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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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of the, the the hello and robot this, and this is the news online from joe, how coming up in the next 60 minutes kind of far and under siege of southern guys as largest health center. people who are trying to flee not so hospitals say they're being shown to advise ready forces. told them to evacuate tense as far as the i can see, 1500000 palestinians are crammed into southern gaza, waiting anxiously for a possible is very dry and defensive. a camera mine and then i'll just eat a correspondence critically injured. and it is really droll. strikes,
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they are rough or as bones and hunger holds guns that we hear from one husband and father who has made shift bakery is helping to feed his family and others on this election day in indonesia where millions are being costs and their balance for the next president the are going to be getting guys are with the largest medical facility in the southern city of con eunice is under siege is rarely cypress, have killed at least 3 people. i'm injured 10 ames side nasa hospital after telling lou sheltering in the complex to leave. but when people try to sleep became on the fire 500 people, including patients and medical stuff. i still believe to be inside. polished any and journalists are continuing to pay the highest price simply for doing their job . i'll just see the correspondent ishmael of walmart and capital on almost a month where hits buying is really drawn to strike on tuesday. a smell has lost
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a leg. both men are in the critical condition. meanwhile, some palestinians that are attempting to flee rafa in southern gaza. auto attacks by his very forces at least 1500000 people. a crammed into the region which lies against the border with the each of these sites. there's nowhere left to run. our correspondent, honey mach, most joining us live not from the roof or in the southern guy. so let's talk about and also hospital. first of all, drawing international calls for the fighting there to stop and more fears that there is going to be a serious problem when it comes to the people inside the hospital. of the yes, rob, well so far the situation in the hospital are getting very, very serious. that's why risky for not only for the, the medical, the staff and the patients and the injuries, but before the hundreds of people evacuated and displaced. families been filtering
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inside the facility of the hospital since the beginning of the war and who had no options of leaving the hospital as there is no safe place for people to go to the shelter in or seek refuge in. we're talking about at least a 300 minute color staff along with their families, 450 patients. and those are being and critically injured. and the vast majority among of those being injured with women and children and the families and a vac. we've inside the hospital by the hundreds. now there is a risk. there is a threat of losing their lives as these really military issuing evacuation orders, sharp evacuation orders for them to leave the hospital. it already destroyed the nor drain gate of the hospital and then lock it with the pile. a pile of sands and, and rubble is only one way is made out of the hospital. a, the surrounding of the hospital just turned into
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a battle zone with the vast majority of the buildings have been destroyed. all the main leading roads to the hospitals have been destroyed. the infrastructure is severely damaged or completely destroyed. with the exception of, if you've the buildings from the northern part of the eastern part of the city, with the snipers on the roof tops of these building thing, position a shooting, get at every moving object inside the hospital are really shot medical, the staff, a doctor, and nurse, and some of the day back with our bodies in the courtyard of the hospital being shut on, as they were told to uh, to be back with the hospital the, uh, the situations are getting very, very, it's a over one thing right now for the for the people inside the hospitals, on top of that, we're talking about the hospital. if those have been pushed out of service almost. no, no. if you do run the generations to keep dicey, you operational, none of the operations. operation rooms are, are working. so no surgeries,
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no medical supplies on top of that, there is a, a depletion in the oxygen because of the uh, the, the pod, ongoing power outage inside the hospital. theres sewage applied as well as the drainage system is not operation is due to the power outage as well. let's talk about the situation for you out in rough over mentioning at least one and a half 1000000 people crammed into that area. talk to us about the kind of conditions that there are there. it is more than half of the population has been pushed here and crammed in this a small part of the gaza strip and have been experiencing very difficult living conditions. a daily struggle to find drinking water and, and food supplies. on top of that, there is a growing sense of, of shattered safety and security as, as the intense bombing campaign hasn't to stop since the beginning of the war. the
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mass of attacks that happen in the shebra district within the past 48 hours just caused a great deal of not only a shadow of safety and security, but also growing depression and desperation, as the situation is getting very, very difficult. and it's passing they as. busy there are more threats now coming from these really military it's officials and the political leadership of the, the, the intention of expanding the military operation dropped behind the ground. invasion of the city here with one with more than one point. 5000000 people displaced policy. some of the people here, this already displaced, it have made their way back to the defense drugs areas, but within hours of their arrival, they receive phone calls. a bite is really military and text messages were ordering them to leave the, the central area as it is still a dangerous combat zone. and these really minutes are still active in, in that area. so that's the where the desperation where the depression is
