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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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to malice the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity. in the pursuit of truth the, the scores of palestinians manage to leave southern gauze as long just medical facilities of the coming under is really smart for 500. so remain trapped in some of the color that i'm associated, hey, this is out of their life from the home of their coming cause up before and often new footage shows the transformation of the region of rough or vibrant time to israel launches retaliate tree attacks. and 11 on off the real good 5 kills them is
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really sold run in just 5 minutes and occupied the stores. and there's really 4 system knowledge, the home of a palestinian by sale of on this of one of us. they moved again, essentially myself, with the one with the thank you, it wouldn't even let me go. is there any troops force out of here is corresponding to me that seen live on that the while we begin in garza where the largest medical facility in the southern city of conyers is currently under siege. is there any snipers that have killed at least 3 people in engine 10 inside and also hospital off to telling how this thing and sheltering the sleeve. and when people tried to
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flee, they've come on the 5 hundreds and treating patients medical stuff and the face. people still believed to be in size late that we received these pictures of people leaving that hospital complex. this is all part of it is really evacuation order. it's now not clear how many people have left the in the last few hours. and so the fast, this is what pots a rough look like mount of to full months of all around $1500000.00 palestinians, or sheltering here. the u. n. is cooling it, a pressure cook kind of just bad. people are now being forced to free again. a head of it possible is really ground defensive. well let's go straight to our correspondent honey lockwood. he's in a raffle for us on the ground hunting. took us through the situation on the ground . fair right now, we see that on boston's been escalating over the last few days. the yes, well we did the past day for 5 minutes or so. busy but the dense of presence of the
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drawings in the sky is the of the roof. i know we're seeing the, the situations are getting quite devastating for people. and as they approach us then ask us the questions about how safe is it the central area right now? for them to seek shoulder and that particular area. and of course, there isn't a single safe place across the gauze us through our answers to them doesn't satisfy their, their request. because at, for the past weeks and since the beginning of the expansion of the military operation, hon you and is particular the ground invasion people here i've been trying to find some sort of safety and none of protection for their family members that but right now they are at a cross road, this is how we feel for them, what decision they are making right now is going to back their livelihood within the coming days with or to states and drop out. what are the same time the there
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are ongoing, the threats of expanding to the ground invasion and do a lot pass it in the a lot of people here believe it's going to happen on the past a 3 days then overnight a and a not talk to night and distribute a district just made everyone a believe that the ground invasion is imminent. and that was just that trial eh, elements of, of the largest get operation that is going to happen in and drop by city. a lot of people who see right now, they're packing their stuff, whatever they, they belonged here and try to find their way back to the central area. but at the same time, the vast majority of people here are paying attention to the day to the difficult that they're going. they are going to try and they are dealing with that this drug is to find drinking water, food supplies, they usually the scenes of people viewing in line for hours just to get some water and to get a pot with bread or just the get to the market here to buy whatever they're able to
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get to provide for their family. the just difficult situations at old level on top of it is just a sense of of, of shattered safety. it's very, very visible right now in the way people talk how the way they express their frustration as well as the silence. sometimes it just gave to you, it just is very deafening. and, and it's just a really, it shows how difficult the situation at for them and their families and the honey. i also want to ask you about the hospital. it's been on this age for weeks. but as we were saying, and it feels like things intensified that yesterday we've seen now pictures of people leaving. do we have a sense of how many people are still trapped there in science? well, so far, not many people uh have left the hospital or what we are told by
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a source on the ground that people are being ordered to evacuate the facilities on the entire facility or not the hospitals, doctors, nurses, and then the those who have been filtering inside the hospital, the and those who are, who have been injured to throughout the war and, and the patients and some of them are unable to leave. they need someone to help them. they need to be in a wheel chair just to be able to get out the hospital, but so far, according to the source. uh now i would this on the ground these that those really monetary is calling on medical is staff doctor is not nurses. this specific, this visit by the order for doctors to come out a google 5. and then they asked the nurses to be in a different line, waiting for them to be called, to pass it through the check points that they have set up as a, along with the face recognition cameras, the know the height ticket. what's meant for people to go through, it's
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a very slow process. people are going through a security, a very detail, security check as deposit through a very narrow area at the gates of the hospital to leave the facilities. also, evacuees are called an order to come in a group of 5, but with an, a recorded video by an eye witness in the hospital. a, as he managed to leave the hospital and people were shot at by. he'd be machine guns as they were walking away from the hospital after going into a very detailed security check. and there are still reports about the people being arrested, particularly young people, as they were leaving the hospital. honeywell once that was the latest update for us from the ground in rough on in the southern part of the gauze. esther, thank you. honey holly. i spoke to get a message to mom. she is the doctors without borders, medical coordinator, full palestine agency. it has stopped at the hospital and she explained a little bit about what's happening that as we know them on and how full under
