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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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of the joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the plan . so robin, you're watching the i'll just it renews online from coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready. falls is currently 67 palestinians are in. russ. i have an ice before an in pending ground, defensive on gauze, as most the southern city. and, well, i know we are in the tents, me and all of my family and the bullet school came across. my father went to see what's happening and said that was strikes. the strike happened while he was
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talking the old fence. my father was mastered stock divisions in these rightly cabinet finance minister best law. small rich was prime minister benjamin netanyahu . i have a son to get that occasion to see side towards with home us. also, the dutch government appeals a cold soldier to help the exports of ex 35 will find pulse to israel, citing the risk of international move being violated. and the threat of simon ensued on what 18000000 people are getting hungry because of months of fighting the book into the news. it was meant to be the last quarter of relative safety and the land ravaged by, as well as unrelenting rule. but for 1400000 palestinian sheltering and rough and southern guns. so it's been a night that's been described as how it's very it strikes and the times of killed
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67 people. some died while sleeping in the tense. most of them were women and children. those of types came even before israel's anticipated ground defensive in his room. stock divisions now matching in the cabinets over the feature of talks with him, a sort of cease fire and the prisoner exchange finance minced up as a lot of small rich has worn to prime minister benjamin netanyahu over send to get delegation. at least $160.00 full palestinians were killed across scotsman, just 24 hours. but takes the death toll to move in 28300 palestinians. it's in getting fold. begins all coverage of the youth another sleepless night. because sims in that awful with ambulance crews going to be a to move on. did children nurses at the equate hospital that stuff? this child's headwind, this? oh, my gosh. okay. are you
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helping the mrs. so can any the latest is riley attacks, cube, and injured dozens of palestinians. but alpha in southern gaza is under relentless bombardment before a potential ground defensive. but also who was previously considered a so called safe zone. it was the local israel figures for its captives killed our children up enough to be their lights and their teacher and takes away our freedoms that no one on earth with a through your conscience compared the scenes of murder children today. israel announced the rescue of 2 captives and the rate in the off of these rarely army says both rescued men are in good health. they've been identified a 60 year old, hernando mama, and 70 year old louis har. prime minister. netanyahu his past army commanders to
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focus on that also when more than 1400000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering elsewhere in gaza. at least 15 people were killed in the bombing of a house in de la because of the name of gene. and we were bombed in garza cd and were just placed it as a way to area. and then there as well. we are civilians and we say to israel, we have that fast here. and the air of countries must look up and have mercy on us . across the gaza strip, palestinians are looking for signs of life under the rubble after the latest is rarely a sold. it to some good food. audra 0. a thought about his enjoys as now on the line from ross, a city in southern garza high tower. it can be in another difficult line to head off to a 24 hour scenario of death and may have across the street, especially around hospitals. and that's why it's in fact,
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so hell likes the situation in the hospital. it sounds really guy. it typically that the majority cost because i have been i can be overwhelmed with patients with agent people. and now we're kind of a patient for suffering from different pleases i'm to do with that. and then the pressure on the medical to sit if used to keep re, to him, keep providing medical services for more than 85 percent of gauze should ation. and i would be talking to a number of doctors and medical experts as they have been waiting from a serious medical catastrophe. because of the, if you haven't said that these hospitals have been going through and the are talking about the consequences the resulted from course the benefit rob equation for robot district as proper right now is the last remaining gary, as everyone knows for a 1000 years with freed hospitals remaining and providing medical treatment for more than 1900000 policy in the morning from multiple scenarios for your regional
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medical condition. that is a really aggravating and it's a very deep shortage of medical supplies that have been allowed to get into thumbs up or out in person. go to office medical assistance being delivered to the territory. so the wording from doctors hospital right now are they facing the concrete terrific scenario for similar situations of condition. ready that hospital in the north, in some areas i'm right now if i knew that i've been exposed to it as specific feedback for hospitals in hot here that i've been on the complete ministry cheese as a possibly expands the truth ration topic. obviously, the situation on the ground continues to be is how it rings that causes a new out to where they are across the street. but in your particular case was, the camera is off where and you go off to your safe location and shelter. what goes through your mind about the story that you're living through right now because your
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experience is just as similar perhaps to the people that you're reporting on. yeah, that's why i talk to uh, switched off to come, are sending back to a lot to a place, but printer being mostly displays, they have been continually going through where rustic seems is that from the time especially what happened talk last night that these very forces have carried out a very serious matter to embrace they decide to help piecing areas of profit as they have managed to rest q 2 a is very a come to from the time drop by. i'm not very intense compartment using i. p. c. supply a power on the ground destroying residential building infrastructure and killing innocent civilians are not being towed in the last 24 hours. a has surpassed more than 60 policy and being killed ended up being how it was people seem to die. so what my lady, one front of my house at the short term have i years very i'm going to of the
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bottom. it that he had been killed. this thing is going as no one could provide him worse. cute. because the a dissertation of these very of them button and. ringback in the neighborhoods that were live again, that's the i don't hold the me old, the team members here or something else the on the coming back to the homes. and that the make shift tense as the no no longer can able to feel safe as is well, it depends also just thought ability in cousins to run by district which school success that they really aggravating humanitarian crisis. that'd be going sort of thing. so with the topic of those in the source on the line from rough. thank you. well we had one palestinians whose volumes i strike some last. i loved ones in a matter of minutes and putting the order in the tents. me and all of my family from the bullet school came across. my father went to see what's happening
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and said that was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking. we all said, my father was mounted. the we were home with the strikes where i'm going. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms, she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers above it collapsed on me. she was born one month and a half ago and today she went back to god. she's father is intensive care at the european hospital and his mother is wounded in her leg and, and i am subbing for her so much in colorado. something you've never seen molten hollywood on the us. milton libya. milton syria did something like this happened early in russell and they kept saying, go to a restaurant, go to russell, and people came here. then you target them really? yeah. well those, that strong side is roles, plans of a grounding coach and into rafa has full many displays palestinians to fate. yes.
