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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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in the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of truth the the and i run. my name's site. this is the news i live from joe hall coming up in the next 60 minutes and as rainy as try and kills at least forcing people at a refuge account in central concepts. and is there any forces font at display civilians in gaza, often ordering them to leave the besieged knots, the hospital, hundreds of engine people in northern dogs that are struggling for cat as israel
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continues to belong critical age. more is really a strikes at residential areas in southern 11 on 6 people are killed off and one is really, soldier was killed in northern israel and several people ended in a shooting near a super bowl victory parade in kansas city is full. the women's well, number one sentence players closing in on the title, display on site is 3 to the quarter finals and the counselor wife and she looked at the window, told him, in fact it strikes the . we begin in central garza where at least 14 people have been killed in is riley as strike. the strike hits a residential building indeed. and is there it's, can it collapsed trappings? thousands of people on the rubble. on tuesday, another 12 people were killed in the camp of to, in his riley as strike as guys it's hard assume was live in rafa city for us. so
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these latest series of as strikes on central gaza took us through them as well as in ruffle where you all so yes, in fact, there was a clear intensification of that use where the military strikes in the past few hours across different areas in the garza strickland in particular, in the central and also in the southern part where and roughly district the eastern areas of this city had been widely bombarded by the, is very alt tillery that had destroyed and targeted a number of agriculture lands. the adults are adjacent to the borders with egypt to little side. that's the city of con. eunice witnessed a key from bottom and it's especially the demolishing of complete neighborhoods. the on the non stop about attacks and class has being corrupted. the, that we in the palestinian fighters and the east bed is to just bought the most critical situation and voting as strikes were directed and targeting the central
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parts of the gaza strip. where 14 panels, themes have reported to, you know, the attacks that have targeted residential building and also a rock refugee camp. um its a series of strikes that targeted as much as the under really by a city. and now we need a clearly to understand that these areas recently, palestinians have been moving and fleeing to from roof as they are trying to be away from potential military. encouraging part, the attacks from the east very fine to just continue to about the city alongside with the north of the territory worth street, thomas? the is happy report that cute in gauze the city off to residential flats being targeted. okay. uh, stay with us tired because i just want to update all view is what the situation in southern gauze is largest hospital in con eunice, which has been besieged by is riley forces for some days. now. clauses health ministry says 2600 people. all still in side, including about 200 doctors. the is there any forces have told displaced
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palestinians to leave. but there's been no safe passage out the hospital. is there any days worth of fuel and is critically low on food, morsa and medical supplies for you? people have been killed by is really gunfire since monday. another con eunice hospital under is rarely siege is currently being shells like nasa out. i'm all hospital has been on the time spies really forces for several weeks now. according to the palestinian red crescent society showing is in the vicinity of the hospital all i'm all has around a 100 patients and 18 medical stuff in side. okay, let's return now to topic. so it's clear the situation in these hospitals including us, the hospital is pretty desperate. what is the latest your hearing on the situation that in those hospitals?
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yes, a in fact. so those hospitals have been completely, i'm the east bed, the military. so you does these very forces previously had to storm that. i'm in the hospital, runing the gates and shooting an opening of the flash and shooting against different departments of the hospital. so far, the situation in the past few hours sounds really critical in the the nozzler hospital, whether it's very minute treat quite cope to drones. had talking to different departments of the hospital, especially the surgery departments were a palestinian doctor has been in good. and people then post hospitalized us to trapped on the can not really get a safe cordial out of the hospital. where is some palestinians it trying to get out today? the have been a subject to then be exposed to the east, verifies, and they have been seeing that isabelle has established military 2 points on old roads that are leading to the announcer medical facility. but we need also to mention that both hospitals are extremely running low in terms of medical supplies
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where and i'm also hospital doctors are carrying out surgeries without anesthesia as we are trying to save the lives of hundreds of pay since are suffering from us. drifted cool in trees and another important aspect to mention is that people that do not know what to go next as the do not know the rows that will be do a i, i located for them to see a from the city of con. eunice is specifically that the employer regents that surrounding the vicinity of both hospitals had reduced to the russell. okay, thank you for that update topic about us doing of course one of the in rough uh, well earlier we spoke to dr. osmond out, mcgraw be, he is the head of plastic surgery at knoxville hospital and despite the very unstable connection and gone. so he did manage to tell us the thousands of people have tried to evacuate and spend hours at is really checkpoints, troops screened people for hours and many were arrested or forced to return back to
