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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the l g 0 with the is really your strikes fitness. sarah, refugee camp in gaza where displaced, palestinians have been sheltering. at least 14 people have been killed. the sort of any age group that have you with us. this is elza 0 live from doha. also coming up, a desperate situation inside 7 guys is nasir hospital is really forces have told people there to evacuate, but fire and, and some of those trying to leave and let her know in at least 10 people have been
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killed is really strikes on the residential areas of the head of the us house intelligence committee, warren's of a serious threat to national security, from what's being called a destabilizing foreign milledgeville capability. the palestinians and central guys are using their bare hands to dig through rubble, searching for bodies that's after and is really are straight, flattened, the home in the, on the say that the refugee camp killing at least 14 people. the bodies of several children have been found. the injured were rushed to hospital where the situation is increasingly desperate. in the southern city of hon. eunice, crowds of displaced palestinians who had been sheltering and nicer hospital had been ordered to leave by his really forces the facility. it has been under siege for weeks and is really snipers have been firing on people outside,
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including nurses and doctors. are a couple assume reports from rasa and southern gas. there was a clear intensification of that is where the military strikes in the past few hours across different areas in the garza strickland, in particular, in the central and also in the southern part where and roughly district the eastern areas of this city had been widely bombarded by the is very up to the read that had destroyed and targeted a number of agricultural lands. the adults are adjacent to the borders with egypt to little side. that's the city of con eunice, witness a cli bottom. and it's especially the demolishing of complete neighborhoods. the and the number of the top of the tax and class has being corrupted. the, that we in the palestinian fighters and the is very soon we just bought the most critical situation and voting. the strikes were directed and targeting the central parts of the gaza strip. where 14 policy and have to report to, you know, the attacks that have targeted residential building. and i'm also
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a rock refuge account. um its a series of strikes that targeted as much as the end. they're really by a city. and now we need to clearly to understand that these areas recently, palestinians have been moving and fleeing to from roof as they are trying to be away from potential ministry. encouraging part, the attacks that from the very fine to just continue to about the city alongside with the north of the territory worth st. thomas. the is happy report. cute in goal is a city off to a residential flats being targeted since the start of israel's war ongoing. so there's been a pattern of attacks on hospitals by the is really military. and the 1st 36 hours of the war is really forces targets in multiple locations which included the, the nation hospital, nicer hospital and of goods hospital killing dozens of health care workers. by the end of november. 30th gauze is 36. hospitals have been hit by as really, rockets including l. shift the largest hospital in the strip. only 6 hospitals now
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remain functional and gaza and even those that are still operating are doing so under difficult conditions is real claims that i'm us is minutes. rising medical facilities, but it hasn't provided much evidence for this. international law protects hospitals offices here a spoke to dr. i'm it on the grabbing the head of plastic surgery at nasa hospital in fine eunice. and despite the very unstable connection in gaza, he managed to tell us that thousands of people tried to evacuate and spend hours. it is really check points. troops extensively screening people, many of whom were arrested or forced to return my sis. i took my family off, my local and my the electives through the sheep point. actually i can give you that intel dance of the poor. this sheep point at last, the speed that most of them didn't tell them. but it is, it goes and the soldiers actually only voted 5 be for the 6
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points, 5 by $55.00 by 5. and then you just this mess of these people. most of them tell done. so people, if this is you may think that this is either the us in the new mind, we really the assaulted us. they used to take pictures of you use that to get those on bluffing disorder jobs. yeah. it's spelled with behavior. they would allow me to sort of like before, already to cross off the district wide report. they would address some of them 2 or 3 houses, 0 sources say a deliveries. the guys that have stopped about a week ago, food and supplied truck stops entering via the roof of border crossing some fuel deliveries have taken place. this footage right here is from nits on the border crossing between egypt and israel, where dozens of trucks are waiting for entry. now egypt is blaming israel for the hold up, but israel denies the accusations. it is guys that runs out of food, palestinians are searching far and wide to get what they need to survive my mood,
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god risk says life every day to try and provide for his family. this is his story. going to come up on the idea, the more i just don't going to upon the youngest one is of the middle of the low. this, the trouble is that knowledge and while i was doing the install hi, ms. hut on monday is a piano. the some of the thing is that the most this is the only chance to develop a little more study or another and getting rid of it. yeah. isaac in the jungles but not going to close the season. so while i go to the temple, how do i, how don't want to also lou, i went over to a lot of them has drug the alarm, which was lower than that. i know it does.