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patients, let's see, stuff. most of them. could you go situation on critical conditions and the cause the issue is uh in the to be able to provide the, i think would care for them. and now knowing the situation in the hospital when you control that you use with the issue of, uh oh, so i mean, it goes back uh the, the situation is really critical for these patients and we are very worried about the future. the last 24 hours of being uh, even more um steering to everybody because of the of the, the, the, the vikings reclose, the wanting to, to revise, create the refugees and the, the district people inside. and the, uh, the situation is getting worse and worse, the inside. uh the, the, the, the, when he goes fast, don't know what to do. and that's uh, that's really, really a big issue for problem stuff is older than me to just stuff inside. as well as
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well as the one thing retaliatory attacks of to at least one is really soldier was killed as rockets for 5 from 11 on they talk of the troops and the city of the fund . early in the is ready on the said fund hezbollah positions, or the nice well from, or let's speak, design a call to shoes across this for us from the route. then we've been seeing this type of tax across that folder, since the beginning of this, what, what do we make of this one? well, no doubt, this is a new escalation, but it appears to be within the rules of engagement, at least until now. so this really armies response has to be gone. it accused has a lot of file in wyoming in yours is there have been a series of air strikes on site in a number and multiple locations across. so there's nothing on that just along the border where the battle ground has been, but deeper inside lebanon, but still within southern lebanon. we still do not have information on what is
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being targeted, but it appears that is ro is going after, has full size, what it's called has follows infrastructure. now is that changes then, undoubtedly of another step up the ladder. and the scratch will escalation that we have been seeing along the border since hezbollah joined the fights to help relieve its allies in casa, on october. the 8th. earlier today has launched the military position and stuff like that. 15 kilometers deep inside as well. it's still, and that's where the soldier in the past few hours before that this was targeting is really military positions along the whole border. you talk to those who are close to the lebanese arms movement. they tell you has, well, i was giving us, well, a message that we are strong. we have positions either to this house or to because in recent days is where the army really has stepped up. its attacks against has the position stuff. targets is killing 3 targets, a ceilings in, in
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a matter of 5 days. so definitely a new escalation. we have to see what those targets are use is just for coming in now. but multiple locations are being targeted by just as we speak in southern or stay across all those attacks across that folder for you here. and i'll just hear it from now is in a called at the end beverage. thanks and all is really forces have demolished the home of a college student activist and occupied these stories and non profit to use in the field. one district fuck realty of is an activist who is campaigned himself against illegal israeli settlements in the occupied west by the israeli soldiers as you see ranges that house and order the family as john was to leave. i'm calling for me challenge because live on a reporting will not demolition when, as you will say, seems rarely soldiers forced them to leave that fine level. we spoke to rory my
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minutes, lisa, just as not demolitions again, the rest of the cat and mouse game with the is ready security for the last 2 or 3 hours. we're 1st inside the house, then the, his ready police came in for the arms and, and threw a sort out pretty forcefully and moved us as far away as i could. we couldn't get anywhere close to it. we've now managed to get this position here, which as you can see, is pretty good for you down to the demolition, which is happening right now as we speak. there. we have that jack have a on the end of a ticket that i can hit last time now. very well. see it and, and you can to, so that it's a house. so fuck hurry up with the app. uh, which was standing pretty securely until now. right. on your guy, he is an active se campaigns for what somebody campaigns to stop exactly the same thing that is happening to his house right now. what's the issue is here for the is
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raises. they say that many of the houses in this neighborhood now this particular neighborhoods is called alba stand. it's in the so one part of bass and lots of bodies to reach them. they say that many of the houses here are legal. they don't have the right comments and so anything that was built so often 1976 shouldn't have been built. and therefore it's added to a goal for them. and it's better about a $116.00 houses in this neighborhood, which are in the process basically. and could have exactly the same price covering that that house found that of the balance of being counted in indonesia where people have been voting for the next president. more than 204000000 people were eligible to vote. and wednesdays election. defense minister pro serv. biando is a favorites to replace outgoing presidential coordinator at the moment. he doesn't
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appear to be in the lead. jessica washington is in chicago and she spoke to seth soda back from a semester on last week about the verse of turn out. we see, despite the severe weather that we experienced earlier this morning, it does seem that the turnout has remained high and it agents generally are quite enthusiastic when it comes to elections. i've seen in the elections costs that tonalities is generally quite high. but let's talk about the numbers, the data i'd like to bring in said sort of a who, who joins me now from s and s analytics. seth, thank you for joining us today. so let's talk about some of the, the early numbers, the, some of the exit polls that we're seeing. what, what are the early indications that you'll see? so the early indications are the turnout is very high coming into this raise, the proposed team in particular, needed to get a good turnout. and that's because most of their supporters are younger voters. and in fact they have overwhelming support among younger voters. so a win for them today looks like a situation where young people turn out ideally more than older people,