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highlighting as people have no ad lived without the options for safety would have no choice. so of seeking shelter to rough, how is the last refuge for the display of families and the hundreds of 1000 of people have been in frontier. those who have survived and been displaced here now in line of fire as more risk of coming through of a growing and each passing day. finally, thank you very much indeed, honey. i'm also talking to us from rough, a 130 days palestinian journalists and guys will have documented israel's war. some have paid the highest price for the work on tuesday. i'll call ecology to correspond that is available online, as well as compromised. alma mater, where hits spine is really drawn strike. it happened just north of rafa, as well as lost a leg. the condition of both 9 is said to be critical. lynette smith reports to me at the decimals. this one also to postpone the smile of omar and come on off my. my
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jobs were reporting from con eunice in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss austin from in his rate he drove, they've been reporting on the palestinians, displaced between rough and con, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store drones strikes is less than with catastrophic injuries. out to do is correspondence east male, a real life to, to make shift hospital of to suffering severe injuries. who's targeted by drone. we saw at the mirage area. upon examination, his right leg was already said that in addition to shrapnel who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg, we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse were not readable. this means he is in critical condition. i'm a tough a self. a truck moves to his head. those men are in
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a serious condition, according to the doctors become a media office in gauze, i says it's the 5th time in this will that journalist working found your 0 a been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th, according to the government, the state of walmart. and that's what gives you eunice. so that's smith, alger 0. what, all the zeros release. the statement following the attack is calling this the latest in a series of deliberate targeting. of all just is journalism correspondence in palestine. the network stresses that this is intimidation against journalists to prevent them from reporting the heinous crimes committed by the occupational army against innocent civilians in gaza. i'll just say it renews. it's called in the international community and media freedom groups to take immediate action to protect the journalists and gaza and hold israel's occupation army
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a comfortable i'll correspond to. and gabriel, alexander osley, you and the secretary general antonio. but that is what he thought of israel's repeated targeting of journalist and gossip. 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning and, and critical injured by the number of general is that they have been killed in this concert for them. but this is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere in the home of a palestinian non and don't care about east jerusalem is expected to be demolished by his really forces on wednesday in the boston neighborhood. funky abo job is a polished, any inactive us who's campaigned against illegal jewish sacraments in the occupied
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west buying for the challenges in occupied east jerusalem. tell us what's going on really of the well down the end of the alleyway behind me, past the policeman. you can see the blue dog away and that is a fuck hurry up at the front door basically go into the compound of his house. we were in the house until about 1015 minutes ago. and as you can say, you know, the police turned up in force and quite roughly, threw everyone out. we will push down the whites of here who i'm speaking to you from now. factory, i'll be happy. dad's house is due to be the motorist. he was given a demolition order at the beginning of the month that i'm told that kind of thing that was left in the house when the demolish is turned up. wouldn't be that responsibility. uh the uh we can see now that there is a a ticket coming down the roads. now it's quite likely that this is coming down to
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do that, demolishing itself. we see men in harvest jackets gotta be getting off to the police, takes everyone out. and that would be nice again, i can try and keep talking to you as we go down the road with your turnkey feeling . sorry, fucked me up at the is a campaign who campaigns for that? the preservation of how to send you the houses in this area. uh, this is an area help us time neighborhood of sue one. um so um is on the outskirts of uh, theresa lives, old city. and its been talking to the piece of the buy demolition noise, what they say about these demolitions uh the people the company against a deposit is it by sell of on this one of them they moved again this of um essentially myself with the one with the with all the thank you and moving,
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let me go. okay. okay, hold on. okay. let me think were moving out of the box. so what they say is that the demolition is already picked up. pace find you since the war started. uh, and the war is being used as an excuse to basically be pushed through more demolitions while the world's attention is on office. because another thing. so there are how think about a 116 buildings just in this neighborhood switch. you're scheduled for demolition at some points and now the owner of that house is going to be homeless and so many other people in this area are likely to be homeless to in the coming months and really just give us a little bit of background for those of us and may have not been following this story closely. why is it that is really, is use the demolition of homes as a method? not only of course of dealing with situations that you're talking about. but also of course, we seen them as, as almost punishments as well as for some palestinian families or
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well yeah, it depends area by area. so this area is a part of a part. it's basically part of that of jerusalem. that is the is the radio thirty's wants to develop into a st park. essentially a religious theme parks, the city of david theme park. what i say is that the house is here, are the legal they have been built without permits, and that's is the kind of the mechanism by which the all sorts east can come in and do what we're seeing them do right now in different. now the parts of, of the westbank, unoccupied, east jerusalem. it depends. it depends on the area by area. we have been speaking to write scripts like betsel am and here i mean, which is right, the groups that campaign against these demolition demolitions acts and in defense.
