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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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them a chance to tell their story, the the hello, this is the news our i'm so i may say them live from though coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel long to the series of the strikes deep inside, southern lebanon, kidding. at least 4 people, including a, has the law member. the strikes follow a rocket attack on northern israel that killed the woman in the city of soften. off the besieging, southern gauze as long just hospital for weeks is ready for us is or to displace palestinians to leave is no safe color, adult leaders of sort of key and egypt discuss the di humanitarian situation and
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gaza during folks in kyra once accused of human rights abuses, the easiest form of defense minister is fine victory in the presidential election. uninstalled carrying them by a set. somebody could champions league with tons of power such as your man and by mist fifties last month's through injury. but he's ready to play in the last 16 sigh against or else i'll see it on the . at least 4 people have been killed and several engine is riley strikes on 3 towns in southern lebanon. it's the latest escalation in cross board attentions. lebanese group has blonde is riley falls, is has been exchanging fine since is rob. again, it's for on garza in october for more let speak now tuesday. nicole let us you joins us live from bate road. so 1st, we'll start with the damage that today's exchange is left zayna
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a. well, 3 civilians have been killed and a has full of fighters, as well as carried out a wave of air strikes, targeting multiple locations across southern 11 on outside the buffle ground, outside the 120 kilometer border, where they have been exchanging fire for 4 to 5 months now really, it has been triggered by the cause of war. but what we saw today was the biggest escalation. so since hezbollah joined the conflict, but in many, many ways, it's still very much a controlled escalation. now as well saying it's carried out these strikes in response to the killing of in this way, the soldier by hezbollah, rock his fire. but the is really the army has just issued a statement saying that the, the, it's completed a wave of, of strikes on lebanese territory targeting,
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as well as military style infrastructure. so there's really army is really saying, we do not want to escalate further. both sides really have been sending messages and has the less message. for example, i think it's really military position and stuff and that's 50 kilometers from the border. that's these insight as well, showing its strengths capabilities telling this way these we can for to, to because in recent days is ray. these really have been stepping up their attacks against, as well as targets carrying out a target to killings. but this round of violence is now over and both sides know what a full blown conflict means. and both sides have been treading carefully. so this is really part of pressure negotiations and we can forget as well as trying to pressure as well, to help us ally from us. and right now they're in negotiations happening in, in cairo. it really gives how most of best heard negotiating position. so messages have been exchanged, a big escalation, no doubt, but so far controlled to zane,
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while the security situation is unraveling. what's happening with that diplomatic effort that we've seen over the last few days and weeks? well, western invoice have been visiting favors and recent weeks, putting forward proposals on the table in the hole to call and pensions along the border. we heard from her as well as secretary general huffman us row yesterday, saying that he does not consider these invoices, mediators. he's saying that they are coming and putting a proposal on the table, they're saying what israel wants to as well, want security as well, wants guarantees. in order for the 10s of thousands of his babies to be able to return to their homes in northern as well. and as well as the answer was, is that we are not going to give guarantees for nothing. especially since it is radius does not give any guarantees that they will pull out or withdraw from territories occupied along the border. and the husband, the secretary general,
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also making it very clear that there will be no negotiations or discussions on any security arrangements along the border until the aggression on garza. and he says that they open the front and sell their 11 on to help stop the war. on dogs, and until that happens, there will be no discussion. so for the time being uh yes, there could be in direct so behind the scenes negotiations. but we cannot expect anything to come out of them until the war on garza and so i will leave with that. thanks so much center as far as the goals and now where hundreds of palestinians have been seen leaving the besieged and also hospital in the southern city of con. you and this is ready for us is issued. the evacuation order on tuesday. it's believe up to 3000 displaced people were in the medical complex. when is all began in seats 3 weeks ago. hundreds of patients and stuff. the main inside is riley. stipends have killed at least 3 people in the past. 48 hours is ready for us is of
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rated garza hospitals. one of the of this is what remains of one hospital in northern garza, the a so the cost mode it was attacked repeatedly with every wing destroyed. these uh pictures filmed at the indonesian hospital in july the like and also it was surrounded to vice ready tanks and snipers. thousands of bodies were recovered when the siege ended early at one of the doctors and also the hospital record of this message as evacuation. notice from these right, the ami came in. so what's happening today is a completely to completely to these in the hostage with gulf hands to those, to be done, or seeing him to the last that we should evacuate. and when people have started really have evacuating the they opened fire on the shooting at the people and the kids of the host is also that order gets in by the i guess they get
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those to be that i know i'm completely to have this me to get a building or which good i myself building this building. i actually, it is all way from the, the the mean get those to be done about 60 meter only. so we are away from the tanks, only 50 meters. and this is very dangerous. i thought a couple i assume, joins us now live from golf off in the southern city of kansas. so 1st of all, the time i bring this up to speed with evacuation situation at an officer hospital, where does that stand right now? well, in fact, the situation that you know for every single hour is very critical for the majority of the displaced people on the long side with medical tech savvy the because those, those people have been widely visa on. so i think it's very minutes received. whether it's body forces have been completely taken full control over the area as
