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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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and that just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the fees, really ministry shells and also the hospital, the largest functioning medical facility in garza. hundreds of patients install for trapped inside the . i'm sammy's a. them this is i'll just say we're live from dell hall. so coming up is really strikes target homes in the site across the g can getting at least 14 people. children are among the dead. growing international pressure on it as well. so holidays plan ground defensive on the drop off. thousands that remain desperate for food and days. the mass shooting is
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a super bowl victory parade kills one person and in just 21 place by sending sauce spikes in kansas city. the we stopped in southern garza where these riley ministry has shelled the largest functioning medical facility in san eunice. these all seems from naso the hospital just moments after the attack. hundreds of stuff and patients unable to move the site to be trapped inside. it's been on the right, the siege for weeks now. in central gonzo is right of the strike has flattened the residential building and then the side of the refugee camp, killing at least full team people. children are among the dads, at least $28576.00 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. it is
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a highly my smooth joins us now live from drop off in southern gaza. so had a 1st of all, do we know what the casualties from the shelling of this hospital in han, you and this, and also hospital it's sandra wilson's early hours of this morning and one day is really military and it's in bedding force is given to people inside the hospital until 7 am this morning to evacuate at the facility is a nasir hospital. the problem with this evacuation, what is just happened? a after a or less then at 24 hours. if there's really military setting up check points at the north ran gate of nasir hospital where it sharply ordered people as of yesterday, all of last nights to come in groups of 5 doctors, nurses injuries. and those who have been filtering inside the hospital where he
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conducted at under, at have the machine gun fire by machine guns and by, by 10 shells in mass or rest of young people as the where the people were ordered to go through a small passage and do a check point ins with the face recognition cameras and high take equipment installed right in front of the, of the gate where they conducted detail security check of young people. and a large number of them ended up being detained by these really military as a 7 am this morning, there's really mandatory storm the hospital. and there is the presence of be of israeli soldiers inside the facility of not that are hospitalized at the same time targeting and showing the remaining facilities, including the maternity ward. though it's a beauty departments and the emergency department of the hospitality report. so it dozens of people who were not only injured,
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but we're talking about people being injured, double times for the 2nd time. those in the orthopedic departments already being a treated inside the department for the injuries that they have to stay in since the beginning of the word on the ground invasion. then since the bombing on fine units are being injured for the 2nd time, just doubling the tragedy for them. but at the same time, we're talking about the hospital, the largest health care facility at honda. and it is completely out of service right now as the entire medical us. that being rounded up with their hands tied behind their bat including evacuated, women and children. and patients and with the chronic diseases of life comes the health complications as well as a those are being injured and being inside the hospital, receiving a treatment. and normally they need either a wheelchair or they need someone to help them walk unable to evacuate the hospital . all of this is happening at was a, there is heavy right now as we've heard of from
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a i'm not with this is there is heavy, is showing of the, the, the facilities of the hospital. and this is not the 1st time it is happening. this is a, the, in the line goes on with the systematic targeting of health care facilities across the gulf stream. it's happening garza with the largest health care facility, as you have a hospital, the indonesian ok, but the not on other mid sized health facilities. a, now hon units, we're looking at an entirely a collapse crippled health care system across the gaza strip, which only make it very difficult to combat all these problems caused by the ongoing war. all right, thanks so much. hi me, validating us on the situation and also the hospital shelled and now storm. thank you very much, honey. my mood. so while the prime ministers of canada, australia and new zealand have released the joint statement in reactions, we as well as planned ground invasion of rough, the 3 countries,
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a calling for an immediate humanitarian sea spa saying a ministry operation input off would be catastrophic. we urge these right, the government not to go down this path. there is simply nowhere else for civilians to go. it goes on to say that there is growing international consensus as well must listen to its friends, and they must listen to the international community. the statement also references the genocide case. israel is facing at the international court of justice saying the i c, j is being clear as well. must ensure the base, the delivery of basic services, essential humanitarian assistance and the protection of civilians. and south africa's government rule that genocide case to the i c j, the countries foreign minister told al just era as well as actions that are off off show it is not being deterred by the quotes decision. some africa is totally
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horrified at what is happening. continuing to happen to the people of casa and the west bank, and now rafael. we believe this confirms the allegation we have tabled before v i c j that genocide is on the way in the palestinian territories. these right, the ministry is conducted of the night raids and several pods. so they occupied westbank in the city of nablus troops, storm the lion refugee camp, and blocked ambulances in the area rights groups have long documented the deliberate obstruction of ambulance isn't the occupied. westbank bias ready forces to palestinians have been wounded during confrontations with these riley sol just in central romanella admitted for vehicles of sea. i've been seen streaming into the city, at least 11 civilians and 3 fighters from the group has the law have been killed