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so called the product city and state say that it's essentially. yeah it's, it's, it's ethnic cleansing is. yeah. the, the line items that state these uh, uh, funny cool demolitions because the palestinians who maybe don't have the right comments for building off right now. some houses demolished thoughts, a set list is where the executives are allowed to come in and they can build it even though settlements are illegal under international law. really, thank you very much. indeed. obviously we're going to be coming back to as the things progress over the coming hours. but for now i wrote the challenge that occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. indeed. video isn't mazda of a crowd in northern garza trying to save a young boy's life off to key it is causing or shots by as many soldiers all de 0 a spoken to the victims, parents to find out what happened on that day. at the end of december, michael awful as more this was a mind, smiling, happy lives. the last good memories, his parents have of
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a son who was 3 and a half years old. as he was in the arms of his 20 year old cousin, how deal a medical student did university when they were gunned they lost moments or captured in this video. but there was a 3rd person within that day. can see they had been on the 10th team. i went to buy some shipment times with her deal and a month and we came under fire. we hit our neighbors house and stay there for an hour. once the shooting stopped, we left the house. how do you all handed me the beg appointment times and she carried him out into um, then we came on to fly again. i managed to run away, but had your shots and killed immediately emerge was still alive. neighbors using the buildings as cover from sniper fire. do what they can
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the desk being kicked up as the bullets continue to fly out of the mess. just people noticed he was still alive and tried to risk me. the hell that was stick for him to grab onto, but he did not respond. who was looking at his cousin and refused to leave her alone. he then started moving a reach for the stake, so they shot, i killed him about 2 months since the shooting and the makeshift market and you're safe. bread. one in northern garza is busy children, no older than he might walk the streets. there's even hassle people don't know what, what makes us worse and more painful for us as the deals parents any mugs mother is the son folded before our eyes without us being able to say good bye to our children. deals mother was unable to give her one last kiss. the neighbors took their bodies and buried them while the shooting was still ongoing. we couldn't say good bye towards children. harun waltz to the cemetery where they were hastily
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buried. it used to be the neighborhood football cuz there's no tombstone for them, but he's determined that the names will be known and never forgot the mike level, which is 0. as the heads of the american is really intelligence agencies have nothing. cairo for talks brokered by egyptian and katia officials, the discussions are aimed at reaching a deal to end the war on garza but the meeting has ended without actually a breakthrough is really and media is reporting that serious disagreements remain. we're going to bring in hoffman, buddy who's prof. i sort of international affairs or customer university is also research or at the center for strategic studies at the university of jordan. he's joining us here and doha, good to have you with us. i've had and i want to ask you about those talks in
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a moment, but 1st of all, i want to talk to you about the drum strike that in that hit are all just these are journalists, are correspondents, and the camera. my know, we know that there's a large number of journalists, palestinian journalists, particularly who have been targeted in israel's water and gaza. why do you think it appears? this is the 5th time that i'll just eat a journalist, have been talking to why do you think i'll just eat or is being single that i think they are trying to target the lives here. uh correspondence simply because they wanna sign this then uh they are very annoyed by the does he have coverage? do you know that the does your enjoy, like we're kind of the audience and they want it just to make sure that you know, it gives you enough. probably they want them to behave and this is one thing. secondly, they want to kill the eye witness. you know, because what this is doing is, is documenting all the processes and then these genocide will attacks. again if the palestinians enter, they want to, i think they want to put the pressure on top. and the guitar is,
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is mediating the whatever tools again, are going to take place and they still come or weeks to come. i didn't know when, and they were quite often these way to possibly cut, sorry to put a lot of pressure on how much they've given add to the kind of be flexible when it comes to the add to the terms of, of, of the choice. and they want the, the channels, it's supposed to be at to be like, or nothing, you know, on 7, his own interest. because so he wanted to have it kind of victory and internally want to sit. he want to tell this way to that. and my leadership has been a good, has paid off and, and he wants to come sorry to do and help him realize what he fails to realize and divided around me. and that's of just here as being targeted all these a camera man and correspondence. i think this is the key master's, took it out of that. got the 1st step and i do think that would be in line with his way to address. and you know, i just mentioned him a call just playing a key role in,
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in the talks to try to find some sort of written up towards the cease fire in guys that their life brings us, of course, to the talks that are going on in cairo. at the moment, there had been some sense of a cautious optimism prior to these talks in karl, very cautious. but now we understand that that'd be split. this initial, this latest round of has been the end and nothing. and these really delegation i understand, has gone back to tell the v is the optimism still justified to do you think? i think it is, but uh, probably not to, you know, we're not gonna see life. in fact, in probably 10 days or 2 weeks to come, simply because nothing. yeah, whole order has his team and go to calvin just to listen, not even to engage in any, any discussion at he's not interested in the truth as being suggested. my diction cuts out in the american simply because he wanted to work to continue. he knows that if things work out for they choose and then maybe there would be a kind of us,
