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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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on al jazeera, the is there any forces cool, at least 67 palestinians in rough over 9040 pending ground defense save on cars as most southern states, the new bulk of this i'll just even live from dough posts are coming up, is right, a full se se they free 2 captives held in rockford, showing a rate under the cover of strikes. the us government appeals a court order to hold the exports of f 35 who were playing punch the israel, citing the risk of international moral being finalized. and the threats of firemen ensued on what 18000000 people are going hungry because of on sufficing
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the was meant to be the last corner of relative safety. it aligned ravaged by israel, unrelenting war. but for 1400000 palestinian sheltering a rougher in southern gaza. it's been the night that's been described as hell. is where the strikes and the tax of code. 67 people, some died while sleeping in that tense. most of them were women and children. those attacks came even before israel's anticipated ground. defensive hips, them grand, for the dental coverage, yet another sleepless night, because then using that alpha with ambulance crews going to be a to move on. did children nurses at the equate hospital that stuff? this child's headwind is some
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scenario mrs. so the latest is riley attack, skilled and injured dozens of palestinians. but alpha in southern garza is under relentless bombardment before a potential ground defensive. but also who was previously considered a so called safe zone, was the local israel figures for its captives kill our children. to be your lights and their future and takes away our freedoms that no one on earth with a through your conscience compared the scenes of murder children today. israel announced the rescue of 2 captives and the rate in the off of these rarely army says both rescued men are in good health. they've been identified a 60 year old, hernando mama, and 70 year old louis har. prime minister. netanyahu his past army commanders to
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focus on that also when more than 1400000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering elsewhere in gaza. at least 15 people were killed in the bombing of a house in the law. the meeting with gina we were bombed in gauze a cd and were displaced of as a way to area and vented there as well. we are civilians, and we say to israel, we steadfast here and the air of countries must look up and have mercy on us. across the gaza strip, palestinians are looking for signs of life under the rubble after the latest is rarely a sold. if to some good food audra 0. okay, well let's hear from some policy and you seems to have 5 strikes to see another day warning, some of the following images and distressing putting the order in the tents. me and all my family from the bullet school came across. my father went to see what's happening and said there was strikes. the strike happened while he was
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talking. we all said, my father was mounted. the we were home when the strikes were ongoing. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms. she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers above it collapsed on me. i'm one of the charlotte. she was born one month and a half ago and today he went back to god. she's father is an intensive care at the european hospital and his mother is wounded in her leg and, and i am so sorry, but uh huh. so much about something you've never seen milton hollywood on the us. milton livia milton syria did something like this happened early in russell, and they kept saying, go to a restaurant, go to russell, and people came here. then you talk it, them really? yes. what time it was a i'm drawing this on the line from rough for city in the southern gaza, and tara can take us through exactly how it costs hospitals that are coping with all of this. yes, leave. uh, the fact of the situation uh,
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in the majority of brokers hospitals, um, is this on getting to the bottom? this is really critical specifically that the majority of these hospitals have right now crating beyond its capacity. and we're talking about the 3 hospitals that are still remaining enough on districts are providing treatment for morgan for more than half of calls as population being displaced in russell. and it's the very deep shortage of medical supplies 0 to and about very limited numbers. if you can minister your medical trucks being allowed to get to be hospitalized at the very deep month for the majority of causes and medical assistance, especially that they have been suffering from a wide spread diseases a risk by roots or you want. and in fact to us, which for the very whole so we pay a desperate need for such medicine that medication to be forwarded and hospitals. now with the ongoing on, slow, tend attacks on this as a hot district. they are forced to keep providing medical treatment tend to work more than it's beyond its capacity as doctors medical teams. and everyone in the
