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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the closing sunday action, the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact to h as an in depth coverage thailand states. it's future of fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the under fire and under siege of southern garza's largest medical facility. people try to flee national hospital, say is really snipers or targeting the i don't know about this and this is audra 0 life and go home also coming up because of the rock it far from level kills at least one person in injures age. in northern israel,
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is there any forces or become demolishing the home of a palestinian activities and occupied the students in the sun votes are being counted in indonesia where millions crossed their balance for the next president. the, we're going to beginning does that with the largest medical facility in the southern city of con eunice is under siege is really cyprus have killed at least 3 people, an injured 10 inside nazzo hospital, after telling those sheltering there to leave. but when people tried to sleep, they came under fire 500 people, including patients and medical stuff. i still believe to be inside palestinian journalists are continuing to pay the highest price simply for doing their job knowledge. a 0 correspondent is male, i'll be walmart, and cameron i'm on, i'm on mata are in a critical condition in hospital they were injured in and is really drone an attack on tuesday. meanwhile, so and palestinians are trying to flee. rafa and southern gaza officer is where the
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air strikes at least 1500000 people are crammed into the city on the border with egypt, they say there's nowhere left to run. all corresponded honey martin was joining us live from or off in the southern guys or so honey. more international affairs about the situation at nasa hospital. yes sir. and today marks the day that the hospital has been under aggressive military seed with the sniper surrounding the health facility, the shooting and every moving object going so far. calling a number of the medical staff members inside the facility as well as evacuated in the display. it's found that including a chart, so who as the in the, the aggression continue and the military seized on the hospital die as a lack of a proper medical intervention inside the intensive care unit as the hospital is
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completely and a complete power outage right now, due to the shortage of, if you will. but as of this moment, as we speak, a tens of evacuated displays individual inside the hospital are force outside the uh, the facility, taking the eastern a gate of the hospital. and which days really military has been a stay shooting right there. i would, it's the time say an army vehicle. and with the soldiers on the ground who set up a recognition cameras and high tech 6 knology around the place at asking individuals is people to walk by one by one individually passing through these cameras, face recognition cameras to evacuate the hospital and do according to what we've heard from someone in the hospital who told us the people were asked to evacuated and given a directions all the way to get to the guys that you're in the hospital here in the
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northern part of the northern eastern part of the city. this is happening right now as we speak and we know the purpose of the is the face recognition camera. and the intention of course is do is do run the security clearance that these really military has been talking about in order to uh, filter and slipped through the population. or those are beat inside a the hospital honey, is there just measuring people? they're moving to, to rough, how they're already, at least a 1000000 and a half people there in the raw for just took us a little bit about the conditions that there are in rough at the moment. this is with not only there are really more than half of the population being crammed in real fast, 50 a small part of the, the gods are but the faith of those evacuated and displays families inside the
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hospital are directly order. do as the get out of the vicinity of the hospital to get to not do gather a hospital at the question remains for them. is this going to be the last to stop for day more? are they going to be asked to evacuate? again? i'm talking to right now here, i bought the growling, the threats of the ground invasion, the expansion of the military operation and dropbox, that it has been mounting the pressure and the sense of desperation and the pressure and uh for a on a really a traumatized population. is struggling to find drinking water and food for the past few months. and since the beginning of the already a shattered sense of safety and security as many of the place at families who arrived or a vice city ended up being killed in bomb inside the residential homes that they were sheltering. and there is a sense of desperation, depression shatter safety, and security. in fact,
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the vast majority of people who let the horror of the war the know the part, the central area, a gaza city, the, the hon. you in a city are now a line of fire, as there are growing the threats of intense in a possibility of the ground invasion and robust city. honey. thank you very much indeed, honey mama talking to us and we're off in southern johnson. i'm gonna bring you some breaking news, at least one is where the soldiers being killed and 8 others have been injured in northern israel, following rocket followed by his ball. so that means group targeted is really soldiers and the city of saw find these really on the side, it bombs of all the positions overnight as a hold of a polished, any amount and occupied east. jerusalem is being demolished by his very forces on wednesday. the house is where these orders are currently at the home. and so one district and the factory, i will the i'm the is a palestinian active. this is campaigned against illegal jewish settlements in the occupies westbank rotary challenge is an occupied east jerusalem. 4th aurora. you