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they have been systematically taken. different military steps are presented in using military quite hopes of drugs to attack anyone is moving inside the hospital as the same time, the drawing to inform residents that medical teams to see the hospital as soon as possible. and this is what practically started today, where a number of palestinians tried to get out from the gates the and they have been shot by these very forces. thus they have been facing a clique threat which caused them to return back again inside the departments as they are not yet being to for just a safe core. we don't have so this is absolutely terrifying because as we have been talking, so i'm problem medical teams that have been a for my gosh, that to the met the treat times out just close to the gates of a hospital. the is very small. it is, are completely taking full control over the area as they are shooting out and one is moving back. this is, was absolutely clear in different pages that have been circulating social media platforms about how a number of palestinians being shot inside the hospital as they are not yet have
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any clue sense of safety. the a tonic as tables try to leave is the mechanism for evacuation a mechanism that can guarantee people safety a mid report. so these are the ami sniping at people making isn't to transfer people frankly, in that area where there's, there's very little transport o petro left. well indeed it's, it's a completely controversial mechanism because we are talking about the use of any minute treat as ordering. people to sleep, move from the area of what to go to rough or had people to now do not know which road they might take in order to be safe and to be away from the is very plumbing of the time. that is what is taking full control over the $22.00 main linking roads we, i'm calling you to drop off, but we need to clearly understand that the tax roof lack did not sucks. which means dutch, even people who will be transferred to rough uh, woods, have
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a nice full sense of safety as the are following the is where the military old is especially that the is very strong minister benjamin netanyahu has been saying that there's going to be a potential men to treat encouraging for roof i district, which means that the people here as well will be forced to sleep on the very intense compartment and difficult circumstances. so the making ism itself sounds to be controversial and full palestinians. that means that they've got to gain few much more time in order to be survives products. stay with us for a moment because we got to bring in some of the lines here and i'll do 0 sources. have been telling us that a deliveries to gaza have stopped about a week ago. food and supplied trucks, stopped entering via the off border crossing several fuel deliveries were recorded . this footage is from that side of border crossing between agents and is uh with dozens of trucks. a waiting to enter. egypt blames is really procedural obstacles,
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as well denies those accusations. i swear ton now to topic once again, topics so in life of the difficulties of getting any food or medicine and how people found that people, including of our thoughts is like you and your family will . in fact, let's, and this is a straight up point, gladly for duty and stop. the goal is a strict has been completely beseech right now, since the october this time is the words, there is no, you know what? so medical supplies being allowed to be delivered into the territory for long weeks with move negotiations regarding sci fi agreements, the humanitarian aid supplies and flu, a flow went to the stalls, has to pack practically stalls that button a very limited amounts that could not be poly you know, fund within the past week, weapons think is very protective and come up with sudden pushing boats are striking guns that completely over convincing because of a government to not give any or the any humanitarian supplies into goals until the
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return of the is very hostages. on from the egyptian side, egyptian authorities have been allowing for more humanitarian supplies to get into rough like district, but with a very limited amount of humanitarian trucks. we are talking about on a daily basis from 70 up to 100 to humanitarian supplies being allowed to get into the territory. it's a very deep and very deep show which is old, mississippi is inside. the goal is this trip for more than $1900000.00 policy is out. we simply a to it's and products for k, a for the private sector. so here in dollars has started to flow, but also with very, very limited amounts of humanitarian trucks. where so if you bought over the doses humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into the territory. so. so what's the end of all the amounts of human service supplies being delivered is not yet enough. as the east value forces are trying to expand their military effects to reach one of the most densely populated areas in district. i think so much thought
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a couple assume that to as we mentioned also, the hospital has been on the siege for weeks now. the world health organization is released this video from inside the hospital. it says it was filmed on saturday. but as you can see, it's full of patients of correspondence, say around 300 people were that when the siege began, displaced, palestinians are sleeping on the floors and putting up 10 some color doors. the w i chose as it tried several times to get into the hospital, send supplies, but was refused access the fence. i long to get the highest. we are scared that at any moment we might lose our lives. and we have no clue about our families. we are not able to communicate with them at all, to make sure that doing okay. each and every one of us is scared for their families . and the same goes for all families. they have skipped to lose us. since the styles of israel's war and all the, there's been
