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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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isn't in depth coverage thailand, states execution of fossil fuels, no renewable, i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, you're watching it is our life from headquarters and del, find any you navigate there. here's what's coming off for the next 60 minutes. israel target some more journalists in gauze off to men are critically injured in hospital, one of them in algebra, correspondence. she was targeted by a drawing miss on close to the hospital. upon examination, his right leg was already seated. power runs out of the southern gauze, largest hospital. israel has destroyed part of the complex and ordered everyone sheltering insides to leave. one palestinian is killed in 22. arrested is really
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range and the occupied west spain and thousands of engine farmers are tear gas to say, march towards new jelly. and on far as small with the sports title holders of manchester, city or back and champions league action early holland seem are taken on f. c. copenhagen and the last 60 the and is really drawn striker severely injured, to journalists and southern gaza. elders 0 correspondence smiled about on odd and camera mind. i've tried multiple hits just north of for the fall. that's where one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians are sheltering from is really a tax. both have been transferred to the european hospital for treatments for annette. smith begins our coverage to meet the decimals. this one also to postpone the smile of omar and come on off. but my thoughts were reporting some con units in
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the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss austin from an he's really drove. they've been reporting on the palestinians, displaced between russell. i'm calling, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store to drone strikes is less than with catastrophic injuries. out to do is corresponding, a smile at, oh, really does. it makes you feel spill of to suffering severe injury. who's targeted by drone, we saw that the mirage area upon examination, his right leg was already said that in addition to shrapnel who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg. we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse would not readable. this means he is in critical condition all about my talk has suffered shrapnel wounds to his head. both men are in a serious condition. according to doctor's is the government media office in gaza says
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is the 5th time in this world at june list working filed your 0, a been singled out. it says they would deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th. according to the government that was made of omar. but nothing did you notice, but and it's smith, i'll just say ever. okay, well now speak to florida. abrazzo was joining us from deaf in the south of the gaza strip. thought out what more you hearing about the 2 journalists who are targeted yes, uh, in fact uh, 9 of them are the 0 english corresponds on sundays camera. money has been happening completely uncritically into to buy it. he's very me so i would try them that had talking to them as they were reporting. i'm covering all the latest events in an area that's just close to one year of the city to deliver what is happening inside
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that area for the majority of the world, the happenings vertically attack time. they have been transported to the european hospital to receive medical treatment and we have been hearing from medical sources inside of the work in hospital saying that they have a conflict and carried out the initial and this a country, a surgery for us. my in the for a crime as well in order to stop the bleeding that they have been suffering from it due to these very bombardment. and now they have been in a stable condition as they are trying to provide them with the sufficient mississippi's medical treatment of the under. there's 2 journalists have been attacked and the new for each of the principles of the international load that are related to the protection of jonetta. sometimes in times of specifically that since the outbreak of this conflicts, at least more than $120.00 palestinians have been killed. and there was a dollar list where absolutely puts in good lives on the line. i'm just cheering the families the friends in the villages, in order to keep proposing, going to keep shooting the lights on the old tragic stories,
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the latest developments on the ground inside the territory. but this attack is not new for it had been repeatedly academies out. also against o d 0 to you and cruise inside cause as it is very forces are completely frozen in their place. drink a soul, of course, the territory or it's hotter. you'll keep us up to date on their condition, of course, throughout the day, but stand by for just a moment because we're going to look at what's happening in con eunice and the is really army, has destroyed the northern gates on wall of the na sort of medical complex, it's besieged the building for weeks loss. so it is the biggest hospital in han, eunice, and is really forced. as i've told displays, people sheltering there to evacuate the premises. but there are 500 patients and medical staff were believed to be trapped inside. and they've been told to stay medical supply and equipment stores at the complex have been partially destroyed, thought is with us. once again, there must be a sense of panic going on. i can last said a hospital the medical complex at what is really, are doing there, todd, it just,
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uh, what are you hearing about the situation a well inside of this situation, that is, is a completely dalia and fritz can especially best and also medical complex has been completely surrounded by use wait a minute to full says since expands of the military ration of they have been attacking the percentage of the hospital multiple times. and recently they have intensified shooting operations against people in factories who are trying to live inside the hospital to be away from the is very bombardments for a number of medical teams displaced. people has been killed and changes due to that the upcoming tax against the vicinity. until recently, they have destroyed the northern gates and also some of the roles of the hospital as they are using military, quite cope to drones, with loud speakers in order to inform residents and medical records to flee. and one of the latest developments is that they were sending some of the fees who have
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been arrested before to inform the people that in order to flee on, so not remain inside the medical facility as they are expanding the manager types of middle ground in cousin in the city of con eunice, which has been considered from the, is what a 2 specs of one of this, from a stronghold of from us moving into as they are also trying to accomplish, to completely take full control over the city that met their expands and of that tax to reach roughly on to prepare for a potential, the ground and agents for the last remaining city. okay. thought it. thank you for all these uh, updates. uh thought of us own reporting for us from the, from the south of the gaza strip. so thought it was just talking about the journalist who were targeted a moment ago, and this is not the 1st time that the is really army has targeted during the list. some of them working for this network. i'll just do a camera line summit. i will, the car was killed on december, the 15th. while he was reporting and find eunice, he was injured, but then day is really forces prevented ambulances from reaching him for 5 hours.
