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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free for you, i guess as an ice fly on one of your just makes modern, pleads the gloves, the whole rama knew, watching the elders. it renews online for my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. he's ready for his kill at least 67 palestinians, and rossa before an impending ground defensive on gauze, southern may city local or in the trent me and all of my family. and the bullets who came across my father went to see what's happening and said there was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking. we all said,
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my father was market. jordan's king abdullah means to us president joe biden, to the wi towns as part of his diplomatic push for an immediate see spot in gaza. is there any set pleasant time palestinian villages towards the homes and calls in the occupied west bank standing with israel. the ducks government says that the p le, cold holder, to hold the exports of s 35, will play and pugs to his room and support the world of athletics this morning. the death of one of its brightest young stars, the marathon record holder. calvin kept him, was killed in a car crash in kenya. he was one of the top contenders for gold at the parasol. the welcome to the news of the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court says that he is click concerned by israel's bob, bob minton,
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rasa. i'm the possibility of a ground and caution cream. collins is office is actively investigating any crimes allegedly committed in the rough up. the 67 palestinians were killed in his really strikes and attacks. most of them were women and children. if there's some guns that ripples yet another sleepless night, because sims in the alpha with ambulance crews going to be a to move on. did children nurses at the equate hospital that stuff? this child's headwind? this of the mrs. so the latest is
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riley attacks cube and injured dozens of palestinians. but alpha in southern gaza isn't a relentless bombardment before a potential ground defensive, but also who was previously considered a so called safe. so it was the type of israel figures for its captive kills, are children up enough to be their lights and their future and takes away our freedoms that no one on earth with your conscience compared the scenes of murder children today. israel announced the rescue of 2 captives and the rate in the off of these rarely armies says both rescued men are in good health. they've been identified a 60 year old, fernando norma, and 70 year old louis har. prime minister. netanyahu his past army commanders, to focus on the asa when more than 1400000 displays palestinians or sheltering elsewhere in gaza. at least 15 people were killed in the bombing of a house in the law. the native and you know, you were and gaza. cd and we're just place to visit, wait the area,
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and then there as well. we are civilians and we say to israel, we have that fast here. and the air of countries must look up and have mercy on us . across the gaza strip. palestinians are looking for signs of life under the rubble after the latest is rarely a sold. if to some good food. audra 0 covers enjoys us now on the phone line from rossa city in southern gaza. and tyree. another difficult line to had, not just for you in rossa, but many hundreds of thousands in the strip. yes, so here we are absolutely concerned and worried about any possible military attacks on the district, especially to offset the known terrifying night. but we have been exposed to, i've said he is going to be mandatory forces, have infiltrated to run by district and they have managed to release to use any caps, hes on the very 10 to the home button and on the fly
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a couple on the ground here in the fall and now we, we have p l e a multiple. you graduated from different areas because i've been doing this but the oldest and right now we are at residing and whatnot, which is the last remaining period for us. we are also being subjected to different kinds of is that informing by lands and bike a from the, from london have ideas very forces as they are destroying a residential building, thinking civilians including at least within the past 24 hours more time. uh, 6, the power city is will have been killed wild citizens, others be trapped on the drop a little bit destroyed houses. and this is absolutely terrifying, especially for those residents who have been seen mostly in right now they have moved and the other place to go to some kind of thing and families, in fact, so thought to, to return back again to the central cost garza, i'm a little girl, you can say that tickets why just k o fee of money comes to you regarding a potential military encouraging for rough,
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our district which will absolutely print catastrophe consequences for online aspect the topic normally at this time of the day we would speak to you on camera, but there are 2 factors here. now, the playing a large pots, in oper, old casting. one is the power that you have to say, so that you can actually talk to us live. and secondly, is your own security. it's hard to actually imagine and translates as a present to what's it must be like for you living through this story. well it is, it's really hard to describe that because we have been going through can see difficulties since the beginning of the complex time within the past 24 hours. we have been here completely for straight. you said i, i'm terrified from these very unrelenting bought mentioned by district. we are to take me for, for students just to keep proposing and keep providing. we'll get more information about what is happening on the ground as we are trying to for the or the safety
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procedures in order to be protected from these very from apartment. but in fact, as we've been living in houses in forensic, we have to print that recently or no, yes to those sites because the tire neighborhood was pretty bombarded by the is the occupation when women, children, elderly people are living back. and he says absolutely terrified our family members as bill relatives, friends living in the neighborhood alongside with the teen here who are receiving life and all the just to inform the world about the latest, the benefits inside of the territory and our job. but we will try to continue to do our past in order to keep informing old world about what is happening here in the territory as the is very compartment of the district was completely heretic and was unfolding old areas including the best print history and the southern part of which is supposed to be a save. so according to the is very does the nation of this area for the majority