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again, this time to did a bala in central garza in country who spoke to families who say they have nowhere to go as one of the most deadliest nights. that's how people are currently evacuating from rough boss describe last night. as it was one of the deadliest nights, the experience tends more than 128 days in the cause of a lot of policy news, cranky, displaced in the are currently using this road address. you drove connecting dropbox with can you does that and but as the middle area together, this is the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't back in 10 units, but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than
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5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be considered safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their is bella, or $200.00 units or any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee, and my name's smoking this way. we felt it might be slightly safer here in 0 bhalla . we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an m c area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area, because it's one of the areas that have a close swats are because it's very close to the sea. as you see,
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people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7. hi and. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe. and that's because i am not as much as a headwind, and so we're kind of on this level 5, we 1st flipped to and more causing them, found one of us. and then off last night we had to leave the school where we were shocked during that time we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody at least, which is different. but all of the people are frustrated or despair. they're saying that the quad cafeterias came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting lot by munition on people. actually, 60 palestinians have been killed and drop off last night. people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that has been in
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killing units, just north of rough. uh that is being heavy fighting. is there any forces that facing resistance from pilots any influences? the area has been bummed for weeks on the hospitals besiege with patients, been displaced, palestinians trent inside. and this was the scene outside hunt around us. our hospital is very small, like the station that were preventing anyone from leaving the medical facility. palestinians have been drinking bodies across the streets using roads to try and avoid getting showed. the palestinian health industry says at least 7 people have been killed by smelly for fire. no, so i'm out of hospitals. in con, units have been on the is really siege for the past 3 weeks. hundreds of stuff, patients and displaced, palestinians with reduced mobility. a trumps that were unable to leave. beautiful hospital is the only functioning medical facility income units right now, and the any large functioning hospital in the whole, the goal is to strip. well,
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have you mind calling me bonke? spoke to doctor emma that looked like the who's at the european hospital. and he talked about the terrible conditions, the the only one which can provide the complex kinds of care and it's like a comprehensive care to the patients. this helps with that. it's a bit of a 240 bit get back to get excited for 370 kind of the you have, i have the 1000 patients or the hosting for the, for the go to the in the image just in the problem because it cut out with patients, we have to deal with the dozens of casualties which i by overnight to the hospital . the, we good to over the floor or they also with the, the operating see if that it became for unable to receive more patients. because there's a lot just a gun i the bid for the ones who i live. so it's again another shot to expose the collapse in the heart of gaza. and what we see again, you know,
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coming at each host with the, the, got the by the, the, the out of service. so now explicit and literally the only one that was kind of divide in the order says, ready to doesn't people don't know. so it's kind of provide complex, jeanetta said, ready, oh i see you get in the hold of the gaza with why we deal with is like, you know, these patients who i like to hear the other side is, is that not many of the patients or the can be for they don't, i liked it also said i thought that we don't see that so it's still that it is that . ready what is the situation? wouldn't be able to send the stuff out i, unable to reach the office, which if i didn't from the mid of about the have 0 close on the account. i liked the people from rough. i became more or more this kid if i live in the whole of instead of putting in mind what's happened or what the letter is, might be to pieces. and then they would be stupid. it's from that 5 minutes to get stuck in the hall so that they would that time and again,
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or those folks this involved us national security council don't besides present j biden's concerns about protecting palestinian civilians in rough or have being clearly expressed to israel. the sounds prime minister benjamin netanyahu told us media on sunday that the ground defense of that will be getting ahead. just confident that the ours rarely can't afford to understand our concerns. we've made them privately. we've made them publicly. i won't speak for the israelis or a or what they may or may not do, but they but they for loud and clear are concerns about where the civilians that the civilians need protected. i can't tell you here talking, so we know what that would look like. uh, but uh, but we, we hope and expect that ours really kind of parts will factor in the safety of those civilians appropriately as they consider future operations down. and let's bring it home, dr. lynch's life for us. it okey potty. so theresa and and uh just really nice of what prime minister netanyahu says the internal politics of israel impacts greatly