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and he blood to death. well enough to do it. how does he write airbags bureau chief in garza was injured and it is really striking. december, his wife, son, daughter, and grandson, were killed in separate attacks. his other son hems was also an algebra journalist who was killed. and according to the guys on government's media office, at least a 126 palestinian medial workers have been killed since israel's were begun. journalists working in areas of conflict are protected under international humanitarian law. israel has been accused of violating that law repeatedly, and palestinian journalists say that israel is trying to kill those, telling the world what's happening in god's um, let's bring in a tim dawson joining us via skype from london. he's the deputy secretary general of the international federation of journalists. good to have you with us once again on out to 0. what is your reaction to the way these 2 journalists were targeted this time around by a drone strike?
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and then in an area really that is packed with people who have been displaced from other parts of the gaza strip and reportedly not a combat area. it is heartbreaking and is deeply shocking, as you say, some distance from what would have recently been thought of as a come back to area and drones take very sophisticated programming and targeting to do that work. we know that israel has been using the system called call call gospel, which allows very precise a i a to targeting of devices like drones. and it's hard to think of the, this must have been very deliberately your colleagues in the intention of stopping them during that work. so it's, i mean, again, subject catalog of, of desks and heartache. and it becomes hard not to be plaza,
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but i know when you've lost college or when colleagues facing the worst times in the hospital, then an entire news operation like your own will be feeling have a hosted and a pull. this has happened. and what is israel trying to achieve by targeting journalists as well? i've tried to organize, talk to this row, and they have refused to meet with the exception of fredericks of genesis. so i can only guess, booked from the outskirts of this dispute. they have not allowed forward correspondence to enter gaza even older agreement have tried some have even come to the roof crossing on the addiction side for several weeks trying to get true. and that does appear to be in a systematic campaign to kill and terrify and mange and lists in gaza, which has reduced the number by something like 10 percent. and that has been there been issues with it in the media within israel itself. so i think this is
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a terrible and bloody attempts to control. ready the narrative coming out to the gaza, to try and prevent the world from forming an accurate picture of what is happening on my, you know, my admiration is boundless. so those jealous thing gaza, i'm tired of doing that work despite these quite extraordinary and unprecedented conditions. they have, for you in the eyes and ears of the world. we are the more deep, deep debt of gratitude is enough of being done to, to try to protect them in any way by the international community, by other, you know, by international journalists organizations to well, i think when the body count is climbing the way to 2 days one could always say the most the most we can do. i can tell you that we have petitioned every international body the has any touches on this situation. we have made complaints to the international criminal court in the hague. we have attempted to meet,
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we have to discuss this, the government information office in israel, and clearly it hasn't had the impact that we would have wished. i think probably the real cloud in terms of affecting is why the policy would come from its closest allies, the united states and to a certain investor except the united kingdom, i think is dependent on all of us to keep pressure on those governments to whether they do it in public or private, to try and persuade, or to instruct is route to stop this catastrophic course that i should so. so talk to us a little bit more about the pressure that you are putting on a, pardon me, apologies mr dawson. but what kind of pressure then are as an organization like yours, the international federation of journalist putting on those countries that support israel and what is their responsibility to hold their responsibilities, to do everything in that pilot of the site,
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the ally to desist from this most trust behavior, what i was about say is it's very clear that you know that there are people whose natural sympathy is all with israel and who at the time like they stature. this reaction is that they which is well depressed, but i'm to be able to defend itself. i sentenced as an increasing number of. ready people who consider themselves as well as natural allies are coming to view what's happening a gaza as being something quite beyond human experience for the to quite an acceptable and something that's making their own feelings about israel. more and more challenge shape. i think everybody, i mean i think certainly within, within gym as children as actions, we've encouraged people to contact our legislators to put pressure on that white. one can never tell when pressure of that kind is going to have an effect. one can never tell when problem and try parliamentarians speaking with more impulse, you couple of minutes to as far as i can, christy prime is susan. so we'll begin to start having an effect to be the,
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you know, ultimately the, the, the straw that breaks the camel's back. but that pressure from as many sources as possible from civil organizations. so in this call go on from, from individual problem and terence for julian's from churches, anybody putting pressure on a, i think he's doing even valuable piece of work and could be the step that finally has an effect to put sufficient pressure on his role that they will stop. all right, sounds awesome. thank you so much for joining us from london. as well as real has carried out a wave of air strikes on his outside southern gaza in recent days, resulting in many casualties. there are fears it could get worse. last week that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced he had ordered troops to prepare for a ground defensive into the city, with some of in job aid reports. motor tax on one of the few medical facilities in north because it after being besieged for months, nothing else, but he was damaged by his really forces and some pulse caught fight
