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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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started seeing inflation come down in many costs. well to understand how it affects daily 9 outline forth how big a $1211.00 is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in the is really air strikes, hit new sarah refugee camp in garza where displace palestinians are sheltering. at least 14 people have been killed. the several of any age good to have you with this. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up, thousands of people evacuate nasir hospital in san eunice. only to be held that is really check points for hours. many were arrested and 11 on at least 10 people have been killed and several wounded. it is really strikes on the residential areas and
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the head of the us house intelligence committee warrens of a serious threat to national security. the palestinians in central guys are using their bare hands to dig through rubble searching for bodies that is after and is really airstrikes laughed in the home. and the on the say that the refugee camp killing at least 14 people. the bodies of several children have been found. the injured were rushed to hospital where the situation is increasingly desperate. and in the cities, southern city of hon. eunice, crowds of displaced palestinians who had been sheltering and nicer hospital had been ordered to leave by is really forces. the facility has been under siege for weeks and is really snipers have been firing on people inside, including nurses and doctors. sorry, god bless, whom reports from russia in southern gosh, there was
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a clean interest the vacation of that is where the military strikes in the past few hours across different areas in the garza strickland, in particular, in the central and also in the southern part where and roughly district, the eastern areas of this city had been widely bombarded by the is ready to read that have destroyed and targeted a number of agricultural lands. the adults are adjacent to the voters with egypt to little side. that's the city of con eunice, witness a cli bottom, and it's especially the demolishing of complete neighborhoods. the and the number of the top of the tax and class has being corrupted the that we in the palestinian fighters and is very suit just bought the most critical situation and voting the strikes were directed and targeting the central parts of the gaza strip. where 14 policy and have to report to, you know, the attacks that have targeted residential building. and i'm also a rock refuge account. um its a series of strikes that targeted as much as the end there really by a city. and now we need a clearly to understand that these areas recently,
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palestinians have been moving and fleeing to from roof off as they are trying to be away from potential military encouraging part. the attacks from the is very fine to just continue to about the city along side with the north of the territory worth street, thomas the is happy report cute in goals. the city off to a residential flats being targets. it was a 0, spoke to dr. smith mcgraw be the head of plastic surgery at nasir hospital in han, eunice, and despite the unstable connection there and guys that he managed to tell us that thousands of people tried to evacuate and then spent hours. it is really check points. troops extensively screening people, many of whom were either arrested or forced to return. my says, i took my somebody off my local and my, the electives through the chic points. actually, i can give you that, intel dams, of the porter this she points last the speed that most of them didn't tell them.
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but it is a go. and the soldiers actually on the board 5 the board, the ship points 5 by 55 by 5. and then you just this mess of these people motiv that the intelligence of people, it isn't human. they think that this is either the us in the new mind. we really, they assaulted us. they used to take pictures of you to use that to get those on bluffing disorder jobs. yeah. it's spelled with behavior. they would allow me to sort of like before, already to cross off the district wide report. they would, that is someone within 2 or 3. well, since the start of israel's one guys are, there's been a pattern of attacks on hospitals by the is really military. and the 1st 36 hours of the war is really forces target and multiple locations which included the indonesian hospital, the nicer hospital. and our goods hospital killing dozens of health care workers by the end of november, 30 of guys 36 hospitals had been hit by is really rockets that includes l shift the
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largest hospital in the gaza strip. only 6 hospitals currently remain functional in garza and they are operating under very difficult conditions. israel claims that hamas is millage rising medical facilities, but it hasn't provided much evidence for this. international law protects hospitals . sorry, k. yeah, sure. of which is the spokesman for the world health organization and he explains the difficulties faced by medical teams and patients at mass or hospital. a. oh uh, understanding is that uh, the necessary medical complex has been under the sea just uh for now more than a week last time we were able to reach. uh not sir. it was on the 29th of january. and since that we tried several. busy times to go there, but uh our request have been denied. uh, we heard reports uh about some 400 patients still being there. uh, but said that to 10 people have been queued on that to
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a warehouse cuz the warehouse has been destroyed. does not engage because also be destroyed and it's really impossible to get there because of the destruction of the, of the roads nearby. so obviously all of this is a, is alarming. and we keep calling for every month to protect a health facilities to protect patients of health workers and in northern guys are patients at come all at one hospital or facing desperate conditions. many medical staff have left the facility and there is a severe shortage of both food and medicine. and i saw shrieks has more on this. a national, intelligent doesn't live to some other job. we are currently inside the surgery department at the come all at one hospital. how did it pop in the houses? hundreds of people who were injured during the war on cause of the wounded all suffering from food and medicine shortages del uh, as a result of these rallies, prohibiting the entry of a basic necessity to tennessee and even medicine about into the gaza strip.
