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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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and documenting the horror that they have experienced a live disprove. within the past 24 hours as massive air is quite targeted, a major parts of rough ice anywhere close to a 100 people have been killed. they were directly targeted by a missile. it fired by a drawing directly targeting them as the where and right there covering the living conditions of this place. how experience, family, intense and inside residential homes and evacuation as well as both of them were rushed to a nose job hospital that's in central rough. uh how about a 15 to 20 minutes away from the side that they were targeted. but the fact that the doctor hospital is a mid sized hospital doesn't have the sufficient a medical staff number or medical staff to conduct the proper medical intervention that to treat them and do a transfer. both of them were transferred right away
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a big to a bigger health facility. 6 in northern part of the city that is on. so i had been road that's the goal is that you're in the hospital the way where the under wednesday or the media surgeries. unfortunately, a colleague of mine, although a lot of one through the surgery where his leg has to be amputated as the strap knows the fracture of the bones of his legs the to the point that it was not . it was not attached. busy properly, they had the doctors had to, i'll get it is like just to save his life. oh goodness, honey. as you were saying, this isn't the 1st time that john list have been targeted in this. for thousands of journalists have been killed in garza since october. the 7th and so many of our colleagues, simple sort of their families a yes,
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this is not the 1st incident, definitely not the 1st one and we're expecting this is not the last one. there is ongoing systematic. 1 almost a consistent attacks on during the list, and there are more than a 100 journals since the beginning of this for a been targeted at some more targeting individually. others where their families were targeted and killed the we have colleagues from all just the are they. busy for example, moments a ser off be who lost his entire family. we have a colleague, simon from all just you know, as little camera a man who lost his life as he was cover. are you doing coverage of the situations that run along with the director of the bureau as is there a bureau and, and gaza that why i loved that? do we have well, who experienced the same horror when his family was targeted and later on his son was skilled as well as so these are the, this, the examples of the ongoing direct attacks to the point. it's seem,
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it looks like there is a certain joy taken by the military when it in flex so much pain and so much uh, difficulties on the life of everyone here, including a journalist and just i'm from us here who might be joining us at the pictures that you were seeing to the left of your screen indeed of our colleagues and just moment for the you soul, one of our colleagues that line on the ground very, very clearly wearing a flat jacket marked press. and we know that that multiple john les wearing press mocking throughout this will have indeed been targeted. some killed some injured honey. just the last time we spoke a couple of hours ago. you were telling me that you yourself have been fearing fit for the safety of, of you and your family, the and rasa. give us an update on the situation on the ground at the moment to no one kaylee is feeling safe or
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absolutely no one is certified, as we said that repeatedly in the past. so we're going to say it one more time. there are no firms to this genocide on the war. everyone is a target so far we've seen of the patterns of killing the pattern of destruction that reads to everyone, the elderly, the women, the children, and also the babies. and those who are suffering to from critical health complications happens to be also the target of these really military and it's intense bombing campaign. and it just people filtering and side residential homes or those in the streets and may check tens, have been also the targets of the ongoing bombing campaign to the point. it feels like every one is a target. it is where it is not directed to a certain a group or a certain event instead of people, but it looks it from the pattern of getting the pattern of destruction that everyone is a target and has been a target either by being eliminated completely or by a, they've been turned into
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a disabled person or just learning more children to or friends, as we've seen, the examples of the more than 11000. it's children are being killed or the $17000.00. i've been separated from their families due to the ongoing and pounding the situation rough, our getting very, very tense by the hours under that expectation, as more drones and those kinds of robots. there would be more findings in more destruction within the coming hours. so you all watching these images to the left of your screen that about college. my little now as we would just hearing from honey, he's had to have his leg amputated in order to save his life off to the strike. we know that it's not just janice, he's been talking since you've been watching the medical stuff. they're working very hard to make sure that they they can save it smells life. we know that medical stuff and hospitals have become targets and this for to honey. there's a raid ongoing right now and the national hospital. what's happening
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as well as speaking through health facility is across the gaza strip. they are pushed to the point where the vast majority of the medical services the did provide a are in sufficient. in fact is, there is an extreme shortage of medical supplies, little on the day and sufficient number of medical staff. people wait in lines that work with their injuries. they suspend their injures for long hours on the floor of the hospital, waiting for a doctor or a nurse just to do that immediate intervention or just to check with them to see what can be done. a lot of people, unfortunately lost their lives by queuing and live in the hospital now, not their house, but there's a prime example right now of what's going on of this devastation against health facilities. not only it's been under military sees within the past 17 days, but also right now there are those diapers taking position around the vicinity of
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the hospital at the remaining buildings where the venture building shooting at every motion. moving objects, including those are being children in the hospital as well as the medical, as 1000 within the past couple days, medical staff inside the hospitals were shot and killed were doing their job inside the hospital as we speak right now. and within the past couple hours, a, a type of drawing, those are the quad copters. how very good a very, very low levels are the courtyard of the hospitals. ordering those who are sheltering inside the facility to leave it entirely. in addition to those are patients, those are critically injured or unable to move in their own. they need the help. some of them are in wheel chairs. some need the a relative, a family member to help them to leave the hospital there. only one get. now that is available for people to the about the northern gate of the hospital being blocked by pile of sands and rumbles, there is completely power outage inside the hospital. the i c u is out of service.
