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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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but it could and that's very scary. the more was rainy strikes, head, southern cautious with office city, with 1400000 bounced in the hands of sheltering the alarm. and this was put on them. and this is algebra live from don't. how old? so coming up, the largest hospitals in gauze itself loses power, was a nice, a 10 year old girl and intensive care dies as a result. living in fear would know where it's safe to go, be here from displace palestine. families and the central guys are trying to flee is raining attacks and is very forces tear off the streets and the occupied westbank joined them. nothing nice raids, please. one person has killed the
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beginning, southern gaza where there would be more is where the strikes of a nice and the city of alpha. the area is meant to be the last corner of a relative safety and this trip. more than 1400000 palestinians are packed into the region where their office is. that is right is could soon launch a ground defensive on sunday nights as strikes code, 67 palestinians. there some died while sleeping in the tents. most women and children just move over the off of the largest hospital in con unit swent without pallet, for a period of a night. they all show which led to the death of a 10 year old girl. holla mic that she was receiving treatment and also hospitals intensive care unit generation stopped working because of a lack, a few that have been battles around the hospital in recent days with his re snipers preventing anyone from leaving the facility. but because of the escalation of
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attacks on, at off a correspondence have not been able to safely join us live or the federal lightnings. but our correspondent product was im sent this update over the phone from the alpha as well. absolutely concerned and worried about it. if possible, the military attacks on the district, especially to offset the known terrifying noise, but we have been exposed to officer use. the lead military forces have infiltrated to rough district and they have many attorneys to use when it comes to them. the very we tend to the home button and to and find a cup on the ground in the hall. and now we, we have p area a multiply eventually just from different areas because i have the pin flowing is where the order. and right now we are residing and welfare, which is the last remaining period for us. we are also be subjected to different kinds of it's very farming by lands and bike up from the, from london. have ideas very forces as they are destroying
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a residential building. ranking civilians, including at least within the past 24 hours more time. uh, 6, the power city is why being killed while thousands others be trapped on the drop a little bit destroyed houses. and this is absolutely terrifying, especially for the residents who have been seeing most of liam. right now. they have lou on the other place to go to some kind of thing and somebody is in fact, so talk to, to return back again to differential cause, cause i'm, it's more glory concerns that ticket. why just pay a fee of money comes to you regarding a potential military encouraging for roof our district, which will absolutely free catastrophe consequences for online aspects here. several atlas as far as that, as well as plans of a ground defensive. in rudolf, i have forced many displaced palestinians to flee, yet again, this time to the blind, central, gaza hendo, who that he spoke to some of the families affected. so a lot of policy me is cranky, displaced in the,
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are currently using this road address. you drove connecting dropbox with can you does that has been a, has the middle area together. this is the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't buy left in 10 units, but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be considered safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their is bella or $200.00 units or to any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee and my name's going this way. we felt it might be slightly safer. here in 0 bhalla,
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we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an empty area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area because it's one of the areas that have a close swap through because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7 times. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe . and that's a good today. i am not as much as a handling this is handling this lot of us, we 1st flipped to and more causing them fun, illness. and then off last night we had to leave the school where we were shocked. during that time, we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody,
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at least, which is different. but all of the people are frustrated are despair. they're saying that the clots copters came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting. lots of municipal, people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that had been f u. s. president joe biden has met with jordan's king abdullah at the white house. the 2 leaders discuss how to end the war and gaza. but as a state department correspondent was lend jordan reports. they had 2 very different visions of how to make that happen. a warm embrace at the white house before the hard talk, president joe button and king of dell of jordan spent at least an hour discussing how to end the war and garza, the leaders disagreed on the best way to do that. we need a lasting cease far now. united states is working on
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a hostage deal between israel and loss of which we bring median and sustain period of common with you guys for at least 6 weeks. buying and up dollar met just hours after use really force has launched a raid and rougher to rescue 2 captives does the official say dozens of people were killed in the attack. my prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he wants to launch a full scale military campaign against, from austin. rafa. even though there's growing international agreement, such an invasion would be catastrophic for the more than a 1000000 palestinians trapped there. the major military operation rather off or should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and supports of more than 1000000 people sheller there. many people there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, playing the violence to the north. and now they're packed and rough. exposed is
