profile. do you just pausing the restriction on the ability and people feel the track of being the leaving outside or going to the usual either to in line for
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water or getting a bread be coming down the street, the moving industry, the coming less and less visible, right. now, i mean thank you very much indeed, honey buckler, talking to us from rough on the phone there about a certain departments from a how much the is warning that most of the people in rafa are women and children and that any military offensive there would mock a new phase in genocide in gaza is spoken to about on the last r submitted it back to not to talk to the other side of the, the killing machine nova, as well, is to kidding oh sons and goes straight. this don't need a new escalation. who has been announced by the ag prime minister, all thoughts toll mang rough from the last resulting square in rough or 100 monitors have gone a most of them. women and children in rough. uh how they are. uh, 1400000 people living in difficult circumstances. the freezing weather that makes
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honey got on is rand. continue, is the genocide stalled? so they didn't guys that one will how israel's depends minutes and says 2 captives have been rescued and an overnight operation buffer. this video shows the moment is very strikes will carry, dives the captive savings loan to hospital in israel and the military size still in good health. we've been identified as 6 year old from 9 to mama and 70 year old. the newest cost i'm very happy to announce that this night to release hostages blended here. it's cheap, a medical center. israel's largest hospital, they were received in our yard. an initial examination were conducted by r e r stuff and they are in a stable condition. and we tend to continue and follow them up for
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the coming days until will be quite sure clear of their medicaid situation. the son in law, one of the rescued men, says family members have been able to visit him in hospital any search days where the government to reach an agreement with palestinian groups to release the remaining captives as soon as possible. i or luckily for us, there's a family there will save 2 nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy today, but it's not always we, we didn't, we, it just another step was bring gigs or the 130 for hostages back home. and we know about the discussions in cairo waiting periods and out is between the hum us it between is rarely use the media. those please be serious. is strike a deal that usually people needs the deal done not yesterday,
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not tomorrow to day. we want it done as soon as possible. you know, that's what they'll give us some reason. we must grease elizabeth and that is really all i'm has been speaking about his actions and we're off. our correspondent rotary johns is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. i understand the departments have benjamin netanyahu has also been speaking of that was off to these really ministry spokesman was giving more details about the rage that were counter united carried out and part of that was getting the 2 captives out the yeah, that's right. my son, surprisingly from missing yahoo! he is congratulating the the minute tree on this operations. the site he salutes, the brave fight says, but he then goes on to say something which i think exemplifies those tensions which exist at the moment between the nothing you know, who governments, and many of the families of the captive still held in gaza as we just had that from
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that mind, saying that he wants a c spot deals, he wants negotiated settlement to bring those remaining captions back home. netanyahu has a very different perspective. he says, i'll meet the continuation of military pressure. and so complete victory will lead to the release of hostages. now if nothing new, that's these ready governments and the families of the, of the hostages, see things very different dates. but another example of that different, it's just that now. yeah, we're going to see what the is ready minute trans. we think about this operation we have from the defense mistake. you off guidelines got it wrong to set that's uh, a been following this operation closely with the prime minister with nothing yahoo, the americans have hired a shipping caps in the loop as well. this is a, a shed operation between these ready ami shouldn't bats which is the internal security agency intelligence agency, and the it is ready police now. the is already menacing, spikes pass and also commented on this operation. type of bit more detail about the, the finer points of it,
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the size of the actual infiltration to go and get these 2 captive outs was done by an elite unit of the is ready police, which went into an apartment building at the raft slots. they protect, so it's the 2 kept saves, as they were taking the mouse, apparently on defiance. got them to a safe side, and from there they will take him into as well. and now they are in a hospital in the tennessee area. and they said that they're all 134 captives still remaining in godsa, as we know of rotary. thank you very much. indeed, roy showing this organism to us from occupied east jerusalem is ready. army prepared for the ground. defensive and rough. heavy fighting is continuing elsewhere, industry have the visa images, some con unit society, just north of that off is there. any forces are facing resistance from palestinian
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fighters. fierce bottles are set to be underway. the armies been bombing, the area for weeks lane seems to hospitals in central guys, at least 15 people have been killed and several others have been injured in. and there's really attack and dental bhalla. the bottom hit a residential building, sheltering displaced, palestinians residents to say they pulled several survivors from under the rubble. the wounded have been taken to a lock. so hospital that all flag is the spokesperson for the palace sign red crescent society. and she says, there's nowhere left in gas for palestinians to go. and we are deeply wooded regarding the interest in need of the ground invasion afford to foster fi already have nearly half population of costs a strip since the beginning of the war. and because people are just fleet tutor based on his writing evacuation, or there's so many as have already been evacuated, 3 or 4 times, some families even evacuated. 10 times the question is,
