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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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facing gases, nothing goes into garza without itself permits and nothing leaves god without result. permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding, and these fires demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without the and then list under attack. and gaza account and then add analogies. 0 correspond to intervene. critically wounded in an sweety drawn. strike the hello on elizabeth autumn. and this is out of your life from dell ha. also coming up gauze is largest functioning health center on the siege. people trying to flee nasir hospitals, so they've been funded at biased ready for those who told them to evacuate in northern garza and is really strong called a civilian vehicle. close to 6 people,
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including children and election day in indonesia, millions the cost of the balance for the next president of the was the largest democracy, the for $130.00 days published in the enjoy it. and this and because i haven't just documented as well as will the pay the highest price. so they work on tuesday, i colleague our 0 correspondent as mine of omar and cameraman manasseh. what hit on is really drawn that happened just north of alpha is mom has lost a leg boseman on critical condition bonus. this begins coverage to meet the decimals. this one also to postpone the smile of omar and come on off. but my thoughts were reporting some con eunice in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss oz. from an he's really drove that. they've been reporting on the palestinians displaced between roughly and con. you know, i mean,
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it's like to say we could come to the store drone strikes is less than with catastrophic injuries. out to do is corresponding east male, a roof to make sure to spill up to suffering severe injuries who was targeted by drone. we saw that the mirage area upon examination, his right leg was already said that in addition to trying to hold across his chest and his head as well as his left leg, we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse would not readable. this means he is in critical condition. i'm a tough a self. a truck moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition, according to doctor's become a media office in gaza says it's the 5th time in this world journalist working for
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alger 0. i've been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a 126 to at least have been killed in gauze and since october the 7th, according to the government, the state of omar, but not to do the hon. eunice, but smith, alger 0 and algebra has released the statement of following the attack. it is cooling at the latest and a series of deliberate targeting of alger 0 is joe to list some correspondence and palestine. the network stresses that this is intimidation against you, unless to prevent them from reporting the heinous crimes committed by the occupation army against innocent civilians and gaza houses here renews. it's cooling on the international community and media, freedom groups to take immediate action to protect jana. listen, gaza and hold as well as occupation ami accountable. when i called upon him, gabriel, that he's on the off the un secretary general, what he thought of israel's repeated targeting of journalists and gaza. here's what
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on tony gutierrez, had to say, and 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning and, and critical injured by the number of general is that they have been killed in discomfort free them. but this is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere and calling you. and this is why the sponsors have killed 3 people that injured 10 inside and lost their hospitals. the biggest hospital in southern gaza has been besieged for weeks, is already false, as have told us place people sheltering that to evacuate. but they've come on the file when they tried to do so. 500 patients and medical staff as the believe to be
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inside thought a couple of them has moved from alaska and southern gaza. i absolutely hear rustic scenes have been uh, completely uh, circulating on social media platforms for the most submitted come complex, which is right now surrounded by is very military troops who are grouping, who are trying to force evac, teresa, and also medical teams along with the patients to flee from the inside of the departments of the hospital, the have been sending different palestinian detainees being can cost to the hospital itself, informing people to flee from the hospital as they have been at the rating. their heretic testimony is what the, regarding what they have, what was happening for them in the detention and also the usability forces had been using different military cope to drones. with loud speakers, with different information on instructions for palestinians to fleet from the place as soon as possible because the situation might completely change in any time. and this is absolutely terrifying for the majority of people. but it's important to say
