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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and that just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the, the us to always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here . and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here . the more is really air strikes, it's southern guys as rough as city, about 1400000 palestinians or sheltering there. the i don't know about this in this is all just even live from doha. most is coming up is ready for us is also run pop attacks and other areas. 17 people are killed in air strikes and central gaza. the largest hospital in gauze con units lives as power overnight. our 10 year old gulf dies,
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an intensive care sizes of indian farmers are tear gassed as they march towards new denny demanding stable prices for their crumbs. the, we're going to beginning guys over there is really military's bombing district from north to side of fears are still drawing about a possible ground defensive and rough up the southernmost city. and the strip, or some of exhibit reports the palestinians fee of the night. that's when it becomes more difficult to search for survivors. a of our body parts scott with by following is really bombs. ambulance is the one speed by israel, sorry, the wounded liquid, short stuff, medical facilities that are overwhelmed with patients and survivors, dental clarifying details of the children's last month. just to give them your big shot. my son, he's only 14 years old. he got
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a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my daughter's brain was blow note. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting how most spite is enough or a city previously designated as a safe. so palestinian women and children say that's a lie on the books in stone is really tanks have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together and came out waving a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son into all the young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave the area those are 5 of these really attacks and make it to hospitals are also dying. because the siege means generate has run out of fuel. does it according patton, but advancing is really soldiers. instead of go hospitals, stop those seeking shelter, and snipers kill anyone who ventures out the
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go into the the read the building and risk medical stuff and doctors, those who are being released say they would torture health care like much else and god has been decimated, bullets and destruction is all that's left and every day brings more emotional testimonies on the he is. and then in the middle of the night, i hear the sounds of helicopters, find digits, drones in miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment. is they had no idea where to hide. when i heard a place close to my uncle's residence was head, i rushed the to chicken, found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could vaguely discern the bodies of children and one of those women and children make up most of the 100000 palestinians, killed or wounded in his wales. one does. the survivors have been displaced multiple times to multiple sites. the ones will need to be attacked multiple times . the mailbox software do not allow
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a homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was blocked and we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school. there was no place we rented a tent and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it. i know got, as i said, just the military operation, the roof of the major military operation route. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel is getting civilians to many to many of the over 27000 policies killed in this conflict, haven't isn't civilians, children, biden's words don't match his actions, something allies within the a you have pointed out. well if your belief that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. as israel's water and gaza drugs on, there seems to be noise insight to the salvation bombing and kidding of
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palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators some of and job each other. they're all correspondent, honeywell, who is joining us live from rudolf or in the side of the, or some a bunch of edge report. they're just showing us some of the suffering and issues that people are facing in gaza at the moment. talk us through the latest is really military attacks and of course hospitals i'm amongst those being target has the the yes, rob, well not only we're seeing now hospitals, the vast majority of health facilities across the gosford bar pushed out a service. the remaining operation of hospitals to my function on the lowest capacity possibles are unable to provide sufficient medical intervention or saving little of the saving lives in as we speak right now. we were looking at a video coming in from not set or hospital where a quad captors uh quit with loud speakers calling or ordering. uh,
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people are being sold during inside the hospital display, its families, 1000 of them inside the health facilities for the past few weeks. it could not leave given the intense bombing campaign on the ground invasion in hon. you and as are ordering them right now to leave the health facilities. what's so tragic about the video, the quad captors calling these people to leave one at the same time showing images and showing bodies on the ground in the courtyard of the hospital who appear to be a shot and killed by the snipers around the vicinity of the hospitals who are still in active position as though shooting and every moving objects. then within the past few days, they shot and killed medical to stop inside the hospital. that's with a right now in a very dire situation. it run out of fuel completely as the power complete power outage shut down the i see you in which people are a, there's
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a risk of losing their life, particularly patients with a critical condition. those who are who have a critical injuries, they as well nearby the hospital, they evacuation centers managed and operated by the honorable by the united nations . were policy in refugee. the smoke bombs are being fired again with lot of speakers calling on people inside be the vanquished centers to leave a right now the question remains for so many of these people is where is a safe place to go to? as of now, there isn't any safety place across the guster as the pounding continues, tanya, thank you very much, honey lockwood bringing this up to date from rough or that will handle. how do i have spoken to some of the families who have headed to data? obama hoping it's would be safe. a lot of policy me is cranky. this based in the are currently using this road address. you drove, connecting dropped off with can you does that and but as the middle area together, this is the,
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the roads they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't buy that in 10 units, but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be consider safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their in bella, or $200.00 units or to any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee and my name's oak, and this way we felt it might be slightly safer. here in 0 bhalla, we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an empty area in that in this area was completely empty.