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where should people go? there is no safety police at all. and there is no way to iraq, you wait half population to we are the question where and on top of the complete destruction of the infrastructure. and this one's provision as well. we make it impossible for people to find their ways to go anywhere. take it into consideration, that's already now also there is bombardments that is happening as one and connie on this and is central augusta so there's no way people can go nowhere and any ground invasion or intensifying reimbursements for why when absolutely means committed massacres, because hundreds and thousands of people will be killed. every single, keep them here, or there is many people drop by has already over crowded. there's no space and shelters. thousands of people are just in the streets. they don't even have tend to
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stay as, since there is new enough tens for anyone. so that means a gets asked to speak. human, it's very important to us to fig. move them the one we are or do addressing is is there any forces of shelton killed the palestinian 9 and her son the occupied westbank? is there any media or reporting demand had been trying to stab soldiers that came hours off to another upon the stand in was shocked by his when he forces unoccupied, east jerusalem. they say they opened fire when he tried to attack police officers. there's been a surgeon violence in the occupied west bank since the start of the war. and guys in a tobar, at least 392 palestinians have been killed by his very forces in settlers in 4 months. there's really always been conducting more rates across to be occupied, west buying several people to be interested in ramallah on monday morning and at least one person's been injured earlier. palestinians confronted his ready forces during incursions in nablus and the ballasa refugee camp. still ahead on now. does
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it ever been to find out what it's like when you can't hear the bombs falling and it was a huge chunk field, the blast, the as hello the if we look at the early a satellite image for south east asia, where you can see the thick cloud laying across that tropical belt, and that's where we saw some very heavy rain. we seen that phoning today is and that's led to flooding across parts of indonesia like central java. and it's for thousands of people to have that can be evacuated from their homes. now this guys may have tried, but the flood waters remain. the good news is, is that it is looking much dryer here in to choose the west of the wet weather, lingering around western pots of bonia, pulling across into indonesia,
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smocks for island as well. so shy was coming back into the philippines. it's not as heavy the rain as it has been and remains launch a hot and dry across much of indo china. now hot and dry all the woods when it comes to australia. we've got a heat wave conditions dominating in the south and in the west. we've also had extreme fire danger in that southeast corner for the likes of victoria, as well as some southern areas of australia. well, we've got a cold from that's going to sweep in and look what that does to temperatures in the very south east. you can see from the storm starting to gain some momentum as we go into wednesday. we'll see that what was the start to pull into sidney by the middle of the week. that sure weather update. the, this is the 1st when i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. all the the you're watching all just need a reminder of our top stories this. these are the mothers is bumping up its attacks on rock in southern gaza. is it prepared for the possible bryan defensive in the city? at least to 67 people were killed in stripes over nice 1400000 display scottish spending and so shelter in the off. israel's defense minister says 2 captives were
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rescued and an overnight operation involve. i've been, i've been divided 60 euro. fernando mom on a 17 year old louis tom, both captives are set to be in good health. you as president joe biden, spoken to his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, urging him to ensure the safety of civilians in any military assault on rough or 200 times. it has more from washington dc. the 1st day joe biden was mildly critical that he is ready, the destruction of gauze. the conduct of the response in gaza is the guy is a strip has been um over the top on sunday. the is really prime minister, appeared on to us networks to the shoulders watching, but it has been worth it. and the sold on rough uh, in southern because it would be next victory is within reach. were going to do it
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were going to get the remaining hamas tow us battalions and rock, which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so they can leave those times, are among the topics discussed to the cold between joe biden. i live in young on sunday, the white house and, and by the rear, from his view to the military operation and rough, i should not proceed without a credible, i'm executor, will plan for ensuring the safety and support for the more than 1000000. people sheltering that then yahoo said that's exactly what the as really mother tree is drawing up the we are working out a detail plan to do so. and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings out of harm's way. it's part of commodities effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter. rafa are basically saying, lose the war will say on sunday. yes,
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another story in the us media causing anonymous wife, house officials about how frustrated joe biden has become with benjamin netanyahu. and how some of his advisors are suggesting the president become more publicly critical of those relics helps soothe the elements of a democratic party base. however, the report says the administration is rejecting calls to impose any conditions on military a day as well. so even off the 50 percent self described biden play, which has told one pole the view is really authoration and goals. it is a genocide. biden's administration remains of step. it falls back out of the bombardment she ever time see out. is there a washington, a major us for an age package has cleared a preliminary vote in this sentence, which is a crucial step towards getting it past the $95000000000.00 bill earmarks. $14000000000.00 for israel, but the bulk of it $60000000000.00, is aimed at helping ukraine replenishing supplies of munition on weapons. but the
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bo faces challenges before it becomes law because of opposition. and republicans in both chambers of congress might kind of has more from washington, dc isn't going any way yet. they are still a number of votes to take place in the senate before a final vote that is possible. on wednesday, on the positive side, the bill was passed by 67 to 27 in this particular vote. and on a bipartisan basis, this is a very important point for those supporting the bill. but among those who opposable was one senator, who objected to what he called the us is immoral and unethical support of israel as well. and gaza. this is what independence send it to. but nissan does had to say, i struggle to find words for this cruelty. and let me say once again, that what is happening in garza now is funded with us