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now on the direction of how the military operation continues in gone. so that's exactly right, and after this rescue operation, these really prime minister is reiterating that military force is actually the only way to not only bring back the remaining 134 captives, but also the only way to win the war as well as defense minister jo, off the launch said that today was the turning point in the war and that operations like this are going to continue happening. but there are a lot of other disagreements in the war. as mediation talks are ongoing and, and is really delegation is expected in cairo. you have members from the far right, like bits of the small rich, the country's finance minister. he's calling on us and yahoo to actually pull that delegation from those meetings saying that instead of sending the head edition back to cairo, he should be quote,
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sending him to the class to kill the remaining high mass operatives there. and instead of sending the head of israel's most sought to us, so i have to negotiate with what he calls the enemy. he shouldn't be sending him around the world to eliminate how mass leaders world. why? so just to give you an idea of the scale of opinions that are among the is really political horizon. but you also have some specifically within the opposition who say that a deal is actually the only way to ensure that the captives can be brought back safely. because while this relentless bombardment is going on, well, this military incursion into several parts of gaza is still ongoing. via land, air and sea, there is still a risk. the captives are going to be killed the same way the palestinians are when they're subjected to the is really airstrikes. but something that is clear among these really is that a ground invasion of enough left is imminence. and today is rescue operation is
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just going to be justification for these really prime minister. and these really army as to why they need to go into the plus to 6, your little last part of what they're calling a strong hold. and they're saying that that's the only way to achieve an absolute victory. so while there are these varying opinions, these really prime minister is remaining ottoman, but it's just the only way. so when the war, despite all of the international criticisms and all of the international scrutiny that is coming towards israel, specifically because of the $1400000.00 palestinians horse taking refuge and dropped off from the city. that with the latest, thanks very much. the dutch government says it will appeal a court ruling to stop the exports of war plain spare parts to israel. the announcements came hours of to dutch judges upheld and appeal by human rights organizations. they argue that helping to maintain the define itself jets contributed to as well as violations of international law. the ruling side of the
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netherlands needs to stop exposing any pos dustin as well. within 7 days, the ponce, the american named but stored in dutch warehouse is ready for shipping to good canada nurse. the court has looked at national and international regulations in this area. if there is a clear risk that these parts are using a tax and which humanitarian laws of war are violated, then this provides a compelling ground for refusal. and the preliminary release, the judge previously assumed that the minister had more room for assessment. but the court says no, this is a compelling ground for refusal, and that's why it's not allowed. the other set vessels spoke to him. he also sees the director general about some new they've one of the rights organizations that initiated this quote process in the netherlands. but he says, other groups all following this case to take action in other countries. i think it's very significant and i'm, i'm happy that the court was so clear also,
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and it's in its ruling to day. i'm hopeful that it will change the behaviors of my own governments, the dodge government, and it must because they need to be by this ruling. i also hope that it's a turning point stats. the governments in europe for elsewhere we have supported israel so far will look in sales in the mirror and realize that they are in fact co responsible or even complicity of the violations taking place in gaza as we speak. basically, some said could also be used as a precedent for other groups like yours, like ok, so in other countries, because we know other countries like germany still is supplying weapons to as well as well. and what, what do you know about that? yes, well we have been in contact with many other groups including other expands also in countries, but also our other non governmental organizations who have been following our court case from the beginning. we started somewhere in november and i received numerous
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messages to day of people 1st congratulating us, of course, with this important win imports, but also immediately asking for all the information so they can use it in their own countries to pressure their own governments to change those policies they're the main objective of course is, was to relieve the suffering of the people in gaza. how do you see this verdict now effecting this a civilians in guys are right now? well, that's difficult to see and to say at this moment. so i would say, especially today with all the horrible news we again hear from rough, i'm from other places in guys. i have colleagues there all time colleagues who work in guys who are currently based as refugees in rough or at least for to day this news that i could bring for them was a little bit of help. a little bit of lights, a little bit of yeah. realizing that people all in other places are thinking about them. i don't think it will change the situation on the ground immediately. but i
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hope that this verdicts here in the netherlands is a turning point in the behaviors of our governments here. and that makes it possible to put much, much more pressure on israel to stop the the a text. aaron garza punch moorehead. hey, on the i'll just say it renews are including west african block and co op says sending a diplomatic mission to set it go up to the days of violets. and we meet the palestinian refugee who's of the man all the small swedish town raising awareness of what's happening in concert the city tubman since he starts with a conflict in so don't civilians continue to pay a heavy price for the ongoing fighting. united nations is wanting that a humanitarian catastrophe, has developed, trusting millions of people with starvation, the you and says bowls and 12000 men,