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medical field are trying to do the best in order to keep providing that medical service to yesterday only we are talking about more than 60 pounds thing has been killed and with those has also injured. and these hospital just right now over whelmed with in get people who are in a very desperate need for medical help by the with medical teams. now the person administered hills is wedding from a series of medical crisis will be unfolding the medical secretary. there's going to be any made a treat encouraging for roof our district as the is very prime minister. benjamin antonio has been stationed within the past few days, as i'm sorry for, for those who has been watching your coverage from guys over the past few months. will know the ordinarily we speak to you on camera. now of course we're speaking to you on the telephone. it's an indicator of how challenging and difficult the situation is that right now, and of course, not only are you imposing, you will say living through this as well. what does it being like for you and the
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rest of the team? oh, yes it's, it's really difficult for me because we a, we are in that area that is supposed to be a phase as soon as be aware of poor thing about the ongoing events on the ground. and the latest developments yesterday was really a very typical day where no one and brother has been having trouble getting the feeling of safety. we have been why get on the, on this type of problem button and with families with relatives, with friends being completely terrified from such a written disability twice that keep bounding roughly districts in the last 24 hours. and this is why the majority of constants for no expect thing is specifically that we have been following it or does it, these are the ministry to flee to off off for seeking safety and now we are on we are completely on faith as we are trying to do all the past in order to keep reporting of it, forming each national community about what is happening on the ground by a whole families, all the relatives need to be at least protected. even the team here as they were report as they were completely reporting they are a,
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were terrified and panic because the on the. ready bottom, and that was a completely unfolding them where they no longer feeling safe to discovery moments . we are also to send from the possibility of actually a beginning of military inclusion for rough our district, but will definitely accept that they, it's a humanitarian conditions here. all right, topic as always, money science. so you're putting tonic advertising that in the roughest city and solving goes as cost to your home to solve. she's in occupied east jerusalem. and i'm the israel has been praising that operation that led to the rest, carrying all the freeing of these a comp, tibbs and god. so, but doesn't seem like the prime minister and all the members of the government are interested in a deal to bring back the remaining captives. that it's certainly an interesting question we've been hearing from israel's defense minister, jo. i've got lots within the last hour who says that this rescue operation and
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really change the game in terms of how they are conducting themselves throughout the war. and actually doubt that more operations like this would take place, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that military force is the only way to bring back the captives and the chief a total victory. and it's surely this operation going to be used as justification for why these relays are going to go into that fast and invade on fluid. but there are some mixed opinions within these really governments specifically from nathaniel who's coalition members from the far right. like the countries finance minister based on his smelt rich, is asking nothing yahoo to withdraw from any conversations or negotiations when it comes to the release of the captives. he says in a meeting today with his political party that the head of israel's most sod, instead of going to a concert, he should be, quote,
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going around the globe to eliminate the remaining mass leaders. and that the head of a shouldn't bet. instead of going to cairo to meet with mediators, he himself should go to the sofa until the remaining come spiders there. so you can see the differences of opinion as well. some other members of the government are saying, but perhaps the deal could secure the release of the remaining a 134 is really captives. it seems. but this rescue operation that resulted in a release of to is really captive. and also the death of $67.00 palestinians and injuring dozens more is being held lively as a success, as these really say it was successful, it was targeted, it was precise based on intelligence. and perhaps they're feeling that if they're able to maneuver more military operations like this, then maybe a deal is not the best option for them. but we do know that these negotiations are still happening. there are these meetings going on in cairo, but again,
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the really political establishment is saying that this operation overnight ended up law is changing the course of the war. a solid and occupied east rest of the thank you. were relatives of those 2 freed come tips have been speaking of the meeting, the loved ones, the cooling on his route to strike a deal to free the remaining captives housing goes and they are talking about okay, and the ab be say, a happy and that happy full be in the rescue, and a i want to say that we all the same as one stuff to all the 134 or to judge will be free. we will side for the free them, we will do everything we can. so these of all of these it will kind of will and it just another step was bring gigs or the hub and it through before hostage is back home. and it doesn't matter if it's a baby's, women, man,