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were standing outside the gate of the place, just in the last hour pop hour or so at tell us what was being happening because you said before you could hear jack. com was going yeah, well rubbish. been a bit of a cat and mouse game with the is ready security for the last 2 or 3 hours. we're 1st inside the house, then the, his ready police came in for the arms and, and through us or that pretty full slate and moved us as far away as they could. we couldn't get anywhere close to it. be about managed to get this position here, which as you can see is pretty confusing down to the demolition which is happening right now as we speak that we have that jack kind of a uh on the end of a ticket that i could hear loss on our very well see it and then you can to so that is the house. so fucked me up with the apps. uh, which was standing pretty securely. and so don't right on the guy. he is an active su campaigns for what study campaigns to stop exactly the same thing that is
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happening to his house right now. what's the issue is here for the as right eases they say that many of the houses in this neighborhood. now this particular evidence is called alba stand. it's in the so one part of class and lots of bodies to reach them. they say that many of the houses here are legal. they don't have the right time incense, anything that was built so often 1976 shouldn't have been built on that for it's added to goals for them. and it's better about a 116 houses in this neighborhood, which are in the process by 6 am to have exactly the same price happening said, but as the house bound back. so it's something that i'm not doing wholesale, but yeah, i will. oh, the
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monday. yeah, that's the end of someone's house. and this is because my compensation. so he's now homeless homeless because he is ready to set the permits for that building. don't exist and therefore they can rip it down and you know, this is something that happens very, very regularly in the occupied side of things that are trees that happens in the west bank. it happens in the body streets, them. there are many, many people in israel who wants to go into cause a ends to houses down in the bills. is there any secular homes that to now this is not being demolished full settlers? this is being demolished because these riley's wants to build a theme parks in this neighborhood. they say that this is a historically significant thinks of religious significance and what they entitlements for this desperate phase. somebody called a city of david, teen pock, a kind of biblical theme,
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parks for source and visitors to come take. and so many items a lot needs to be done on it. if that plan is to come to fruition and really why what we're watching that, that process going on. i want to ask you about the story that we had just a 2nd or so ago about the action that's been happening across the 11 on israel border. we understand that there's been a death on the is really side. is there any more you can tell us about that. yeah, well i mean, of course lies of being on gaza for many, many weeks, months watching that tragedy unfold that, but there is, of course, another front to this conflict and that is taking place on the northern border as rollins has the la times the is right the ministry have been exchanging far, pretty much ever said, still has to do with these erupt, said on october the 7th. and there is pressure building from within the friday governments at 2 step pump. israel responds to what it sees is
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the aggression from as but us. now we understand that this lights, this round of, of rocket fox came in much deeper into the country than, than the recent escalade. rockets, compensates not certified, as is much further away from the border than the usual is ready for the price that it hits. and yes, one is ready sold, you are we on the side has been killed now the, the, the fall, right? so if the government is cool, like on benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, so essentially take the gloves off with has blocks and so have a much more punitive response than these, right? these have been doing so far? of course, they have been hitting targets inside lebanon for months now. that would no doubt well with the americans. of course the americans wants to contain violence on the northern border that at one that's very got because they have set their ons not perceive rolling it. and they think that if they can try to camp down the tensions
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in this region and uh, get a testing spot deals because that's been the danger of a much wide uh, much move on. and so a regional escalation can be avoided. really thank you very much. indeed, really challenge talking to the smoking part east jerusalem for more than a $130.00 days palestinian journalist and guys will have documented israel's war and some have paid the highest price for their work. on tuesday, i'll call you all just either corresponded s mail of omar as well as coming up on a month to alaska, where hits buying is withdrawal and strikes that happened just north of rafa. as well as lost the leg done in smith's report. time that's the one that definitely was this one also to postpone the smile of omar and come on off my my jobs were reporting some con units in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss austin, from minis. rady drove, they've been reporting on the palestinians, displaced between rough and con, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store who drove strikes is less than