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a packing of the threats and attacks on hospitals by these right. the ministry in the 1st 36 hours of the war, is ready forces tonton, multiple locations, including the indonesian hospital naso hospital and bill floods. hospital getting thousands of health care workers by the end of november 1st, the out of 36 hospitals and gaza were hit by is ready rockets including a shift for the largest hospital in gaza. only 6 hospitals currently remain functioning in garza operating on the very difficult conditions as well. claims how mass is minutes. rising medical facilities, but hasn't provided proof international humanitarian. laura explicitly protects hospitals. i speak to don't the osmond well color that the joins us on the phone line from the european hospital in han. you and it's good to have you with us so. so 1st of all, let's start with a situation of remaining hospitals that, that i'm clinics which you are able to,
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to carry out some kind of of functions how they treating people at this point. so, so thanks for calling the, the, the situation. is it any hardy but, and the, the whole system is collapse. so we're losing a lot of patients most of the time because of the lack of incentives, the lack of the big capacity and the lack of maybe kind of tough for keeping the patients. they also because of 3 or 4 times to be capacity with patients on the ground, on the quarter doors. if you go to the emergency department, it's for the patients on the ground. we don't treat the patients on bits anymore than damage deposit because the bids are fully occupied by other patients. the, the basic needs of the house to become like them and they'll put it in fee that we lack. because most of the day we hardly get to the very minimal supplies of the goals, the building that goes the big ones. and we keep them for the very good because the
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cases at the end of season medications are very few we, we have to deal with this ation with major stages with like a cdn which means the patients would be screaming many times in the middle of so did it because of lack of data, she gave me the occasions we provide deals with the crowd, it is fully occupied by it to be interesting. the basic hygiene of the patient is very low, which is reflected on the widespread in fiction. and between the patients, the ones are deep and fix it contaminated the number of patients and to begins, i'll fall apart of that because i still think toilet and the shower. what is the lack of both the most of the time that i could do was to of no more hopes that we can provide be busy for the k b, they may be kind of stuff will already exhaust is they have to deal with complex patients to provide comprehensive care to imagine they've been also that is the
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only host within now which kind of provides comprehensive service the i c, u bits which used to be quite close, but within bit capacity we have that route for the patients and dice use. now, with only one doctor on to the maximum, every day for a lot of the taking care of the patients. they me, they can, it's tough to other idea is the from anywhere and gaza, they have to submit tickets in here or they are unable to arrive. he goes to every day in the morning we come at with the big challenge of having very few of them instead of the other. i think the the, the what, what that let me jump in and also discussing this, i maybe visit the beginning. you mentioned that you're losing people daily. do you have any idea of how many people are dying daily? simply because of a lack of a, it's coming in. starts with the like and and, and like she does the go into attack happens on by the you get out of she'll
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patients of like dozens and dozens of patients. and most of them they wouldn't have no space to get in. they could if it can at home of damage. and so we don't, they the many patients because of that of the kid provided because of the over the child because of a lack of they need to get a saw. so what happened, like we looked at least 3 patients in the emergency department because they are arrived and then we couldn't provide them with this service and care needed because of the there was no space and they would have been in the court of doors waiting to get into courtesy patrol and they, me to get a cell phone, hardly able to see all of the patients on time. i did have numbers, but just we, we know some of those patients. and, and i remember i was quoted into, i see you see a patient who was beating 4 to 3 hours. and then i was really upset. as i said, i said listen, i am one. this has to take care of 6 patients. and i couldn't check the one i could add to the, i mean like the deductible takes care of the 40 bits. and the issue is one the most
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of the time and the out order could become patients. so we are losing patients most of the time because of lack of care provided. and the other thing, the complexity of, of the casualties and the engine is, will keep the sadness out of very bad when they get and they haven't been elements . they have committed. i think want elements and the patient looks normal to you, even the stipends because it's taught it just gets in without leaving this card and the patient. and then you get the patient who's doing the was annoying, doesn't seem to get a it. and then you check everything, you can't see anything with the basic towards rehab, and then you lose the patient like in 2 hours time that you didn't know what topic they're the ones that you are informed on the situation and also the hospital work. and you share with us about what's happening to people who are being evacuated from that, particularly if the sick people are they being transferred to other hospitals like
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where yours is. is there any kind of system in place to help transfer safely patients? so people have taken refuge in hospitals, so then they're not bombed on the way or shot by snipers. but i know by my, my critique was, does objective such as the they told them it's a 5th quarter door to the hospital at, but nothing but a bad. it's for the patients like to be evacuated by ambulances, or through like, you know, one of the international organizations. so the patients would not come to visit, was only disobedient. and then even this begins where uh, some of them what i listed, and then they couldn't business to orthodontics and the patients the people prefer to go back to the hospital and then we lost the connection. so we have no information about it. but nothing was that the age for the patients to be exactly what to do, which is again the same. what happened is she paused with them so there was no way