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with each means generators at the hospital and have run out of fuel as a result, those this everybody's ready attacks are also dying. there is little cutting, putting the advancing is really soldiers. instead of go hospitals, stop those seeking shelter and snipers get everyone who enters out the eventually they read the building and risk medical stuff and doctors. those will be released to the torture health care like much else and garza has been decimated overnight. ambulance is the one speed israel fade of wounded liquid, short staffed medical facilities that are overwhelmed. the patient and survivors still hard to find the details of the children. so i just talked to them, you'll be shot, my son, he's only 14 years old. he got a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my
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daughter's brain was blown out. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting homeless spite is enough or a city previously designated as a safe. so had a standing women and children say that's a lie on the sand. stone is really tongues have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together and came out waving a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son into all the young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave. the area of bullets and destruction is all that's left and every day brings more emotional testimonies . another way is and then in the middle of the night, i heard the sounds of helicopters, fund digits, drones, and miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment. as i had no idea where to hide, when i heard a place close to my uncle's residence was, had a rush. the chicken found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could
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vaguely discern the bodies of children and women upon those women and children make up. most of the 100000 palestinians, killed or wounded in his veins. one in gaza. survivors have been displaced multiple times to multiple safe stones, only to be attacked multiple times. the mailbox software do not allow homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was blocked and we came to the school here and found that it was bomb to or tried to find a place in the school. there was no place. we wrecked it, attend and settled in it. each type has at least 15 people in it got, as i said, just the military operation, the roof of the major military operation, robert bravo. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel is getting civilians to many, to many of the over 27000 policies killed in this conflict. having isn't civilians,
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children, biden's words don't match his actions, something allies, but in the end you have pointed out, well, if you believe that many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. as israel's water and gaza drugs on, there seems to be noise insight to the salvation bombing and kidding of palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators. some of them javi other their it is really strikes, narrowed and central. garza killed thousands of palestinians on monday nights. explosions could be seen from the informal tens counts and rough. actually, that's where thousands of displaced families are sheltering conditions. there are desperate shortages of food, water, and medicine. so at least one of the half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering their, their crammed off against the egyptian border. living and make shift shelters on tents. about 300 kilometers away in cairo officials from egypt. israel cats are
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under us, are meeting for negotiations. they're expected to focus on a ceasefire and the exchange of captives held in gaza for palestinian prisoners in is really jails. let's bring to have this article to joining us from occupied is through us. let me, i'm that there are reports that suggested the decision by the is really government to dispatch a theme for these talks came only after the us president piled on the pressure on us and yahoo during a sunday phone call. i wonder if you can confirm that and also tell us what you're hearing about the talks in cairo of the bullet. there's been a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu, specifically from the americans. and in that called the bite and administration had stressed that their policy was the same when it came to not only the operation and stuff, but also about wanting some sort of ceasefire or a pause in the fighting. but remember, nathaniel who's not just under pressure internationally, he's also under pressure from members of his own coalition. specifically members
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from the far right who did not want nothing yahoo to send a delegation to cairo for these talks. you have the right wing like metal it smelt, rich, the country's finance minister, who have quite harsh words about where the heads of israel's most sad and the shouldn't. but should go instead saying that they should be carrying out their duties in dropbox. and instead of assassinating the heads of hamis around the world, rather than going to negotiate a deal for a cease fire. now these rallies have said repeatedly that they have many red lines . when it comes to any sort of deal that would see a pause in the fighting, they've said that the war is not going to end until all of the military objectives are accomplished. and they've also said that they're not going to release thousands of palestinians. detainees from is really jails in exchange for the captives. benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said that any sort of reports or rumors about the concessions that will be given up by these really are simply on true. so it's going
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to be interesting to see how these negotiations play out. because back in january, when there was a meeting between mediators in paris, these rallies had fled out, rejected the plan, the mass had put forward that saw a multi stage sort of release of the captives and exchange for palestinian prisoners. it was a very long pause in the fighting. we're not really sure what these really are going to offer in exchange. but these really prime minister is under a lot of pressure from us president joe by and it's to try and come up with some sort of deal because the americans are seemingly shifting their tone with criticisms about how israel is prosecuting this war. remember, joe biden himself has said that israel's response is over the top. he said the to many civilians are dying and that they simply wouldn't approved this operation in dropbox. so a lot to keep an eye out for in cairo as these meetings are ongoing. all right, you'll keep us across the story. thank you for the time being reporting from