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tax payer dollars. these are our bombs and our military equipment that is being used. we are all complicit. this is lot shots and is rarely when. busy it is an american war, even when know if the bill passes the senate, then this another hurdle. and that is the house with the republican government take to the house has insisted that passage foldable providing funding to foreign countries will be exceedingly difficult. so there's a lot to go before president biden signs, the bill, intell, montana, ultra sierra washington. as you have been, supposing you say they've attacked to us ship with missiles and the red sea spokesman's censorship called that star iris was hit as part of its response to israel's war on gaza for us and his allies have been bombing, who, the positions in recent weeks pauses the palestinians with disabilities that being
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forced to navigate the challenges of a war zone without access to vital health services. those who are deaf are not able to hear the sun, the bombs can still feel the intensity of the bloss. this is one man story to man. so well, honeywell just the cost of how the the, the day i just heard that other this was a lot of who should have never had. this is the order by the model. um, the input of the young lady in the middle. why that could be of into the subject of your maybe my, your book law and something for that you the 2nd level without the which all of them lives as well. a lot of, you know, on the internet on when mode and how you know, you know,
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from the, you want us a little actually on how god the good fish. the said, oh, the more on the i was trying to do, the housing, the, the, i had was the, have all these are in the hall for the the sure the, how the sort of you, that one of the guns of a mazda, how did i know so how do you that on the level of, of the you know, the possible process? well, what is the her? and i'm the how the facility on the fish i just had. i really do the little all of us in the living one this i got i got to live. i never because i still got the whole body on county, georgia, and i got a lot of saga. oh no. i thought i had all the stuff. no,
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i shall just go ahead and phone to go over. what on the on the bottom, the one that has it will help install the display. the holy fields will have not been see go with the uh the, the followed up on your apple doesn't have the title please. i love exactly what i don't see. well, let me know what. uh huh. uh the gonna take a look at some of the other stories making that headlines now. access to education is a key issue for voters in indonesia as presidential election on wednesday. the 3 candidates are put forward their version and for the future. one of them proved access to schools and universities. jessica washington reports and the island of fathers,
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or tucked away in a forest with his new road, new water supply and new electricity is the village of porter blooper. but in this remote area of eastern research and got a provence, this election for students early on to you tells us that she knows the names of all the presidential candidates. let's say den games at the villages and one of the diseases poorest provinces at the school, at the book as possible. there are those who come to school without shoes. those who don't have books. the children are very enthusiastic about learning, but our results are lacking. i hope the new president will pay attention to us and the remote villages like this life you illustrates some of the challenges of educating young people in the world's largest, uncompleted country with 17000 islands. there are 24 students at this school in the village of florida, blue club, almost all its expenses, including building these classrooms,
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paying teachers and fine books and other learning materials covered by local parents. many of the campaign pledge is my presidential candidates related to education. going to a for a new, a once every low income household to be able to send one student to university for free, improving the livelihoods of teachers is a priority for any special reading. and free school lunches is a signature pledge of propose to be under. um, let me get that book and all the candidates understand the fundamental problems of our education system. the challenges emerge during the implementation and evaluation of their ideas. so education experts note progress has been made in recent years with increased government spending and student enrollment. poverty is a persistent barrier to education, including in the capital jakarta, to some of the city's pores to live and make shift homes such as these build from plastic and wood scraps found in the nearby landfill. and i want
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to know what it's like to be like other people for my children to go to school. but what can we do? we don't have money recent government days or shows almost 4000007 to 18 year olds . don't go to school volunteer. abdur rahim, office, free tutoring, for some of these children or whoever is elected, hopefully education for much of life. children will be a part of education as a vendor for people to see the future. most unenrolled in the school system because they have to work well. they don't have identification cods 10 year old mohammed says he enjoys learning about math and science and the dreams of going to a real school one day, just to can washington entre 0 information. findings, farmer consecutive prime minister alexander still has won the presidential run off election with just over 51 percent of the vote. a center wide politician is expected to take a hard line against neighboring russia. stuff backs and government's decisions and
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decades of religion from charlotte to i've joined the national security airlines following russia's invasion train in 2022. the leader of the roman catholic church has met the origin to this new president for the 1st time. hope frances receives hobby ma, the vatican during a ceremony which sol argentina's 1st female st. canonized. man, i has previously accused the pontiff of interfering, an argentinian politics, the promotion communism. but as long as they refrain from criticising the pope's since taking office back home, the light is facing a series of protests against his phone. right. agenda, in your opinion, has sent a goal is authorities to guarantee fundamental freedoms of the days of violence between protesters and security forces. 16 year old was shows in the head during the demonstrations in the southern city. it's a 3rd death during the rallies which began after president macking so postponed
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this one's presidential election. he says the government needs more.


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