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he's fed for, i don't know, $4.00 to $5.00 days, 2 months, you know, because we heard different versions. and this will probably change the dynamics with innovative side and nothing else would be held accountable for the, the wrong doing that is committed. and don't forget that the only 16 percent of those rate is a thing that sees fit the bill of leadership. and then the vast majority, se, uh, you know, nothing. you all should step down that all should be the place and after uh, after the welcome sign in. so he knows, you know, once this comes to an end, he would be also, uh, put and try it. because of other issues, mainly corruption as so as to kind of fig leaf for him to continue to do or simply because the world would give him the opportunity would give him probably a future chassis to claim that he has that is read into victory and, and this with probably improved his image and mitigate to the whatever bad image about him about is this man management to the door. mm. so the last thing that he
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want disease sees for right now, because it's a failing to realize between objectives and like, you know, this trend come us and the release lead the hostages. and if this gonna be through the, the choice like, you know, the hostages think how i'm actually going to be, be continuing like and, and, and guys, and this would be against his interest. and he, then he cannot claim victory. and as you know, in the 1st source, remember the 1st month of the war, it was seen and even in his right as a vip to for him as, as so his leadership is being at a trash can he won the and the continuation with or for sometimes another reason for that is that the right wing component of his government. and i think this is a problem for him. because the 1st thing that if he agrees to assist fast, they would pull out and, and this would have been down his government. and this will probably open the door for a new dynamic. that's where the parents,
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the opportunity. mm hm. i'm going to ask her about one of the other key players and going to go and visit a grocery sions. egypt, of course not. um, egypt has said that it is growing, concerned about the possibility the palestinians are going to be forced to cross the border from dallas into northern sign. i'm that would create a significant problem for them. there had been concerns that the peace agreement that exists between egypt and israel might suffer as a result of that. if, if that happened, did you? it's come out and said, no actually, agreement is going to be still in place. but if palestinians are forced across the board or phone goes into northern sign or that is going to one would imagine makes things very difficult for egypt to remain as a neutral player. if you're like in the negotiations, how do you think egypt is going to have to respond? if that happens, i think age of $5000.00 and i know and the one hand they won the piece for you to with this way to continue because they benefit from that. and here i'm talking
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about the government that they received a lot of it kind of gates from the americans because of the come to have an agreement. and it's on the other hand, a lot of states is coming from senior gibson. officials say that the, the migration of the policy is interesting, i would pose a threat to their national security and they're willing to send up to these latest . and this is what we understand. but lately, also they do for some tanks and on the nothing border of, of file of see night and uh sorry in the southern board of tonight. and because they want to prevent the any, any probably forced migration into their own. and i don't know how they're going to pay out because if nothing else, force them to go. and then the depression interfered like me to sort of speaking specially probably we're going to with this kind of is riley egyptian class. and this would be an escalation. i think the americans will not did already of that and they probably wouldn't put a lot of pushes on on that any out. but we know that kinda en espanol is in,
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in defiance. so he might do anything he was like really or skim on the interest mine. he might probably cause an escalation with, with egypt. and this would be a, i think this would be a game changer for the whole concept in cost of a $100.00. we really appreciate your giving us the benefit of your analysis on that . thank you so much. indeed, this is those warren garza has not only stripped many palestinians of their homes is also a voted there. ways of earning a living fund. some are finding creative ways to keep going, despite wising prices and having to borrow everything, including a rolling pin. one button is determined to make his basically business a success unless you have measured the noisy lamb, eliza meza has a lot of large room. i didn't put off off by the last you run out of all those all the not on my show. i had a bad about loves, obviously, if you my,
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the license through much of a lot is did i thought i know i'll sort of fall out of the walk finally to my the i never really show me a so all the lines i did live the horizon of not relevant homeless. ha, the 1st day i've got my feet, my subject and i've got the horrible i had you ever resort style amenities on the street. so a lot, a lot of us on the, i know those to the marshal showed lives on. i'm in most of those now gun and as a have lead my last fall in russia earlier benign a lot of the sugars cameron, i misdialed having to get in, let's have
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a bala log fetish log in mist. i am going to get, i mean i and you can laugh aside and all of those. um, definitely if a possibly a has a live dentist, russell on. uh let me see it kind of seattle. uh so well gosh and check in as well. um so so range here can fill out the disk or ryan to come in for just something. uh i left this report on in the fall on get in with a uh, on the lower end. therefore, on as, as long as it was under the phone, when does give me also off of the sides, they're all on the other line just to check i was on the last one on the, on montana and the color. so how would show like of the honda accord and the muscle costs divide?