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they don't go to the patient that they have to be. that could be a bit better than be comfortable. they need a special kind of kid to be evacuated, which is again, it was never considered in the back tuition that goes to the patients. but i'm not concerned that they would look at it. thank you with it. in a proper way and we have no information by the way, that what's happening now. all right, thank you so much for sharing your insights into a very difficult situation that yes, i'd say some of that a desperate situation. a use of a non job hospital in that off the director says that's arisen significantly up to 60 people a day of dying as the hospital facing surveys, shortages of stuff, medicine and equipment. don't to say the high number of displaced people that are off who's making the situation worse. you saw behind the wheel this morning we received news of the death of my cousin who fell ill. we went to the repeating
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hospital, we did not find a place for him. the know examinations, no medicine. they was so many displays people in the hospital. we were forced to come to mohammed own the jar hospital and we found the same situation here. they would know bits, we tried to perform a simple procedure for him. he had a blockage and these are trees and that he had not suffered from any diseases before. but we were not able to perform this operation due to a lack of bids and a lack of medicine. some of the on with, with the a lot of the fatality right in the city of rafa has increased 5 to 6 times. this is primarily due to the rise in the population and the she will teach of medicines and equipment that there's an inability to provide comprehensive medical services the otherwise available to patients weld. why as we know what the president of the palestinian authority is urging how masters speed up an exchange of captives held in guns of prison. this is riley giles. my move down bass said it would span palestinians from mould. devastating attacks on a possible is really ground defensive in that off child stratford is live for us in
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ramallah. so charles, how these comments being interpreted, and i'll just read you a little bit more of the statement if you wouldn't mind sam a cause it's quite telling this was a statement released on what, which is the official policy annual storage. the news agency of us went on to say, we hold everybody responsible for placing obstacles from any policy to disrupt the due. it is time for everybody to bad responsibilities. suddenly, according to alice that we've been speaking to here, they're saying that ultimately does shows just how little influence the president a bus has been affecting real change. as these folks, as this push is desperate, pushed suddenly by the us for some sort of see spa, a potential prison, if a captive exchange these talks go on. up until now he, a boss has been relatively quiet,
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certainly in any sort of criticism of having us in the gaza strip. him since the initial attack, sage of goal spring, take the critical of israel and his behavior in garza. and here in the occupied west bank and he's being critical of the international community. but this is almost being seen as a say, a bit of a veiled attack on hand must have one of the reasons why i list to say he has being so quiet until now. he's because of how deeply unpopular he is as the palestinian leader here a very it's heading opinion poll that was carried out in recent weeks. i'm really shocking statistics. people almost okay in the occupied west bank and gaza. busy what future they sold for? mr. bosh more 90 percent of those, austin garza. and more than 80 percent of those, almost in um, sorry, more than 90 percent of those austin, the west bank of move and 80 percent of those austin garza said they want you to a boss to resign. of course
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a boss and the p a. c. as potentially having a leading role in the future of gauze both politically and in terms of its reconsider. and since certainly much being supported by the international community . and most noticeably that you can imagine the americans, they won't the pe to have a big role. but there's also been a lot of pressure on the p a by the us for reforms of the policy. and, you know, sort of in the last couple of weeks will be putting informations. statements made by certain the p, a officials saying that they are open to these reforms, but a lot of it hangs on as to whether we, those reforms would actually include the resignation of standing down all that president a boss himself. who as i say, certainly amongst the palestinian people both here and in gauze. and that is despite the level of destruction and suffering to the goals of being oversee, ensuring now for 4 months because of his rails will dislike that he's seen is being
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so sub ship deeply unpopular. and this certainly, according to wireless, is a sign. but frankly, he's saying that so little i can do now it's over to you. all right, thanks so much, charles, try it for the on demand as i'll is a spokesman for the, for the movement and member of the revolutionary council who joins us now live from this adult good to have you with us. so 1st of all, the passing and president took a very unusual step of pulling on how much to complete the prison this what the why did the make that cold publicly well 1st i have to thank you for the 1st interview. you conduct with the front, the spokesman, 4 months into the lord. i thought the water will end before we get to speak anything on our julia. i also appreciate the just the, the english coverage of the entire situation. i know you want me to defend a certain position, which is so easy to defend. president,
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our boss is so careful. he is so as an he, he has to take care of his constituents to the people he is speaking about all the people who are elected the people of gaza. he is responsible for them. he doesn't want any oaks cups of obstacles to be put into the ways of reaching the seas file. we want to see a seas file now as as quickly as possible. not to forget the drama that is approaching. okay, um i'm still not clear the point of why he made this coal publicly and by the way, just to correct you on something. on the 11th of december, we spoke to a 5 to have facial. but coming back to the point which i was asking you about why, i mean, for the surely has communication channels with how much, why the public nature of this cool. because it has every right to do that. she has,
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i'm up more of a 40 and a constitutional authority, regardless of the polls that you cited upon, which was taking sweet months ago. if you take up all today, you will see on whose side the people's done. but that doesn't matter. i thought what we can about is that what is being of our people who are be pushed into a 2nd nexa and they're on to the next essentially district wide, publicly because he has the right and the duty to do so. that's why he did. i'm not sure what part of your funding til i haven't cited any poll. let's move on though with the question on to not sure it's, it's very clear the public nature of that cool. but any statement hold on by side. how may i ask you to complete this, present a swap to avoid the 1948 style catastrophe, to avoid an occupational attack on the roof to disappear though, really believe this. do you think that a prison this won't deal with from these re, these really to give up on