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but at least as much as older people. and it's because there are a lot more young people in this election than in any previous election. so if turn out is even normal, that's a very good day for proposal. and signs are the turnout has in fact, been norm. obviously for both of you on to has run for president twice before. this is 3rd time running. what appears to be going right for him this time around. this time around, he's built on strengths. he already had, he came in from the beginning with almost universal name recognition. thanks to running twice before. but this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president joe go. you don't want speaking of another election to of focused on some major political parties. so they'll form a coalition government off the last week increase of election. now the talk is done lovely and focused on people's parties, say they forced in the lines, independent candidates affiliation with the jail diploma. prime minister and run cons policy one the most seats. but most enough to form
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a majority in parliament. meanwhile, con has a curiousity of the parties of rubbing the people's mondays still ahead here on now as far as phones and hung up points. garza, we hear from one husband and father is makes if bakery is helping to feed the the i had low. that's how the, the weather across the south american long last, that prolonged hot spell has finally been broken across the very south of the continent. thanks to this batch of very ferocious a thunderstorms, working their way from south to north. they edged into the southern pots all brazil was often they bought very heavy rain on a cloudy and cold of fuel to northern parts of origin, tina uruguay and power wide. but behind that, lots of heat continuing to build the central pots so chill as santiago,
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coming in at 32 degrees celsius, the maximum high on wednesday. but you can see the heats in rio. well, that's going to be knocked out as those thunder of showers assembled onto the central stage by thursday. but the good news is we will see the return of those sunny spells on saturday for the carnival. and you can see that weather stretches all the way up to northern parts of the region with some heavy falls in the days ahead for equitable. but much of the heavy rain remains out to sea. thankfully, we're going to see the rain pick up. however, because northern parts of mexico does quite picture for areas of central america and the car been to, there's a heavy rain starting to edge into the likes of monterey as we go into thursday. so shy was as well dominating for places like on doors and guatemala and a few showers with sunshine for the caribbean and his spin yolo, the this is the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves
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. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to stay out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered, the the welcome back to watching out there. and that's remind you about top stories and it sounds like some people have begun leaving the national hospital complex. and southern garza, it's positive and is really evacuation order. it's not clear how many people have
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left the hospital in the last few hours, hundreds believe to have been sheltering out. the facility area is really snipers counts at least 3 people inside that israel is watching, retaliatory attacks after these one is where the soldier was killed and the rockets were fired across the lebanese border. strikes congress. it is really troops in the city of the father. he's where he always said, fund hezbollah positions, or just really forces have demolished in the home of a palestinian activist and occupied east or some properties in this, in one district factory every day of the campaigns against the legal is really supplements and the ok as well is there any set to violence on palestinians living in the occupied west bank husband escalation ever since the war and also began. even though attacks on palestinians have been happening for decades, they are now stalking international condemnation and legal action. from since the lease is country off to the united states and united kingdom to sanctions that
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those who commit acts of violence against the palestinians in the occupied westbank at least $527.00 set to a tax of undocumented. since october, the 7th often is rarely soldier is also present, protecting the sexes, sometimes even joining in charles transferred reports from the village of model. jot named jericho in the occupied west by you had it ice guards, he's heard the goat. so he's families, main source of income, and he's worried these ready settlers will come back and take them away. a zillow, how much do you had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years, it's surrounded by illegal and expanding these ready settlements. the began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his
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goats, it's straight on to the land land that according to international law, is not. this is as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades, and a nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals. they threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the sheep away. since the 7th of october, settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the settlement counsel. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer at detailing the case the better one of the occupied was bank of lifted for centuries. members of one community tell us some of the attacks and stock saft being laid by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by. the pulse is in his cause. we woke,
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accompanied by his really human rights activists to what we are told is another set of that with goats. i mean, this is a better way living in this area has either that goats killed or in some instances their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to it. it is right in the settler who has a herd of gods in the valley. behind me. many of the settlers all the better and tell us that many of them have either the implicit or the actual practical support of the is really all me in this area. the young on, on set to looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about. so home, what uses from inside these call, which he's pump from a nearby hill. excuse me, a few minutes later he knows us as we try to fly came down slowly, slowly they closing on them and the air for the sound that few familiar already
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left. so it's quiet. busy but it's been fair. the settlement council's lawyer replied to i. e mail, said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray, but there was no mention of the fact. the animals had roamed on to the land occupied illegally by israel, according to international cha stuff, without your 0 motto, shot ended of the pipe. westbank for a $130.00 days. how often you, journalist and goals i haven't just documented, as well as for some of the pay, the highest price for doing the edge. all the, all the 0 correspondent is my i'm online coming then like not the all currently in critical condition and hospital. there were injured and then his reading drones drank on choose day near rasa in southern garza houses here, has released the statement following that attack. it's cooling this the latest in
