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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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on this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bank gross, not net of on the dashboard to use the the color there. i'm installing the attain, this isn't use our line from dawn coming up in the next 16 months. israel continues to attack rafa and southern gaza and then phase of a possible ground offensive 1400000. the palestinians say they have no where left to go is really forces also around comp attacks and all the areas 17 people are killed and as strikes in central 0 by an era of instability. we take a closer look at how global defense funding has changed and what that means for conflict around the why we deal with the rebate and thousands of
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engine farm is a t, a guest as a launch towards new delhi, demanding stable prices for the full title whole list month, just the city of fucking champions, league action early homes teen taking on s. c. copenhagen. in the last 60 the while we begin in gaza, where the is randy minute tree is bombing the strip from north to south. the phase of mounting of a possible ground defensive and rougher the southern most points of the territory. moving 1400000 to space palestinians. the sheltering that they've ended up in that city by following is really about duration. notice we're trying to escape is riley attacks as well previously presented ross as a safe zone. in con units the largest hospital had no power for several hours on monday night after its generates as random to feel that outage and the to the death of a 10 year old cow hollow mic that she's been receiving treatment and intensive cap
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. nothing is really time stone, the place at about 6 am and then it destroyed everything in its way. but despite the roof list in boardman and the choking c is ready, so just continued to shoot to to us. they were firing indiscriminately that they shot my son. he's only 14 years old. the go to like this will not go right into his chest. i don't believe those devices either. my daughter was also killed the other for the since don is really tanks have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got together and came out waving white flag. these really soldiers arrested my son and 2 other young men. they stripped them off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave. the area on central gaza is around, has carried out as strikes on residential buildings that can at least 17 tell us and many of those victims on children and. and then all of us strip thousands of families of sheltering and bummed out un run the score and the giovanni
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a refugee camp, and now living in damaged classrooms with digital power water food the knoxville, so do not all have homes were bombed. we went to our home and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was bomb to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing we built, attend and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it. that is also more on the situation in gaza. we can speak to a correspondence honey muffler and he joins us live from rough up from the ground of the southern part of the costs a strict hunting thanks so much with that. being with us today took us through the bombardment resting. it's been very, very intense over the last few days. the yes, well this is the all of the 7th day in a row since the, these really military intensify aid in spite of the area of the bloomberg been of
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the city of rockland what appeared to be i know, not 10 doors giving away soon of the of the statement made by the by is raising the military officials and the political leaders of expanding the ground defensive. and through the, i know it's a late fee and preceded by this intense bombing campaign. that's so far as targeting residential buildings, public facilities, infrastructure, causing further a civilian casualties. here, level of destruction and quite visible right now in a city just saw a deep within the past 44 hours major in, in tennessee area and been barge meant as these really military stated, it was because of a special operation to release to captive it. but the fact that the bombing continued for hours after that just lift the areas, it looks the air that was targeted in, in ruins. we're talking about more than 2 residential buildings have been destroyed, completely forcing more people into internal displace been to mock to be destroyed
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. completely the road leading to this particular neighborhood. it was completely destroyed. we're talking about the 0 infrastructure right now is it's hard to do just walk in, put a step forward in this area a little on a driving a vehicle. uh, just given to share level of destruction, all of this is, is, is, has been in, in height in a c or i concerned among dates. the displays population more than half of the population has been a corner here in this a small part of the gaza. strip already, people who have experienced that horror within the past 24 hours. they've started to pack up and leave the area for the syndrome part only to be faced with more nice if they are dealers, that ain't got an error. strikes the targeted uh, the refugee camps, the block one and block. do we talked about the site are roughly recap of the eastern part of visit of it and the western parts in addition to
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a neighboring refuge account. many braves, a refugee cab and the city of dillard, but the very particular city people were told to evacuated to because it is a safe zone. and but people are getting killed their die and in this area, within hours, within weeks of their arrive, those, all of this is happening why people are still struggling to get food to get drinking water. experience being very difficult, living conditions that are only worse and in each passing day. honey, i must say we're very happy to be seeing you on our screens today. you are forcing for us over the phone or for the last 24 hours instead of on our screen because of the run pumped in the escalation, we've seen in strength. it's kelly getting more dangerous and rougher. how are you and your family coping well, i must say though, those were uh that was the toughest night then real fast since the beginning of the
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war a little long. now nobody had the ability to sleep since the beginning of the, of the operations in the shop were the area. everybody was awake, including the, the little ones, the children, the elderly, and everyone saw them believe this was the beginning of a massive largest scale. ground defensive to we were constantly thinking and worrying about where are we supposed to go. what are we supposed to do with us are in the the place that we had in mind is going to be safer than the one that we are at the shoulder. again, right now we, we put a lot of questions about this, how about water about food? are we going to find the same exact portion of, of daily a food supplies of water supplies available in that area. and it, during the due time it was very difficult. i usually had the kids just to sort of like it, there is some sort of in 13 minutes for them i,