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and is riley strikes on several towns in southern lebanon wednesday. so the was the single day civilian death told in lebanon since the war and gaza began. the raids follow a rocket attack that killed. and these riley sold you. what was the hold of joins us now live from near that building. that was bummed in level 3, it in southern lebanon. so take us through the damage left by that attack. well, a marked escalation of the ongoing conflict between israel and the lebanese arm through pest ballade, the scope of the attacks have lightened each side, hitting targeting deeper in each other's territories. we are in the to you. this is the 3rd largest city in southern lebanon. some 15 to 20 kilometers from the border . as you can see behind me, this was the apartment that was targeted by an apparent is rarely drones strike. a civilian members of the same family have been killed. people are removing the rebel
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as we speak, so there were 3 other civilians who were killed yesterday in another strike in another area. it is not clear who the targets of this strike in this apartment was usually the is read, the army issue statement saying we hits has well as infrastructure launch pads. they even mention names, no statements. and we haven't had any statement from, for example, you know, hezbollah or other, a groups for fighting israel along the border concerning the possible targets of this, of this strike. so, but this is the 2nd time we've seen a target to strike in novelty in the southern city. last week, a car was targeted in what the is ready. media said was an apparent assassination attempt on a has butler official. so yesterday we saw really a wave of is very strikes targeting multiple locations across southern lebanon,
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deeper inside, as well as a deeper inside lebanon, and much further from the boarding. and it was in response to the killing of industry, the soldier, a buy hezbollah. so you know this for roderick escalation in this ongoing conflict . it's continuing and saying that given the level of civilian death and destruction, is there gonna be some pressure more pressure on has belong to respond to those perhaps in a different way outside of the sort of range of escalation. a range of exchanges we've been seeing while hezbollah officials have been making statements since yesterday, and all of them are saying 2 things. one, the war on garza has to end for the fighting to stuff along this border to the civilian deaths will not go on. punish, so they are promising a reprisal. yes,
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these were not the 1st civilian tests since the conflict began in october, but the largest number of civilians killed in a single day and we've heard the secretary turn hold. has the hassle necessarily repeatedly say stuff, the equation will change? it will if it's a civilian is killed here, then we will also target civilians so that there's really a danger for this conflict to escalate. but so far in many ways, yes, deeper inside love and on wave of the target says as a strikes is still very much controlled for the time being. all right, thanks so much zane the whole that was that. all right, let me just bring you up to speed to some of the lights. his lines that was brought to us a short while ago by our correspondence jaime, my mood in guns are that the north side hospital in gauze that has now been stormed by, is ready forces. this was off to it was shelves. and of course, all of this happening as the world awaits for an anticipated is really ground
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defensive into our, off one that's prompted warnings from several countries, including now australia, new zealand, and canada. as well to discuss the small anthony lowenstein joins us. he's a journalist and author of the palestine le bar tree of book on his rounds, alms and survey this industry joins us now from sydney goods. have you with us and say so, just to get some background to my 1st question. we had on january the 28th 11 cabinet ministers attend an event advocating the re population of garza with his rabies sap lives in, and the departure of gauls and all that concerns that israel actually wants to displace and not just evacuate godson's valid. when you look at that, and so you look at the statement by the, is there any finance minister on december the 31st? when it was close to the same dolphins should be encouraged to emigrate. i'm going
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to slow down service. yes. and that's just not really an opinion, it's based on mention, yahoo, down policies, riley ministers and i might add a lot of sway to these riley jewish public. that is really unintentionally. he, it's and may cause a so on leave, which essentially is what it's become. and vast pod solve casa, that really palestinians have little choice. and the question is, of course, the way that they go around, israel has been trying for months to negotiate some kind of deal, which essentially means bribing them with money and to various nations including agent of the neighbors and countries. further afield. and i read in the last 24 hours. so that's not concerned that there's talk about some kind of education field buffer zone of thoughts between and waiting to sign i essentially between gals or an agent. now that suggests some kind of possible movement. and ultimately, egypt can be both because aged receive huge amounts of money every year from the us
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. and israel is a cause, a live agent in the sage, on gaza for years, has been imposed by agents and israel. so this is a really big concern and i feel like too much of the world does not take that threat seriously. and today i spoke to a doctor yesterday and gaza was talking to me about how they haven't received the usual supplies in a while. is the disruption of food and medicine linked to what you're talking about . that is a long history of this, you know, the beginning of the ease, riley and egyptian implies sage in 2007. there was literally a document that was late fees after that said that he's royal was trying to put palestinians in gaza on a diet that today words. and that was very careful how many calories of ensued was transported into gallons of the payment would not stop today, but that would not get particularly more calories and is required to not die. this is the level of the human as ation that exists within these riley governments