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this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area because it's one of the areas that have a close water because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7 times. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe and less and not as much as in the huddle. and in some kind of on this level 5, we 1st flipped to and my causing them tanya illness and then off last night we had to leave the a good where we were shocked tony because we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody at least, which is different, but all of the people are frustrated are disappear. they're saying that the quad captures came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents
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and started shooting. lots of municipal, people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that had been f. is there any forces of killed at least one punch, a study of monitoring, raising the occupied west by a very strong the cities of caution? yeah, in ramallah as well as best they have a near occupied east jerusalem. ahmed vehicles and bulldozers destroyed rose and jeanine. at least 22 palestinians were arrested in the occupied westbank overnight . is there any forces of increased the frequency and intensity of range there? since october, the 7th, at least $394.00 palestinians have been killed. meanwhile, a group of israeli settlers as a tax palestinians, side of nob listened the occupied west bank. at least 2 palestinians were injured. when settlers open fire in the village of a seat, i wouldn't say say the attackers also set a home on fire. charles stratford, joining us not from allah in the occupied west. buying some more raids overnight
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and attack spike is really stuff is just focused to what's being happening. johnson of us. right. road. yes. yes. another night of he's really all me raise these are unlikely events. right. the way across the occupied way. spank the biggest seems to being concentrated on the town and the refugee camp in jeanine. that's in the notes of the occupied territories. we've seen videos of the radio on the bulldozers gets a gate and destroying bike and civilian infrastructure, digging up roads and activities usually cools by palestinians and international human rights organization is of organizations as a form of, of collective punishment. we understand that they were trying to stay with members of the palestinian on resistance of coast. jeanine loan being considered to be a sensor for various different palestinian groups. it was a similar scenario in the town of kalki as well as also and then also be occupied westbank. and it was during those class. she's those that one palestinian mind
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a 20 year old was, was killed. but to give you the details of that died of his injuries, certainly according to medical crews that we'd been speaking to in that style. they say that yet again, that change were prevented by these ready ministry for getting to the injured specifically that man. and as a result, he died of the wounds that he incurred with respects to those he's right, the secular chunks that we saw over at no additional cost comes as we see another huge of dramatic increase in secular violence since the beginning of the war. certainly according to the signal source you, they're saying that there's been more than 520 attacks since the beginning of the war by palestinian settlers on policy and is themselves so it palestinian people will tell us the indian property since the beginning of the war the main focus of those attacks by is ready settlers on the town of hawaii,
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right south of nablus. we show kind of sydney and property set on fire calls and buildings. so yeah, another indication that certain the groups of these, these ready settlers are completely ignoring these warnings for both of us administration and the u. k. government, that sanctions will be put on settlers if that seems to be potentially put to participating in violence. and we understand that at least the executives have so far have sanctions been put on them by the u. k. and the us. yeah. and just briefly challenge because this is happening here is the backdrop of the ongoing discussions that are happening in cairo with the us caught out and in egypt to try to find that is some sort of timeline towards i sees find that's the latest in a series of diplomatic efforts to, to work towards that effort starts. right? yes. the heads of israel's external security full small side, the head we understand of is rose internal security policies. intelligence networks
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shouldn't be attending those talks in colorado that will be meeting we understand with the, with the buttons, the head of the c i a and the chips and officials. and of course, we understand also possibly the, the country prime minister. but a couple of these come in in, in, in, in the wake of what can only be described as like, flat refusal by israel for proposal was put forward by hand us a couple of weeks ago. following those talks in paris, in january, israel say no to what they described as well can really only be described just how much he's mentioned to the end of the war. basically a series of stages that have us wants to say which would involve an exchange of old palestinian prisoners for the remaining is ready captives inside garza, that was rejected as i say by israel. so there's going to be a lot of attention in the coming out on these folks in colorado, there's a lot of pressure on the x rays from that main back is the us and the, the, the why that will detroit for which some sort of see spot because of course,
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there is such phase for the will be on the stand to be well over a 1000000 palestinians that are struggling to shelter in the something called the strip and in rough uh along the egyptian border. but certainly they'll spa, it's the same problem. and that frank, geez, is that both kind of us and israel and vision. and so this was being very different . am i saying this we wanted to see spar of the book in order for this prisoner exchange to happen for then the will to effectively end. and so for these, where the government have said they will be no end to this will certainly prime minister netanyahu until in his words how she's completely destroyed. charles, thanks very much indeed. show struck for talking to some of them on a kind of life, always a veteran power, steering, an activist on politician and former member of the palestine liberation organization executive committee. she says a whole policy and populations being held captive by israel. we are in the midst of the genocide and is this has been done taking it and not up in the sense that it's