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i do would leave the area that we're sheltering. and just right in the front of the door step, just to play for a little bit, just to entertain them and get them out of the stress of the, of the daily or of the work. we're not able to do that yesterday as they were a drones attack of drones, surveillance drawn fighting jets all over the place made the whole situation is very critical for us, the uh, the elderly, the grownups, as well as the kids who for the 1st time, we're asking is, is this the time that we are not going to be together or not? this is the question that probably one of the hardest that we have to respond as honeymoon today for us on the ground in russia. thank you for your pushing honey, and we hope you and your family continue to stay safe. who's speaking of people who's been displaced and i'm terrified. and those who diary has spoken to some of
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the families who are headed to central there all by hoping that it would be safe, a lot of policy news, cranky displaced in odessa are currently using this road address sheet. roads connecting good alpha with can you does that has been a, has the middle area together. this is the, the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't. but last in can you in this? but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be consider safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to that in bella, or $200.00 units or to any place, it's gonna come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee,
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and my name's thinking this way. we felt it might be slightly safer here in 0 bio for not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an empty area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area because it's one of the areas that have a close water because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was this phase for more than 7 times. and now they came to dead and been because they think that it is safe . and that's due today. i am not as much as a handling this was handling this lot of us we 1st flipped to and more causing them,
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found who owners and then off last night we had to leave the school where we were shocked. during that time we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody, at least, which is different. but all of the people are frustrated are despair. they're saying that the quad captors came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting. lots of municipal, people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is and the pull the data that has been f o is there any forces of also killed at least one tell us than your non during raids and you don't coupons, westbank overnight. based on the city is of cocktail in ramallah, as well as bethlehem and also need occupied east jerusalem. and vehicles and boulders is destroyed roads engineering. at least 22 palestinians were arrested in the occupied westbank or the 9th. is when the forces of increased the frequency and intensity of their rates that since october the 7th,
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at least $394.00 palestinians have been killed. meanwhile, a group of israeli settlers has attacked ballasting and south of nobliss in the occupied westbank. these 2 palestinians were injured when such as opened fire in the village of a sierra. witnesses say the attack is also said to him that on file well from what we can speak, charles property joins us now from the law in the occupied west bank. charles will raise overnight. these attacks by is rarely sent the focus through what's been happening. yeah, let's begin by talking about those, these ready ministry rates, another night or rates. we see them pretty much every night, right? the way across the occupied westbank. so the one of the biggest ways last night seems to have focused as a game on jeanine jeanine city and the refugee camp in the notes of the occupied westbank, jeanine long considered to be a sense of full, the various different palestinian opposition functions. we so seen video of homage
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is ready, bulldozers gets a game digging out blank to infrastructure, civilian the infrastructure in those areas. we understand that they were, they were all kind of shoes. a number of arrests were made in janine, one of the big hot spots last night, also in the news to be occupied westbank town of calcutta, which a game comes on to pretty much nightly rates. and as you mentioned in the intro, one palestinian mind kills during those bodies that we've been speaking to members of the medical crews, the ambulance teams that so i bravely go into these areas during these nightly rates and, and honestly trying to administer and keep treatments to those wounded, they're telling us that so yet again, the is right, the middle trig stopped there, ambulance getting to way of is injured man. believe to being 20 years old. had to be in hate. any subsequently died of his injuries with respect to the is ready settler violent. just get again another series of attacks by is right. the settlers
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on palestinian property and palestinians themselves, most notably in the town of hot water. the water is just south of nablus, interested me, the town itself was close by. these rarity made a tree pretty much bang on the beginning of the wall. and that's because of trashes, between checklist and unpolished in his old cause of rage. by settlers on that child, we know having spoken to local people inside a wire, they say that so. so there's a lot of palestinian property including calls, a bulldozer used by a construction worker there. and a house that was set fire to and it was a similar kind of scenario in a syria, a sierra as well, which is a village close by. cit, file these, these settlers, actual settlers, sorry, set fire to palestinian property the. so it's another indication, seemingly, of how these ready settlers are not taking any kind of humans whatsoever to the stretch of sanctions that are now coming from the us administration. and the
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british, british government, we understand that at least h. settlers have had sanctions put on and by the us in the u. k. so far, but there are literally hundreds of thousands of settlers. right the way across the occupied west bank and some very violent groups amongst them that are responsible for these ongoing attacks. and, well, speaking of some of those international efforts, charles, stay with me because i wanted to ask you about some tea discussions that are taking place in cairo as well. the head of the c i a is expected to hold to ups with senior is really egyptian and category officials in egypt and capital. we in bonds, we understand will attend that meeting aimed at ending the fighting and gaza and striking a deal to release the captives as well as intelligence officials are also reported to attending those tools and, and delegation from hamas has been in cairo since last week. such as these talks all actually continuing, should we be encouraged by the i think it's an indication of just how