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that people inside the vicinity of the hospice and cannot no longer move on to have a kind of food ability that because the is where the forces have destroyed the another, engaged alongside with the wolves of the hospital which imposed please significant threats for the, for the lights, and the north of his trip and his rony astro icon, a cock killed 6 people, including children in gauze, especially on us. all should have visited the side and a warning that some of the fortune has report as distressing from a fluids. i still haven't received the food, so yeah, i'm checking is really forces targeted a vehicle here at the i'll july into change north of gauze and city, killing several people. most of them women and children. simon says this blood here is from the bombing that you just found out from the electron i was in my car, which you can see over that loud explosion, then check the area and we also got to in different directions. when we came back,
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we found a civilian call had been talking to this 5 or 6 bodies inside. we've managed to pull them off in pieces, including 2 baby level. we found multiple offers on the ground. it is obvious, they were out shopping dining and we found mill carrots. i'm potatoes here. we pulled those babies all to pieces to babies. absolutely unfathomable. nobody imagined something like this could happen. we pulled them off to pieces. and it all happened without any warning. who's of them? but i don't know about what i shall go through. i have them. i'm still looking for body parts. we've already collected several pieces of the baby's bodies. they had biscuits not weapons or anything of that sort. like the name i saw, i think about this is another massacre committed by the is really against the palestinian family. that was out looking for basic necessities is really war. planes targeted them and killed them on the spot. and as the chevy is just the all
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come out of the and the video has the most of a crowd in northern gaza, trying to save a young boy's life off. he and his cousins were shocked by his rarity, sanchez. i was just, you know, i spoke to the victims parents to find out what happened on that day. at the end of december. michael, apple has more. this was a mind smiley, happy lives. the last good memories, these parents have of a son who was 3 and a half years old, that he was in the arms of his 20 year old cousin. how deal a medical student did university when they were gunned they lost moments or captured in this video. but there was a 3rd person within that day. can see they had been independent. i went to buy some treatment times with ideal and a month and we came under fire. we had at our neighbors house and stay there for an
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hour. once the shooting stopped, we left the house, had your handed me the bag of human times and she could imagine and then we came on to fly again. i managed to run away but had your shots and killed immediately emerge was still alive. navy is using the buildings as cover from the sniper fire. do what they can on the desk being kicked up as the bullets continue to fly the most just people noticed he was still alive and tried to risk. the how that was stick for him to grab onto play did not respond. who was looking at his cousin, i refused to leave her alone. he then started moving a reach for the stake. so they shot, i killed him about 2 months since the shooting and the make shift markets in the shape red, one in northern gaza is busy. children no older than he might walk the streets.
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there's even has little people don't know what, what makes us worse and more painful for us as it deals parents. any mas mother is this unfolded before our eyes, without us being able to say good bye to our children, deals mother was unable to give her one last kiss. the neighbors took their bodies and buried them while the shooting was still ongoing. we couldn't say good bye towards children, how rude walks to the cemetery, where they were hastily buried. it used to be the neighborhood football cuz there's no tunes done for them. but he's determined that the names will be known and never forgot. the mike level, which is 0, is rarely forces have killed a 20 year old man and called kenya and the occupied westbank. well, how much should he pass on the shelf in the head, chest and shoulders?
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the palestinian web presence that is rarely ami. stop them from treating him as well. his rapid office res, across the occupied west. back since the one goes up again. maybe 400 palestinians have been killed this and 600 for the 7th. the heads of the american and his really intelligence agencies have mentioned cairo's, adults broken by egypt, sion and culturally officials, the discussions and that reaching a deal to release the captives in gaza. but the meeting ended with alpha clear breakthrough is really media is reporting that serious disagreements remain. i'm the son who with reports from occupied east jerusalem. so there is no progress made on this deal. and in fact is really media is reporting that even before the delegation went to cairo, the deal they had presented to these really prime minister that was made by his own security establishment, was rejected by him. and that he merely sent them to cairo to listen and not to respond to whatever deal him this was put on the table. it's very interesting