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women and children have been killed since the stones of the conflict. 18000000 sued needs are facing food shortages. that's twice as many as last year. it's estimated that 3 and a half 1000000 children will suffer from acute malnutrition this year. that's food prices rise in shortages increase around to 700000 of them severely malnourished and requests specialized life saving treatment around 3000000 children amongst millions more falls from the home since april. not so long. just number of internally displaced children anyway. typical could report stuff and puts it on a slot sala has brought to 9 months old to my lead to this nutrition center in the eastern city of ports for them to stop her from starving to death. the conflict between the army and the power in military rapids support forces forced her to leave her home and heart, whom she says repeated displacement has left her 2 week to nurse her daughter. some
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of this is that right? and i said, i don't eat enough to produce smoke for her. i don't have the money to buy food and we rely on the assistance we get, but the displacement center. sometimes we have breakfast off the 12. i put smell like here. when she started getting dinner and they told me she was malnourished, hunger has increased since the conflict began in april, 4th, the displacement as well as the rising food process in parts of sedan. and shortly just in others has led to more people struggling to find something to eat. i them and i think the doctor for those has been display sometimes to tell us they either eat one or 2 meals for none at all. some comedy tell us that we should feed the younger child and leave the villagers, but that still causes hunger and malnutrition of the of the us food agency says at least 18000000 people are facing severe food insecurity. up from 9000000 last year . some of those who need aid may be able to access it in parts of to them that are
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safe and way. there is no fighting, but in places that are active conflict areas is security has made getting relief supplies and difficult. would they, united nations describing the hunger levels there as catastrophic, of both wearing sides are accused of hampering the delivery of age. the army is accused of losing the process of allowing 8 interest with them. while the parent military group is accused of blocking access to be seized areas, dozens of deaths due to starvation have been reported. we need to be able to access those areas. and because we're either having to work across the line and negotiate access, we've all sides to the conflict with not being able to do it particularly of the sky. we can do more distribution, see a smooth distribution that what we want is almost an industrial size size operation so far says she's grateful,
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she can feed her daughter and my next life is no longer at the risk. she hopes that age will continue. so she doesn't lose her child to hunger like so many of the parents have people morgan onto their own parts down. so don is also experiencing a communications blackout which has been blamed on the power of military rapids support forces. the beginning, shutting down the network last week, leaving millions of people unable to make payments or contact the outside world. the power minutes, a group controls most of the capital call to headquarters of citizens, telecoms provide as a paste. the nigerian president and the head of the west african blog at co ops has canceled his trip to send a go bulletin. do was due in the car which has been facing violent protests after sending a lease president becky, sol postponed the presidential election. so opponent say it's an attempt to extend his rule. an accusation that he denies that co us is trying to mediate the crisis because i think has moved from the capital back of of these after violet coats,
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as police are still out in full force, making sure that their presence is seen this at a time where present in the present day, jerry, i present to know who was supposed to meet with the goals president, solve that visit, were told by the president has been cancelled and will take place at a later time. meanwhile, there's a delegation of members of parliament from the regional body meeting with the head of the national assembly here, but also with m. p. 's both and the ruling party and the opposition. they're investigating more specifically the circumstances in which the bill to the late election was voted in parliament. we saw police that we see nobody in right here outside on the streets, fire and tear gas inside the national assembly pushing members a member of parliament of the opposition out of the national assembly. now the head of the national assembly say they were being unruly. the opposition say that they
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were prevented from voting. the original bodies aim is to ensure a constitutional order amongst members state, including senegal, the critics of the institution, members of the civil society, have come out over the weekend, criticizing extra loss of now being more forceful calling with de, describe as a constitutional crew. here in san diego, meanwhile with president cell continues to call for dialogue. there's talks of a possible amnesty, of those leading figures of the opposition that are currently in jail. nicholas hawk alger 0 the car. and it shows me that you really has proposed the creation of a common currency with the key to sasa and molly, other i'm on a to tiny, says that it's a step house of colonial ization may have comes 2 weeks after the 3 countries of drew that membership from echo us to see the silver and the money is a sign of silver. and some guys we are engaged in the process of recovering i live
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in total solving to do a real problem for them. i do not show very nifty product to show to notate that. sure. it is no longer a question of our states being the costco front front has rubbed us of more than 107 year old new fluid. do some fit to fit on some of the cash only make on you some must work together to find the mechanisms that allow us the strength changes within our alliance, the north of whether it is monetary exchanges and any other types of exchange on that that. so that this area of the alliance of the health status because effectively as we wanted the crew is that a fish virus on nothing's on his own of insecurity. so have you signed thousands i think says in kosovo who protested a by the use of the serbian currency in areas that they live in. costa, they use as a year, right. as well as ethnic subs in northern costs. they use the serbian dina, the governments of cost of,