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desperately suddenly the us is pushing israel now increasingly for some sort of seems like some sort of prisoner exchange prisoners palestinian prisoners for palestinian. a story for is rated caps hoops being held in the college district does fall. let's. let's remember that. so the how much proposal that was put forward on the back of the framework chokes held in paris last month was roundly rejected by the ease. riley's, i suppose about 10 days ago now, and that's because fundamentally you have us and israel was file certainly publicly say that they want to very different things these time us proposal that was put forward. so a gradual grading of a period of time that would eventually lead to the end of the war. demolishing the old palestinian prisoners were released from is ready to jails in exchange for those is is ready, captives where is thus far,
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at least publicly these right. it is the government of prime minister netanyahu. i say that this will, will continue until the complete destruction of how much is achieved. we know, as you say, that the head of most side, that's a israel's external security service is going to cause i wrote full these thoughts . we also know we understand that the head of israel's internal securities shouldn't but will be attending those thoughts. a bill booms the head of the c. i a, a prescription officials and we understand the country. prime minister would also be attending it's way to early. yes. to see what these towards, what kind of fruit these, these talks a guy in japan, but certainly they have been some common spies ready politicians to these really media, the smoldering, a connection member. i might include a dining done on who is believe it's known to be very close to the use ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he is saying that it's a, a c spar is not included in is rails calculation going into these tools. so all
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lies on colorado because of course there are so many potentially palestinian lives at stake because we know that they're all well over a 1000000 palestinian sheltering in that last little pocket because of the strip. the rough uh uh, the roof, a boat of the with egypt. so yeah, very important meeting going on in colorado, in the next few hours in data day a child strong because of that for us in ramallah and they don't provide west 9th. thank you charles. while i'm now joined here and are hosted here by veterans, had a student activist edition and from a member of the palestine liberation organization executive committee on, on this route. we don't to assure i'll be really great to have you with us here. no, thank you. it's good to be with the youngsters, given what we're seeing now already on the ground. and rafa let me start by asking you what your gracious fee is all in the coming days and weeks or. well, it's not that i'm worried about a disaster. human catastrophe. dance on because it's happening. yeah. john,
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that they happened to be out in the midst of the genocide and is headed bent on taking it and not up in the sense that it's once having treated left. the palestinians was built on the human ization, like cods of katherine, where they shift them from one place to the other of cutting on demographic engineering, sending out to a population as nothing else as they force them into the south. they, they sell them on bombs, them, and it's not them on the way. and now they're saying no, now you'll have to move somewhere else because we're going to destroy the last refuge that you had. so everybody of course is worried and everybody knows that there are no limits to is there any depravity to, is vaguely bluffed says to the use of muscle cuz i'm carnage and so on to achieve. we don't know what the ends because they don't know what ends they cannot destroy, how miles um they cannot to achieve absolute victory as they says. so in
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a sense that is waiting for the infliction of pain, death and destruction without any accountability and the buy in time. and, and the, using all sorts of procrastination is on the diversion. very fact fix to say that out in gauged and talks and the primary objective is to release the hostages, where the problem of the objective is to the story and not just the palestinians of guys about the last time you talked about moving people. yeah, some place to pass. yeah. now wanting to move them to somewhere else. egypt to said that a red line for them would be the forced mass displacement of how to send you refugees or sort of how likely is that? because this is likely because they haven't been getting out, force displacement, they've been getting out on the international court of justice indicates that that uh certainly the genocide, the actually being committed. but at the same time,
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this is rather disingenuous because you have totally close them in with know where to go now the end of that which was store where they went all the area. yeah, yeah. 1.4000000 tightly. if you throw a stone, you would hit then people this. so the fight live close been with know where to go and the are selling them. and they're using sniper 5 to can them. and you've seen footage of children a women with that on baby's being shot in cold blood being sniped. so they sniped because they shot the doctor in the middle of an operation. then doing these things to be a helpless captive population saying they are looking for captives on the looking for how much lead there's. so what is this ingenuous is that they have no way to go and they are going to be shot that and so on. and then they say, uh, they cannot be headed out or the agent doesn't want them to go to. we don't want them to leave it. they don't want to leave. yeah. but in order for them to stay
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stuff, the cognitive, nobody addresses that issue. yeah. which is, as it has done inside of the policies, as far as massacres is those cabinets as, as infinity. and of course, the late them support by the us and the west in order to give it model more space model less things to continue with this wanton, vicious structure. well done, tell me you don't go any with stop killing them. first stop that must occur. well, let me ask you then about the possibility of the ceasefire. we just had charles that talk about how israel is going to kyra with no idea of a potential cease fire on the table. but obviously that's what the house has been offering, you know, and cooling for. yes, this is a deal primarily at the beginning of it to release captives. given that that might result in these pauses in the fighting. how likely is not that that change and i meant him to lead to a last and see so i if a deal, as indeed made as i bout 1st of all i bought was a the way beeping. first of all,
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the americans don't want why they gave it all the time and space to do it. right? they said, providing you with that, you know, you can do this, but you take measures to protect innocent blacks. what have they protected? have they taken measures of the snow? so in this, as they gave them a green light to continue. number one, number 2, the focus is always on releasing the hostages or the cap trips or whatever, without totally this the contextualized without looking at the, the issues that initials is that that is a genocide taking place. we spend a student and so i have over 10011000 captives. and as then we have 34000 admission system. data needs without child, without charges. and so, and every day they keep this thing with them is that it wants to focus on the us on the, on releasing captives. what about a whole palestinian population has captive? what about thousands and thousands of palestinians detained and has got there been?