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of challenges population locals will continue to keep in touch with you throughout the night time. a couple of correspondence sources in ross. thank you. let's him all know from some palestinians you've supplied the strikes to see another day and a warning to you that some of the images of distressing i put in the list here in the tent, ma'am, over my family. when the bullet school came across, my father went to see what's happening and said there was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking. we all said, my father was mounted. the we were home with the strikes where i'm going. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms, she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers above it collapsed on me. i'm one of the charlotte. she was born one month and a half ago, and today he went back to god. she's father is intensive care at the european
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hospital and his mother is wounded in her leg and hands. i am. right. uh huh. so much about something. you've never seen milton hollywood onto us. milton libya built in syria did something like this happened early in russell and they kept saying, go to a restaurant, go to run. and people came here. then you talk to them, really? yes. so there's a strike sent as well. as puns of a ground incursion into rafa has forced many displays palestinians to feed us again . this time to do was by law in central garza ping country and spoke to somebody say, no, it's a good a as one of the most deadliest nights. that's how people current evacuating from rough off describe last night. as it was one of the deadliest nights the experience tense, more than 128 days in the cause of a lot of policy news,
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cranky distaste in the are currently using this road address. you drove connecting dropbox with can you does that in. but as the middle area together, this is the, the roads they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't buy that in 10 units, but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be consider safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their in bella, or $200.00 units or to any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee and my name's oak, and this way we felt it might be slightly safer. here in 0 bala,
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we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an m c area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area because it's one of the areas that have a close water because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7 times. and now they came to did better because they think that it is safe. and that's a good today. i am not as much as a handling and some kind of on this level. first we 1st flipped to and my policy then found who owners and then off last night, we had to leave the school where we were shocked. during that time, we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody, at least,
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which is different. but all of the people are frustrated are despair. they're saying that the quotes copters came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting like the munition on people. actually, 60 policy needs have been killed and dropped off last night. people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that has been calling you this just north of rough. uh, that's being heavy financing. the is there any forces that facing resistance and palestinian fighters, the area has been bum so weeks of hospitals besieged with patients and displaced palestinians a trapped inside this was the scene around nicer hospital is very smart. the stations that are preventing anyone from leaving the medical facility allison and so being tracking bodies across the street using but it's trying to avoid getting
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shot. the policy in the health industry says that the 2nd people have been killed by slight defiance. no. so an amount of hospitals, income units have been under siege for the past 3 weeks, hundreds of staff patients and displaced palestinians with reduced mobility, a trump, but unable to leave the european hospital. is there any functioning medical facility in calling you this right now? and the only logical functioning hospital in the whole of the gaza strip. now, do you mind calling me back? i spoke to dr. m. as in mcclockey, who's as a european hospital and he talked about the terrible conditions. the is the only one which can provide the complex kinds of care and like a comprehensive care to the patients. this helps with that. it's a bit of a 240 bit gets has to get expanded for 307, please kind of do you have that as the 1000 patients or still? so instead of putting the code at the scene in the image just in the problem, because it could,
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i was with patients. we have to deal with the dozens of casualties by overnight to the hospital as we go to over the floor. or they also with a d. oh but i think too. so to begin for, i'm able to see more patients because there's a lot just a gun. i the bid for the ones who i live. so it's again another chance to expose because a lot in the heart of god and what we see is, again, you know, coming at each hospital, you got to bite these almost with an out of service. so now it's missing and literally the only one that was kind of provide me with it says, ready to doesn't people don't. so it's kind of provide complex. jeanetta said, ready, oh i see you get in the hold of garza with what we need with is like, you know, these patients who i like to hear the other side is, is that not many of the patients or the kids, but they don't access office and i thought that we don't see that so it's still