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a task home that off off to give up on any plans to try and displace palestinians further and end the war? just to set things try to didn't specifically call on him us to do the t once a ceasefire to be reached. he wants a prison as well to take place also because the families of the prisoners are waiting. the 1st thing that people are suffering facing starvation diseases. i'm at least those attacks by, as a, if you are the elected president or but people, you have every right to speak out a to speak out and call on everyone who is denise. and we think that is right is using delaying tactics. the onus is on this was the burden of proof is an, as well as what it has to deliver. and it should not that should stop using all these excuses which we do not believe in. as soon as we're out of town and also all the parties concerned. while i, me go shifting,
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have to reach an agreement so that our people can get into the month of ramadan and peace as the protestant a solid. so let me turn the question around, what is the policy and thought they've been able to do to for you. some of these policy and prisoners have been in, is there any jails for many years? and so in some cases, in administrative detention without try, without charged, without conviction. and who was the last round of negotiations that took place between the below and it was that in the, on the auspices of, of the of obama that took place in jordan is where i had to release 280 prisoners knowing the cause of the negotiating time since also between also and the 2nd intifada is well had to release 13000 by a student in prison. those that cost us a drop of ink from the penn from which these, these accord swears time. of course, there are ways to release the prisoners. we want the prisoners to be released right
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now. it's is, was that has a kidnapped all of a sudden about the president of having the relief on the 7th of october. that agreement you know, having to be able to. ready they have to but they haven't this so many prisoners inside israel is arresting more mil palestinians. the criticism for the p a is that it is b, and a lot of our students feel is very effective in protecting palestinians. the largest business swap ever took place between 5 to i'm as well, and we released all 1000 policy in a prison most for one fellow sitting in prison though that is a long time ago. but through negotiations also below managed to get thousands of thousands of policy that's prisoners fund. is there any detention also, we have to see an end to this regardless of who's, how, who stands, how to which position the the time is picking. we are all under pressure that
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people are suffering. and yes is i had to release so many prisoners through negotiations. but don't forget, ever after the start of the 7th of october, is was it not $7000.00 palestinians, $7000.00. but the thing is more than we had prior to the 7th of october, but so you start changing. isn't that precisely the point again to my, my question, a lot of pass in is also, what is the policy in, in a pharmacy doing to protect the palestinians in the west bank, who coming on the attacks from settlers as well as under occupation forces of course what is the palestinian security for us is doing? is it in your opinion, proving very effective in protecting palestinians right now is about the prevention. sometimes you can reach your objective by refraining from setting actions instead of resorting to set the actions. so yes, the by this thing and authority, which is the ballasting and boys legitimately here and recognize throughout the
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world. we stand them the word i read the word states listen to us. and of course, we can put pressure and as well on the international court of justice. they the i, c. c. also as a member states, palestine is able to bring as well the justice and the international community. listen to this advice, and of course your, of the previous comment data side to the search and fall that's caused by there's ignition of, of a bus. but he is better than the elected president that the embodiment of the policy and legitimacy. nobody can call in the name of reforms to remove an elected president because. ready if he's citing polls, that would be a matter of public opinion, which anyway, that's perhaps a discussion for another day in terms of the popularity of law without bass and the delay and elections and so on. demand those that thank you very much for coming in, sharing your perspective the presidents of egypt until the k. i have
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called for an immediate cease fire in garza project type out of the wine and the fact that has the seat held talks in kyra, instead of the ones 1st visit to egypt and 12, he is often more than a decade of tension. but to lead assigned cooperation deals to improve trade defense and tourism. and that's it. yeah. and is government continued with their policy of dealing destruction, then seeds and surveys. and despite on the massive reaction on the international id and then they've been in gauge into guys, that is our top priority. as we speak. typically a has dispatched more than 31000 of hey, i'm going to tell you and, and maybe can supplies with 2 guys up and down to the club. and i miss what the key . i appreciate the cooperation between egypt and authority to deliver the most quantity of a to people then goes up in spite of what the is really
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a party is agreeing to prevent this aid from going into. so this causes the trucks to go to very slowly, which doesn't match the needs of the people have gone to the i agreed with the president, the other one during our talk. but it's important to call for a sci fi now, and then have stability and the best time to be able to continue the piece talks as soon as possible or later aiming for the creation of a palestinian state and then move on. let's take a quick look back at the relationship between these 2 countries, ties between and could. i am kyra who the low point with a minute treat qu in egypt in 2013 president the, the one public. they protested the over throat. how much more to see and the appointment of c, c as president a year later, when things began to improve in 2022 when the 2 leaders met in delaware in november 2022 at the cost of wealth comp 6 months later the 2 countries have pointed ambassador suite chavez, capitals. now for the 1st time in 12 years, president o as one is visiting kyra, i got up the lie is a non resident. see me,
