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tv   Witness Echoes of Bagram  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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this is a very supplies keeps him. instead, he aims to run the rest of the mouse sitting on the 2 hours in april and he was widely seen as a contend with gold at the power $76.00 in july to boston coast presidents of well dr. essex said he was an incredible athletes leaving an incredible legacy. malcolm webb, how to 0, and i'd be of thousands of ethnic serbs and costs of i have protested a band on the use of the serbian currency in the areas. i live. a cost of a uses the euro, whereas ethnic serbs in northern costs of our use, the city and the government have cost of our band banks and other financial institutions from using the denial within its internationally recognized board as they move, which has and good both of the cost of a subs and sylvia is next is uncomfortable, site abolishing. the currency is discriminatory. less than $10.00 with no apparent the crew leaking oil into the caribbean has left a mystery and a mess that has cru scrambling to clean this up. john henry has more massive oil
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spill. his dark in the water is off the coast of the island nation of trinidad and tobago. treating address the reset that only seriously began after we brought the situation under control. right? no, the situation is not under control cruise race to clean up this bill from an upturn mystery vessel that ran a ground in a harbour near the village of limbo, erecting a large yellow net to protect the coast line. prime minister keith rally declared a state of emergency saying local authorities have more questions than answers on the leaking vessel. we don't know, we belong to we have no idea where it came from. and we also don't know or that it contains what we do know. it appears to be broken, having made cutting duck here. how does legion some creative hydrocarbon that just folding door and the cost light that there's lots of come to us from
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any kind of operation. especially if the operation is elicit the spill clouds, the waters in the economic health of the southern most islands in the caribbean. and the height of carnival when tourism is crucial to the local economy. dive responded the name, gulf stream on this side of the founder and craft and have identified a length of cable, possibly suggesting it had been towed adding to the mystery. the nations emergency management agency says there are no signs of anyone. manning, the 100 meter long vessel, the united nations is working with the government to coordinate an international aid response to this bill, john henry, and l g 0 as well that. so for me, tell me the price of the minus. the news continues here on al, jazeera of to witness stay with us, the exploring time for us culture. examining political discourse,
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exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia are in the pacific. 101 east. on out to 0. the 1993. i saw this group. i saw myself working with a group of prisoners inside a prison. and there's the soldiers above us pointing gun towards us. the soldiers not to shoot everybody's thoughts to kill us, not to crime the green. and i woke up next to my wife in twos.
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and then 8 years later, when i'm in the background with soldiers about was pointing guns. i wrote back to my wife is that the only dream i've ever relate to? this came from this book the the
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good evening so that i come. my name is more than bank. i am the outreach director for cage and advocacy group that fights against policies of the war on terra. i'm a former president of the united states. how that going to move without charge will trial for 3 years. and i'm very pleased to be speaking to you whole here this evening for me, but my life's work since my return from guantanamo has been about advocating for people in such a place as people that you don't know about. and so there are all these different groups of people, libyan saudis, europeans and so forth. and i wanted to know their stories, and i wanted to know how many of these guys could we could i do something for. and so i found this organization. i began to engage with it and, and joined and i've never left since
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the of the use of applying for a passport. i now finally have what i've decided to go back to. i'm gonna start yeah. some people in the office. i talk to a say of, of a show you should want to go for a it's, it's a, it's a very, very, very personal journey. it's very and it's something that i'll have to speak to somebody about since that time till now. and i haven't talked often say that experience for me on kind of was not as profound this background was leaving us. sorry, this call, right. so if i promise cause i'm very,
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very tense. the see okay, just been working on this case a moment to him directly, frankly, 10 years, but incorrectly on the continent cases since 2003 with all the all the presence of how they without showing a truck. so here's this, not in this. i've got held in guantanamo with a charge of trial to coming up to 22 years. and that really underlines my
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connection to this whole sort of cage and also being connected directly to this story of mentoring. so this is, was the upper hon in kabul for me to return. who is going to the emotional to the intentions of this trip is to put them on the line. my experience with afghanistan for the whole story to come full circle and to see with the process, the change and impact of my life so dramatically actually began to go back to the the
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the couples changed beyond recognition. and the telephone's back. and i don't think anybody could've imagined the not the one of the the the we came here yesterday. yeah. but i drove past it. i didn't recognize it because it is so different that you have the
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kind of sinus be so. so it's the same me the same place of just 20 obviously the, the, the other audience gives them cuz they'll give you the silver to send in a couple of many by chance a chance it's up to date because it doesn't offer me anything just a minute. and i'll give you the minute
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a minute to cut it up in the morning. i'll be on your modest thoughts and i'll put that in and i'm ready. so somehow i let me to, would you put uh, why would you say, we'll put it will split it, they will hand it goes to the board to come on. what are they going to do behind the changes that i'll show? i'm going to use both part of today, but uh uh, so american ministry gets out documented bucky and the lawyers will that will. uh which one case. yes. it look. all right, and what do you need to do? we'll get into the local that out cuz we're cutting this stuff on the b, but she's gonna be able to use that to the computer . you can watch the video the see that again the, the,
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uh the, the, for the, you know, always the goose control in the in jump, while its up might be sending it to scott, guessing that the example of quicksand cabinet, okay, i'll go of having to go get it okay, get one key would you would give me the quote, the source upon the audio i'm switching to it was got to sort of the up
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the the, you know, i think this is the road i used to level think in my last days in this house was when the war, the bombing, the cruise missiles landed on the hill behind this way. we saw the crews themselves beloved and the windows in my house,
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the correct from the of the shop. and we got the kids of the neighbors and the women and we hit in the basement and we covered the windows with mattresses because we thought maybe the one of the strikes was a 2. and then within a day or 2 with the other, the
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net up in film for 20 years about the was the pieces of a pride in front of a camera with, for today, i suppose the everything has changed except the memory memory checked the, the, the, everybody enough to understand has a shocking story to tell. but on the rare occasion,
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when we get good news and good news is somebody's afraid after 20 is at spec, like a wind mom, under him gets released. that's going to be a victory. the hello james mazda. how are you? i'm fine. thanks. yeah, james. so thank you very much. first of all for doing this. i know we've not spoken directly, but i know about your work in particular relation to my mentor. him. could you just tell me, when was the last time you saw him and how he's doing so i'm at guantanamo bay now . and i saw yesterday and he was in high spirits. he's a, he's a man who really tries to overcome his circumstances and keep
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a positive outlook no matter what. what, what does he expect? considering all the other half kinds of left continental, the frame is been held for over 15 years in guantanamo without any charges at all, without any opportunity to defend himself or disprove any allegations against him. he still doesn't have any charges against him and no opportunity for a trial. well, once he does have is an opportunity for a administrative board composed those members of the intelligence community who will assess whether they believe he's a danger to the united states. and of course, he knows that other people are being released. he knows that other people have been cleared. he does have hope. the team that we've been able to put together will be able to convince the members the intelligence community. what is obvious to anyone in those rooms, which is the poses no danger to the united states, is not an extreme. is there any way?
