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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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it's not receive task protection is seen as complication inside story. on al jazeera, the trying to silence the messenger is really for says targets alger 0 correspondence on the palestinian journalist with a drone striking dogs on leaving them critically wounded. the you're watching all to 0 live from a headquarters in delta. i'm getting obligated to also coming up code, read a southern cause as large as hospital is really tanks and snipers attack areas in and around enough sort of medical complex, a number of displace palestinians are killed. no end to the bombings, no. and to the killings from north to south is really forces of chills. at least a $133.00 palestinians in 24 hours. gum you'll be shot. my son. he's only 14 years
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old. he's got a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my daughter's brain was blown out. i tried to comfort her before she died. and other news, senegal, suspense, mobile internet access and bands of plans protest against the abrupt delay in presidential elections. hello, we begin in southern gaza where it is really drone strike is severely injured. to journalists, alger 0 correspondence, smiling. over on our cameraman f. my side, we're head just north of for us off. that's where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from is really a tax. both have been transferred to the european hospital for treatments. and the doctor at the european hospital in han unice has been speaking about his mind about how about his condition. here's what he said,
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that was the last night. how to do with correspondence, a smell of o arrive to make sure to spill off to suffering severe injuries. he was targeted by drone. we saw that the mirage area. upon examination, his right leg was already set in addition to shrapnel, pulled across his chest and his head as well as his left leg. we suspect he's femoral, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point, a blood pressure and pulse when not readable. this means he is in critical condition. all to zeros. gabriel is on the ask, the un secretary general, and when a good terrorist about what he thought of israel's repeat of targeting, targeting of journalist and gaza. here's what you have to say. to more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning and, and critical insured
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by the number of general is that that being kills in discomfort. freedom of press is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere. people all to 0 has released the statement following the attack of the 2 journalist by is really forces the statement reads us following out is there a media network confirmed at the targeting of reporters 9? i'm out and camera mind as much. my thought is a full fledged crime added to israel's crimes, against journalists, and the latest and a series of deliberate targeting of ultra zeros journalist on correspondence in palestine. the networks dresses that this targeting is intimidation against journalists to prevent them from reporting the heinous crimes committed by the occupation army against innocent civilians and gaza. alda 0 renews. it's calls on
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the international community and media freedom groups to take action to protect journalists in gaza. and hold israel's occupation army accountable. so i assume is joining us now from the highest city in the south of the gaza strip thought at 1st and update us on the latest condition of the 2 journalists. what are you hearing from your end of the yes, indeed, insects, as we have been told by medical teams and european hospitals, they have furnished to carry out uh the 1st started to come. a gratian for a is made up of all my written order to a stop, to plead things that he was suffering from off to being kids. with that he's rarely drawing the style as it were, covering the latest developments on the grounds. in a rough like district on the manage to stop the blazing as they have been transferring him to the intensive care units in order to keep medically following up his medical conditions. especially that there was
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a very clear degeneration in his conditions, a officer being injured, especially that his leg had been amputated by medical teams because of the critical search a critical, an injury that to yourself are from the side with different signs or dropping those being shifting his body in his hands and also in his chest, alongside with his camera. men who i was suffering from for it to come was as medical teams to now are providing him with medical treatment and putting him on the medical intensive observation in order to follow if there is going to be any for the registrar might take place in their conditions, but till now they are controlling the situation as they are having a kind of a stable condition. often surgeries being made for them and this is in fact wouldn't completely eliminate the threat that had been imposed in june list will have been one of the main targets for the is very military forces since the opposite break of this relative clause. all right, thank us. oh my thought, i'm also reporting from the us in hon. eunice,
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the israeli army has destroyed the northern gates and wall of the last sort of medical complex. it's besieged the buildings for weeks. nazzo is the biggest hospital in con, eunice, is where the forces of toll displace people sheltering there to evacuate the premises. but 500 patients or medical staff believe to be trapped inside have been told to stay. medical supply and equipment stores at the complex have been partially destroyed. and israel has carried out a wave of air strikes on his alpha and southern gaza in recent days resulting in many casualties. there are fears that could get worse last week. that was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced that he had ordered troops to prepare for a ground defensive into the city. some have been job aid reports, motor tax, and one of the few medically facilities in milton. because after being besieged for months, nothing hospitably was damaged by his really forces and some punts caught fire.
