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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the no i wrote matheson and this is the news on life in doha, coming up in the next 16 minutes more is where the air strikes at southern gas as offices. about 1400000 palestinians are sheltering. the largest hospital in gases con units loses power overnights a 10 year old girl dies and intensive care is ready for us as tay about the streets and the occupied west pines during another nights of rates. at least one person has been killed. and another world news, thailand's former prime minister attack some she know what is expected to be released from the jail. it was convicted for abuse of power. we're going to have
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a live updates. the . we're going to begin in southern gas. further be more is where the air strikes overnights and the city of rafa area is meant to be the last corner of relative safety and the strip. more than 1400000 palestinians are packed into the region with a fears. these ladies could soon launch a ground defensive on sunday nights. airstrikes killed 67 palestinians. there some died. ha, sleeping in their tents most for women and children as well. just north of off of the largest hospital incline unit. this one's without power for a period overnight. yeah, he was led to the death of a 10 year old holland neck dad who was receiving treatment and nonsense costs, but the intensive care unit generates has stopped working because of a like a fuel that'd be in bottles around the hospital in recent days. with this very snipers preventing anyone from leaving the facility. relentless air strikes and
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reports of israel's plans for a growing defensive and rough i have forced many palestinians to free. yes. again, this time, the devil bhalla in the central gaza and all countries spoke to some of the families who have headed their a lot of policy me is cranky, displaced in the, are currently using this road address. you drove connecting dropbox with can you does that has been a, has the middle area together. this is the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't buy left in 10 units, but they did not find any place. people saying that they have this place for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may
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be considered safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their is bella, or $200.00 units or any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee, and my name's going this way. we felt it might be slightly safer here in 0 bhalla. we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here, so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an empty area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area, because it's one of the areas that have a close swats are because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more
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than 7 times. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe . and that is due today and not as much as in the huddle and, and so we're kinda in the slot of we 1st flipped to and my causing them found one of us. and then off last night we had to leave the cooled, where we were shocked tony because we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody at least, which is different. but all of the people are frustrated are despair. they're saying that the quotes, cafeterias came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting lot by municipal. people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that had been f, as rarely forces of kills at least one palestinian malingering rains in the occupied west bank over night. they've been incursions in california, ramallah, bethlehem, and near occupied east jerusalem. armored vehicles were accompanied by bulldozers
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which destroyed roads in janine. nearly 400 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank since israel increased reigns in october. meanwhile, a group of it's very satellites has attacked depaula stan inside us of the city of novelists and the okay, fine west bank, at least 2 palestinians were injured when settlers open fire in the village of i see that. but necessarily, attackers also set at least one home on fire, which i was struck from. joining us from ramallah and the occupied was fine. so we have more rigs going on in the occupied westbank talk to see what's being happening, jones. so it's sort of the night of, of ministry rides by these radio. i mean, various different locations across the occupied west bank and also set the level islands attacking palestinians and the properties in the west bank. those rates 1st, the largest of which we understand was on the city and the refugee camp of jeanine in the north of the occupied territories had. now, course janine is,
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is known as being a sensor for the armed resistance. these raids are unlikely a fat by the way, the ministry we seen movie. ready those of ahmed bulldozers yet to gain digging up destroying vital infrastructure in that refugee camp actually is often described as as collective punishment. we know that they were all in cash. is there a number of arrests made inside your name? it was a similar scenario in the town of cook county as well, which is also in the noise avenue for the to the death of a palestinian inculcated. and according to reports these 19 year old man died as a result of his injuries. because according to our associates on the ground medical teams, we're not allowed to get to him. and this is a common occurrence over the last 4 months. we've repeatedly spoken to medical change palestinian medical crews operating in these areas during these res, and they are constantly telling us that they are basically stopped. and many,
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many times actually members of the crews detained themselves during these rage. and as to those secular attacks, these attacks we understand happen in a town called how are and how are as interesting. it's close to novelist and it's a town that was basically close by the is really military right at the beginning of the war because of an escalation in secular violence against palestinians in that area. we've gone through who are in, in recent weeks. it's pretty much a ghost talent, but it does come on the regular attacks of how the city and property being destroyed a on a regular basis, such as a similar scenario in the village of a sierra, also close to nablus. just to bring you up to date on death tolls. now, numbers of people that have been arrested since the beginning of the war according to all calculations, including that 19 year old man who was killed last night. that's $393.00
