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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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it's not receive task protection is seen as complication inside story. on al jazeera, the israel step self attacks on raphael. southern guys are killing 67 people balestreri and spend a sleepless night unable to leave their homes and shelters. israel says 2 captives have been rescued during an overnight operation in guys. both matters set to be healthy under under observation in the hospital. the madison. this is obviously lives in doha. also coming up adults court orders the netherlands government to stop giving israel pots for f 35 war planes, following an appeal by human rights groups. and as indonesia prepared to go to the polls, education is a priority report from
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a remote village for voters. so they won't be for golfing. the we're going to start in southern gaza with is really military is being run ping offers bomb bomb into a rough time as it prepares for a possible grinding defensive. at least 67 palestinians are being killed among them are children and babies there being several strikes the coate hospital, one of the few but still working. i didn't, i mean my family members are sleeping that we were displaced from god. so we rented a place and we were sitting safely. why did you kill my family while they were sleeping? they are children, i think collecting my family's body parts since this morning. they were in parts, i couldn't recognize them. i only recognized their toes their fingers. she was born one month and a half ago and today he went back to god. she's father is intensive care, the european hospital and his mother is wounded in her leg and hands. now the
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attacks have also caused large scale destruction in ralph, which is sheltering $1400000.00 palestinians. now these are the images from the shop. buddha, refugee con palestinians, have been seen safe to escape attack. so because they've been ordered to evacuate by these really military. meanwhile, these really defense minister says 2 captives have been rescued in an overnights operation. $68.00 or from under mom on 70 year old louis hall is set to be in good health. one of their relatives says the, as many government needs to reach an agreement to release the remaining captives. luckily for us, the finally deborah saved through nights. but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy to day, but it's not always we, we didn't win. it just another step was bring gigs or the $130.00 for hostages back home. and we know about the discussions in cairo waiting periods and out is between the hum us in between is rarely use the media. those please
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be serious if strike a deal that usually people needs the deal done not yesterday, not tomorrow to day. we want it done as soon as possible. you know, that's what they'll give us some reason. we must grease that need to be talking about who it has more from ralph in southern guys when despite the use brand and military allegations that d. d over not a tox. where is the conduct paid by special force? and it was a special operation to release capt is in the city of norfolk, particularly in a ship or a district as the northern part of the city. the bombing continued 4 hours after what it looked like. the operation of release of releasing the captive was over, but the bombing continue destroying the vast majority of the residential buildings . the infrastructure uh the uh, the public facilities to we're talking about more than 10 residential buildings in
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which this place families were sheltering in moscow. other public facilities inside its structure right now, what people are doing, they are dealing with the aftermath of what happened, not only the exam and even the, the sheer level of destruction that is caused by the bombing, but also getting ready for a mass barrier for those are being killed in a over and that we're looking at least a little over. it is 60 people have been killed in the same time or the bombing was taking place here. a stimulate tenuously, another massive ears try. we're going on and did velocity, causing the desktop of 50 and it's evil. but at the same time here, people are keeping an eye on those who have been critically injured inside the hospitals. whether it's the 280 hosted or in a job hospital who are at risk of losing their lives. because of the extreme shortage of medical supplies, the inability of these 2 health facilities to deal with this large number emergency
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of the injuries are coming to the hospital. there's a risk of losing their lives. doesn't know proper intervention of any of the medical staff. but at the same time, they're looking at it, the people who are still under which people are still under the rub, those who are deep wait for the civil defense, go to remove them. well, these are the armies being speaking about his actions involved are correspondent roy the challenge is, is joining his life from occupied east jerusalem. and what's the manager been saying about what's been happening are but one of the main takeaways, so the moment is the statement for the cars ready ministry saying that the intense bombardment that they subjected rafa to i as the night was essentially cover for this rescue operations take place, so we have 60 plus policy being dest. uh, so that they could rescue to is ready hostages. it, i think, underlines yet, again,
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the level of death and destruction that the is right. the ministry is willing to inflict on gaza. suppose you it's goals, we have heard from north carolina who is the defense minister. he said that this was an impressive rescue operation said that he was watching it on the fold with benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister and uh, with other officials and said that, yeah, this was a joint operation between the army and shouldn't batch, which is the internal intelligence and security agencies and the as ready police now we got some more detail from these ready ministry spikes pass. and then you have a gallery who said that it was a special unit lead to unit. all of these ready, bold police which had gone in to an apartment building in rafa, which is where these captors were being held, that they had surrounded them and protected them as they took them out on the heavy