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is not a radical. i is a 57 year old man with severe health problems who deserves to go on a thank you. thank you very much. indeed it's, i actually didn't know you were in guantanamo and you just kind of told me off the cuff, that took me a little bit by surprise, but actually was a good surprise because you are the most appropriate place to talk about the subject. can i not talk to the you the now that i'm here many those booklets really say
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destiny has had to look to do it. it feels like this was meant to be the sounds of the perfect towed. when he visited a couple of years ago. he said for 2 days, he couldn't do anything. he was,
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i think i remember i broke down knows how to model the house. i'm going to do this wednesday the, the, the said, the model for the where the, the, the fact of those sites on the heck of them by my have a don't mind. but when i was the way you have the pick of the one on belle, when it done
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a lot of that's it. that's the kind of, i'm not a huge unplug the manufacturer of this little for us. well, when i, when i, when i went to what i think it definitely what that you've had. well, this is what we wanted to see. the
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that's the marie. that's the full rush. and i remember this one button to fix the name of the toilet one. uh so what kind of that what started with the um, i'm uh said that he was so good. the diamond particular model did wanna work in the for, through the name of the kid, but i must have the color. i'm not by not the light heck of this. i'm itself in the so i don't know
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the they said unloading that they've done like that they literally just want to know the c as in then i'm a what the job to head the lower deputy during. i
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definitely understand what the, how the but so i love to talk a little the eclipse without keith autopsy. and other than the young from about the time about the to get the feel too good either. and i can send messages back to form a personally sign up to here with me and say i worked in this place again and you know, the people that did the torture and abuse, they no longer got this just complex the
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i think there's different ways in which this country can hear those who are in power have a fall, great to own than anybody else to lead the way the lead the way by showing and proving that there's no retribution, no. 2 soon, no kidding me, we're going to go and see the loss of can present it was released last you and hearing from him will be a different perspective because he's spent a huge amount of time in guantanamo and can tell us what it's like to be integrate into the society and to ask what it means that you've been going through the
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middle of the sensor. the uh, the theme, you know, furnace done a unit, so heads up the let me, let's see. so, so let's smoking the rest of the month. oh, okay. so then i was, i love this service. yes. the body of us. so that can definitely be just the fan of how and the other. so that'd be enough. most of the sudden you've had my son who lives up venus. yeah. just otherwise of them. you know, sort of the way, i mean it doesn't have these other things, you know, somebody has a limit with the loved ones
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out on the library. well, for the one your coverage, jimmy in the, in the end to live with anger and bitterness of hatred. it if you up inside and i can tell you that from personal experience, you have to be able to that go to go for the journey was a great success. but there's no success until you've achieved the actual thing that you set out for that is the release, at least of the one present other we've been focusing on on a personal level, i think returning to this place as being uh, it's just a dream for the background part that was a nightmare, so it's a nightmare and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night.
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the in official reports of the deadly rate police indicated that they believed the protesters in the forest were dangerous and often referred to them as domestic terrorist. that's why torture peter was murdered because i believe that the police saw that they were being faced with dangerous criminals. and i think that they were hyped up to be ready to go. sarah was charged that day with domestic terrorism under georgia state law. a conviction because mean decades in prison.
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i wouldn't burn my life just because i was sleeping in the woods in a human and like i have face that, that won't happen. but it could and it's very scary. unique perspective. i want to be, but i want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this to me. it was really helpful. my things, thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or in depth analysis of the things headline this how does south africa through it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and hold across scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for
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office without the fear of facing a jail term, informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right, see it's not receive task protection that seen as publication. inside story on al jazeera, the palestinians in the southern city of rafa are enduring. intensified aerial attacks as it is riley grounds invasion looms. the i'm told mccrae this is just a line from doha. so coming up us, president job. i didn't discuss this. the board own garza with jordan's king abdullah cooling for the protection of civilians and rough violence and the occupied west bank is ready set those up in 5 on palestinians and.


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