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that it is that. ready and quite a particular patient wouldn't be able to send the stuff on unable to reach the office if i didn't from the visit about the have don't load them because i live with people from rough. i became more or more to scan. if i live in the whole of, instead of putting in mind what's happened over that as much via the pieces and then they would be stupid. it's from that time and it's august in the hospital with that time. and it ends up again to do you and says it will not be politics to any false displacement of palestinians living in russia. united nations security council is having a place told meeting to discuss as well as warrant garza, the meeting was supposed to be focus solely on the, on rest of the democratic republic of congo. but algeria requested gauze to be added to the agenda, but rather towards the united states deputy ambassador to the united nations have just spoken to. i'll just say what he says, the us position on negotiations for a un security council resolution that would call for
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a cease fire has not changed. well, we've, we've set on the resolution. we have, we have some concerns about the tax. and we're going to, we're very open to try to work with our, our, our partners to try to find some kind of common ground. those red line still remain, or i would be dishonest if i didn't say that. but we're working very hard. we've, we've looked through engaging and so we'll continue to engage and hopefully we can get some protection everyone can support. but i don't know if we're not in a position right now. for me to say that we're there. we're not gabriel is on the is that you had a headquarters in new york and joins us now. the us again making clear they want to help, but they call and help or couldn't help. it's all very confusing, isn't it? which is while jerry a want to speak about, gaza even little so now. oh yeah, that's right. there's a lot of diplomacy happening behind the scenes here to united nations. actually at this very hour is the security council is meeting behind closed doors. they're
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discussing the democratic republic of congo, but at the request of algeria also putting on the agenda of these early military operation against rock. but as well we expect we could potentially hear from some investors as they leave that meeting within the next hour or 2. but we're not sure on that, but bottom line is that there is no consensus yet, at least from united states on this out, jury and draft resolution, this red line that the us says they will not cross. that red line is a ceasefire. and that we're told is in this draft resolution that algeria has proposed, and that's being looked at by all sides right now. but i will say, going to the united nations. there has been some talk by it was really officials encouraging united nations to help relocate palestinians out of rough up before a potential ground invasion there. that's something that the un spokesperson here in new york flatly rejected on monday. take
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a listen. what we want is to ensure that anything that happens is done in full respect of international law. in the full respect of the protection of, of civilians. we will not be party to force displacement of people the situation for us and does the on the humanitarian and remains extremely, extremely challenging. i mean, we have, you know, they're there on the, the, the supplies that we currently have. the commodities and supplies may last us just the days. we're not getting enough. we're not getting enough goods. in now it was just last week that the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, encouraged israel. not to attack ralph, but because there are so many innocent civilians there that are sheltering there have nowhere else to go. clearly the secretary general's message to israel was not
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heated and but the un continues to try to push to stop israel from any sort of military action anywhere but particularly in rough or that would certainly put more innocent civilians including children at great risk. gabriel, who is on the full a said that un, thanks so much. meanwhile, the you an agency full pallets in the refugees, as it is by default is an open file to enroll a school. in con eunice on 2 separate occasions underway added that 2 of its stuff is with shots and one was killed as a result of the attack. and the post on social media platform acts the head of the agency phillips. and that's a really said that despite multiple attempts, we couldn't retrieve his body humanitarian workers, hash tag, not a target, they should be protected. well, it's 10 to the west bank. wherever group is by the sacrilege of a times of palestinian south of the city of novelist,
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at least 2 palestinians were injured. when settlers i can find in the village of a city, a witness to say, the attack is also such at least one home on 5 as being a significant search of secular violence. they will keep tight territories, since the stalls of the will in october hummed us to leave the pulitzer from occupied east jerusalem. and this particular incident in the occupied west bank, just south of nablus. we're looking at a group of this really settlers who open fire on palestinians 2 of them sustaining injury. several cars also set a blaze as well as a home. and these witnesses speaking to us, you see to about the incident because this is just the latest in a series of violent attacks by is really settlers on palestinians. the one says that since october, the 7th, there has been at least 515 attacks on palestinians by is really settlers. and this is also something that's been driving the news. on the american side, you have the us president joe biden,
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who would sanction for is really settlers for their roles in crimes against palestinians. and these really prime minister essentially downplay the issue of settler violence saying that the measures were unnecessary and even an appropriate and is really media is reporting that in yesterday's call with the us president. nothing yahoo pushed double down rather on those remarks saying that she was not a fan of these measures that the us had taken against these is really settler's children's king. abdullah is not the whitehouse adults with the us president joe by the jo damien, monique, has caused by an immediate c san between him on this route in gaza. jordan, which has a peace agreement with israel and other arab states, have been highly critical of israel's action. both in jordan is something buffers in washington d. c. roles is a difficult trick ready for the jordanian king because i'm pretty tough talking.