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of band banks and other financial institutions from using athena within it's internationally recognized folders in the move, which has an get both costs of a subs. and so it'd be a, that's an exception cost of i say abolishing the currency is discriminatory. hello billy to that sir. here's an opportunity to tell the world on your own citizens that we subs the 2nd cluster to something cost of the on demand to hear. that's all a basic human rights to violate this car and that we all threaten to the sun an extra this from our ancient times. we'll still head here on the, i'll just say republicans new prime minister and makes the french presidents where they agree. europe needs to move to bolts, but it's defense that story after the break the
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has. 6 that, let's have a look at the weather across europe over the next few days and offered surely start to the week. what things are going to walmart. it'll tell mild, certainly in terms of temperatures across a lot of your. but despite that, williams is gonna remain largely unsettled with rounds of rain pulling in from the west. you can see that rolling across the person on the island of island, keeping things a little cooler. but by wouldn't stay, that will be some improvement coming through study for the south of this, for places like spain and portugal, the which is of the weather rolling across at denmark's wintery weather as well. coming into the far north east. for places like russia most coasting some improvement, however, the temperature wise on choose a minus 3 degrees celsius. and instead will see that reading start to run its way towards the se. bringing was a bit of a winfrey mix as well to the likes of are mania as well as ukraine. some showers coming into the very south of italy. you'll see that little bit last 3 across the mediterranean. but some improvement coming through for spain and portugal, just a few showers here and the temperature of picking up within that range,
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rolling across the western parts of france. we are expecting that to come in to paris, but let's hope it doesn't dump in the spirits on wednesday. it will be valentine's day in the city of love. that should weather update. for the latest news as it breaks, you're not going to see when they come with detail coverage. ok now he's a real thing again, you can see the big gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the world. scalding wasn't even on the summit agenda. these follow me say that bringing that tract is brussel is totally way to be heard. unique perspective. i want to be but don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage
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and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices. and i'm of the communications. i'm pleasing connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 the the book about you watching the, i'll just it renews with me. so romney though. a reminder of all the top stories he is writing. the ministry is ramping up his attacks on rocca in southern gaza as a proposal and anticipates ground defensive on the city. at least 67 people were
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killed in strong save, and 94400000 just based palestinians are sheltering in russell and israel stock divisions and drinking the cabinets over the future of pulse with how much of a ceasefire the finance minister, president of small, rich has wound the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was sending its allegation and the dutch government says it will challenge a cold holder to that explosive style pods. search find gold plans as well. the announcement came hours of to dr. judge is upheld and appeal by human rights organizations were just getting some news in from the west bank where a group of is riley settlers have a time to palestinians. south of the city of nablus, at least 2 palestinians withhold, have been injured while such as open fi and the village of cedar witnesses say the attack is also set fire to a home that's been a significant surgeon, set live on it. and so keep high territory since the stones of the war and on the table will commit to continue to monitor the situation,
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the west bank in the coming hours, the suits and 2 icons and as well. one place to one and a half 1000000 published and he's a sheltering in rough, but it is where the ground defensive is threatened by. these riley's has worked a few of them. a pricing for a lack in i'm a mother in the, the numbers of dead and wounded people here will be huge. if israel stones rough puts me, i will move in the process. i will stay in roswell. i'm ready this time to die in rough. um we urge all the arab countries, particularly egypt. busy cats are united arab emirates and saudi arabia to take action and adopted a decision to help the palestinian people to save the palestinians, some of the genocide being committed by next. and on the 2nd, when i scanned into as well, that we live together with the shilling destruction, relocation phase, i'm hung up despite everything, but we will stay strong and resilience. there is news buses run,
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is pressuring how must accept such demands, otherwise as well as storm rough uh, this will result in a must have catastrophe. we have spent moving a 100 days here. there are more than a 1000000 displaced. people have different agendas, ages, sicknesses, and diseases. it is, we will remain on the tunnel, memory of human history for everyone who tests remember how the, how do we kept moving from one place to another. about 7 times we've lost everything. there was nothing left that they can threaten us with. from now on look, they have no place to go, but the grave, i want the arab countries to be united and unified and i know america is comprehensively supporting israel. but i want to americans to help us get back all that the houses, the policy an employment as to how much of a has will and that. and he is really offensive that would mock new phase. in the cause of genocide, i submitted a mechanism to talk to the other side of the, the killing machine, of as well is to kidding our sons and goes straight. this stone.