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occupied east jerusalem or south africa says that it's lots to an urgent request with the international court of justice about israel's military operations and jeff off. it's honestly you ends top court to consider if and is really ground operation in the city. would require judges to use their powers to prevent further breaches of palestinians writes last month, south africa, late charges of genocide against israel for its were on gauze on the chord at the time, ordered israel to take all measures to prevent possible acts of genocide. farmington miller is joining us from johannesburg. talk us through what this urgent request means and, and what impact the south africans are hoping is going to have as well . so that because made this request based on the international criminals of the icy jay's own rules, seeing that the court can use its own discretion to provide the provisional
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measures in addition to the order it made late in january, in terms of minimizing the loss of civilian lives the provision of humanitarian aid . now, so the frequent saying that the court would be able to use its own discretion to intervene. and based on that, it wouldn't have to make additional arguments or make more representations at the courts. and this is also because it's based this request on its position that as well as already, he's already in breach of the original orders made by the court to back in january . and also that africa said it's an urgent request based on the plans for and military operations in rough up based on the risk of civilian lives and the devastation as well as hom, that'd be, could be close to palestinians. south africa has said that it is concerned about the potential ha, that would be close to palestinians in such a need that as well,
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hasn't applied by the original order, which essentially is a binding. now there's always been consider on implementation, especially given the united nations security council response to the i c j's ruling . so, so that is again approaching the court, hoping that it would intervene in terms of the devastation that could be caused. the urgency of the matter. and perhaps intervening in the situation they say would cause incredible home to palestinians. the department of international relations in south africa is certainly hoping for a declaration from the i c j. it's, it's not clear what the mission is. all the declaration might be, but it would be as at this point to be quite obvious that they would want any further home to palestinian. so okay, thank you so much. from me. the alert reported for us from johannesburg. we can talk about this and more with francesca albany is it has the un special reference or on the occupied palestinian territory is joining us from to in this welcome back to elgin 0. good to have you with us. if we 1st talk about this urgent request that
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was lost and launched by south africa with the international court of justice, do you think that this is going to pressure is really at all? well, doesn't hire. and thanks for having me, it doesn't seem to have a press to the israel at all in the sense that after the 26th of january, israel seems to have acted in greater defiance of the international law in flux. taking any steps to respect to the provision on measures orders by the court of justice. yeah, i mean that's what i wanted to ask you a bit because the back since that order was issued back in january, i mean, a lot of people said, look, this is a major achievement but, but in, but there was questions over its implementation by israel, a tell us more about how you would describe the contents of the as really government as well as the is really ministry on the ground. since the i c j rolling back in january, what have you seen and heard?
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so let's look at the, the response. so to the i c, j provisional measures as being quite shocking to me and not totally, not just for israel phones, which has continued with their relentless attack mutare of talking a scar. so we're seeing the desperate populations are, which has survived the dates for months over. ok. try this out there and displeased, injured traumatized. um, but there's also be a lot cool responsiveness by the international community therapy. there is a significant number of countries which know totally had not taken steps to prevent armstead, exclusively. the 4 towns consist of general side uh there as being pressure instead on the with the suspension of crimes. i'm wrong,
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we should be only a lifeline for the policy and still remaining the not just because the provide critical aid, not only because they are the infrastructure and that can deliver data. but also because this is the last to rent and all that sort of because over what remains being the nice thing i saw in the sense that i'm wrong. either we there over and media and a 400000 people shattered in a brand new says or around the russ premises. he's the only one who can continue to come to this in the, in the morning to renew new money during the situation. so this is being disastrous to me if you want to my home in stock or. yeah, i mean, what about what's happening in in dropbox? because it's pretty much a city of tents and refugees. there are more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians who have for sheltering there. and now you have this
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looming, military offensive by the is really as if it were to take place. i mean, what would it mean for the people on a humanitarian level? this is going to be an intensification, an escalation of an ongoing catastrophe. because as a tool to um, to should be to the now being in shelving verify area is going to kill many more people in fact and the level of masters as intensified as of the 26th of january. there be no around 2000 people. huge in last in about 1012 days. so i expect the violence and the best tool to increase the, unless there is a says fire. and it's also shocking to hear that there are plans to, to, um, uh, to are cool with the, the possible for us this placement,
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the whole richard cheese into design id. so this prospect has been moving from the very beginning of the media already have sold launched by israel on guys up. and this would be disastrous. and one final thoughts from you miss alban easy while we have you with us, we now know that the is really interior ministry has they've actually been refusing you a visa for many months now. but now we know that you're officially banned from entering . can you tell us your reaction to this band and, and what impacts if any, is going to have on your ability to do your job? it depends. it depends because the, as i, as it was off the yesterday with the change, i mean, doesn't change on the scene. or why? because the for 16 years, israel has prevented special doors from the 500 in territory from entering into territory. and unusual to provide as it seems. 1967,