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fire to a site so that they would then take him back to israel, the now in the hospital, in the tennessee area. so why spec congratulation of things across the is ready political spit out for this. but of course, the point being made by this friday ministry is that a $130.00 full cap saves that are still inside garza and i insist that going to get them out to. yeah, and we've been reporting of course, is continuing pressure. and benjamin netanyahu in the wall cabinet to get the captive sold. we had the son in law, one of the captors who been rescued saying that that agreement has to be reached. what's missing, yahoo? been saying about all of this? what do you say? no. he's saying that's not necessary, it's what he says, he's necessary. it's a lie that he's been buying the item for 5 months now. he's that this is a ministry campaign that said how masters in organization to earn the understands false and that the will. ready will carry on the only way of getting all the caps
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it's home. he's to pursue the minute tree ground operations. so yeah, this is going to, i think filtering to factor into his perspective. that's rougher is the crucial thing. these catches were found in rafa. so it's, it's supports the, his riley's government argument, that wrapper is this, you know, this final part of the campaign and they are going to carry on pushing that. but of course, we get this dissidence. we get this tension between what that's with yahoo was saying, and many of the families of the captive suicide and our hold on the 2nd. let's talk about this. let's talk with him. aspects of, let's get an agreement to release the cap saves. they are very concerned, i think some of them, at least uh, that's uh, operations like this rescue operations are going to make it more difficult to get all the captives higher. but that's another thing that i think we can take away from this operation, which is the,
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it's interesting that these captains are found in an apartment building. the assumption is being a, for many people watching this, that's the concepts of being kept in the tunnels and denise, uh, gaza, that at least some of them being held above ground. i think fits in with this sort of reporting and room is that we're hearing coming out of the is where the government recently, which suggests that they think more caps is have died in captivity, then they've admitted to public plates. and you know, you can see why that might be the case if they have some of the mapping caps above grounds. they will have been subjected to exactly the same kind of relentless bombardment from the tank fly from the ground. that gauze and civilian population is being subjected to, to really john's unoccupied, east jerusalem roaring. thank you very much. i, to thousands upon us to indians with disabilities are being forced to navigate the challenges of a war zone without access to vital health services. those who are deaf and not able
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to hear the sound of bones, but they still feel the intensity of the blasts. this is one of mine story. demands low, low, low hon. you will just the cost of how the the, the day i this is heather, other. this was a lot of who should have never had. this is the order of the had the handful of the money in the middle. why that can be of into the subject of your maybe my, your book law. i'm something fall i did the 2nd level without having to lock what. how do you mean i the control level of live just the lot of you know, on the internet. um, when will you know how you know, you know, from the, if you want us little actually on the fish. the kid on
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the, on the i was talking to the the yeah, how did the i had was the, have you gotten the full for the the sure the how good of the sort of you, the guns. and i'm also how large it out. know. so how do you that on the level of, of the you know, the possible process? well, what is the her and then had the facility on the fish i just had, i really do the little. all of us meet the for the same for a living one this i got i got to live. i never go fish still got the whole body on the, on this i got a lot of saga. oh no. i thought i had all the stuff in last year. i'll just go ahead and shoot me over. what on
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the, on the bottom there was a 100 little how until the display of holy sales will have not seen them see it. uh huh. the. the product from your apple doesn't have the title please. i love. i definitely. well i don't see what let me know what the hell. yeah. no i said is really only prefer is for durronda, offensive, and new off. heavy fighting is continuing elsewhere and this trip, the needs of images from con unit society. just north of rafa is there any forces are facing resistance from palestinian fighters fears bottles around the way the armies being bombing the area for weeks lane seems to hospitals and central gaza. at least 15 people have been killed and several others have been injured in and is really attacking daniel bol. the problem has
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a residential building for a palestinian, with sheltering after being forced to leave the homes visor and say the full several survivors from under the rubble, the wounded have been taken to lock the hospital, so it had an order 0, a former conservative prime minister with a tough stance on russia is finland's new president, the the latest news as it breaks, they've actually came to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a target to assess the nation with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia have increased the steering as wells will in garza from be things to withholding medication on
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counseling, the called the us economy is booming, so why is it more resilient than all the rich country farm is across europe happen? processing we take a look at the grievance slots. north korea left both on ashes to shore off. it's economy counting the cost on algebra unique perspective on the but don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices, and i'm all the communications. i'm pleased to connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out just the, or the,
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[000:00:00;00] the what you know, does it a reminder about 12 stories. this is really military is one thing of its attacks on graphite in southern gaza. as a prepares for a possible grind defense of a new city. at least 67 people were killed and strikes over 90. 1.4000000 displays, palestinians are sheltering in new off on israel's defense minister says to captive something rescued. an overnight operation, roughly united identified a 16 year old son under mamma. and 17 year old louis car. both captives are set to be in good health. the is ready forces of sheldon killed the palestinian non and her son and the occupied westbank. is there any media reporting that mine was trying to stab soldiers that came hours off to another palace stain was shocked by