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each new escalation has been announced by the alien prime minister. all thoughts toll being rough from the last resulting square in rough or $100.00 monitors have gone the most of them. women and children in rough uh how they are. uh, 1400000 people living in difficult circumstances. the freezing weather that makes hi and god and is will continue, is the genocide spots. they didn't guys that also was a concern from european union's top diplomats as well. just browse as well should be press not to go ahead with this offensive on rasa. even the us for the strongest report to ease, well, consider it by the president, by then himself, that these extra news disproportion they did that they call people being killed.
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civilians being killed is invertible. learning use while not to continue with huge weight. but my question is, apart from words, what else will using it has to be done. and brittany's phone secretary is also calling for israel to in his words, stop and think before writing russell, david cameron says guys that needs a sustainable ceasefire. and we are very concerned about what is happening in rafa because that's be clear, the people that many of them move move for 56 times and forgetting that. and it really, we think is impossible to, to see how you can conflict a war amongst these people. there's no way for them to go. they called goes into egypt, they couldn't go north and back to the homes because many have been destroyed. so we are very concerned about the situation that we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action. but above all, what we want is
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a major pause in the fighting and we want that pause to lead to a cease fire. a sustainable scene spot with time to return to the fighting. well, again, he's been a focus is an economist in greece, is full. the finance minister, he says, europe in country shared responsibility for the atrocities happening in garza. we, europeans, created the problem. and at the moment, we are playing a vicious roll. it needs perpetration. you heard i just heard on your problem. me said the board of people critically lamenting the fact there's not enough pressure is being applied on the issue. i have to stop genocide, be rough and miserable though you are presenting that you to be in union, which collectively is ami israel, germany, france, italy as we speak, i sending the valet i'm a minute instead of being used in the alpha to cube we have is the kind of them,
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the british for them, separate de la man thinking he what is happening in the rough. but he has been instrumental to in steadying the hand of a ideas in its pursuit of genocide for weeks now by doing whatever she can in order to prevent the cease fire from taking place. so your opinions category to the problem, you know, pianos are punctuating the problem and you will be as a failing to do that, which is necessary in order to to do what we claim we had interesting thing doing. because the official, the official veteran, the official fear, he never finished with policies a 2 state solution. and yet your opinions are completely complicit in the support of these. the government under mister netanyahu, whose life's work has been the destruction of any prospects overall experience
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state. so let's take you to the white house though, the present to joe biden, and his wife to jo, waiting for the imminent arrival of king abdullah of jordan. that for a scheduled meeting, obviously of many of the things that are happening in the middle east, natively, coastal and garza and how to actually find a way to hold it policy fine will not complain him is queen ronnie also with the king. we expect those talks to last a few hours and then there will be a joint press conference, so send me a readout. and we, they may, we assume the moment to take questions from the press but for the moment this is the normal official welcome and greeting will say with them is crown prince hunter, as well as to the jordanian throne. and the eldest son of the king of the sites will put you in and see a full price. and of course we'll go back to that once. but if the president and
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the king take to the election here on out there, and the sweetness was the 1st e u countries to recognize palestine as a states, but its reason to come and define from cutting aids to the you and agency, full palestinian refugees. one that politician from jamalia is also raising awareness of the plight of palestinians after she migrated to sweden from gauze, a police report, so from called screening in suite, to kinda into the beautiful. it's a quiet winds this morning in the home of come, i'll do. how many done on her daughter have violetta? so for the day, just over 11 years after another is ready the invasion of gaza. k. one too many for a mother with a new born baby and jamalia life has changed completely, had not totally settled in sweden, but some of them became matter of the town of all of strength. and i do have the balkans on sunday, the electorate was so small after 3 months old when you sterling,
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they did again. i thought i can forgive myself if anything happens to her. so we left. i was grateful to find and live in peace and safety. but it was hard for reason of a new culture. your language was when i get a job and will i give my daughter is a good life that it's been on leave to mom has done that and more through hardwood at the initiative. she worked at a pizza restaurant while taking the language classes off at the old immigrants in sweden, but soon got a job helping other due arrivals to settle abilities, dump bush, and then so hed take much bigger steps in swedish society. and i do have it done, was about a matter of time within just 6 years of arriving in sweden from garza. she now holds political office here in the regional capital. i was nearly invited to the national parliaments of the last election. she's been using her voice to speak up at demonstrations against the war and garza but also feels helpless of the lack of political will its way to the world to stop israel's bombing of a homeland involvement on site. in default,
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the overall bon. i live through the 2nd intifada as a child. i was there through all divorce until 2012, but it wasn't anything like what i'm seeing there now. so in the 1st week, my cousin, her husband and her son were killed. my other cousin had one son killed, another lost his arm, they're still in northern costa. where can they go? there's no safe place and got that all by going to fix and 3 plastic also to mom left your body as so quickly that she has a few 5 times left of her childhood. she's grateful that sweet and support system to immigrants despite the shift to the right of the last election. this helps her own daughter have a more secure future. no. but yeah. you'll have you with voc again with best buy. i've given it my own, but i was lucky to meet many people who said how welcome and just we didn't want to our society. so, this is one of the reasons i went into politics. i want to maintain this image of sweden of his body else. but to write it, states and politics also lets us say just how much the children of gaza being left to the fight. pull race out his era calls cardinal sweden.