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palestinian, instead of being killed since the beginning of the war. around $4500.00 injured and around $7000.00 palestinians arrested since october, the 7th and the occupied westbank. it's josh, thanks very much indeed that. so i'll start for bringing this up to date from ramallah and the occupied west bind. want to bring you back to the main story today . those attacks and southern guys are there been more, is really air strikes overnight. we're going to talk to our correspondence. i move my mood is joining us from or off in the side of the to tell us what's been happening over the last few hours. i mean, the yes, well, an over night attacks and the early hours of this morning, god, this time that seemed to be concentrated in the central area as if it's happening, just not to leave people, an options for safety. we're talking about the same time people are trying to
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absorb what happened in the, the, within the past 24 hours the tax on and dropped the has hundreds of people to started to lee, right by city. going back to the central area or seeking shelter in the central area, the very particular area. they're looking for a refuge in a shelter came under heavy bombardment. they know over night attacks and nearly hours the of this morning we're talking about more residential homes of being attacked and, and destroyed jeff 5 people in a new site. i track these, these. com, that's a block one of the eastern part of the central area. and then another residential home and it blocks to the western part of the central area. the father and his daughter and remaining family members were critically injured and rushed to a lock saw house. but the res refugee comp, another, a todd's massive relentless era strikes on more residential homes where a more it critically injured. if individuals were rushed to the hospital,
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it just if i'm not mistaken, this is probably the 1st time we're see uh, an entire largest scale attacks out on rap pg cabs. it's happened before in the a, in northern part and gauze as to the but the idea of where you, where people are being, is squeeze in a small parts of the gaza strip. turn largely into refugee counts are being relentlessly a attack the but the, the most of the tragic things going on right now is it han units where it for the 17th day in a role. the boss of the hospital is under military siege, where snipers at the vicinity of the hospital taking positions and shooting at the re moving objects. the hospital announced that it ran completely out of fuel that now experiencing a complete a black out and up and, and power outage causing the disaster is the i see you at the operation rooms as
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well as a, causing a great deal of sewage your lot in certain departments of the hospital as there are no power generate, there's no electricity to drain all the sewage out of the of the, of the hospital. so this is causing another health risk going on. we're talking about a 300 medical stuff inside the hospital, at least 450 patients and injuries inside the hospital are right. no risk and there's a risk of losing their lives as their no, i see, you know, as operations room functioning properly on their own. so those who been filtering inside the hospitals unable to leave or go to a safer area as the attempt if they are to attempt to be shot by the snipers around the hospital. but i also came under tv artillery, studying the eastern part of the city, as well as the border line area of wood 3 and a, gaza and egypt under relentless air strikes,
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targeted at farmland and more of the public facilities in the area. chinese. thank you very much. indeed. that's funny. i'm off on talking to us from rough. i in southern gaza, dozens upon a city and families are sheltering and i'm bummed out to you and one school. there's your body. a refugee camp in northern go is that they're living in damaged classrooms where many of the walls could be blown out. the schools got little power or was a body a has seen some of the most intense bombardment and fighting during the war normal knoxville. so do not all have a homes were bombed, we went to our home and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing we built to attend and settled in at each tent has at least 15 people in it that us presidential biden's match jordan's king abdullah, the white house, the 2 leaders discussed how to end the war in gaza. but as our state department corresponded, rosalind jordan reports, they have 2 very different versions of how to make that happen. warm and breaks at
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the white house before the hard talk. president joe button and king of dell of jordan spent at least an hour discussing how to end the war and gaza. the leaders disagreed on the best way to do that. we need a lasting cease far now. united states is working on a hostage deal between israel and loss of which we bring median and sustain period of common. get you guys for at least 6 weeks buying and up. dollar met just hours after is really forces launched a raid and rafa to rescue 2 captives, gaza official say dozens of people were killed in the attack. some of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he wants to launch a full scale military campaign against, from austin. rafa, even though there's growing international agreement, such an invasion would be catastrophic for the more than a 1000000 palestinians trapped there. the major military operation route run off or
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should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and supports more than $1000000.00 people sheller and many people there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, slain the violence to the north. and now they're packed in the rough, exposed is gone and they need to be protect button did not talk about funding for unreal, which he suspended after israel accused a few of its employees of helping her most plan the october 7th, the time adult called on bite and to change his mind, restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items all leading to in human conditions. no other human agency can do what underway is doing and helping the people because through this humanitarian catastrophe, it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support it needs to carried out its mandate. barton abdullah agreed to work on getting more