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understood at the hotel, so the limited capabilities of medical crowds and behind me the of about you can see these children had a lot for the injured east, the jamalia camp, let the know all looking for food for themselves. and they found that they yeah. now and they were accompanied by the father and wounded while looking for fruit in the body. i can a bit of talk to him. they've been left to uh without, without serious injuries. i think the upfront of it has, you know, the children need food made some water and electricity. if we cannot get food, what are we going to do is get the entire world is watching out children with foot without lifting a finger. no one is doing anything, no one is responding, no one is helping us. one of these children are dying. if they don't die of hunger, they will die of disease. they are children, just like any other child in the world. there's no child or free man in this world . would it be okay with children diagnosed hungover disease?
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i. yup. yup. they'll, they're injuries and suffering is made worse by the lack of food or made so and yet, and this is the situation of these children. they were targeted by it's really a cross because i was say, family east to jamalia campbell. the situation is dial and they are unable to obtain food and medication, which is not available at all. yeah. in models and gaza and what they suffering is worsening by the 2nd hand. they are now in grave danger due to food and medicine shortly. just want us to be on kind of to show you just the amount of this is really national security administer. it's a more ben gavera says palestinian prisoner, my one bug with the has been transferred to solitary confinement. the social media post benevita said the decision has been taken the following information about a plan uprising. moran bar booty. a former leader of the task armed wing has been serving a life sentence since 2002 from austin and other policy infections or demanding his
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release. the germany says it is considering you sanctions against illegal is really settlers for their actions in the occupied westbank. those remarks came during a meeting between german and his really officials in west jerusalem, german foreign minister and atlanta. they are bach also said and offensive, and rasa would be a humanitarian catastrophe. don't have enough ink. i'm at home, i'm from other, i'm a 1300000 people are waiting there and a very small space. they don't really have anywhere else to go right now. many of them have folded these really, if i creation orders and fled the painting in northern casa, often with nothing more than their small children in the arms. and the last of their quotes on these people cannot simply vanish into thin air, or at least 10 people have been killed and several injured in this really strikes on several towns in southern lebanon. this is the worst single day civilian death toll in lebanon. since the war on gaza began, the raids follow
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a rocket attack which killed one is really soldier. say no further reports from the route drug rehab. it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is really military and has the law is really war. planes targeted multiple locations across southern lebanon in retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians, children among them. it is an escalation, and i think triple of respond by the same. and then the safety of the one bob man. but the result in dog to match the role. and what i mean without an audrey, it means respecting more or less the limits of being gauge man, but not going into a no, not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really, isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what it's called, the violence hezbollah bombing. the targeted northern israel rocket attacks,
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blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army, said, was its northern command headquarters and stuff of about 15 kilometers from the border. it's off the 1st time rockets have been launched at military positions deeper inside israel. but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided missiles used were different by that of the said. the setup is bla is showing its strength and capability. it is in response to is really threat. his bullet wants to show what it has, and it is ready to use it. it is also a message to decision makers in the world to stop the crimes against the people of gauze. hezbollah, open the front of south lebanon to support its ally, how mass in garza, and it says it will only stand down once the aggression on the strip. and that may not be enough for israel, which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his raiders can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks,
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it has stepped up. it's attacks on hezbollah targets and carried out. targeted killings. the rocket fire is an escalation on has well us hearts. it's seen as a message of the parents, but at the same time, it's also within the rules of engagement which have been in place. this is sort of the latest round, the fighting between the long time enemies, isabel and its response has broken those rules. and while it appears that conflict has widened, many believe this around the violence was all about the messages. and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war. and they're anxious eda date of the year. and now where there are reports of new us and u. k. airstrikes on who feed targets. the attacks happened on the district of bayfield fucking in the who, the control district of her data. it comes as the un security council has been meeting to discuss the political process and humanitarian crisis in human hands. guttenberg g, u, and special envoy for human dress. the council rising regional attentions linked to
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the board goza, and in particular the military escalation and the red sea. how slowing down the pace of the peace efforts as much as i have tried to insulate the peace process from why the regional dynamics. the reality is that mediation efforts and government cannot be need to be caught on off. what does happen? what happens regionally impact steven? and what happens in yemen can impact the region. and the ocean 0 is gabriel elizondo has more from the un headquarters in new york. the security council held several meetings on a young man last month, but they were behind closed doors. this is the 1st meeting in nearly 5 months to the security council is held that has been opened, where we get a chance to really green what's going on at least with the situation in terms of the un officials that are in charge of this piece. process there, and certainly last year,