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his very forces in the occupied east jerusalem. they say they opened fire when he tried to attack police officers. there's been a surgeon violence in the occupied by spying since the start of the war and gaza in october. at least 392 palestinians are being killed by his very forces and suffers in 4 months. and the is there any armies been conducting more rates across the occupied west bank? the palestinian prisoner society tries. 35 palestinians have been detained and at least one person has been injured in ramallah. palestinians confronted is really forces during incursions in nablus and the ballasa of refugee camp humans, who if you say they fired missiles at the us cargo ship, and the red sea spokesman sizes part of the groups response to israel's war. on garza, the us and his allies, it'd be bombing, who's the positions in an attempt to retire ongoing attacks and vessels in the region. they run by 12 years of price to continue their strikes until the war. and
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is there any forces have caught it at a drone strike on a car in southern lebanon. they were to, fortunately targeting his ball or come on during the time to binge bell. you know, the board with israel. it's not clear if he's been injured israel and has of all i have been extreme fire across the border since the war on gone. so began in october . the key us for an aide package has cleared a preliminary vote in the senate. the crucial step towards getting it passed the $95000000000.00 bill earmarks $14000000000.00 for israel, but the bulk of it $60000000000.00 is aimed at helping ukraine replenish it. supplies by munition and weapons, but also challenges before it becomes law because of opposition from republicans in both chambers of congress. judges have voted the government in the netherlands to bind exports of spare parts for f 35 war plains. but that's court upheld and appeal by human rights organizations. they argue that supplying parts for one of the
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world's most advanced military aircraft contributed to israel's violation of international law. the parts of american own, but stored in a dr. warehouse ready for shipping. the us defense secretary is back in hospital for a 2nd time lloyd austin apologize, daddy others month after being criticized for his failing to reveal that he being treated for cancer. this time is being treated for apply to a problem. austin's handed overdues to his deputy, coughing hicks in texas. 2 officers who police officers have killed the women during a shoot out of the church. worshippers in houston rushed for comfort when she opened fire with a rifle. 3 people have been wounded including a 5 year old boy who was a punk leave with
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a the most of what happened is unclear. the shooting happened and one of the largest churches in the us own by celebrity pastor joe lost both the office office or an agent in gates striking the female seas deceased here on the same unfortunately, a 5 year old kid was here and is a critical condition at our local hospital was a 57 year old man who didn't have anything to do with it. i don't think was shot in the leg. he's taking treatment in the hospital. the leader of the roman catholic church has met argentina's, new president for the 1st time pop. francis receive copy and mail a at the vatican during a ceremony which so argentina's 1st female saved canonized. man, i has previously accused the pontiff of interfering and argentinian politics. and of promoting communism, but he's largely refrained from criticizing the pope since taking office back home, the ladies facing sous
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a protest against his father. right. agenda. okay. i want to take it back to the audio story. they judged the judges in the netherlands of order than the dodge governments to bond exports of spare parts for f, 35 fighter jets that are flown in the war on garza's debt bosses joining us from amsterdam in the netherlands. how much of a difference is this decision going to make so? well, it's definitely seen as the last mark of products here by the courts in the hague, because it is for the 1st time that the court has now ordered a country, a state to stop sending weapons to israel and all the arguments that the state has to say that they have to send these at 35 spare parts to as well, were dismissed by the judge. all the political reasons they use the strong ties, the netherlands has with the united states and they were worried that they would be jeopardized also economic reasons because the knowledge has this huge distribution center here. all of these spare parts,
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it was all dismissed by the judge because he said there's a clear risk of violations of the international humanitarian loss of war, which is happening right now in gas. and because these are 35, i use the, the balance. this is just simply stop sending them. they are within the next 7 days . what it means for these f, 30 fives, and for the war in guys, it means that it's from needs to have the find another country with a license to export these spare parts to its routes. we know that these are 35 fi to jet, use a lot of the need and a lot of main maintenance. so the spare parts are often used. so it's not that simple. a different countries, southerly stuffing in. i'm sending these spare parts to us from stuff it's interesting isn't because he used a very specific phrase that you referred to that these pods were used for used in serious violations of international humanitarian law. but should point out the
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american owned by they are stored in dutch warehouse is, is there any indication that this could set some kind of precedent, not just, of course, within the netherlands, but across other governments into other courts as well as well. that's definitely the same, it among d i n g o says among the most folks from nova who have filed this case, they say this is definitely a precedent because at this the 1st court ruling and we know that for example, germany exports a lot more, a weapons to israel down the novel and stuff, for example, in every one, any and g, o cannot fight cases against their own governments to see if they can find the same court ruling. so definitely this is a serious blow for the dutch government, but maybe also for out of governments who were until now saying that there is no indication that international humanitarian law was being violated. that's exactly what the judge states that sat at this court step. thank you very much indeed.