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humanitarian aid into gaza, but they ignored reporters questions on how to make that happen. russell and jordan elder 0 washington. a. jordan is an important player in the region and he's got key relationships with both israel and palestine. jordan to the east of the jordan river as to border crossings with israel in the north, on by the red sea. there's also the king hussein bridge over the jordan river, linking the kingdom with the occupied westbank, jordan and palos time of strong historical links that aren't any official statistics. but it is believed that up to haul from jones population are of palestinian origin. jordan's being custodian of jerusalem's holy sides for the past 100 years. but that sometimes we might have control over say over is really security methods as well as visits to the all likes and most as well. and jordan assigned a peace treaty in 1994, shortly after the signing of the always the records which established the palestinian authority. bringing able to him,
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i'm sure if he's an associate professor at northwestern university in castle. very good to have you with us. it's interesting, i think, to know the difference in tone then joe biden has when he's talking about the situation in rough or particularly gas and more generally having spoken to king of the of jordan then previously find the response that he was putting forward to asian was planned occupation of the southern parts of garza was described as some one look warm. what do you make of that? why the change do you think? well, 1st i don't think it was lukewarm. i think united states was very much involved with the, giving the green light, unconditional green light for these various do what they have been doing and gaza. so what's happening now? perhaps the difference is that there are some political, well that's been changing. so jordan being in washington dc, this is a very important step because in washington, dc, this is the only place where this thing can stop for this whole balances, genocidal binding. this can stop and so i don't know if any words that the king can
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say is going to affect that perhaps there is been already moving that direction. and this is our performative diplomacy where you really just want to perform diplomacy as a theater of diplomacy. but in the end, it's about far finding your moral fiber and making a choice that it's very easy to make. it's not complex. we want to stop and genocidal financing. we want to move forward, and it should not have taking the, by the ministration of 30000 lives to make this move to make the change in tone in words should not have taken 30000 lights. and i want to ask you about jordan's roland this because as we were just talking about, it has a very significant and position with that within the region, particularly with relation to israel and palestine. and yet up to this point it has . and i'm just gonna say, remain in the background. i'm sure that's not the case, but it has been a lower profile player. if you're liking the negotiations and the discussions that have been going on and yet not we have seen king abdullah had to washington dc to have these discussions. why do you think it is taking that period of time for
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jordans jordan to reach this profile? i feel like in this situation. yeah. well, i think the profile that's been reached now is very important in sense of there being a possibility. the fact that he was invited and spoken by it was spoken with many of the advisors, but also speaking to the president biden. this is an illicit indication of what's happening in the background that there's a loss of patients for the genocide of war. but as for jordan's role here it is a big role. i mean, the fact is, the epicenter of the epicenter here is, is the matson, the motion box in jerusalem. and jordan offensively should have control been given control. this has international law, but that's been in that's been over run quite a bit. so now i think jordan is trying to adjust its own positioning because it has a population that does not support them what's going on. and so even though it is a modern, a modern are still will be holding some people. so i think
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a lot of different things are affecting this moment. but the, but again, i just want to stress the, the only only defined administration can stop this. and it is not that difficult, it is really about having a moral stan that has teeth. it should not have taken 30000 lives, 10000 children to die for this to happen, not to get to reach this point. and now the us is one of those being represented and talks in cairo at the moment along with caught out on egypt with a view to try and find some, some timeline towards a possible a cease fire. and i want to ask you about the that again, it's about timing is and i'm going to ask you about this for pause offensive. that'd be, as really military might, might be counting or to, in the, at the size of gaza. it has been very, it is being telegraphed if you like, by benjamin netanyahu. he has made it very plain that he is, has ordered the military to do this. he's making everybody aware that this is going to happen. of course,
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the same time that these talks are going on in cairo. do you think there is a connection? do you think that this is an element, at least in part, by that time? yeah. who would you put pressure on the talk? maybe put pressure on how much to try to come to some sort of agreement. well, i think that's definitely a possibility, but then yeah, who has shown that he's ready to do anything regardless of any public opinion, even within, within these sort of the society. but i think a threatening incursion does have the mediated value of trying to apply pressure in a sort of verbal way. however, i, i don't believe that nothing, you know, has any concern for policy in life. and i think that the united states need to be very careful because i think this has been a, a disaster for american profile in the world as a, as a broker piece in human rights. it's been a disaster. and in the past, the united states would, you know, do what a 1000, a world. and then afterwards go on with nation branding to polish. it's, it's view, but right now that's a relic of a strategy. this is a permanent damage,
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americans standing. so i think, you know, pushing for, for this incursion itself is not something related to diplomacy. i think he, he wants to finish causing me. yeah. able to, i will surely for we appreciate you being with us in order to 0. thank you very much. indeed. thank you. thank you. of the pretty good some of the world news. now we're going to take a look at the days news fall, multipoint minutes to talk sanction or what is expected to be released from jail soon. the kingdoms justice minister has announced the tax them is one or more than $900.00 inmates granted parole. the 74 year old had been sentenced 8 years in prison for the abuse of power before a royal partner and reduced his jail time to one year. to return is joining us alive outside the bank, all costs but to a tax has been undergoing treatment. why is he being released at this point? tony?