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is a james hold on how. how do you change the narrative? we've spoken a lot about the united states right now. yeah, and i've been wondering, as we've seen the palestinian authority president bumper the boss he has been an indo ha and know sunday is as well as been a lot of speculation around potential brokers reconciliation between loss on fata. do you think that that some kind of unified palestinian from would that give palestinians more agency here and an ability to change a narrative? absolutely. it's not just the change is not active, but it should. enabled zip palestinians empower the palestinians, the vic unified stance. now, one of the strategies of is the u. s. is to isolate thomas totally demonize, how much as you know and to label everybody as i thought of as how my son of the palestinians and therefore give themselves a free hand to get it out. this government and best of destruction. but the moment we the bad and then in the out on political system. the moment we have
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a democratic inclusive, uh, healthy political system, the most empowered we are not just the was found as they live on slots and assets, but also in on the 25th of decision making process. in order to gain legitimacy and support also by the public, you speak there about a democratic and into says functioning government. absolutely. yeah. when you yourself resigned from the p l. o. in in 2020, i believe it was. you were very critical of how it was being one of the time that what's your assessment of the state of the pillow. now, unfortunately, the tragic door has continued, which is the weakening of the yellow and finally taking over decision making by not even the p a but the presidency and that a few people around him. and the appeal has been sidelined, undermined. and, and the in the sense it weakened the body politic. if we can that representation on
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monday alone, palestinians everywhere, not just in the west bank, just let them guys up. but also, and, and so as well, because this is as the south i just a, this is the national home of all of the palestinians. this is the inclusive representative monday, and it is in bad need of the pad and reform and revitalization. not the americans, by the way, the published in is when i designed, i said very openly, 1st of all we have to make room for the young people for women. we have to have a genuinely democratic representative body. and at the same time, the doctor and mobilization and disregard them, sidelining of the people has to stop. because the p a is representative on the effect of the people on the part of the land. and is of an outcome of assigned to agreement, which is essentially flawed. and the b l o is a national body and it needs seriously passed. and the reform under that's right. and that has been
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a lot of discussion about what that reform might look like before i let you go, doctor, i strongly do. i do want to ask you about one specific thing. you were very, very critical of abu dhabi when they normalized congress with israel. yes, there's been a lot of talk about normalization of ties with saudi arabia. yeah, the us seems to be wanting to use that as some kind of a tyrant head to try to end the conflict. would you be against that? now if, if it actually pulls an end to the offensive and on that one, putting an end to an offensive. because when the u. s. it was during the days of trump belt several other countries and not just the i'm, it's other still normalized when it's done that all of us. this isn't on in order to stop the annexation. but they were increasing the annexation and they continue button to us, favors like that please. so they normalize the occupation, they undermine data piece in the system. they create the fragmentations within the body politic, both vertical and horizontal, the people and the leadership that if people don't like the organization will allow
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me to presentations to americans, the americans. this is an instrument of their policy and that agent normalization why they want to integrate as they say israel in the region, they want to the position that's as i mentioned, political, economic, military security intelligence, spell it in order to run the show. if it's not just the palestinians, of course the sidelining, the palestinians, and they're giving is every, i'm to the story, it's a way you're seeing it. but the one thing is that of because american policy from trump and on is just to be able to the position is an in such a prominent place and that he just do it in the fine. i name is i'm fence, only it on is your enemy. as well as your ally and song of to we can find a sydney and cause and the whole system i structured in that age. and this is extremely dangerous. talk that on a strong way veteran politician and protest in and out to this. thank you so much
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for joining us here and thank you as it is so good to be with you a what a runs foreign minister has meant to us, the amount of cash. i'll shake them in then a lot else on it here in the hall. this is a 3rd and final leg if they ran into pronounce regional tour, often visiting lebanon and syria. folks have been focused on regional developments, including israel's foreign garza, the a new era of insecurity around the world is pushing countries to spend more weapons . that's what the institute for strategic studies laces ministry balance report has found. global defense spending has risen by 9 percent in the last year to a record to point 2 trillion dollars. that's driven in pons and launch pods by russia's invasion of ukraine since 2022. the us and europe have ramped up production and are still struggling to meet demand tension between china and its
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neighbors is also one of the other main drivers, japan, australia, taiwan, and all those old pledged major investments enable capabilities. the report also highlights the growing influence, a rainy and military hardware of its drones and, and to ship missiles being used by the rebels and rushes military and countries with nuclear weapons like china and the us. so investing more and they're also, which is also leading to higher global defense spending. well that spring and some employee who is a visiting electra and will study is from king's color, shalanda, and also of the of the book rushes road to war with ukraine, who joins us now from single somebody at the us. so many multiple major was ongoing in different regions. i'm interested in how the dynamics of these complex are overlapping, interacting, great powers, have their hands, and the number of these was simultaneously, is that affecting their decision making? that yes, so thanks for having me. it's also faxing, as we thought that defense spending and your right to points out these conflicts