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the police in the democratic republic of congo 5 take us to disperse protest, as who demonstrating outside western embassies and the un mission in the capital control. so that the protest is alleged that western nation support neighborhood one to which it accusative, backing the n $23.00 rebels and east. and they also took all the husband right, those allegations. but even experts save as evidence of the rebels, all supported by the wonder with weapons and the equipment, a phone, a lot of stores you'll be, we are here because today we have decided to put an end to everything happen to the east of the country. and we understand what is happening behind the scenes in collaboration with folk academy. the americans and the french in the studies probably minister says native country should boost defense spending. colleges come in solely controversial statements made by the former us president donald trump. he
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said that he would encourage russia to attack nato allies who fail to meet the spending targets. we have been advocating for doing more in defense and that means that own the natives, members, to more in defense, they invest more in defense to boost the defense industry in order to be stronger together. so i think it see is, is the lead for, for everybody to do more? and i think what the, the presidential candidate in america says he's also something to maybe wake up a, some of the allies who haven't done that much. so hopefully, hopefully we all do more and collect to be uh, we are stronger together being well publish probably minutes the double task is in from so they diplomatic mission to both to you. a native relations between the 2 countries who arrived in paris during while he called difficult and demanding times in the face of widespread protest by farmers across europe. many members are also
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grappling with energy and security risk following rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. but later on, monday task is also scheduled to travel to but lin says 2 dice biters about as of that as new. so that's both good as the just the amount of debt about david's law. i want to emphasize here in parents very clearly, once again that there is no alternative the european union. and there is no tentative detrano to atlantic cooperation on which there is no alternative to nature. it is difficult to find a more pro ukrainian politician than me. it is difficult to find a more pro ukrainian nation in europe and then the polish want in euro budget on. we must also take into account the interests of food and food security of poland and europe. that is why i will also want to talk about our farm is and very safe to go, because this also means our security. so for them to see the, the system on to also see. and this desire to strengthen the european base to also
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supply. i mean ukrainian needs is essential and this is what will allow us to increase our production capacities. that is what will also make it possible to make europe security and defense power, complimentary to nathan, european pillar of the atlantic alliance. the telephone leaders in of golden style and her welcome time to men who spent 14 years in prison in guantanamo pay, of the cream and of those a here arrived back in campbell and after spending 7 years under house arrest in a month, they was sent better after spending more than 20 years in us custody, including us prison in cuba, now they were amongst hundreds of suspects. arrested in america circles were on terra, the next door. the bulk is solid support as of jail. solve a problem in this one kind of block, tiny ways to protest against last week's election results. thousands of contestants in the southern city, of course, led to the vote was rigs independent candidates,
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backed by con. when most of the seats, they got 93 of the 265 national assembly states. but no political policy has a majority to form a government on the right. so focus on the 2 largest of the political policies on negotiating a possible alliance. the focus on listening to was on the box on people's policy full, the last coverage and government after removing come through and the confidence sites empowerment is still a head here. all the houses around the world of athletics this morning. the death of one of his brightest young installs the
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book about college and tina is present. heavy a malay has met pope francis of the vatican when i sold to make up with the content that he previously insulted. equal the pipe and in the sale and accused him of promising communism. locked in america to lucy, a new and repulse a photo op. that seemed impossible. just 2 months ago. argentina's pub, francis greeting ultra conservative president. have you had me late in the vatican? followed by an emotional embrace such because few politicians anywhere have insulted the pope like me. they who during his campaign called the pontiff, the defender of bloodthirsty dictators, and the communist being form of a machine, this extend roma, that imbecile in rome, who defends social justice,
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should be informed that it goes against the 10 commandments. social justice gives a capital seeing an admiration, but now the president has changed his tune, and his 70 minute meeting in the vatican relay is reported to have apologized to the pope for his statements. the pope then brush them off as quote, errors of use. argentina is a put dominantly roman catholic country, is instead of the only forgiveness in spite of being coffee. and we know that when one repents for doing something wrong, one must forgive me. lady has no intention of remaining a catholic apart from his strong support for israel, where he has just spent 3 days. malay has pledge to convert to judaism. he wept at the western wall at alaska must compound before going to rome. the impact of music insults against the 1st and latin american pope. some believe he