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the justice minister says that he's over 70 years old, 74, and say that he suffers from serious health complaints. we know that he's here because he's got high blood pressure and has been complaining of tightness in the chest, and he likes those of the 930 inmates. they will send me that criteria again to be released. but this is also part of a very well choreographed plan. so mister tags, and when he returns to thailand 6 months ago, when we saw him stepped back home to ty, so after all those years away, he knew very well what was going to happen. there was a brief presentation before the media to some of his friends who turned up for the apple. then he was with the way to cold. he was a sub that 8 year sentence and then with the way to prison in the end how, but he never even served a single night in prison. because that night he was then with him to the police
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hospital in central bank of what he has remained ever since. now they have been all the questions about the kinds of conditions that he's in here in the hospital, but investigations for requested by parliament from the corrections department have said, stated that they seen the medical records, that his complaints of completely genuine his right to be here is justified and it looks like he's now going to be released this coming weekend and then tony, just pretty basic one of the conditions of his parole. i mean, there must be questions of whether or not he's going to continue to play any sort of role in type politics, as well as what we don't know at this stage. and those are presumably positive, the choreographed plans. uh, before he touch down back in thailand, there is talk of him possibly wearing an ankle monitor for a period of time off the he's released. but i think the big question so many people
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is whether he's going to take an active role. what he and his family have sit in the pulse is that he's 6 and no real. he just wanted to come back. he is an elderly gentleman of the state, but i think many people have put to, to leave the monica in the military. so i've had a very antagonistic relationship with mr. tax and in the past will be very concerned about him taking an active political role. again, particularly as his policy per time, a car lead the ruling policy in government. that said that he may well already have the influence. he feels he needs. there is another question. how you of a mr tax. and last week we heard from the attorney general that less met just stay charges would be filed against him. that was a challenges offending the monkey they relate to an interview. he gave well in self imposed exile in 2015. so there is a possibility that he could be released from hospital this weekend and immediately
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taken away under investigation of less magister i just want to chime talking to is from buying cobb to any. thank you very much. i so then jerry and president has also had of the west african block eco, was, has canceled his trip to set a goal, bullets, a new bu sense of delegation to me to officially some kind of following protests against a decision by signing the lease president mark yourselves to postpone an election scheduled for later this month, pretty excited just trying to stay in power, which solid denies. and some of those protests of erupt into violence between demonstrators and police rights groups of accused security voices of brutality and opposition. coalition has called for valley later than tuesday, and the capital of nicholas knocked reports from dock on enough is a sending of these hip hop collective denouncing in their latest clip with the press in their country council. the demo lucky cell crushing the poor complicit with the justice system, repressing democracy favoring
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a talkers to lyrics from rapper foot team. she says she's giving a voice to the voiceless. my site is not to bring down mackie soul. i'm on the side of the people to carry the voice. the people is unwell, the police suffering. this is a revolt. a music is a weapon to shake the government. a student, a street vendor, and a 16 year old boy all killed during nationwide demonstrations. on friday after solid announced a 9 months delay to the presidential elections meant to take place this month. violence on the street spread to parliament where the delay in the elections was voted into law after security forces booted out opposition and peas, who were staging a protest in the national assembly. where the opposition to delaying the elections is a constitutional coup orchestrated by prison. so the country that has experienced only peaceful power transitions, the west african body echo was sent
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a delegation to mediate and then to an unprecedented political crisis in a region marked by military takeovers. a lot of the thoughts, a doctor's worked on them and i hold up my hand to say to the political actors, be careful. be careful because we are not alone on the stage of politicians are not capable of getting along with the essentials. other organized forces will do it instead. and they'll lose everything in the country to all other. several unions including transport teachers and the press unions, are taking part in a nationwide strike. on tuesday, several journalists have been beaten for filming police brutality together, they call on people to join a peaceful assignment. march as part of a nation wide civil disobedience with police are out in full force. we're keeping a safe distance because authorities say that the civil disobedience movement is an illegal gathering. but for the organizers, they say the security forces are not protecting the people,
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but rather the president and his decision to delay the election. and the face of police refreshing the movement has gone online. the pressure on the president is growing the enough a collective that supported microsoft to power in 2012 in the face of the then president trying to extend his time in power is back at 12 years on this time again . so a fight for democracy. they say they won't give up. nicholas hall calendar is the right, the car. still ahead on all of the 0. we're live in chickasha as innovations compared to those opposed to elect a new president. make those european allies call for unity and following controversial comments. my phone with us president mcdonalds from the have the, let's have