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overlapping other also involving a great so number for relaunch it on west and come trees out. we just rewinds 20 years back. the start of the global war, alterra, the source of was living for or against in such a disease against terrorists. primarily that what involvement civil was the west was leading the so the ministry involvement of, of you know, normal impulse is rather things such as 20 years late. so there's a much wider range of countries that are involved in complex countries like russia and key id, saudi arabia and others have actually become much more intervention as well corrected. and we've also got the, the rise of the tension in asia there as well. and which is still in defense spending from that perspective to tyrant side is not already but this that a lot of overlap and conflicts, the kind of conflicts. these countries are the way g, o prepared for the kinds of conflicts that involve warships, artillery pieces,
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tanks and increasing the old man's aerial vehicles of conventional the treat equipments you recognize from world war 2 and onwards, supplemented by the modern technologies of the way. these a gps and everything else that requires a lot of research and development spending. it's really say, like i wanted to ask you a little more about what countries are spending their money on. it feels like it's a really good time to be in the weapons business. is this a new, almost race of thoughts, especially when it comes to, to new technology? yeah, and you know, it's somewhat disparaging disturbance of adult, very positive respective, just to see how much money is being spent on defense and how much more money is being spent on defense. i don't think you'd have to be much of a cynic to say it is a good sign to be involved in the defense industry. this is a surprising number of countries that you wouldn't traditionally associate with defense expos. the result in the rankings took you, i think, is quite well known as is as well the manufacturer view, i v, south korea as well. so it's a lot of defense equipment. so i think not only is
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a good time to be in the defense industry, i think some countries that have had a little bit of a nature actually breaking out to talk to capture more of the bulk of shares. in particular, eastern european countries by the move as amounts of defense compared to with the boss, because of the active conflict, a new crane and russia. so somebody given that that global context of, of increasing defense spending. why is this now regarded as an era of instability? what does that actually look like? is it that there are more weapons? so we're living in a more dangerous wild as well that says what was occurring. so the subsequent question isn't there is, is it the what the zip codes you'd security or the people upright significant other think this have a binary also to that clearly people's decision making government's decision making, terrorist groups decision making as well. it begins a conflict, but the wide range of weapons that have available will deal with the conflict. something i think we're very aware of with the who's these weird is the,
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is really but drop pressure losing dodge and the terrible toll that taking on rushes evasion. if you crate on the destruction that's causing is if you have access to weapons, that's how you can to these a fine. so was just one very quick example. russia has got to do career to supplement it's, it's awesome as officer at last. obviously as defense, export storm, some positive, well. so the weapons part is really what kind of how these boys could carry on and intensify. all we then seeing a deepening risk chasing between the developed and developing world has the balance of power shifted. or perhaps i should also have space in an international roles based order shift. and that's a really important point to the, to the point we're talking about today. is very good for counseling, the sort of the tanks of the hardware. but the why did you pull that 6? the point about the diplomacy that happens between western and the western countries. this really is one of the reasons why the risks are rising to put very simply, the world is less west adult and i see that it was 30 years ago 20 years ago by
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itself. i'm not saying it's a good or a bad thing, but because as a power ship top like the world, they're large and medium sized countries that think that they have more of a license to be able to seek out the goals. sometimes using military force that is a real cause of risk and instability as it would be when as a, a power transition and happens to give a wide, well, very interesting dynamics and data, some employee visiting that trend more studies at king's college funds. and thanks for joining us on how to there are some a well, it's still a head for you. this is for live in jakarta, as indonesians for peasant goes to the poles, to elect a new president. and a controversial form at ty, prime minister will soon be freed from prison. we look at the implications of types and sheena watts and scroll regards to a set of raising one of the polls most unlikely, each one of the twins. and you will be the
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had the, let's have a look at the weather across the, your web move mile there is going to take, hold across the western and central areas as we head to the middle of the week, but have a look at the sunlight image and we can see it was still called an unsettled story to be for the north west and across more eastern areas. we see the development of what to whether with a wintry mix, moving across the balkans and some thunder storm warnings out from the greek islands over the next few days. but it is looking much t y a across a central areas on choose day. some was coming back in the spain and portugal, a few showers here in the and into southern parts of italy, but the west of the weather rounds rain, of course, britain and the island of olive. but we will see some sunshine still coming through for eastern parts of england. as we go into wednesday, you can see that rain rashes across into the low countries on woods to denmark as