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once have been treated left. the palestinians was built on the human ization, like heads of gases, where they shift them from one place to the other. cutting on demographic engineering, sending out to population as nathaniel says, they force them into the south. they, they sell them and bombs them. and it's not them on the way. and now the say no, now you have to move somewhere else because we're going to destroy the last refuge that you had. so everybody of course is worried and everybody knows that there are no limits to is there any depravity to is a blood test to the use of, of muscle cuz i'm cognitive and so on to achieve. we don't know what the ends because they don't know what the ends they cannot destroy, how minus them they cannot to achieve absolute victory as a says. so in a sense that is waiting for the infliction of pain, death and destruction without any accountability and the buying time and
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the using all sorts of procrastination is on the diversion. very fact fix to say that i've engaged in thoughts and the primary objective is to release the hostages . but the primary objective is to the story. and not just the palestinians of guys about all of the other stuff. they have been getting out force displacement, they've been getting out. and the international court of justice indicates that that uh certainly the genocide, the actually being committed. but at the same time, this is as a disingenuous because you have totally close them in with know where to go. now the end of that which was store where they went on for an entry area. yeah, yeah. 1.4000000 tightly. if you throw a stone, you would hit send people in 5th. so the site live close been with know where to go and the are selling them. the still ahead don't know, does he have
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a controversial farmer type 5 minutes of and cindy freed from jail. we're going to look at the implications of the release of talk some should've won the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa food? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without that sphere of facing, of jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story, on how to 0. what constitutes extent, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent.
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we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the you're watching or does it a reminder of our top stories? this it is really military is covered at most. i've seen the cities, rafa,
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and southern gaza. 1.4000000 palestinians are sheltering there after trying to escape the bombings elsewhere. some were killed fall sleeping in their tense. most women and children are 10 year old palestinian girl has died of non self hospital in con eunice, after generates has stopped working for several hours due to a like a fuel. i'm not done. who's being treated in the intensive care of indian police are far tier guy said farmers marching on the capital and you've deli videos, the police have deployed what they're calling maximum numbers of officers and policies of blocks, multiple entry points. and some new delhi, the farm is that demanding a minimum truck price off the top. so the government failed. the protest comes just 2 months before a general election of kind of themselves. one is a senior editor at the wire. it's an indian using opinion. the website is use as a folders. he's a be heavy handed to hundreds of farmers,
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a trying to enter the national capital data from welding. trudy borders along the national capital and we are also shooting. somebody bought some, some flashes between the security forces and the fall of but you know, frankly, outreach is the way in the name of security measures. the government defend uh, is it blowing? you know, a concrete golf. bob wire is water cannons, and even deal gets shows being dropped from the skies from the hands of drones. i mean, for heaven's sake, farmers on north davis the way they are being dead with the we, the guy since they are, they are ceasing and be honest, since prospecting, individuals know of biting individuals, can see 1400000000 people. so now they are back because some of the demands of to the goals will be drawn into $1021.00. the demands would not match. so the, on the back of those 2 months, they are demanding something as simple as a simply get into which is m a c, which is minimum support. price at which the government buys the cops,
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which means bit on us or just in the short info for them. that's the kind of a safety net. former time prime ministers, texting shit. what is expected to be released from jail? the kingdoms, justice minister, i'm honest with talk soon was one of more than $900.00, and it's granted pearl a 74 year old had been sentenced to age years in prison for the abuse of power before a royal pardon reduced his jail time to one year tony chang reports from the capital bank of and this is the police hospital in downtown bank that has been home for the last 6 months to form a tie. prime minister tax and shinall who was brought here on the night off the he retents a time off the complaining of chest pains in high blood pressure. and is there remains here ever since. on the day he was sentenced to 8 years in jail sentence that was commuted by the king to a year at on tuesday thailand,