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a look at the weather across europe over the next few days and offered surely start to the week. well, things are going to walmart. it'll tell mild, certainly in terms of temperatures across a lot of your, but despite that williams that is gonna remain largely unsettled with rounds of rain pulling in from the west. you can see that rolling across the person on the island of island, keeping things a little cooler. but by wednesday, that will be some improvement coming through study for this off of this, for places like spain and portugal, the wet just of the weather rolling across at denmark's wintery weather as well. coming into the far north east. for places like russia, moscow seeing some improvement, however, the temperature wise on choose a minus 3 degrees celsius. and instead will see that reading start to run its way towards the se. bringing was a bit of a winfrey mix as well to the likes of remaining as well as ukraine. some shy was coming into the very south of italy. it'll feel a little bit last 3 across the mediterranean. but some improvement coming through for spain and portugal, just a few showers here and the temperature of picking up within that range,
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rolling across the western parts of france. we are expecting that to come in to paris, but let's hope it doesn't dump in the spirits on wednesday. it will be valentine's day in the city of of loss. that should weather, update the laws, some big a supervisor of the united states, victorious guantanamo on. background detention center, civic, so cold war on terror. now, human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone helped him one time and will be retraces steps, revisiting. cuz that's it. that's by the echoes of background with this documentary on the jersey to examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring
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a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well, from a different perspective on l, jersey or the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you want to, you know, does it a reminder about health? so is this is really management kind of the most find some of this as you profit in southern gaza. the 67 palestinians were killed there on sunday night. some died for
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sleeping in the times. most women and children. a 10 year old palestinian girl has died at nasa hospital income unit. a softer genovese has stopped working for several hours because of a lack of fuel on a month that was receiving treatment and intensive care. a google is very satellites has attacked out of city inside of the city of novelists and the occupied west bank. at least 2 palestinians were injured from settlers, open fire in the village of i see the witnesses say the attackers set at least one form on fire. but you, on the security council has held a closed door meeting, that included discussions and a draft resolution calling for a ceasefire and gaza. gabriel alexander has more from the united nations. few ambassadors wanted to speak publicly as delicate negotiations. continue on this algerian draft resolution that calls for among other things and immediate cease fire. but us official says all sides are far apart and they are not ready to agree
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to that. we're engaging. and so we'll continue to engage and hopefully we can get some, a text that everyone can support. but i don't know if we're not in a position right now for me to say that were there or not. somebody's really officials have called on the un to help relocate palestinians out of rough or had an anticipated ground defensive there. but on monday, that's something the un flatly reject do. what we want is to ensure that anything that happens is done in full respect of international law. in the full respect of the protection of the of civilians. we will not the party to force displacement of people. security council members met into the evening monday here at the un headquarters to discuss the situation in rafa, but were told that they were not able to reach any sort of consensus. meanwhile, diplomatic sources tell us that era group members met earlier in the day, privately with security council members,
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as well. all in an urgent attempt to try to reach a diplomatic pathway to an elusive ceasefire gabriel's onto how does either at the united nations in new york, the dodge government says it's going to appeal to coach. we're going to stop exporting warplane parts to israel bounce off to judges of pals and appeal by human rights organizations, set boston reports from the hague, as it was seen as its best case rights organizations filed a civil suit against the dutch state saying, supplying israel would be a parts for f $35.00 fight. the jets makes the netherlands complicit. impossible war crimes in gaza? the judge at the lower court had dismissed the case saying the court couldn't interfere and government policy decisions. the appeal court had a different view. my experience from the experts of the u. m. have found that there is an incredible number of civilian casualties. thousands of children has been killed and so divide is not proportional. that's why there is
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a clear risk of violations of the laws of war. since 2019, then that lens has house do you will be and this will fusion center for f 35 spare parts. we are also supplies israel in 2022 and exported spear parts for $2400000.00 through the country with the escalation of the war and gas as this number is now predicted to be much higher, its dependence on the f 35 without any any doubts, so it's, it's a, it's not just a small bits in this whole story. it is reading a main elements and it will, it will definitely if i for now it will definitely fix. is there any will? this is where our own dozens of these us made fight the planes. it is expected. they will now depend on the us to provide the necessary spare parts. while this verdict will not directly impact the war on gaza, it could be seen as a precedent for other organizations in europe to file similar cases against their
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governments. other and jose and other countries are already preparing some of the cases. and we've been in contact with them, but even more than that, i hope it's a turning points for how western governments look at their role and responsibility and realize that also before a judge, they are coal responsible for what's happening in gaza. for the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel. the verdict is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping is gone for the ocean to the ex 35 program with jeopardize it sites with us and as well. and with have a civilian economic impact. in his verdict, the judge argued that political and economic interests com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the dutch states will now take the case to the supreme court, but that doesn't mean it can still exports spear f 35 pods to israel. the court has