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with each means generate his at the hospital and have run out of fuel. as a result, those are evaluating attacks are also dying. there is little cutting, putting the advancing is really soldiers. instead of go hospitals, stop those seeking shelter and snipers can everyone who ventures out the venture need to read the building and risk medical stuff. and doctors, those are being released to the torture health care like much else and garza has been decimated overnight. ambulance is the one speed, israel fade of wounded liquid, short stuff, medical facilities that are overwhelmed, the patient and survivors, the hard to find the details of the children. so i just talked to them, you'll be shot, my son, he's only 14 years old. he got a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my
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daughter's brain was blown out. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting how most spite is enough or a city previously designated as a safe. so palestinian women and children say that's a lie on the since don is really tongues have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together and came out waving. a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son into all the young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave. the area of bullets and destruction is all that's left and every day brings more emotional testimonies. and the height is and then in the middle of the night, i heard the sounds of helicopters, fund digits, drones, and miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment. as i had no idea where to hide. when i heard a place close to my uncle's residence was, had a rush there to chicken, found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could vaguely discern the
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bodies of children and women upon those women and children make up. most of the 100000 palestinians, killed or wounded in his veins. one in gaza. survivors have been displaced multiple times to multiple safe stones, only to be attacked multiple times. the mailbox software do not allow homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was blocked and we came to the school here and found that it was bomb to or tried to find a place in the school. there was no place. we wrecked it, attend and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it. god, as i said, just a military operation. the roof of the major military operation rather awful. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel. it's getting civilians to many to many of the over 27000 policy is killed in this conflict. having isn't civilians, children,
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biden's words don't match his actions, something allies, but in the end you have pointed out, well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. as israel's watering garza drugs on, there seems to be noise. insight to the salvation, bombing and kidding of palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators. some of and javi. how does their, the odds is really forces have destroyed all semblance of life in northern gaza. the u. n says in some areas, people are on the verge of famine. israel has blocked most of the age from reaching the north. and this is how palestinians are living in what used to be garza's largest refugee cancer by the dozens of families or sheltering in a bundle to united nations run school. they're living in damage classrooms with little power, water, or food. the knoxville for do not have a homes were bombed. we went to our home and found that it was completely destroyed
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. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing we built to attend and settled in at each tent has at least 15 people in it that was early forces of killed at least one, palestinian during raids and they occupied westbank and janine soldiers destroyed a house and infrastructure. the army also stormed the cities of co pay. you answered, i'm along as well as bethlehem near occupied east jerusalem. as these $22.00 palestinians were arrested is really forces have increased the frequency and intensity of raids and they occupied westbank since october the 7th. the head of the c i a is holding talks with senior is really egyptian and katara officials and the gyptian capital c i. chief william burns is at the meeting ends at ending the fighting and gaza and striking a deal to release the captives. israel's intelligence officials are also reportedly
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attending the talks. a delegation from how much has been in cairo since last week. i'm just not sure which is joining us from occupied easters, but i'm from your end. what are you hearing about? how likely are we to see some sort of deal? and it's still a little bit too early to tell exactly how close we are to a deal. but we do know that these really delegation does include the head of israel's most saw. that's the x journal security agency emission, but the internal security and intelligence agency. now these really prime minister has task them to go to cairo to see what the other side is bringing to the table. but remember these really? so i've said that they have multiple red lines. they are not willing to cross, they're not willing to release thousands of palestinian prisoners from is really jails. they are not willing to end the war. and they do want to see the release of
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all of the remaining captive. so even if there is a pause in the fighting, they're saying the war would resume. and remember, all of this is happening on the heels of that plan round invasion instead of the law. so it's going to be critical to keep an eye on when exactly these negotiations . if successful, when that cease fire would kick in and what exactly is going to be in that deal. so how much pressure is nothing? yeah. who also under uh, from within his coalition government not to negotiate and not to have sent anyone to these talks. and the pressure is seemingly continued to mount on us in yahoo from every single angle, not just from the americans on the international front, but domestically you have the families of the captives who want to see a deal immediately who wanted to see a deal. in fact, a 130 days ago. but within that's in your whose own coalition you have members of the far right for work against nothing. yahoo, even sending
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a delegation to cairo for these talks. and then you have other government officials who say that there shouldn't be a deal to secure the release of the captive. so there are varying opinions across these really political lyle. and it's going to be interesting to see what they come up with. because again, these really subsets, there are multiple concessions, they are not willing to give up. and that's something the far right doesn't want to see as part of this deal. all right, thank you. have this on how it's reported from occupied east jerusalem. ron's foreign minister has met with the mirror of cuts are a shift i mean, but how about the sign in del ha. this is the 3rd and final leg of the iranian diplomats regional tour. after visiting lebanon and syria, and according to rain and media, the talks focused on regional developments, including israel's war on gaza. south africa says that it's logs to an urgent request with the international court of justice about israel's military operations in jeff off. it's asked the us top court to consider if and is where the ground's
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operation in the city would require judges to use their powers to prevent further breaches of palestinians writes last month, south africa, late charges of genocide against israel for its were on gaza. the court ordered israel to take all measures to prevent possible acts of genocide. a still a has on i was a 0. he retailed oh, really? thousands of engine farmers are tear gas. they march towards new jersey. the . this is the 1st to decide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers have in use is called the church solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative
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solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country, the nazi, becomes a lot to on the we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be trades and equally we are in the process, our officers, whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you the,
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[000:00:00;00] the color we're going to the top stories on algebra this our and is really drawn. strike is severely injured to journalist and southern gaza, ultra 0 correspondent as night. i'm out of town, vermont. after much, my thought were hit just north of for us off. that's where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from is really a time. and both have been transferred to the european hospital for treatments. nah, said hospital is still under as really siege. the army has destroyed the hospitals, northwell and gates displays people have been told to evacuate for around 500 patients on software. still trust inside the head of the c i a is holding costs.