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it's involving the changes because now i believe that there is an official uh indication that i am that i am bond, but this doesn't mean that the whole seas doing my job and knows jesus is the trying to. i have to reduce your fight policy internally because i'm, i'm, i'm convinced that he's buying refusing me an entry east through these. i'm using only hours of that are to buying power. so as long as things remain in power in the wind, mexico, history finishers. i'm, you certainly will fall. we there. so all the united nations and therefore also very to my mom late. okay. francesca avenue and we thank you so much for speaking to us frontier. this is now still a head on the all to 0 news. our, we take a look at the final preparations for one of the largest elections in asia. as far as them test,
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russian visitors glide into north korea for the 1st time since the country closed its borders for october, 19th, coming up and support ivory coast and celebrating waterfalls, most unlikely tournaments when as far as here with that story, a little later, the had the extreme heat has been the story across the south america some some relief to finally talk about west. so whether it is going to dominate suddenly down in the south, you can see the pool of cloud stretching out a quote into southern parts of brazil. and this is a rush of severe thunderstorms that will not only not tempt his down, but bring some flooding, rains potentially to the likes of power. why? past you are white into southern parts of brazil stretching old way through bolivia into peru and equitable where we have some red warnings out for that very heavy
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rain. but it does still mean that we have got some hot weather looking in the very south, with temperatures continuing to rise over the next few days for santiago in chile, lots of heat as well for the very most places like venezuela. now he is also being a story across a central america. we had another, an old time of new february records set in believe, just on monday. but he is still that in some places, but it is going to get swept out by a cold front that's pushing its way from west to east bringing a line of showers, stretching from the florida panhandle, across the bahamas into weston pots of cuba, and on woods to the likes of doris as in very, whether to come here we will see that rain edge its way for the east, some of it floating in kingston, jamaica. but sunshine after that, this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves
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long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered and getting close to the people most effective by those in power is often dangerous, but it's absolutely vital that the story is told. we push the ball forward as we can to the front line. now the smells upset, the power and a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do of the
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the again, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0, this news our and is really drone strike has severely injured to a journalist and southern gauze on alda 0. correspondence is my only level on loud and camera mind i smoke most out of her head just north of for that. so that's where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from is really a tax. both have been transferred to the european hospital for treatments and northside hospital is still under is really siege. the army has destroyed the hospitals, north wall and gates displaced. people have been told to evacuate for around 500 patients and staff are still trust inside south africa. says it's logs to an urgent request. so the international court of justice about israel's military operations
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and drop off. it's off to you as top court to consider if it is really ground operation in the cities would be of further breach of palestinians rights. the us senate has passed a $95000000000.00 aids package for ukraine, israel on taiwan. it's not been sent to the republican controlled house of representatives where it has long faced opposition. the bill had sold for months with republicans demanding for an aid be tied to enhanced border security measures . $14000000000.00 in military aid for israel is included in that bill. our white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it is joining us to discuss the so kimberly, what will happen to the spill in the house then as well. uh that is the big question mark can already there is doubt that it will even be the bay the or even be brought up for a vote. let's take a look at those numbers. you said, then you are absolutely right. $95000000000.00 is the price tag for this bill. and
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when you break it down to mentioned, there's $14100000000.00 a lot and for is real. another 9200000000 just for humanitarian assistance. and then there's tucked inside 60000000000 for ukraine's fight against russia, and there's also money for taiwan. but the big problem and all of this is that in the house of representatives where it also has to be passed before it can be signed into law by the us president in the white house is that there isn't anything for the domestic priorities that the house of representatives, specifically republicans, they're concerned about them back is border security type thing, that southern border of the united states and mexico to make sure that those that are trying to migrate from central america can come in without being checked by border security. and so that is the big issue of what we're hearing from speaker johnson. the house speaker is that he may not even allow this to be looked at or
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even debated. but what we can tell you is that in terms of the passage and the said that this was really being celebrated as a victory, they saw this as an opportunity to talk. this was american leadership. this would be a signal to the world, but this was the defense of western democracy. this would allow to restore the credibility of the united states around the world. and really i pulled that tradition of american leadership. but the problem is that is not a shared sentiment. in the house of representatives, these are folks that are really trying to win re election come november. and that sort of looming, large presence in the house as a representatives is that sort of sentiment that is shared by the former president, donald trump, who believes that foreign assistance is really should be coming in the form of a low, not in a handout. and so that's why this is unlikely to be passed. in fact,