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given the state one week to formerly execute the verdict steadfast and l just sierra. take the, take a look at some more world news. now indonesians go to the polls on wednesday, is the country replaces to town presidents younger with dodo polo show the cutting defense minister probably. so bianco is leading the race, but he's a controversial figure. more than 200000000 people are able to cast about and what's considered the world's largest direct presidential votes, jessica washington's life for us and their capital, chicago. and what's the mood like there? jessica, as well at this stage. well, this is what we call the quiet period before voting. so after $75.00 days of intense campaigning. the 3 presidential candidates traveling around this, around the country from island to island, trying to meet voters. this is a quiet period. all the campaign,
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banners and posters have been taken down from the streets. the intention behind that is that this is supposed to give voters an opportunity to model over the choice rather than being bombarded with messages from the various campaign chains. there is certainly a sense here that this is a momentous occasion. whatever the outcome is, they will be a new president engineer for the 1st time. in 10 years, there will be a replacement for president joker with dodo. so certainly a sense that, that this is a moment to of change for indonesia. and in terms of the excitement of the engineering population, when it comes to vote, single voting is not compulsory. here. does. he mentioned there more than 204000000 eligible voters. we expect that turn out will be high as we have seen in elections in the past. at the last election turn out was around agent. this sense that one thing that has perhaps overshadowed the excitement to forward into the entities and likes to cool it's festival of democracy. is these concerns about the neutrality of the president? now civil society groups have raised concerns that the president has given an
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advantage to the proposal beyond the campaign, who is of course, running alongside his eldest son, keep it on like a blooming vodka. so we're talking about the defense minister. he seems to be up and one of the front runners who's the up against a will he is up against the 2 former governors on his best way to an end to gun jennifer. i know both of them very much popular speak is. but the advantage that provo so be on to has at this selection, is this backing from president jungle with dodo? the important context here is that proposal, bianco has actually run for president twice. he lost both elections against that juggle with dodo hills, around for vice president and last set as well. the difference here is that support of juggle with dodo struggle with dodo in his final months as president has popularity ratings that many world leaders would perhaps envy. he's very much admired by the entities in public and so having difficulties son running alongside him,
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given rocket blooming rock. i is suddenly seen as an advantage full for both he has been running on this continuity ticket, pledging to continue the delta to that developmental isn't often always policies fighting to get to see, continue and took always legacy. and so he's framed himself very much as the successor typically, despite the fact that at the last 2 elections, he was indeed to call his rival. so suddenly it is on clear this stage. well, although he is the frontrunner, he will need to secure at least 50 percent of the vote to ensure that there is no ronald. if none of the candidates is able to secure that 50 percent. well, they will be a 2nd round associated with the top 2 candidates in june. jessica, thank you very much. indeed. this jessica washington talking to us from jakarta in progress done support as of jail from a prime minister in the on con, her blog tie ways to protest. last week's election results. as it demonstrates isn't the something that you say the votes rate,
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independent cons of this box by con, one of the most same sped, no proxy, one enough seats to form a government in the room, a pockets times 2 largest political parties and negotiating a possible, a lions, the pockets on muslim league on the pockets on people's policy from the last coalition government after removing con, through a no confidence volts in parliament. the us senate has voted to advance a $95000000000.00 a package for ukraine and israel. it's expected to go through a final approval on wednesday before being sent to the republican lighthouse of representatives. that's where the bill is going to face tougher all position. if the stalled for months was republicans demanding the for an a to be tied to enhanced border security measures. one of the senate democrats called them president joe biden to hold and that's and yahoo government accountable for its actions in gaza. $60000000000.00 would go to support you train them of $14000000000.00 would be for israel. the overriding message to the united states
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from the net. yahoo coalition is this. thanks for giving us all the weapons. thanks for your tax payers support. but don't lecture us about civilian casualties or the need to better facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and the leaders of germany fronds on poland, calling for stronger military ties in europe, comes after us presidential candidate, donald trump said he would not protect nato member states that on contributing enough money to the line. stomach cane has more from berlin an almost polish unit to takes ponton live flat exercises. these tank serial vital elements of poland, military which has doubled in size in the last 10 years. poland prime minister says his country embraces its role on the world stage. so 2 days, but there is no alternative to trans atlantic cooperation or to nato with your it must become a safe confidence. this means the you, france, and poland must become strong states,
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ready to defend their own borders. the task was speaking in the optim off of comments by former us president donald trump, in which he said that while in office, he'd warmed a nato ally, he'd encourage russia to do what ever wanted to them if they didn't pay that way. the principle of collective defense has been the cornerstone of european securities the decades with the us putting the bill through ne, so many governments have kept defense spending low, especially since the cold war ended, particularly in germany when one on the list says trumps woods. have caused an outcry, people are really sharp, and i think a realizing that they need to use the coming months up to the us elections to come up with a plan b, in case drunk would be re elected. but it wasn't exact shapes that plan be might take, and perhaps more importantly, who might finance it is not clear because defend spending is a difficult topic for any german government,