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the lab was got, look the one the job of the by you guys didn't bring the girl up. i'm not j. well, but i'm in the so but the shuttle go out in the middle is gone. i don't know if i read or done you own been a the know to josh and you look through. busy the blah, blah, blah. not good. was sun 100 mosley? true for? well, yeah, and there is the rule when given was that and this run is the rest of the solver as well. the good, good, good, good xyzzy is really if i got rid
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of the, as the yes, i have little little gum. i mean, is it a little while the ottoman must be, i know what the is that i'm still going to have to manage it, a little village done that digital overdue all i spent, i saw the watch on all those most restricted, the, somebody in the for the and that's with to at least 10 people have been killed and several injured and is really strikes on several towns in southern lebanon. it's the worst single day civilian death toll and i've been known since the war on guys the began the raids follow a rocket attack, which killed one is really soldier, st. ahold, a report from they were probably had. it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is ready military and has the law is really war. planes
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targeted multiple locations across southern lebanon and retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians. children among them isn't this good agent. and i think triple of respond by the same and then the safety of the room, bob man. but without a dog to match the role. and what i mean without an audrey, it means respecting more or less the limits of the engagement, but not going into a no, not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really, isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what is called the violence has the bombing targeted northern israel rockets, attacks blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army said was its northern command headquarters and stuff of about 15 kilometers from the border itself. the
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1st time rockets have been launched at military positions deeper inside israel, but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided massages used were different by that of the said. the setup is below is showing its strength and capability. it is in response to is really threats. because while it wants to show what it has and it is ready to use it, it is also a message to decision makers in the world. to stop the crime is against the people of gauze. hezbollah open the front in south lebanon to support its ally. how mass in garza and it says it will only stand down once aggression on the strip and that may not be enough for as well, which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his raiders can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks, it has stepped up. it's attacks on hezbollah targets and carried out. targeted killings. the rocket fire is an escalation on has wireless hearts. it's seen as
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a message of the parents, but at the same time, it's also within the rules of engagement which has been in place since the start of the latest round, the fighting between the long time enemies is round and its response has broken those rules and while it appears that conflict has widened, many believe this round a violence was all about the messages. and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war center for their as rosita beta at the in. and now where there are reports of new us and u. k. air strikes on who's the target. the attacks happened on the district of bite though psyche in the who fee control district, the data it comes as the un security council has been meeting to discuss the political process and humanitarian crisis in human hands. greenberg, d. u. n. special envoy for you and then addressed the council. rising regional attentions linked to the board garza, and in particular the military escalation in the red sea. how slowing down the pace of the peace efforts to have as much as i have tried to insulate the peace process
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from why the region of dynamics. the reality is that mediation efforts and government cannot be need to be caught them off. but as happens, what happens regionally impact steven? and what happens in yemen can impact the region. and al 0 is gabriel alexander reports now from the un headquarters in new york. the security council held several meetings on a young man last month, but they were behind closed doors. this is the 1st meeting in nearly 5 months to the security council is held that has been open, where we get a chance to really green what's going on at least with the situation in terms of the un officials that are in charge of this piece. process there, and certainly last year, the internationally recognized government and the who these were in gene closer to some piece agreement. but that well not being completely de railed according to the
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you ends. us special envoy for yemen is saying it's certainly much more complicated now. and he cited of course, the tensions in the red sea with the who the attacks on the commercial shipping lines. and then also the us and u. k. strikes on yemen, as well as he cited the us declaring the who these a terrorist organization added all up and that has made and the peace process in young men become much more difficulties focusing right now on trying to keep the ceasefire in place or keeping the parameters of that in place, if you will, and resuming the political process. well, d escalating regional tensions as best as the un can. turkish president, friendship type or the one in his egyptian count, the part that they'll set the c c have met in cairo. it's the other ones 1st, visit's after relations broke down a decade ago. both leaders have called for an immediate cease fire and gaza. sent
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him console. the reports from his stumble egypt presidents up to set the l. c. c hosts to key has the ridge up type are drawn and for the 1st time in more than a decade, relations broke down in 2013 when cc let and military coup against the country's 1st. democratically elected president mohammed mercy and allies of air drawn by that appears to be behind them. and the 2 leaders are starting a new chapter, aiming for $15000000000.00 a year and for a joint investments and deeper cooperation, starting with their shared opposition to is why as we're on gaza. hi, slugging, don't attend that. even if i get the most, we are proud of the level of cooperation between egypt and took the 4 rapid access to the largest amount of humanity and aid to our people in the gaza strip. taking into account the restrictions imposed by these really authorities on the entry of this 8th, which causes trucks to enter at a slow pace that is not come months rate with the needs of the residents and city.