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it may even be dead on arrival. all right, thank you so much. kimberly house that reporting from the white house is really forces have killed at least one palestinian during raids in the occupied westbank. and janine soldiers destroyed a house and infrastructure, the army also storm the cities of columbia and that on my law as well as best let him and near occupied east jerusalem. at least $22.00 palestinians were arrested as really forces have increased the frequency and intensity of raids and they occupied westbank since october. the 7th. we spoke to hang on, i should all we earlier, she's a veteran palace to be an active us then politician and a former member of the palestine liberation organization executive committee. and she says that a whole population is being held captive by israel. we are in the midst of the genocide and is this has been done taking it and not up in the sense that it's once have been treated left. the palestinians was built on the human ization,
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like cods of gases, where they shift them from one place to the other, cutting out demographic engineering, sending out to population as nathaniel says, they force them into the south. they, they sell them and bombs them. and it's not them on the way. and now the say no, now you have to move somewhere else because we're going to destroy the last refuge that you had. so everybody of course is worried and everybody knows that there are no limits to is there any depravity to is a blood test to the use of, of muscle cuz i'm cognitive and so on to achieve. we don't know what the ends because they don't know what the ends they kind of destroy, how much time they kind of to achieve absolute victory as a says. so in a sense that is waiting for the infliction of pain, death and destruction without any accountability. and the buying time and the using all sorts of procrastination is on the diversion. very fact fix to say
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that i've engaged in thoughts and the family. the objective is to release the hostages. were the primary objective as to the story and not just the palestinians of guys about all of the other stuff. they have been getting out, force displacement, they've been getting out. and the international court of justice indicates that that uh certainly the genocide, the actually being committed. but at the same time this is rather disingenuous because you have totally close them in. i would know where to go. now the end of that, which was told was the one towards the area. yeah, yeah. 1.4000000 tightly. if you throw a stone, you would hit then people the 5th. so the die to close been with know where to go and the are selling them. let's get an update from the guy. but he was joining us from drama let to talk about the raids that have happened that they occupied
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westbank and i knew that what is the impact that the increase in the frequency and intensity of these raves having on palestinians who lives there. and we're talking about intimidation, we're talking about, you know, people being in their own homes and leaving to school even to work when they're surprised by these really forces attacking their villages the towns, the refugee comes. and we're talking about the arrests of palestinians, but not only a rest of those, the israel deans as wanted, but also those palestinians who are detained for what israel has been using a lot of lately, which is field interrogations. they bring the past and use, they take them out, they've blindfold them, and then they start interrogating and checking what everyone knows about what's happening in that town. it's been reported by many palestinians. they are the torture of the long hours. the abuse that has been enforced, and that by these really forces, but also the threats against them that you know, who has the ultimate power. you know, we're going to get you because we know when we talk about these really,
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but it's real q patient has been spending on for decades and they have fives for each and every person. they know each and every person's home. kids and also ways to block mailed them. we've seen palestinians who has said that they've had to collaborate to even with, with israel, just to be able to get a permit to a house permit for their kids. so we're talking about the whole system that is causing a lot of pain and suffering to the palestinians. but also we're talking about the infrastructure that has been destructive, destroyed, demolished by the way the forces. so for palestinians, it's hard to really answer your question with one minute, 2 minutes of how the impact of those waves effecting policy is. but i hope i just gave you a glimpse of how policy is feel that, you know, no one is safe. and as we've been reporting, a lot of people can get injured in those rates and also many can get killed. okay, and is that thank you so much than that. but i am reporting for us from the
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occupied west by the their news and police in india have fire to your gas or protesting farmers marching to the capital new delhi. the farmers are demanding a minimum crop price. after talks with the government failed, if the sam can food reports cornered and tear gas, thousands of farmers are trying to march on new delhi. they say the government didn't degree to their demand for guaranteed minimum price for their parties. with tractors and in their numbers, their calling for protection of the livelihoods of more than half of the news working population. farmers unions engaged in talks with ministers to say they have nothing to offer them all on the go. the government has gone back on its promises. we're asking to fine line wave is the minimum guaranteed price for
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a cross. that's why we're going back to the capital you dally, buy. you have a searing on russ police of band large gatherings in the city and block sections of major route leading to the capital. mobile networks have also been suspended. the dispute dates back to 2020. when the government introduced a series of laws aimed at overhauling the agriculture industry by cutting out the middleman, scrapping the minimum price for produce and giving individual farmers great to freedoms. but they were widely rejected. farmers argued large corporations would dominate the market, and individual sellers would end up getting less for their crops. daily demonstrations became a year long stand off with hundreds of thousands taking part in the post tests. finally in 2021 prime minister, no render moody, repealed the laws this 5 pledges by moti to double their income farm is revenues