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especially the current one. with this recent budget problems, the chancellor says he shares the publish view of the need for europe and solidarity. that's what's 1st question done not to good nato's guarantee of collective defense, unrestricted all for one and one for all those. and i will say now any attempt to relative vice, this guarantee is irresponsible and dangerous and is only in russia interest. fine . no one is allowed to play with europe security or make deals that risk it. or the dmv v on declared fia here is how that would survive a possible seconds. trump administration dominant came al jazeera, fully hundreds of families of being forced to see their homes and with more gang violence in the hazy, sheltering near the police station as rival gains fight for the type of trade in the capital, uphold to prince view and says more than 800 people were killed injured or
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kidnapped, and hazy in january 1. there was heavy gun fire, so we decided not to stay. they burnt the houses. we don't know if our house was burnt. we have been in the streets since the morning. we don't know where we are going. argentina is president's hobby miller. it has met pope francis at the vatican, but i sought to make up with the pontiff. he had previously insulted locked america edison to see in human voice a photo op. that seemed impossible. just 2 months ago or didn't tina's pope francis greeting ultraconservative president, have you had me late in the vatican? followed by an emotional embrace such because few politicians anywhere had been sold to the pope like me. they who during his campaign called the pontiff, a defender of bloodthirsty dictators, and the communist being for the model of the machine, this extend roma, that imbecile in rome, who defend social justice,
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should be informed that it goes against the 10 commandments. social justice is a capital seeing an abberation, so, but now the president has changed his tone. and his 70 minute meeting in the vatican relay is reported to have apologized to the pope for his statements. the pope then brush them off as quote errors of use. argentina is a put dominantly roman catholic country instead of the forgiveness despite of being coffee. and we know that when one repents for doing something wrong, one must forgive me. lady has no intention of remaining a catholic part from his strong support for israel. what he has just spent 3 days delay has pledge to convert to judaism. he wept at the western wall at alaska most compound before going to rome. the impact of music insults against the 1st latin american pope. some believe he could have started by going to rome
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before visiting israel. in fact, while some may be willing to forgive him for what he said, others, his visit to pope francis as an opportunity. i want to make it clear that i don't think it has repented for what he said about the pope. rather he's trying to in favor to increases popularity. relays political agenda clearly includes trying to please this conservative catholic supporters. no way to know is that the reason is number one objective is to obtain a paypal visit to argentina. number 2, he needs to reduce the number of adversaries that he has at this difficult time. god of the people visit has indeed reduce tensions. but when it comes to the pope's fundamental political and social views, there's still no sign of a reconciliation see and human outages, era, window site is still the head. and i'll just say the authorities from the audience
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and send it out into baker. we're scrambling to clean up on the oil spill from a mysterious vessel was know who
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the the 10 months since the start of the conflict. and so done the united nations this morning that the human at saving crisis is getting worse. more than 12000 people have been killed since the conflict began. 18000000 uncertainties don't have enough food that's twice as many as last year. it's estimated the 3 and a half 1000000 children will suffer from acute small nutrition this year. as food
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gets scarce and prices rise on $700000.00 a severely malnourished and require specialized life saving treatment around $3000000.00 children have been forced from their home since april. that's the largest number of internally displaced children anywhere. i'll just need his humalog and reports reports to don slough. wow. sala has brought to a 9 month old. my look to this nutrition center in the eastern city of ports for them to stop her from starving to death. the conflict between the army and the power military rapids support forces forced her to leave her home and hot the. she says, repeat the displacement has left her 2 week to nurse her daughter vs is that right? and i said, i don't eat enough to produce smoke for her. i don't have the money to buy food and we rely on the assistance we get at the displacement center. sometimes we have breakfast off the 12. i boots my la care when she started getting dinner and they told me she was malnourished. a hunger has increased since the conflicts began in april. 4th,
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the displacement as well as rising food prices in parts of sedan. i'm sure to just in others has like 2 more people struggling to find something to eat. i don't look at the doctor for those and display sometimes to tell us they either eat one or 2 meals for none at all. so i'm coming to tell us that we should feed the younger child and leave the l during the test. so causes hunger and mel nutrition in the us . food agency says at least 18000000 people are facing severe food insecurity up from 9000000 last year. some of those who need aid may be able to access it and parts of to them that are safe and way. there is no fighting, but in places that are active conflict areas. insecurity has made the getting relief supplies and difficult. would they, united nations describing the hunger levels there as catastrophic? both wearing sites are accused of hampering the delivery of age. the army is
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accused of losing the process of allowing 8 inches to them. while the parent military group is accused of blocking access to be seized areas, dozens of deaths due to starvation have been reported. we need to be able to access those areas. and because we're either having to work across the line and negotiate access, we've all sides of the conflict with not being able to do it, particularly as the sky. we can do more distribution, see a smooth distribution that what we want is almost an industrial size size operation so far says she's grateful, she can feed her daughter and my next life is no longer at the risk. she hopes that age will continue. so she doesn't lose her child to hunger like so. many of the parents have people morgan onto their own board. sit down. savannah is experiencing a communications blackout which has been blamed on the part of military rapids support forces. now there's half the guns, shutting down the networks last week,