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because these really is had severe red lines before going into these negotiation. these really prime minister reiterating for weeks that they will not be a release of thousands of palestinian prisoners from is really jails. and that there will not be an end to the war. and in fact, how mass, what they want is to see and, and to the war, a multi phase deal that would see the end of the salt on gaza at the end of it with these negotiations. we're not fruitful at all when it comes on the heels of an expected invasion into the alpha for more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians. ours seeking refuge there. so they're also disagreements within these really government itself. those who do want to see deal to bring back the captives and those who are saying, but nothing yahoo shouldn't have sense of delegation to cairo in the 1st place. so there are a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to getting
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a deal with these really army has spoken tonight, saying that even if there was a deal in place and there was a pause in the fighting, they would know how to resume fighting after that so they would not only be planning for whatever time there would be a ceasefire for, but they would be planning for military operations after the fact. and they're saying that they haven't accomplished their military goals. and until that happens, the war on gaza will continue to the us senate has passed a $95000000000.00 a package for ukraine, israel and taiwan, which had been stored for months. it still needs approval. and the republican, that house of representatives at speaker was bound to block the bill was lin joining the poles. no sleep for the us senate intent on providing military aid to israel, ukraine, and taiwan. and this vote, the 8th or 70, the naser 29. the bill as amended passes on tuesday 22 republicans joined
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most democrats to approve a 95000000000 dollar package to help these countries defend themselves. president joe biden said voting for the bill is an act of courage and called on republicans in the house to do the same kind of side. are you going to stand up for freedom, oregon? aside with terror and journey? you're staying with you crazy. you can stay with food. we stand with america, or trump. a point of code by the senate majority leader, if the hard right kills this bill. it would be an enormous gift to vladimir put. it would be a be trail of our partners in allies and an abandonment of our service. members. the ukranian president asked the house of representatives to do what he calls the right thing, or give me pulling me, which you old man who has never intended to limit himself to ukraine alone. since
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his goals are far broader and solidarity and defense must be even broader, ms. green for 5 minutes. but some house republicans say the us can't afford this bill of 38 package. this institution has lost its way. $34.00 trillion dollars in debt. and the only thing that we're to talk about is to continue funding funding a war and ukraine and to fund a warren is real. how speaker mike johnson opposes the senate bill and says he won't bring it to the floor as it is. but democrats say they'll be looking for ways to get around johnson, for the sake of the us as allies, russell and jordan elders, era washington to the head of knowledge of the senate goals suspends more of the internet, access and bands of time protest against the presidential election today and a tourism test russian businesses to live in to north korea for the 1st time since the country close to photos for the cause of 19
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the to hello, that was not in the middle east. and a valid reason is very unsettled. whether move across the gulf, bringing some heavy rain to the likes of katasha as well as the u. a and or money that caused flooding in a month that heavy rain. we have got some bits and pieces of rain remaining around this region, but it is looking a little bit dry on wednesday. instead, we're going to see the unsettled conditions pickup across the move of the region. bases like a turkey pulling down into the event is going to get a lot colder here over the next few days, with the development of some very blustery winds moving across iraq. very heavy rain forwarding to the north of baghdad. we could see flooding from that and remains largely on several flat northeast corner of africa with mountain the way of
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strong the winds, blowing down libya, pushing into egypt as well, with rain here and there. and it'll get cooler for the north west as a weather system stop to move its way into egypt. we'll see temperatures coming down here. and when is the story across the moving parts of africa? it's about dry us. so we all seem that's a hard dust being kicked out to west lots of heat around southern parts of africa. still west of switching from angola through to madagascar. lots of heat which it has but, but a cool a feel to cape town on thursday. the was some big a supervisor of the united states, victorious guantanamo on background detention center. civic, so cold war on terror. now, human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone have one time i'm will be retraces of steps revisiting because that's it.