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the internationally recognized government and the who these were in gene closer to some piece agreement. but that well not being completely de railed according to the us. us special envoy for yemen is saying it's certainly much more complicated now. and he cited of course, the tensions in the red sea with the, the who the attacks on the commercial shipping lines. and then also the us and u. k. strikes on yemen, as well as he cited the us declaring the who these a terrorist organization added all up and that has made and the peace process in young men become much more difficulties focusing right now on trying to keep the ceasefire in place or keeping the parameters of that in place, if you will, and resuming the political process. well, d escalating regional tensions as best as the un can, is still a head on alpha 0. at least one person has been killed in
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a shooting during the super bowl victory parade in kansas. city and innovation is former defense minister for bowers to be until claims victory in the presidential election to stay with us. the in depth analysis of today's headlines. how does south africa from its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story on out because there was some big a survivor of the united states, vittoria's guantanamo, and background detention center. civic. so cold war on terror now,
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human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone health and one time will be retraces steps. revisit cuz that's it. that's by the echoes of background with this documentary on the jersey to we don't simply focus on the public, accept the conflict. it's the consequence of wars, the human suffering that jesus for time. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence. in recent years, we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides, the, the, the, you're watching else,
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a 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. at least 14 people have been killed in, in this really are striking central dallas, a residential building and the sarah, the refugee camp was hits. it collapsed trapping. dozens of people under the rubble . in the southern city of con eunice, crowds of displaced palestinians who had been sheltering and nicer hospital have been ordered to leave vines, really forces thousands to evacuate, could spend hours, it is really check points, many were arrested is really strikes on several towns in southern lebanon. have killed at least 10 people. this is the worst single day civilian death. so 11 noticed since the war on godson began. strikes follow a rocket attack that killed one is really soldier. in other world news now, the german of the us house intelligence committee is warning of a serious threat to national security. mike turner is calling on president joe biden to declassify all information relating to this threats. the national security advisor, jake sullivan says that he's prepared to resend it or is on the matter. i personally
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reached out to the gang of a. it is highly unusual. in fact, for the national security adviser to do that. i did that. i just set up a meeting that i had to send. it's not here. the for house members have agreed to that meeting this as well before congressman turner came out today. we'll have that conversation tomorrow. i'm not going to say anything to them. oh, sure. 0 is rosalind jordan joins us from washington, dc on this browse. what more can you tell us about this national security threat or well, according to anonymous sources, talking to the new york times and to the washington post. apparently this emerging security threat would be a russian made anti satellite nuclear weapon. we haven't seen any designs, no one is making any designs available. certainly these anonymous sources are telling the newspapers that russia may not have even started building it yet, but certainly no one in the administration. no one on capitol hill will actually
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confirm on the record that this is what they are concerned about. now. certainly one thing that jake sullivan did saying is that the american public could be worried may not be worried. he didn't want to get people unduly worried about something. but he did say that the american public does understand that there are any number of national security threats facing the united states, and that it is the government's business to try to mitigate them as much as possible. we heard that also from other members of congress, including the ranking member on the house, select intelligence committee, jim himes, who was a democrat, as well as from the house speaker, mike johnson, who is a republican. both men were saying on wednesday afternoon, look, we're aware of this. we are monitoring disc. we're going to talk about it, but there isn't any need for panic. and really when there is no official
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confirmation of what exactly this is, it's little hard to be worried because you don't know what you're worried about. yeah, that's a fair point. and the house intelligence committee, to that point, the chairman of the house intelligence committee watts, and is calling on the white house to declassify all this information. so it can be discussed publicly. what's the one else thing about that? mm hm. to the white house is not the way to go along with that. and there's a apparently concern, according to one of these anonymous sources that declassification could possibly jeopardize the us as intelligence gathering methods. they wanted how they would know exactly what this alleged russian anti satellite nuclear weapon would be. again, not confirmed on the record. and so for something like this to happen, certainly has analyst raising eyebrows here in washington because usually the leaders of the senate and house intelligence committees usually don't make these
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sorts of comments. they are privy to some of the most important secrets in the us government. and they usually don't like to talk about them or even allude to them in very vague terms. so this is unusual for mike charter to actually carry out that stuff. and there's already been some suggestions that he may be doing this for political reasons, not because of the imminent threat to us national security. it certainly raises a lot of questions about what is actually going on. and what this threat really is, is we're so short on specifics, but we appreciate your reporting this evening. thank you very much, ross joining reporting from washington dc to at least one person has been shot dead in kansas city, missouri. and the us while celebrating the chief super bowl victory, the police say 22, others were wounded in the incidents 3 or in critical condition. 3 suspects have
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been arrested. the shooting took place during the superbowl victory parade to the kansas city chiefs just after they won the super bowl. john engines only 3 now from chicago, reporting on this john, what do you know about the shooting? was the latest on the investigation. serial the numbers keep going up our by our as we get more information, you just mentioned that 22 people have now been reported. shot 7 of those people police say have life threatening injuries, age of those injured are children. so these numbers have continued to rise, and if you're wondering why that's happening, our by our one of the reasons is that police say the walking wounded has been making their own way to area hospitals to be treated. this began of course, as a day of celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city cheese. something like