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i'm sure he's gonna help him behind closed stoles, with both the american president as he had different ends of the sci fi spectrum. that doesn't seem to be any middle ground here, as well. certainly you have to consider that from a domestic perspective, king of dollar of jordan overseas, a population that includes a large number of palestinians. and of course his wife, queen ragna, herself, is palestinian. and so she has to walk a fine line between maintaining diplomatic ties with israel and not, not necessarily in flaming the views of people who live in his country. so this is one issue that king of dell, a house to navigate. the other issue. this question of a cease fire? well, the us has said from the very beginning it does not believe that a cease fire is required because they think that doing so would give her most the ability to rearm and to launch the attacks on israel. the us says it's not going to
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stand for that, but keep in mind that frustration, anger, all the words you want to fill in are coming from the united states in the way that israel has conducted its war. and we saw that just most recently on thursday when the president jo bite and said that he thought that some of what is real has been doing, has been quote over the top roles. we are going to just stop that for a moment because present button has taken to the like 10 fold up. press conference with king abdullah of jordan. let's listening to what they have to say. maybe with joe now and between the crown prince. your shame. where is the price of so i thought is coming out, battery is not a show. there are many years. ready and it's not just been a good friend all those years, a stretch as partner alongside the queen. i'm a beloved leader to their people partnership between united states and our allies.
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jordan is strong and it is enduring. today, the king and i discussed with our senior foreign policies to ask what the issue is from center, and i'm at least, and well beyond the war between israel and the terrorist organization, the boss, or 4 months ago on october, the 7th, a mazda attacked israel in an act of sheer evil massacre in more than $1200000.00 women, man and children. the deadliest day for the jewish people says to the holocaust, for them 250 houses that are take 134 still being held hostage by how much they don't know. how many are sol lie? the anguish that their families are, and during the week after week, month after month is unimagined and as a top priority for the united states to bring them home. i make clear the united states shares the goal, c demoss to feed and ensure in long term security or israel and its people. after
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october, 7th attacks from us, retreated back into guys, worst leaders living underground tunnels, strategy for over a 100 miles, but the civilian infrastructure, including including schools, playgrounds, and neighborhoods. in the past 4 months. as wars raise the policy, the people have also suffered unimaginable pain. and loss to many, to many of the over $27000.00 policies killed in this conflict, have an innocent civilians, children, including thousands of children and hundreds of thousands have no access to food, water, or other basic services. many families of law such as one but many roads and cannot mourn for them even buried. it is not safe to do some. harper, chevery and innocent life and gossip is
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a treasure. chest is every innocent life. last to israel is a tragedy as well. we pray for those 5, take it as both israeli and palestinian for the grieving families left behind. not only do we pray for peace, were actively working for peace, security and dignity for both the promising and people and these realities. and i am working on this day and night with the king and others in the region to find the means to bring all these hostages home to easy mouth turn in crisis and, and the terror trip to bring peace to gaza and is in during peace with the 2 state solution for 2 peoples has a king and i discussed today. united states is working on a hostage deal between israel and loss of which would bring median and sustain period of common. get you guys for at least 6 weeks, which we could then take the time to build something more. and during,
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over the past month i've had calls of time is that now as well as the leaders of each of you kind of to push this for. the key element of the deals are on the table . the gaps that remain. what i'm encouraged is rarely leaders to keep working to achieve the deal. united states will do everything possible to make it happen of the can i also discuss the situation rough as i suggest, or military operation of rockland. they're the major military operation of rough or should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and supports more than 1000000 people shoulder. and many people there have been displaced despite multiple times, slain the violence to the north. and now they're packed in the rough exposure volume they need to be protected. and we've also been clear from the start,
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we oppose any force displacement policies, guys. today the king and i also discuss in detail how to get more you mandatory today. the guys are from the very beginning, my team and i have re, lemme see, work to get more adrian parish, congress from lunch. make sure that our nation support for israel and also include surgery need a tree, innocent palestinians, spoken repeatedly with partners across the region, including the can tell, facilitate the flow of such a to the guys as much as possible and actually get to the people that are that are needed, we work to get the roof across, you know, we work to get crime, shows them open and we insist that we remain and remain open. both are made up for work and open other routes as well. and we're also working relentlessly to make sure aid workers can get the aide where it's needed. once he gets here, i want to recognize your, another king specifically for all he is done to provide humanitarian
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a do you guys and including just a few days ago, she pers gotten a plan and help conduct an air drum. virtually these medical supplies in the guys, i understand that 2 of his children have also joined those air drops. they help fly your mandatory supplies. for years, quaid has been passionate a passionate advocate from the policy people, particularly women and children, to their families. leadership, your majesty humanitarian commitment, are commendable. and at the same time or where can we create the conditions for lasting pieces? we talked a lot about upstairs with these early security, guaranteed in policy and aspirations are on stage of film. i say this is a long lifelong support of israel. that's the only pat. the guarantees are security for the long term to achieve the palestinians must also sees the opportunity to discuss with the king. today,