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egypt has been hosting mediation efforts along with guitar and the united states to broker a ceasefire between israel and how much are due on an outspoken critic of his wiles war for the, for unity and peace in the region goes the con, cut them the most. you to, we will continue the corporation and sold their to, we thought, rejection brothers calling for the budget and gods at to stop. in the medium term, we are ready to work with egypt towards the rebuilding cost. the. despite the political deadlock, economic conflicts between egypt and turkey have remain strong in the past decade. this month, encore, and now it would supply chiral with farm rooms near to the changing political and secure with the environment in the middle east, the regions largest to military powers, egypt entered, to have compelling reasons to normalize relations while carter was priorities appear to focus on cooperation on colorado is looking for
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a g of political commitment. however, the most 1st thing, expectation from any re engage meant is a resolution for israel's war. on godsa see non castillo elders. he may assemble the still ahead on alice's 0, indonesia as former defense way to serve from boys to bianco is claiming victory in the presidential election more than that after the break the brought to you by visit capital. hello there. let's have a look at the weather across north america. and the foss, moving nor'easter dropped lots of snow because the eastern pots of us in eastern canada, and it broke the snow drought in new york city. we had about 2 years without any decent snow. they will look at that, it go to find dusting from that storm system. now it run out to see pretty quickly
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behind that we have another one that's moving across the great lakes. that is going to keep things rather cold. we could see some issues with ice cities like new york, as well as washington dc. now behind that, we're going to see some more heavy snow falling on the rockies. that's thanks to a system moving from the pacific northwest. behind that, we'll see a dry a day, at least for california, that's a head of width of weather that starts to pull itself in on friday, payroll for the south of this not for move in areas of mexico. however, we all going to see the shari situation. of pickup of the next few days, with some heavy rain stopping to move in to monterey. so its day into friday. heavy rain as well for believe, bought tamala, and under us. some of that rain pushing down into costa rica and panama. but it is an improving picture for the caribbean, and his been your just a legacy of showers coming into the bahamas on eastern parts of cuba on friday. or
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the quote to you by visit castle accommodated beyond well taken without hesitation forth and died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and then people empower, investigate, expose this, and questions. they use them to be the power around that one out there. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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you are watching alpha 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. at least 14 people have been killed and it is really a striking, central goth residential building. and the state of the refugee camp was hits and collapse. dropping dozens of people under the rubble in the southern city of san eunice, crowds of displaced palestinians who had been sheltering enough to have been ordered to lead by his really forces. the facility has been under siege for weeks and is really snipers have been firing on people inside, including nurses and don't is really strikes on several times and $711.00 on have killed at least 10 worst single day civilian death to 11. not since the one gods, and again the strikes follow a rocket attack that killed one is really selves in other world news. now the chairman of the us house intelligence committee is warning of a serious threat to national security. mike turner is cooling on president joe biden. to declassify all the information relating to this threat. while the
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national security advisor jake sullivan says that he is prepared to brief leading senators on the matter. but he didn't go into further detail. i personally reached out to the gang of a. it is highly unusual, in fact, for the national security adviser to do that. i did that. i just set up a meeting is that the senate is not here. the 4 house members have agreed to that meeting this as well before congressman turner came out today. we'll have that conversation tomorrow, i'm not going to say anything to them as a 0, as well as on jordan joins us from washington, dc on this. so, rosalind, this, this is mysterious and i'm confused. what we know is that there is a threat beyond that. what do we know if anything? well, according to the agency of reporters and now according to the new york times and the washington post, quoting anonymous sources, reportedly russia is planning to put into space at some point in the future. an
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anti satellite nuclear weapon hasn't been built. the designs may not have even been drawn up. there's no idea what the target date would be for launching such a weapon into space. certainly, you're not going to get anyone in the intelligence community or anyone was, i should say, most people who are involved in congressional oversight of the us intelligence community to confirm any of that on the record. but this is apparently something that child, the by net ministration has been tracking according to these news reports. and so as we just heard from jake sullivan, the national security advisor, he was going to provide an update on what ever this emerging national security threat was on thursday with the members of the so called gang of 8, the top congressional leadership and the leaders and ranking members of the intelligence community committees in both the house and senate. what's the degree
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of alarm really? because you have the head of the house intelligence committee, causing a little bit of a panic. i think it's fair to say, but others saying maybe maybe this is all being a little bit overblown to well, the one of the 1st people to say that this is not something that people should be panicking over is the ranking member on the house select intelligence committee, jim hines, you who basically is proving to this same information because of his position on the committee. you also have backing him up the republican house speaker mike johnson saying that there is no cause for alarm that everyone is taking note of whatever this is. because again, the reports of an anti satellite nuclear weapons have not been confirmed on the record. but you have speaker jobs and saying people should not be worried. they should be confident that the government is in is tracking this information and is
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responding in kind. certainly, the bigger question is, why would you talk about something that is not an imminent threat unless you're trying to score political points? and that is certainly what somehow was there now speculating is happening here at washington. it does certainly raise some questions rather than joining reporting or from washington d. c. thank you very much. was at least one person has been shot dead in kansas city, missouri. and the us while celebrating the chief super bowl victory, the police say 15, others were wounded in the incidents 3 or in critical condition. 2 suspects have been arrested. the shooting took place during a super bowl victory parade. the kansas city chiefs, john henry, enjoys me now from chicago. jonah, i, i understand you're waiting evidently for a little bit more news from the authorities on this. but what do we know at this stage?