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leaving millions of people unable to make payments all contact the outside world. the bottom of the tree route controls most of the capital costume with headquarters of sit on telecoms, providers based police in democratic republic of congo. how far to tear gas to despise protesters are demonstrating outside the western embassies on the un mission and the capital. can shasta, the process is a western nation support neighboring lawanda, which is accused of backing m 23 rebels and eastern d r. c. regardless denied the allegations, but un experts say there is evidence for rebels are supported by their mind with weapons and equipment. tribute to being paid to kenyan madison runner calvin captain has been killed in a car crash. the 24 year old record breaking acetate was set to be one of the top contenders for gold of the powers olympics. later this year, lock on lab reports from nairobi. kelvin tipton was driving at night near the village where he grew up in kenya's, refunded provence,
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when he lost control of the call and hit the tree. he was 24 years old. he died at the scene alongside his coach, who was also in the car. another passenger was seriously injured. he was the fastest marathon runner in the world just last week. well, dr. essex verified his record. when his friends and family heard the news, they rushed to the moultrie and the town of elder read on say, soon to set up to go see the index 50. so yeah, let's see. so to the family that the uplift express that i need to enter into account am a quote with us at this trying moment. because i can say for sure you ask the man the nice. in october last year, he rammed the chicago mouse and in 2 hours and 35 seconds breaking the previous weld records set by another canyon eliot kit ciocca in 2022. the healey highlands where they both grew up
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a home to many of the worlds fastest long distance runners. there were few jobs. thousands of young people train pod every day seeking to make that fort teams from athletics. it seems one of the few who made it. athletes, sports officials and politicians has paid tribute can yeah. the wild, the for autonomy to of athletics and support in general has lost a special shining jam with a tribute to him for what he has like shift even though he's very sharp life, keeps him. instead, he aims to run the rest of the amount of sitting on the 2 hours in april and he was widely seen as a contender for gold at the power. so the intakes in july, the vast in cuz the presidents of well, dr. essex said he was an incredible athlete leaving an incredible legacy malcolm
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web houses era and i'd be assigned to both the pontiff with no crew on board is leaking oil into the camera. being such a mystery and a mess the people are scrambling to clean up. john 100 reports a massive oil spill his dark into the waters, off the coast of the island nation of trinidad and tobago. treating address to reset that only see us to begin after we brought the situation under control, right. the situation is not under control cruise race to clean up this bill from an upturn mystery that sold it ran a ground in a harbor near the village of limbo, reckoning a large yellow net to protect the coastline. prime minister, keep rally declared a state of emergency saying local authorities have more questions than answers on the leaking vessel. we don't know, we belong to we have no idea we came from and we also don't know or that it contains. what we do know. it appears to be broken, having made cutting duck here and is legion,
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some creative hydrocarbon that just folding doors and the cost like that there's the food of come to us from any kind of operation, especially if the operation is elicit the spill clouds, the waters in the economic health of the southern most islands in the caribbean, at the height of carnival when tourism is crucial to the local economy. dive responded the name, gulf stream on this side of the founder, graft and have identified a length of cable, possibly suggesting it had been towed adding to the mystery. the nations emergency management agency says there are no signs of anyone. manning, the 100 meter long vessel. the united nations is working with the government to coordinate an international aid response to the spill. john henry and l g 0. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes for more and all the stories and don't forget the website. of course i'll just be like, don't come on use kind sports. i'm your boss to stay with us on
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the white, sandy beaches and clear to close voltage. this is the multi it's the world knows and loves the island of an ungodly, smaller waste. next to the capital, one of the most densely populated citizen, the world, just off the coast, a new project to try and remedies, pillows sunk into the sea for highway leading towards now just to send bulk will be a new call, get pulled in residential blocks. judging sam bits kills micro organisms find sustaining marine environments. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent of the water vulnerable to rising sea level. the dive is head say, the judging has already had a devastating impact rates in this area of loss. 70 percent of the carl coverage, the residents of building gaily are already taking action to protect the reef
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carl's come back to promote groups and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me, i do. but the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line areas once hailed the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety? overwhelmed? loss of agency apocalypse may be unravels how online hopes and fears shape our existence, the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay, do more on it. just we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to
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places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. and the more as many are succeed, southern garza's rougher set to you about 1400000 palestinians are sheltering there . the don't know about this and this is on the 0 life and don't have also coming up. i. this is really forces from pop air strikes on the roof of the still no lights up and attacks and other areas. 17 people are killed in strikes and central den obama,


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