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echoes of background with this documentary on the jersey to so the the, the watching i was the man is the put on him in the heart of a mind to of on top stories to sound and is really drawing strikes is for the engine tree janice, and sell them dasa. i was just your correspondent as mine a lot, and cameron that just deals with needing one point. 5000000 palestinians of sheltering is where the snipers have 2 or 3 piece on them. engine 10 inside the office, and also hospital is rarely forces. have told, displace,
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people sheltering their to evacuate, but they've come on the file when they turn to do so on the heads of the american, it is rarely intelligence agencies have met him. cairo's adults broken by country in egypt and officials, the discussions aimed at reaching a deal to the lease. is there any captives and the costs of at the meeting ended without a clear breakthrough. in the us, the republican that house of representatives has voted to impeach the homeland security secretary of what they say is, has saved yet to enforce border protection, the resolution is adopted. alejandro my own cause is the 1st cabinet member to be impeached in 90. 150 is republicans of accusing him of must have, like a search as an authorized migrant crossings of the us next come from to a rest day reached at time high and december. the president joe biden has cooled impeachment unconstitutional as, as the board of issue has become a political game. course. edelton is an assistant professor and the department of
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government at american university. and he says that this impeachment wanting to lead to the secretary's removal. not just on nicely. there is no way you will be rude, absolutely no way and they're republicans, you understand this anisette as much? yes. yeah. they are a problem for you right now, is wholly owned by donald trump noting they used it in uh, there are a few dissenters, but they don't have any power. so republicans do what donald trump wants. he wants them to focus attention, gratian, and embarrass to you on a home to embarrass divided ministration by and kitchen cabinets actors. and i suspect perhaps also trying to teach present. and by me, it's too many people to be process. so as a worker, the government needs more resources, and the bottom officials ask for more republicans and democrats and that in the senate, and i reached a compromise bill that would provide resources. i wasn't everything the democrats
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wanted by a long shot, but it was a compromise. republicans in the house said we will never pass this bill and some of the publicly said, we cannot do this. because if we pass legislation to address the regression, it will be a wind provided for donald trump. and there were some senate republicans, including sandra randi ran for president of john as well. who said this is an embarrassment we, we don't care about policy. we only care about helping donald trump pulls of opened and indonesia is presidential election. it is one of the largest of all it's in the world. but more than 200000000 people able to take part polls showed defense minister people. so the on to is the favorite to replace alsco and president drug overdose. a correspondent jessica washington has moved from chicago. the election day in indonesia, and more than 204000000 indonesians will have the chance to vote. choosing the column entry representative, and of course,
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choosing the next president and vice president. now they do have a choice between 3 has i'll talk you through who some of those candidates off contesting the presidency. we have the former governor to concert on east bus weight and the current defense minister proposed to be on to and the former governor of central java guns out a pro. now all a polls do suggest because i propose to be until the current defense minister has a comfortable lead over his rivals. the key question is whether he will be able to secure enough votes to cross that 50 percent threshold. if he is able to do that, that means they won't be a 2nd round disposing. he will have an alf, right victory as he will be the next president of indonesia. but if he isn't able to do that, they will be a 2nd round associate in june. now for those to be on to has run for president twice and last to the current president jo window. but the difference is that this time he appears to have the support of his former rival, his running mate for this election is the president's eldest son,
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give it on dr. blooming rocca. so analysts, austin, whether the jacoby effect with a riding the wave of popularity that the current president sou experiences will give her the a boost and allow him to have the job that he has once it for many years. jessica washington, which is 0 to cost with us secretary of state antony blank and has raised serious concerns about the political situation in senegal and urged president monkey solved to restore the electoral calendar last week. solve postponed, upcoming election, sparking widespread on rest and violent confrontations between police and protest is opposition. leaders accused him of trying to extend his presidency, nicholas hong, cuz more for me to call with authorities of band to rally against the election today. or were in the neighborhood where there was supposed to be a peaceful, solely demonstration against president and solve decision to delay the presidential elections. but look at it now. what we see are dozens of roy police