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i know that like even though as a highly washed to the full on that as well as i live the highly then on the next day of the audio has a lot of dental apologize. you're good. while general does also know chairs, the chairs and the poles have not closed in indonesia as presidential election more than 200000000 people are eligible to vote. defense minister probably some junko is a favorite to replace the outgoing size of the jungle with the box. he remains a controversial figure in the capital jakarta, severe flooding has disrupted voting in some areas, be election stuff, cabin ball, a bottle of boxes above their heads or wading through the water to try to keep the
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ballot papers. dr. jessica washington is in the capital in chicago. so jessica, i would imagine the turner is going to be vital in this election despite the funding that you've got to have people coming out to vote. and that's exactly right. despite the severe weather that we experienced earlier this morning, it does seem that the turnout has remained high innovations. generally a quite is through the sick when it comes to elections. i've seen in the elections costs that turn out is, is generally quite high. but let's talk about the numbers, the data i'd like to bring in some sort of bug who, who joins me now from s and s analytics. seth, thank you for joining us today. so let's talk about some of the, the early numbers, the, some of the exit polls that we're seeing, what, what all the early indications that you'll see. so the early indications are the turnout is very high coming into this race. the pro team in particular, needed to get good turnout, and that's because most of their supporters are younger voters. in fact, they have overwhelming support among younger voters. so
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a win for them today looks like a situation where young people turn out ideally more than older people, but at least as much as older people. and that's because there are a lot more young people in this election than in any previous selection. so if turn out is even normal, that's a very good day for pro and signs are the turnout has in fact been norm to obviously for those to be on to has run for president twice before. this is the time running what appears to be going right for him this time around. this time around, he's built on strengths. he already had, he came in from the beginning with almost universal name recognition. thanks to running twice before. but this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president job. going to delta and joey is over. whelming the popular uh, recent opinion polls give him an approval rating between $75.00, even 80 percent. so what he has to say on who's to be president, it matters
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a lot of people are following after the brand that struggle his son became propose vice presidential candidates for both went from a narrow front runner to the overwhelming favorite to win. and that's thanks to joe, we've talked about what's going rightful trouble has to be on to this time around. what about the other 2 candidates and he's supposed to wait and then gun data for know, however, they said the selection. i would say that both candidates have struggled on each has always had an issue of being unpopular among certain demographics interviews. as minority populations tend not to like him very much because we associated him with a more conservative form of islam. of guns years campaign who struggled to articulate identities originally they were expecting to be the candidates endorsed by president joe kelly, and that's because guns are, is from jeffrey's party. but when chuck, we instead turn to for both guns was campaigned, didn't have anything ready to replace the message of we're the continuity campaign and lacking a message,
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a lot of people turn away from guns are and towards for both. so thank you so much for, for your analysis that was set to sort of old from s n s analytics can just hear behind me. but accounting has started at the polling center that where we are in central chicago. we do expect to hear some early results in coming hours. jessica, thank you very much indeed. jessica washington in chicago. the still ahead and i'll just eat a pot of simians and the 5, why is fine? tell all the 0 about living under the stress of attacks by is really settlers the laws and take a supervisor of the united states, vittoria's guantanamo, and background detention center. civic, so cold war on terror. now, human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone have been one time. i'm will be retraces as steps, revisiting,
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cuz that's it. that goes of background with this documentary on a jersey to if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing, no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square meter fillmore cannot continue without having a hostages right now, the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government fails miserably. the challenges here with the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the ports you know, just need a reminder of our top stories. this is really cyprus of to 3 people. then enter the 10 inside guys as non self hospitals. is there any forces of total displace people sheltering there to evacuate? they've come under fire when they try to do so. the citizens are attempting to, for you, of offer in southern gaza is, is really a tax escalates at least $1500000.00 understandings of living. the most 5 there to seek refuge from is bombing campaign. but they're not re essentially chopped the home of a palestinian, the non unoccupied east. jerusalem is expect to be demolished by his very forces on white and speaking soon. one district fought for yahoo drop. it is a pun,
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assuming an active this campaign against an equal jewish settlements in the occupied westbank. is there any forces have killed a 20 year old man in khaki? yeah. and the occupied west by mohammed chevy. of course on as being showed him the head, the chest and shoulders. the pot of sending and red crescent says he is really ami stopped medics from treating him. israel's rom tough. it's ways across the occupied westbank since the war on guns with the gun more than 7000 palestinians have been detained there since october. the 7th is raining sackler attacks have been on the rise in the occupied by spying backs in the face of very few international sanctions faced by some individuals sacrosanct self and take place where there's really security forces standing by or joining in charles profit reports from the village of mazda parts, the jetta code and the combined west bank you had