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the hospital. might say, if i don't mind somebody i might, will grow, i might of the electives do the sheep point. actually i can give you that intel dance of the poor, this sheet points and loss of the speed that most of them didn't tell them. but it is, it goes and the soldiers actually voted 5 be for the 6 points, 5 by $55.00 by 5. i'm going to guess this. most of these people motivate the intelligence of people. it isn't human. they think that this is the us in a human human way. healey, they have started us. they used to take pictures of the students to take the doors . i bluffing the sole jaws. yeah. it is. this is supposed to be on the
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low, the $45.00 before already to cross off the district wide report the what that is some of them 2 or 3 as well as the assembly desperate situation at the abu uses on the jar hospital in rasa, the direct just as deaths have risen significantly up to 60 people a day, a dying as a hospital faces severe shortages of stuff, medicine and equipment. dealt to say the high number of displaced people in rafa is making the situation was we saw behind the wheel this morning. we received news of the death of my cousin who fell ill. we went to the repeating hospital, we did not find a place for him that no examinations, no medicine. they was so many displays people in the hospital. we were forced to come to mohammed out in the jar hospital and we found the same situation here. they would know bits. we tried to perform a simple procedure for him. he had a blockage, and these are trees not suffered from any diseases before. but we were not able to perform this operation due to a lack of beds, and the lack of medicines on this with the
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a lot of the fatality right in the city of rafa has increased 5 to 6 times. this is primarily due to the rise in the population and the she will teach of medicines and equipment that there's an inability to provide comprehensive medical services the otherwise available to patients worldwide as well in northern golf and patients at the canal ad one hospital also facing desperate conditions, many medical self have left the facility and the severe shortages of life saving medicine. food on us also reports. national mental agent doesn't left us and we are currently inside the surgery department at the co. i'd one the hospital. how did it pop in the houses? hundreds of people who were injured during the war on garza, the wounded all suffering from food and medicine shortages as a result of these writings, prohibiting the entry of a basic necessity and even medicine into the gaza strip. and instead of the day,
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also the limited capabilities of medical crowds and yeah, hi may be of about you can see these children had a lot of florida injured, eastern jamalia camp, let the know all looking for food for themselves. and they found that they yeah. now and they were accompanied by the father and wounded while looking for fruit in the body. i can a bit of talk to him. they've been left without without serious injuries. i think the upfront of it has, you know, the children need food made some water and electricity. if we cannot get food, what are we going to do? the entire world is watching out children with foot without lifting a finger. no one is doing anything. no one is responding, no one is helping us let one of these children are dying. if they don't die of hunger, they will die of disease. they are children, just like any other child in the world with judgment and there's no child or free man in this world. would it be okay with children diagnosed? hung out with disease? i. yup. yup. they'll, they're injuries and suffering is made worse by the lack of food or made. so yeah,
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this is the situation of these children. they were targeted by. it's really a cross because i was say, family east to jamalia campbell. the situation is die on a day. are unable to obtain food and medication, which is not available at all. yeah. in the northern gauze. um, what they suffering is um, worsening by the 2nd hand. they are now in grave danger due to food and medicine. surely, just want us to be on kind of to show you just the amount of all does aerosol. so say a deliveries to gone so i have stopped about a week ago of food and supplied truck stopped entering via the roof of border crossing several fuel deliveries. wherever quoted this, which is from the mid sign of border crossing between egypt and israel with thousands of trunks waiting for entry, egypt blames is rarely procedural obstacles. but israel has denied the accusations as well as gauze a runs out of food, palestinians,
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a searching fault. i'm wide to get what they need to survive. my mood, woods risk, his life every day to provide for his family. this is his story. john, don't go upon the idea. the more i just don't grew up on the youngest one is that in the middle of the low this, the trouble is that while i was doing the install hi miss out on monday is a piano. the some of the thing is that i'm of this the instead of doing the chance to present a little more study or another and getting rid of it. yeah. isaac in the jungles. but not around. do you put the middle of the season so? well, i'll go ahead and want to also lou. i went over to
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a lot of them has drugs. the majority of them that i know we've got a lot of leg was got look the one i would hope from the job of the by you guys didn't bring the girl up. i'm not j. blackbox. i'm in the loop. so but the shuttle go, i'll do, mitchell got on know what might be done. you own been a the model of no to josh and then you got sort of. busy the not good was on the train for one. yeah. and there's the rule been given there was here's the this one is the rest of the. busy slowly and the good, good,
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good xyzzy is really if i got the receipts and the as the yes, the overall little gum, i mean is it a little while on the page the is that i'm still going to have to manage it a little really done that little overview, i'll spend a side watch on all those most restrict the somebody in the for the 3 of it was already forces have demolished the home if the palestinian activist and ok, parties tourist and fox, 3 of the the has campaigned against illegal. is there any settlements in the occupied westbank or challenges as well?