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and are people. everybody must come back as soon as possible. and we know about the discussions in title or inquiries. and others between the hum us in between is rarely use the media. those please be serious as strike a deal holding calling eunice last just north of rough. i must be more heavy fighting. the is there any forces are facing resistance? phone posting and fights is the area has been bottom for weeks, and hospitals besieged and patients displaced, palestinians trapped inside. and this was the scene around nasa hospital is rarely snipers station there preventing anyone from leaving the medical facility. how the students have been tracking bodies across the street using groups to try and avoid guessing, showing the policy. and the health ministry says at least 7 people to last night
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before nasa and all amount of hospitals and con eunice up in under his ready siege for the past 3 weeks. hundreds of stuff patients and the space palestinians would reduce my bill. it to our track that we're unable to leave the european hospital is the only functioning medical facility and calling eunice right now. and they are the large functioning hospital. and the whole of the gaza strip of adults government says it will appeal a court ruling to stop exports of war, plain spat. ponds to israel announcement came out as of the dutch judges pounded appeal by human rights organizations. they argued that helping to maintain the f, 35 south jets contributed to israel violations of international law. the ruling says the netherlands needs to stop exporting any pups destiny is ro, within 7 days. the pots for america input stored in dutch warehouse is ready for shipping. more now from step costs, and then up to the, is quite
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a landmark ruling by the field court in the hague. for the 1st time, a court has now ordered the states since this war and got to stop sending weapons to is we're out in a 30 minute verdict. the judges dismiss all the arguments in that state. have for selling these weapons for sending these f $35.00 square parts to israel. basically talking about the political, a strong ties with the united states that were worried that it could be jeopardize also economic ties. because the netherlands is housing, this large distribution central square parts for these f $35.00 to europe and also to israel. but the judge dismissed all these arguments, saying that there is a serious risk of violations of international humanitarian law. happening right now in, gosh, i buy it as well. and because these f 355, the shots are being used in israel by israel and gaza, then that lens now has to stop sending them within the next 7 days. so this is a serious blow to the dutch day, but also could be
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a precedent for other groups. and you also have filed this case, but also in other countries. for example, germany, well lots of weapons are also being sent to as well. that that could be another case in another country. and this for that could be used as a, as a precedent as jurisdiction. what will happen now with these apps? $35.00 square parts. well, it's, well we'll need to find another supplier to send the spare parts. we know that f, 35, a jets are high on maintenance, so they need a lot of spare parts. very often. so it will be scrambled now as well to find another country who will supply this license to send these fair probably as well stuff awesome else's era. i'm so that are you able to say see, say they fired missiles of the us, congo ship and the red sea? the spokes person says this policy. if the groups responds to israel's foreign garza, the us and his allies have been bullying since he positions in an attempt to do to ongoing attacks on vessels in the region. your own bikes, he's,
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he's of pledge to continue the strikes until the whole ends. in the as a victory for the price of the palestinian people and in response to the us, british aggression on our country. the naval forces targeted the american ships stopped iris and the red sea using a number of appropriate naval massage money on all of a one. the thought that the who's the forces will not hesitate with the help of gotomypc to carry out more reparations in response to design as crimes against our brethren in the gaza strip. as well as in response to the ongoing us british, the question on our beloved country still had allowed a 0 west african blog. echo asa sending a diplomatic mission to set a goal of to days of violence. and the world of athletics is morning. the task of one of his prices to youngstown, the
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unique perspective i want to leave, i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage. and there's no reason to target the journal on her, it's voices, and i'm of the patient. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 in depth analysis of the case headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravens hopkins on that space is a text book genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera,
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60 years since its foundation, the munich security conference will see lead as a symbol to the local security challenges with conflict in the middle east spreading and the rest, the ukraine war continuing. what does the future international or does it look like getting live updates on out to say around the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what challenges era has their mind about top stories this? so this way the military is ramping up. it's a tax on rougher in southern guns because of the past, we're going to pay the ground offensive, almost easy, that a $67.00 people were killed and strikes over 90. $4400000.00 displays promised