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a fellow at the middle east council on global affairs. he joins us now from his stumble. good to have you with us. so how the 1st of all is a common egyptian took his position emerging here on gauze. i've given the statements the focus we heard in the statements today. well i think one thing that is quite clear in terms of the position, yes, there's like a very similar, i'm very column position. one of them is pulling folders just by phone for and, and to the of division invasion regardless of the withdrawal things. right. of course the, from the gaza and on impeded deliver on the 8. the question is to what x on this actually would be turned into concrete steps. and this is what is lacking from the original, almost say in terms of what they want originally, it's almost like there is some sense of days for the show concerns. and i think that's one of the things that's puzzled. they did this visit in cairo,
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but the question that is the internal ever, we don't live there. if given that there is a gap between the region but almost an intelligent and from what the original actors are willing to do on gods. but that is the question that there were the weights that both factors. to what extent does this visits indicate the differences between the anchor? i'm cairo's coming from the out of spring on now over as well. i think the idea all. busy busy all that the reason is entering a post box spring phase is one of the main practice that. busy they did the region what normalization in which the target should be different normal digit is part of it, but not only this one. i think the recent joe multiple files b in e g a, b is in libya into submitted. there was another practice this, this shows in my judgement that there is a modest to be monday. there is an understanding for at least
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a better management of the dispute. the in charge of the jo pulls on the fires. i'm why we're seeing this visit. but whether we are saved the resolution or the file is and other question that it's unlikely, but we're simply the charge for our mystery suggested just checking why itself, roles and all the defense improvements to egypt. and that's in itself is quite a significant demonstration. hold on much things has a change in their by natural relations. given those other issues, you mentioned libya, sedan, the submitted, try and count. we expect tensions that perhaps decrease going forward. now a, it's has always the place. i mean, just take libya compared to pos and go the music. well, it has already decreased significant play. and you also see the turkey establishing chosen relations with brittany, sidney. it's only been actors as well. the decision of opening off the truck is
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consul general in bang. does it give me copies of statements? and, but we have to make a distinction between the reduction all sanction between the external access in the b r. i mean, what does the live been active a result with the differences? because right now, the reason that we are seeing this reduction in passion is not because and it, and if from the mental issue that are the devil, the medium size or the cd and sizes or disadvantages, find the admin address rather it is the x. so i can decide to, well, reduce the tension day, but that's relations with use in that sounds more engaging. imposter was written down so all right, thanks so much for all of that. i you're welcome. i said i had an al jazeera, a farmer, fox dani, prime minister returns to the roll off the policies agreed to form a coalition government and a being high. the dive is risking it all to indulge the will the classics championships that's coming up in school without
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the had a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather across the south american long last that prolonged heart spell has finally been broken across the very south of the confidence banks is this batch of very ferocious a thunder storms working their way from south to north. they edged into the southern pots, old brazil that was awful. they brought very heavy rain on a cloudy and cold of fuel to northern parts of origin. tina, you're a guy and power wide, but behind that's lots of heat. continuing to build a central pots of chillers santiago coming in at 32 degrees celsius the maximum high on wednesday. but you can see the heat in rio. well, that's going to be knocked out as the sundry showers, assemble onto the central stage by the se. but the good news is we will see the return of those sunny spells on saturday for the carnival. and you can see that
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weather stretches all the way up to northern parts of the region with some heavy falls in the days ahead for equitable. but much of the heavy rain remains out to sea. thankfully, we're going to see the rain pick up. however, because northern parts of mexico does quite picture for areas of central america and the caribbean, but there's a heavy rain starting to edge into the likes of monterey as we go into thursday. so shell was as well dominating for places like on doors and guatemala and a few showers with sunshine for the caribbean, and his spun yellow. the coveted beyond well taken with that hesitation, fulton died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people
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in power investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be just of our around because now to sierra if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing, no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square meter without having a hostages right now, the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the . the
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welcome back to watching. i'll just see you at the time to recap all headlines. at least 3 civilians in southern lebanon, of being killed in a wave of his riley strikes. he's right. ministry is the only thing without it free attacks of the one sold. it was killed by wrong hit $511.00. and on wednesday some people have begun leaving. then also the hospital complex and southern gaza. it's called of and is right evacuation order. it's not clear how many people have left the hospital in the last few hours. hundreds of leaves to be sheltering of the facility or the other slightly snipers killed at least 3 people inside the facility . out, is there a sources say a deliveries to guys or a stops about a week ago? food and supplied trucks stopped entering by that off floor. the crossing and several field deliveries were recorded. featured flames is riley, procedural obstacles, smell denies the accusations. indonesia is defense, minnesota, and for my general pebble, ok,