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these are the sites and sounds of a family home being demolished? the jack, how much does it's work? well, these ready police stand and it was the house of factory up with the palestinian campaigns against exactly this sort of thing in the house of stine neighborhood, the bulky part history system. it's this activism for which he says he's ready. authorities are punishing him, need us of the dog. yes. unfortunately the time came for them to restrain and silence and forbid people who would defend human rights. and the goal was to silence me. he's already police didn't want assuming the demolition before it started. we were in the factories house when the police arrive to throw everyone out. the whole thing moved again and then they pushed us far down the road. they're all demolition owed us for more than $100.00 houses in this area. his radio
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authorities say they've been built a legally, but they're all plans to turn this palestinian neighborhood into a religious theme. park. cool city of david a me cohen works for and is ready and g o campaigning for palestinian rights. just since the start of the war, we've had 92 demolitions, 61 of them had been homes and this would be the 62nd home demolition to demolition . took place yesterday and a lot of days. so basically was saying with the parent effort to not only increase more competition, more corporation of lands and territories. the reason for jewish is really but also pushing palestinians out. this is of a measure and process of displacement that has been played out in the form of demolitions and confiscation of land factories. home is going for the act of it says he'll keep trying to save other people's laurie chapman's. how does the era occupied east jerusalem the us state department has condemned the demolition of
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dad's home. would also like to reiterate that the impact of these demolitions is obviously not the 1st goes beyond just the impact on this individual family. these acts of struct efforts to advance a durable and lasting peace, peace and security that would benefit not just palestinians, but israel is they damage israel standing in the world. and they make it ultimately more difficult for us to accomplish all of the things we're trying to accomplish. that would ultimately be in the interest of the as really people. and so we can down them and will urge them to continue to urge that they not continue to bring you some breaking news. coming to us from the united states, one person has been killed in a shooting at a super bowl victory parade in kansas city. several others have also been injured and take a look at this. the police
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offices have been deployed to the scene outside kansas city, the stadium details surrounding the shooting. all still want unclear, but we do know that 2 suspects have been taken into custody. now about a 1000000 people were expected to attend the super bowls celebration. as get more on this, we can speak to heidi joe castro, who joins us now from washington, dc. so this incident taking place in the last so to 45 minutes so. so what more can you tell us about what happened? i mean, we're still getting the news as a struggling from this breaking event. but as you said, we're hearing now reports of at least one person who has died as a victim of this shooting 5 others are in serious condition, 3 others and critical. those numbers may change as more information comes in. what's notable is that this mass shooting occurred towards the end of what was
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supposed to be a spectacular celebration of an american history, which was the super bowl, the winning team, the kansas city chiefs were being celebrated by their city. and towards the end of that celebration, as people gather to see all the players gathered on stage is when the reports of the shots fired happened. and that's when we saw everyone running police going to the scene. again, we're hearing 2 people were arrested who are armed. it's still very unclear. police are cautioning not to jump to conclusions. they haven't said that this event itself was targeted, may have been to people who were had a conflict that was just them, but then spread to the rest. a lot of unanswered questions here. but of course, as we report on every now shooting here, people are always immediately going to question to the context. this is not the 1st by any means mass shooting of this year in court. and in fact,
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according to the gun violence archives. there have been 47 mass shootings this year in the united states alone. and it just so happens that today february 14th is also the exact 6 year anniversary to school shooting and parkland, florida. back back then were 17 people were killed. and as those survivors are even on capitol hill, as we speak, trying to rally support among law makers for greater gun control. lots in the us. we see this on hold at the super bowl chief celebration parade. yet again, at least one for us and dad. yeah. how to, if you could give us a bit more context about this, this event, people who maybe not so familiar with the super bowl and the celebrations attached to that. i mean, this is, this was a huge event, wasn't that many? i believe a 1000000 people were attending a, so just focus through the, you know, the, the sites if this incident absolutely. the super bowl,
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which was just the sunday is the biggest sporting event of the united states. and in fact, this year is broke viewership history records. as far as tele wise viewers. and in this city of kansas city chiefs, they are the hometown heroes. and people essentially go don't go to work, they don't go to school on this parade to celebrate their teams. great victory. you know, even in the moments leading up to the shooting, it was the very opposite and feel here. people were smiling. it was very festive, the players were joking around, really just letting down their arms in. that's the best way you can call it, breathing a sigh of relief and celebrating and then for that to be cut by these sounds of gunshots and police telling people and acts to clear the area so that those who have been wounded could be treated. i mean there could not be a more stark contrast um, but i've,
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i've heard of some commentators say at best that this really illustrates 2 sides of american culture. we have the great celebration of the super bowl, american football and then the mass shootings that have really become a part of the american identity at this point. right, just, just to let of us know we are still, we're looking at live pictures of the scene. a that's on the right hand side and previous shots that we have from the last hour. so i or just slices numbers that we're guessing one person dead, 3 critical in critical condition off to that shooting. what more can you tell us in terms of the situation now we, we have been told that the 2 people were apprehended as far as we understand that this is no longer an ongoing situation.