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justin missed justice minister said that because of his age of $74.00 and his medical condition, he's now eligible for a referral from this weekend, but what will be the terms of that, of the release? we don't know yet, but the time media we're talking about the possibility he may be banned from leaving the country and have to what i didn't include bracelets for the moment key and the military both whom i have by the very acrimonious relationship with mister tax and may be very consent to him once again, take an active role in politics. but does he need to his prototype policy or in power, the prime minister to set out how he sent was named the date he returned. mister texan himself as of his own. the reason for once he to come home friends is finally is close to his family. tony cheng l to 0. approach has planned for later on tuesday and send it all has been canceled by it. so organizers after it
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was outlawed by the government. mobile internet is also being suspended across the country. they've been demonstrations ever since present and lucky solve postponed the election that was supposed to take place this month. some of the protest and violence, at least 3 people have died. nicholas hopkins in the sunglass capital dot com with the latest on one of these actions i was plan is going ahead, which is the start or the strike, sorry, by the student union, and the faculty unions of universities across the country. and they've been very angry at the way that the security forces went inside the campuses killing to students in the protests that took place on friday. so they're continuing their movements. and so there was also a march, a silent, peaceful march plan this afternoon at 3 o'clock that was banned by the authorities . now, on the grounds that this demonstration would prevent the,
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the transport of goods and people. now the, the organizers of this demonstration are members of civil society. they want to stay in the legality. they want to ensure that it doesn't turn violent like previous protest. and so they're talking with the security forces to try to go ahead with some form of demonstration or silence march peaceful marching. by friday, there is still pressure towards president mikey south to try to not delay those election. indonesians go to the polls on wednesday, is the country replaces to time presidents younger with dodo ball, show the cutting defense minister probably so beyond to is leading the race. but he's a controversial figure. more than 200000000 people are able to cast a ballot in what's considered the world's largest direct presidential vote. now in pakistan and supporters of jail, the former prime minister in on con,
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have blocked highways to protest. last week's election results. the sizes are down in stages and the southern cities pension, so the vote was great. independent candidates bought by con, one of the most states, but no party want enough states to form a government on their own. the pack us tends to largest political parties on negotiating a possible alliance. but the report say the talks to agree in a candidate for the prime minister have not made progress. the progress on muslim league on the pockets on people's posix farm. the last coalition governments officer removing con, through no confidence vote. concerns are drawing for the safety of events, swimming human rights slowly. and what's your exciting? the gallagher family were detained, waiting for the flight to the us. so i'm a go or daughter and ex husband haven't been seen since friday. and countries attorney general confirmed they've been detained and said she was linked to
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a plot to kill president nicholas my doodle. more than 200 n g o organizations have demanded the release. hundreds of families are being forced to flee their homes and made more gang violence in haiti. there's sheltering near the police station is rival gains fight for type of training. the capital opposed to prince united nations. it says more than a 100 people have been killed. i've been injured or kidnapped in haiti in january for one. there was heavy gun fire, so we decided not to stay. they burnt the houses. we don't know if our house was burnt. we have been in the streets since the morning. we don't know where we are going around this foreign minister has matched the man of cost to us and come on, ben, how many adults, honey, and doe hon. this is the 3rd and final leg vending diplomats regional tour after visiting 11 on and sylvia. according to iranian media, adults focused on regional developments including israel's war on gaza.
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now the weather is going to be next then inside. story is going to discuss why is really is are preventing a deliveries in gaza. define a you. unfortunately, i'm rolled matheson obviously the dot com for all the other news. stay with us the the the had a lot of that we've had high pressure in charge of course, east asia, full the new not new york holidays. but things are going to change as we launch the clear and dry and hot, and it will continue to be that way on wednesday, for pacing like beijing and shanghai with temperatures sitting well above the average for this time of year. but it is going to get cold. so with the change in the wind on thursday attempt is coming right down from the aging and shanghai 11 degrees celsius. that as well in hon. now we're all going to see the return of some
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more unsettled weather, developing and pushing further east into the korean peninsula on wednesday, with a bit of a wintery mix coming into north korea as well, much dry insult, but still a chilly feel as of the days ahead as we go into the latter part of the week, some, where's the weather started to slip its way across southern parts of japan eventually turning into snow across northern areas on thursday. and it was a move to south asia. we've had a cool of feel across the north. it is a dry season for places like india. you can see that went to weather developing across most eastern areas. we have got some watches out for the thunder storms for b hall as well as bang, go some of that rain as well slipping in to bangladesh, but it is going to ease as we go into thursday. lodge any settled for the rest of india that you well this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural historical and cultural beauties. is rattles, thrusting a deliveries to gaza view and says policy is that out on the brink of salvation. that's even after the international court of justice order as well to allow humanitarian assistance into this trip. so who can force that took on fine? this is the inside story, the
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