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could have started by going to rome before visiting israel. in fact, while some may be willing to forgive him for what he said, others, his visit to pope francis as are not offered to me is i want to make it clear that i don't think they has repented for what he said about the pope. rather he's trying to in favor to increases popularity. relays political agenda clearly includes trying to please this conservative catholic supporters. no way to know is that everything is number one objective is to obtain a paypal visit to argentina. number 2, he needs to reduce the number of adversaries that he has at this difficult time. he got the paypal visit has indeed reduce tensions. but when it comes to the pope's fundamental political and social views, there's still no sign of a reconciliation. see, and human algebra window site is the others had invested his clothes, a large oil,
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spill of trinidad, and tobago in the caribbean. now the government has yet to identify the cause and is declared a national emergency. at least 15 kilometers of tobago, south west, in cases affected the vessel run a ground and overturned last week whales, vultures, and camels. just some of the huge numbers of species which migrate across countries, continents, and oceans. but a un report says around $1.00 and $5.00 of them all threatened with extinction. the 1st of its kind to full size that's nearly half of the world's migrate to animals, are in decline as primarily driven by human activities such as pollution, hunting, exportation, and climate change. tribute saw being paid to the country and now it's and when the calvin kept to who was killed in a car crash, the 24 year old record breaking acetate was set to be one of the top contenders for gold at the power. so let me fix later in the welcome web propulsion of my road. b
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. kelvin tipton was driving at night near the village where he grew up in kenya's, refunded province, when he lost control of the car and hit the tree. he was 24 years old. he died at the scene alongside his coach. he was also in the car. another passenger was seriously injured. he was the fastest marathon runner in the world just last week. well, dr. essex verified his record. when his friends and family heard the news, they rushed to the moultrie and the town of elder read on say, soon to set to go see the index 50. so yeah, let's see. so to the family that the uplift express that i need to attend to con, am a quote, conflict as a discharge moment because i can see for sure we are still in the united. in october, last year, he ran the chicago mouse and in 2 hours and 35 seconds, breaking the previous wild record set by another canyon elliott kit ciocca in 2022
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the healey highlands where they both grew up a home to many of the worlds fastest long distance runners for a few jobs, thousands of young people train pod every day seeking to make that fourteens from athletics. get to him is one of the few who made it. athletes, sports officials and politicians pay tribute. 10, yeah, the wild, the for autonomy to a website to extend support in general has lots, a special shining jam pay tribute to him for what he has like shields. he's very sharp. life keeps him. instead, he aims to run. the rest of them are sitting on the 2 hours in april, and he was widely seen as a contend of gold at the power $76.00 in july to boston, cuz the presidents of, well, dr. essex said he was an incredible athletes leaving an incredible legacy. malcolm
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web houses, era nairobi because of the news audio side of the right to stay with us. the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering people have come from. we have seen a group of any of us, 50 miles to the west of east new castle, and the noise brightened on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly ceased find out. if you see what's happening in the question about it is a broad spectrum of anti war pro palestinian sentiments among the british jewish groups uphold the israeli government actions. there is
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a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting irresistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues pause for a ceasefire and when they get loud. discussing the defining issues of our time, the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the all depression, intelligence revolution, etc, ring. so where the benefits lie and with a homicide that we are betting 9 die a future on a technology that is fundamentally very unsustainable studio b, b, i series on a jersey. you know, this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the is there any thoughts is currently 67 palestinians in rest the overnight before them pending ground defensive on golf is most southern city. and well, i know we are in the trent, ma'am. over my family and the bullet school came across, my father went to see what's happening and said that was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking. people said, my father was mounted the phillips,
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the whole romany. what geologist ever lives headquarters here in the also coming up jordan's king, abdullah meets the u. s. president joe biden to the white house as part of his diplomatic tool.


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