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that appears to be the case. i saw the police announcements on ex, telling people that union station where this shooting occurred close to that has been cleared. people who had apparently been told a shelter in place there had been allowed to leave. so it appears that the can see the situation is contained but what still unclear is exactly how many were wounded 2 sided, those figures, which is also the latest that i've heard. but still there could be further, there could be people who are trickling on their own to hospitals as mash, shooting at these really massive events that are, have gathered more than a 1000000 people are known to do. but it does appear that the situation is contained, that doesn't, from the videos we've seen, there hasn't been mass pandemonium or people running or stampedes which may have made the situation so much worse. but again, there's so many questions still that are unanswered who exactly where the shooters
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are they and do the 2 people who are armed in police custody now, why did they do this? was this event targeted and why does this keeps happening in american culture? okay, thank you for that. heidi counselor that for us in washington, it still has on algae 0, the chairman of the us house intelligence committee, loans for serious threats. the countries national security suckers present, a relative type at the wrong visits. egypt for the 1st time in 12 years to improve time and take a look at this aiming high, the dive is risking to win goals and the well, the classics championship that's coming up in the school. the had the we've seen the return all low miles. what conditions across europe recently?
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well, things ongoing ton went to, i'm a little bit colder. we still got a area of high pressure in charge across the western and southern area. so temperature is well above the average for this time if you, as we go thursday into friday, have a look at berlin. 15 degrees celsius this morning, 10 degrees above what it should be for this time of year. we don't, however, still seeing that what with a pool ringing across the low countries, into germany and denmark for the wintery bloss, the southern pots of norway, well rounds of rain moving across person and the island of island. how does that rain as well moving across the baltic states? we've got some fall warnings out for a lot via ad listed way of ukraine, as well as that wintery weather starts to shift its weight for the east. not so much fine. of course the balkans, some wind, however affecting creation. we've got some warnings out for that and bits and pieces of rain continuing to link across southern parts of greece, pretty wild as well for took here over the next few days. and while it looks set
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said we are going to see the return of wet weather pulling across spain and portugal. some of that on friday, rolling into central parts of front. it's going to be what's in paris that you, whether update a settled tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days the another, the cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring
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a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital crime scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform, most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here. the torching out, just bear in mind. the thoughts of the story is this. our end is forcing and people have been killed in as early as striking. central garza, the residential building in missouri, it's refugee camp was hits and collapse. dropping thousands of people under the sun
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. people have been gone, leaving the national hospital complex. and southern garza, this is positive and it is really evacuation order. it's not clear how many people have left the hospital in the last few hours, hundreds of and even 3 sheltering out fillasy. leah is really snipers killed at least 3 people inside the facility how since the thoughts of israel's will ongoing . so there's been a passing of threats and attacks on hospitals by these really military and the 1st 36 hours of the war is rarely false as targets and multiple locations, including the indonesian hospital and also hospital and outputs, hospital kidding, dozens of health care workers by the end of november 30 out of 36 hospitals in garza were hit by is really rockets, including all she felt the largest hospital in gaza. and the 6 hospitals currently remain functional in gaza operating on the difficult conditions. or israel's claims
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that how much is minutes? rising medical facilities, but not without proof. international humanitarian law explicitly protects hospitals tarik, just out of which is the spokesman for the world health organization. he explained some difficulties faced by medical teams and patients at last the hospital. oh uh my understanding is that uh, the cert medical complex has been under the seizure uh for now more than a week last time, but were able to reach the service on the 29th of january. and since that we tried several. busy times to go there, but uh i would request have been denied. uh, we heard reports uh about some 400 patients still being there. but said that the 10 people have been queued on that to a warehouse because the warehouse has been destroyed. that northern gate has also be destroyed and it's really impossible to get there because of the destruction of
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the, of the roads nearby. so obviously all of this is a, is alarming. and we keep calling for every month to protect to health facilities, to protect patients of health workers the to the occupied westbank. now, where is riley settler attacks have been on the rise? they often take place with is where the security forces standing by joining in, charles profit reports from roger. it's annette jericho. in the occupied westbank. she had it ice guards, he's heard the goats. so he's families main source of income. and he's worried these really settlers will come back and take them away. she had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years. it's surrounded by illegal and expanding these ready settlements. the began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently