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with catastrophic injuries. out to do is correspondence smells a real life just to make sure to spill of to suffering severe injury who's targeted by drug mississauga at the mirage area. upon examination, his right leg was already set in addition to shrapnel, all across his chest and his head as well as his left leg. we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse would not readable. this means he is in critical condition. about them a toss a stuff, a trop moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition, according to doctors become a media office in gaza, says is the 5th time in this role. that journalist working for alger 0 a been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of
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international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th, according to the government, the state of walmart. but that's what gives you a knew this but, and it's smith. alger 0 was really, sattler violence has increased even though attacks and palestinians have been happening for decades. they're now smoking, international condemnation and legal action fronts is the latest country off to the u. s. and the u. k. to sanction settlers have committed all conspired to commit acts of violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. at least $527.00 violent settler websites are being documented since october. the 7th often is ready . soldiers are present, protecting the surface, and even joining in child stratford reports from the village of moto shot, energetic and the occupied. westbank had a dice. gods. he's heard the goats say he's families main source of income. and
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he's worried. these really settlers will come back and take them away, or zillow had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years. it's surrounded by illegal and expanding these ready settlements. the began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his goats, it's straight on to the land land that according to international law, is not. this is as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades, in a nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals that threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the cheaper way. since the 7th of october, settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the
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settlement counsel. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer detaining the case, the better one of the occupied west bank of lifted for centuries. members of one community tell us some of the attacks in stock saft, being laid by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by. the policies, as in his cause, we woke, accompanied by his really human rights activists to what we are told is another set of with goats. i mean, this is a better way living in this area has either that goats killed or in some instances their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to it. it is right in the settler who has a herd of gods in the valley. behind me, many of the said lives on the better and tell us that many of them have either the
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implicit or the actual practical support of these really all me in this area. the young on, on set to looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about so home who walk jesus from inside his call, which he's pump from a nearby hill. oh, excuse me. a few minutes later he knows us as we try to fly came down slowly, slowly they closing on them and the air for the sound. the few familiar already left. so it's quiet. busy but it's been fair, the settlement councils lawyer replied to i. e mail said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray, but there was no mention of the fact the animals had roamed onto the land, occupied illegally by israel, according to international cha. stuff of houses here, a lot of his shot. and he goes to the pod westbank still ahead on,
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i'll just say that the turkish president is set to visit egypt for the 1st time since the country severed ties more than a decade ago. the the, the hello, the severe storms have caused chaos in the southeast of australia. but before we get the, let's have a look at the south east asian remains of stormy situation across the south of the region with more heavy rain pouring into western pots of indonesia in the days ahead, affecting west and borneo as well. so that range splashing into malaysia and we are expecting some pretty severe thunderstorms of a single port, least during the daytime. and for the north of this a much quieter picture. i like to see your showers still pouring into parts of the filipinos, but it's not as wet as it was just a week ago in the south. and as long as the dry across indo china,
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us and shaun was coming in spots of vietnam, and by the time we get to thursday friday, we'll see some of the west to whether starting to touch into southern parts of thailand. but a logic quiet story here, not supply it. however, for australia there is that wild whether you can see from the cold front, sweeping into the southeast, the down power lines will those powerful wednesdays for victoria and spots and bush fires. now the good news is that the system has spread. it's way east pretty quickly. so bringing some rain to sidney on thursday, but i'm much cool to feel to that southeast corner. instead, we're going to see some very heavy rain effect the north of australia. we've been a bit of a developing system that really heavy rain to queensland this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes