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gone and they need to be protected button did not talk about funding for and wrong, which he suspended after israel accused a few of its employees of helping him most plan, the october stuff at the top of dollar hold on button to change his mind restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items are leading to in human conditions. no other human agency can do what underway is doing in helping the people because through this humanitarian catastrophe, it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support it needs to carry out its mandate. barton abdullah agreed to work on getting more humanitarian aid into gaza, but they ignored reporters questions on how to make that happen. russell and jordan elder 0 washington. is there any forces have code at least one palestinian man during raids in the occupied westbank club nice. the incursions and call can yeah, my love bethlehem engineer,
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occupied east jerusalem and vehicles accompanied by brutalizes which destroyed roads engineering, nearly 400 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since as drought increase rates and october. meanwhile, a group of as very settlers has attacked palestinian south of the city of nablus in the occupied westbank. but these 2 palestinians were injured when settlers open find the village of a see to witnesses say the attack is also says at least one home on fire is going to our correspondents where we challenges. he's joining his line from occupied east jerusalem. and another 9 to 5 and story involving both as rarely ami and set lives in the occupied territories. as the other westbank continues to simmer with unrest and violence, this is a pattern that's been playing out a whole nice nicely. since some type of the 7th and you know, going back further than that as well. the most significance of these, uh,
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clashes was in jeanine. uh where we understand that he is ready, ami went in for suite 5 and 6 hours. and they do that fairly frequently. janine is one of the focuses of for the is ready all me in the west bank because it has representatives of lots of different on functions that there's reference as a promise. it's not meant to have that and fax it or as well, we understand that the is already on the a still a, operates a, in some of the towns around to name. we also know also one dest sofa. that was an engineer housing calculator where there were other classes as well. and the cousins by these ready ami a probably young palestinian man dies when essentially he was is the has the medical attention withheld from him? the is ready ami blogs and medics. i'm guessing to him, and this man like to death, we understand also that as being
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a violence between set list for secular violence in other parts of the west bank to in towns, villages around abreast, at least 2 incidents. that one with the settlers as throwing stones and shooting at pot of sending villages another way out of sydney villages called the police for the armies to come and protect them from the settlers. but the assessments then, sorry, the of the police, the army, and then ended up using a gas against the palestinians themselves, or in the wall and as well. there are reports of the heads of his very intelligence and security will be traveling to egypt soon for talks of release of captives and gaza and exchange for palestinians in is really jails. what are you hearing about this this yeah, so the part, the ministration really, really, really wants a deal for that and exchange of prisoners and captives odyssey spot in garza has been pushing these right,
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these to come back to the negotiating table off the the is riley's rejects is how much proposal that was based on the parents framework, which should be degrees by intelligence chase from the united states, from egypt from israel and from can talk about sort of part as soon as they hit the political realities falls. how much and israel and the different goals asked for this conflict, but the united states wants them to get back around the table again. how much know directly parties are those tools, but cats are as representative memo going into these re for them. so these right is that have been a lot of doubts about whether they would be going to colorado for this next round of holes. we understand that they all that as the reports in high rates, these papers being reported major reasoning, post, not officially confirmed by the governments, but both those papers are saying that the head of must, that that's the external,
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the foreign intelligence and security agency as well. and shouldn't batch as well as the internal one plus tommy representative organs begins car box. the central problem remains fast. how much ends is found at the moment, have irreconcilable differences about this deals? how much once an exchange of prison isn't kept as the result in the end of the conflict. and israel says there is going to be no ends to the war and sale, how much is completely destroyed. roy, thank you very much for that boy. challenge with a very nice us live unoccupied. east jerusalem. a dozens of displays palestinian families, a sheltering and a bomb. don't un school in the jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza, they're living in damage classrooms and many of the was blowing out the school next . essential services with initial or no food in boucher devonte. a has seen some of the most intense from bob intense lighting during the wall knoxville. so do not all have a homes were bombed. we went to our home and found that it was completely destroyed
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. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing we built attend and settled in at each tent has at least 15 people in it. so the head on algebra will have all the rest of the days, 12 stories, nato is european allies, coffee, unity, phone on controversial comments by former us president donald trump, the team debts analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and hold a close scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al
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jazeera. once somebody shoots somebody else dead, most people expect the police to arrive with him cuz on that person and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in getting your truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder, but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrested. that's why it's a get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. why do you think the shooter wasn't arrested because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the stand your ground. the