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a dice god's. he's heard the goat say he's families main source of income. and he's worried. these really settlers will come back and take them away. she had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years. it's surrounded by illegal and expanding his rarity settlements. the began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his goats, it's straight on to the land land that according to international law, is not. this is as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades, and a nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals. they threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the cheaper way. since the 7th of october,
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settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the settlement counsel. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer at detailing the case the better one of the occupied westbank have lived here for centuries. members of one community tell us some of the attacks and stock saft being laid by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by. he pauses us in his car as we walk, accompanied by his really human rights activists to what we are told is another settler with goats. i mean, is the better we living in this area has either that goats killed or in some instances their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to him, and he's writing the settler who has a herd of goats in the valley. behind me, many of the census homes and the beto intellus,
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the many of them have either the implicit or the actual practical support of the is really all me in this area. the young on, on set that looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about. so home, what uses from inside each call, which is pump from a nearby hill. excuse me, a few minutes later he knows us as we try to flight came down slowly, slowly the closing on them and the air for the sound of the few familiar already left. so it's quiet terror. but it's been fair. the settlement councils lawyer replied to i. e mail said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray, thought there was no mention of the fact the animals had roamed onto the land, occupied illegally by israel, according to international cha stuff without your 0 model. was that any of the pod
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westbank the opportunity to one of the top stories? no boasting has ended in indonesia, where people have been choosing the next president more than 200000000 people have been eligible to vote. that when it will succeed, present in joker with those who cannot seek a 3rd time defense minister probably. so bianco has been ahead in the polls. he's backed by window and he's a member of the military elite. so if you're into his main rival, is a form, is your contract governor new spots for don, who's seen as a voice for progressive muslims in indonesia is politics. the 3rd named candidates is the former governor of central job on con job panel. if no candidates secures 50 percent, a runoff is going to be held in june bos, boston, and found out what have criticized with those government with close ties with china and the u. s. w for to in the online is chairman of the board of directors of the
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property of the center. that's a private think tank based in chicago, which is also a research professor with the national research and innovation agencies. she's joining us from jakarta. thank you very much. indeed for being with us, kind of voters in indonesia be confident that this election has been free and fair as well as a matter of fact, that is the questions that i looked at was a big trouble at the moment because a lot of civil society activities have been very critical including myself, because i've seen that we've done a whole lot of new order playbooks before the election, where president to call you because the, his role is support, break strong, a full, full voice running with joe, can we do song, give around s s, vice presidential candidates. there was a real sense of that stage becoming very involved directly in
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supporting the you know, the candidate me number to name maybe a little and, and the address that was been accusations of is called patients the misuse of the social cash benefits for the poor as the use, you know, as political campaign demit, there's been evidence of mobilization, the state i purchased and civil servants are supposed to be neutral, has been off to support and mobilize, you know, support. so a couple in the front, the police and the ministry who i'm not supposed to control. i'm active after you know that the lake and mobilization of them as well as well as of the hundreds of thousands of religion. patients that have been mobilized as well. and this done, right intimidation, so you know that people have been sketched, you know, they don't vote for, for more and get right. and then, you know, they get to trouble. you don't. okay, you can't lose your position. so they just,
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i'm presented. i'm police adaptive tool to the, in the new entities here after the form of the new government and, and that to us, you know, he's not in the past who is running. but the fact that the state is now violated called, you know, who dominion directly in the, in the election that has been very challenging for us. if i understand correctly, that during his, his trying, you're joking with auto did have fairly significant supports it within indonesia to given the fact the allegations that you say you're mentioning there. but also the fact of course, that he's supporting trouble or how does this affect to the way that indonesians seize yoko window to the exact people. i mean, especially voltage. so for example, we towards the 5, the methods you know, doing the 20142019 elections. most of the democratic activities and single society activities was so concerned that the tone of the return of the new or the
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government and from the general people to you knows, it's considered to be, you know, very much a carry over from the neat would just be with personally also have song trumpeting rick, which doing that, that the, the end of the period. and so this week your call we became the, the, you know, the postage, all of the for my feet of the new going to means. yeah. somebody can come from on a small john without any h applications, you know, most of the c normally 3 or all political part. ready of a nation so raised a businessman who came to the full out of his own merits. so he really one of the support on the, please. yes. yes. oh file. and then the judge needs to do that way, but he was a media john. so in a way that this, of course, of the channels, you know, he was given a background check for most of his as