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have shrunk off to the dollars will be drawn in 2021. the demands would not match. so the on back to those 2 months, they are demanding something as simple as a simply get into which is m s b, which is minimum support. price at which the government buys the cops, which means they are off or just in the short info for themselves, the kind of a safety net union representatives are asking for loan waivers for a small scale farm is and a minimum wage for workers. police arrested several per testers about a 100 kilometers from the capitol authority say more talks with union leaders are needed with national elections due in 2 months. farmers cut to the scales and a potential 3rd term for prime minister modi is hanging in the balance. if the same getting food onto 0 focused on the 2 largest uh, medical parties, the parts of funds to largest political parties are negotiating if possible
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alliance, but reports say the talks to agree on accounts. it is for the prime minister have not made progress. the pockets done wisdom digging the pockets on people's party formed the last coalition government that's after removing emerald con, through a votes of no confidence. more than 200000000 indonesians will vote for a new president's on wednesday. 3 candidates are in the running to replace president joe, can we go to who can't serve another term? but his influence has overshadowed the campaign. jessica washington reports from jakarta is across indonesia. these are the final preparations for one of the largest elections in history with 820000 to paulding stations, and hold in 204000000 people eligible to cost a balance. both as we choose, they tell them entry and local representatives, but most of the focus is on who, who, when the presidency, 3 candidates are in the running,
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the former governor of to come to an east coast. sweden was promised to make ends, nation, and prosperous. the victory will be used to defend the common people. are you ready to work together? is pledged to reset plans for the new capital, multi $1000000000.00 project on the island pony. he says the money could be business spent on improving infrastructure around the country. meanwhile, guns up renewal, another form, the governor has presented himself as a man who understands the challenges faced by ordinary people as he comes from humble origins. gunshot is a member of the same political policy that, that's president joe. could we do those election campaigns in 2014 edge 2019 why does our campaign have a program called one graduates for each pool family? it's so that people can rise with dignity. so profit, so you can be resolved independently. but typically
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a frontrunner is the defense minister, provost would be until his run for the tough job twice before. but this time he has the support of the current widely popular president and his running age is typically son, gabriel and jacob blooming reco critics and active is have repeatedly raised decades old allegations of human rights abuses against approval. and legally you've run is too young to hold the office of vice president. his uncle headed the quotes that gave him the go ahead to be candidates in an exclusive interview without a 0 pro said he is confident of victory. all the figures shows that way. you see also with the grass roots as he has of all the figures showed a view to go on. he's plunging to move ahead with your colleagues, development plans. some civil society organizations have expressed concern about the presidents, lack of neutrality in the lead up to the election. but the theme is continuity has resonated with many voters. multiple of hall suggests for both of you and to has
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a comfortable lead. and this must wait in and the guns out for know the question is whether any of the candidates can secure at least 50 percent of the votes. if know if the top 2 will face off again in june. jessica washington, which is 0 to construct tourism is being used as a way to strengthen ties between joan yang and a moscow. a group of russian tourists are the 1st visitors to venture into north korea since the pen demick and his eunice kim reports. it comes at a time when the 2 nations find themselves isolated and at odds with the west. smooth lie down a powdery slope at maximum young ski resort in north korea. people apparently new to the sports, giving alpine skiing a tri. among them, our russian youngsters making up a part of the 1st noon to before and tourist inside the state. since it recently reopened it's border on the chart itself wording we locked it right slides. each
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traveller paid $750.00 us dollars for a seat. and what the tour company called a test toward delegation, more trips our plan for march. we'll go through each that it's an amazing country. it's clay stalls. i'm perhaps that's what attracts everyone. people say they've dreamed of visiting, not create life. one past incense, they've visited several dozen countries, but they've never been to. north korea is coming to power. the swiss educated king john then has sought to use tourism to attract and much needed foreign currency. in 2019, he oversaw construction of a new city, complete with a ski resort hotels and cultural and medical facilities at the foothills of mount picked to north korea's highest peak. it was a record year for overseas visitors, mostly from china. then covered 19 hit. his vision was put on ice and the country became more isolated. russia to has become more isolated globally since invading
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ukraine nearly 2 years ago. the war has ostracized russian taurus from holiday in many parts of the world, presenting an opportunity for him. last year he and president vladimir putin pledged a new level of strategic partnership to south korea. feeling young has slammed the door on future cooperation as a formalize the end to laws governing the mountain gun tour. it once held at the symbol of intra korean reconciliation. now shots, and definitely, you know, skim audra 0. so still ahead on the officer and who's our sports news and title holders. mattress or city or back in champions league action for her is here with us story on more and them of the business latest sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due
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by the the, the business latest these things that bind him to like global, your real estate destination into by the