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a series of deliberate targets hang of al jazeera john list and correspondence in palestine. the net truck stress is that this is intimidation against john list to prevent them from proposing the heinous crimes committed by the occupation army against innocent civilians and gaza. although they were renews, it's core on the international community and media freedom groups to take immediate action to protect journalist in gaza and hold israel's occupation on the accountable. well then it's on a border crossing on. israel's board with egypt has now been closed. is there any protest as have been demonstrating that attempting to block aid for gaza, someone to purchase your vehicle? so how's the kind of we saw them crossing over recent weeks? you know palestinian sources have toll down to 0 that know fluid supplies. i've entered through the roof a lot of coughing in a week. 8 agencies that say, palestinians are facing an imminent phantom. tucker's president the rest of the time that one has arrived in egypt. the 1st time in 12 years to strengthen
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relations as the ties between unclear and cairo, hit a low point after the ministry, true in egypt and 2015 other one had published 3 protested against the overthrow of egyptian present mohammed was the other one and stacy are expected to discuss trade and who is also said, of course the other has more now from sunday. the relations between 2 countries have been very tense within the last 10 years, whether the trust will be built again is a course in march. but seeing those 2 presidents having met in the hall and then in riyadh and this by led to a meeting today, gives the hope for many an encore in cairo. and that the relations will be a resort. and hopefully as goes off is the top of the agenda today as present started on said on monday, it gives a whole whether there can be a ceasefire or at least some contribution on different material in
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a delivery. but of course, a from is perspective, it's a, it's a delicate issue because opening the roof offered to complete the n. a opening it's lands uh to these kinds of facilities also creates a vacuum of security, which is a concern for egypt. but today, all they still picks are going to be discussed between 2 presidents and the delegations of the 2 countries. ukraine says it's sunk another russian worship of the coast of crimea in the black sea. the armies as the vessel was in new kinds, territorial waters at the time of this attack is the latest in a series of ukrainian drones strikes on rushes, navy. both career has 5 multiple christmas thousands of the say. according to the south korean ministry. now they were reportedly launched from the east coast base of one son. this is joan young's 5th weapons test. so fall this year. the indian police have frontier gas as far as trying to mounts on the deadly demanding stable
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of prices for their projects. often negotiations with the government failed found to say the demand for a guaranteed minimum price for their crops has not been hon, fearing unrest. as you can see, police have found large gatherings and then putting up road books on roots and leading into the capital for his president. being able to watch a has replaced some senior members of high cabinets. there are no new ministers for the economy, energy, mining and defense. some members of congress wanted the economy minister sacked for denying peru would into a recession last year. the country has been struggling with an economic and political crisis following an attempt to coo and 2022. in united states, the republican lead house of representatives has versus impeach the homeland security secretary and says he's failed to enforce border protection. alejandro. my office is the 1st cabinet member to be impeached, amelia 150. he is. republicans accusing the mishandling, the surge of undocumented,
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my friends when chris edison is an assistant professor at american university. he says this impeachment will not lead to the secretary's removal. a not just on likely there is no way you will be rude, absolutely no way and there are public into understand this and a set as much. yes. yeah, they are talking for you right now is wholly owned by donald trump noting they use it in uh, there are a few dissenters, but they don't have any power. so republicans do what donald trump, what he wants them to focus attention gratian and embarrass tianna. they don't do embarrass, divided in ministration by and kitchen cabinets are great, and i suspect perhaps also trying to teach president biden is too many people to be process. so as a worker, the government needs more resources and the bottom officials asked for more republicans and democrats and met in the senate and
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a recent compromise bill that would provide resources. i wasn't everything the democrats squandered by a long shot, but it was a compromise. republicans in the house said we will never pass this bill and some of the publicly said, we cannot do this because if we pass legislation to address their migration, it will be a wind provided for donald trump. and there were some set of republicans, including sandra randi ran for president of john as well. who said this is an embarrassment we, we don't care about policy. we only care about helping donald trump returning to gauze and now on the ongoing goal that has no trying to restrict many palestinians of their homes is also destroyed their ways of running a living, some of finding creative ways to keep going. despite rising prices, one man is determined to build his basically business. i like to measure the noisy, lam. eliza meza has a lot of large room. i didn't put off off by the election run out of all as
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well. all of us are not on my show. i had a bad law was obviously, if you my, the a little less and less of a lot is did the tylenol all sort of fall out. uh they walk slowly to monday. that's awesome. i never really show me a so i'll alonzo. i did live there who lives in of now relevant homeless. huh. the last day i've got my feet, my subject and i've got the horrible i had you ever resort style amenities along the street. so a lot, a lot of us on the, i know those to the marshal showed lives on. i'm in most of those now gun and as a have lead my last autumn, ashley, or alia,
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benign a, lots of other what sugars cameron.


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