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well. there's gonna be more in the way of wintery weather moving across finland and to west and pots of russia and for the south. but it's a repeat show for places like italy. honestly, i'd be, are in peninsula for spain and portugal, lots of sunshine coming in. somebody wins, blowing up those woman conditions have a look at temperatures. they all set to rise when stay into thursday as well as we have a look at a 3 day full border, lots of sunshine through to the us day. and this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians explore the world cloths program and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot, you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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natural watching all to 0 on this policy, and hey, here in the home. that's reminder about top stories. he's really military has carried out most strikes on the city. a rough and southern garza, 1400000 palestinians of sheltering that officer trying to escape the bombing southwest. some killed on sleeping in at 10. most of them were women and children. a 10 year old palestinian gong has died at last. the whole set on con eunice, often generates has stopped working for several hours due to a lack of sure kind of mix dog was being present in the intensive canyon engine. police have 5 tear gas at farm is marching on the capital, new denny retail. the police have deployed what they call a maximum numbers of offices with our season felt multiple entry points, intern your daily the following is on demanding a minimum crop price off the adults with a government failed. this process comes just 2 months before the general election. well, we can speak to our economy shawanda, who, she's
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a senior editor of the one in june and use an opinion rep website. she joins us now from your daddy. our, this isn't the 1st time we've seen mass pharma demonstrations. it was what 4 years ago that there was a protest that last year and, and people dont then a destiny p as we talk, you know, you can see hundreds of farmers are trying to enter the national capital. they from other trudy borders along the national capital and realtors hearing some of the parts of some flashes between the security forces and the follows. but you know, frankly, it's outrages the way in the name of security measures the government defend uh, is it blowing? you know that the concrete goals of bob wires, water cannons, and even deal gets shows being dropped from the skies from the handbook drawings. i mean, for heaven's sake, farmers on north davis, the way they are being dead with the we, the guy says they are, they are facing and the us. so, prospecting, individuals,
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law abiding individuals who feed 1400000000 people who also in the process sustained, intended economy. and imagine the kind of demands that they are good and you know, they're going to, you said the people who died when the farmers was sitting on the court for more than a year. more than 700 phone was die. yeah. and the, of course, mock people who died, so now they are back because some of the bonds of to the dollars will be drawn in 2021. the demands would not match. so they are back to those 2 months. and if you allow me some time, i've explained that they are demanding something as simple as a simply getting the beaches and the speed which is minimum support price at which the government buys the cops, are, which means they are off or just as a short info for them as a kind of a safety net, they're asking for, you know, pension for palmer. they're asking for better of y'all so that they can give me the basic minimum blank. so for bill, so let me understanding or if i'm,
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if it's talks have been taking place between the farmers unions and the government . right. but they haven't gone anyway. what are the major sticking points here of the problem yet is that the government does not see it as they are just thinking that maybe they're not. the phone was, are not as, as many in numbers as they were the last time. because this time around there are 2 major palmer unions which are now approved testing, or this is the government is this is on which are non so that because cosign was doing well, just so beast put together one organization. one union has 250 finally union and the other platform has 150 follows. so the government is hoping, okay, these 2 organizations to family you deals would have come for this for a while and they go back. they don't know that to be the best they are, you know, the, with the kind of an upgrade you speed, they are dealing with the pharmacy. it will be good. you know, we can see already any, know,
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i don't wonder some farm was accumulating. definitely defend. yeah. we understand the seriousness of this when it also just speaks, it's brilliant actions, and that's why they actually 23 of the union ministers to talk to the family. uh huh. now the phone was a thing, but i'm sorry, i'm sorry to interrupt because i'm curious about the amount of popular support that these found. this house i was interested, interested to see that i would call supervisor employment for nearly 60 percent of the population in india is not why the government potentially views this as a political threat. it might be, i really have to be honest with you and to tell you that fall as i know most is who can be demonized. who can be just scored straight to and t nationals, you know, separate as the by the pro government's media. the phone was in the eyes of goldman is our sons of destroyed and it is going to be ready on purpose for them with the government and big definitely can not afford this. and especially many of these