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that's step voss. i'm talking to us from amsterdam. the you foreign policy jeep says, the nato military alliance cannot be dependent on the friends of an american president was a but i was reacting to controversial comments made by a former president, donald trump. trump, who was running for re election and said he would, quote, encourage russia to attack nato allies who failed to meet their nato contribution sledges. it may be solved caustic newton. this campaign we will see and listen to many things. that's the serious nature cannot be. uh, i like got married. the alliance can not be an immediate daddy ally, as i words, depending on the who my older pride, you know, the us on those days is not. yes. now, yes. tomorrow know it depend. who are you? how come on that's be cds. finance farmer consecutive prime minister alex on the
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stove has won the presidential runoff for an action with just over 51 percent of the vote. the sensor light politician is expected to take a hard line against the neighboring russia stop by the government's decision to end decades of political reality and join the national security outlines following russia's invasions ukraine in 2022. russia is way to get an aggressive war against ukraine, so i don't see any kind of communication with bruton or with the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a pathway towards peace, but it seems to me that that pathway happens only to there's a battlefield at the moment to what we need to focus on is supporting ukraine. give them money, munition weapons. and i rode towards you and made to a membership that's probably the best to turn. access to education is
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a key issue for voters and indonesia is presidential election and wednesday, the 3 candidates to put forward the vision for the future. one of improved access to schools and universities. jessica washington reports from the island of fathers tucked away in a forest with his new road, new water supply, and new electricity is the village of puerto blue book. but in these remote area of eastern research and got a provence, there's election for students usually on t tells us that she knows the names of all the presidential candidates. let's say den delta dental covers the villages and one of the diseases poorest preferences at the school at the book as possible. there are those who come to school without shoes. those who don't have books. the children are very enthusiastic about learning, but our results are lacking. hope the new president will pay attention to us and the remote villages, like this live here illustrates some of the challenges of educating young people in the world's largest,
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uncompleted country with 17000 islands. there are 24 students at this school in the village of for fluid. almost oh, it's expensive. it's including building these classrooms, paying teachers and fine books and other learning materials covered by local parents. many of the campaign pledge is my presidential candidates relate to education, then to a brand new, a once every low income household to be able to send one student to university for free, improving the livelihoods of teachers is a priority for any special reading and free school lunches is a signature pledge of proposed to be on the bottom. let me get that all the candidates understand the fundamental problems of our education system. the challenges emerged during the implementation and evaluation of their ideas. so education experts note progress has been made in recent years. with increased government spending and student enrollment, poverty is a persistent barrier to education, including in the capital,
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which acosta to some of the city's pores to live in, make shift homes such as these build from plastic and wood scraps found in the nearby landfill. and i want to know what it's like to be like other people for my children to go to school. but what can we do? we don't have money. recent government data shows almost 4000007 to 18 year olds. don't go to school, volunteer abdulla and offers free tutoring for some of these children. comfortable for me to come to a new phone or whoever is elected, hopefully education for much of life. children will be a part of the education as a vendor for people to see the future. most unenrolled in the school system because they have to work well. they don't have identification cods 10 year old mohammed says he enjoys learning about math and science and the dreams of going to a real school one day. just to can washington entre 0 information. whether it's
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next and it's going to be inside story and this dies is going to be here in about 30 minutes or more on a stories i'm roll madison. stay with us on the had a lot of that, let's look to east asia and high pressure is family in charge across china as well as the korean peninsula. and japan, keeping things a lot to be clear and dry. lots of sunshine across on northern areas for places like beijing, with temperatures, just continue to rise system the story for shanghai. and we will see that trend continue as we go into the mid week. but some went to weather, creeping across from central pots of china will start to pour into the korean peninsula and eventually on to southern parts of japan. so while tucker will continue see twice guys and sunshine, it's not the case of
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o soccer. we'll see some of that range start to rolling on the state. now, even though it is the dry season in india, as we move to south asia, we are seeing some way to weather develop across more eastern and central areas of india. we have good watches out for thunderstorms, so places like to for dash, as well as be high. you can see that went to weather starting to intensify working its way slight. you know, over the next few days. so the good news is for pockets done. we have some what's the weather moving into the south west. well, that clears up by the mid week on. instead it will be further south, but we see the west to weather for places like tara and tom will not do some showers here and also some heavy showers for sure. lanka on wednesday of the laws, some big a survivor of the united states, vittoria's guantanamo and background detention center. so it's so cold war on terror. now,
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we're human rights activist campaign for the release of the last. i've gone in one time and will be retraces as steps, revisiting because that's it. echoes of background with this documentary on a jersey to once every 14th, more than 200000000 institutions will have the challenge. suppose one of the largest selection edit history from the 3 candidates will they choose to be the next president's and how this impacts the future of the country. the race to lead into these special coverage on l g 0. coveted beyond well


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