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that doesn't operate at all. there are really people who lost their life inside the husband didn't get silence any are all discharged inside dice are you there? those who are in real risk of losing their lives. there's no medical supplies being allowed into the hospital. no food supplies, no water supplies a no fuse of light to run the power generator to sustain the hospital and to help those who are inside of it, including the displace families to continue living there. the questions for the people asked inside the hospital, it is, where are they going to go? there are no safe to place the to the hospital. this play as a place of healing to shelter and to protect their family members. it's now under siege. under heavy bombings and they don't know where to go. now the question of safety completely announce 3rd for them and is really military is not giving a straight answer of where they are supposed to go, because the fear, the,
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their food would be similar to the fate of those other people who were in the hospital were ordered to leave and then they were killed within just within a short period of time of the next place that they shouldered. then i'm of course that i'll correspond to on the ground in rasa and southern gaza. thank you so much for those updates. one, obviously bringing more on those stories as we get them for now. we'll leave that on a thanks so much, please stay safe. so all in central garza is around has also carried out as tried from residential buildings. community 17 people use their own refugee count has also been targeted tens of thousands of palestinians, so sheltering that the number of bodies at the nearby opposite hospital is set to be by many of those items that children could already spoke to. some of the families are headed to their home by hoping that it would be safe. a lot of policy me is cranky, displaced in the, are currently using this road address. you drove connecting dropbox with can you
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does that has been a, has the middle area together. this is the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't buy left in 10 units, but they did not find any place people saying that they have displays for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be considered safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their is bella or $200.00 units or to any place, it's going to come a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee and my name's going this way. we felt it might be slightly safer. here in 0 bhalla, we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in
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a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an empty area in that and by this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area, because it's one of the areas that have a close swats are because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7 times. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe and less today and not as much as in the huddle. and, and so we're kinda in this lot of, we 1st flipped to and my causing them found one of us. and then off last night we had to leave the a good where we were shocked tony because we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody at least,
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which is different. but all of the people are frustrated are disappear. they're saying that the quad captures came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting live, munitions. people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the pull the data that has been f. o is there any forces of kills at least one palestinian during rains 2 in the occupied westbank engineering soldiers destroyed house and infrastructure that they um you're also still into the cities of calculators in ramallah as well as bethlehem engineer. occupied these tourism, at least $22.00 palestinians were arrested across the territory. meanwhile, a group is rarely settlers has attacked palestinians, south of novice and the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians were injured when such as opened fire in the vintage of a sierra witness to say the attack is also such a home on the fire as well that spring hondas out of hudson. now she joins me from
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occupied easter as a honda. these rays, or even like more of them, a tech spy, is rarely such as torkas through the trends here. what's been happening another night of raids across the occupied west bank. these really military has really up to their activity across the occupied territory since the war began. the biggest trade seemingly in janine and in the janine refugee camp several 1000 is really vehicles seen going into the west bank city, which is in the northern part of the occupied territory. and just tearing up critical infrastructure along the way, palestinians as well as human rights organizations, describing this as a form of collective punishment. now a different rate we saw in the call, the police were one palestinian man was ultimately killed a 20 year old. so coming to his wounds, medical teams say that their ambulances were prevented from reaching the wounded.