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forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his goats, it's straight on to the land land that according to international law, is not this. so as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades the nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals. they threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the sheep away. since the 7th of october, settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the settlement council. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer at detailing the case to the betterment of the occupied west bank of lifted for centuries. members of one community tell us some
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of the attacks and stock saft being laid by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by all the pulses just in his cause. we woke, accompanied by his way, the human rights activists to what we are told is another set of that with gods. many of the better we living in this area has either that gods killed, or in some instances, their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to it. it is right in the settler who has a herd of gods in the valley, behind me. many of the senses and the better and tell us that many of them have either the implicit or the actual practical support of the israeli army in this area. the young on, on set to looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about. so home. what uses from inside these call, which is pump from a nearby hill. excuse me,
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a few minutes later, he knows us as we try to flank him down, slowly, slowly they closing on them and the air for the sound, the fuel family already left. so it's quiet terror, but it's been fair. the settlement councils will i reply to, i. e mail said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray, but there was no mention of the fact the animals had roamed on to land occupied illegally by israel, according to international cha stuff without your 0. how do i that ended up to 5 was thank as well. germany says it's considering you sanctions against illegal is where the settlers for the actions and the occupied westbank. the remarks came during a meeting between german, i'm is really officials in west jerusalem. german foreign minister underlying
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a bad bulk has also said an offensive and rough uh would be a humanitarian catastrophe. don't have enough ink small minds per month and i'm a $1300000.00 people are waiting there and a very small space. they don't really have anywhere else to go right now. many of them have folded these really of creation orders and fled the painting in northern garza, often with nothing more than their small children in the arms. and the last of their quotes on these people cannot simply vanish into thin air. dimension is where the national security minister, it's not been give a, a says palestinian prison, a model one, but a good to you has been transferred to solitary confinement and a social media post. ben gavera said the decision has been taken the following information about a planned uprising. agree she is a former leader of process um to wing and has been serving a life sentence since 2002. how about us and all the palestinians factions have
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demanded his release? at least a people have been killed and several injured in is riley strikes on $711.00 on the rates follow rocket far out of 11 on that killed one is really, soldier is just the latest escalation in cross board attention since israel's war and garza began last year and how that has moved. you have the, it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is really military and has the law is really war. planes targeted multiple locations across the southern lebanon in retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians. children among them, it is an escalation, and i think that beloved respond by the same and then the safety of the one bob man . but the result in dog to match the role and what i mean without the laundry,
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it means respecting more or less the limits of being gauge man, but not going into a know not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really, isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what is called the violence has the bombing targeted northern israel rockets, attacks blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army said was its northern command headquarters and suffered about 15 kilometers from the border itself. the 1st time rockets have been launched at military positions deeper inside israel, but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided massages used were different by that of the said. the setup is below is showing its strength and capability. it is in response to is randy. thread is below, wants to show what it has and it is ready to use it. it is also a message to decision makers in the world to stop the crimes against the people of gauze hezbollah. open the front of the south, living on to support its ally,
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how mass in garza. and it says it will only stand down once the aggression on the strip and that may not be enough for israel, which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his ladies can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks, it has stepped up. it's a tax on hezbollah targets and carried out targeted kit, things. the rocket fire isn't escalation on has well those parts, it's seen as a message of the parents with up to same time. it's also within the rules of engagement which have been in place since the start of the latest, from the fighting between the long time enemies, isabel and its response has broken those rules. and while it appears that conflict has widened, many believe this around the violence was all about messages. and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war. and they're anxious. eda, beta tuck as president red chip, type at one and his egyptian house,