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the watching. i'll just bear with me elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories. the ssl is very military. has carried out most twice on the city of it. off on southern gaza. 367 palestinians were killed there on sunday night. some dogs all sleeping in the tents. months for women and children. a 10 year old palestinian girl has died and also how special in, con, do this? off in general, i just stopped working to several hours due to an ex fuse hotter. mcbride was receiving treatment and intensive care, and a group of as rarely settlers as attacked palestinian south of the city of nap listened. the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians were injured when settlers opened, find the village of a see to witness inside the attack. a set at least one home on file 2. now
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the european union's tom diplomat, joseph. but alex says israel should be pressed. not to go ahead with it's offensive on golf or even the us for the strongest report to ease. well, going to say that it to buy the presidents and buy it in himself that these extra news disproportion they did that they call people being killed. civilians being killed is unbearable. warranty needed while not to continue with these wait. but my question is, apart from words, what else will using it has to be done. unfortunately, the foreign secretary is going on as well to in his words, stopped and st. and before reading that alpha david cameron says guys and needs a sustainable ceasefire. we are very concerned about what is happening in rafa because that's be clear to people that many of them move, move for 56 times and forgetting that. and it really, we think is impossible to,
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to see how you can conflict a war amongst these people. there's no way for them to go. they called goes into egypt, they couldn't get north and back to the homes because many have been destroyed. so we are very concerned about the situation that we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action. but above what we want is an immediate pause in the fighting and we want that pause to lead to a cease fire, a sustainable scene spot with time to return to the fighting deanus about a fall case. as an economist on greece is formal finance minister. he says you are paying country share responsibility for the atrocities and gaza. we you to be integrated the problem. and at the moment we are playing a vicious roll. it needs perpetration. you heard i just heard on your problem. me said the board of the people critically lamenting the facts that nothing of pressure is being applied on the issue of the stuff, the genocide, the roof,
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or mr. the bureau. you are presenting that you to be in union which collectively is ami. israel gemini, france, italy, as we speak, i sending the va alma mater instead of being used in the alpha to cube. we have is the kind of them the british for them, separate de la man thinking he what is happening in the rough but he has been instrumental in the studying the hand of a i d. s. he needs pursuit of genocide for weeks now by doing whatever she can in order to prevent the cease fire from taking place. so you're being created, the problem, you know, pianos are punctuating the problem and you will be as a failing to do that, which is necessary in order to to do what we claim we're interested in being doing. because the official, the official veterans, the official feel he,
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they have official policies, a 2 state solution, and yet your opinions are completely complicit in the support of these and the government under mister nathan yackel, whose life's work has been the destruction of any prospects overpowered experience that the un security council has held a closed door meeting that included discussions on a draft resolution quoting for seas fund gaza. gabriel. and he's on to has moved from the united nations a few. and passengers wanted to speak publicly as delicate negotiations. continue on this algerian draft resolution that calls for among other things, an immediate cease fire. but us official says all sides are far apart and they are not ready to agree to that. we're engaging. and so we'll continue to engage and hopefully we can get some attacks that everyone can support. but i don't know if we're not in a position right now for me to say that were there were no somebody's really officials have called on the you when to help relocate palestinians out of rafa had
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an anticipated ground defensive there. but on monday, that's something the un flatly rejected. what we want is to ensure that anything that happens is done in full respect of international law. in the full respect of the protection of, of civilians. we will not the party to force displacement of people. security council members met into the evening monday here at the un headquarters to discuss the situation in rafa, but were told that they were not able to reach any sort of consensus. meanwhile, diplomatic sources tell us that era group members met earlier in the day, privately with security council members, as well. all in an urgent attempt to try to reach a diplomatic pathway to an elusive ceasefire gabriel's onto how does either at the united nations in new york
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the . let's take a look at the days of the news now and full the type of minutes to talk some shit, a lot will be released from jail. the kingdoms justice minister analysis that talks in was one of them with a mind 100 and mates granted approval. he had been sentenced to 8 years in prison to abuse with power before a royal pod and reduced his jail time to one. yeah, the 74 year old could be released as soon as this weekend to hundreds of students in the indonesian city of your gift cards. have protested against president to jo, cool. with those alleged interference of the upcoming election. on wednesday, indonesians will choose who will succeed. windows comp seek us. the tub is accused of trying to establish a political dynasty by having his son's name on the ballot. as his defense minister, as a running mate with auto says he isn't supporting any particular candidate and focused on support as of jail to form a problem that has to end on con,
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have blocked highways to protest. last week's election results. thousands of demonstrators in the southern city of questions state of life is red. independent candidates allied to con, one, the most c, but no policy one enough to form a government on the road. i am focused on the 2 largest parties of negotiating a possible alliance. the bulk of non wisdom league and the pockets on people's coffee form the last coalition government. after removing con, through a no confidence voters in parliament. the leaders of germany, fonts control and according to a stronger ministry ties in europe. it comes off to us presidential candidate, donald trump said he wouldn't protects nation member states that aren't contributing enough money to the lines. dominic cane has moved from the then but on the polish unit to takes ponton life for exercises. these tank survival elements of poland, military which has doubled in size in the last 10 years. poland prime minister says