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this is also a trend through these military raids, but the is rarely army conducts on a nightly basis. since october, the 7th, you're looking at at least 390 for palestinians who have been killed by either these really military or armed is rarely settlers and not to mention around 7000 other arrests. additionally, around 4500 palestinians who been injured in these intensified raids since the war began. and meanwhile, we understand talks on continuing and kyra, these radius of the law says that mediators of at the latest in a series of different attic efforts to try to get some kind of a timeline towards the face. one that's exactly right. so we have the head of israel's most sod, the external security service, the head of israel sion bets the internal security service, and intelligence we build, burns the head of the c i a we have cooperate as prime minister all meeting with
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egyptian officials in cairo to try and come up with some sort of deal, but the problem is, is that there seems to be such a disconnect between the 2 sides and what they're looking for. back in january, when mediators had met, do these really flat out rejected a proposal that was put forth by have mass. these really are thing. they have several red lines when it comes to these kinds of deals. and remember how mass would like to see a multi phase type of deal that would ultimately lead to the end of the war. and these really is have said repeatedly for the last $130.00 days, but that's simply not going to happen until the military objectives are achieved. so all eyes are on cairo for these negotiations to see what is going to take place . what's going to be offered in terms of a prisoner exchange, palestinian detainees release from is really jails and exchange for is really captive. these relays have already said they are not willing to release thousands
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of palestinian prisoners. this could be a red line for the other side. as well, who does want to see many palestinian prisoners released from is really jails, as well as an end to the war. both of those, these really seemingly against, at this point. so a lot to keep an eye out for as these negotiations are ongoing data and we will keep a close eye on what's happening in kyra to phenomena. so hope that we're the latest from occupied a story. some thoughts on hold on a trolley is a veterans, had a student activist and told edition ad foreman and of the palestine liberation organization executive committee. she says a whole pile of standing population is being held captive by israel as we are in the midst of the genocide. and is this has been done taking it and not up in the sense that it's once have been treated less. the palestinians was built on the human ization, like heads of gases, where they shift them from one place to the other of cutting out demographic engineering, sending out to a population as nathaniel says,
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they force them into the south. they, they sell them and bombs them, and it's not them on the way. and now the say no, now you have to move somewhere else because we're going to destroy the last refuge that you had. so everybody of course is worried and everybody knows that there are no limits to is there any depravity to is a blood test to the use of, of muscle cuz i'm cognitive and so on to achieve. we don't know what the ends because they don't know what the ends they cannot destroy, how minus them they cannot to achieve absolute victory as a says. so in a sense that is waiting for the infliction of pain, death and destruction without any accountability and the buying time and the using all sorts of procrastination is on the diversion. very fact fix to say that i've engaged in thoughts and the primary objective is to release the hostages
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. but the primary objective is to the story. and not just the palestinians of guys about all of the other stuff. they have been getting out force displacement, they've been getting out. and the international court of justice indicates that that uh certainly the genocide, the actually being committed. but at the same time this is as a disingenuous because you have totally close them in. i would know where to go now the end of that which was store where they went all the area. yeah, yeah. 1.4000000 tightly. if you throw a stone, you would hit send people to so the by click close, been with know where to go and the showing them what changes aaron, before we move on? that's just recap. i'm breaking story at this hour. it's just north of ross, i just haven't gotten to journalists have been injured and it is rarely for instructions including out of they were corresponding is smart. i've room camera in
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the office a lot. so i was also hit and knocked off. we understand is in serious condition they've been transferred to the european hospital for training and fee is all still growing about are possible ground, defensive and rough of the southern most city, and the strip or something just a, it has one. the palestinians fee of the night that's when it becomes more difficult to search for survivors of our body parts. scott, it by following is really bombs. ambulance is the one speed by israel ferry. the wounded and equipped short stuff, medical facilities that are overwhelmed with patients. and survivors dental, clarifying details of the children's last moment. i just talked to them, you know, they shot my son. he's only 14 years old. he got a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my daughter's brain was blow note. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting how much spite is enough or a city previously designated as
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a safe. so palestinian women and children say that's a lie on the since don is really tanks have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together and came out waving. a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son and 2 other young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave the area. those are 5, these really attacks and make it to hospitals are also dying because the siege means generate has run out of fuel. does it? according patton, with advancing is really soldiers the instead of go hospitals stop those seeking shelter and snipers killed. anyone who ventures out the government can either read the building and risk medical stuff and dr. those who have been released say they would put your health care like much else, and god has been decimated the bullets and destruction is all that's left and every
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day brings more emotional testimonies. another way is and then in the middle of the night, i heard the sounds of helicopters, fund digits, drones and miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment. as i had no idea where to hide. when i heard a place close to my uncle's residence was, had a rush, the chicken found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could vaguely discern the bodies of children and women upon those women and children make up. most of the 100000 palestinians killed or wounded in his veins, one in gaza. survivors have been displaced multiple times to multiple safe stones, only to be attacked multiple times. the mailbox software do not allow homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was blocked and we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school. there was no place we wrecked it, attend and settled in it. each 10th has at least 15 people in it got, as i said,