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the policy is already mostly urgently for him. so kind of factors are the richest policies and people in both the west bank and gaza. once a mazda is control of gun is over, they must prepare to build a state that accepts peace. does not harbor terrace groups. i come austin's mom and she hot and together we will keep working to complete what is to be we started to integrate the region to bring about peace between israel and all of our neighbors, including the palestinian state. that if it was already underway before october 7th attacks, it's even more urgent today. no one, no one understands better than our allies in partners in the region. including a key point we need re flat for his friendship, including his and jordan's unique role. unique role custodians, the holy such as yours are grateful for this friendship. we saw that again just 2
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weeks ago when 3 brave american service number killed in an attack in a military operating jordan, close to the syrian border by radical know what you proof backfire and operating insured in all right. said, stand us, pull the tray forces instruct, targets, interact, and sharing. responsible, continue. grateful to our partners and allies like to king, work with us every single day to advanced security. stability across the region. and beyond is difficult times like these on the bond between nations are more important than ever in jo, on our police, talking to him and the queen, and the crown prince of the white house today. your majesty. overdue you. mister to mr. president. thank you for your gracious
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hospitality. according to me and my delegation today, my visit today carries an added meaning as our country is this year mark 75 years of exemplary strategic partnership. however, we had hold, we wouldn't be marketing, this major milestone doing better circumstances in my region and the world. unfortunately, one of the most devastating wars and recent history continues to unfold as, as we speak, nearly a 100000 people have been killed, insured, or are missing. the majority of women and children. we cannot afford and is really attacked on by. it is certain to produce another humanitarian catastrophe. situation is already unbearable for over a 1000000 people who have been pushed into it off since the war started. we cannot
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stand by and let this continue. we need a loss to cease fire now. this war must and we must urgently and immediately work to ensure the sustainable delivery of sufficient a target for all possible entry points and mechanisms. and i thank you, mr. president, for your support on this restrictions on by to really fade and medical items are leading to in human conditions. no other human agency can do what underway is doing in helping the people because through this humanitarian catastrophe, it's work in other areas of operation, especially in jordan. what 2300000 are adjusted is also vital. it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support, it needs to carry out this mandate as the potential thinking of pallets didn't.
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displacement beyond the borders of kaiser and the west back is something we've you would extreme concerns and kind of feel out. at the same time we must ignore. we must artic know the situation in the west bank and in the holy sites introduced nearly 400 college students have been killed in the west bank since october 7th, including almost a 100 children and over 4000 interest continued escalations by extreme. a settlers in the west bank of jerusalem, so many sites and the expansion of the legal sacraments will at least chaos on the entire egypt. the vast majority of wisdom worshippers not being allowed to enter a box of mask christian churches have also boys concerns about increasing and unprecedented restrictions and threats. it is also important to stress that the separation of the west bank and gaza cannot be accepted. 7 decades of occupation,
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death and destruction have proven beyond any doubt that that can be no peace without a political horizon. military and security solutions are not beyond so they can never bring peace to billions on both sides, continue to pay for this protracted conflict. with that lives all attacks against innocent civilians, women and children, including those of october 7th, can not be accepted by any most of them. as i have previously stressed, we must make sure the hearts of the past few months since october 7th are never repeated, nor accepted by any human being. as we must together along with our partners and the international community. step up efforts to reach a cease fire and because and immediately start working to create a political horizon that leads to a just
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a comprehensive piece on the basis of the 2 state solution and independent sovereign and viable palestinian state with east jerusalem as its capital. but living side by side with israel and peace and security, this is the only solution that will guaranteed peace and security for the palestinians. and these rabies, as well as the entire region. your leadership, my dear friend mister president, is key to addressing this conflict. and jordan is way to work as always, with you, towards peace. thank a of the king abdullah of jordan, the un posted by all the us at the white house. not taking any questions from the assembled press. cool, but it was very obvious how i think they are. polls upon the us president
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talking about this, the only issues of what happened after october, the 7th, and that the what he did not use was ceasefire. the word that the jordanian king continued to use was sci fi. i was the need full humanitarian a to get in. the us saying has defined that doing everything they possibly can. and a credible plan to protect civilians, no false displacement, and yet they would do everything to try and make sure that a could gets and we know that 8 isn't getting in because of is there any restrictions that was also mentioned in depth by the jordanian king but he talked very clearly about the political horizon and that would be no peace without the political horizon. let's get more of this from rose jordan, who's listening in. we knew that this was going to be a difficult trip and
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a difficult conversation. i don't know how you interpret today roles, but i did think that they were not on the same page. either the g dining room king or the american president joe biden and king of della were not on the same page, but they're much closer than they were on october 7th. what we heard that i was doing a quick log of the 2 leaders comments a president joe biden did say that while he does not endorse a cease fire and, and on power phrasing. here, he did say that they are working on the president's words a hostage deal, and that they are working on trying to create an immediate and sustained period of home for at least 6 weeks. that's a new detail. we have not heard that detail before. from the us, even though the us secretary of state on today blinking was just in the region a week ago talking with various leaders about ways of trying to end this war of