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against our sheltering of assisting israel's defense to be of assistance to come to his were rescued an overnight operation in rasa. that'd be an identified a 60 year old. fernando man and 70 year old lewis. suppose count tim, so sad to be in good health. and adults government says it will challenge a court order to find the exports of spat pumps for f. 35 planes to is around. the announcement came out as also dumps. judges held in the po box, human rights organizations did a 10 month since the status of the conflict ensued. um civilians continue to pay a heavy price for the ongoing fighting. united nations is one thing that the humanitarian catastrophe has developed spending. millions of people would starve ation. hey, morgan report some policy to a slot sala has brought to 9 months old. my look to this nutrition center in the eastern city of ports for them to stop her from starving to death. the conflict between the army and the power military rapids,
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the port forces forced her to leave her home and hot the. she says, repeat the displacement has left her 2 week to nurse her daughter via see that right. and i said, i don't eat enough to produce smoke, so huh. i don't have the money to buy food and we rely on the assistance we get at the displacement center. sometimes we have breakfast off the 12. i put smolik here when she started getting dinner and they told me she was malnourished. a hunger has increased since the conflicts began in april. 4th, the displacement as well as rising food prices in parts of sedan and shortages in others has led to more people struggling to find something to eat. i the doctor for those and display sometimes to tell us they either eat one or 2 meals for none at all. some comedy tell us that we should feed the younger child and leave the elder, but that still causes hunger and mal nutrition. the un food agency says at least
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18000000 people are facing severe food insecurity up from 9000000 last year. some of those who need aid may be able to access it in parts of to them that are safe and way. there is no fighting. but in places that are active, complex areas, insecurity has made the getting relief supplies and difficult would they, united nations describing the hunger levels there as catastrophic. both wearing sites are accused of hampering the delivery of age. the army is accused of losing the process of allowing 8 inches to them. while the parent military group is accused of blocking access to be seized areas, dozens of deaths due to starvation have been reported. we need to be able to access those areas. and because we're either having to work across the line and negotiate access, we've all sides to the conflict with not being able to do it, particularly as the sky. we can do smooth distribution, see
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a smooth distribution for what we want is almost an industrial size. size operation so far says she's grateful, she can feed her daughter and my next life is no longer at the risk. she hopes that aid will continue, so she doesn't lose her child to hunger like so many of the parents have people morgan onto their own board, sit down the accident is also experiencing that communications black eye, which is being blamed on the power. but if you wrap it simple forces they are, a staff began shutting down and that we had last week leaving millions of people unable to make payments, or contact me outside. well, department issue group controls most of the capital cost to where the headquarters of students telecoms provide is a based luxury and present head of the west african block echo was canceled. his trip to san a go bullet to new bo was to in dhaka, which is being facing fund and process of the site at least present mackey solid. postpone the presidential election. so as opponents say, it's an attempt to extend his rule accusation. he denies. echo asked to send
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a different magic mission to discuss political situation that, that goes on as well from dr. of these, after violet coats as police are still out in full force, making sure that their presence is seen this at a time where present in the present day jerry a present to know who was supposed to meet with the goals president solve that visit, were told by the presidency, has been cancelled and will take place at a later time. meanwhile, there's a delegation of members of parliament from the regional body meeting with the head of the national assembly here, but also with m. p 's booth and the ruling party and the opposition. they're investigating more specifically the circumstances in which the bill to delay the election was voted in parliament. we saw police that we c normally in ride year, outside on the streets, fire and tear gas inside the national assembly pushing members