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this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the quarter to, to 0. reminder of i told stories this are, is there any surfaces of killed 3 people sheltering inside, southern garza's biggest medical center. they all i'm is on to the evacuation of naso hospital. but then it shows that anyone trying to leave 500 patients and medical stuff. i believe to be inside, at least one is really sold as being killed and several have been injured. officer
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walker to find by hezbollah across the lebanese border. the groups being targeting is really troops in the city of stuff on these are the armies said it bombs has of all the positions overnight on the home of a palestinian activist and occupied east. jerusalem is being demolished by is really forces talking about the campaigns against illegal jewish settlements. also being counted in indonesia where people are being voting for their next president. more than 200000000 people have been eligible to vote and wednesdays election. defense minister probably bianco, is a favorite to replace the outgoing president joker with the at the moment. he appears to be in the lead evolve. barking is the director of the history of the national universities indonesia institute. she's joining us now from chicago. thank you very much. indeed, for being with us, if i understand correctly, there's not a great deal known about probable personal life. his upon the success of the moment is it is said done to his links with the joke of what dodo and what are the other
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elements that might be contributing to that to just show us. thanks for. i'm sorry, i think festival just to confirm the yes you are right. he's in the leeway having a very clear and consistent picture now emerging from both exit polls. so they polls and also quit counts. and it looks now as though for both to be unto will be indonesia is next president who is a leader between 55 and 59 percent of the vote. and that means he will actually win in one round. so we need an easier if you don't make that 50 percent threshold in the 1st round of a presidential race. it goes to a run off, but it's looking now that he's lead is, is it strong enough and is wide enough that he will begin to need his next president and he's the next a vice president, as you just indicated will be k. but the brian at rocket blooming rebecca, who is the eldest son of the outgoing president, joe, but we don't know now a pro, this is actually his 3rd time running for the presidency. so we'd like to very well known. so you get here in indonesia, he had, he was popular, you know,
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he'd be popular for 10 years. he received 45 percent of the virgin, 2019 when he ran against jacoby. so, you know, these are in popular base, but what's different about the see what is given him this extra, this, this particularly convincing, laid. the expanded appeal of his campaign is, as you said, because he has the backing, the streaming strong packing of a very popular incumbent presidential, could we, dodo and jacoby has of course, being backing him because he's son is on the ticket. and you know, this is a very important thing for him, stuff for audiences to know, because keep her on his, on the ticket only as a result of an engine need constitutional court decision. he was too young to run the constitutional court, very much tied to jacoby. uh, change the law and engine and the problem was able to run. so this time around propose campaign has been very defensive previous campaigns that he's run. he's enjoyed all the support that then incumbents can provide side all the support, all the kind of tools and all the, all the sort of resources that an incumbent president would have. so access to
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social welfare spending, access to security forces, access to, you know, just the, the bureaucracy in the state. all abuse has been surrounding pro bowl. and while he's already a very popular person, while they were probably gonna win anyway, that would be new hitting the poll. so many months, disability to sort of winning one round is what's quite remarkable. and to get over 50 percent to get 55 percent. and it's looking like between 55 and 59, and that's, it's really been that extra push that he's received from a very popular incumbent president viber, to punch in the, one of the key questions that people are going to be asking though is how much in so this is all good with the good to continue to have in politics and i'm particularly at the top of politics a in indonesia. is there any speculation about whether or not she is going to still be involved? i mean, people are all speculating about, you know, the sort of elite political circles here it's, it's remarkable to sort of to listen to just actually how little people are, you know, so it is to a speculation because on the one hand, the vice presidential position in fact on paper doesn't have