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trying to get the captives out of gaza. and trying to eventually bring about the 2 state solution. but the sub process, of course, was temporarily up ended, according to us officials, by the seeming rejection of an effort to get to this short term ceasefire or secession of hostilities by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a bunch of us has been saying is that they believe that there are opportunities to continue to negotiate for some sort of and to the fighting. and to try to get in humanitarian aid, bring home the captives and eventually get to some sort of a peace agreement that would end this conflict between the israelis and the palestinians once and for all. so a little more de wide coming from jo button about what is happening. of course,
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there's still no acceptance officially bias real to this draft plan that has been worked on. but it is our understanding that the c i a director, bill burns, is headed to cairo in order to continue the negotiations. that would lead to what the us is saying, a sustained period of calm, perhaps getting closer to what king of della and what many other world leaders want, which is an end to the fighting altogether. rolls effect surgical. so get more now let's assume you as the day progresses. so let's give it a little context now to jordan's position as an important player in the region. it's relations with israel and palestine. the jordan is to the east of the jordan river, has to bode across things with is riley the knowles. and then by the see a by the read say in the south. and that is the king. hussein bridge over the jordan river linking the kingdom with the occupied west bank. now jordan and palestine also have strong estimate links. while there were no official says to
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city sticks is believed up to half of children's population or of palestinian origin. jordan has been the custodian, as has mentioned in the press conference of jerusalem's muslim and christian hardy science, including the axa most israel and jordan, signed a peace treaty in 1994. shortly after the signing of the. also the calls which are stablished, the palestinian will forward to college. and again, this is a senior fellow at the middle east institute and was advised that the palestinian leadership joins us now from arlington in virginia. and so get me started getting these kentucky with us on the program is very short press conference for broke from by the american president and the jordanian king. but i, i did assess that they weren't on the same page. all correspondents in washington also feels that they would tell them the same page. they agree that more a needs to get in, but it's not when it comes to that would cease fire because there's the poles of hot. yeah,
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i think that's exactly right there. they're clearly not on the same page, both in the substance and even in the tone. the king spoke with great urgency about a ceasefire, and now the president talked about a 6 week pause, which may or may not happen there. encouraging the israelis very interesting use of words. he's encouraging these rallies to reconsider their opposition, but you don't have that same sense of urgency despite the, the very dire circumstances, particularly in, in rough. and i think the other, the other point that i found striking in terms of the gap between the 2 leaders is the king king. abdullah was very clear that there is no military solution that is to, to this crisis, that's a line that the or the states have been pushing since october 7th.
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whereas the president biden spoke in a kind of defendant way. you know, i'm the one hand, how much has to be defeated. so they're there and they reject the idea of a ceasefire. and it's clear that they do believe that there is a military solution to this issue, particularly with, with regard to have, as i told you. so it is not as much as junction the because you, i think you're right and what you're saying absolutely. it's great to get the inside. i just felt that well, joe biden was just full of contradictions. we won't piece, but yet with the conflict will continue. israel has the right to self as to to defend itself. yet we're really, we're really sorry to see so many palestinians dead. well, it gets so sorry to see somebody, palestinians dead, stop sending israel all the arguments to kill them with, which i think that's exactly right. i mean,
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that's the dissonance that i was just referring to. i mean, on the one hand, but by the administration recognizes, and we've been seeing these weeks now for many, many weeks. this, this rift supposedly between the president and netanyahu. we've heard most recently that he's described to him in derogatory terms. the president is described, these are the prime minister. so we've seen these leaks. we know that the administration is unhappy with the right user. i was conducting the war. we know that they're unhappy with the restrictions on humanitarian aid that the number of civilians being killed. but at the same time, they're quite content to continue with the, with nothing out we sort of in the driver's seat. and there's no, there's no real attempt to, to change israel's behavior in any meaningful way. the dissonance is really quite striking. and the other thing that i thought was quite interesting from the jordanian king was his focus as well on the west bank. and the increase in violence
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that created by legal sacraments and settlers. obviously, i think it was 600 new units have just been approved to be built. it's a, there is a, an old this scenario for these riley's that it's business as usual as far as that concerned . and yet the all groups in the westbank who are suggesting that either it's a boiling point and the 3rd intifada could happen at any time which would be devastating. so what's going on right now in terms of the way that, you know, israel certainly is shooting fast and i'm thinking later. and i think that's, that's exactly right. and i think that was the, the sense of urgency, again that we've heard from king abdullah, that the situation in the west bank is, is, grows more and more dire every day, particularly in east jerusalem. and he mentioned the holy sites and the restrictions of their ad, ramadan and eastern are both coming up in