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a member of parliament of the opposition out of the national assembly. now the head of the national assembly say they were being unruly. the opposition said that they were prevented from voting. the original bodies aim is to ensure a constitutional order among member states, including standing. all the critics of the institution, members of the civil society have come out over the weekend, criticizing extra wants of now being more forceful calling with de describe as a constitutional crew here in san diego. meanwhile with president sel continues to call for dialogue. there's talks of it possible amnesty of those leading figures of the all positions are currently in jail. nicholas hawk out 0 the car. you know, i say the pucks though now with supporters of jail, former prime minister in wrong kind of block highways to protest against last week's election results. thousands of protests
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is the somebody says quest that much the price is rig independent candidates bank by con, $1.00 of the most states, they got $93.00 out of $265.00 national assembly seats. but no political policy has a majority to form a government on their own. so pocket stones to law, just political parties, indigo, shaping a possible airlines. the pucks on muslim league the was the boxed on people's party, formed velasco relation government. and after moving comes with confidence 5 to parliament color by leaders, and i've got a sign of a welcome home to man who spent 14 years in prison. in guantanamo bay, abdul karim and abdulla here arrived fucking couple. after spending 70 is on the house, the rest and a month. they were sent out to spending more than 20 years in us custody, including in the us prison in cuba. there were among hundreds of suspects, arrested in america, so quoted full on tower a tribute to being paid to the canyon mouth and
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rather kelvin keep to him who was being killed of the call across the 24 year old reco. breaking athlete was favorite when the olympic metal this summer. david stokes reports. this is the aftermath of a road accident that killed one of the brightest prospects in world support. 24 year old kelvin kit, some had been driving in 10 years rift valley before losing control and colliding with a tree. he and his coach too, if i used to use the man who was also in the car, died at the scene and a female passenger was taken to hospital with serious injuries except that one. yeah. the other with the type of accident that happened for us, some of the, one of us got it. i didn't police and then to like that idea. so i hit next and i saw myself for myself and see the soonest that i have to go see the next 50. so yeah, let's see. so to the family that the uplift express that i need to and then to kind
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of make what the conflict as are these trying moment. because i can say for sure, we ask the man the night and the window of the 2023 wells, at least at the out the stadium is kelvin keeps to gibson was already a superstar of long distance running and set to be a top contender for gold, the olympics and parish this year he broke the american record in chicago last year, running the 42 kilometers in 2 hours. 35 seconds. it was early as the lead race. oh yeah. for known to my saw this. and then he was, you know, to him for the music's. so yeah, just in this one us, nothing can just see the, for the funded to is the one who new to this is pinion, politicians and fellow athletes of pay tribute as well as the why disposing community sebastian co,
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the president of the plastics said he was an incredible athlete leaving an incredible legacy. they would stokes, i would use their project law silence if somebody in the bulk of weather is next to the inside story. we'll discuss why is around is still preventing a deliveries in gaza. thanks for watching. the have a lot of they will have a look at africa in mind that the 1st to the middle east and live and we've seen unsettled weather, dominating the weather story across some of the gulf states scattered showers and drenching down pools for places like guitar. the u. a amman, but you can see that range starting to run its way further east over the next few days. it'll leave behind a legacy of cloud. but we are expecting some dry a skies, but not necessarily full saudi arabia and further north, not temperatures have been above average across that event with wire skies and sunshine. but look at that change by the mid week. some heavy rain working in the
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eastern parts of the mediterranean. we are expecting that rain to start to push into places like gaza gauze. a city will see that light rain and a much cooler field. by the end of the week. things are looking much cooler across the north of africa. thanks to some blustery winds, taking showers down across in to new z, libya as well. some of that rain pushing into egypt by the time we get into wednesday. some bucks we showers, and when z a could kick up a sand storm as well. and the wind is a dominating fact across moving parts of africa, but also the story of sheet as it is the southern parts of africa. places like deborah road in botswana, seeing the mercury continued to rise lots of heat into had his book to of the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous,
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the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us real permits and nothing leaves scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this byron upfront. without you there is rattles, trusting a deliveries to gaza view and says policy is that out on the brink of salvation. that's even off, so the international court of justice order as well to allow humanitarian assistance into this trip. so who can 4 set to confine? this is the inside story. the


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