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what senior is really egyptian and costs are re, officials and the chips and capital. the talks are aimed at ending the fighting and gaza and striking a deal to release the captives. israel's intelligence officials are also reportedly attending the talks. the us senate has passed a $95000000000.00 a package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. it's now been sent to the republican controlled house of representatives where as long faced opposition, the bill had stalled for months with the republicans demanding for an a be tied to enhanced border security measures. $14000000000.00 and military aid for israel is included in the build or white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. that is joining us from there to tell us more about this bill to yeah, well what i can tell you is that this is looking like it may not have a lot of success in the house of representatives. and that's because, as you mentioned,
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there are real different ideas in the house of representatives about what the priorities should be as the senate has focused on the fact that there is a lot of spending priorities in terms of funding for ukraine. their 60000000000 free craze fight against russia. and as you mentioned, there is also 14 mil, 1000000000 for israel and also 9000000000 for humanitarian assistance. $95000000000.00 and total. but when it comes to the house of representatives, they're thinking they might not even debate this or vote on it at all according to the house speaker johnson. and that's because they're really focused on domestic priorities and that has a lot to do with the sort of looming presence of the former president donald trump . he believes that it, when it comes to ford assistance, that a lot of this money should just be a load. it shouldn't just be handed out, given the fact that there is a general election in november and
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a lot of the representatives and the house of representatives are looking to get re elected. they are siding with the former president. and so his presence looms large in that body and so many of them are thinking that they are going to take that position as well. and so as a result, they are feeling that the focus should be on the border issue and may not vote on this at all. so as a result, what we're hearing is that this is looking like the funding for israel also we should mention taiwan is tucked in there as well. isn't going to get a boat at all. and that is frustrating. a lot of people here in washington, particularly the white house who's been pushing for this to get a vote for quite a while. right. but you know, kimberly what's in this bill if it gets a vote or not, is that $14000000000.00 in military aid for israel? what does the say about the us to support for israel's were on gaza as
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well? what it says is that when it comes to the traditional support that there is a longstanding support, but that support for israel has become somewhat fractured. what we've seen is traditionally in the us congress, there's always been an iron clad support for israel, but know a lot of that support is now really starting to become fractured when it comes to those priorities, particularly when it comes to the support and the domestic priorities that many are starting to see that there should be a priority in the domestic spending, but the priority comes to um, focusing on the border and that, but that is something that many are now seeing as more important. ok. thank you. kimberly how could reporting from the white house. so in a goals, government has bound to protest against the postponement of this month. presidential election,
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mobile internet has also been suspended. 3 people have been killed after days of unrest. civil society groups and rights. organizations accuse security forces of brutality. nicholas hawk reports from de carr. enough is a sending of these hip hop collective denouncing in their latest clip with the press in their country, count lucky cell, crushing the poor complicit with the justice system, repressing democracy favoring a talk receive lyrics from rapper foot team. she says she's giving a voice to the voiceless. my fight is not to bring my key style down. i'm on the side of the people to carry their voices. the people are on wells, the people are suffering. this is that a revolt or a music is a weapon to shake the government to the students, a street vendor, and a 16 year old boy all killed during nationwide demonstrations. on friday after solid announced
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a 9 months delay to the presidential elections meant to take place this month. violence on the street spread to parliament where the delay in the elections was voted into law after security forces, who did out opposition and peace, who were staging a protest in the national assembly where the opposition to delaying the elections is a constitutional coup, orchestrated by prison so the country has experienced only peaceful power transitions. the west african body echo was sent a delegation to mediate and then to an unprecedented political crisis in a region marked by military takeovers and at the thoughts of the funds. on my mind, i held up my hand to say to the political actors, be careful, be careful because we are almost alone on the stage. politicians are not capable of getting along with the essentials of organized forces will do it instead, and that they'll lose everything of the country to university lectures. and students are taking part in a nationwide to strike police are banning a silent,