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pomp of those that those see. so you have met in cairo, it's everyone's 1st visit, often a decade of tense ties. both need is a cold for an immediate cease font in gaza. cnn, because your new votes now from a stumble, egypt presidents up to set the l. c. c. hosts to key has the ridge up type are gone for the 1st time in more than a decade. relations broke down in 2013. when cc let and military coup against the country's 1st, democratically elected president mohammed mercy and allies of air drawn. but that appears to be behind them. and the 2 leaders are starting a new chapter, aiming for $15000000000.00 a year and for a joint investments. and deeper cooperation, starting with their assured opposition to is why as we're on gaza, a hi slugging adult then slide, even if i get the most, we are proud of the level of cooperation between egypt and took here for rapid
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access to the largest amount of human and aid to our people in the gaza strip, taking into account the restrictions imposed by these really authorities on the entry of this age, which causes trucks to enter at a slow pace that is not come months rate with the needs of the residents and the egypt has been hosting medication efforts along with guitar in the united states, to broker a ceasefire between israel and how much are due on an outspoken critic of his wiles war was for unity and peace in the region. goes to the con, cut them the most you to we will continue the cooperation and sold there to be taught rejection brothers calling for the black, chit, and god's a. to stop in the medium term, we are ready to work with egypt towards the rebuilding cost. despite the political deadlock, economic and flight links between egypt and turkey have remain strong in the past decade. this month, encore, and now it would supply chiral with foreign phones. new to the changing political
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and security environment in the middle east, the regions largest to military powers, egypt entered, to have compelling reasons to normalize relations. while kyra's priorities appear to focus on cooperation on colorado is looking for a geo political commitment. however, the most 1st thing expectation from annual re engage meant is a resolution for is miles war. on godsa, c, noncustodial, elders 0, assemble. the chairman of the us house intelligence committee is warning of a serious threat to the countries national security. mike tennis says that the house permanent select committee on intelligence has made available to all members of congress information concerning what he calls a serious national security threat to the united states. as a result, he'll be requesting that president joe biden de classify or information relating to this threat. i personally reached out to the gang of
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a. it is highly unusual. in fact, for the national security adviser to do that. i did that. i just set up a meeting that was sent its not here. the 4 house members have agreed to that meeting. this is well before congress been trying or came out today. we'll have that conversation tomorrow. i'm not going to say anything to them. let's go to uh, rosalyn jordan who is not for us in washington, dc ross. and what is this one about as well? it appears that it's about politics, not actually about national security, usually of the leaders of the senate and house committees that deal with intelligence issues. usually don't talk about what they're going. she will have meetings about and they certainly don't announce them before the meetings have actually happened. and so i think what you saw there from jake solomon, the national security advisor, was a bit of a rotation that a conversation that he fully expected to take place behind closed doors has been
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put out in the public and may be causing unnecessary and under warranted all public anxiety, we certainly have seen a number of members of both the house and the senate come out and say that this is something that is being dealt with. we heard from the house speaker mike johnson saying that all due and appropriate attention is being paid to the matter and that people should not be panicking. and so it really does beg the question whether or not chairman charter should have actually announced that there was going to be this closed door meeting with the top of leadership dealing with intelligence issues on thursday on capitol hill. it's also worth pointing out that child, this comes just hours after the house republicans lost a seat of the seat that was formerly held by the controversial congress person of george santos. a democrat won his seat and we'll be filling that seat for the rest
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of the term. and so there's a little reading speculation here in washington that this is a diversion area tactic, and that it was simply mike turner's turn as it were to create digital version. and to divert attention from the fact that we're house republicans are losing a little more power in their chamber. okay, thank you for that rustling jordan that let's get more on this. a joining as long live on scarves on boston, massachusetts, as glen call east for me, deputy national intelligence officer for trans national threats at c. i a thank you for your time. is it unusual? the chat of the house intelligence committee would make information concerning a serious national security threat light this available to members of congress. it is unusual and i concur with our colleague in washington that we should think, politics 1st and intelligence. second,
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although the intelligence issue does sound to be a real one, the gain of age as it is called, is the senior. the most senior oversight, the body from the legislative branch that brings the, the congress and the senate, the leadership of both parties together. and they are brief only on the most sensitive matters of intelligence and national security. the one shouldn't be speaking about these matters in public. and i would share where i still serving the point of frustration that we are detected from the national security advisor. that a meeting had already been scheduled for tomorrow? well, apparently on this matter. so when something like this is alluded to in public, it tends to have a political motivation. i would add one other political aspect to this. the law called section 7, o 2 is up for renewal. this section 7 know 2 authorizes the national