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a few weeks and as well as a pass over. so things are likely to, to heat up in both dirt, jerusalem and the west bank, particularly because of the non stop pressure by both the israeli army. there are deadly persians, each and every day. and by subtler terrorism, which is how big it has become almost daily, a form of terror as well. indeed, we'll have to leave the college. thanks so much. call it the engine data. joining us from arlington in virginia. thanks so much for your time. what was that? the government says that it will appeal to court and willing to buy next bullets of spat pots full the f. 35 will play and that's been given to is room not softer. judges upheld that appeal by human rights organizations. they all key that supplying parts contributed to israel's violations of international stuff vast and has moved from the hague as it was seen as its best case rights organizations filed
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a civil suit against the dutch state saying, supplying israel with the parts for f. 35 fight to jets makes the netherlands complicit, impossible war crimes and gaza. the judge at a lower court had dismissed the case, saying the court couldn't interfere and government policy decisions. the appeal court had a different view, like spare us from the experts of the un, have found that there is an incredible number of civilian casualties. thousands of children has been killed and so the violence is not proportional. that's why there is a clear risk of violations of the laws of war since 2019, then that lens has house do you will be and this will fusion center for f 35 spare parts and we are also supplies is we're out in 2022 it exports, it's free of parts for $2400000.00 to the country with the escalation of the war and gas as this number is now predicted to be much higher. it's dependence on the f . 35 without any, any doubts. so it's, it's a, it's not just small bits in this whole story. it is reading
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a main elements and it will, it will definitely if i, for now it will definitely fix. is there any wolf? this is where our own dozens of these us made fight the planes. it is expected. they will now depend on the us to provide the necessary spare parts. while this verdict will not directly impact the war on gaza, it could be seen as a precedent for other organizations in europe to file similar cases against their governments. other and jose and other countries are already preparing some of the cases. and we've been in contact with them, but even more than that's, i hope it's a turning point for how western governments look at their role and responsibility and realize that also before a judge, they are coal responsible for what's happening in gaza. for the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel, the fluid it is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping is gone for the
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ocean to the ex 35 program with jeff or dice it starts with us and as well, and we'll have a civilian economic impact. in his verdict, the judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the dutch dates will now take the case to the supreme court, but that doesn't mean it can still export spear f, 35 bonds to as well. the court has given the state one week to formally execute the verdict, step fast and l just sierra say, hey, still a hotel all out there in schools. with heading from lunches to cities can pause. they resume the defense of that champions league. title story coming for the few minutes the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the
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dash before to use the news the these business uptake. these me, roy thought no bundle dash before to use the
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the book about the types of sporting on his bar. so hell, thank you so much for being so being paid to the canyon. marathon runner at calvin tip time who's been killed in a car crash. the 24 year old record breaking athlete was sent to be one of the top contenders for gold at the paris olympics. later this year i was there was malcolm lab reports from nairobi. kelvin tipton was driving at night near the village where he grew up in kenya's, refunded provence, when he lost control of the car and hit the tree. he was 24 years old. he died at the scene alongside his coach who was also in the car. another passenger was seriously injured. he was the fastest marathon runner in the world. just last week
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. we'll definitely fix verified his record. when his friends and family heard the news, they rushed to the mortuary in the town that that was a read on say the soonest that to go see the next 50. so yeah, let's see. so to the family that the uplift express that i need to and then to kind of make or take off with us at these trying moment. because i can see for sure. yes the man the night in october last. yeah, he ran the she called a mouse and in 2 hours and 35 seconds breaking the previous weld records set by another canyon eliot kit ciocca in 2022. the healy highlands where they both grew up a home to many of the worlds fastest long distance runners. there were few jobs. thousands of young people trained called every day, seeking to make that fortunes from athletics. get to him is one of the few who made
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it athletes, sports officials and politicians pay tribute. 10. yeah. the wild, the for autonomy to of athletics and support in general has lots of us they saw shining jim. they took it to him for what. ready has like shields, he's very sharp, life keeps him instead, he aims to run the rest of them are sitting on the 2 hours in april and he was widely seen as a contend of gold at the power 76 in july to boston coast. presidents of well dr. essex said he was an incredible athletes leaving an incredible legacy. malcolm web houses, era nairobi, manchester city resumed the defense of their champions league title on tuesday, and their boss pep, cordial isn't taking their last 16 opponents slightly. so they take on copenhagen away in the 1st flag there in top form heading into the match. manchester city have
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not been beaten in 13 games of arabic, 3 over every 10 on saturday and the probably being their time in a row to respect for the open ended, we have seen the less weeks where they did it in their group a stage. no, got my, my decision by munich unites and money and i didn't go to size and that was not really religious group and to do really well and all the games and uh yeah, we have to we're not defined to monetize. it would result to, to, to try to finish the jumping and my just the national football team received the heroes welcome upon their return home from each and cop jordan who reached the funnel for the 1st time in history were beaten 31 by cuts arms, jordan had never made a pass the quarter finals, and therefore appearances of the tournament that the tenants and many of the world's best female players are in doe have for the cuts are open on them as well.