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a 1000000 people who had gathered in kansas city, missouri to celebrate that. there with them was the quarterback, patrick my homes at travis kelsey, the tide and in other stores of that team. and it was at the end of that parade, which shots rang out? there was confusion as police ran toward the sounds of those gunshots. police now say 3 people have been detained. they haven't identified them all as suspects. but there are 3 people detained. one of them apparently captured on video being called by kansas city fans the patrick my homes. the quarterback of that team says he's praying for kansas city. a team officials say. busy all of their coaches, staff and players are accounted for. the mayor says he'd plan to bring his child to that event and was glad he did not. but a very hopes, nothing like this happens again. this is another time when
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a data began and celebration ended as a mass shooting in american. social 0 is john henry and reporting there. thank you very much, just rights groups in venezuela or demanding the release of a prominent activist who was detained last week. the venezuelan government is accusing receipt of send miguel of plotting to assassinate the president or for decades she has been critical of the country's military. her lawyer says that san miguel is being held inside the l'aquila, a prison then as well as most notorious for political prisoners to indonesia. now, where a defense minister proposed to be unto has promised to be a president for all in the nations after unofficial election results indicate that he has a significant lead for bo looks to be on course for a single round victory. and what is his 3rd attempt at the country? stop job. jessica washington reports from jakarta. the 2 weeks of campaigning to severe into and he's really made
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to keep it on jacqueline decker. now, time deposit we will be the president to the vice president and the government for all indonesian people, safety, some code could take up to a month with all signs point to a decisive victory for purple and coupon. for both of you and so, and coupon brockovich will ready in celebration most while opinion polls have shown for a week that they were the front runners that were down to about whether they would be able to secure and victory in the classroom. but according to the quick count, the pay appear to be standing even better than expected. purple ran for president in 2014 edge 2019. and the last 2 coupons follow the president to who were to do that. the selection was different. this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president joe,
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going to coolly as he's cold, is in the final months of his presidency. he still has high approval ratings, but couldn't run again due to a constitutional time limits. some civil society groups and academics, heavy cures to the president of midland and favoring the proposed coupon campaign of the presidential candidates have also raised concerns during the campaign season of its difficulties. and the last thing our campaign due to and this is something that we never experienced in the past as i said. but those criticisms did not resonate with many of jacoby supposes since 201972. your own trouble served as defense minister, working closely with joe codo and transforming his image from the president's rifle to a close ally and this week and an exclusive interview without a 0. for both summarize,
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his vision for indonesia. my policy is very rational . logical, common sense of road that is actually building up on all of the word of our predecessor. now he's the closest he's ever been to engine easiest to choose a room he has wanted to use just to go shooting. just ears. angry protest is gathered in the home gary and capital viewed a pass to demanding the resignation of prime minister victor or bands government over its child sex abuse scandal. the country's president stepped down on saturday for part of being a convicted man who tried to cover up sexual abuse. it's an orphanage. the prime minister has yet to publicly address the controversy. the scandal is seen is or benz biggest political crisis since returning to power in 2010 and that's it from
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me 0. then the 8th of this, our weather is next on alpha 0. then inside story looks at efforts to reach a ceasefire deal between i'm us and israel. this as the city of were assigned to 7 part the gaza strip. braces for ground defense the the had a lot of the, the web is being raw, the settled across south asia. but we don't see some cloud developing across from northern areas of india and bundle dish as well. that's going to bring some rain. so the likes of a some over the next few days and cloudy conditions as well, working away further east. and you can see the dishes seeing some of those showers a chance of thunderstorms as well on thursday. by friday, it is an improving picture. we'll see some bits and pieces of cloud here and there, but last me several skies as we head down. so we just some rain coming in just for
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lack of some of those thunderstorms rumbling into colombo on friday, temperature wise, it is gonna feel cooler across pots of central asia. but for the north of pockets on an india, temperature is where we expect them to be for this time if you lots of heat, however, for the cell. so this was cloudy, but warm conditions formed by on from dates. now it's not as quiet across east asia, we've got a developing weather system. it's a very active pulling its way across. central pots of china. splashing the rain down in shanghai, putting the temperature down with it here. and you can see it blasting across the korean peninsula, bringing some snow as well as heavy rain. so we'll see the heavy rain on thursday and that moves its way pretty quickly on was east to japan, looking temperatures down on friday that sure weather update. the latest news, as it breaks, they've actually came to the civilian medical facility. it won't seems to be
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a target to assess the nation with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia has increased during as wells. will in garza from be things to withholding medication. yes another inconclusive main thing to wait to deal with with how much and fees? well, it comes as these rat admitted to a lessening a ground defensive of the southern tip of gaza. so does diplomacy still spend a chance in this war? and why does not to this is in 5 story the .


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