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security establishment and particularly we have the i to use cert and technical means to listen to the communications. it's controversial in some ways because it raises civil liberties and privacy issues. but it also is important from a national security perspective. and it seems as i am hearing that that law made or that capability allowed by that law may have led to the discovery of this sensitive natural security issue. and the, the congressman to spoke about this matter may be seeking to have that law renewed. and this would raise a pressure because it would show which capabilities, right? if it is indeed all political, i mean he, he, mike turned and went on to say that he wants in president joe biden to declassify all the information relating to the spreads. why we,
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why would the requests that as well, i can imagine, i don't know, but i can imagine that a republican in a, to a exceptionally historically tense, political environment would if the information were leaks, they have a pretext, then to say, the why isn't the administration so all in this and look they have their pants down or something to that effect. that's total speculation on my part. but it's not the 1st time would not be the 1st time that so such a mover were very engaged in. so right. that's what i was gonna ask you, i mean, happy. so how, how has, has, has moves like this happened before? oh, absolutely, absolutely. i think most intelligence professionals would probably share my view of where it is that important vital and appropriate as oversight is from capitol hill from elected officials,
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so that they tend to think politics 1st and the civil servants approach for national security are handling the 2nd i have seen, for example, a famous or infamous example was in 2016 or 2015. beginning of 8 was briefed about a russian interference in the election and approaches to donald trump and senator mitch mcconnell. as i understand it refused to have this information made public the reverse of what we're seeing today, because she thought that that would harm the republican candidate. donald trump, really interesting to get your perspective on this. a wlan call from a former deputy national intelligence office of transnational threats at the c. i thank you. do or indignation, his defense minister and form a general provost bianco is claiming victory in the presidential election,
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but it's a still being counted. but on the official results suggest that he holds a commanding lead of our says the victory should be a victory for oh, and the nations. jessica washington has this report for me to casa, take a look at the crowd behind me. all for those to be on to gather in this stadium and the cost of celebrating their confidence that proposed to be on so will be the next president of indonesia, only hours off the phone to the quick challenge which is taken from around the country indicates that indeed, these things of victory has a commanding lead over his private lead. the election took place where the both of you also and you would secure an outright. now this would count gives us a reliable indicators that they have managed to do that. and that indeed is likely
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the next president's opened to an agent. the 0 former pockets don prime minister to about 3 could be about to return to his old job now to increase of elections last week. 2 of the biggest political parties announced they will form a coalition government and i was positive. the agreement between the bulk is don wisdom league and focused on people's policy sharif will be nominated as prime minister of hundreds of women in the democratic republic of congo. have marched in the capital, cooling for peace in the eastern region, purchased as submissive a statement to the president's office in kinshasa. parsing between government forces and m. 23 rebels escalation, listen days mainly around the town of sick in north keeping province. the d. all seas accusing randa as forcing the rebels and allegation that conduct
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a has denied angry purchased as in hungry, have gathered in budapest, demanding the resignation of prime minister victor obama government over a child, sex abuse scandal, or bounce to close allies. step down on stocks today for the pot and then a convicted 9 who tried to cover up sexual abuse charges as an orphanage upon ministers. yet to publicly address the control to see the scandal seen as old bounce biggest political crisis since returning to power in 2010. the still ahead on out does aaron's full will have the laces from the european champions league that and much more coming up in a few moments the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dash before to use the
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these business uptake these me roy thought of bundle dash football to use the
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the time for the sport his id. thanks so much, molly. okay. and by his audits of his champions, legal scoring. finally, the power sun german's drawing to open the scoring and his teams last 16 months because or else i'll see that it says full scolding the seasons compensation full. so i'm approaching in that 1st like time parents, it's past due to so see that new penalty from sherry. i'm overlay for the dead left between left so in find munich and dad, last 16 match the economy level. so i sense of the bind, so we'll now see the it's how he is and that was i'd say to him defending champion eagles films that goes into the quarter farms of the castle, open the world in the bowl and everything and catherine alexandrovna in straight sets i'm a psycho also progressing in though her opponents police. you to run car,
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pull that with an injury. the seed lady rivet, came to another, went up the cows exam plan, drop a set on route spacing. i'm in the bar of the united states. i'm next to her, it's kind of those la fernandez. refound with alice, but his returns, it's on his own hold. he's pulled out of next week's tour events in capsule be $22.00 tom grand slam when i had hip surgery last year. did pain brisbin last month, but then withdrew from the australian open and he has not completed since with the will the crossings championships in the hall straight as it ran. and if one does one have full high diving title? this events involves a 27 me to both the men, and it's when see me, it's a platform for the women out there. a spoke to a friend about the prospects of her event one day becoming island picks bolts. i think having that recognition will help a lot of people get into it because one of the hottest things about is getting into