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across the government of many, many years ago. the current situation is that there are serious threats of huge amounts of people style being messed as a. again, not my opinion, based on every single human rights organization was being ga 7, those who report nearby. this is a real threat and the idea that there is not massive, unrelenting pressure on these rail hooked us to in the war, to take food into gaza, to get trucks into guys. i mean, i have friends in guys. i mean rafa who have regularly spoken to me or been in touch in the last little mountains, really since october about to be in the last few weeks who i'm not starving to death, but i find it unbelievably hard to find food. there is no food, there's not enough food. how is this not becoming one of the great scandals about time and clearly should be brian anthony? does the investigation by these reading? newspaper ha writes published on february the 4th in the crate indicates as well. that is right is the is right. the mitre use is always used side cox as part of the
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policy to achieve the goals in front of the things that's thing very easily. uh um for these riley military strategy, if you can call it that since october seventies, they realize pretty quickly that they're on the back foot. and although there was some global sympathy after october 7 and the attacks by how much that quickly switched off to ease arouse unrelenting mess, it goes in gallon so. so what they started doing is running very, very graphic telegram this messaging at groups distributing huge amounts of glory images update gals. and to she huge amounts of ease of riley's, there are huge amounts of other telegram groups that i've seen just circulated. byes rallies themselves with hundreds of thousands of followers, which literally just shows data and kill palestinians. and that's where the news royal globally, there is growing evidence of john, documented, and all those have as well as riley laid this information campaigns. we hear
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a lot in the west about russia and china spring, this information and election meddling, which is true. we have found less about what these rallies towing both within its own country and file wide. uh, this is a phrase because we don't really know exactly often the source of it beyond the noses inherits recently. as you rightly say semi, that these riley miller tre realizes they have lost the information. we're not losing lost. and the way they trying to challenge that is to spread huge amounts of these information about how most of that palestinians about the fact that every listing doubts are allegedly is a ratio was a terrorist. to me it's stuff that people are not buying. so that really is a problem, and i think it needs to be from crater examined, and it has been. all right, thanks so much and today lowenstein. thanks sammy. still ahead on al jazeera ukraine says it's use drones to think yes, another russian warship, most the coast of crime in
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside. story on al jazeera saying that this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is was pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the you're watching out just the time. now, to recap on headlines, these riley ministry has show the largest functioning medical facility in san
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eunice in southern garza. hundreds of 1000 patients unable to move a site to be tracked inside and also the hospital. it's been under his right the siege for weeks. these riley minute treat is rated several cities in the occupied westbank troops storm their line rescue. g comes in nablus, and blocked ambulances from reaching the area is where the strikes on several towns in southern lebanon have killed at least 12 people. they followed the killing of an x ray, the soldier in a rock at a time. not in the united states, a mass shooting during the superbowl. victory for right is left one person dead. 9 children were among 21 injured as the kansas city chiefs signs celebrated the big with it. the weekend. police in missouri say 3 suspects of being questioned. the motive is unclear. john, 100 reports. jeff. good. yeah, the center to begin is a celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs. man, what are your so bad?
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i'll do the adversity to continue to go to go over that championship. but at the end of a parade is cheese quarterback, patrick my homes tied in, travis kelsey, and other players mingled with as many as a 1000000 fans. the shots rang out. all of the sudden people started crushing forward. everybody started running. there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through, so people wouldn't run on top of us. government were taken into custody. one of them apparently tackled by bystanders, as shown in this fan social media video, a spokesperson for the kansas city chiefs is all staff coaches and players are accounted for the quarterback of that team. patrick, my home says he's praying for kansas city. police scrambled toward the sound of
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gunfire. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers, who again ran towards them and took them into. the city's major says more americans joined, a group of which no one wants to become a member, victims of gun violence. i wish we live in a world where they wouldn't have to sing incidents like that. i'm is heart broken as anybody. we will do a full and thorough investigation. i hope that we bring to wherever this is the justice. as an investigator sifted through the scene, police looked for clues as to what turned yet another celebration in america into a mash shooting. john henry and l g 0, chicago. now ukraine says it's a defense shut down 1st to you now. so it's $26.00 russian missiles, 5 across the country. early a key of said it's naval dry and sound good. now the russian bullshit. the training and military release video said to show several, possibly some budge drones off the coast of crimea,