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time for all the sports is here is farrah during thank you so much. title holders, manchester say your back and champions like action pep, cordial is team are taking on f. c. copenhagen in the last 16 vers leg of this, ty is in denmark. the good news for city is that early holland is scoring goals after again after 2 months with entering holland was the top score and last season's champions league, which while goals copenhagen finished above gal a test right. and manchester united and the for each stage future respect when i feel so normally i have of these are spends openings, but what i saw was they have done this, this group est chickens is open and say well, so i said to friends is money. so have to prefer mentally,
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game plan would be as always, i've been but meant to have to be ready to suffer for me is the, is the best team in the, in the world right now and, and if you look back in the last couple of, of seasons, so of course is the biggest test and also the biggest test that we have had in this, in this season. so far, the route madrid are taking on our b live stations. the spanish league leaders will be without jude belly. i'm for this skiing, spelling i've had scored 20 goals the season. the inland player was injured during rouse for now when against arona on saturday. carlo and to audi side, our bidding for our record extending 15th european cup title time. what are you doing those favorites? i don't know, but of course we are capable of winning this title. we've shown that many times. we have a good team, so we know there are other good teams. we saw that last year as well. one off day is enough to get knocked out of the whole competition. and that's what's so good
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about the champions league. the level is so high and it's difficult to wind and that always motivates us. the champions league is also back up and running, depends kawasaki frontal beach. and on that passion, 32 in china, in the 1st leg of their last 16 time, jane don't are in the knock at rounds. but the 1st time in 5 years kawasaki stretching there on the run to 14 tens of thousands of fans have joined the ivory coast national team to celebrate becoming african champions. a house defeated nigeria to one on sunday to win the title for a 3rd time. beside it took the cup of nations trophy on a tour of the capitol, abba john. the victory was a combination of a huge turnaround for the team. ivory coast lost their opening to games of the tournament and sack their coach after the group stage or more. well, number one, victoria, as a rank a is into the round of 16 of the cuts are open the to time grand slam winter being when you of china to advance as the rank of winning this one in straight sets. the
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ballot restaurant is looking to clinch her 1st singles, title of 2024, or to time formula one a world champion. fernando alonzo says this team is in positions the challenge redbull at the front of the grid. the season alonzo is asked martin team have just to launch their new car ahead of the 2024 campaign which starts in barring next month. the spaniards finished 4th and last season's title race. well behind red bull pair of snacks for stopping. and sergio perez, this is total of how you kind of taken it to progress and then uh, you know, all the teams we are working very hard to tween dot the season 2000000 dot domain embassies. and then uh, you know, i think we would have a more teams site, it would be good initiator, we would try to put some pressure in the rental and maybe hopefully assist on some crap and the pressure. victor, when button yamma is working on the season, has had
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a new hi. the san antonio as for star, became just assist player in league history, which is 25 points. 10 rebounds and 10 blocks and a game, the frenchman did it in this, went over the toronto raptors, the m b a hasn't seen a triple double with block since 2018. when and these davis issues the seats. and for the 3rd time in 5 years, patrick, my homes was in disneyland for the traditional super bowl winters parade. he led his team to an overtime victory against san francisco. 49 years for homes still has way to go. if he's to equal or better, tom brady's all time record of 7 championship with the okay. and that is all you support for now back to you during. okay, thank you so much for that update and thanks for watching the news. our on all to 0, we'll take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment and much more. often. today's news on all the latest headlines garza is to you in a minute. by the
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60 years since its foundation, the munich security conference will see lead is a symbol to debate local security challenges with conflict in the middle east spreading and the rest of the ukraine war continuing. what does the future international order look like? get live updates on out to say around a snapshot of an ordinary day. most people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to the rope or navigating the streets. these devices to legal documents, parcels, and food from companies and restaurants. people during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app as to which they read both has this treat a 3 d map installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost, and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging. russian lead use of people trying to help delivery robots
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out of a snow trip to have gone viral online. since russia launched, it's so cold, special ministry operation, and ukraine, thousands of migrant labor as have left the country fronting innovators to fast track. and you know, it takes the tree to partially supplement the human workforce and counseling the called, the u. s. economy is booming, so why is it more resilient than all the rich countries? farmers across europe have been processing, we take a look at the grievance. last, north korea left both on ashes the shore off. it's economy counting, the cost phone algebra. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences
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for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the . the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine getting obligated are coming up in the next 60 minutes. trying to silence the messenger is really forces target algebra 0 correspondence on the palestinian journalist with a drone strike in garza and leaving them critically wounded. the code red at southern gauze as largest hospital is really tanks and snipers attack areas in and around and lost sudden medical complex number of displace palestinians account no. and to the bombing.


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