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number one, each one tech tom size land has more 7 of the women's top 10 of competing and guitar. and what is the 1st vhda? $1000.00 event, the right guys were very sorry, full time grand slam champion. now me a soccer is looking to kick store. yeah. and the guitar, right. and could be the tournament to do it should be caroline. go see the play who knocked around to the australian open. it's just a suck. a 2nd victory since returning to the tool of giving birth to her daughter last year. like after giving birth, i feel like i trained like really quickly and that was my choice, of course. and i was really happy to do that. and i know it was in that journey. i felt like i learned how to love myself as i am now. and it was a really special feeling because i got to wake up every day and see my daughter and know that i was strong enough for her to come into this world. so that's cool. by
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saturday. well, no, he's taking her in the hall for $1000000.00 prize money on offer for the champion. it's an event this be one by the likes of the williams. this is maria sharp over in the past, but it should be on tech who'll be looking to become the 1st person to win 3 and a right. and should be on tech showed just why she's the best in the world. freezing into last 16 by basing serrano costeo's 6. 161 here in a big way. for me, us open tennis champion and the right of calling you is be knocks us. in the 1st round, the british player was beaten by your crimes. and helena coming, you know, in straight sets or another grand slam champion, is victoria as a ring test, or when a here in 20122013 goes with the same use she won her 2 grand slams in melvin share things with victory against punish, qualify, and magdalena, for that, had so much success here. so from my experience, i learned that you have to take it one match at a time. it's a long road, but i will do my best to, to keep everything i can. the top page seats go through to the 2nd round,
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automatically us open champion cook off. we'll be looking to make an impression on tuesday. thompson's ultra 0 into 3 time olympic champion adam t days. when we come back has hit a snag at the wall, the aquatic championships in jo. how the world record holder to bronze in the men's 100 feet are brushstrokes. it's the 29 year olds, 1st worlds and 5 years after taking a mental health freight. american next st. quantico, the 1st for the us, the app is competition. it least, nicola martin, a finished in seconds on the kansas city chiefs, one of the super bowl for a 2nd straight year. she's quarterback patrick holmes, leaving the thing to a 2522 overtime victory against san francisco. 49 years. they become the 1st seems this new england patriots 2 decades ago to successfully defend their title to. and that is all you support for now. so hell back to you, thanks for your help. you're welcome. you all just it renews. i'll have more news
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on the other side on the right, but until then from farming on the news on same here. and uh, thanks so much for your time and your company, the, the toner. i screamed when i heard it. and the police officer that like, had me also responded like like they knew something bad happened? well, sarah was being arrested. the team of officers killed, taught to get in a garage of gunfire. they made $57.00 hollins, his body, some of the some of the, let's break the bones. authorities clean to, to get to fired. first wounding a state trooper in the abdomen. and that a pistol allegedly registered to, to, to get to was recovered from the scene. they say there is no footage of the actual
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shooting. just recordings from officers who were nearby. that footage has raise questions about who actually shot the trooper officer. i really don't believe anything mondays. i think there are 9. and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i they fled from the world's most secretive states. now you're on north koreans are finding statement, fortune. celebrity influences but shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, a discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the
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artificial intelligence revolution, etc. ring to where the benefits lie and with a hot light, we're betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very sustainable studio b. b. i series on a jersey though the the times the whole rom, and you're watching the opposite renews on life. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians and the southern city over off of brace to more is riley strikes. less than 24 hours after tax the last at least $67.00 palestinians. dad. he was present . dr. barton discussed as will and gaza with jordan's king abdullah calling for the protection of civilians in rough up violence we occupied. westbank is by the
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settlers. open fire on palestinians as that cause. a light on the thrust of simon ensued on what 8 to.


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