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a huge role. the vice president, we've always said that indonesia, observers, even donation politics, always say the vice president is as important as the president wants to make him or her. it's been to him for the response or so, and that's a big question. how much will, how much power will provide, will allow the brunt and therefore, jacoby to have. now, clearly there's been a deal made that jacoby would help her go all to finally bring the presidency. and this is a position that he has, you know that he has thoughts for many, many years now. and the idea is that, well, if i help you achieve this and you become the president, you know, i will, and my son will be given, you know, a certain amount of color implements have been ministerial positions for example. um, certainly, jack always wanted to call his main motor that motivated so motivations. but wanting to stay empowered according to the people in the late he said he really wanted specific programs if he is that he felt when not finished to be finished. and one of them is the new capital. so this is idea of the building of
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a new capital, as i mentioned, quite really cares about will trouble keep the brunt end. jacoby enough influence to ensure you know, that program, for example, wrong. and of course, the other big issue, and this is very common information politics, but we do have a lot of sort of entrenched corruption. you know that the, the fear of an outgoing, that an outgoing president might have that, that could be cases bored against united people. but, and he's government, these outgoing government against family members. that's a, that's always been a sort of fear about being president, seem denisia. but you know, is it about that? is it purely about family protection? and we don't really know. but if we're just looking at probably was a, he's program, the agenda that he sold to the indonesian people throughout his campaign. what he said is i will keep doing what your chloe has been doing across a whole range of policy. rain is because to me, to call you so popular, he's still sitting is somewhere between 70 to 80 percent of public approval writing . so that would be question for us over the next to the bureau. sorry. what you think dave? is it all the sides are pointing to a strong criminal victory? is you know, will the deal that they have signs together. you know that we are not privy to
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members of the public and of previous se will provost a loyal to that and allow to call we to have the influence that he states april burton. we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed for being with us and i'll just thank you very much. 2 of our concerns, major political parties say they're going to form a coalition government officer. last week's inconclusive election. the focus on muslim league unpackaged on people's policies say they forged on alliance independent candidates affiliated with jude, former prime minister, even on con, spotty, wanting to move the seats, but not enough to find the majority in parliament. doctors presidents reserve, ty, about one is due in cairo, one why them stay on his 1st trip to egypt in more than a decade. the 2 countries are looking to revive cooperation after 7 and diplomatic relations in 2013. so i'll have the agenda is expected to be israel's war on garza, i sent him across the all the reports from his stumble, a brief meeting, but
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a highly publicized handshake in 2022 in doha, and the one on one on the sidelines. all these logic are up summit in for y'all, a year later were the turning point. oh, the decade loan break in ties between true kit and egypt. 15 is it. during his visit to cairo and turkish president george of safe hours on is scheduled to meet his egyptian counterpart up to the foot of the sea. topics are expected to include the warm garza, the economy, and defense, a sort of hold up or late age and they are later they read the restaurants and those you, you can't ignore egypt. importance in the ad world who took is foreign policy has become more realistic in the past 3 years. balance and supports are highlighted. our current situation requires us to acknowledge and live with the reality to the money i'm. it relates to the top, rated after a coup in 2013 the military over through mohammed, mercy egypt for civilian presidents and of the ally of turk. yet in
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libya, the 2 countries have supported rival government. in $2192.00 kids signed a maritime deal with libya and going egypt, which shares alone. border normalization however, came with a condition. they gyptian opposition, specifically the muslim brotherhood and it's affiliated media based and took you have to be tone down, get our meaning here. what is the kind of a condition between the 2 countries and the impact of the normalization between turkey and egypt? eh, on this duration of looking brotherhoods existence as and stumble, i think it is limited to that and reviews the activity, the more difficult activity that may be it as something against the edge, if you and your team. but it didn't reach to the live in that when 3 can be of
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a safety, for example, or a to force of info. do you have a company stalks in 2021, played a major role in the normalization of ties. despite the political stand of trade between the 2 countries continued reaching 10000000 dollars last year from an annual average of 4 building after the military coup in 2013 on caroll has also like work to supply. kyra withdrawals assign of mutual trust, present, sorry, don't visit the card or saying i was the culmination of the 2 countries. normalization. things are expected to move quickly from here. what it's not clear is whether the corporation of the economic level or whether the 2 leaders will go a step further and foreman the regional alliance. the non custodial houses are assembled in the us for the public and lead house of representatives has voted to impeach the homeland.


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