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a rob mcbride joins us now live from the ukrainian city of hot of cave. let's start with that line of the downing, all the sinking rhonda of the russian ship. what do we know about that? yeah, ukrainian major of are producing more details about the thinking of this special. it's being identified as the seas. a cute because this is a, a line, previous assault ship and according to the premiums, this would be the 5th of this type of ship that is managed to think of the rushes black sea fleet has since, uh they will, the full scale will began. and 2 years ago now, video being released by the ukrainians appears to show a sophisticated attack by several of these se drones that red ukraine has been developing, attacking the ship all at once from different directions. and we understand that that according to the ukrainians, it's sunk within an hour or so
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a they reckon that's a crew of up to 90. would it be in the positive potentially on board this special. it's not known to that fate. what makes it all the more painful for the russians is that this happened just a few kilometers off the coast of crime. it off the results of a look. and very soon this happened at daybreak. very soon images were appearing on russian. a social media still images and video of a plume of smoke on the horizon. explosions is apparently, this ship was on fire with that munition potentially detonating and then sinking within about an hour and all of these images being available on social media for russians to see. and rob concerning that this morning strikes, not all missiles were intercepted. what damage has been done by those that want that's right, this was a yes or no, that's a night's it strikes across ukraine as russia has done previously using the it's a mix of different types of mr. i was coming from different directions. the ukraine
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in say they intercepted around half of the $26.00 missed 1000. that was 5, but there was a arrow logs in keys. they said that the missiles that were intercepted, but there were explosions of east and cities of the pro. is that for easier also, 10, besides being 5 way over to the west of the country towards the, the region, the well according to russian social media that had been a tax going in the opposite direction, reporting ukrainian drones striking an oil refinery of some sort of oil definitely when the coolest region with several times said to be a place there. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. now, m p is in australia, have voted to us the return home of wiki leaks found a duty massage. the straight imbecile blow has been 5 years in prison in britain battling to stop expedition to the us. a song just once a day to face espionage charges over we can leaks publication of classified documents. a british court ruling on expedition is due next week. it will send
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a very powerful political signal to the british government and to the us government that the british government should not, in a time the id or boosters songs being extremely extra daunted to the years. it sends a very powerful signal to washington that destroyer stands at one as one side that this meta has gone on, long blown a knock that regardless of what you might think of mister assigned justice is not being said in this case. now i write scripts in venezuela demanding the release of a, from an active us from prison, but i'll say a sound they got, it was detained. last week accused of plotting to assassinate president nicholas, my daughter. her lawyer says she's being held in a notorious prison for political detainees, san miguel, as being critical of venezuela's armed forces for decades. today as your lawyer, i cannot speak about the circumstances under which she was the team because we did
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not know the file. what i can see clearly is that there was a force disappearance and that for us you saw miguel's right to defense and due process is being violated. that is obvious and clear. more indian farm is the joining a mass, much towards the capital, knew daddy demanding guaranteed minimum prices for the crops debts, release, and policy reforms. thousands were met by police on the outskirts of new delhi. i mean, this week, please find a gas blog entry points to the city of the united nations is wanting climate change in food crises are increasing threats to global peace. amazing was held on wednesday and maintaining international peace and security representatives . explain how some countries were being disproportionately affected. that's it for me. whether it's next then inside story looks at the efforts to reach a cx,
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5 deal between how i'm us and israel for back of the top of the alice stay with us . the the, the had a lot of the weather is being set set across much of europe. in recent days. we've had temperatures while above, the average has been feeling more like early may the mid february, but we all going to see the return. all of some went to weather, pulling into the west. that's despite temperature is still sitting well above the average for this time of year. so you can see that rain splashing into portugal, spain. we could see some flooding from the heavy rains. it starts to pull into western parts of fonts and we have got a lot warnings out for the south, west of england as that rain starts to pull. and it turns right of the wintery for southern parts of norway. however, it is feeling a little bit warm up in the very north,
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with more wintery conditions moving across the baltic states on the way to western parts of russia, so snow in moscow on thursday. it is improving picture here by friday. however, it is wintery conditions continuing to hold the black sea area with some thunder storms expected for southern parts of greece. but it is looking more mild across the mediterranean warnings out for the fog, for the north of a tree. but there's a band of heavy rain stretching all the way down from sweden through denmark, into germany splashing into eastern pots of front. but we're still seeing a lot of rooms around temperatures on the up. certainly in wolf, full on friday. the, the asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of power? no understanding the reality. reporting from the ex, in the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me. hundreds of people have
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been evacuated as an in depth coverage thailand states. it's future of fossil fuels . nope. renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. yes. and the inconclusive main thing to wait to deal with with how much and fees? well, it comes as these rat admitted to a flattening a ground defensive of the southern tip of gaza. so does diplomacy still spend a chance in this for and why does not to this is inside story the .


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