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so bianco is claiming victory. and presidential elections. votes is still being counted, but on the official resolved suggests he holds a commanding lead from both sides. the victory should be a victory for old and an easy ins. i'm more than 204000000 indonesians were eligible to vote. in wednesday's elections. jessica washington is in the capital jakarta, so bring us up to speed with the election results as they continue to count those votes. does it look like we might be entering a situation where a change of image is paying off to right? well, with regard to those quick talents votes, it does look like most of those pulling agencies are approaching the end of that process and from those results. and as we've heard from for those of you. and so it appears from all of those pulling agencies that he himself,
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for those to be on. so and you found valuable in draco, have secured the presidency and vice presidency. he did a call say that we do need to wait for the official results, but at the same time he said that himself and gibson would be lead is full the whole of indonesia. and that this when would be a win for orleans nations and that they will work to be a representatives of indonesia, thoughtful every indonesian and that uh oh, oh oh oh oh, polls the state show that they all waiting round one. you mentioned this process of image transformation that is an interesting question regarding propose to be on. so for throughout the process of this campaign, we have seen posters and social media posts for depicting proposal bianco as is a rather cute cuddly cartoon figure. certainly a departure from the military strong man image that he presented in pa selections. but i would say that actually the more significant in the image transformation in terms of this election and it's count outcome has been the transformation of,
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of someone who one's opposed to coey and run against him into elections. janelle, someone who stands beside him as a respected eldest statesman, someone who's subbed in his cabinet since 2019. and in the capacity of meeting him as defense minister, he has certainly struck that tone in conversations with me. someone who has been working to support joker windows agenda. it's something that certainly people 10 years ago would have never predicted that proposal. bianco would be running alongside decal we son, but that is the outcome that we've seen in indonesian politics. and it appears to have been one that has that what's to benefit the political aspirations of troubles to be until and how much of a challenge might provo sylvia and to have uh, if he does win this election as summer expecting to step out of the shadow of joe co with though the a well, that's an important question because of course, you know, there is the context that without the, the effect to the support as president juggle with dodo without
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a patch. the blessing that was given by the president to take you. but i'm not going rocca as propose running made perhaps we would be talking about a different outcome. but at the same time for both to be on so is very much a popular figure in indonesia. he did lose the last 2 elections, but it's not as if he never had a large base to begin with. and in fact, the fact that he participated in those 2 elections may have benefited him in this case because he had this near universal recognition. perhaps the best recognized candidates among all the 3 presidential candidates a proposal. bianco is certainly not a meek figure. and well, you know, he and president jacoby appear to have collaborated in some sense to achieve an outcome that is desirable for both of them whereby propose to be and who gets to be the president by for a presidential window to has some role in selecting his successor at the same time, it will be proposed to be on. so who is the president not juggle or dodo, so it ultimately rest with him? how much she wants to take on just always influence. all right,
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we'll leave it there. thanks so much. jessica washington from a prime minister of talk is don chavez shot a could be about to return to his old job off the inconclusive elections last week . 2 of the biggest political policies announce, fell form a coalition government as part of the agreement between the pockets. don wisdom league and focused on people's policy should a full be nominated as prime minister and on a binding called as a member of the post on people's policy and form a foreign minister. she says that policy will work with charities to avoid further political instability. the closest on people's body is the body which speeds the sun must be got 3 by 2 suppresses the need for the stability. focus on also need to know me progress and political stability happens to be a prerequisite for that. i don't think you can call you directly to ford fusion. we both are jim on the automated,
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they made the announcements that we will not be shooting them with a such even the system of to the extent of parliament rewards for major. you know, issues such as the for me, from or direction of the prime minister, but even mostly to the end of the season would not be active, but the oven is going to come on high the reports. now from this time about, it's important to know that for any political body to be able to form a government with a simple majority, they would need 134 seats out of the 266 feeds of the national assembly. also the fact that that is of faith that den read the feed for the minorities. and uh 60, if its uh for the, uh, the women said so doors and of course i located the proportionately through the party positions. but because you are on cons, party,
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we're running at the independence without december that they wouldn't be able to take advantage of that. so it appears right now that focused on is heading for another core and they shouldn't government. these are the same party that came together to out them run con, back in, uh, granted, rented due with the order of no confidence. and right now the position is that the focused on people as far date restored number 3 as part of the numbers that concerned have thrown it right behind the progress done, which they believe now was one surprise of god earlier. good anticipated that. no. why should he afford become prime minister for the 4th time? but his brother shut box jedi registered. that'd be nominated to be the leader of the house candidates. so i had on now this era action from the champions league as rail madrid. take a big step to all the quarter finals that's coming off with on the list for the