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forms have been asked to be asked to go to the will, the government and, and this is why the sign was also intelligent. they know that this is the right time for the government, for them to come to the us for the 2 months to be met. so what i'm trying to see here is that it's easy for the government even if this be the issue and, and even the foremost doing is a full being that as time goes on and the government does not really uh, you know, agree to the state would be more insight which we have joined, certainly shown is very, very sensitive time in india. now it seems, i'm afraid we'll have to leave it. there are kind of shavani, a senior editor at the why, really great to get your perspectives and an insight here with us when i was there . thanks for joining us. awesome. well, i'll position process time for later on tuesday in senegal has been cancelled by is organizes offered was outlawed by that government more about internet has also now been suspended across the country. there have been demonstrations edison's present
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. matthew sol postponed the election that was supposed to take place this month. some of those protests tend to violent, and at least 3 people have died. well that speak to a corresponding nicholas talk, you joins us now from the senegalese capital dot com. nick, as we've been reporting, there are a number of options that were planned for today. can you talk us through what you're expecting and how the government might respond? this is one of these actions that was plan is going ahead, which is the start or the strike, sorry, by the student union and the faculty unions of universities across the country. and they been very angry at the way that the security forces went inside the campuses killing to students in the protests that took place on friday. so they're continuing their movement. and so there was also a march, a silent, peaceful march planned this afternoon at 3 o'clock that was banned by the
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authorities. now, on the grounds that this demonstration would prevent the, the transport of goods and people. now the, the organizers of this demonstration are members of civil society. they want to stay in the legality. they want to ensure that it doesn't turn violence like previous protest. and so they're talking with the security forces to try to go ahead with some form of demonstration or silent march peaceful marching by friday. mm hm. there is still pressure towards president mikey south to try to not delay that was election starts. yeah. and they kind of wanted to ask you about that because there has been a lot of regional diplomacy seeming to, to be going on right now. but it doesn't sound like microsoft is going to bunch a yeah, i mean there is, the united nations is calling for investigation over the killings of those that have died during the protest. there is the west african body echo was that's in town. they are going to have a press conference this afternoon. they're more particularly interested in the
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circumstances of a vote in the national assembly where we saw police in riot gear. normally out on the street inside the parliament a pushing out members of the opposition. a vote that according to the united states state department is legitimate. now my case, so wants to sit for him. this is a domestic and a political crisis that will be resolved the mist domestically. there was present the president of nigeria that was supposed to visit yesterday. that visit was delayed. we hear from the sending these presidency at tomorrow. there is a cabinet ministers meeting. there are some announcement that were expected to be made in order to appease the crowd and the anger. and he continues to call on national dialogue for the opposition to come at the table and discuss the matter to explain why he's delayed those elections. that's dogs. yeah, so it's hot cuz i have for us and the son of a is capital count. thank you, nick. well, indonesians will be going to the polls on wednesday as the country replaces to time
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. presidents are for window to halls, show that the car in defense, minnesota for those to be on. so i was leading the race, but he's also a controversial figure. moving to $100000000.00 people are able to cost of dollars of what's considered as the world's largest direct presidential vice. well, let's go to jessica washington. she's in the capital into casa for us. just take us through the front runners right now. or when it says here, just over the 12 hours before voting begins, we also in the midst of this quiet period, it's what unusual feeling after witnessing months of campaigning, posts is all over the streets of chacandra and other cities. now there is this, this period with vote as a supposed decision. think about who they will choose to be the next to leader of the country. there are, there are 3 can to this. they can choose from to form a governess on his bus. wait in and again jennifer know, and as you mentioned, the frontrunner proposed to the end of the current defense administer. it is worth
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putting this in context for both of the unto has run for the presidency twice and lost the man he lost against was the current president joe co would go to the difference this time. is it juggle? would do to, has given his supports to propose to bianco, and in fact, propose to be on to his running mate is joking with those eldest son. and that appears to have made all the difference. the reason for that is joking with auto in the final months of his presidency, is still incredibly popular with the indonesian public and propose to be unto has run on a campaign of country which he fledging to the public. that he will continue the development plans of joe co window. so as much is a, this election is very much about and his best way to gun jeff or no and for both of the and so really a key issue. and a key figure in this selection is a man whose name isn't even on the bill on the ballot, and that is typical with auto. jessica washington will be bringing you overlay shes from the casa in the coming days for now. thank you so much to a how still a head here on out a 0. and this board will be hearing from full time grandson,
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went on and i am here. so i'm going to do is continuing her time to top level tennis here as a counselor. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. the welcome back, it is time for sport and his id. thank you so much miss tells you will title how old is mine? shift the city of bucking champions, league auction pet goldstein, taking on se copenhagen in the last 16. the 1st leg of this time being fighting denmark, the good news to city, link holland back score and goals after a couple of months out with injury holland is that up score in less seasons, champions like a 12 goals? how can i can the finished of, of got a test, right?