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battalions patrolling the streets. we've been asked twice to start filming, or to, or race our, which the organizers of the march say, the demonstrations against president mike himself will go ahead at a later date. meanwhile, the authorities have switched off mobile internet or rather suspended it say that the internet is being used to spread hateful or device of messages. of course has got in confidence kicked into something right of the people of choosing the president mike the style that has led to the country to an impasse. the united nations office for human rights has called for a full investigation over police violence that led to the death of 3 demonstrators . meanwhile, the regional body echo was, has sent a mediation team to set a goal,
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to bring an end to the political crisis key to our declaring shown is that of asking for come on the screen to avoid using any form of this cause that will lead to violence agreed patients in the country while the west african body echo all spears that the instability and what is normally known as the most stable democracy in the region could have a domino effect in the region. present mucky cell says this is a political crisis that will be resolved domestically on wednesday. he is holding a cabinet meeting where there will be announcements made to appease this crisis. he's calling on national dialogue. nicholas hawk to algebra 0, the car to the democratic republic of congo. now with fighting between government forces and m. 23 levels has intensified, and the countries aged battles are taking place around the town of socket,
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near the rwanda border. most of those and just having transferred to the nearby for venture capital, goma. housework has this or that overwhelmed catherine, sort of the port stop to is out of hospital in go my north keywords, professional copy tools are operating on a man with gunshot wounds. this come from the town of 2nd battles between m 23 fighters and the army have intensified. in reason days, thousands of people have been displaced some more than once. it's worse now because heavy and light weapons are being used near shelters. hosting fleeing families, health workers are overwhelmed by the number of injured. we are actually free, free of parents and children, well working every day. we are worried about their situation. because uh, we never known this kind of situation before. boy beyond arrived from socket
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a few days ago, he sees a bomb london near his home and trump now sheet. he's lag real colton between the fighting when the rebels attack dog village and this ok as we were trying to save ourselves a bomb exploded. will pansy easy turned save he was shot in the back while running away from soldiers. he says no one is safe of the semester, while the congo, the special forces accuse us of collaborating with the rebels. we tried to explain that we had been displaced from our homes, but they shot at us empty 3 on on group operating the d. r. c. for several years launched a new offensive in 2022. a military intervention and mediation efforts by a staff within leaders has had little effect. the government accuses neighboring wonder of funding devices, allegations to kindly denies $1200000.00 qualities,
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and even rough. it makes shift to shelters without food, water, or b, 670 patients. they say that tired, frustrated, and afraid afraid they may have to sleep again because the 5 to is keep coming. catherine, sorry, i'll just say are alone like connie sent us. this report from going of this edition remained very confused in the city of stuckey, just in 2017. i met those from the admin town of goma here where he does the vehicle formed labels of to enter into 3 days manage to capture the seed of to i was fighting between the d. c. i mean, if i didn't visit him yesterday night after this morning, heavy guns and also bombardments, heavy bombardment. i've been hood from this area, pushing 1000 of people on the roads. but this evening still seems from security forces and also civil society is conforming that the rebels i've been seeing in the
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town. and even in the press release the implement to move them. it says clearly that they were coming to the side of the gun and which he's starting the apple pie to show you the area where the controlling because this variable is the mileage and all the core to the area, even the mountain it on the 2nd floor in the last past weeks and the right to know the about the link for this a of such it because they're choosing the data seats for using the for the use of a big opportunity in dep was against the up was the shown right? most of the just into of suck it is that it is really is creating more by the end of tone here. because the only remaining possibility for the population is the lake right now, because all the roads under decor, total rebels and, and now people really doesn't know whether the d. c, i mean, will sustain that. we'd be able to do for you to be able to push them back because it has been a very big challenge for the d. c. i mean, in the, in the, in the past most often now there's been an explosion in weston, yvonne, which local officials say, was caused by natural gas pipeline busting video. so many of the city of bodies and
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show a mass of fire authorities of cops. the gas and 5 launch the working to port out the flames. low casualties have been reported. north korea has 5 multiple cruise missiles into the sea that's according to the south korean military. the missiles were reported, they launched on the east coast base of one song and the 5th weapons test this. yeah, a tourism is being used as a way to strengthen ties between strong young and must go to the blue profession towards the 1st visitors to venture into north korea since depend demik. and as soon as come reports it comes with the 2 nations. find themselves at odds with the west. a smooth lie down a powdery slope at maximum young ski resort in north korea. people apparently new to the sport, giving alpine skiing a tri. among them are russian youngsters making up a part of the 1st known to before and tourist inside the state. since it recently reopened it.


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