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business. latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the price quote, fans, and these here let's get caught up on the game. thank you so much samuel coming in, but i said somebody could champions league returns of power, a son, jeremiah, and i'm but i myspace. she's last march through injury, but he's ready to play in the upcoming last 16. so i guess we'll see that it's already score 30 goals the season. the 25 years contract runs out in june the front for that yet. so confirm what he'll be playing his football next season. you can okay. when the people's, you know, well i think when a team has a play, it will killing and by piece caliber do anything you have to understand is that the
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more he plays, the better it is for everyone. we all benefit that's i will go. there's no doubt about that. he could have paid 4 days ago if it had been a final. but since that wasn't the case, i don't think the risk was worth it. nicol sorry, when champions my gosh, and i'll be having to head back from a heavy to face against by love occasion in the bottom. does league and fond folly points off the paste. now in germany, the 6 tom champions taking on the lamps here a little light 0 cordial to describe his manchester city flies as perfect after winning the 1st like event last 16 times, defending champions between se copenhagen, 31 in denmark. having the growing school, the opening go and help set up the other. the safe haven auto silva, i still filed in there. it sounded like is in manchester, march the 6th city looking to become the 1st one is of the champions league since romans right back in 20172018 redwood trails. so when is in the 1st like, oh, it's all be like 6 in germany for him, the school,
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the only goal and this, well, no victory. they failed that starting and place of the engine to failing and puts route on trucks to reach the core funds to the 12th the time of the last 4 teams. now, some spectacular pictures from the world aquatics championships here in capital hike . the only thing is taking place in the hall port is a $27.00 me to go to the menu 20 made just for the women. australia is when i'm. if i'm the winning have full will time for me to go with a 7 world cliff dining championships. just so many of the slaves competing out the world, the classics have come through the united states college system. engineers, pottsville has been to one college where the program reflects the country's history of segregation rather than sporting excellence. this is how howard university in washington dc host meets with the officials where the air plugs and the d. j plays on to pact stands. this is the only historically black college in united
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states with the swimming and diving team. the reason the countries long history of racism and segregation. and you have slavery actually occurring in the united states. and slave masters are keeping their slaves from learning to swim because they're afraid they might escape. it continued, well after slavery ended pools were sacred. and then 1964, when a group of white and black swimmers jumped into a motel pool and st. augustine, florida. the manager responded by for an acid into the pool, jump in the images and spread outraged throughout the country. 9064 civil rights act was passed just a couple of weeks after this incident down in saint augustine. and lyndon baines, johnson was able to, to, to basically harness the outrage accordingly. foundation in children
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which is why the team just so much outreach in the community. we spent as a representation and we're hoping that, you know, those will be inspired to number one, learn how to swim as a life skill. and then also for see what this aquatic space can provide. their goal put in town was hours of work, perfect their form and width, and that is what they did within the mens ne conference championship title. in 2023 . they became the 1st all black swim team on the cover of sports illustrated. all slowly change this for and dancing their way into the history books. patty calling al jazeera washington and england, and india originally met test cricket series and raj called on thursday, england counseling penstock. so we might, can use 100 the tests the payments heisman monkwood back in the same alongside jimmy anderson. india is a rubbing nash with needs one move, it seems a hit 500 tests. what gets the teams go into this?
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the test with the series level at one want to do this milestone. it's a really, really big thing to complete find it best. okay. so i'm very happy to i thought, completed as far as, as a good investment, but it's okay for the invest in a little completed invest code in my home to have an extra statement. and this week, i think and may allow us, will definitely allow us to, to use what a skill set and you know that in a different ways we didn't assess strengths of 00 and the statements. i don't know why image you need all of us. we just started the class that he can do it very well . okay, that is how useful it says uh, looking for now. something thanks a lot of time to say it from me. so this news out, but i'm back in just a couple of minutes with another full show. so stay with us. the,
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the latest news as it breaks, they have actually been to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a targeted assassination with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia has increased steering as wells. will in garza from be things to withholding medications. exploring diverse cultures, exciting, political disco, exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. holden unto stories from asia or in the pacific 101 east. on out to 0.
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some challenging place to work from as a journalist, even though you can't do it, it's not allowed to be a field pushing the always pushing a boundaries for peacefully. here we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. and this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's, i them. this is a news out live from bill coming up in the next 16 minutes of the besieging, southern golf as largest hospital for weeks is ready for us, is ordered. the slice, palestinians to leave is no safe colorado as well. busy to the series of the strong, steep inside solving 11 and kidding. at least 4 people, including


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