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i'm months just united in the group stage future respect what i feel. so normally i have of users spends openings, but what i saw was they have done this, this group est chickens is open and say, well, so i central offense is money. so have to perform until the game plan would be as always, i mean, but meant to have to be ready to suffer for me. it's the, it's the best team in the, in the world right now and, and if you look back in then the last couple of the of season, so causes that is the biggest test and also the biggest test that we have had in this. and this season so far, today's the game where i'm gonna do it so i can all be lot to take the spanish latest without jude mulligan for this game. be school twins. he goals the season. thing apply was engineering, rails full. and when i was there on, on sites that i call on shots, he saw bidding a record extending. 15 champions wait,
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thoughts. i don't say favorites. i don't know, but of course we are capable of winning this title. we've shown that many times we have a good team, so we know there are other good teams. we saw that last year as well. one off day is enough to get knocked out of the whole competition. and that's what's so good about the champions league, the level is so high and it's difficult to wind. and that always motivates us in english premier like chelsea's, the little bit of the pressure on the amount of humorous airports. and so you know, chelsea school twice an added science, a grumpy when it crystal palace coming down to get it to goals in the game. and so for numbers wrapping up the 3 when he the victory since chelsea and to the top of the table palace and 15th just finally points clear of the relegation, some tens of thousands of funds joined the ivory coast. national seem to celebrate the coming african champions, the house defeated nigeria to on, on sunday. so when it's possible for us 3rd time slots, with a couple of nations trophy on sort of the capsule, i began the victory, the culmination of
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a huge turn around that same our re coast lots. they're open to games, the toilets and fox, the coach, after the group stage of the field is national for the same thing, celebrating the best and the performance of the asian cup. jordan would be 231 by castle in the final. the country had never made it past the quarter finals in the full previous forms appearances now big to women young as a rookie n b a season. this hits a new high b 7 foot 4 inch san antonio supposed probably coming just the fix player. and leave history is at least 25 points henry found and 10 blocks when you're getting the freshman visit in this, when i was gonna throw on. so references n b a hasn't seen a triple buffer with flux in 2018 when me davis, which is the fits it's getting harder to, to block shots as well. so it's hard to make that extra effort tonight. and because
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less than most people go, i mean, you know, during but yeah, so the intimidation is, i can see it happen. how many of the world's best women's tennis players are entitled for the castle, ripened among the women born a suite on 2nd and full time grand slam champion? i mean i soccer full size and has 7 of the women's top 10 are competing in guitar. and what is the 1st vhda? $1000.00 event, the right guys were very sorry. full time grand slam champion. now me a soccer is looking to kick so yeah. and the guitar. right. and could be the tournament to do it. she'd be caroline, go see the play who knocks around to the australian open. it's just to suck a 2nd victory since returning to the tool of giving birth to her daughter. like after giving birth, i feel like i trained like really quickly and that was my choice, of course. and i was really happy to do that, and i know it was in that journey. i felt like i learned how to love myself as i am
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now. and it was a really special feeling because i got to wake up every day and see my daughter and know that i was strong enough for her to come into this world. so that's cool. by saturday. well, no, he's taking home in the hall for $1000000.00 prize money on offer for the champion . it's an event this be one by the likes of the williams. this is maria sharp over in the past, but it should be on tech who'll be looking to become the 1st person to win 3 and a re entry on sex. i just why she's the best in the world. freezing into last 16 by beating serrano costeo 616 wonder and a big way for me, us open tennis champion, loretta calling you is be knocks us. in the 1st round, the british player was basing by your cranes and having to come in, you know, straight sets. another grand slam champion is victoria as a ring, a when a here in 20122013 goes with the same use. she won her 2 grand slams in melvin
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share things with victory against punish qualify magdalena for that had so much success here. so i from my experience, i learned that you have to take it one match at a time. it's a long road, but i will do my best to to keep everything i can, the top page so you just go through to the 2nd round, automatically. us open champion cook off. we'll be looking to make an impression on tuesday. thompson's ultra 0 in tow. and kansas city chiefs court about patrick, my home just being back on so many its howard treat to the 3rd time in 5 years. he was in disney loan and for the traditional super bowl with his parade, he let his team to an overtime victory against the san francisco fulton on his home is still has a way to go if he's to equal or by. so tom brady's old. so i'm record of 7 championship wins, or that as high school to is looking for themselves. thanks so much on day. well, that's it for me installs it take from the office and we'll have more for you in just
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a moment and i will see you after that. do stay with us here on out of the, the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the man was 71 year old curtis reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to watching the previews, thinking everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone away. that would be at. but that's not what happened. not at all . when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know,
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turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? maybe hasn't even started. and he was just nasty surveillance footage, just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about him. the truth is when it got shot, the computer irritated. i'm a nurse, here's the point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad. and that just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly . the,
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the us to always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the more is where the air strikes. it's southern guys as rough as city, about 1400000 palestinians are sheltering there. the, i don't know about this in this is all just even live from doha. most is coming up . is ready for us is also run papa jackson. other areas, 17 people are killed in air strikes, incense on gaza, the largest hospital and gas is con,


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