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the serial were getting new numbers in and police now say 18 people have been injured 9 of them children in addition to that, one person who was fatally shot and were told the reason those numbers are changing is that the walking wounded have taken themselves in some case to nearby hospital sale. we don't know a lot of detail about exactly what happened, but we do know that near the end of a parade, attended by as many as a 1000000 people were changed. quarterback, patrick, my homes and tide and travelers kelsey were mingling among those fans near the end is that shots rang out and in the confusion, police ran toward the sound of that gun. fire 2 people were arrested, one of them apparently tackled by fans. some video was posted on the internet of
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what for fluids to be fans. tackling one person we knew have word from the cheese management that all of their cultures, their staff, their players are accounted for and say from the quarterback of that teen patrick, my homes. the star of that game this past weekend said he is praying for kansas city. we are waiting more information on exactly what the motivation was, whether that was just a criminal act, a dispute between individuals that just happened to tragically involve a lot of other people or whether it was some kind of act of terrorism. police say they do not have that information now, but the mayor of kansas city said, and he and plan to bring his child to that event. he's glad he didn't. he says he hopes nothing like this happens there again. but it was another event that began as a celebration and ended as another mass shooting in america. absolutely. the kansas city, missouri police are speaking now. i see. so when you have more information, i know you'll bring that to us,
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john henry and reporting from cancelled it from from chicago. thank you very much. i it to indonesia where a defense minister proposed to be unto his promise to be a president for all indonesians, after unofficial election results indicate that he had a significant lead for bo speaks to be on course for looks to be on the course of a single round victory and what is his 3rd attempt at the country? stop job jacob jessica washington reports from jakarta of the 2 weeks of campaigning to severe into and he's really made to keep it on jacqueline decker. it's now time deposit we will be the president to the vice president and the government for all indonesian people, safety, some code could take up to a month with all signs point to a decisive victory for purple and coupon. for both of you and so,
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and coupon the role ready in celebration most while opinion polls have shown for weeks. if they were the front runner, they would down to about whether they would be able to secure and victory in the classroom. but according to the quick count, the pay appear to be standing even better than expected. people ran for president in 2014 edge 2019. and the last 2 coupons for the president of joke who were to do that, the selection was different. this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsements from president joe, going to coolly, as he's cold, is in the final months of his presidency. he still has high approval ratings, but couldn't run again, due to a constitutional time limits. some civil society groups and academics heavy cures to the president of midland and favoring the proposed coupon campaign. the
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presidential candidates have also raised concerns during the campaign season of its difficulties. and the last thing our campaign due to and this is something that we never experienced in the past as i said. but those criticisms did not resonate with many of jacoby supposes since 201972. your own trouble served as defense minister, working closely with jacob window and transforming his image from the president's rifle to a close ally a lead this week and an exclusive interview without a 0 for both summarized his vision for indonesia, my policy is a very rational, logical common sense of road that is actually building up on all is
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the word of our predecessor. now he's the closest he's ever been twins, easiest to june when he has wanted for years. just because the shooting which is here is to come to the former pakistan prime minister sh about sharif could be about to return days old job after inconclusive elections last week. 2 of the biggest political parties announced that they will form a coalition government as part of the agreements between the pakistan muslim league in midland and pakistan people's party. the iep sharif will be nominated as prime minister. come on hyde or has more on this from this number that it's important to know or dead for any political body to be able to form a government with a simple majority. they would need $134.00 seats out of the $266.00 feeds of the national assembly. also the fact that that is of faith that den read the feed for the minorities. and uh 60,
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if its uh for the, uh, the women said so doors and of course allocated proportionately through the party positions. but because you run cons party, we're running at the independence without december that they wouldn't be able to take advantage of that. so it appears right now that focused on is heading for another core and they shouldn't government. these are the same party that came together to out of denver on con, back in granted, went to do with the work of no confidence. and right now the position is that the focused on people as far date restored number 3, as part of the numbers that concerned have thrown it right behind the focused on which they leave. now was one surprise of god earlier. good anticipated that. now why should he for become prime minister for the 4th time, but his brother shut box jedi registered. that'd be nominated to be the leader of the house candidates in a romani car as
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a member of the pakistan people's party. and she says that they will work with sharif to avoid further political instability focused on people's body is about


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