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his country embraces its role on the world stage to 2 days. but there is no alternative to trans atlantic cooperation or to nato. your. it must become a safe confidence. this means the you, france, and poland must become strong states, ready to defend their own borders. to the task was speaking in the optim off of comments by former us president donald trump, in which he said that while in office, he'd warmed a nato ally, he'd encourage russia to do what ever wanted to them if they didn't pay that way. the principle of collective defense has been the cornerstone of european securities the decades with the us putting the bill through ne, so many governments have kept defense spending low, especially since the cold war ended, particularly in germany. well, one on the list says trump's woods have caused an outcry. people are really sharp. and i think a realizing that they need to use the coming months up to the us elections to come
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up with a plan b in case drunk would be re elected. but what's the exact shape that plan be might take? and perhaps more importantly, who might finance? it is not clear because defense spending is a difficult topic for any german government, especially the current one and with its recent budget problems. the chancellor says he shares the publish view of the need for europe, and solidarity is what's the 1st question to not to good nato's guarantee of collective defense, unrestricted all for one and one for all those. and i will say now any attempt to relative vice, this guarantee is irresponsible and dangerous for and is only in russia's interest find seizures. no one is allowed to play with europe. security for make deals that risk it. well that the v on declared fia here is how that would survive a possible seconds. trump administration dominant came alger 0 balance,
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and the hold on trump has all the supreme court to suspend a lower court ruling, which with jackson, his claim that he's in the, and from prosecution from claims he cons they prosecute should for actually carried out as president. if the supreme court rules in his favor would mean a criminal case against him would see an empty today, he is why they took to be the republican nominate again for november's election concerns a girl and for the safety of a prominent venezuelan human rights lawyer, lucille signed again and her family would attained waiting for a flight to the u. s. signed to get a daughter, an ex husband havent been seen since friday. the countries attorney general consent, they had been detained and said she was linked to a plot to kill president nicole osmond doodle. additionally, 2 of her brothers have gone missing more than 200 n g o. this have demanded that immediate release. hundreds of families of being forced to free their homes and then moved gang volumes in haiti. the sheltering
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near a police station as rival gang 5 for territory. and the capital portable products that you once has more than 800 people were killed, injured or kidnapped in haiti in january, or when it was heavy gunfire. so we decided not to stay. they burnt the houses. we don't know if our house was burnt. we have been in the streets since the morning. we don't know where we are going. so don is experiencing a communications blackout, which has been blamed on the power military rapids support forces. the r as, as the guns, shutting down the networks last week, leaving millions of people unable to make payments, will contact the outside world. the problem and the frequent controls. most of the capital costume with a headquarters of sit on telecoms provide as a based artist that has been fighting with the countries on me for more than 10 months. and that set from the elizabeth front them. you can find more information on all the stories coming on our website, algebra dot com, and site storage. next we'll discuss why is why these are preventing aids
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deliveries to gaza, defined as un courses, and thank you for watching the, the had a lot of that will have a look at africa in a moment. first of the middle east and live and we've seen unsettled weather, dominating the weather story across some of the gulf states scattered showers and drenching down pools for places like guitar, the u. a. e on online. but you can see that writing starting to run its way further east of the next few days. it will leave behind a legacy of cloud. but we are expecting some dry a skies, but not necessarily full saudi arabia and further north, not temperatures have been above average across that event with wires, skies and sunshine. but look at that change by the mid week. some heavy rain working in the eastern parts of the mediterranean. we are expecting that rain to
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start to push into places like gaza gauze. the city will see that light rain and a much cooler field. by the end of the week. things are looking much cooler across the north of africa. thanks to some blustery winds, taking showers down across into to new z a. libya as well. some of that rain pushing into egypt by the time we get into wednesday. some bucks we showers and when z a could kick up a sand storm as well. and the wind is a dominating factor across moving parts of africa. but also the story of sheet as it is the southern parts of africa. places like gabber wrote in books, one scene and mercury continued to rise lots of heat into had his book to of the what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's a center of international finance, international culture to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people to normal people, not just power brokers,
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and that's for algebra is different from me or the city and now said he was doing away with the curfew. that was supposed to get everybody off. it's international perspective with the human touch zooming way in. and then pulling back out again is rattles, thrusting a deliveries to gaza view and says policy is that out on the brink of salvation, that's even off. so the international court of justice order as well to allow humanitarian assistance into this trip. so hoping for such a form 5, this is inside story the .


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