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a terms of dependency and doing from 2016 for who to now the delicious economy development as well. so typically introduce this democratic and creative index has gone down, you know, i'm just making a bench and in the past month in the past few months. ready of the way that, uh, the static was not really qualified according to the door to the presidential, especially on the nation that, you know, one has to be at least 40 years of age. and then the way i chose change, the additional quote in rights that you suggest is the justice of who's decided on that was an actually some ankle by marriage. uh, brother angel decreased or whatnot. cuz i measured the by the end of this blade typical take of interest. so they did take is a lot of uh, you know, people who care about governance and democracy. and so in the past few weeks that did not strong status of outreach and disappointed in the disappointment which
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included them. so, oh, a lot of people now it's not the issue with the football head a back back track break or you know what? she's precedent. she would be like, all that is and then what different issues the focus is not on why she's always spoiling, you know, this is last year and always easy to solve. you tell them and to continue this legacy that uh and so the ones too maybe little by proxy too, who saw, but it certainly sounds like uh, the reason i'm calling is forgive me for interrupting, but it does sound like entities and politics is really beginning to end to a very interesting phase, debit for tuna on what we're very grateful to you for being with us. thank you so much. thank you. a to a pack of sounds, major political parties say they're going to form a coalition government off. the last week's inconclusive election, focused on muslim league, and pockets on people's bodies say they've forged an alliance. independent candidates affiliated with jail, former prime minister, even on cons, p t i policy,
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one of the most seats, not enough to form a majority in parliament, is accused the other parties of quote, robbing people's mandate. parliament has to convince within 21 days of an election to swear in m p. 's and elect a new prime minister. come all 5 is joining us live now from this lemma box. so it sounds as though still no closer to a clear cut solution if you like. in pakistan's politics. just talk us through what is going to happen next. couple, the important to know or dead for any political bog, a to be able to form a government for the symposium at georgia gate. they would need $134.00 seats out of the $266.00 feeds of the national assembly. also the fact that that is of sheets that are 10 read the feed for the minorities and uh 60 feeds. uh for the uh, the women said so doors and of course i located the proportionately to the party
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for additions. but because you are on cons, party, we're running at their independence without the same, but they wouldn't be able to take advantage of that. so it appears right now that focused on is heading for another core and they shouldn't government. these are the same party that came together to our denver on con, backend, granted, trained to do with the order of no confidence. and right now the position is that the focused on people as far date restored number g, as part of the numbers are concerned out throwing x rays behind the focus on which they believe now was one step, right? they've got, oh yeah, they're good there and fix it, but it doesn't know why should the board become prime minister for the 4th time. but a brother, shut box jedi, but instead i'd be nominated to be the leader of the house candidates for the court election. bardeen, but it should also be understood that the coordination part in that, that going to take over now is more or less that same. make up that group i get
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done for 16 months off to the outset of him. run con, that economic performance was vague. paul and the country plunged into record high inflation. the biggest challenge for any government that takes power will be how to come to grips with focused on city, i think. and i'll make prices not to mention the fact that correlations do not last long because you've gone keep everyone happy tomorrow. thank you very much indeed. come all high to talking to us from this one about their as fighting between government forces and inventories. the rebels has escalated and the eastern democratic republic of congo bottles are taking place around the town of sock a near the one to border. most of those injured have been transferred to the provincial capital, goma, health workers there say there overflow, and catherine sewing reports. doctors out of hospitals in goldman, north keywords prophy show a copy to our operating on a man with gunshot wounds. this come from the town of seka bottles between m
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235 to and the ami have intensified in reason days. thousands of people have been displaced some more than once. it's worse now because heavy and light weapons are being used near shelters. hosting fleeing families, health workers are overwhelmed by the number of injured we have uh, attorney, free for your parents and children and well working every day. we are worried about their situation because uh, we never known this kind of situation before. boy uh beyond arrived from socket a few days ago. he said a bomb london near his home and trump now sheet. he's lag real colton between the fighting when the rebels attack dog village and is sucking as we're trying to save ourselves a bomb exploded. oxygen will pansy easy,
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tonda said he was shot in the back while running away from soldiers. he says no one is safe. i'll do some muscle while the congo, the special forces, accuse us of collaborating with the rebels. we tried to explain that we had been displaced from our homes, but they shot at us empty 3 on on group operating the d. r. c. for several years launched a new offensive in 2022. a military intervention and mediation efforts by east african leaders has had to literally fact the government accuses neighboring wonder of funding devices. allegations could kindly denies. 1.2000000 qualities, and leaving rough impacts shift to shelters without food, water, or basics suddenly patient. they say that tired, frustrated and afraid afraid they may have to sleep again because of 5 to keep coming. catherine, sorry, i'll just hear a lot. what kind of is live with us from go my in eastern
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d i c. i'm all i know that just a couple of days ago you are actually in and around the time of soccer without fighting is happening just to bring us up to date with the latest on that pricing of the yeah, this is what is happening right now. they're fighting, which was it me yesterday is still going on up to not sucka is popular to me. there's no people in disagree because they've been under the test, the phone being for almost a week. and so right now, with a new fighting which i assume, yes i did. it has been very difficult for the population to stay around the subject us a little bit, save just city, right to know because them 23 labels. i've been pushed a little bit from the town, but the surrounding. right, and not even security associates and even people inside. so i can't, i talking terms of surrounding the city is complicated all data by the rebels because for those well for,