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peaceful march. they say it would disrupt the free movement of people and goods. mobile internet has been suspended. authority say they want to prevent the spread of hateful and divisive messages and the face of police repression. the movement has gone online, but pressure on the president is growing. even along his supporters, enough a collective that supported microsoft to power in 2012 in the face of the then president trying to extend his time in power is back at 12 years on this time again . so a fight for democracy. they say they won't give us a call as hawk challenges. he rides the car and the neighboring india police, a fire tear gas up protesting farmers smart string to the capital in new delhi, the farmers are demanding a minimum crop price. after talks with the government sales,
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it's some good food reports. cornered and tear gas, thousands of farmers are trying to march on new delhi. they say the government didn't degree to their demand for guaranteed minimum price for their parties. with tractors and in their numbers, their calling for protection of the livelihoods of more than half of the news working population. farmers unions engaged in talks with ministers to say they have nothing to offer them all. only are you telling me, i'm a guy that i'm going to go. the government has gone back on its promises. we're asking to find line, waive is in a minimum guaranteed price for a cross. that's why we're going back to the capital. you download the searing on russ police of band large gatherings in the city and blocked the sections of major route, leading to the capital. mobile networks have also been suspended. the dispute dates back to 2020. when the government introduced
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a series of laws aimed at overhauling the agriculture industry by cutting out the middleman, scrapping the minimum price for produce and giving individual farmers great to freedoms. that they were widely rejected. farmers argued large corporations would dominate the market and individuals sellers would end up getting less for their crops. daily demonstrations became a year long stand off with hundreds of thousands taking part in the post tests. finally, in 2021. find minister in november, moody repealed the laws this fight pledges by moti to double their income. farm is revenues have shrunk off to the dollars will be drawn in 2021. the demands were not met. so the on back those 2 months, they are demanding something as simple as a simply getting the features and the speed which is minimum support price at which the government buys the cops, which means they are off or just in the short info for themselves, a kind of
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a safety net union representatives are asking for loan waivers for small scale farmers and a minimum wage for workers. police arrested several protectors about a 100 kilometers from the capital authority, say more tops with union leaders and needed with national elections due in 2 months . farmers cut to the scales and a potential 3rd term for prime minister modi is hanging in the balance due to some good food on the 0. the pockets on people's parties says it will support rival pockets spawn was leeks or former governments, but will not join the cabinets. the 2 groups have been holding talks following last week's general election. they formed the last coalition government after removing the former prime minister in mont con, through a vote of no confidence candidates by, by con one the most seats, but not enough to form a government. i will have more news for you at the top of the hour until then you
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can head online to algebra dot com there you will find the latest information. the weather is next to an inside story. we'll be looking at how gaza is becoming an inhospitable, thanks for watching the the a hello that was not in the middle east. and a valid reason is very unsettled, whether move across the gulf, bringing some heavy rain to the likes of guitar, as well as the u. a and or money. the cost flooding in oman, that heavy rain. we have got some bits and pieces of rain remaining around this region, but it is looking a little bit dry on wednesday. instead, we're going to see the unsettled conditions pickup across the move of the region. thanks. is like a turkey pulling down into the live and it's gonna get a lot colder here over the next few days with the development of some very blustery winds, moving across iraq,
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very heavy rain forwarding to the north of baghdad. we could see flooding from that and remains the laundry on several flat northeast corner of africa with mountain way of strong the winds, blowing down libya, pushing into egypt as well, with rain here and there. and it'll get cooler for the north west. as a weather system stops to move its way into egypt. we'll see temperatures coming down here. and when is the story across the moving parts of africa? it's about dry us that we all seen. that's a hard dust being kicked out to west lot of heat around southern parts of africa, still west stretching from angola through to madagascar. lots of heat which it has but, but across the field to cape town on thursday. the siberia once hailed the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety? overwhelmed?
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loss of agency apocalypse may be on the levels how online hopes and fears shape our existence. the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean by faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay, do more on it does the like, the nation's top court has ordered this well to prevent destruction in gaza. you have to submit it to is blazing entire neighborhoods to the grounds. last ways of this trip to come on an habitable. so what would it take for his wrath to stop it for this is inside story, the


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