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the sport because there's limited facilities to train and to load. so i think that'll be, that'll be the biggest thing is the country. so start to develop facilities and develop programs and, and get a bit more knowledge around the training and what's, what's needed to be a successful hi diaper and yeah, and to, to get a huge group of us together and push the limits. it's only natural to feel that to feel that fear. and to be honest, if, if i walked up to 20, made us and didn't feel scared, i would think that's something wrong. um, but yeah, it is, it's, it's a natural, natural part of sports and dealing with it is something that, that also r drive to you as a, as a human being you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees while on depressurize is such a great feeling when you've accomplished it to be a part of this board and $1.00 of the pioneers and to see how it's going already
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use is exciting this so much potential for it. um, so yeah, i am hoping that. so i'm hoping that uh, myself, alongside of a lot of other drivers will inspire many more people to, to come and, um, you know, keep contacting a guy. now, the sports gambling industry in australia is to undergo major reforms with new restrictions to cub advertising. fancy best, some groups for the government is ignoring the social and mental impacts. the gambling can have. sarah clock reports from president up to 21 years in his job. john speech for tot he didn't signed up to online support spacing, and lost his life savings. i was just in this horrible situation rod managed to blog. yeah. not just more redundancy, but everything that i've sized over that period of time. so he says, gambling investments and ties to me to based on sports. he likes the price is made easy using app. so he's more about fine, we just bombarded with like that. so it's definitely the hearing and it definitely
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does. so with yeah, with it, with the stalling change of attracting new customers and getting the existing customer to spend more, he strode, his government plans to cook gambling advertising, but any banking group's fear, a proposed ban will be bolted down. are they going to act in the gambling companies interest or in the public interest? and this is an important watershed moment. we want to say the impact decisively to reduce the out of control levels of gambling, advertising, promotion and inducement in australia. premier league clubs in the united kingdom had band matched a front of shit sponsorship deals with gambling companies for 2026. the sports building sector in australia has agreed to do the same. starting to spend $16000000000.00 a year, 3 legal forms of gambling, making it one of the largest put capital losses in the world. and creekside the industry here is also one of the least regulations. the government has now approved
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legislation to band use of credit cards for online gambling. gamblers will be full to fund their accounts using bank transfers. but professor sell against. but from the gambling treatment and research clinic says, bidding advertisement also need to be regulated and are increasingly targeting adolescence, the gambling as a really target young people, young men in particular, and they're making it seem a really social and to tiny. you're part of the culture. the industry body representing online gambling companies says a blanket ban on advertising would be an extreme rich stripping hundreds of millions of dollars from sports. and broad costs is it will be up to politicians to decide with the countries priorities lie. sarah, clock, algebra, prison. so okay, that is, i suppose, looking for now. mulling thank you around a lot. so for me, my name's 5 for this visa. i'll be back there in a moment. with more details needs to stay with us. the,
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a mazda, big a survivor of the united states, the taurus guantanamo and background detention centers. and it's so cold war on terror. now, human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone have been one time. i'm will be retraces as steps, revisiting because that's it. echoes of background with this documentary on a just a snapshot of an ordinary day, most people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to the results, navigating the streets, these devices to legal documents, parcels, and food from companies and restaurants. people during process takes just
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a couple of minutes using an app up to which they read gold. has this treat a 3 d, marvin told them that brain prevents them from getting lost and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging. russians, why that lead use of people trying to help a delivery of robots out of a snow drift have gone viral online? since russian are interested the so called special ministry operation and ukraine, thousands of migrant laborers have left the country fronting innovators to fast track and the tree to partially supplement the human workforce. unique perspective. one of the i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target your journal on heard voices and i'm part of the patient. please connect
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with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 as the the hello i'm on the inside. this is news out live from that ha, coming out in the next 60 minutes is right, yes, drawings hit and is there a refuge account been gone? so where this place palestinians have been sheltering? at least 14 people have been killed in desperate situation inside southern golf is not so hospital. is there any full sense of told people that to evacuate the 5 and some of those trying to meet.


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