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for our view of the front of the city of sucky. so you don't to bite different the mountains and the variables are taking out the voltage by state owned exist mountain when they're what post now their own, the modem, the government's forces and the allies loops like this. i did the, i've been difficult to bring this on 23 on this mountain because it's exposing digital has to be the city and the see this suggest as being a very, very or if it was up to now no one from enter the city population. it's only right to know if i take a us between different top toes, including subject, as i said, and also uh that it does the um, its which is sending more troops in the town, trying to control the area about dissipated, difficult sofa that i mentioned earlier that you're in in goldman, i remember about a year ago. so we were covering the story plan and $23.00 fighters were starting to push their way towards go might as well as been fighting on the one to border. just take this back of about a year,
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just give us some context for the fighting that's going on of the well, this suggestion as, as being in a very difficult to suggest on for the following past a while, no to mazda. right now. the test one is very i and also their bows allows me said they obviously don't want him to see just talk you about the go. my is also on the, is this off? i look down the right to now because of it was a controlling or mid a heard of we're bringing the supplies, which is the food supply for example, and also the move middle population. it's completely close to right now. and also we have seen, for example, the additional, the mounting between the, the, the, the, the country between the deal to see under the networking rhonda here, for example, the government off deployed a huge amount of sort of this and the board. doug, i've seen also some topics and doing for the and the other side of alonda. so this out, the fight as he's coming more closer to go more do so you would just suggest showing
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a donor for particular, suggest secondary joint is really the 1st one is mounting between the 2 countries and people more popular, some from socket coming right now in the city of gama, because the i the peas in the go, my is full of people from this to 30 to the threat of them. 23. and now populace on sundays. a city of almost 100000 people at all. these people coming right. not going to city of go my shops up the business up close and done this to just so it is making very difficult for go by itself as a cd right now as it's disconnected from the neighboring. so to cable here, then everybody else talk to ya. and he called on because very difficult, and thank you very much indeed, i don't know what connie live for us and go by the republican lighthouse of representatives has voted to impeach the homeland security secretary over. what they say is, is failure to enforce border protection that the resolution is adopted.
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alejandro me office is the 1st cabinet member to be impeached in nearly a 150 years. republicans are accusing him of mishandling a surge of on authorized migrant crossings at the us mexico border arrest there, which is an old time hired december president jo binding has called the and previously on the constitutional and says the board of issue has become a political game chris allison is an assistant professor at the department of government at american university. it says this impeachment will not lead to the secretary's removal. not just on likely, there is no way you will be removed absolutely no way. and there are policies to understand this and a set as much. yes. yeah, they are talking for you right now, is wholly owned by donald trump noting they do. is it a, uh, there are a few dissenters, but they don't have any power. so republicans do with donald trump, what he wants them to focus attention, ration and embarrass tianna. they don't do embarrass,
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divided in ministration by and kitchen cabinets actors. and i suspect perhaps also trying to teach president of items is too many people to be process. so as a worker, the government needs more resources and environment. officials ask for more republicans and democrats and met in the senate and i reached a compromise bill that would provide resources. i wasn't everything the democrats wanted by a long shot, but it was a compromise. republicans in the house said we will never pass this bill and some of the publicly said, we cannot do this because if we pass legislation to address the recreation, it will be a winning provider for donald trump. and there were some set of republicans, including sandra, randi ran for president just as well. who said this is an embarrassment we, we don't care about policy. we only care about helping donald trump. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with lower and all the stories over to the website. i'll just see the dot com. go about this and stay with us on
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the a sign burial once hailed the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear to miss the rise of anxiety, overwhelmed loss of agency apocalypse may be unravels how online hopes and fears shake our existence. the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean by faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on that just i'll never forget. i finally gave the report and the man had been confused. i took the report and i was like, oh, he doesn't understand that this isn't a recent thing. this is the past thing. i said i was 14. when this happened. he was 25. and the man's whole tongue changed. and he said, i understand. and i am so sorry that this has happened to you. and i remember
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pausing. gonna cry. i'm, or sorry, i remember pausing. and i just started to cry on the other end of the phone screen so that no one's ever told me that before. and he paused me, so what do you mean? they said no one's ever told me that it wasn't my fault. and he just released 1st. we're going to get you hope we're gonna have someone live with us to keep this for you. but yeah, it was the 1st time anybody had ever told me that it was not my fault. the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias. understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the under far and under siege of southern guides has largest medical facilities, people trying to feed and also hospitals say, is really snipers or targeting stuff, the plumber about this. and this is all just even live from doha. i'm also coming off a camera mine and an obviously the correspondence are in critical conditions and hospital off so they were injured and, and is really drawn, strikes me


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