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just a military operation. the roof of the major military operation rather awful. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel is getting civilians to many, to many of the over 27000 policies killed in this conflict. having isn't civilians, children, biden's words don't match his actions, something allies within the a you have pointed out. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. and this is what and gaza drags on. there seems to be noise insight to the salvation bombing and kidding of palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators. some of them javi, how does their to the head of the un agency on roughly, but as it really has warned of what could happen if israel presses ahead with its
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threats of backgrounds and vision and people choose lots of ration if this person will see if this is in significant increase, you know, when i remind already more than a 100000 people will be seen all around this foreign minister has met with the idea of cutoff checked them and then a lot all funding here. and uh huh. this is the 3rd and final leg if they ran into pronounce regional tool after visiting 11 on and syria. according to arranging media, the talks focused on regional developments and fielding is around school and garza . a us president or vitamin has met jordan's king of della at the whitehouse
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paternity does have been discussing how to end the war and garza. but as state department correspondent watson jordan reports, they have 2 very different visions of just how to make that happen. a warm embrace at the white house before the hard talk. president joe button and king of all of jordan spent at least an hour discussing how to end the war and gaza. the leaders disagreed on the best way to do that. we need a lasting cease far now. united states is working on a hostage deal between israel and loss of which we bring median and sustain period of common. get you guys for at least 6 weeks by an end of dollar met just hours after is really forces launched a raid and rough to rescue 2 captives, gaza official say dozens of people were killed in the attack. prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu says he wants to launch a full scale military campaign against, from austin. rafa. even though there's growing international agreement, such an invasion would be catastrophic for the more than a 1000000 palestinians trapped there. the major military operation, robert rafa should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and supports more than 1000000 people. shelburn many people there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, playing the violence to the north. and now they're packed and rough. exposed is gone and they need to be protect button did not talk about funding for unreal, which he suspended after is real accused a few of its employees of helping him most plan the october 7th, a to adult, hold on bite and to change his mind restrictions on vital relief, 8 and medical items are leading to into main conditions. no other you an age and so
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you can do what under what is doing in helping the people because through this humanitarian catastrophe, it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support it needs to carried out its mandate. barton and abdullah agreed to work on getting more humanitarian aid into garza, but they ignored reporters questions on how to make that happen. russell and jordan elder 0 washington. the meeting on an engine, police have 5 tickets. at phones not seeing on the capital new dining video, the police have to find what they are going knock some numbers of officers with ortiz, have multiple entry points in new delhi, the phone is on demanding a minimum cost. price of to talks with a government failed. this protest comes just 2 months before the general election.
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i spoke to our condo shawanda, she is a senior editor at the one, an engine news and opinion website. she told me the newest already is all being heavy handed. hundreds of farmers are trying to enter the national capital data from other trudy borders along the national capital and be able to get in, somebody bought so some clashes between the security forces and the fall of but you know, frankly, it's outraged as the way in the name of security measures the government defend uh, is it blowing? you know, a concrete golf. bob wire is water cannons, and even still gets shows being dropped from the skies from the hands of drones. i mean, for heaven's sake, farmers on north davis the way they are being this with the we, the time since they are the are ceasing and be honest. since prospecting, individuals know of biting individuals, can see 1400000000 people. so now they are back because some of the demands of to the dollars will be drawn into $1021.00. the demands would not match. so the,
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on the back of those demands, they are demanding something as simple as a simply get into which is m a c, which is minimum support. price at which the government buys the cops, which means bit off or just in the short info for themselves, a kind of a safety net performance. hi prime minister talk soon as you know what is expected to be released from jail that kingdoms justice. minnesota announced the texan was one of move a 900 inmates granted parole. the 74 year old had been sentenced to h as in prison. the city of use of power before a royal party reduced his jail time. 2020 triangle bullets from the capital bank call. this is the police hospital in downtown bank co that has been home for the last 6 months to form a tie. prime minister tax and shinall who was brought here on the night off the he returned to thailand, off the complaining of chest pains in high blood pressure. and his remained here
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ever since. on the day he was sentenced to use in jail sentence that was commuted by the king to a year. i don't choose stay highlands justin missed justice minnesota because of his age of 74 and his medical condition. he's now eligible for a referral from this. we can but what will be the terms of that, of the release? we don't know yet, but the time media until he by the possibility he may be banned from leaving the country and have to what i didn't include bracelets for the moment key and the military both by the very acrimonious relationship with mr. tax and may be very consent to him once again, take an active role in politics. but does he need to his prototype policy or in power? the probably minutes a ton set out how he sent. his name's the date he returned mister texan himself and said his only reason for once he is to come home to send his finally is close to
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his friends. tony cheng l 20. a protest pan felicia on tuesday in senegal has been cancelled by the organizes office, was out to advise the government for about internet has also been suspended now across the country. there been demonstrations edison's present or not. he's all postponed to the election that was supposed to take place this month. and some of those protests tend to finance. at least 3 people have died. how corresponding, because hack is in the senegalese capital dot com with alexis tore. one of these actions that we've plan is going ahead, which is the start or the strike, sorry, by the student union, and the faculty unions of universities across the country. and they've been very angry at the way that the security forces.


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